2 minute read
Having enjoyed a fabulous year of celebrating our School’s Centenary in 2021, we had every intention of building on that momentum and delivering a variety of engaging events that our entire St Mary’s community would benefit from this year. Sadly, for now, this has not transpired. Despite this, our growing community’s support for the St Mary’s Foundation has not wavered and for this, I thank you wholeheartedly. In 2022, we are proud to launch our Annual Giving campaign, of which the theme is Help her Grow. This theme reflects the time and support needed to deliver the finest possible education to our girls, so that they can grow, thrive and shine. In my role as Chair of the St Mary’s Foundation, I invite you to join us in making a gift online today at www.stmarys.wa.edu.au/support-us. It is my pleasure to introduce our Acting Director of Philanthropy, Mrs Sarah Woods, who will be leading the School’s philanthropy team while Mrs Jacinta Sirr-Williams is on parental leave. Sarah has joined us from Penrhos College, where she worked closely with their Foundation and Alumni Association to develop and deliver a number of strategic philanthropic initiatives and campaigns for the College. Please contact her on (08) 9341 9120 or swoods@stmarys.wa.edu.au to welcome her into our St Mary’s community. On behalf of the St Mary’s Foundation Board of Management, thank you for your ongoing support.
Bree Rosagro (Buxton ’98) Chair of the St Mary’s Foundation

It goes without saying that life has been far from predictable these past three years. However, despite all the disruptions and changes that we have encountered, our purpose to engage hearts and ignite curious minds at St Mary’s Anglican Girls’
School remains as strong as ever.
Like you, we strongly believe in providing exceptional educational opportunities for our students. With your help, we can sow the seeds for an even brighter future and help to grow the next generation of inspiring
St Mary’s women right here at our beautiful Karrinyup campus.
As a valued member of our St Mary’s community, we are graciously asking for you to support our Annual Giving fund in 2022 to
Help Her Grow.

You can choose to give the gift of education via our means-tested scholarship fund, help develop our inspiring learning spaces via our building fund, ignite our students’ curiosity via our library fund, or uphold the vision of our 2021 Head Girl, the late Sally Hicks, by donating to the Spirit of St Mary’s Scholarship. Your gift, no matter the size, will ensure that future generations of St Mary’s girls are given every opportunity to discover their best. You can support St Mary’s in 2022 by donating online at stmarys.wa.edu.au/support-us; via EFT (BSB 086 122, ACC 459 662 374), or by contacting our Acting Director of Philanthropy, Sarah Woods, on (08) 9341 9120 or giving@stmarys.wa.edu.au. All donations over $2 are tax deductable. On behalf of all current and future students of St Mary’s, we thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Judith Tudball Principal