How Cartoon Illustrations Can Help You Increase Online Advertising Revenues Baby Pig if used correctly, cartoon illustrations, online illustration portfolios not only attract readers to the articles on your website, but they can also help you to realize more clickthroughs from your advertising. Here is why:
First off, cartoons attract attention. The eye just naturally drifts to the cartoon on the page. The tendency of the eye then is to go from left to right. If your Google ads were placed to the right of the cartoon on this page, your readers would read them first.
Studies have shown that ads which are placed near the top of your page get better results than ads placed in lower positions. Also text ads get better results than banner ads containing fancy graphics. There's a reason for this. Web surfers have been inundated with advertising and over a period of time have conditioned themselves to ignore ads as they read the webpage. This is especially true for stock photography ads or banners.
What you don't want is for your ad to look like an add If you use Google Ad Sense ads on your page you will find that these ads are designed to be unobtrusive. Google gives publishers the option of changing the color scheme on their ads and by selecting a background color, text colors and link colors for your ads which match those of your page, you can actually make your ads blend in very nicely. Google allows this. Read More