2 minute read
Primary news
Work hard, play hard
Keeping active in body and mind is important for all of us and there has been a positive flurry of physical and mental activity in recent weeks.
Dr Taylor and local pupils have been able to run through the streets and parks of Edinburgh with this term’s virtual Running Club while others have joined in closer to their own homes and logged their distances online. Pupils and staff have also been pitting themselves against each other in an exercise challenge, recording the weekly distances they’ve covered by walking, cycling or running. (PS. The staff are winning!)
In Book Club, suggestions and comments around a book of the week continue to be shared with A Time to Speak by Helen Lewis, Collected Stories by Vladimir Nabokov and I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith all coming under literary scrutiny…
… and the Debating Club continues to discuss subjects chosen by pupils, including challenging topics such as “In what ways can we develop a conscious and sensitive approach to the music of other cultures/traditions in our learning?”
Meanwhile clarinettist and yoga teacher, Jean Johnson, has been leading the school community in restorative and flow yoga sessions twice a week.
The EcoSchools Committee has been running a weekly photography challenge, based on different themes, as well as offering eco-craft ideas.
And finally, at the time of going to press, Palmerston are ahead on points in the House Challenge!
Primary news
We welcomed Primary pupils back to School on 15th March and Carina and Beatrice have marked the occasion with a poem.
Back to School
Day after day we were doing home learning It was fun whilst it lasted though it was quite annoying! Not seeing friends and family too, Bored us out of our minds with nothing to do! It was a relief when we heard the news, That we’d soon see old friends and new! It was good to stay and stay up late, But it was time to get back to school. The night before the nerves kicked in, Tossing and turning can’t get to sleep! Whatever we did even counting sheep! Finally after, what seemed like hours we drifted off! When we got to the song school we started to sing! Then as it ended we trod to school, After we started to begin our lessons which were quite enjoyable. Then we ran outside and played some games. At the end of the day we were laughing and happy, What a wonderful time we’d had. When we went to bed we couldn’t wait for tomorrow to come.