2017 09

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On August 20, 2017, Oaisis of Love gave us a very inspiring and a deep philosophical look at Apologetics, both in theory and practice, as presented by our guest speakers: Bro. Boboy Gacrama, Bro. Emman Soabas, Tatay Dodong Limchua togther with thier singers and assistants: Julie Anne Mercado, Aljeffry Morales and Wilnard Banzon.    Christian apologetics is the science of giving a defense on our Christian faith..”but do this with gentleness and respect. "(1 Peter 3:15). We have learned a lot from their talks and Apologetics taught us how to strengthen our faith. The essence of Apologetics is to be ready and equipped to proclaim the gospel and to defend our faith.    "Faith is seeing light with your heart when all your eyes see is darkness." Trust God because God only puts us through as much as we can handle, so the people who struggle the most, have been chosen by God to be the strongest ones.

We had an exciting "sports at the beach" experience at Shek 0 Beach as we held our Sports Fest on July 1, 2017. We started our event with an opening prayer followed by a group parade. After the parade, we began with a cheering contest , with the Yellow Team cheering first, followed by the White Team, and then the Red Team. We had so much fun! After playing the Hoola Hoop and Tumbang-Lata we had our lunch and we also celebrated the birthday of our dear SMCG Coordinator--Ruth Castellano.    After lunch break, we proceeded to the shore to continue our games: volleyball and running, but first we began with a zumba dance to recondition ourselves. Everybody was a winner because everybody was happy. It was indeed a happy holiday!   "GOOD, BETTER, BEST... NEVER LET IT REST UNTIL YOUR GOOD IS BETTER AND YOUR BETTER IS BEST!"

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