7 minute read

Imaging Biometrics, LLC, a subsidiary of IQ-AI Limited (OTCQB: IQAIF) (LSE: IQAI)

iMagiNg BiOMETRiCS, llC,

a SuBSiDiaRy OF iQ-ai liMiTED (OTCQB: iQaiF) (lSE: iQai)


Though a relative newcomer to the field of radiology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) has been around since the late 1970s with the first images produced by Nobel Laureate Paul Lauterbur in 1971. Because MRI provides images of soft tissue (e.g., muscles and organs) that are far superior to other radiologic imaging modalities, such as x-ray, PET, or CT, it is no surprise that MRI plays a central role in diagnostic medicine. Rarely does a patient pass through the doors of a hospital without a visit to radiology, which frequently includes obtaining an MRI at some point during their treatment management. Approximately 30 million MRI scans are performed each year in the US alone.

iBNeuro™ provides information about the distribution of blood vessels throughout the brain (at right),which is not available with standard MRi (at left).This information helps to inform the diagnosis and treatment management for this patient.


In the 1990s, advances in MRI technology made it possible to collect images fast enough to also monitor tissue function in real time. For example, images can be collected every second while an MRI contrast agent is being administered. Using this approach, the delivery of blood to brain tissue may be monitored and abnormalities, such as stroke and aggressive brain tumors, evaluated, providing information not available with standard MRI scans of anatomy. Yet, while straightforward in principle, deriving accurate and quantitative measures of brain perfusion from the dynamic MRI signal is complex. This is where Imaging Biometrics stepped in.

Imaging Biometrics, LLC (IB), a subsidiary of IQ-AI Limited (OTCQB:IQAIF, LSE:IQAI), develops and provides visualisation and analytical software solutions that enable clinicians to better diagnose and treat disease with greater confidence. Through close collaboration with top researchers and clinicians, sophisticated advancements are efficiently translated for routine clinical use.

IB’s flagship product, IB Neuro™, is one such example. It is based on over twenty years of research and development beginning at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School and brought to fruition by Dr Kathleen Schmainda, Professor of Biophysics at the Medical College of Wisconsin. IB Neuro has been proven through its use in several multi-center clinical trials for brain tumor patients, the only MRI perfusion software used in this setting. Moreover, IB Neuro is the only clinical (FDA cleared) perfusion MRI software that provides quantitative results that have been validated with spatiallymatched tissue biopsies. It is therefore no surprise that head-to-head comparison of IB-generated perfusion images outperformed leading competitors as described in a recent peer-reviewed publication.


An additional feature that sets IB Products apart from its competitors is its founding goal to make advanced methods available to all healthcare systems – both large and small. Community hospitals in rural areas are able to provide the same level of information to their patients as large academic centers with an elite team of physicists. This is made

possible because IB software products are designed as platform-independent and automated software plug-ins which can extend the base functionality of existing workstations, imaging systems, PACS, or medical viewers. By design, IB’s advanced visualisation software seamlessly integrates into routine workflows with the option of processing that can be made entirely automatic.


While MRI perfusion technology has been around for several decades, not everyone did (or does) it the same way. Those different approaches led to conflicting and inconsistent results from clinical studies and, ultimately, general skepticism about the clinical potential of MRI perfusion. The details are in the implementation of the model calculations. The foundational work conducted by Professor Schmainda and her colleagues, as well as IB’s implementation of the model, paid close attention to the nuances of MRI perfusion. This attention to detail and scientific rigor has led to an ever-growing body of peer-reviewed publications in high-impact medical journals. In 2020, a large multi-investigator study, led by Professor Schmainda, produced a national consensus recommendation for optimally collecting perfusion data from MRI scanners. And, in early 2022, Professor Schmainda received a grant from the National Cancer Institute for a multi-institutional study to identify the optimal way to process the collected data (a grant that received a perfect score from the scientific reviewers). Not only will these efforts prevent “garbage-in, garbage-out”, they will define a common and consistent approach that can be adopted across all MRI scanners and become the industry standard.


IB’s ability to quickly respond to new advances in the field makes it a company that is here to stay. While the product line backbone is based on decades of research, newer advances can be quickly incorporated years ahead of larger administratively-laden vendors. For example, recent advances in artificial intelligence have been quickly leveraged to further refine and automate IB processes. Using another novel software plug-in, IB RadTech™, workflows can be designed to address the latest understanding in the diagnostic evaluation of brain tumors or key clinical questions such as determining response to treatment. Answers to these questions are critical for optimizing treatments and outcomes for each patient on an individual basis.


Given that patients with high-grade brain tumors are monitored with MRI every 6-8 weeks, this offering is not only critical to patient management but represents a market much larger than one based on brain tumor incidence alone. Moreover, what has been developed for primary brain tumors is now being translated for use to all patients with brain metastases. Lung and breast cancers, the two most common cancers that spread to the brain, can also benefit from the sophisticated analysis tools offered by Imaging Biometrics.

Imaging Biometrics is committed to providing proven, low-cost solutions to all patients who are suffering from brain cancer everywhere.

Dr. Schmainda is a Professor in the department of Biophysics at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Her research involves the advancement of MRI technologies to improve the diagnosis, monitoring, and development of new treatments for brain and other cancers. This research includes experience with software development, multi-center clinical trials, use of preclinical models, tissue banking, and clinical translation. Dr. Schmainda is an internationally invited speaker on these research topics and has served on numerous National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant review panels as well as several national advisory boards for clinical trials.

For more information about Imaging Biometrics, please visit: www.imagingbiometrics.com

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