Our Shared Purpose newsletter: May 23, 2017

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VOL 1 • NO. 1

Going for Gold!

MAY 23, 2017

Providence Healthcare has begun work on a multi-year strategic initiative called ‘The Providence Experience.’ We are pursuing a Gold Designation through Planetree, an international and not-for-profit organization that partners with healthcare organizations to advance Person-Centered Care. A Gold Designation as a Person-Centered Care organization is critical to achieving our Big Goal to help people flourish. Among the first projects addressed was the development of patient directed visiting hours. As of June 5, Providence will introduce 24/7 visiting hours across the organization, in accordance with the preferences of those in our care. We piloted patient directed visiting in our new Palliative Care program, with great results and positive feedback.

A Collaborative Journey, A Shared Purpose


St. Michael’s St. Michael’s new patient care tower St. Michael’s has embarked on an ambitious redevelopment project to transform patient care at our hospital. We’re calling it St. Michael’s 3.0, and it includes a new patient care tower at the corner of Queen and Victoria Streets, a renovated Emergency Department and significant upgrades to improve the existing hospital space. Inside the Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower, walls are going up and ICUs, OR suites and inpatient units are taking shape. For more information, visit www.stmichaelshospital.com/stmichaels3.0.

e are pleased to share with you the first edition of Our Shared Purpose, a joint newsletter for the staff, medical staff, students and volunteers of Providence Healthcare, St. Joseph’s Health Centre and St. Michael’s Hospital. As our three organizations continue in partnership discussions, it’s important that we get to know each other. This newsletter gives us the opportunity to share news and care stories and to celebrate the strengths we could bring to an integrated health network. As members of Catholic Health Sponsors of Ontario, Providence,

St. Joe’s and St. Mike’s were founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph and continue to deliver on their long-standing mission of caring for the most marginalized or disadvantaged in our community – and this is at the heart of the Our Shared Purpose theme and what grounds our proposed health network design. The populations we serve are growing, more patients are presenting with complex medical and social needs, and health-care funding reform requires innovation. If we are to continue responding to the needs of our communities, standing still and standing alone is no longer a

Liz Buller, Bob Howard, Josie Walsh

Continued on page 2

Celebrating the role we all play in providing supportive and compassionate palliative care


ore than half of patients in Ontario facing a life-threatening illness will spend five days or longer in a hospital during their last month of life. While some people prefer to stay at home, others feel safer in the hospital environment and these preferences can change over time. Whatever their choice, every patient should be treated with quality care, respect and dignity.

Across the country, we celebrate National Hospice and Palliative Care Week this month, and from the very beginning, compassionate care of the dying was a priority for the Sisters of St. Joseph. The specialized palliative care and supports at each of our organizations are core to all of our missions and values of providing patients, clients and residents with dignity and compassion during Continued on page 2

oursharedpurpose.com Our Shared Purpose is an internal newsletter intended to keep staff at all three sites informed about our integration and transition plans, as well as highlight key achievements and activities at each of the sites. Our Shared Purpose is published monthly by the Communications teams at Providence, St. Joseph’s and St. Michael’s. If you have any questions about any of the articles, please visit oursharedpurpose.com to submit your inquiry. OUR SHARED PURPOSE • VOL. 1 • NO. 1 • MAY 23, 2017 • page 4

Pg 1-2 M ESSAGE FROM OUR CEOS A Collaborative Journey, A Shared Purpose


Pg 3 ST. JOSEPH’S NEWS CLIPS • Innovation is important in healthcare

Pg 4 PROVIDENCE’S NEWS CLIPS • Going for Gold!

OUR SHARED PURPOSE • VOL. 1 • NO. 1 • MAY 23, 2017 • page 1

Pg 4 ST. MICHAEL’S NEWS CLIPS • St. Michael’s new patient care tower

CEOS’ Message cont. viable option. United, the three organizations will be better positioned to improve quality of care for all our patients, residents and clients by creating a new health network that offers the full spectrum of care. We know you have questions about how this new organization will impact you. We are committed to sharing updates with you as they become available. In the last month we have: • S ubmitted an integration proposal to the Toronto Central LHIN. You can find it at oursharedpurpose.com. •P rogressed in due diligence efforts – this is a comprehensive review of each organizations’ assets and liabilities. •C ontinued to meet across many working groups to consider what we need to prepare to integrate. Thank you for your continued commitment to our missions and living our values. Our people are the heart and knowledge of our organizations and you make a profound impact on the people who live in our communities every day. Thank you for taking this exciting journey with us and we remind you to please continue to share your questions at www.oursharedpurpose.com.

Josie Walsh, Providence

Liz Buller, St. Joseph’s

Bob Howard, St. Michael’s

Celebrating the role we all play... continued from page 1 a time when they and their families need it the most. People in their endof-life journey have unique needs and palliative care addresses the physical, psychological, spiritual and emotional changes that affect people during this stage of life. In October 2016, Providence Healthcare realized its dream to create the best environment possible to support end-of-life care to the city’s frailest and their loved ones with the opening of its new 35-bed Palliative Care program. The new spaces, including a floor for patient care and one for family and caregiver supports, foster a modern, comfortable and uplifting environment – one that allows patients and families to cherish their remaining time together. The program also offers respite care through short-stay admissions of up to two weeks. A short stay at Providence can give a caregiver time for muchneeded rest and renewal. “Patients told us the new environment should ‘affirm my life, not my At St. Michael’s, the Palliative Care death’ and ‘enhance my quality of Unit has started using a new bereavelife, for as long as that may be,” said ment risk screening process that Jacqueline Lumsden, Patient Care includes a questionnaire to help staff Manager for Palliative Care. “Equally with early identification of friends and important was a family members of space and supa palliative patient ports for our who would want People in their patients’ families or need bereaveend-of-life journey and friends to ment care. The visit, to cope, to questionnaire is have unique needs be involved. Our a set of 15 yesand palliative care patients also told or-no questions us they did not divided into three addresses the physical, want their loved themes — psychopsychological, spiritual ones to put their logical, social and lives on hold and circumstances of and emotional the support our illness or death — changes that affect staff provides that any member families is so of the care team people during this important during can fill out based stage of life. these highly emoon knowledge or tional and stressobservation of the ful times.” patient’s family or Life continues on their Palliative unit caregiver. The result is more individualand in recent years, the Providence ized and effective bereavement care. team has facilitated weddings, bap“We know that there are some tisms, birthday parties, anniversaries people who require additional support and even a Bollywood dance recital when their loved one is at this stage, for a granddaughter who wanted to especially when it’s someone who is perform for her grandfather. struggling to accept the diagnosis,

OUR SHARED PURPOSE • VOL. 1 • NO. 1 • MAY 23, 2017 • page 2

“We know that there are some people who require additional support” experiencing family conflict, or where the patient is younger and with a new or sudden onset diagnosis,” said Jessy Mathai, an oncology-hematology social worker. “This is someone who needs more than a phone call; we would make a referral to a family doctor or psychologist or external bereavement-grief organizations.” Last month St. Joseph’s expanded its palliative services to better serve patients and families. Palliative patients from across the Health Centre are being brought together into a single area so our specialized teams can support them with more coordinated and personalized care. Eileen Laffey,

a patient family advisor, has been working with the Palliative Care team on the new care model, bringing her personal experiences as a caregiver, social worker and background in bereavement counselling to the new design. “There have been 12 deaths in my life over the past five years and I was present for five of those deaths which took place in family homes, hospitals and in-hospice,” said Laffey. “The best situations were ones where people were empowered and had a say in their end-of-life planning.” The need to create personalized care is a view that Laffey has brought to the teams planning, and the collaboration between St. Joe’s interprofessional clinical experts and patient family advisors makes sure the specific needs of this vulnerable patient population are integrated into every element of care delivery.

St. Joseph’s Innovation is important in healthcare

• A wayfinding interactive kiosk and app to enable patients and families to more easily find their way around the Health Centre. Innovator: Nicole Poos, Manager, Volunteer Services • Reach out and read in Family Medicine to promote early literacy for our patients and their families. Innovator: Dr. Melissa Yu, first year Family Medicine resident on the Family Health Team

As a community Health Centre, our teams are always looking for new and more efficient ways to improve patient safety and quality of care. That’s why we are excited to announce that four innovative ideas are moving forward through our new innovation fund ImagineIF — made possible thanks to a generous donation.

These four ideas were chosen out of an impressive 40 applications sent in from our people across the Health Centre and will receive funding and support. The innovators will work together with our teams to help implement these creative ideas that will help advance the health of our community:

• SmartShare Health digital platform to make it easier for patients to access educational materials. Innovator: Ryan McGuire, Collaborative Practice Leader • 3D printer for Clinical Engineering to print replacement parts for our machines on site at a fraction of the cost. Innovator: Michael Heffer, Clinical Director, Diagnostics and Therapeutics and Director of Pharmacy and Biomedical Department.

OUR SHARED PURPOSE • VOL. 1 • NO. 1 • MAY 23, 2017 • page 3



VOL 1 • NO. 1

Going for Gold!

MAY 23, 2017

Providence Healthcare has begun work on a multi-year strategic initiative called ‘The Providence Experience.’ We are pursuing a Gold Designation through Planetree, an international and not-for-profit organization that partners with healthcare organizations to advance Person-Centered Care. A Gold Designation as a Person-Centered Care organization is critical to achieving our Big Goal to help people flourish. Among the first projects addressed was the development of patient directed visiting hours. As of June 5, Providence will introduce 24/7 visiting hours across the organization, in accordance with the preferences of those in our care. We piloted patient directed visiting in our new Palliative Care program, with great results and positive feedback.

A Collaborative Journey, A Shared Purpose


St. Michael’s St. Michael’s new patient care tower St. Michael’s has embarked on an ambitious redevelopment project to transform patient care at our hospital. We’re calling it St. Michael’s 3.0, and it includes a new patient care tower at the corner of Queen and Victoria Streets, a renovated Emergency Department and significant upgrades to improve the existing hospital space. Inside the Peter Gilgan Patient Care Tower, walls are going up and ICUs, OR suites and inpatient units are taking shape. For more information, visit www.stmichaelshospital.com/stmichaels3.0.

e are pleased to share with you the first edition of Our Shared Purpose, a joint newsletter for the staff, medical staff, students and volunteers of Providence Healthcare, St. Joseph’s Health Centre and St. Michael’s Hospital. As our three organizations continue in partnership discussions, it’s important that we get to know each other. This newsletter gives us the opportunity to share news and care stories and to celebrate the strengths we could bring to an integrated health network. As members of Catholic Health Sponsors of Ontario, Providence,

St. Joe’s and St. Mike’s were founded by the Sisters of St. Joseph and continue to deliver on their long-standing mission of caring for the most marginalized or disadvantaged in our community – and this is at the heart of the Our Shared Purpose theme and what grounds our proposed health network design. The populations we serve are growing, more patients are presenting with complex medical and social needs, and health-care funding reform requires innovation. If we are to continue responding to the needs of our communities, standing still and standing alone is no longer a

Liz Buller, Bob Howard, Josie Walsh

Continued on page 2

Celebrating the role we all play in providing supportive and compassionate palliative care


ore than half of patients in Ontario facing a life-threatening illness will spend five days or longer in a hospital during their last month of life. While some people prefer to stay at home, others feel safer in the hospital environment and these preferences can change over time. Whatever their choice, every patient should be treated with quality care, respect and dignity.

Across the country, we celebrate National Hospice and Palliative Care Week this month, and from the very beginning, compassionate care of the dying was a priority for the Sisters of St. Joseph. The specialized palliative care and supports at each of our organizations are core to all of our missions and values of providing patients, clients and residents with dignity and compassion during Continued on page 2

oursharedpurpose.com Our Shared Purpose is an internal newsletter intended to keep staff at all three sites informed about our integration and transition plans, as well as highlight key achievements and activities at each of the sites. Our Shared Purpose is published monthly by the Communications teams at Providence, St. Joseph’s and St. Michael’s. If you have any questions about any of the articles, please visit oursharedpurpose.com to submit your inquiry. OUR SHARED PURPOSE • VOL. 1 • NO. 1 • MAY 23, 2017 • page 4

Pg 1-2 M ESSAGE FROM OUR CEOS A Collaborative Journey, A Shared Purpose


Pg 3 ST. JOSEPH’S NEWS CLIPS • Innovation is important in healthcare

Pg 4 PROVIDENCE’S NEWS CLIPS • Going for Gold!

OUR SHARED PURPOSE • VOL. 1 • NO. 1 • MAY 23, 2017 • page 1

Pg 4 ST. MICHAEL’S NEWS CLIPS • St. Michael’s new patient care tower

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