St Mary’s Music School, Edinburgh is one of five specialist music schools in the UK recognised as providing the finest training for young musicians from around the world. The School provides music and academic education to talented children aged 9 to 19 and also educates the choristers of the internationally recognised Choir of St Mary’s Cathedral.
Pupils can join the School at any time from Primary 5 (age 9-10) through to Senior 6 (age 17-18).
Year group equivalences and recommended entry points can be found at on page 5.
Boarding and day places are available. Day places are open to applicants from Primary 5 (age 8/9) and above. Boarding places are open to applicants in S1 (age 11/12) and above.
Choristers (ages 9 - 13)
If you are interested in the chorister pathway, please be in touch with our admissions team
Changing Voices (ages 13 - 15)
Aimed at aspiring young singers, the Changing Voices Programme is the only one of its kind in Scotland and the North of England and has vocal health and confidence-building at its heart. With a focus on classical vocal technique, singers are nurtured and supported to maintain confidence in their vocal ability through specialist classes and teaching on how to use their new voices. As first study singers, they are encouraged to work as soloists by exploring text, emotional expression and all areas of vocal performance. Each pupil will receive one-to-one lessons each week with a teacher who specialises in this period of vocal development as well as performance classes, coaching, language classes and ensemble music-making activities such as School Choir, Changing Voices Choir and Chamber Music. Pupils on the Changing Voices programme are given an increased amount of contact time on their second studies to allow them flexibility within their education as their voice develops. This will allow them more choice as they progress through the School.
Senior Vocal Programme (ages 15 - 19)
The Senior Vocal Programme provides young singers with all the skills they need to succeed at conservatoire and beyond During the course of their study, they learn how to use both their body and instrument as a means of communicating text and music, strengthen confidence in their vocal ability and learn team-working skills which will prove invaluable throughout their lives. First-study singers can expect weekly singing lessons where they focus on a wide range of repertoire and on honing their classical vocal technique; weekly coaching with a vocal specialist; performances classes; language classes (Italian, German and French); acting, movement and stagecraft, as well as involvement in ensemble music-making activities such as School Choir, Chamber Choir and Vocal Scenes. This is the only course of its kind in Scotland and the North of England making St Mary’s Music School the perfect destination for every budding young singer.
All singers are encouraged to perform regularly and can do so at lunchtime concerts in School as well as in performance opportunities at the many major concert events held by St Mary’s Music School throughout the year. Pupils have access to masterclasses with industry leaders and are supported to attend external opportunities such as the National Youth Choir of Scotland and Scottish Opera Young Company.
Pupils are selected through an audition process. We accept applications to study voice, as well as for any instrument and composition.
The Audition Panel are looking for potential, passion, dedication, talent and musicality and, above all, are looking to see if you have the required abilities to access the specialist music education on offer at St Mary’s Music School. Candidates must be of a standard that they can join in with choirs, ensembles, academic music and orchestras (if applicable).
If you wish to apply, you should propose voice and one or more specialisms for your second (and third) studies.
For those interested in singing, there are two possible routes into the school, either as a 9 year old day pupil (chorister pathway) or as a first study singer (day or boarding) aged typically 13 and above.
If you are interested in the chorister pathway, please contact our admissions team.
All applicants must provide a video recording of a performance of one piece on each instrument that is studied. This piece should be chosen by you and your teacher and represent your best work.
Once ready, please submit via the Stage 1 Enquiry Form on an unlisted YouTube channel. Please ensure that pieces recorded are of performance standard – practice recordings will not be considered. For applicants looking to study Composition, please contact the Admissions Team for application criteria.
Our Headteacher and Director of Music will provide their advice as to the best step(s) for you, including whether they would recommend you progressing to the audition process. You will be advised whether you have been recommended for the audition process within 10 days of submission of recordings.
Once it has been recommended you audition for a place the School, you will be invited to submit the full application forms which will be sent to you following the successful enquiry stage. You will be invited to arrange an Advisory Audition. You may choose between a Digital Advisory Audition, or an In-Person Advisory Audition Ideally, we prefer to meet all candidates, however we are aware that some candidates may not be able to attend in-person at this stage. Advisory Vocal Auditions are run by the Director of Music, the Headteacher and Head of Voice.
For an Advisory Audition, we would ask you to prepare two short contrasting songs or arias, and if you have a second instrument, then a piece on that as well. You are welcome to provide any further recordings/information that demonstrates your musical ability, whether it be a third instrument, a composition, etc. There will be an interview and some simple aural tests. Feedback will be in-person with both you and your parents or guardians present.
You will be advised during the advisory audition if the Panel feel that a full audition would be appropriate.
This is the full audition stage, where a panel will be present including the Headteacher, the Director of Music, the Artistic Advisor and a Faculty Specialist. You will perform two contrasting songs or arias (one in a language not your own) and one piece on your second instrument Part of the audition will be working with a School accompanist There will be a short interview with the panel. The panel will meet following the audition day and you will be informed in writing of the result within one week of your audition.
A specialist music education is not for everyone, and therefore Stage 4 of the audition process is a two-way process. If you have been successful at Full Audition, you will be invited in for two days to take part in everyday life at the School. During this time you will receive two assessed lessons on your first study, an assessed lesson on your second instrument and teachers’ reports on academic lessons are considered. As well as participating in some academic lessons, you are also likely to be invited to take part in music activities such as ensembles and choirs. This not only gives you an idea of what is on offer here at St Mary’s Music School, but allows us to assess how you work within a group. You will be informed in writing whether a place is to be offered as soon as all lesson feedback has been considered. We aim for this to be within two working days following a Two Day Stay.
We are very fortunate to have the support of the Scottish Government who provide means-tested funding via the Aided Places Scheme (Scotland) to the majority of UKresident applicants. For those who are not eligible for the Aided Places Scheme, and for International applicants, limited scholarships may be available.
Further information on the Aided Places Scheme and fee levels can be found on our website. You are also welcome to speak to the School’s Bursar to discuss your particular circumstances
The S6 extension year is an additional year specific to St Mary’s Music School in which pupils have an opportunity to gain further musical training as well as any additional academic qualifications they may wish to engage in This year is optional unless you are joining for our Programme for Advanced Study in Music in S6.
Point of entry: During the audition process we will discuss with you which year of entry is most appropriate based on your age and stage.
What are the first steps towards an audition?
Get in touch by emailing admissions@smms uk Our Admissions Team are happy to arrange for a phone call or Zoom chat to tell you a bit more about the school and the audition process.
During the audition process, there will be plenty of opportunities to ask questions along the way and to meet staff and pupils.
We also hold Open Days throughout the year for further opportunities to find out more about a specialist music education.
What instruments do you accept?
Pupils can study the full range of orchestral instruments along with voice, piano, harpsichord, organ, harp, accordion, recorder, bagpipes and composition. We are happy to accept applications for any instrument. Traditional and Jazz musicians are warmly welcomed however Trad and Jazz Voice are not currently offered as study options.
Can I add a third study?
As you go through school you may wish to add a third study. This would be decided through discussion with you, the Director of Music and your instrumental teachers.
I have studied Rock and Pop - can I still apply?
Applications from Rock and Pop students are warmly welcomed In reality, however, only candidates who demonstrate a firm knowledge of classical vocal technique, traditional music notation (and of music theory in general), and who have brought a second instrumentup to a good standard are likely to have their applications progressed.
What if I’m not successful at an Audition, can I apply again?
We will always provide you with feedback at any stage of the process and give you advice on what you should do next. Where appropriate we will recommend that you reapply for the following year.
Is there an application fee?
There is no fee for an Advisory Audition We charge a fee of £75 for a formal Audition
What funding assistance is available?
Over 90% of our pupils receive some kind of means-tested financial support through the Scottish Government's Aided Places Scheme, designed to ensure that any pupil with exceptional talent can receive a specialist education regardless of their financial means. Eligibility is based on length of residence in the UK
Fees are calculated based on affordability and family income and you can find details of the fees and financial support here: Fees and Funding.
What academic exams will I study?
Pupils at St Mary’s Music School take SQA National Qualifications at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher, along with AQA A-level Music.
With small classes and a high staff to pupil ratio, pupils can achieve the best of results in both their music and academic studies. Our examination results are consistently high. The great majority of our pupils go on to study at Conservatoires and Universities.
How big are class sizes?
Classes can range from 3 to 15 pupils
What are the academic results like?
Our examination results are consistently amongst the highest in the UK. Most of our pupils progress to Conservatoires and Universities. Pupils are regularly accepted at Oxford and Cambridge Universities. Although most pupils go on to study music, our academic curriculum and results prepare students for a range of disciplines.
Does the School cater for SEN and ASC?
We are an equal opportunities School and are committed to providing the best Specialist musical training for all exceptionally talented young musicians and aim to cater accordingly.
How many boarders are there?
We have around 25 - 30 boarders who come from all over Scotland, the rest of the UK and abroad. The Boarding House has a lovely family feel and pupils range in age from 11 - 19. Most pupils will share a room, with each room having en-suite facilities.
As part of the audition process you will have the opportunity to meet with the Boarding House Manager.
Will I have to share a room?
There are a few single rooms which we tend to offer to the senior pupils, but all the rooms are large and have en-suite shower facilities - many of the boarders, including the seniors, often ask to share a room.
What happens in the evenings?
There is free time for all boarders along with supervised study for younger boarders and practice time.There are often organised activities which boarders may choose to participate in, followed by a light supper.
Do you cater for different food intolerances and allergies?
Yes, our chef and catering team can provide food that suits all diets - there is also a food committee who meet twice a term to put forward ideas to the chef.
Can I go home at weekends?
Yes, you can go home at weekends provided you don’t have school music commitments.
Can my parents or friends visit me?
Yes, if notified in advanced, we welcome visits from parents or friends
Am I allowed out in the evenings/weekends?
Yes, boarders are allowed out in an evening for short walks or a visit to a concert etc. with permissions in place, or for a longer period by prior arrangement at weekends.There are regular outings to concerts at the major Edinburgh concert venues .
Will I have access to WiFi?
Yes, you will have access to WiFi.
Can I practise at any time?
You will be able to practice from 7am until bedtime (which is dependent on your level of study).
Am I allowed my mobile phone with me?
Mobile phones are not permitted during the school day unless for learning purposes as directed by the school staff
Application processed by SMMS
Ages9-13 Ages13-15
Voice prematurely changes (male specific)
Consultation with Cathedral, DoM and Primary
S1 Advisory Interest Expressed
New application for entry to SMMS
Changing Voice Programme
Senior Vocal Programme
Instrumental Place
Consultation with Cathedral, DoM and Primary
S2 Full Audition
Changing Voices Application processed by SMMS
S4 advisory Interest expressed
Consultation with CV Teacher and DoM
Consultation with Instrumental Teacher and DoM
S4 Recital
Assessment to act as audition
Instrumental Place at SMMS
Senior Vocal Programme
Application processed by SMMS
E: ADMISSIONS@SMMS.UK T: 0131 538 7766