四旬期:一個更新的時期 按照教會的禮儀年曆,今年二零二一年 的四旬期將於二月十七日:即於聖灰星期三 開始。因為復活節是我們最重要的瞻禮,教 會感到需要在四旬期這四十天,去準備迎接 這大日子。以往,四旬期是悔改,犧牲和補 贖的時期。然而,今天,這些觀念有點改變: 四旬期是我們所有信友一起與慕道者慶祝基 督復活奧蹟。對慕道者來說,四旬期是準備 領洗的日子,而所有信徒則在四旬期內更新 自己的洗禮。換句話說,四旬期是讓所有人 更新信仰和領洗時承諾的時候,真正的精神 是更新:我們與慕道者互勵互勉地去更新信 仰,作更好準備慶祝復活節。 當然,四旬期的精神亦包括回歸天主, 透過補贖,如愛德行動、守齋和祈禱,表達 自己經已改過自新。為作更好準備慶祝基督 復活。四旬期有幾點需要注意: 1. 整個教會一定要以恰當的方式,與復 活的基督團結一致,準備慶祝這節日。 2. 更新自己的信仰是最好的方法:與慕 道者默想天主聖言,並與天主以及眾人彼此 修好。 3. 愛德行動、修和、齋戒、祈禱、悔改 都能很好地幫助我們更新信仰。 閱讀四旬期內的經文時,我們會發現慕 道者需要參與特定的禮儀,例如甄選禮和考 核禮。很多資深教友會問,為什麼慕道者一 定要參與這些新禮儀?以前從未有過!我們 先看四旬期的意義,便可明白新安排主要的 原因:整個教會應更新信仰。為更好準備復 活節,每一位教友,一定要與所有慕道者一 起去更新信仰,與天主以及所有人修和,好 去接受天主的恩寵。 紅磡聖母堂今年歡迎四十七位慕道者加 入,他們已作好準備在復活節領洗,當然, 要視乎情況,不要像去年一樣,因疫情關係,
遺憾地未能舉行公開禮儀。希望今年疫情有 所改善,使我們可以準備妥當。四旬期四十 天當中,四十七位慕道者經過最後的準備, 均熱切盼望洗禮的來臨。我十分希望堂區所 有人鼓勵並支持他們。將來這四十七位慕道 者很自然會跟隨我們的步伐,成為優秀和熱 心的教友。 願天主保守我們,幫助我們過一個有意 義的四旬期。 聖母堂主任司鐸 聖母聖心會馬偉良神父
LENT: a time of renewal According to the Church calendar, this year 2021, Lent begins on the 17th February: Ash Wednesday. Since Easter is the most important feast day for us all, the Church feels that we need these 40 days of Lent to prepare in the best way this big day. In the past, Lent had become a time of penance, sacrifices, repentance, etc. However, the emphasis nowadays has changed somewhat: Lent is a time when all believers, together with the catechumens, celebrate the mystery of the resurrection of Christ. For the catechumens, Lent is the time to prepare for their baptism, and all believers take this time of Lent to renew their own baptism. In other words, Lent is a time for all of us to renew our faith, the promises made at our baptism . The real spirit of Lent is renewal: we help each other to renew our faith together with the catechumens, to better prepare the celebration of Easter. Of course, the spirit of Lent also includes to convert ourselves to the Lord, to repent and renew oneself through positive penance, like actions of love, fasting and prayer . So, to better prepare the celebration of the resurrection of Christ at Easter, during this time of Lent, what needs to be emphasized is: 1. The whole Church must prepare the celebration of Easter in a positive way, united together with the risen Christ. 2. To renew one’s faith is the best way: together with the catechumens, we meditate on the Word of God, and we reconcile with God and with each other. 3 . Actions of love, reconciliation, fasting, prayer, penance, these are all positive ways to help us to renew our faith.
3 . Actions of love, reconciliation, fasting, prayer, penance, these are all positive ways to help us to renew our faith. When we read the liturgy books of Lent, we notice that the catechumens must participate in special rites and prayers, like “Rite of Election”, “Scrutiny”, etc. Very often, old Catholics are asking us why the catechumens must now attend such new rites? In the past, these did not exist! The main reason is the new way in which we are now looking at the time of Lent: the whole Church must renew its faith . To better prepare Easter, every Catholic, together with all catechumens, we must renew our faith, reconcile with God and with each other, to receive God’s grace. This year, in St. Mary’s Church, here in Hung Hom, we are delighted to welcome 47 catechumens who are actively preparing themselves to be baptized at Easter, provided, of course, that the virus pandemic does not prevent us to hold public Masses at that time, as it happened unfortunately last year . Hopefully, the situation will improve, and we will be able to prepare well this major event. During the 40 days of Lent, these 47 catechumens will be going fervently through the final preparations. I hope very much that all of us will encourage them, will support them, will pray for them. If we all give a good example and piously pray together with them, in the future, these 47 catechumens will very naturally follow us, and become good and fervent Catholics. May God bless us all and help us to spend a very meaningful time of Lent. Father P. Masschelein, CICM St. Mary’s Parish Priest