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repro: Italgraf Media tryck: TMG Sthlm
Apart from the botanical library of Olle Wallin, our catalogue, which will be hammered on June 16th in Stockholm, comprises interesting books and manuscripts from the library of Carl Sahlin (like Agricola and Kircher), and many rare volumes by Linnaeus and his disciples from the collection of K. J. Westman. Back cover: Lot no 27. DARWIN ON THE SEXUAL STRUCTURES OF ORCHIDS AND THE INSECTS WHICH FERTISE THEM, 1862.
Stockholms Auktionsverk has been entrusted with the sale of Swedish economist Olle Wallin’s (1934–2021) impressive collection of botanical literature, comprising many rare and important works in the field. The collected titles span from the late 15th to the late 19th century and include works valued at everything between 2 000 and 100 000 SEK and the books have been carefully selected. These volumes have not only stood still on a bookshelf but have been read and admired repeatedly. The main auction, of the collection itself, will go under the hammer on June 16, and his reference library, reflecting the serious ambition behind Wallin’s collecting, will be sold online in the fall, together with his collection of floras.
Among the 100 titles included in the auction of June 16, are works by Linnaeus (Hortus Cliffortianus as well as his classical travels), Allioni and Ledermüller. Also present is Olof Rudbeck’s rare Camporum Elysiorum (3rd ed. 1789), of which only one or two copies have been for sale since the early 1900s. The first edition of this famous work was published in 1702 but destroyed in the Uppsala fire that very same year and only a few copies survived. Some of the remaining logs for the woodblocks were saved and bought by Linnaeus’ son and later sold to James Edward Smith in England. There are also fine works by Clusius, (Rariorum plantarum historiae, Antwerpen 1601), Linden’s beautiful work on orchids from 1860, and Michaux’s groundbreaking monograph on American oaks published 1801
Another rare work in the auction is Herbarius Patavie (”Flora of Passau”), the second printed book in Germany with botanical illustrations in woodcuts, published in Passau, Bavaria in 1485. The work is finely illustrated with 150 woodcuts that are also colored by hand at an early stage. An early incunabulum coming from the magnificent botanical library of Arpad Plesch, Hungary.
The collector Olle Wallin began his professional career working for the Swedish commercial bank Svenska Handelsbanken, after which he was employed by the construction company Beijers, working under Anders Wall. His interest in books and nature was inspired by his parents, both avid book collectors and interested in natural history. The father also collected topographical literature on the province of Skåne. Wallin began collecting seriously after moving to Stockholm in the 1970s and frequently visited antiquarian bookshops as well as attended auctions. His line of work also required extensive travel, foremost to the European continent and the US, and he usually took the opportunity to combine the business trips with visits to leading antiquarian booksellers and auction houses. Many of his collection’s more important and valuable works were acquired on those occasions.
The Wallin collection consists of the first 100 lots in our catalogue, the remaining 200 lots, together with more images of the botanical library of Olle Wallin, can be found in Rare Books, Maps & Manuscripts at auktionsverket.com
2. ALGAE. AGARDH, CARL ADOLPH. Synopsis algarum Scandinaviae, adjecta dispositione universale algarum. Lundae, Ex officina Berlingiana, 1817. (5), VI–XL, (1)–135, (1 blank) pp.
BOUND WITH: NEES VON ESENBECK, C. G. Die Algen des süssen Wassers und ihren Entwicklungsstufen dargestellt. Bamberg, bey C. F. Kunz, 1814. Closely trimmed with some minor loss of letters. (2), (3), iv, (1)–48, (2, last blank) pp.
BOUND WITH: ROTH, ALBRECHT WILHELM. Bemerkungen über das Studium der cryptogamischen Wassergewächse. Hannover, bei den Gebrüdern Hahn, 1797. (5), 6–109, (3, last blank) pp. Small 8:o (about 175 x 103 mm.).
Contemporary somewhat worn brown mottled half calf, gilt spine. Old monogram stamp ”JZ” on endpapers. 3 WORKS BOUND TOGETHER.
Ref. The first work: Stafleu: TL–2 38; Krok Bibliotheca botanica suecana 28. Carl Adolph Agardh is widely held as the founder of scientific algology and his classification system for algae is presented for the first time in this work. The Second work: Stafleu: TL–2 6674; Pritzel 6642* The Third work: Stafleu: TL–2 9630; Pritzel 7801*.
1. 4 WATERCOLOUR PAINTINGS OF PLANTS, on paper, probably second half of the 17th century. About 380 x 250 mm. From an unpaginated florilegium without descriptions, which later, probably first half of the 18th century, has been given page numbers and names of the plants. Some soliing and minor spotting to outer parts of plates. New beige cloth binding, paper title ”Akvareller” on upper board. In all 9 plants described.
Lot No: 2729919
Estimate: 4 000 – 6 000 SEK
Provenance: Probably Johan Zetterstedt (1785–1874), professor of botany at Lund and a wellknown entomologist.
Lot No: 2816242
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
3. ALLIONI, CAROLO. Flora Pedemontana sive enumeratio methodica stirpium indigenarum Pedemontii. I–III (in 1). Augustae Taurinorum (Turin), excudebat Ioannes Michael Briolus, 1785.
Folio (about 395 x 265 mm.). (8, last blank), I–XIX, (1 blank), 1–344; (4), 1–366, i–xxiv, (2, last blank); (4), I–XIV pp, plate I–LXXXXII. 1 engraved plate J. B. Stagnon after Molinari. 3 titles printed in red and black with engraved vignettes, 92 engraved plates Petrus Peiroleri after Francis Peiroleri (all, some minor foxing).
Contemporary brown half calf, worn, mended in the joints, gilt spine in six compartments, mended at head and foot, minor foxing. Old library label on verso of title (Ex Bibl. Acad, Erlagensi) and C. F. Ph. von Martius (1794–1868, the famous explorer of the South American Flora).
Ref. Nissen: BBI 18; Sitwell: Great Flower Books (1990) p. 69; Pritzel 108*; Stafleu: TL–2 100 (has 2 plates more, probably wrong and taken from Auctuarium). Carlo Allioni (1728–1804) Italian physician and professor of botany at the university of Turin. Also director of the Turin Botanical Garden.
Provenance: Bibliotheca Academia Erlangensis, Carl Friedrich Von Martius (1794–1868, the famous explorer of the South American Flora).
Lot No: 2725097
Estimate: 30 000 – 35 000 SEK
4. M’ALPINE, D. The Botanical Atlas. A Guide to the Practical Study of Plants containing Representatives of the leading Forms of Plant Life. I–II. Edinburgh, W. & A. K. Johnston, 1883.
Folio (about 355 x 280 mm.). 2 coloured titles, 2 printed titles, Dedication leaf, Preface (2 leaves), Contents of vol. II (1 leaf, no content leaf to vol. I), index to illustrations (5 pages), Appendix (1 page), 52 coloured plates, each with an explana–tory leaf (all, minor foxing). Original green cloth, decoration and title on upper boards, vol. I cracked in upper hinge, blank spines. Minor foxing. Old signatures on verso of coloured titles, bookplate and signatures on endpapers. 2 volumes.
Lot No: 2816847
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
3. ALLIONI, CAROLO.5. ALPINO, PROSPERO. De plantis exoticis libri duo Prosperi Alpini phylosophi, medici, in Gymnasio Patauino medicamentorum simplicium professoris [...] Opus completum, editum studio, ac opera Alpini Alpini phylosophi, & medici, auctoris fili... Venetiis, apud Io. Guwerilium, 1629.
Small 4:o (about 203 x 142 mm.). (16), (1)–344 pp. Title within figurative engraved border, 145 fullpage engravings (all, included in the pagination, from about page 315 partly some staining in inner lower margin).
Later (early 18th century) worn brown half calf, faded spine in seven compartments, mended in the hinges, small damage at head, red edges. On verso of title duplicate stamps from the British Museum 1787.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 21; Pritzel 112; Hunt 213 Second edition, unaltered from the first printed 1627. The author carefully studied the flora of Crete. Information on plants from other areas was later incorporated into the manuscript, a notable contribution to Mediterranean floristics. This is especially true of the flora of Crete, many of whose plants were described for the first time. Prospero Alpino (1553–1617), Italian physician and botanist, director of the Botanical Garden in Padua.
Lot No: 2789210
Estimate: 10 000 – 12 000 SEK
6. EGYPTIAN PLANTS. ALPINO, PROSPERO. De plantis Aegypti liber. In Qvo Non Pavci, Qvi Circa|| herbarum materiam irrepserunt, errores, deprehenduntur, quo–rum causa hactenus multa medicamenta ad vsum medicin(a)]e ad |modum expetenda, plerisque medicorum, non sine artis iactura, occulta, atque obsoleta iacuerunt ... ; Accesit etiam liber de Balsamo aliàs editus. Venetiis, apud Franciscum de Franciscis Senensem, 1592.
4:o (about 231 x 168 mm.). (4), 1–57, (3), 61–80 (verso blank), (8) ll. Title with woodcut printer’s device, 50 woodcuts in text, of which 39 fullpage. Some minor foxing. Signatures on title of Jo. Alberti Fabricii and Theobald Fettich. Small old annotation in upper margin of title.
BOUND WITH: ALPINO, PROSPERO. De Medicina Aegyptiorum. Libri Quatuor In Quibus Multa cum de vario mittendi sanguinis usu per venas, arterias, cucurbitulas, ac scarificationes nostris inusitatas, deq; inustionibus, & alijs chyrurgicis operationibus, tum de quamplurimis medicamentis apud Aegyptios frequentioribus, elucescunt. Venetiis, apud franciscum de Franciscis Senensem, 1591.
4:o (about 231 x 168 mm.). (11, lacks Errata leaf signed c1), 1–150 (verso blank), (25) ll. Title with woodcut printer’s device, 7 woodcuts in text of which 2 fullpage. Some light browning and foxing. Some old marginal annotations, old annotations on title.
Contemporary limp vellum, warped boards, upper board with gilt monogram JHS under a noble crown, new straps, spine with manuscript title.
Ref: De Plantis... Edit 16, CNCE 1244. Wellcome I, 233. Nissen: BBI 20. Pritzel 111. De Medicina...:Edit 16, CNCE 1243; Garrison–Morton 6468; Heirs of Hippocrates 240 (1646 edn.); Osler 1796; Waller 12509; Wellcome 232. Prosper Alpini (1553–1617), Italian physician and botanist.
De plantis... is the first edition of the earliest treatise on the native Egyptian flora, the author’s most important scientific work. This work is today mostly known for the first European illustration of the coffee plant (f. 25 verso). De medicina... is an important work on the practice of medicine in Egypt, one of the earliest studies in Europe of non–Western medicine.
Provenance: Theobaldus Fettich (first half of 16th century), author of some works on medicine; Johann Albert Fabricius (1668–1736), German classical scholar.
Lot No: 2770955
Estimate: 25 000 – 30 000 SEK
8.(ARDÈNE, JEAN PAUL DE ROME de). Traité des renoncules, dans lequel outre ce qui concerne ces fleurs, on trouvera des observations physiques, et plusieurs remarques utiles, soit pour l’agriculture, soit por le jardinage. Paris, chez Ph. N. Lottin et Augustin–Martin Lottin, Fils, 1746.
8:o (about 195x120 mm.). (10, last blank), 1–279, (1 blank), (3), (1 blank) pp. Engraved frontispiece, 1 engraved vignette, 6 engraved plates (4 folding, all, somewhat worn in the foldings, minor foxing).
Worn contemporary brown mottled calf, faded richly gilt spine, small damage at head, red edges. Minor foxing. Stamp on title ”Domus Lugdunensis Soc. Jesu”.
First edition. Ref. Hunt 526.
Around the middle of the eighteenth century the French priest and botanist Jean Paul de Rome d’Ardène (1689–1789)
7. ANDREWS, H(ENRY) C. Coloured Engravings of Heaths. The Drawings taken from living Plants only. Extract from vol. I–IV.. London, printed by T. Bensley, 1802.–1830. (Not complete!)
Folio (about 405 x 260 mm.). (14, text from vol, I), 27 engraved hand–coloured plates with 27 leaves of text, one for each plate. Later (20th century) somewhat worn brown half leather, gilt spine. Text some foxing.
Compare Nissen: BBI 31. Not complete, published in 4 volumes with a total of 288 plates. This item seems to be some sort of sales demonstration material.
Lot No: 2788895
Estimate: 2 500 – 3 000 SEK
resigned his post as Supérieur of the Collège de Marseille and retired to the Château d’Ardène in the diocese of Sisteron, where he established a garden and devoted himself to botany. He wrote a series of treatises, each one dedicated to the cultivation of a particular flower prized by the botanists, floriculturists and connoisseurs of the period. The treatise on the ranunculus, published at Paris in 1746, was the first, to be followed by others on the hyacinth 1759, the tulip 1760 and the carnation 1762, all published at Avignon. Traité des renoncules opens with a fine etched title page designed by Nicolas Le Sueur and engraved by Benoît Audran the younger, both of whom were members of celebrated artistic families.
Lot No: 2794609
Estimate: 4 000 – 5 000 SEK
Vienna c. 1807, no title).
Folio (c. 510 x 400 mm.). Fragment consisting of 11 hand–coloured engraved plates (never finished or published), hand–coloured by the court painter Johann Knapp himself and kept by the archduke’s secreteary Johann Zahlbrucker to be given as precious gifts. Later paper wrappers with grey cloth spine, on upper cover handwritten label dated 1905. In a new grey linen cassette (Marlis Egli).
Ref. See Stafleu: TL–2 3362; Pritzel 4443. Literature: Wallin, Olle: Johann Baptist och hans Icones plantarum alpinarum in Biblis 49 (2010) pp. 34–39.
Johann Baptist, Fabian Sebastian (1782–1859), Archduke of Austria, amateur botanist. The orchid ”Archduke John’s Vanilla” (Nigritella rubra subsp. archiducis–joannis), is named after him. Johann Knapp (1778–1833), Austrian flower painter and watercolorist who worked as a private tutor for various nobles, amongst others for Archduke Johan.
Lot No: 2822674
Estimate: 50 000 – 60 000 SEK
plantarum alpinarum, Alpenpflanzen.11. THE PLESCH COPY OF BATSCH’S BLUMENZERLIEDERUNGEN. BATSCH, A. J. G. C. Analyses Florum e diversis plantarum generibus, omnes, etiam minutissimas eorum externas partes demonstrantes, ad eruendum harum partium characterem genericum, philosophiam botanicam, et generum intimiores affinitates a natura statutas. Blumenzergliederungen aus verschiedenenen Gattungen der Pflanzen, in welchen alle aussere, und selbst die kleinsten Theile der Blumen gezeigt werden, um ihre mit den Gattungen zusammenhangende Kennzeichnen, ihr wesentliches Verhaltnis unter einander, und die feinern naturlichen Verwandschaften der Gattungen naher zu bestimmen. I:1–2 (all published). Halle, bey Johann Jacob Gebauer, 1790.
4:o (about 250 x 195 mm.). (8, latin title missing), (1)–98; (4), (1)–120. 20 handcoloured engraved plates by J. S. Capieux after Batsch. (all).
Contemporary brown half calf, partly worn, mended in the joints, gilt spine, mended at head. German title to facs. I with offsetting from the bookplate. Red morocco bookplate of Arpad Plesch.
10. BERGIUS, BENGT. Tal, om läckerheter, både i sig sjelfva sådana, och för sådana ansedda genom folkslags bruk och inbillning. Hållet för Kongl. Vetenskaps academien vid Praesidii nedläggande, den 3 maj 1780. I–II. Stockholm, Johan Georg Lange, 1785–87. + (BLOM, CARL MAGNUS). Register öfver...Bengt Bergii Tal om läckerheter, som hölls... 1780. Stockholm, Johan Georg Lange, 1785
8:o. (187 x 117 mm.). (6), (1)–272, (2, sista blank); (4), (1)–20 (Bloms register); (9), 4–328 s. Graverade vinjetter på titelblad, den senare inklistrad. Nött brunt samtida halvfranskt band, sprickor i främre fals, hårt nött guldornerad rygg med fem upphöjda bind. Främre pärmens insida med spår efter borttaget exlibris.
Du Rietz 48; Krok. s. 74:5. Detta verk som utgavs av Samuel Ödmann efter författarens död, kallas ibland för en global mathistorisk klassiker. En tysk översättning av detta intressanta verk utkom 1792. Första delen behandlar läckerheter ur växtriket och den andra ur djurriket.
Lot No: 2766354
Estimate: 10 000 – 12 000 SEK
Ref. Stafleu: TL–2 348; PLESCH: Mille et un livres botaniques de la Collection Arpad Plesch (1973) page 135; Nissen: BBI 90; Pritzel 478*.
August Johann Georg Carl Batsch (1761–1802), German botanist at Jena, professor of botany, director of ”Physicalische Gesellschaft”.
Provenance: Arad Plesch (1889–1974) was a Hungarian financier, banker, and lawyer. He owned a celebrated collection of rare botanical books and esoteric pornography. His botanical collection has been included in Douglas Cooper’s Great Private Collections.
Lot No: 2817569
Estimate: 8 000 – 10 000 SEK
12. BATSCH, AUGUSTE JEAN GEORGE CARL, Botanique pour les Femmes et les Amateurs de Plantes.. mis en francais, et augmenté de notes et d’autres additions, par J. Fr. B********* (Bourgoing). Weimar et se trouve à Paris et Strasbourg chez Treuttel et Würtz, 1799.
8:o (about 202x115 mm.). (5), vi–xvi, (1)–198 pp. 4 folding handcoloured engraved plates (all). Contemporary somewhat worn brown calf, gilt spine, speckled edges. Some minor foxing. Armorial bookplate of the earl of Granard.
August Johann George Carl Batsch (1761–1802), German botanist at Jena, professor of botany.
Lot No: 2779416
Estimate: 2 000 – 2 500 SEK
13. ILLUSTRATED BY REDOUTÉ. LA BILLARDIERE, JAC. JUL. (HOUTON DE). Icones plantarum Syriae rariorum, descriptionibus et observationibus illustratae. I–II (of 5). Lutetiae Parisiorum, impensis Autoris et prostat venalis apud Prevost, 1791.
4:o (about 270 x 215 mm.). (2), 3–22; ((2), 3–18 pp. 20 engraved plates after P. J. Redouté – H. Redouté engraved by Maleuwre – Aubry – Voisar and others (all in part I–II, one plate in p. II with mended small tear in lower margin, plates in p. I with some smudging or staining in lower margin, 3 textleaves with mended small tears in lower margin, also some smudging or staining in lower margin).
Old blank somewhat worn wrappers. New grey linen cloth (signed Marlis Egli). Bookplate of Luyken Landfort on verso of front wrapper. Uncut.
First and only edition of this rare work (not complete, ONLY PART I–II of 5).
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1115; Pritzel 4964*; Sitwell: Great Flower Books 1990) p. 110; Stafleu: TL–2 4069. Jacques Julien Houttou de la Billardière (1775–1834), French explorer and botanist, travelled in Syria and Lebanon as well as the large insels of the Mediterranean in 1787. Provenance. Luyken Landfort.
Lot No: 2779169
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
14. BILLBERG, G. J. Ekonomisk botanik, för landtbruk, trädgårdar och apotek. I–II (allt som utkom). Stockholm, Carl Delén, 1815–16.
8:o (ca 240 x 140 mm.). (18); 12 s. 12 handkolorerade graverade planscher (alla) Ruckmann efter Palmstruch. Oskurna med tryckta originalomslag (bakre saknas till del I) i nytt grått linneklotband. (Marlis Egli 2006).
Ref. Krok: Bibliotheca botanica suecana s.83. 3. Allt som utkom. Planscherna graverade av Ruckman efter Palmstruchs förlagor. ”Ekonomisk botanik” var tänkt som ett komplement rörande de odlade växterna till Palmstruchs ”Svensk botanik”.
Lot No: 2758974
Estimate: 2 000 – 3 000 SEK
15. BISCHOFF, GOTTLIEB WILHELM. Handbuch der botanischen Terminologie und Systemkunde. Als Zweite nach einem völlig veränderten und erweiterten Plane umgearbeitete Ausgabe der Botanischen Kunstsprache in Umrissen. Nürnberg, Verlag von Johann Leinhard Schrag, 1830–44.
4:o (about 260 x 215 mm.). (7, with also the title dated 1830), VI–XVI, (2), (3), 4–581, (1 blank); (5), VI–X, (2), (583–)1047, (1 blank); (5)–VI, (2), (1049)–1609, (1), (1), 2–90 pp. 77 lihographed plates with over 3900 figures (all, some plates in vol. I brown–toned). Contemporary black half calf, somewhat worn, gilt spines, speckled edges. Stamp in upper part of some first endpapers, titles and halftitles ”Bibliotheek R.L.V.O.N.”. 3 volumes.
Ref. Stafleu: TL–2 532 The content of the parts. I: Die Einleitung, die allgemeinen und die besonderen für die phanerogamischen Pflanzen gebräuchlichen Kunstausdrück enthaltend. II: Die für die kryptogamischen Pflanzen gebräuchlichen Kunstausdrücke enthaltend. III: Die Systemkunde und das Register enthaltend.
Gottlieb Wilhelm Bischoff (1797–1854), German botanist, lexicographer and glossographer at Heidelberg.
Lot No: 2807737
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
16. BOERHAAVE, HERMAN. Index alter plantarum quae in Horto Academico Lugduno–Batavo aluntur. I–II. Lugduni Batavorum (Leyden), apud Janssonius Vander Aa, 1727.
4:o (about 225 x 170 mm.). (4), 5–6, 9–34 (lacking, as often, the blank *4), (6), 1–320, (2 blank); (2), 1–270, (18) ll. 2 titles printed in red and black with engraved vignettes (title to part II dampstained in outer margin), 40 engraved plates (all). Contemporary vellum, worn, blindtooled frames, warped boards. 1 blank leaf dampstained in outer margin. Some neat marginal and other annotations in a contemporary hand, with references to Petrus Nylandt’s Kruydt–Book (1676, Pritzel 6785) and the number of the plant in the own garden and if it is originated from seeds obtained from Boerhaave or Voorhelm (a well–known nursery).
Ref, Nissen 186; Pritzel 931; Stafleu: TL–2 593. 2nd edition, the first printed 1720. Herman Boerhaave (1668–1739), Dutch physician and botanist.
Provenance: Somebody with an own garden with excellent Dutch connections.
Lot No: 2772414
Estimate: 10 000 – 12 000 SEK
17. BRANDT, J. F.– PHOEBUS, P. – RATZEBURG, J. T. C. Abbildung und Beschreibung der in Deutschland wild wachsenden und im Gärten im Freien ausdauernden Giftgewächse nach natürlichen Familien erläutert. I–II. Berlin, bei August Hirschwald, 1838
4:o (272 x 218 mm.). (10), (1)–200; (7), VIII–XII, (1)–114 pp. 48 partly hand–coloured plates + 9 fully handcoloured plates (all, minor foxing, text partly foxed). New grey cloth. (Marlis Egli).
Ref. Nissen 226; Pritzel 1091; Stafleu: TL–2 708. Part I second edition, part II first edition.
Johann Friedrich von Brandt (1802–1879), German botanist, at St. Petersburg from 1832 onwards.
Lot No: 2816016
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
Histoire des plantes vénéneuses et suspectes de la France, ouvrage dans lequel on fait connoître toutes les plantes dont l ’usage peut devenir la source de quelques accidens plus ou moins graves; où on indique les signes qui caractérisent les diverses sortes d´empoisonnement, et les moyens les plus prompts et les plus efficaces pour remédier aux accidens causés par les poisons végétaux, tant l´intérieur qu a l´extérieur. Paris, chez A. J. Dugour et Durand, an VI (= 1798). Folio (358 x 234 mm.). (4), (i)–x, (1)–110; (4), 111–177, (1 blank) pp. 85 engraved plates printed in colour according to Bulliard’s method (all, some minor foxing).
New marbled paper boards, uncut. Minor foxing. 2 volumes.
Ref. Stafleu: TL–2 907 (our copy collated as ed. I but title as ed. II); Nissen: BBI 296; Pritzel 1354* (72 plates); Sitwell: Great Flower Books (1990) p. 81–82: Plesch: Mille et un livres botaniques de la collection Arpad Plesch pp. 164–165. Published as first part of ”Herbier de la France”. Our copy corresponds in collation and format with the first edition of 1784, but the title is that of the octavo–edition of 1798.
Lot No: 2809803
Estimate: 20 000 – 25 000 SEK
18. BULLIARD, (JEAN BAPTISTE FRANCOIS PIERRE).19. BULLIARD, PIERRE. Flora parisiensis, ou descriptions et figures des plantes qui croissent aux environs de Paris, avec les différens noms, classes, ordres et genres qui leur conviennent, rangés suivant la méthode sexuelle de M. Linné. I–VI. Paris (Didot le Jeune) 1776–83.
8:o (c. 190 x 118 mm.). Hand–coloured engraved title, 2 hand–coloured engraved plates to ’Introduction’, 639 hand–coloured engraved plates (LACKING 1 PLATE, some slight foxing). Somewhat worn contemporary brown half calf, some cracking in joints, worn gilt spines with red title labels, green edges. Engraved armorial bookplate. Librairie F. Savy antiquarian book label.
First and only edition.
Ref. Great Flower Books, p.81; Nissen 295; Stafleu/Cowan TL2 904; Sitwell/Blunt S. 81.A classic herbal of plants from the Ile de France With the (usually lacking) ”Introduction a la flore des environes de Paris, suivant la méthode sexulle de M. Linné..” of 32 pp. Lacking Index as usual. ’The six volume Flora Parisiensis (1776–1783), now a rarity, contained descriptions and plates (by Bulliard himself) of 640 taxa... The Linnaean system was outlined in a separate introduction’ (Stafleu p. 289). Pierre Bulliard (1742–93), French physician and botanist.
Lot No: 2745206
Estimate: 50 000 – 60 000 SEK
20. JONAS CEDERSTEDTS EXEMPLAR. BUSSER JOH.. B., Utkast till beskrifning om Upsala. I–II. Upsala, J. Edman, 1773, 69.
8:o. (8), (1)–276, (25); (6), (1)–158, (48) s. 2 graverade porträtt, 29 delvis utvikbara graverade kartor och planscher, varav 3 inklistrade. vignetter. (saknar som ofta extraplanschen “luftpumpen“ samt ”Nya Rådhuset med östra delen kring Nya Torget” och ”Ärke Biskops Huset”, enstaka revor och brunfläckar).
Samtida brunt hfrbd, delvis nött, lagad i falsarna, guldornerad rygg med fem upphöjda bind. Namnteckning på titelbladet Jon. Cederstedt 1784, hans vapenexlibris på insidan av främre pärm, på försättsbladet Karl Bergström, hans exlibris på insidan av främre pärm, inklistrat exlibris på försättsbladet ”Bequest of Kenneth K. Mackenzie October 1934 och The Horticultural Society of New York”. Medföljer löst bifogat Mackenzies katalogkort, som visar att boken köptes från Björck & Börjesson 1926 för 90 kronor. Enstaka brunfläckar.
Ref. Soulsby 1054; Hulth s. 139; Warmholtz 350. Exemplar med de två sällsynta porträtten av Gustav III och Carl v. Linné. Kap. VI i d. II, “Om Academiae Trädgården“, är författat av Linné.
Proveniens: Jonas Cederstedt (1756–1811), den siste av sin ätt på svärdssidan, se Carlander III: s. 66; Karl–Johan Bergström
Lot No: 2809161
Estimate: 4 000 – 5 000 SEK
21. CAMERARIUS, IOACHIMO (Joachim the Younger). Icones accurate nunc primum delineatae praecipuarum stirpium, quarum descriptiones tam in Horto quam in Sylva Hercynia suis locis habentur. Francofurti ad Moenum, apud Iohannem Feyerabend, impensis Sigismundi Feyerabendij – Heinrici Dackij – Petri Fischeri, 1588.
Small 4:o (about 182x142 mm.). (2), I–XLVII, I–IX, (4) pp. Each page with a roman number with a woodcut, (in all 56, partly some foxing in upper margin), title and last leaf with woodcut printer’s device.
Later (19th century) somewhat worn blue marbled boards, rebacked with black cloth, spine blank. (signed Kellner). Title mended in upper margin. Some expertly mended
worming. This work is the atlas to Camerarius ”Hortus medicus et philosophicus” from the same year. The woodcuts originating from Gessner’s collection of plant drawings are according to Christian Treviranus the best botanical woodcuts ever made (see Blunt and Stearn: The Art of Botanical Illustration, 2015) p. 84, fig. 36 (p.85).
Ref. Nissen: BBI 311; Pritzel 1440*
Joachim Camerarius the Younger (1534–1598), German botanist, naturalist, and medic.
Lot No: 2779745
Estimate: 10 000 – 15 000 SEK
(1858–1957, landshövding i Norrbotten, Kenneth K. Mackenzie, The Horticultural Society of New York, de Belder.22. ILLUSTRATIONS BY REDOUTÉ. CANDOLLE, A. P. De. (Plantarum Succulentarum historia ou Histoire naturelle des plantes grasses. No title, one first wrapper of a fascicule sits as title). Livrasion I–X (of 31). Paris, Garnery, an VIII–(IX = 1798–99). Not complete, consists of livrasion I–X of 31) with text.
Folio (about 330x253 mm.). 1–27, 27*, 27**, 28–60 pp. 60 colour printed engraved plates by P. J. Redouté finished by hand (plate 55 and 60 by H. J. Redouté, leaf 59–60 and first plate with larger brownspot).
New grey linen cloth. (Marlis Egli 2006).
The first major botanical work to rely on colour–printed plates using the technique of stipple–engraving.
Nissen: BBI 321; Pritzel 1463; Sitwell: Great Flower Books (1990) p. 85; Stafleu: TL–2 983.
Augustine Pyramus der Candolle (1778–1841), Swiss botanist.
Lot No: 2801653
Estimate: 20 000 – 25 000 SEK
23. CHABRAEO, DOMINIC. Stirpium icones et sciagraphia cum omnibus qvae de plantarum natura, natalibus, synonymus, use & virtutibus, scitu necessaria: quibus accessit Scriptirum circa eas consensus, & dissensus. Genevae, apud Ioannem Anthonium Chouêt, 1677.
Folio (about 335 x 210 mm.). (8), 1–661 (page 385–386 omitted at pagination.), (1 blank), (28) pp. Extra engraved title, and approximately 3400 woodcut illustrations in text.
Worn contemporary brown half leather, spine in six compartments, red edges. Title mended in lower outer corner, pp. 472–473 and 569–570 mended in lower margin. Partly mended worming in outer margin of pp. 453–464. Minor foxing.
Second edition. Chabraeus, Swiss physician and botanist, edited and published Bauhin and Cherler’s Historia plantarum universalis 1650–51. Compare Pritzel 1650*.
Lot No: 2744534
Estimate: 10 000 – 12 000 SEK
24. CLUSIUS, CAROLUS (L’ESCLUSE, CHARLES). Rariorum plantarum historiae. Quae accesserint, proxima pagina docebit. Antverpiae, ex officina Plantiniana apud Ioannem Moretum, 1601.
Folio (about 355x228 mm.). (12, included engraved title), 1–364; i–cccxlviii, (1–12, last blank) pp. Engraved title within figurative border (later reinforced in upper margin, cut to platemark in outer margin, overwritten annotation in lower margin, LACKS THE ENGRAVED PORTRAIT), more than 1100 woodcuts in text.
Contemporary vellum, most probably a remboitage, somewhat worn and spotted, lacks straps, new first endpaper, lacks last endpaper. A very clean copy, only engraved title a little soiled.
Ref: Nissen;: BBI 372, 374; Hunt 180; Stafleu: TL–2 1149; Pritzel 12759; Waller 11556; 100 Botanische Juwelen 19. First edition of the first volume of Clusius’s collected works. The second volume ”Exoticorum libri decem” was published in Leiden in 1605. The present work is a variant with table of contents on verso of engraved title. Charles l’Ecluse or Clusius (1526–1609), garden director in Vienna, Frankfurt am Main and since 1593 in Leyden. The ”Historia”, a résumé of his lifework is considered to be the main work of descriptive botany of the time. (100 Botanische Juwelen).
Lot No: 2751736
Estimate: 25 000 – 30 000 SEK
26. FLORA OF PARIS. DALIBARD, (T. F.). Florae Parisensis prodromus, ou catalogue des plantes qui naissent dans les environs de Paris,... Paris (chez Durand – Pissot) 1749.
Small 8:o (about 160 x 95 mm.). (22), (i)–liv, (14), (1)–403, (1 blank), (30) pp. 4 folding engraved plates (all).
Contemporary brown mottled full calf, partly worn, gilt spine, red edges.
Ref. Pritzel 2036
Lot No: 2752331
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
25. COLONNA, FABIO. Phytobasanus (Greek text) cui accessit vita Fabi et lynceorum notitia adnotatinoesque phytobasanon Iano Planco Ariminensi auctore... Mediolani (Milan), I. P. Aere & Petri Caietani Viviani Cuir, 1744.
4:o (about 270 x 200 mm.). (2), (I)–LII, 1–134 pp. Title with engraved vignette, 2 engraved vignettes, 2 engraved initials, 38 engraved plates (all). Modern mottled brown half calf, blindtooled spine in six compartments.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 386; Pritzel 1822*. First edition published In Napoli 1592.
Lot No: 2744244
Estimate: 6 000 – 8 000 SEK
8:o (about 196 x 125 mm.). (3), iv–vi, 365, (1), (1)–16 pp (publisher’s catalogue, dated January 1872). 1 folding wood–engraved plate, illustrations in text.
Publisher’s plum coloured cloth, gilt orchid on upper cover, brown coated endpapers, very slightly worn, faded spine with gilt title and publisher’s name, uncut. (Edmonds & Remnants, London, label on inside of lower board).
First edition. Freeman 800. Binding variant b. The first work Darwin published after ”On the Origin of Species”. The present work is the only Darwin edition published by Murray between 1859 and 1910 not bound in green cloth.
Lot No: 2765671
Estimate: 10 000 – 12 000 SEK
27. DARWIN, CHARLES. On the various contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are fertilised by insects, and on the good effects of intercrossing. London, John Murray, 1862.28. THE FITZWILLIAM–PLESCH COPY OF HORTUS ELTHAMENSIS 1732. DILLENIUS, JOHANNE JACOBO. Hortus Elthamensis seu Plantarum Rariorum quas in horto suo Elthami in Cantio coluit... Jacobus Sherard... delineationes et descriptiones quarum historia vel plane non, vel imperfecte a rei herbariae scriptoribus tradita fuit. (I)–II. Londini, sumptibus auctoris, 1732.
Folio (465 x 278 mm.). (4), V–VIII, 1–206; (2), 207–437, (1) pp. 325 engraved plates by Dillenius (all, some light spotting and offsetting, halftitles harder).
Late 19th century brown half morocco, somewhat worn, spine with red morocco lettering pieces, raised bands in eight compartments, redspeckled edges. Engraved bookplate of Fitzwilliam, red morocco bookplate of Arpad Plesch. 2 volumes.
Ref. Sitwell: Great Flower Books (1990) p.91; Hunt 647 (1774 edition); Nissen BBI 492; Stafleu: TL–2 471; Pritzel 2285* THE FITZWILLIAM PLESCH COPY.
This was the most important work of its time to record the flora of a private garden. This ”magnificent” work (Hunt) depicts the botanical exotica in the Eltham gardens owned by the botanist and apothecary, James Sherard (1666–1738). Dillenius drew and engraved the plates, his skill and accuracy such that they ’were sufficiently accurate to be of considerable service to Linnaeus’ (Hunt).
Provenance: William Charles, Earl Fitzwilliam (engraved bookplate); Arpad Plesch(1889–1974), Hungarian financier, banker, and lawyer. He owned a celebrated collection of rare botanical books and esoteric pornography. His botanical collection has been included in Douglas Cooper’s Great Private Collections.(red morocco book label); purchased from Wheldon and Wesley, 1976, $2,186; The Richard Harris Collection: Natural History & Colourplate Books 13/10 2010.
Lot No: 2816629
Estimate: 60 000 – 70 000 SEK
29. FIRST GERMAN EDITION 1543. (BRUNFELS, OTTO) – DIOSCORIDES, (PEDACIUS). In Dioscoridis Historiam Herbarum Certissima Adaptatio, cum Earundem Iconum Nomenclaturis Graecis, Latinis, & Germanicis. Der Kreuter Rechte Wahrhafftige Contrafactur..., Argentorati (Strassburg), Ioannes Schottus, 1543.
Folio (about 297 x 195 mm.). (2), 3–107, 112–243, 300–372 (wrongly printed 371), (6, of 16, lacking 10 pp. register) pp. Title with woodcut printer’s device, 299 mostly fullpage botanical woodcuts by or after Hans Weiditz. The last leaf (which according to Nissen is from Schott’s Tacuiniutedition from 1531) has on verso a large woodcut of a man in a wood (small repair to lower right corner of image, one woodcut on p. 49 crudely coloured affecting verso, page. 171 with a funny drawing of a man, some light finger soiling, occasional minor spotting and minor marks, pages washed, brownspotted on pp. 95–96, annotation in ink on p. 167).
Late 17th–early 18th century brown full calf, gilt single border, gilt arabesque decoration to center of boards, modern reback with gilt decoration, spine in six compartments, board edges and corners neatly repaired. Armorial bookplate of the Dalton family.
Schott who published Brunfels’ Vivae Icones has from this work excluded all text except the plant names, taken all woodcuts but 17, added 43 new ones including the final large one and also added a number of names of new plants with appropriate space where the reader can ”draw his own figures”. Contrary to Vivae icones this work is rare.
Ref. Nissen BBI 495 (under Dioscorides); Pritzel 1285*; The Cleveland Herbal, Botanical, and Horticultural Collections (1992), 60.
Lot No: 2712428
Estimate: 30 000 – 35 000 SEK
30. DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, (HENRI–LOUIS). Des Semis et Plantations des Arbres, et de leur Culture; ou Méthodes pour multiplier et élever les Arbres, les planter en Massifs & en Avenues; former les Forêts & les Bois; les entretenir, & rétablir ceux qui sont dégradés: Faisant partie du Traité complet des Bois & les Forêts. Paris, chez H.L. Guerin & L. F. Delatour, 1760. 4:o (about 255 x 198 mm.). (4), (i)–lxxx, 1–383, (1), 1–27, (1), 1–10, (2 blank) pp. 1 engraved vignette, 17 engraved folding plates (all).
Contemporary brown mottled full calf, somewhat worn, some cracks in the joints, front edges of cover gilt, richly gilt spine in six compartments, redspeckled edges.
First edition. Nissen: BBI 545; Stafleu: TL–2 1545.
Henri Louise Duhamel du Monceau (1700–1782), French agronomist, naval technologist, forester and botanist, ”inspecteur général de la Marine”. In this treatise, among the final works published during his lifetime, Duhamel focuses on tree farming, landscaping, forestry and grafting. First published in 1760, a second edition was published in 1780.
Lot No: 2757330
Estimate: 7 000 – 9 000 SEK
31. DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, (H. L.). La physique des arbres; où il est traité de l’anatomie des plantes et de l’economie végétale: Pour servir d’introduction au Traité complet des bois et des forests: Avec une dissertation sur l’utilité des méthodes de botanique; et une explication des termes propres à cette science, et qui sont en usage pour l’exploitation des bois et des forets. I–II. Paris, chez H. L. Guerin & L. F. Delatour, 1758.
4:o (about 245 x 190 mm.). (6), i–lxviii, (1)–306; (4), i–iii, (1), 1–432 pp. 50 folding engraved plates (all, a few plates slightly browned).
Contemporary brown full calf, gilt and blindtooled frames, slightly worn, middle of covers with mottled field, richly gilt spines in six compartments, marbled edges, Bookplate. 2 volumes.
Ref. Pritzel 2468; Nissen: BBI 542. Henri Louise Duhamel du Monceau (1700–1782), French agronomist, naval technologist, forester and botanist, ”inspecteur général de la Marine”.
Lot No: 2771652
Estimate: 8 000 – 10 000 SEK
32. DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, H. L. Traité des arbres et arbustes qui se cultivent en France en pleine terre. I–II. Paris, chez H. L. Guerin & L. F. Delatour, 1755.
Large 4to (258 x 196 mm). (5), lxij, 368; (4), 387 pp. 4 folding engraved plates, 1 engraved vignette, 190 text engravings, 250 woodcut plates (all, a few textleaves somewhat browned). Contemporary brown mottled full calf, some cracks in the joints, somewhat worn, gilt edges of covers, richly gilt spines in six compartments, some damages at head and foot, red speckled edges. A wide margin copy. 2 volumes.
Ref. Nissen, BBI 547, Stafleu: TL–2 1544; Pritzel 2469.
Henri Louise Duhamel du Monceau (1700–1782), French agronomist, naval technologist, forester and botanist, ”inspecteur général de la Marine”. First edition. A second edition was published in 1785. Woodcuts partly printed from the cuts of Mattioli.1562. Important and influential work on planting, growing and maintaining trees.
Lot No: 2757469
Estimate: 12 000 – 15 000 SEK
33. DURET, CLAUDE. Histoire admirable des plantes et herbes esmerveillables & miraculeuses en nature: mesmes d’aucunes qui sont vrays zoophytes, ou plant’animales, plantes & animaux tout ensemble, pour avoir vie vegetative, sensitive & animale: avec leurs portraicts au naturel, selon les histoires, descriptions, voyages & navigations des anciens & modernes Hebrieux, Chaldees, Egyptiens, Assyriens, Armeniens, Grecs, Latins, Africains, Arabes, Nubiens, Ethyopiens, Sarrasins, Turcs, Mores, Persans, Tartares, Chinois, Indiens, Portugays, Espagnols, François, Flaments, Anglois, Polonois, Moschovites, Allemans, & autres. Paris, Nicolas Buon, 1605. 8:o (about 157 x 102 mm.). (24), 1–341, (2, last blank) pp. Title with woodcut printer’s device, 28 woodcuts in text (11 hand–coloured, of which 4 crudely). Contemporary worn brown calf, spine in five compartments with traces of having been gilt, redspeckled edges. From p. 240 to the end worming in upper margin affecting some woodcuts and text. A few leaves closely cut in outer margin.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 571; Pritzel 2553. First edition of this charming compilation of accounts of remarkable plants, illustrated with equally remarkable woodcuts. Perhaps the first book on the flora of the New World to be published in France. Numerous American plants are described and identified as such, amongst them, cacao & the pineapple.
Lot No: 2766601
Estimate: 20 000 – 25 000 SEK
35. GERARD, JOHN. The Herball or Generall Historie of Plants...
34. FRIES, ELIAS. Flora Hallandica sistens enumerationem vegetabilium in Hallandia sponte nascentium, additis locis natalibus et observationibus selectis. Pars prior (allt som utkom). Lund, Typis Berlingianis, 1817–1818.
Liten 8:o (ca 182 x 110 mm.). (3), 4–159, (1 blank) s. Senare (1900–tal) marmorerat pappband, titeletikett i mörkrött skinn på främre pärm. (A.–B. Levins bokbinderi Uppsala). Titelblad och några blad i början med lätt fuktfläck i övre yttre hörn, inlagan med förstärkning av inre marginal på titel och sista bladet. Ovanlig i gott skick beroende på den dåliga papperskvaliteten.
Ref. Pritzel 3065*; Krok: 200:3.
Lot No: 2752179
Estimate: 2 000 – 3 000 SEK
Folio (about 352 x 232 mm.). (38, including engraved title), 1–30, 29–30, 29–1630, #48 p. Engraved architectural title by John Payne depicting Theophrastus and Dioscorides, Ceres and Pomona, and Gerard, about 2800 woodcuts in text. Near contemporary green full morocco, somewhat worn, hinges partly split, inner joints mended, gilt border, gilt inner borders, gilt edges of covers, richly gilt spine in six compartments, gilt edges. Armorial bookplate of Bertram Freeman–Mitford. A very clean and crisp copy with wide margins.
Ref. Nissen 698; Pritzel 3282*; Stafleu: TL–2 1993; Blunt –Raphael: The Illustrated Herbal, p. 164 ff. The first printing of
the second and ”best” edition of John Gerard’s great English herbal, very extensively corrected and enlarged by Thomas Johnson from the original edition of 1597. On page 917 in the present work appears the potato ”Battata Virginiana” for the first time in Europe, John Gerard (1545–1612) was a barber–surgeon and horticulturist who based his work on Rembert Dodoens’ earlier Stirpium Historiae Pemptades Sex and on his own extensive gardening experience.
Provenance: Algernon Bertram Freeman–Mitford, 1st Baron Redesdale (1837–1916), English diplomat. collector and writer. He was a great–grandson of William Mitford. The Mitford sisters were his grandchildren.
Lot No: 2802282
Estimate: 18 000 – 20 000 SEK
Very much enlarged and amended by Thomas Johnson... London, printed by Adam Islip, Joice Norton, and Richard Whitakers, 1633.36. THE FIRST FRENCH FLORA WITH LINNAEUS NOMINAL SYSTEM. GOÜAN, ANTONII (GOUAN, ANTOINE). Hortus regius Monspeliensis, sistens plantas tum indigenas tum exoticas no. MM.CC. ad genera relatas cum nominibus specificis, sunonymis....secundum Sexualem Methodum digestas. Lyon (sumpt. fratrum de Tournes) 1762.
8vo (205 x 125 mm). (16), 1–548, (32) pp. 6 engraved plates (numbered 1/2, 3, 4, and 3 unnumbered) by the author (all, some foxing). Contemporary light brown full calf, slightly worn, gilt edges of covers, richly gilt spine in six compartments, marbled edges. Some inkstains in
upper margin of title, last 5 leaves brownspotted in upper part of outer margin.
Ref. Soulsby 643a (only mentions 5 plates); Stafleu: TL–2 2099 (mentions 7 plates).
Antoine Gouan (1733–1821), French botanist at Montpellier, correspondent of Linnaeus.
Lot No: 2751960
Estimate: 4 000 – 5 000 SEK
37. GOÜAN, ANTOINE. llustrationes et Observationes Botanicae, ad specierum historiam facientes, seu rariorum plantarum indigenarum, pyrenaicarum, exoticarum adumbrationes, synonymorum reformationes, descriptionum castigationes, varietatum ad species genuinas redactarum determinationes. Cum iconibus ex naturae typo et magnitudine naturali ab auctore delineatis. Tiguri (Zürich), apud Orell, Gessner, Fuesslin & Socios, 1773.
Folio (about 415 x 258 mm.). (8), (1)–83, (1, corrigenda) pp. 28 folding aquatinta–engraved plates (all, partly foxed).
Near contemporary blue marbled boards, somewhat worn, new blank blue cloth spine. First edition.
Ref. Nissen 741; Stafleu: TL–2 2101; Pritzel 3487*: Stilwell: Great Flower Books (1990) 96.
Antoine Goüan (1733–1821), French botanist at Montpellier, correspondent of Linnaeus.
Lot No: 2802529
Estimate: 15 000 – 18 000 SEK
8:o (about 188 x 110 mm.). (3), iv–xiv, (1)–428 pp. 125 woodcut illustrations in text.
Publisher’s original brown decorated cloth, worn, gilt damaged spine mounted on new cloth. Partly some foxing, a few leaves harder. Bookplate of H. F. Norman M.D.
First edition. Ref. Stafleu: TL–2 2121.
Large folio (about 430x255 mm.). (4), I–LXIV, 1–444 pp. Title with engraved vignette, engraved vignette, 20 partly folding engraved plates after Chr. Jer. Rollin (all, pl. 3 with mended tear, some browning, text partly browned, about 10 leaves harder).
Contemporary brown full calf, worn, richly gilt spine in seven compartments. Engraved armorial bookplate of count Carlo Archinto, old signature on verso of title ”ex librij Aloysii Cabrini a Lauda Pompeja”, bookplate of Luigi e Sandra Morandi.
Asa Gray (1810–1888), American botanist at Harvard University. The final edition (the ninth) of the book was published in 1887. The Grolier American 100 (see 41) describes: ”one of the great American intellectual feats, which popularized botany in America”.
Lot No: 2793853
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
Ref. Nissen 774; Pritzel 3725; Stafleu: TL–2 2311.
Provenance: Count Carlo Archinto (1669–1732); Aloysius Cabrini; Luigi et Sandra Morandi. Albrecht von Halller (1708–1777), Swiss naturalist, poet, and novelist, practicing physician at Bern 1729–1736, and Goettingen 1736–1753, supervisor Salt industry Bex 1756–1764 and at Bern 1764–1777.
Only volume I (of 3).
Lot No: 2801926
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
GRAY, ASA. Elements of Botany. New York, G. & G. Carvill & Co., 1836. 39. HALLER, ALBERTI V. Historia stirpium Indigenarum Helvetiae inchoata. Vol. I (of 3). Bernae, sumptibus Societatis Typographicae, 1768.40. THE PLESCH COPY. HEDWIG, JOHANNES. Fundamentum Historiae Naturalis Muscorum Frondosorum concernens
Eorum Flores, Fructus, Seminalem Propagationem adiecta Generum Dispositione Methodica Iconibus Illustratis. I–II. Lipsiae, apud Siegfried Lebrecht Crusium, 1782.
4:o (about 250 x 203 mm.). (13), XIV–XXIII, (1), (1)–112; (7), VIII–XI, (1), (1)–107, (1) pp Title to vol. I with engraved vignette, 20 engraved hand–coloured plates, engraved by J. S. Capieux after drawings by the author (all, some old ink annotations).
Contemporary brown polished calf, slightly worn, gilt border, gilt edges of covers, gilt spine in six compartments, red edges. Old stamp in upper margin of titles ”Colleg. linciens S.J.”, red morocco bookplate of Arpad Plesch. 2 volumes.
First edition. Ref. Nissen: BBI 827; Pritzel 3878*; Stafleu: TL–2 2525; Plesch: Mille et un livres botaniques pp. 252–253. In this
copy the normally uncoloured plates are hand–coloured by Capieux himself. Beneath his engraved imprint on the first plate of each part ”Capieux sc. 1782” is written in MS. ”et nativ. colorib. expres:” – this is certainly Capieux himself. Johannes Hedwig (1730–1799), founder of modern bryology – and the present work is his first published.
Provenance: Colleg. linciens (Linz) S. J.; Arpad Plesch – his bookplate and auction 1975 item 329. Arad Plesch (1889–1974), Hungarian financier, banker, and lawyer. He owned a celebrated collection of rare botanical books and esoteric pornography. His botanical collection has been included in Douglas Cooper’s Great Private Collections.
Lot No: 2793722
Estimate: 6 000 – 7 000 SEK
41. (HEGER, JENS STEPHAN). Afbildninger i særdeleshed af de vigtigste vildtvoxende giftplanter, med beskrivelse over deres virkninger paa mennesker og dyr. Kjøbenhavn (C. Steens Forlag) 1827.
8:o (ca 213 x 130 mm.). (12), (80, ett textblad t. varje plansch) pp. 40 handkolorerade graverade planscher (alla).
Samtida nött och något fläckat klotband, främre snitt fläckat i nedre kant. Textbladen upp till plansch 11 nära skurna i övre marginal med förlust av planschnummer.
Ref. Bibl. Danica 1:826. Första upplagan av Hegers arbete, där planscherna till största delen ar framställda efter ”Flora Danica” eller Palmstruchs ”Svensk botanik”. Texten huvudsakligen efter Hornemanns ”Forsög til en dansk oekonomisk plantelaere”.
Christensen: Den danske botaniks historie. vol. II. Bibliografi, sid 189.
Lot No: 2753125
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
42. HEGETSCHWEILER, JOHANNES. Die Giftpflanzen der Schweiz. Zürich, Johannes Esslinger Praeceptor, no date (but 1828–1834).
Small 4:o (about 200 x 165 mm. (2), (I)–XXVI, (1)–84, (2, verso blank) pp. 38 hand–coloured plates, lithographed by C. F. Brodtman after drawings by J. Labram (all, text partly foxed). Contemporary grey blank wrappers, newly bound in grey linen cloth (signed Marlis Egli). Partly uncut. Stamped on title and upper wrapper ”Städt. Gymnasium Bern. Naturalienkabinett ”.
Ref. Nissen BBI 839. Pritzel 3905, Stafleu: TL–2 2564. Johannes Hegetschweiler–Bodmer (1789–1839), Swiss botanist.
Lot No: 2795071
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
43. HOFFMAN, GEORGIO FRANCISCO (GEORG FRANZ). Historia Salicum iconibus illustrata. Vol. I fasciculus primus (–quartus). Lipsiae, impensis Siegfried Crusii,1785–1787.
Folio (about 358 x 237 mm.). (7), 8–76, (2) pp. 24 engraved plates engraved by J. Nussbiegel and Capieux after the Author (all, last 8 plates badly waterstained, the names of the plants are written in ink on the plates).
Contemporary worn speckled stiff paper boards, bumped corners, blank spine, some damage at foot. Signature on title of G. A. Voigt, presentation inscription on first endpaper by A. W. Roth to de Voigt. Rare first edition. Ref. Nissen: BBI 893; Stafleu: TL–2 2879; Pritzel 4127*; Sitwell: Great Flower Book (1990) p. 101. In 1791 vol. II fasc. I was published, the work was never finished. It is the first monograph on the willow family.
Georg Franz Hoffman (1760–1826), German botanist, professor of botany at Erlangen 1789, Göttingen 1792, and Moscow 1804.
Provenance: Presentation copy from G. A. Voigt to Albrecht Wilhelm Roth (1757–1834), German botanist and physician.
Volume II with one fasciculis lacking as often. The work was never finished.
Lot No: 2780442
Estimate: 8 000 – 10 000 SEK
44. JUSSIEU’S REVOLUTIONARY WORK. JUSSIEU, ANTOINE LAURENT DE. Genera plantarum secundum ordines naturales disposita, juxta methodum in Horto regio Parisiensi exaratam, anno M.DCC.LXXIV. Parisiis, apud Viduam Herissant... et Theophilum Barrouis, 1789.
8:o (about 195 x 120 mm.). (2), 3–24, (i)–lxxii, (1)–498, (2, errata, verso blank) pp.
Contemporary brown mottled full calf, somewhat faded richly gilt spine in six compartments, red edges.
First edition of a landmark in the history of botany. Ref. Pritzel 4549*; Stafleu: TL–2 3468. Antoine Laurent de Jussieu (1748.1836), French botanist at the Museum d’Histoire naturelle, most forceful early promotor of the ”natural system” (Stafleu). A revolutionary work introducing the family as a botanical entity, the manuscript was left to the printer the day before the start of the French revolution.
Provenance: Queronic (probably a castle with a large library, to be found in many bibliographical references).
Lot No: 2781178
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
45. ANNALS OF BOTANY. Ed. Charles Konig and John Sims. I–II (all published). London, printed for the editors by R. Taylor and Co., 18(04)–1806.
8:o (about 210 x 126 mm.). (5), vi–viii, (1).592; 6, vii–viii, (1). –600 pp. 2 engraved portraits (John Ray and James Dillenius, some marginal foxing), 30 engraved partly folding plates, 2 hand–coloured (all, plate 8 in vol. I damaged in upper outer corner, no pictorial loss, some foxing). Contemporary worn brown mottled calf, mended in the joints, somewhat faded gilt spines. Some foxing, a couple of pages harder. Bookplate of Bequest of Kenneth K. Mackenzie October 1934 and one other. Rare in complete state.
Provenance: Kenneth K. Mackenzie; The Horticultural Society of New York.
Ref. Stafleu: TL–2 3827 (has found just one copy with plate 13 in vol. I and does not mention the portrait (of John Ray); Nissen: BBI 2213; Pritzel 10687. Contributions from among others Göran Wahlenberg and Olof Swartz.
Lot No: 2793340
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
Versuch bey angehender Frühlingszeit die Vergrösserungs Werckzeuge zum nützlich und angenehmen Zeitvertrieb anzuwenden– Essai d’employer les instruments microscopiques avec utilité et plaisir dans la saison de printemps. Traduit de l’Allemand par I. C. Harrepeter. Nürnberg, bey A. L. Wirsing, 1764.
Folio (about 370 x 275 mm.). (2, engraved title), 1–48 pp. Handcoloured engraved title, 12 handcoloured engraved plates A. L. Wirsing after Ledermüller (all, a few small brown spots). Contemporary brown half calf worn, spine in six compartments with blindtooled decorations, mended at head, last endpapers with repairs.
Ref, Nissen, BBI 1160. The work demonstrates the use of microscopy ”as a pastime”, probably for ”Privatgelehrten”. Martin Frobenius Ledermüller (1719–1769), German lawyer, naturalist, illustrator, microscopist and botanist.
Lot No: 2725252
Estimate: 18 000 – 20 000 SEK
47. LEHMANN, JOANNES GEORG. CHRISTIANUS. Monographia generis Potentillarum. No place or printer (Leipzig, Johann Friedrich Glück) 1820.
4:o (about 243 x 195 mm.). (6), (1)–201, (1 blank), (2) pp. 20 engraved plates F. Guimpel (all, plate VII close cut in outer and lower margin, plate XII in outer margin).
Contemporary red full morocco, only slightly worn, gilt frames, all edges gilt, gilt spine. Stamp on title P.v.H under a royal crown. Signature on first free endpaper L. Preuss, bookplate of Christian Heuer.
Ref. Nissen: BBI, 1166; Pritzel 5170; Stafleau :TL–2 4324; Sitwell: Great Flower Books (1990) page 111. None of these editions are printed in Leipzig as our copy. A supplement was published in 1835.
Joannes Georg Christianus Lehmann (1792–1860), botanist, founder and leader of the Botanical Garden in Hamburg.
Provenance: Peter Friedrich Ludwig (1755–1829, Prince of Holstein–Gottorp, his ink monogram stamp on title); L. Preuss; Christian Heuer (Bloomsbury 2013, The Library of a Continental Gentleman).
Lot No: 2711857
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
48. BEAUTIFUL WORK ON ORCHIDS. LINDEN, J(EAN JULES). Pescatorea. Iconographie des orchidées. Avec la collaboration de J.–E. Planchon, M.–G. Reichenbach fils, G. Luddemann. Volume I (all published). Bruxelles, M. Hayez, 1860.
Large folio (about 458 x 326 mm.). General title, title page for the first part, Avant–Propos, Orchidées figurees dans ce volume (one leaf each), 48 hand–coloured lithograph plates, each with a leaf of explanatory text, unpaginated all through (all, each with protective paper, only very minor spotting). Later green half calf, slightly faded spine in six compartments, upper edge gilt (signed Sangorski and Sutcliffe on first endpaper). Stamp on general title ”Bibliotheque de San Donato”.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1196; Pritzel 5335*; Stafleau: TL–2 4622; Sitwell: Great Flower Books (1990) pp. 113–114.
Jean Jules Linden (1817–1898), botanist, explorer, travelling in America 1835–1845, plant dealer in Luxemburg 1845–1852, director of the Jardin royal de Zoologie et d’horticulture in Brussels 1852–1861. An important large–format work on a wide–ranging selection of the most beautiful tropical orchids. Château de La Celle Saint–Cloud is an estate in Yvelines, just north of Versailles. In 1844 it was bought by Jean–Pierre Pescatorea, a wealthy tobacco merchant. Together with his wife and the Bulher brothers they transformed the gardens, building a manège, an orangerie, a path lined with foreign and exotic trees, and an orchid greenhouse. Provenance: Bibliothèque de la Palais de San Donato, Florence, probably sold at their auction in Florence 1880.
Lot No: 2730316
Estimate: 35 000 – 40 000 SEK
49. LINNÉ, CARL VON. Critica botanica in qua nomina plantarum generica, specifica, & variantia examini subjiciuntur, selectoria confirmantur, indigna rejiciuntur; simulque doctrina circa denominationem plantarum traditur. Seu Fundamentorum botanicorum pars IV. Accedit Johannis Browalli De necessitate historiæ naturalis discursus. Lugduni Batavorum (Leiden), C. Wishoff, 1737.
8:o (about 198 x 120 mm.). (16), 1–270, (36, Index nominum), (8, Index rerum), (lacks 2 blank); (8), 1–24 (Discursus) pp.
Contemporary brown mottled full calf, somewhat worn, richly gilt spine in six compartments, red edges. Signature on first endpaper ”Oscar L Isacson Boktryckare Göteborg 18.10.1922”.
First edition. Ref. Hulth p. 21; Stafleu TL–2 4718; Soulsby 276. Printed dedication to J. J. Dillenius, this is an elaboration of Aphorisms 210–314 of the Fundamenta botanica, 1736. The Discursus has a separate title and pagination.
Lot No: 2808377
Estimate: 8 000 – 10 000 SEK
50. LINNÉ, CARL VON (LINNAEUS). Hortus Cliffortianus plantas exhibens quas in hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia, coluit vir nobilissimus & generosissimus Georgius Clifford, juris utriusque doctor, reductis varietatibus ad species, speciebus ad genera, generibus ad classes, adjectis locis plantarum natalibus differentiisque specierum. Cum tabulis æneis... Amstelaedami (Amsterdam) 1737.
Folio (390 x 250 mm.). (32), I–X, 1–231, (1 blank), 301–501, (17) pp. Engraved allegorical frontispiece of the Hortus Cliffortianus by and after Jan Wandelaar (dated 1738), Wandelaar’s 1–page explanation of the frontispiece, title printed in red & black with engraved vignette A. van der Laar. Linnaeus’s dedications to George Clifford and to the ‘botanical reader’, the dedications dated 30 July 1737. 36 engraved plates by Jan Wandelaar and others (20 after Georg Dionysius Ehret; complete, some very minor foxing).
Modern dark brown full richly gilt morocco, gilt inner borders, gilt spine in six compartments, marbled edges (J. M. Romeo, Barcelona, 1988). Marbled case, partly worn. The volume is cut too close and tightly bound so there are occasional horizontal creases all through). Very minor foxing, from page 493 to the end some dampstaining in lower outer corner.
First edition privately published by George Clifford for his friends in a very limited number. Only a few copies were for sale. With this work Linnaeus introduced the terms ”species” and ”variety” under the genus concept in describing plants for the first time in the history of botany. An abridgement was published with the title ”Viridiarum cliffortianum” in Amsterdam 1737 (Soulsby 331). Ref. Soulsby 328; Hulth pp. 27–28; Sitwell: Great Flower Books (1990) p. 115; Pritzel 5408*; Stafleau: TL–2 4719.
Lot No: 2715814
Estimate: 20 000 – 25 000 SEK
51. OLOF KALMETER’S COPY. FIRST EDITION OF SPECIES PLANTARUM LINNÉ, CARL VON. Species plantarum, exhibentes plantas rite cognitas ed genera relatas,... secundum Systema sexuale digestas. Ed. I. I–II. Stockholm (L. Salvius) 1753.
Large 8:o. (12), 1–560; (2), 561–1200, (30), (2, errata, last blank) pp.
Contemporary brown half calf, somewhat worn, gilt spines in six compartments, small damage at foot of vol. II. Signature on titles ”Kalmeter”, on inside of upper board ”Pet. Boling”. 2 volumes in a new cassette.
Ref. Stafleau: TL–2 4769; Hunt Botanical Books 548; Pritzel 5427 Soulsby 480a, Hulth pp. 89–92. First edition. ”The foundation of ”binary nomenclature” in botany, and thus the starting–point of modern botanical nomenclature.” (Sandbergs bokhandel, catalogue 12). With the cancellated leaves 75–76, 89–90 and 259–60 and therefore the second issue that Linnaeus himself had replaced and reprinted.
Provenance: Olof Kalmeter (1711–1766), physician, Linnaeus’ brother in law; Petrus Boling, headmaster in Gävle 1786–1805.
Lot No: 2808716
Estimate: 18 000 – 20 000 SEK
52. GUSTAF BERNSTRÖMS EXEMPLAR. LINNÉ, CARL VON. Wästgöta–resa,... förrättad år 1746... (uplagd på Lars Salvii bekostnad) 1747. 8:o. (12), (1)–284, (20, sista sidan blank). 5 utvikbara graverade plransche (alla), träsnitt i texten. Senare mörkbrunt marmorerat halvfranskt band, på främre pärmen Gustaf Bernströms guldpressade exlibris, rikt guldornerad rygg med fem upphöjda bind, röd och grön titeletikett, marmorerade snitt. (Hedberg). Titelbladet något bruntonat i hörnen och med namnteckning Tham. Praktexemplar.
Originalupplagan. Ref. Soulsby 218, Bring 157: Hulth s. 51–52. Den ovanligaste av Linnés resor. Proveniens: Per Tham (1737–1820), hovjunkare, hovintendent, samlare. Carlander d. II: s. 668–674; Gustaf Bernström.
Lot No: 2717878
Estimate: 12 000 – 15 000 SEK
53. LINNÉ, CARL VON. Philosophia botanica, in qua explicantur fundamenta botanica... adjectis figuris aeneis. Stockholm (G. Kiesewetter) 1751.
8:o (ca 195 x 120 mm.). (6), (1)–362 pp. Engraved frontispiece portrait of Linnaeus (some light browning in the margins), engraved by I. M. Bernigeroth, 9 engraved plates (all, minor foxing), 2 fullpage woodcuts in text. Title with Linnaeus’s own printed seal, the Linnaea. Contemporary brown full calf, slightly worn, spine in six compartments, last page browned. Annotation on verso of the Linnaeus portrait. Signature on title Carl C:son Böcker, on inside of upper board C. N. Nerén Skeninge 1875.
Ref. Soulsby 437, 3124. Hulth 78. Tullberg 54 and 8. First edition. The plates have also been used in ”Hortus Cliffortianus”.
Provenance: Carl C:son Böcker; C. H. Nerén (1827–1901), city physician in Skänninge 1862–1877, distinguished entomologist.
Lot No: 2745126
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
54. LINNÉ, CARL VON. Skånska resa,... förrättad år 1749... Med anmärkningar uti oeconomien, naturalier, antiquiteter, seder, lefnads–sätt. Med tilhörige figurer. Stockholm (Uplagd på Lars Salvii kostnad) 1751.
8:o. 194 x 118 mm. (10), (I)–XIV, (1)–434, (34) s. Titelblad i rött och svart (brunfläckat i hörnen), 1 utvikbar graverad karta över Skåne, 6 utvikbara graverade planscher (all, fina avdrag), träsnitt i texten.
Något senare lätt nött brunt halvfranskt band, guldornerad rygg. Enstaka brunfläckar.
Ref. Soulsby 210, Bring 164. Sidan 26 med omtrycket “Gödselen“. Planscher och karta graverade av C. Bergquist.
Proveniens: Enligt klipp ur auktionskatalog från Claes–Glöran Rasmusson kommer exemplaret ur Carl Gustaf Tessins bibliotek, där obundet och senare bundet av Tessins son.
Lot No: 2780614
Estimate: 15 000 – 18 000 SEK
55. LINNÉ, CARL VON. Öländska och gothländska resa... förrättad åhr 1741... Stockholm – Uppsala (G. Kiesewetter) 1745.
8:o (ca 171 x 104 mm.). (14), (1)–160, (3), 164–344, (30) s. Sista bladet med ”Tryck–fehl”. 2 utvikbara graverade kartor över Gotland och Öland, 1 utvikbar graverad blomsterplansch (något brunfläckad), graverade av Carl Bergqvist (alla) och andra illustrationer. Senare (sent 1800–tal) ljusbrunt hfrbd, något nött. Delvis nära skuren. Namnteckning på titelbladet Nils Sam.Swederus.
Första upplagan. Ref. Soulsby 202, Bring 148. Hulth 44 (nämner inte planschen). ”...of particular interest for the botanical resluts of this expedition during which Linné collected 100 plants, and many interesting observations relating to mineralogy, especially iron, and the manner and customs of the people of the two islands” (Sandbergs bokhandel, catalogue 12).
Proveniens: Nils Samuel Swederus (1751–1833) svensk naturforskare, vitterhetsidkare, präst och entomolog. Hovpredikant 1782, kyrkoherde i Näsby och Ervalla församlingar 1789 samt prost i Fellingsbro 1801. Medlem av Svenska Vetenskapsakademien
Lot No: 2744932
Estimate: 10 000 – 12 000 SEK
56. LONICER (LONITZER), ADAM. Kreuterbuch, Kunstliche Conterfeytunge der Bäume, Stauden, Hecke, Kreuter, Gewürtze Mit eigentlicher Beschreibung derselben Namen, in sechserley Spraachen, nemlich, Griechisch, Latinisch, Italianisch, Frantzösisch, Teutsch und Hispanisch, und derselben Gestalt, natürlicher Krafft und Wirckung. Sampt künstlichem und artlichem Bericht desz Distillierens. Item von fürnembsten Gethieren der Erden, Vögeln, und Fischen. Deszgleichen von Metallen, Ertze, Edelgesteinen, Gummi, und gestandenen Säfften. Jetzo auffs fleissigste zum sechsten mal von neuwem ersehen... Frankfort, Christian Egenollfs seligen Erben, 1577–78.
Folio (about 330 x 204 mm.). (16), I–CCCI, CCCI–CCCLVIII, (2, last 3 pages blank) ll. Title printed in red and black with large woodcut vignette, over 800 woodcuts in text, last but one leaf with large woodcut printer’s device.
Contemporary vellum, slightly worn, new inner doublures and endpapers. Leaf XIV–XV with tear in lower margin, 3 leaves with small corner damages, some very minor foxing. A very clean and wide margin copy.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1228; Pritzel 5599. First published in 1557, a revised version of Eucharius Rössner’s herbal, with many editions printed to the end of the 18th century. Adam Lonitzer (Lonicerus, 1528–1586, German physician and botanist at Frankfurt and Mainz (1545–1553), Marburg (1553–1554) and Frankfurt am Main (1555–1586).
Lot No: 2780850
Estimate: 20 000 – 25 000 SEK
ou Descriptions et figures de toutes les espèeces et variétés de chênes de l’Amérique Septentrionales, considérés sous les rapports de la botanique, de leur culture et de leur usage. Paris, de l’imprimerie de Crapåelet, an IX–1801.
Large folio (about 537 x 350 mm.). Half–title, title, (1)–7, (5), (44) pp. 36 engraved plates after drawings by the Redouté brothers with loose tissue papers, engraved by A. Plée and L. Sellier. Large paper copy on wove paper, uncut, in original pink worn provisional delivery paper boards, renovated spine and modern title, partly worn and with damages to lower part of spine.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1358; Sitwell: Great Flower Books (1990) p. 119,; Stafleu: TL–2 5957; Pritzel 6194. The present work describes twenty species and sixteen varieties of oaks, with their leaves and acorns brilliantly illustrated by Pierre Joseph and Henri Joseph Redouté. The descriptions present information about size, location, and practical uses of the various species of oak trees for houses, ships, ink, barrels, wheels, various carpentry work, and even firewood. André Michaux (1746–1802), French botanist and explorer of Iran (1782–1785), North America (1785–1796), a French exploring expedition (1800–1805) under captain Baudin as far as Madagascar, where he died.
Provenance: Des Ducs de Luynes (their auction Sotheby’s Paris 2013 item 669).
Lot No: 2730922
Estimate: 60 000 – 70 000 SEK
57. PLATES BY THE REDOUTÉ BROTHERS. MICHAUX, ANDRÉ. Histoire des chênes de l’Amérique,58. MICHELI, PIETRO ANTYONIO. Nova Plantarvm Genera Ivxta Tovrnefortii Methodvm Disposita : Quibus Plantæ MDCCCC recensentur, scilicet fere MCCCC nondum observatæ, reliquæ suis sedibus restitutæ; quarum vero figuram exhibere visum fuit, ex ad DL æneis Tabulis CVIII. graphice expressæ sunt ; Adnotationibus, atque Observationibus, præcipue Fungorum, Mucorum, affinuimque Plantarum sationem, ortum, & incrementum spectantibus, interdum adiectis. Florentiae, typis Bernardi Paperinii, 1729.
Folio (about 340 x 235 mm.). (24), (1)–234 pp. Title printed in red and black with hand–coloured engraved vignette, 3 hand–coloured engraved historiated initials heightened in gold, 3 engraved vignettes, one hand–coloured endpiece, 108 engraved plates (all, 2 with pencil annotations in the margins, minor foxing).
Later (early 20th century) vellum, some mending, redspeckled edges. 2 textleaves with some mending in inner margin, minor foxing.
Ref. Pritzel 6202. Nissen 1363. Stafleu: TL–2 5974. Pietro Antonio Micheli (1679–1737), Italian botanist, curator of the botanical garden of Firenze, botanist to the grand duke of Tuscany A clean copy with wide margins of the first and only edition of this work, highly prized by Linnaeus, which may be taken as a milestone in the literature of mycology. Micheli was the first to understand and describe the germination of fungi.
Lot No: 2771263
Estimate: 10 000 – 12 000 SEK
59. DUTCH POISONOUS PLANTS. MIQUEL, F.A.W. De Noord–Nederlandsche vergiftige gewassen. Amsterdam, C.G. Sulpke, 1836. 8:o (214 x 124mm). (7), 8–198 pp. 30 fine hand–coloured lithographed plates (all, partly some light dampstaining).
Contemporary green morocco, wide gilt borders, gilt spine in five compartments, marbled edges. Text dampstained in upper outer corner almost throughout, some marginal foxing.
Ref. Nissen 1388; Stafleu: TL–2 6088; Pritzel 6257. Friedrich Anton Wilhelm Miquel, (1811–1871), Dutch botanist, director of the Rotterdam botanical garden 1835–1846; professor of botany
and director of the botanical garden at Amsterdam 1846–1859, idem at Utrecht 1859–1871, from 1862 also director of the Leiden Rijjksherbarium.
Lot No: 2753323
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
60. MÜLLER’S FINELY ILLUSTRATED SPECIES PLANTARUM 1757. MUELLER (MÜLLER), JOHANN GOTTHILF. Species Plantarum Secundum Vegetationis Et Fructificationis partes ad vivum delineatae... Die Pflanzengattungen nach ihren Belaubungs– und Befruchtungstheilen in natürlicher Gestalt abgerbildet... Erstes Zehend (all published). Berlin, gedruckt bey Christian Ludewig Kunst, 1757. Folio (about 405 x 248 mm.). (2, title). 10 fine engraved plates by C. B. Glasbach or N. F. Sauerbrey after drawings by J. Hopfer (all, with protective paper to each plate).
19th century brown half calf, worn, mended in the joints, spine with title in gold mounted, Booksellers label of Junk, Berlin; bookplate ”Bequest of Kenneth K. Mackenzie”, last plate with the blindstamp of The Horticultural Society of New York.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1426; Pritzel 6522* (coloured plates). No text issued but title. Plates with captions in Latin and German. Published just four years after Linnaeus’ Species Plantarum, each plate includes Linnean classification. The plates are mostly exotic species from Asia and Africa.
Provenance. Bequest of Kenneth K. Mackenzie 1934; The Horticultural Society of New York;
Lot No: 2756847
Estimate: 15 000 – 18 000 SEK
61. MUNTING, ABRAHAM. Naauwkeurige beschryving der aardgewassen, waar in de veelerley aart en bijzondere eigenschappen der boomen, heesters, kruyden, bloemen, met haare vrugten, zaden, wortelen en bollen, neevens derzelver waare voort–teeling, gelukkige aanwinning, en heylzaame genees–krachten, na een veel–jarige oeffening en eigen ondervinding, in drie onderscheide boeken, naauwkeuriglijk beschreeven worden; foor den heer Abraham Munting, In zijn leeven, hoogleraar der genees–en kruydkunde in de vermaarde Akademie te Groeningen. Nu eerst nieuwelijks uitgegeeven, en met meer dan 250 afbeeldingen, all naer ’t leeven geteekend en konstiglijk in ’t koper gesneeden, vercierd. Met nodige registers verrijkt. Leyden, Pieter vander AA – Utrecht. Francois Halma, 1696.
Folio (about 400 x 260mm.).(38) pp, column 1–640, (2) pp, column 641–930, 64 pp. Extra engraved title, title printed in red and black, 243 engraved plates (all), engraved vignettes. Contemporary brown full calf worn, some cracks in upper joint, partly faded richly gilt spine in seven compartments, mended at head and foot.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1428; Pritzel 6556.
Adam Munting (1626–1683), Dutch botanist, professor of medicine at Groningen 1658–1683. He took over his father’s botanical garden in Groningen and enlarged it. The present work depicts some of the exotic and remarkable plants that grew there. It is one of the earliest and most important documents concerning Japanese flora and its importation to the West, predating Thunberg’s works by nearly one hundred years.
Lot No: 2803696
Estimate: 50 000 – 60 000 SEK
62. LINNÉ, CARL VON. Hortus Upsaliensis,... Respondent. Samuel Naucler,... Uppsala no year (1745).
Small 4:o (about 178 x 140 mm.). (4), (1)–45, (3) pp. 1 large folding engraved plate (Horti Upsaliensis prospectus, some spotting), 1 large folding plan (Horti Upsaliensis mappa), 2 woodcut plates (all).
Later (19th century) paper boards, on upper cover handwritten label with the monogram CTB (Carl Trolle–Bonde), damaged spine. Title spotted, some minor browning. Bookplate of Carl Trolle. Bonde, signature of Th. Wulff and stamp of Quidings Antiqvariat, Lund, all on inside of upper board.
First edition. Ref. Soulsby 1424; Hulth s. 47.
Provenance: Carl Johan Trolle–Bonde (1843–1912), count, country house keeper, politician, writer; Thorild Wulff (1877–1917), Swedish botanist and explorer.
Lot No: 2730087
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
63. TEXT TO FLORA DANICA. OEDER, GEORGIO CHRISTIANO. Elementa botanica. I–II. Hafniae, typis Fratrum Philibert prostat apud Viduam Franc. Christ. Mumme, 1764–1766.
8:o (about 196 x 123 mm.). (3), IV–VI, (1)–141, (1); (5), 144–382 pp. 14 engraved plates (close cut). Contemporary brown mottled full calf, slightly warped covers, richly gilt spine in six compartments, redspeckled edges.
First and only text volume to Flora danica . Ref. Pritzel 6802; Stafleu: TL–2 7003.
George Christian Oeder (ennobled von Oldenburg 1788, 1728–1791), German botanist, royal professor of botany at Copenhagen 1754–1770, from 1773 in Oldenburg as regional governor; co–author of Flora Danica.
Lot No: 2765478
Estimate: 4 000 – 5 000 SEK
64. DEN FÖRSTA ILLUSTRERADE SVENSKA ÖRTABOKEN. PALMBERG (ROBELIUS), JOHANNES. Serta florea Svecana eller Swenske örte–kranz... Strengnääs, Z. Asp,1684.
8:o (ca 155 x 93 mm.). (16), 2–416, (44) s. Titelblad inom träsnittsram (lagat i nedre marginal, fläckat i inre marginal), 130 träsnitt i texten. Delvis nära skuren i övre marginal. Något nött samtida pergament, nya inre doublurer, för– och eftersättsblad, ryggtitel i manuskript. Enstaka brunfläckar. Tillskrift på försättsbladet daterad 1934. Exlibris Birger Strandell.
Ref. Krok, s. 570; Collijn, spalt 684–5; Waller 11698 (ej komplett); Pritzel 6910; G. Eriksson, Botanikens historia i Sverige intill år 1800, pp. 139–140.
Den första illustrerade svenska örtaboken. Första upplagan kom redan 1683 och är bara känd i två exemplar.
Proveniens: Birger Strandell (1901–1993), svensk läkare och Linnéexpert), tillskrift på försättsbladet.
Lot No: 2744768
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
65. SVENSK BOTANIK. Band I–XI: häfte 1–3 (häfte 4–9 saknas). Utg. J. W. Palmstruch (band 1–6) och G. J. Billberg (band 7–8) och Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps Academien (band 9–11). Stockholm,1802–1830. 11 vol.
Med 738 huvudsakligen handkolorerade kopparstick (enstaka fläckar). Av band 11 endast de tre första häftena med okolorerade planscher (samt facsimil i färg av dessa och plansch 739–774 i färg samt facsimil av text plansch 739–774. titelblad och register till d. XI, samt facsimil av hela registret från 1843. Band I–VIII i åtta uniforma samtida halvskinnband, ryggar (något blekta) uppdelade i sex fält med guldbård, orange titeletikett och en mindre rund etikett i grönt skinn med bandets nummer. I de övriga titelfälten en guldstämpel med ”tårpil”, del. VII lagad i inre fals.. Band IX–XI nya grå linneklotband. Tryckta häftesomslag bevarade till delarna IX XI:1–3. (Titelblad till del VIII och IX saknas. Del IX saknar även register). Titelblad delvis något brunfläckade eller fläckade, ett textblad i del IX:häfte 1–3 med stor reva, 3 blad fuktfläckade.
Av del XI utkom endast de första 9 häftena. I maj 1840 inträffade en brand så att hela lagret av kvarvarande häften förstördes, inkl. det mesta av de ännu inte distribuerade häftena av band 11. Häftena 10–12 av band 11 publicerades aldrig. Detta band är därför extremt sällsynt och förekommer endast i ytterst få exemplar. Endast de 6 första banden utgavs av Palmstruch med hans tecknade planscher och är de som idag är klassiska. Den senare Lindmans Flora med lito-
graferade färgplanscher utgörs av kopior efter Palmstruch. För fullständig kollationering se Krok: Bibliotheca Botanica Suecana, sid. 98–100. Ett trevligt exemplar med de åtta första banden i samtida band, som tillhört brukspatron Johan Sederholm och stått i hans magnifika bibliotek på Näfvekvarns bruks herrgård.
Proveniens: Brukspatron Johan Sederholm (1870–?) Näfveqvarn, Södermanland, se Carlander: IV:477–478
This magnificent work. with hand–coloured botanical plates ”was esteemed by contemporaries as an enterprise of national importance. Palmstruch’s own illustrations, in the first six volumes, have been characterized as the best pictures of plants ever produced in Sweden, and make this one of the most beautiful of Swedish books.” (Sten G. Lindberg) The text was written by the most distinguished botanists of the period: Conrad Quensel, Olof Swartz, G.J. Billberg, Göran Wahlenberg. (Sten G. Lindberg, Swedish Books 1280–1967, Nr. 55).
See text, lacks plate 739–774, title to vol. VIII–IX.. title and index to vol. XI and plate 739–774 (all supplied in facsimile). The index to the whole work from 1843 also supplied in facsimile.
Lot No: 2822848
Estimate: 20 000 – 25 000 SEK
66. Physiographiska Sälskapets Magazin. Första bandet. Första – tredje stycket (allt som utkom). Lund, Ch. Fr. Berling, 1781–(86).
Liten 8:o (ca 167 x 93 mm.). (4), (1)–92; (2), 93–108, 110–191; (2), 192–281 s. Nött samtida gråpappersomslag, renoverad rygg, främre omslag med påklistrad handskriven titeletikett. Delvis med fuktrand. Stämplar på titelblad, på titelblad. till del I även “Trolleholms Bibliotek“, namnteckning G. C. L. Sparre och tillskrift på främre omslagets insida.
Ref. Hebbe, Den svenska lantbrukslitteraturen särkatalogiserar en rad av uppsatserna i dessa innehållsrika verk.
Proveniens: Gustaf Sparre (1802–1886), justitiestatsminister; Trolleholms bibliotek.
Lot No: 2807926
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
67. PLENCK, JOSEPH JACOB. Icones plantarum medicinalium secundum systema Linnaei digestarum... Abbildungen der Medizinalpflanzen. Centuria IV fasc. XIII,. Viennae, apud Rudolphum Graeffer et Soc., 1791. Not complete.
Folio (about 485 x 3e45 mm.). (7), 8–32 pp. 25 contemporary hand–coloured engraved plates (all in this fasc. numbered 301–325, minor foxing) In repaired and worn original blue wrappers, in a new grey cloth box (by Marlis Egli). Minor foxing.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1536; Pritzel 7201; Stafleu: TL–2 8058; Stilwell: Great Flower Books (1990) p. 125. The complete work consists of 8 centurias, with 758 engraved plates, published in Vienna 1788–1812 .
Joseph Jacob von Plenck (1738–1807), Austrian botanist, military physician, teacher at the military medical academy of Vienna.
Lot No: 2823068
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
68. PLUKENET, LEONARD. Opera omnia botanica, in sex tomos divisa...VI. Amaltheum Botanicum. Londini, apud Guil. & Joan. Innys, 1720 (also with title to the original edition London 1705).
Folio (about 290 x 200 mm.). Halftitle, title in red and black to Opera omnia, title in red and black to the original edition of Amaltheum with engraved vignette, (4),1–214, (10) pp. 104 engraved plates numbered CCCLI–CCCCLIV (all, with old annotations in lower margin). New brown library cloth. Some marginal annotations to text. Bookplate of Ove Almborn.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1543; Stafleu: TL–2 8064, Pritzel 7212. This is a copy of the original issue, also with the ”Opera omnia” 1720 title, as the ”Opera” was in fact assembled from remaining volumes of P’s various works. The ”Amaltheum” is important to the study of the Flora of the East Indies. Leonard Plukenet (1642–1706), British botanist and physician, Queen’s botanist to Mary II (wife of Wilhelm III) and superintendent at Hampton Court.
Provenance: Ove Almborn (1914–1992), Swedish botanist and lichenologist.
Lot No: 2817227
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
69. POHL, JOHANN (BAPTIST) EMANUEL. Plantarum Brasiliae icones et descriptiones hactenus ineditae. Tomus Secundus (of 2). Vindobonae, typis et charta viduae Antonii Strauss, 1831–(1833).
Large folio (about 470 x 320 mm.). (4), (1)–152 pp. 100 lithographed plates J. Häussler after Wilh. Sandler (all in vol. II, numbered 101–200, minor foxing). Modern green half cloth, spine very slightly faded. Text some minor foxing. Name stamped in upper margin of title ”Docent Gunnar Harding, Stjärnvägen 11 Lidingö”. Only volume II (of 2).
Ref. Stafleu: TL–2 8103; Pritzel 7231; Nissen: BBI 1551; Stilwell: Great Flower Books (1990) 8118. Rare. First edition of one of the major 19th cent. Brazilian floras, intended as a companion and supplement to Martius’s ”Nova genera et species plantarum”. Johann Baptist Emanuel Pohl ((1782.–1834), Bohemian–born Austrian botanist and traveller, travelled in Brazil with Spex, Martius et al. 1817–1821, afterwards curator at the Vienna Natural History Museum and the Vienna Brasilian Museum.
Lot No: 2802976
Estimate: 25 000 – 30 000 SEK
70. RAJI (RAY), JOANNIS (JOHN): Methodus plantarum emendata et aucta... Accedit Methodus graminum, juncorum et cyperorum specialis. Eodem Auctore. Londini, impensis Samuelis Smith & Benjamin Walford (but printed in Amsterdam by Jansson and Waasberg), 1703.
8:o (about 197 x 115 mm.). (34), 1–202, (26) pp. Engraved frontispiece portrait, 2 folding printed tables. Contemporary somewhat worn brown panelled calf, sparsely gilt spine in six compartments, redspeckled edges.
Ref. Stafleu: TL–2 8700, Pritzel 7435*; Henrey: British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. I:317 This book is ”not a second edition of the Methodus nova of 1682, but it is a new book based on the Historia plantarum” (Keynes). John Ray (1627–1705), British naturalist, called ”father of British botany”.
Lot No: 2788018
Estimate: 2 000 – 3 000 SEK
71. RAII (RAY), JOANNIS (JOHN). Synopsis methodica stirpium Britannicarum... Editio tertia. Ed. (J. J. Dillenius). I–II. Londini, impensis G. & J. Innys, 1724.
8:o (about 185 x 115 mm.). 24 engraved plates (all, 2 spotted in outer margin).
Blue later (early 20th century) cloth, somewhat faded spines, speckled edges. Vol. II stained in upper inner margin from page about 440. Some marginal annotations. Signature on first endpaper S. Savage, on part of old mounted endpaper J. H. Barclay. Mounted catalogue cutting and some other papers mounted on inside of upper board. Interfoliated from p. 134 in part. I. 2 volumes.
Ref. Stafleu: TL–2 8703, Pritzel 7438*. John Ray (1627–1705), British naturalist, called ”father of British botany”.
Provenance: J. H.Barclay 1893; Spencer Savage (1886.1966), English librarian and botanist, librarian and assistant secretary of the Linnnean Society of London 1929–1951.
Lot No: 2787686
Estimate: 2 500 – 3 000 SEK
72. RARE WORK ON CHINESE PLANTS. RETZIUS, ANDERS JAHAN. Observationes botanicae sex fasciculus comprehensae. Qvibus accedunt Ioannis Gerhardi Koenig... descriptiones monandrarum et Epidendrorum in India Orientali factae. Fasc.1–6. Lipsiae (Leipzig), apud Sigfried Lebrecht Crusium, (1779)–1791.
Folio (c. 365 x 230 mm.). (2, verso blank, main title); (4), 5–38; (4), 5.–28; (4), 5–12, 25–76 (pp. 13–24 omitted in pagination); (4), 5–30; (6), 1–32; (4), 15–67 (pp. 1–14 omitted in pagination), (1) pp. Headtitle with engraved vignette, 6 part–titles with engraved vignette, 1 engraved portrait of Retzius (some foxing to margins), 19 contemporary hand–coloured engraved plates after drawings by Retzius (all, a few text leaves slightly browned).
Near contemporary half calf, worn, some cracks in the joints, gilt spine, upper part partly loose, red title label (bound by A. v. Rossum, Amsterdam). Old signature on first endpaper Reinwardt.
First edition, rare with coloured plates. Ref. Nissen: BBI 1622 (erroneous description); Pritzel 7547, Krok 8a, Stafleu: TL–2 9086. See also Wallin, Olle: Anders Jahan Retzius och hans Observationes in Biblis number 44. Probably bought at Björn Löwendahl some minor notes of his to first endpapers. The author was a professor of natural history at Lund in Sweden. In the work Observationes botanicae, he described 36 Chinese plants, most of which were new, sent to him by Bladh, Osbeck, Tranchell, Wennerberg and other collectors. Wennerberg seems to have been chaplain on a ship. He also brought plants from Java and Sumatra.
Provenance: Caspar Georg Carl Reinwardt (1773–1854), German botanist, professor of botany in Leyden (see Pritzel 7527–7529).
Lot No: 2726070
Estimate: 20 000 – 25 000 SEK
73. REUSS, CHRISTIANUS FREDERICUS. Compendium botanices systematis Linnaeanus conspectum ejusdemque applicationem ad selectiora Plantarum Germaniae indigenarum usu medico et oeconomico insignium genera eorumque species continens. Ulm, sumtu Stettiniano, 1774.
8:o (about 183 x 110 mm.). (8), (1)–445, (23) pp. 10 folding engraved plates (all, some foxing). Contemporary brown tree calf, small crack in upper joint of front board, richly gilt spine, red edges. Signature of (Joseph) Görres on first endpaper, bookplate of Philippe de Vilmorin. First edition.
Ref. Stafleau: TL–2 9099; Pritzel 7567*.
Christian Friedrich Reuss (1745–1813), Danish–born German botanist, professor of medicine at the University of Tübingen 1771. The work seems to be the first German book using the Linnean system. Plate II and V copied from Linnaeus Philosophia botanica.
Provenance: Joseph Görres (1776–1848), German scientist and politician Philippe de Vilmorin (1872–1917) – de Belder.
Lot No: 2766063
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
74. ROUSSEAU, J. J. Recueil de plantes coloriées, pour servir a l’intelligence des lettres élémentaires sur la botanique. Paris (chez Poinçot) 1789.
8:o (about 193 x 125 mm.). 44 hand–coloured engraved plates J. Aubry, each with a leaf of explanatory text (minor spotting). Contemporary brown speckled half calf, yellow edges. Bookplate.
Ref. Stafleau: TL–2 9686. The present volume is a part of the Poincot edition of Rousseau’s works and could be purchased separately.
Lot No: 2730261
Estimate: 4 000 – 5 000 SEK
75. ROTTBÖLL, CHRISTIANO FRIIS. Descriptiones et icones rariorum et pro maxima parte novarum plantarum. Editio nova (=ed. II). Havniae (Copenhagen), impenssis Gyldendalii, 1786.
Folio (about 420 x 270–285 [plates] mm.). (8), (1)–71, (1) pp. 21 engraved plates engraved by G. and Meno Haas after N. Abildgaard (plate X) and Peder Christian Rottböll (18 plates) and others (all, 2 last plates dampstained in lower part, otherwise partly some minor staining in lower margin. Uncut in original blue wrappers, partly waterstained, newly rebacked. In a new grey linen cloth cassette by Marlis Egli.
Ref. Nissen: BBi 1685; Pritzel 813*. Stafleu: TL–2 9666. Original edition published in Copenhagen 1773.
Christian Friis Rottböll (1727–1797), Danish botanist and professor of medicine, studied botany with Linnaeus 1756–1757, travelled in Holland and France, director of the Copenhagen Botanical Garden 1770–97.
Lot No: 2817773
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
76. RUDBECK’S RARE CAMPUS ELYSII, 3rd ed. London 1789. RUDBECK, OLAUS. Reliquiae Rudbeckianae, sive Camporum Elysiorum libri primi, olim ab Olao Rudbeckio patre et filio, Upsaliae anno 1702 editi, quae supersunt, adjectis nominibus Linnaeanis. Accedunt aliae quaedam icones caeteris voluminibus Rudbeckianis aut destinatae aut certe haud omnino alienae, hactenus ineditae, cura Jacobi Edvardi Smith. 3 ed. Londini, impensis editoris, 1789.
Folio (about 480 x 280 mm.). (8) pp. Woodcut plates 1–35 on 18 leaves, printed from the original blocks (all, contains 92 figures). With printed dedication to Johan Gustaf Acrel, professor in medicine at Uppsala University. Early 20th century brown half calf, somewhat worn, some cracks in lower part of upper joint, sparsely gilt spine in seven compartments. Original dark wrappers bound in. Minor browning, title mended in lower margin, slight fraying of blank margins. Signature of B. Daydon Jackson in upper margin of title, on plate 31 blindstamp of The Horticultural Society of New York, bookplate of Kenneth K. Mackenzie.
Ref. Soulsby732, Nissen BBI 1694, Bibliotheca Rudbeckiana pp. 238–239, 242: Stafleu: TL–2 9747. The first edition of this famous work was published in Uppsala in 1702 and the great fire destroyed all but a few copies. Some of the wood blocks were saved and they were acquired by Linnaeus Junior and were part of the Linnaeus’ library that was sold to England in 1784. James Edward Smith arranged for the blocks to be printed and gave the copies to his friends (see The Linnean, vol. 18 January 2002).
Provenance: B. Daydon Jackson, secretary of the Linnean Society 1880–1925; Kenneth K. Mackenzie; The Horticultural society of New York.
Lot No: 2717285
Estimate: 50 000 – 60 000 SEK
77. SCHMIDEL CASIMIRUS CHRISTOPHORUS. Icones plantarum et analyses partium aeri incisae atque vivis coloribus insignitae adiectis indicibus nominum necessariis figurarum explicationibus et brevibus animadversionibus... Editio II curante et edente Valentino Bischoff (I, of 3, not complete). No place (but Nuremburg), typis Felseckerianis, 1782.
Folio (about 375 x 255 mm.). (2, title, verso blank), (5), 6–52 pp. 13 hand–coloured engraved plates N. Gabler, V. Bischoff and I. C. Keller, engraved by V. Bischoff and I. C. Keller (of 25 in part I, 75 for the whole work, text partly foxed, mostly in outer margin). Later (early 20th century) half vellum. Bookplate Bequest of Kenneth K. Mackensie 1934.
Ref. Stafleau: TL–2 10854; Nissen: BBI, 1780; Sitwell; Great Flower Books (1990) p. 137; Pritzel 8255*.
Provenance: Bequest of Kenneth K. Mackenzie; The Horticultural Society of New York.
Lot No: 2716594
Estimate: 5 000 – 7 000 SEK
78. SCOPOLI, IOANNES ANTONIUS. Deliciae florae et faunae Insubricae seu novae, aut minus cognitae species plantarum et animalium quas in Insubria Austriaca tam spontaneas, quam exoticas vidit, descripsit, et aeri incidi curavit. I–II (of III, lacks part III). Ticini (Pavia), ex Typographia Reg. & Imp. Monasterii S. Salvatoris, 1786.
Large folio (about 435 x 280 mm.). (4), I–VIII, 1–85, (1); (4), 1–115, (1 blank) pp. 2 engraved extra titles, 2 titles with engraved vignette, 2 engraved vignettes, 50 engraved plates (all).
Contemporary full vellum, somewhat worn, warped boards, mended in the corners, some foxing, faded spine title. A wide margin copy. LACKS as often, vol. III.
Ref. Nissen 1829, Pritzel 8558*; Sitwell: Great Flower Books (2nd edition 1990) p. 139; Stafleu: TL–2 11551. This work is of greatest rarity in a complete state as sheets of vol. III were destroyed during the siege and capture of Pavia. Mostly plates of plants, but also insects, a bird and a monkey. Our copy lacks volume III. Insubria, a part of Lombardy in modern Italy.
Joannes Antonius (Giovanni Antonio) Scopoli (1723.1788), Austrian–Italian (Tirol–born) physician, chemist and botanist, professor of chemistry and botany at Pavia 1776–1788.
Lot No: 2772074
Estimate: 25 000 – 30 000 SEK
Botanica, sive catalogus auctorum et librorum, qui de Re Botanica, de Medicamentis ex Vegetabilibus paratis, de Re Rustica, & de Horticultura tractant... Accessit Bibliotheca
Botanica Jo. Ant. Bumaldi, seu potius Ovidii Montalbani Bononiensis. I–II + BUMALDO. Hagae–Comitum, Joannem Neaulmr, 1740.
4:o (about 255 x 197 mm.). (3), 4–16, (1)–450, (5), 6–66 pp. Title printed in red and black. Later somewhat worn red cloth over marbled boards. Bookplate of Melvin Edward Jahn.
Ref. Stafleu: TL–2 11624. Pritzel 8586* First edition of an important early annotated botanical bibliography, covering floras, medical botany, and horticultural works.
Provenance: Melvin Edward Jahn (1938–2003), American palaeontologist and book collector. His collection was sold at auction in 2004.
Lot No: 2766930
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
80. DEDICATION COPY. (SAINT–SIMON, MAXIMILIEN HENRI DE). Des Jacintes, de leur anatomie, reproduction et culture. Amsterdam 1768. 4:o (about 302 x 240 mm.). (3), IV, (1), 6–164, (4), (1)–15, (1 blank) pp. 4:o. Title with engraved vignette, 10 engraved plates J. von Schley (all, minor foxing). Uncut in contemporary soiled limp vellum, spine with manuscript title. Dedication (de L’auteur) on title to Monsieur de Salgas.
Ref. Nissen, BBI 1718; Pritzel 7996*: Stafleu: TL–2 10092. Monograph on the hyacinths. Saint–Simon (1720–1799), French–Dutch horticulturist.
Lot No: 2758075
Estimate: 6 000 – 7 000 SEK
81. SCHREBER, JOHANN CHRISTIAN DANIEL. Beschreibung der Gräser nebst ihren Abbildungen nach der Natur. I–II. Leipzig, Siegfried Lebrecht Crusius – Fr. Chr. Wilh. Vogel, (1766) 1769–1810.
4:o (about 373 x 228 mm.). (16), (1)–154 (6), I–160 pp. 2 titles with engraved vignettes, 2 engraved vignettes, 54 hand–colourted engraved plates, of which 8 folding. (all, very minor foxing, some pencil annotations).
Contemporary brown half calf, somewhat worn, mended in the joints, spine in six compartments, faded spine label, red edges. Some minor foxing or marginal browning. Bookplate of Johannishus Bibliotek.
First edition. Ref. Nissen: BBI 1807; Pritzel 8395*; Stafleu: TL–2 11127.
Johann Christian Daniel von Schreber (1739–1819), German botanist and zoologist, Dr.med. in Uppsala 1760 (with Linnaeus diss.: Theses Medicae), director of the Erlangen botanical garden 1773, professor of natural history Erlangen 1776, first professor of medicine Erlangen 1793, president of the Leopoldina 1791–1810. He actively participated in issuing Linnaeus’ works. Thanks to him, Materia Medica, Termini Botanici, Genera Plantarum and Amoenitates Academicae were published in Germany.
Provenance: Johannishus bibliotek.
Lot No: 2758365
Estimate: 10 000 – 12 000 SEK
SEGUIERIO (SÉGUIER) JOANNE FRANCISCO (Jean François). Plantae Veronenses seu stirpium quae in agro Veronensi reperiuntur. methodica synopsis... accedit ejusdem Bibliotheca Botanica supplementum. I–II (lacks vol. III published in 1754). Veronae (Verona), typis Seminarii, 1745. 8:o (about 193 x 112 mm.). (3), IV–LXXI (1), (1)–516, (2, last blank); (3), 4–480; (2), 3–79, (1, Bibliotheca Botanicae supplementum) pp. 2 titles printed in red and black (title to vol. I with some worming), 1 folding printed table, 1 folding engraved map, 17 partly folding engraved plates (of 18, lacks plate 9, plate 12 in duplicate, minor foxing). Contemporary worn brown half calf, gilt spines, spine to vol. I damaged in upper part of joint, speckled edges. Vol. I with bookseller’s label of W. Junk, Berlin. 2 volumes. LACKS vol. III published in 1754.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1829; Stafleu: TL–2 11626. A description of the flora in the vicinity of Verona. Lacks vol. III published in 1754 and 1 plate in vol. I.
Lot No: 2752961
Estimate: 4 000 – 5 000 SEK
83. SOWERBY’S ILLUSTRATIONS. SMITH, JAMES EDWARD. (Icones pictae plantarum rariorum...). Coloured figures of rare plants, illustrated with descriptions & observations. I–III (all published) (London, typis J. Davis, 1790–1793, no title printed).
Large folio (about 460 x 280 mm.). With 18 fine hand–coloured engraved plates, of which one double–page, coloured by James Sowerby and his family workshop (complete, some minor spotting or browning in outer margins, large plates with some dampstaining, creased in the middle). No title–page has been published. (2, later printed title in English on paper dated 1814, verso blank), (2, blank leaf), (2, dedication in English, verso blank, lacks Latin dedication), (2, Praefatio, verso blank), (2, Preface, verso blank), 37 text leaves to plates in Latin and English, one leaf of each language to the plates, one extra English to plate 12 (text leaf in Latin to plate 4 mended tears with a few letters touched, text leaf in English to the same plate with mended tears in outer margin, text leaves partly some smudging or spotting in outer margins). Signature on title in upper margin of Charlotte J. Alexander July (18)49.
20th century well preserved green half morocco, gilt spine in seven compartments.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1859; Pritzel 8735; Stafleu: TL–2 12222, Hunt 715. Lacking the original wrappers with the Latin and English title. Amongst others the work describes plants from the Cape, Mauritius, and several from Jamaica. All published, the work was never finished, and usually the only title is that found on the wrappers.
Smith (1759–1828), one of the leading English botanists, first president of the Linnean Society, fellow of the Royal Society. He acquiered Linnaeus’s library, manuscripts, and specimens in 1783. James Sowerby (1757–1822), famous English naturalist, illustrator and mineralogist.
Lot No: 2757767
Estimate: 20 000 – 25 000 SEK
84. SWARTZ, OLAI. Synopsis filicum earum genera et soecies. Adjectis Lycopodineis et descriptibus novarum et rariorum specierum. Kiliae, impensis bibliopolii novi academici, 1806.
8:o (about 202 x 120 mm.). (3), IV–XVIII, (3), 4–445, (1 blank) pp. 5 folding engraved plates (all). Near contemporary mottled brown half calf, somewhat worn, gilt spine, small damage at head. Damaged library label at foot. Library stamps on title recto and verso.
Provenance: Faculté de medecine de Strassbourg (library stamps).
Ref. Krok Bibliotheca Botanica Suecana 59 c, without mentioning the engraved plates by Besemann, Pritzel 9068; Stafleu: TL–2 13534.
Olof Swartz (1760–1818), Swedish botanist, professor at the ”Bergianska trädgårdsskolan” 1791, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy of Sciences 1811–1818;.
Lot No: 2823733
Estimate: 4 000 – 5 000 SEK
85. LEAFY MOSSES. SWARTZ, OLAF. Dispositio systematica Muscorum frondosorum Sveciae. Adiectis descriptionibus et iconibus novarum specierum. Erlangae, apud Ioannem Iacobum Palm, 1799.
Small 8:o (about 151 x 89 mm.). (3), 4–112 pp. 9 contemporary handcoloured engraved plates Jac. Sturm after O. Swartz (complete).
Contemporary somewhat worn green half calf.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1915; Stafleu : TL–2 13532. Unusual work, only one copy in Sweden, in the library at Linköping. Olof Swartz (1760–1818), Swedish botanist, professor and intendent at Bergianska gardening school 1791, professor in botany and natural history at the Karolinska Institutet 1813.
Lot No: 2726553
Estimate: 6 000 – 8 000 SEK
86. SWARTZ, O(LOF). Lichenes Americani quos Partim in Flora Indiae Occidentalis descripsit, partim e regionibus diversis Americae obtinuit. Iconibusque coloratis illustravit J. Sturm Norimbergae, apud Jacob Sturm, 1811.
8:o (about 214x135 mm.). (4), (1)–25, (3) pp. 18 hand–coloured engraved plates Jac. Sturm (all). Later (20th century) green cloth, gilt spinetitle. Bookplate ”Bequest of Kenneth K. Mackenzie October 1934); last plate with blindstamp ”The Horticultural Society of New York”.
Provenance: Mackenzie, The Horticultural Society of New York, de Belder
Ref. Nissen; BBI 1919; Stafleu: TL–2 13535; Pritzel 9069*; Krok s. p. 682:74. Olof Swartz (1760–1818), Swedish botanist, professor at the ”Bergianska trädgårdsskolan” 1791, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy of Sciences 1811–1818.
Lot No: 2779975
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
88. RARE WORK ON WEST–INDIAN PLANTS 1794–1801. SWARTZ, OLOF. Icones plantarum incognitarum quas in India Occedentali detexit atque delineavit. Fasc. I (all published). Erlangae, sumtibus Ioannis Iacobi Palm, 1794–(1801).
Folio (about 430 x 260 mm.). (3), 4–8 (pp. 3–4 bound last). 13 contemporary hand–coloured engraved plates J. F. Volkart after O. Swartz (complete, some minor browning, title browned in the margins and with some spotting). Late 19th century worn green half cloth. Rare first edition. Ref. Pritzel 9064*; Nissen: BBI 1917; Stafleu: TL–2 1352; Krok p. 679:28.
87. SWARTZ, OLAVO (OLOF). Observationes botanicae quibus plantae Indiae Occidentalis aliaeque systematis vegetabilium Ed. XIV. Erlangae (Erlangen), sumtu Jo. Jacobi Palmii, 1791.
8:o (about 203 x 122 mm.). (8), (1)–424 pp. 11 folding engraved plates (all, some minor spotting) Contemporary somewhat worn boards, rebacked. Slightly soiled. Printed on writing paper. Bookplate Bequest of Kenneth K. Mackenzie.
Scarce first edition. Ref. Nissen: BBI 1918; Pritzel 9063*; Soulsby 597; Stafleu: TL–2 13528. The copper engravings are based on drawings by Swartz. Olof Swartz, a pupil of Linnaeus filius, based the present work upon material collected on his West Indian voyage 1784–86.
Olof Swartz (1760–1818), Swedish botanist, professor at the ”Bergianska trädgårdsskolan” 1791, permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy of Sciences 1811–1818;. Provenance: Mackenzie, The Horticultural Society of New York, de Belder.
Lot No: 2788657
Estimate: 7 000 – 9 000 SEK
Olof Swartz (1760–1818), Swedish botanist, professor and intendent at Bergianska gardening school 1791, professor in botany and natural history at the Karolinska Institutet 1813. He travelled in the West Indies and the North East parts of South America between 1784 and 1786. A total of about 200 drawings were prepared for this work, of which 71 survived, but only these 13 plates were published. All depict Jamaican plants.
Lot No: 2726428
Estimate: 10 000 – 12 000 SEK
JOHAN SWENSSON. ”Swensk örtekrans korteligen bifogad. Dendrographia botanologia ...de bekantaste träd buskar örter och rosor som tiena förnämligaste till inwärtes och utwärtes läkedommar på meniskans kropp. År 1837”.
8vo. Titelblad, (1), 90, (9) s. Handskriven i bläck med ca 110 akvarellerade små (ca 40 x 20 mm) illustrationer av örter. Med register i slutet. Nött samtida band med träpärmar, ny rygg av ljusbrunt skinn. Inlagan solkad, revor och fläckar, titelbladet lagat i yttre marginal. Handskriven text på pärmens insida lyder: ”Denna bok är författad och skrifven af torparesonen Carl Johan Sensson Toll då han var 15 år. Han föddes i torpet Stria den 20 nowember 1822. Han skänkte denna bok till mig Anna v. Rosen och jag gifver den till min lilla Margot Bergh”.
Lot No: 2823911
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
90. TOURNEFORT, JOSEPH PITTON DE. Institutiones rei herbariae. Editio tertia... 3rd ed.(in fact second latin ed.). I–III (1 text volume and 2 plate volumes). Paris. e typograpia regia, 1719.
4:o (243 x 178 mm). (6),(i)–xxxii, (16), (1)–695, (3 blank, (8), (1)–58 (corollarium) pp. With 2 engraved titles (some browning in the margins), 489 engraved plates after Claude Aubriet (all, minor foxing), engraved vignettes. Contemporary brown full mottled calf bindings, partly worn and rubbed, gilt spines in six compartments, some damages at head and foot, red edges. Printed title mended in upper margin. Printed title and one engraved title with signature of C. A. Agardh, signature of Aug. Rudberg on first endpaper. 3 volumes.
Ref. Nissen 1977, Pritzel 9427. Stafleu: TL–2 14783; Hunt 450. This work is considered to be one of Tournefort’s major botanical works. Linné (Linnaeus) named the plant Tournefortia after him. The present edition is in fact the second Latin edition, the first edition refers to the ’Élémens de botanique’; Hunt 450: ”Tournefort’s significance lies in the fact of having classified all plants into genera. Hundreds of the generic names coined or accepted by him were later adopted by Linnaeus and are in use today”. Tournefort (1656–1708), French botanist, assistant to Guy Fagon at the Jardin de Roi, Paris1683, from 1693 replacing Fagon, professor at the Collège Royal 1706.
Provenance: Carl Olof Agardh (1785–1859), Swedish algologist; August Rudberg (1842–1912), Swedish clergyman and botanist.
Lot No: 2793037
Estimate: 5 000 – 7 000 SEK
91. TRATTINNICK, LEOPOLD. Flora des österreichischen Kaisertumes. Heft. 23–24 (Holz–Pflanzen 1–2). Wien, Auf Kosten des Herausgebers, no date but 1822 (no title-leaves).
8:o (about 270 x 185 mm.). (1)–8; (2, Erinnerung, verso blank), (1)–16 pp. 21 hand–coloured engraved plates (all). Original printed wrappers (some light foxing, first textpage in each part some foxing). Bookplate of Christian Heuer. In a new grey linen cloth cassette. 2 volumes. This is the 3rd part of Trattinnick’s Flora, Woodplants (Holz–Pflansen) fascicule 1–2 (23–24 of the whole work, all published of part 3).
Ref. Nissen: BBI 1985; Pritzel 9445*, Stafleu: TL–2 14884.
Provenance: Christian Heuer (Bloomsbury 2013, The Library of a Continental Gentleman).
Lot No: 2712715
Estimate: 5 000 – 7 000 SEK
93. ELIAS FRIES EXEMPLAR. LAPPONICA. WAHLENBERG, GEORG. Flora Lapponica exhibens plantas geographice et botanice consideratas in Lapponiis Svecicis scilicet Umensi, Pitensi, Lulensi, Tornensi et Kemensi nec non Lapponiis Norvegicis et itineribus annorum 1800, 1802, 1807, et 1810 denuo investigatas. Berlin, in Taberna Libraria Scolae realis,1812.
8:o (ca 200 x 120 mm.). (5), VI–LXVI, (1)–550 s. 1 utvikbar handkolorerad graverad karta (något brunfläckad), 1 utvikbar tryckt tabell,1 graverad tabell (lagad marginalreva, något brunfläckad), 30 graverade planscher (alla, enstaka brunfläckar). Text enstaka brunfläckar, s. 225–254 med bläckfläckar i nedre yttre marginal).
Senare brunt hfrbd, något nött, guldornerad rygg med fem upphöjda bind, stänksnitt. Namnteckning i övre marginal på titlebladet Elias Fries, exlibris Ove Almborn.
Ref. Nissen 2092; Marklund 8119; Krok s. 743:7; Stafleu: TL–2 16518. 1826 publicerade C. Sommerfelt ett supplement: ”Supplementum florae Lapponicae quam edidit Georgius Wahlenberg”. Se Krok s. 743.
92. WAHLENBERG, GÖRAN. Berättelse om mätningar och observationer för att bestämma lappska fjällens höjd och temperatur vid 67 graders polhöjd förrättade år 1806 [Sic!]. Stockholm, Carl Delén,1808.
4:o (275 x 210 mm.). (2), (5), 6–58 s. 1 utvikbar graverad karta, 3 utvikbara akvatintagraverade planscher C. Acrel efter G. Wahlenberg (alla). Modernt brunt hfrbd, titel i guld på främre pärm. Oskuren.
Ref. Krok s. 472:4; Marklund 7499 (variant med ”förrättad 1806”).
Lot No: 2744109
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
Wahlenberg, Georg (Göran), 1780–1851), svensk professor i medicin och botanik i Uppsala 1829 efter Thunberg.
Proveniens: Elias Fries (1794–1878) från Femsjön i Småland, ofta kallad ”mykologins fader”, blev snabbt ett världsnamn inom botaniken och framförallt inom mykologin. Hans stora genombrott ”Systema mycologicum” började utkomma redan 1821. Hans världsrykte stärktes genom verk som ”Epicris systematis mycologici” (1836–38), ”Hymenomycetus Europaei” (1838) och ”Icones”. Han främsta insatser låg inom systematiken och beskrivningen av svamparna. Han tillhörde dock den romantiska naturuppfattningens så hans indelning i klasser och underklasser är numera obsolet, men ”...his distinction of different spore colors still has important taxonomic value, and he is especially remembered for his ability to describe species.” (DSB). Ove Almborn (1914–1992), svensk botanist och lichenolog.
Lot No: 2764969
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000 SEK
94. WAHLENBERG, GEORG (GÖRAN):, De vegetatione et climate in Helvetia septentrionali inter flumina Rhenum et Arolam observatis et cum summi septentrionis comparatis tentamen. Turici Helvetorum (Zürich), impensis Orell, Fussli et Socc., 1813.
8:o (about 213 x 123 mm.). (5), VI–XCVIII, (3), 4–200 (some irregular pagination) pp. 1 folding printed table (some foxing), 3 engraved plates, of which 2 folding (all, some foxing). Contemporary brown half calf, somewhat worn, a little crack in upper part of front joint. Old library stamp on title and one more leaf ”D’etablissemet fédéral d’essais... controle de semences Lausanne”. Name stamped on verso of title: Dr Gaertner.
Ref. Krok pp. 743–44:15: Stafleu: TL–2 16519: Pritzel 9913. Georg (Göran) Wahlenberg (1780–1851) Swedish botanist and plant geographer. The present work ”gives an account of the plant regions and their designations, the tree limits, and the lower and upper limits of the various plants, comparing also the vegetation in northern Switzerland with that of Lapland” (Fries: Short History of Botany in Sweden, p. 69).
Lot No: 2765158
Estimate: 3 000 – 4 000 SEK
95. VAUCHER’S MONOGRAPHIE DES OROBANCHES (BROOMRAPES, SNYLTROT) 1827. VAUCHER, J(EAN) P(IERRE). Monographie des Orobanches. Genève, chez les Héritiers de J. J. Panchoud, 1827.
4:o (about 275 x 215 mm.). (4), (I)–II, (1)–72 pp. 16 folded uncoloured lithographic plates in the book (partly some light browning) and the same 16 unfolded coloured lithographic plates separately (minor foxing).). Original printed wrappers, somewhat worn. Uncut. Some foxing to text. All in a new grey cloth box.
Ref. Nissen: BBI 2043; Pritzel 9707*; Stafleu: TL–2 15945. Jean Pierre Étienne Vaucher (1763.1841), Swiss botanist and clergyman, pastor of St. Gervais at Genève 1795.1821, honorary professor of botany Genève 1802, professor of ecclesiastical history at the theological faculty 1808–1841.
Lot No: 2823573
Estimate: 4 000 – 5 000 SEK
GEORG. Flora Noribergensis sive Catalogus Plantarum in Agro Noribergensi tam sponte nascentium, quam exoticarum... Noribergae, sumtibus Michaellianis, literis Knorzianis, 1700.
Small 4:o (about 205 x1 55 mm.). (24, last 2 blank), 1–407, (3) pp. 25 engraved plates (all, 4 professionally restored, browning as usual, some foxing, from page 289 to the end worming in upper margin, here and there affecting numbers, letters and plates).
Contemporary brown full calf, worn, cracks in the joints, gilt spine in six compartments, red edges. Old signature on title
VIRGILIUS MARO (PUBLIUS). Pub. Virgilii Maronis Georgicorum libri quatuor. The Georgicks of Virgil, with an English Translation and Notes. By John Martyn, F. R. S. Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge. London: Printed for the Editor by Richard Reily in Little–Britain, 1741.
4:o (about 288 x 255 mm.). (2), iii–xxii, (1)– 403, (1), 1–3, (1 blank), (10) pp. With a list of subscribers and an index, 13 engraved plates and maps (7 hand–coloured and 6 botanical colour–printed stipple engravings finished by hand, partly foxed) by John Martyn, one original pen and ink ”world” map inserted after p. 52 (some spotting).
Contemporary brown mottled calf, worn, mended in the joints, new inner doublures and endpapers, gilt border, gilt edges of boards, richly gilt spine in seven compartments, mended at head, reddish edges. Some foxing. Signatures on old first endpaper Anne Nicholson and Benjamin Hatley Foote.
Ref. Hunt Botanical Catalogue 517: ”This is the botanist’s Vergil, pre–Linnaean and copious in it’s annotation (p.190), Perhaps only in the eighteenh century could a scholar have been, at one and the same time, a translator of Vergil and a professor of botany” (p. 191).
Provenance: Mrs Anne Nicholson (one of the original subscribers according to the list of subscribers); Benjamin Hatley Foote (1713–1791), best known by Charles Jervas famous portrait of him as a young man.
Lot No: 2808277
Estimate: 4 000 – 5 000 SEK
Chanlatte, old annotations on first endpaper verso. Contemporary engraved bookplate of Theodore Hyacinth. First edition. Ref. Nissen: BBI 2079; Pritzel 9850*.
Johann Georg Volckamer the Younger (1662–1744), German botanist and wealthy merchant with a fine garden FIRST EDITION of this rare and early German local flora, which also includes many plants from America, Africa and the Orient.
Lot No: 2794164
Estimate: 6 000 – 7 000 SEK
98. THE PLESCH COPY OF HERBARIUS PATAVIE, 1485. (Herbarius Patavie impressus anno domi[ni] &cetera lxxxv).
Passau, Johann Petri, 1485.
Small 4:o (about 185 x 134 mm.). 172 (of 174) leaves, 32 or 34 lines, collated as: (4, LACKING TITLE, present in old facsimile), i–cl (leaf i–viii supplied from another copy, or edition, there are three which are almost identical), (19, of 20, lacks last blank) ll. With 150 half–page botanical woodcuts, all coloured by an early hand (the first 8 from another copy or edition). New brown full calf blind–tooled as a gothic binding, spine in six compartments, blind–tooled title in second and third compartment, printing date in fifth compartment. About 6 leaves repaired with loss of text (l. 15 is the worst), a few other minor defects repaired, partly close cut in upper margin with loss or partly loss of foliation. Some minor foxing or staining. Leaf xxix wrongly bound between leaves xxvi and xxvii, leaf lxxxix wrongly numbered lxxix, the figure on leaf xcvi is printed upside down. Bookplates of Arpad Plesch and F. W. T. Hunger.
First edition. Rare.
Ref.: GW 12270; Plesch: Mille et un livres botaniques, 1973, p. 255; Anderson, An Illustrated History of the Herbals, 1977, pp. 82–88. L’herbier de Passau; Nissen 2300; Pritzel 10754; HC (add) 8445*; Johnston: The Cleveland Herbal, Botanical, and Horticultural Collections 9. This is a reprint of Schoeffer’s Herbarius latinus differing primarily in some of the German synonyms due to local differences in dialect and to the fact that the copies of many of the woodcuts are mirror images of the originals. This is the first dated work from Petri’s press (Johnston). It is also the second book in Germany illustrated with woodcuts of plants.
Provenance: F. W. T. Hunger, the celebrated historian of botany, exhibited at the VI:th International Botanical Congress in Amsterdam 1935 as part of the Hunger collection of incunabulas (item nr 10), his sale Amsterdam 7 Nov. 1951, item 6; Arpad Plesch (his auction Sotheby’s 1975 item 335); Title old facsimile, lacks last blank leaf., leaf i–viii taken from another copy or edition.
Lot No: 2822052
Estimate: 80 000 – 100 000 SEK
99. MISSAL FRAGMENT, probably Low Countries, mid 15th c. Fragment of monastic Missal (probably Benedictine use), in Latin, illuminated manuscript on vellum. Most probably Low Countries, fifteenth century (probably first half). 26 leaves (including a final blank leaf now used as pastedown, and plus 1 endleaf at front), the last section of a Missal most probably rebound within original boards of book, collation: i2, ii–iii8, iv6, v2 (with catchwords in agreement with following text in all but first bifolium), first bifolium with instructions for participants in Masses (noting actions of “fratres”, the monastic brethren): single column, 27 lines in a fine scrolling hand influenced by lettre bâtarde, the remaining leaves with readings for actual Masses (blessing of the bread and salt, for the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, the angels, the dead, the apostles, the martyrs, confessors and virgins, for the moment of death, for Easter, for All Saints, a ‘general mass’, and one for the feast of St. Benedict, the text ending with a series of short adaptations of masses for various temptations): double column, 30 lines in a fine and angular late gothic bookhand, capitals in ornate pen flourishes (some including human faces), red rubrics, contemporary foliation in red and blue capitals at head of page, one–line initials in red or blue with contrasting penwork, larger initials in blue or liquid gold with ornate contrasting penwork extending up and down margins, seventeen large initials in pink or blue heightened with white penwork, enclosing curling sprays of foliage and on highly burnished gold grounds with semi–circular notches out of their edges, initials terminating in sprays of acanthus leaves and foliage ending in single–line foliage with gold ivy leaves and pointed bezants with hair–like protrusions, one of those initials very large (8 lines in height), with marks at end of initial bifolium
of another square manuscript cutting once pasted there (probably a large initial or devotional miniature taken from a choirbook), and marks at end from a large oval item (probably a bookplate) once pasted there, the initial bifolium with the ex libris of “S. Tiersonnier 1704” (who is also recorded as the owner of a printed book in the recent Burrus sale at Christie’s, Paris, 15 December 2015, lot 118, also dated “1704”), some spots and stains and wormholes, but overall in good and presentable condition.
Binding of brown leather over wooden boards (probably original or early with slightly later gilt–fillet added), shortened at spine and rebacked to accommodate just this fragment of the original codex, metal clasps at head and foot, chips to edges of boards and some wear, in fitted cloth covered case. Dimensions of leaves: 210 x 135 mm. Housed in a beige cloth case (Leonard Gustafssons bindery, Stockholm).
We would like to thank Dr. Timothy Bolton for his cataloguing of the present lot.
Provenance: From the library of Ove Hassler (1904–87), Dean in Linköping, Sweden, and his son, Eivind Hassler (1939–2009).
Lot No: 2712248
Estimate: 25 000 – 30 000 SEK
100. 2 MANUSCRIPT LEAVES IN LATIN ON VELLUM (Brügge, ca 1450–1460). 2 illuminated manuscript leaves on vellum, ca 185x120 mm. 19 lines per page written in fine gothic bookhand (c.115 x 70 mm.), 2 large initials in gold, blue, red, pink and green and wide floral decor in colours and gold, the verse initials in burnished gold with blue colour together with some smaller initials. Some soiling and creasing to right corners.
Loose in a grey cloth cover, Swedish title on upper cover.
From a Book of Hours.
Lot No: 2727296
Estimate: 5 000 – 6 000