Anthropomorphic feedback

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An anthropomorphic review Year1 Graphics 201

1. We would like to think that you are a little wiser....

2. ....and that you are a little less timid and a little more confident

3. We hope that we have started to open your eyes to the subject area of design...

4. ...and how important it is to take an interest in everything and not to ingnore anything

5. We also hope that you have begun to realise that you need to be open minded as a designer, take critisim in a constructive manor and not to be so stubborn when it comes to moving on your ideas & work

6. As tutors we are here to lead and help you through your course of study

7. We all make mistakes

8. The thing is to not to take them in your stride and don’t take the hump when some one offers criticism....

9. ......after all we want you to enjoy the subject and have a laugh

10. Having said that we think you could all be more industrious and work much harder, both individually......

11. .....and for each other

12. We want you to work fasterand not at a snails pace.

13. Next year will be a wake up call we would expect to see everyone motivated in early and on time.

14. We also want you to experiment more and take risks...

15. We want you to take more of a lead and not just to follow

16. Don’t always expect us to constantly feed you....

17. ...take the initiative. It’s not about learing something parrot fashion. You now need to begin to understand the meaning behind things for yourself. 17. ...take the initiative. It’s not about learing something parrot fashion. You now need to begin to understand the meaning behind things for yourself. 17. ...take the initiative. It’s not about learing something parrot fashion. You now need to begin to understand the meaning behind things for yourself.

18. Take pride in your work and everything you do

19. And display your work of to the best of your ability

20. ......don’t just monkey around

21. Really begin to focus like a hawk and cosider the detail in your practice

22. And get into the habit of collecting and storing your visual reference and research

23. And most important of all we don’t want you to foget what you have learnt so far......

23. And most important of all we don’t want you to foget what you have learnt so far......

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