2024 02

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年年難過年年過 又屆農曆新年,首先在這兒預祝大家 「龍」年快樂,身體健康,閤家出入平安, 活動能力如「龍」一般的活躍瀟灑。文化差 異,「龍」在東方是吉祥物,充滿活力生氣 的「圖騰」;反之在西方,牠喻意著黑暗勢力, 故此有「武士屠龍」的民間傳說。其實兩種 態度都對,都帶給我們一個非常清晰的啟示。 人是善惡的混合體,我們幹嚒一生努力修德 成聖,跟罪惡周旋到底?不然我便成了黑暗 勢力的嘍囉,遺害人間……。

努力去消滅蹂躪世人的跨境病毒;消滅文 盲和貧窮,是平息民怨民憤的最佳良方等 等……都是大家隨口可說出的當務之急。

在目前這個非常困厄的年代,家家有本 難念的經,各國都有自己的難題,全世界也 得一起面對無數的挑戰。地球村的村民,不 管你喜歡與否,接納人類是經濟動物比任何 主義及意識形態更加重要;在這大前提下, 我們一起看看「龍年」應該怎樣生活下去, 才能符合天主的旨意。首先要明白,任何習 以為常的壞習慣並不容易改變 ; 這是世界性 難題,沒有人可以逃避?就如減「炭」和走 「塑」了……。

愛護地球,關心世界,人人有責。你 可能不喜歡我不時引用習主席的話語口號, 其實「共富」與「人類命運共同體」的概念 是值得支持及付諸行動的。君不見中國幫助 其他國家修建鐵路,怎樣改變了當地人民的 經濟生活?就讓我們由小事做起,一起累積 這份「善」的力量去改變世界。年年難過年 年過,快要來到的全港垃圾回收新措施,你 「心理」及「行動」上是否已經準備妥當?

為了尊重民意,在教育程度達標之後, 推動民主政制改革;打擊人口販賣,保障未 成年及兒童權益;改善地區衛生條件,一起

但我們不期然要問,面對這麼龐大的 工程和挑戰,平凡人又能做些什麼?倒不如 索性留給宗教領袖、國家元首、企業巨頭去 傷腦筋吧!反正你我人微言輕,起不了大作 用。噢,這種心態大錯特錯,簡直是致命 傷!



Stay Hopeful and overcome difficultieS tHrougHout tHe year As the Lunar New Year is approaching, I would like to wish you all a happy year of the Dragon, good health, peace of mind, and the ability to be as active and unrestrained as the Dragon. In the East, the dragon is a good-luck symbol, a totem full of vigor and vitality, while in the West, it is a metaphor for darkness, which is why there is a folklore about a warrior slaying a dragon. In fact, both attitudes are correct, and bring us a very clear revelation. Human beings are a mixture of good and evil, so why are we spending a lifetime to cultivate virtue and sanctify ourselves by fighting against evil? If not, we will become the minions of darkness, who will harm the world.... In these very difficult times, every country has its own problems, and the world must face countless challenges together. As the villagers of the global village, whether you like it or not, it is more important for us to accept that human beings are economic animals than any doctrine or ideology. On this premise, let us look at how we should live in the Year of the Dragon in order to be in line with God's will. First of all, we have to understand that it is not easy to change any bad habit; this is a global problem that no one can escape from, such as,“carbon reduction”and“plastic free”.... In order to respect public opinion, we should promote democratic political reforms after the education level has reached the standard; we should combat human trafficking and protect the rights of minors and children; we should improve the hygiene conditions of the districts and work together to eliminate the cross-boundary viruses that are ravaging the world; we should eliminate illiteracy and poverty, which is the best way to pacify the public's grievances and anger, etc.... All these are the top priorities that we can name off the cuff.

But we must ask: What can ordinary people do in the face of such huge projects and challenges? We might as well leave it to religious leaders, heads of state, and corporate giants to think about it! You and I are too small to make a big difference anyway. Oh, this mentality is so wrong; it's fatal! It's everyone's responsibility to take care of the earth and the world. You may not like me quoting President Xi's words and slogans occasionally, but the concepts of“common wealth” and“common destiny of mankind”are worthy of support and action. Have you ever seen how China has helped other countries build railways and changed the economic lives for local people? Let's start with the small things, and together, we can accumulate the power of“goodness”to change the world. Stay Hopeful and Overcome Difficulties throughout the Year, as the new implement of waste collection approaches, are you“mental”and“action”ready for this new measure? Again, I wish you a blessed Chinese New Year filled with the Lord's love.

Rev. John B. Kwan Kit Tong

一點燭光 「一點燭光」是送聖體員會在聖誕節前後的 長者教友探訪活動,代表堂區送上關懷和祝福。 送聖體員會將聖體和燭光帶到長者住處。耶穌的 親臨帶來光明和溫暖,大家一起祈禱、讀經和歌 詠讚美天主並讓長者領聖體。

各位老友記如對這個探訪活動有興趣,記得 留意在將臨期的堂區報告。

冬日朝聖之旅 福傳及培育組 12月13日早晨,天色灰濛濛,還下着微微 細雨。朝聖目的地原本是堅道聖母無原罪主教座 堂,由於當日主教座堂內部需要裝飾聖誕佈置, 不宜入內,只能在門外大合照。幸好座堂主任司 鐸陳志明神父代為聯絡毗鄰的嘉諾撒仁愛女修 會,讓大家在修院內的聖堂祈禱,那只好接受天 父和聖母媽媽的安排了。離開紅磡,到了中環,














下一個目的地是大館,經過半山陡峭而且窄 窄的街道,好不容易到了大館。再一次

這次朝聖活動,是由堂區福傳及培育組主辦, 該善會經已成立十多年,宗旨是對外向
















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