Stockton International Riverside Festival (SIRF) 2011 Programme Brochure

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WELCOME The 24th Stockton International Riverside Festival has arrived! What can you expect this year? SIRF found fame as a street theatre festival, and there still isn't a better way to describe it. Some people (the ones who haven't been) imagine that street theatre is all about buskers doing circle shows and funny characters doing walkabouts. Fluffy chickens on stilts, that sort of thing. Not quite. Stockton offers real theatre in outdoor locations, alongside dance, circus, music, sideshows, shows in shop fronts and an entire programme in a fabulous Spiegel Tent venue. The festival begins and ends with two extraordinarily inventive performances that use 30 metre high cranes for very different purposes. Over four days, Stockton town centre becomes a platform for our local community, for young companies from all over the UK who are just building their reputations, and for world-class artists who have already achieved world-wide recognition. Our search for the best, alongside the brightest hopes for the future, has led us to form partnerships with no fewer than 16 festivals in England, Europe and China. Not to mention SIRF favourites The Chipolatas, who got out their address books to help make this year's Spiegel Tent programme really special. So, you can anticipate four days of thrills, invention, low comedy and high artistry (not necessarily all in the same show). You will encounter performers who are eager to entertain, but also filled with a real desire to ask questions, to make connections and to touch the humanity in us all. 'The street' can be a bit of a bearpit, but it can also be a place where real magic is created. All it takes is these wonderful, fearless performers and your willingness to share some time with them. Please remember to have a warm coat with you for evening performances! Frank Wilson Artistic Director 2 SIRF 2011 -

TICKET INFORMATION All shows are FREE except The Dirty Brothers and Brutus Gold LoveTrain. Tickets for these shows can be obtained from ARC Box Office or at a box office on Parish Gardens from 6pm each evening during the Festival. Two shows, The Guide (El Guia) and Bridges y Puentes have limited capacity. A FREE ticket for these shows can be obtained in advance from ARC Box Office.

ARC Box Office, tel. 01642 525199,

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WITHOUT WALLS For the past four years SIRF has worked with seven other English festivals to bring out the best home grown talent as part of the Without Walls consortium. SIRF 2011 will welcome six exciting and diverse Without Walls shows. SIRF is a founder member of Without Walls which is funded by Arts Council England. Other members are: Lakes Alive, Cumbria Norfolk and Norwich Festival Brighton Festival XTRAX, Manchester

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Greenwich + Docklands International Festival, London Winchester Hat Fair The Bristol Do

FESTIVAL LAUNCH WIRED AERIAL THEATRE As the World tipped As The World Tipped is a real life disaster movie performed live in the night sky! It is an ambitious and extraordinary piece of aerial theatre that tells a powerful tale of ecological crisis. Combining dramatic film and visuals with breath-taking aerial performance, As The World Tipped confronts one of the most pressing issues for the planet with spectacle, humour and emotion. As The World Tipped was written and directed by Nigel Jamieson, one of the world’s leading creators of outdoor spectacle and created with Wired Aerial Theatre. Co-produced by Without Walls A Tipping Point/Without Walls co-commission Commissioned by Norfolk & Norwich Festival and Brighton Festival Made in Liverpool supported by Liverpool City Council Co-commissioned by Greenwich + Docklands International Festival, Mintfest, Stockton International Riverside Festival and XTRAX

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GONE IN 20 MINUTES Gone in 20 Minutes is a new initiative for emerging companies, presented by SIRF and CREATE, the cultural festival for the 5 London Boroughs hosting the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It gives 10 companies the chance to present their work in London and in Stockton and to compete for 2 cash prizes, one awarded by a panel of judges and the other voted by YOU, the audience. Voting information will be added to closer to the time of the event – keep checking back for more information and get voting!


ACCIDENTAL COLLECTIVE pAUse Why not stop for a moment… Pause… Take a breath… Take a deep breath… Aren’t you feeling better already? Kent based Accidental Collective offers a wide menu of entertaining treatments to help you escape from the everyday hustle and bustle of life… and all in only five minutes.

BIDING TIME rANtbox RantBox is an interactive outdoor performance exploring public opinion about climate change (and anything else you want to get off your chest). Three roving performers interview passers-by about the state of the world. They then ‘rant’ on your behalf, with your words interspersed with famous speeches and crazy dancing. Its better out than in!

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BUI BOLG the ChANCy brothers A quintessential Irish scene unfolds through giant puppetry and music. A typical tale of the Irish diaspora told through wit and humour as well as a tinge of sadness packed up in that suitcase.

CIRQUE NOVA seArChiNg epiphANy Based in London, Cirque Nova is a totally integrated circus company offering free training and employment opportunities to young people with disabilities, either physical or learning. Searching Epiphany explores the liberating power of circus by showcasing character work, aerial and acrobalance performance by disabled artists.

COPPERDOLLAR spidorA Spidora explores the mythologies surrounding life and death and the journey into the underworld. It takes the form of a traditional fairground sideshow, but once inside, audience members must pass through a coffin, and follow a pathway through a feast of distorting digital illusions and effects.

ESTELLE ROSENFELD AND PHILIP PARR spreAd the love Spread the love is the cheese on the toast, the cherry on the cake, and the warm fuzzy feeling inside! The love is spread by a portable love machine using all five senses. You can listen to love songs, taste love’s sweetness, smell love’s heady aroma and touch love’s softness. Then peep into the box and learn the truth about love! SIRF 2011 - 7

FROLICKED the AlChemist After losing his latest assistant in an unfortunate accident, the Alchemist continues with his series of experiments to turn lead into gold. If he succeeds, he’ll be famous, and make a fortune too. But the risk of another catastrophic mistake is always close at hand! Delightful puppet theatre for all.

KITUNDA ARGYLE professor smith’s mobile myths Professor Smith is a typically English local historian, dedicated to the conservation and promotion of old stories, customs, legends and folklore. Join the Professor and his assistant at their horse-drawn mobile library archive to see re-enactments of curious local tales. Frisky the Horse is often called upon to help, and the audience can too.

RESTLESS NIGHTS WhippiNg Up A storm An old-fashioned ice cream van becomes a haven for all things sugary and sweet, with pink smoke spilling from the exhaust pipe and fountains of popcorn spraying from under the bonnet. Will you be lucky enough to climb aboard and experience sweet wonders you have only dreamed until now?

TANGLED FEET the hide What appears to be a bird watching hide sits in an urban square. Inside, a long slit allows the audiences to gaze out across the natural habitat of us humans. All is not as it seems: there’s a real performance going on out there. But will you be able to tell the actors from the passers-by?

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STREET THEATRE AND DANCE GRAEAE the iroN mAN Ted Hughes’ classic modern fable, The Iron Man, has been adapted for this bold new outdoor theatre production. The unexpected arrival of the Iron Man casts a shadow of fear across a small farm community. But when an enormous dragon from outer space threatens to annihilate the planet, it is the Iron Man who comes to the rescue. Set against a backdrop of celestial soundscapes, a deaf and disabled ensemble spins stories with words, sign language and audio-descriptive narrative so that all families can watch and experience the delights of this colossal story that emerges from the shadows and takes to the air. A Graeae production commissioned by Without Walls and Greenwich + Docklands International Festival, supported by Arts Council England

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MARK SMITH & RACHEL GADSDEN WITH DEAF MEN DANCING Alive! Alive! uses dance, sign language, sound and live painting to celebrate our need for connection and creativity in the hubbub of the city. This dynamic combination turns the mundane reality of our current economic climate on its head and reaches out to remind us that life is joyous and that we must still embrace and celebrate being Alive! This collaboration brings together Rachel Gadsden, an expressionist visual artist, Mark Smith, a deaf choreographer who fuses different styles of dance with sign-language and his company, Deaf Men Dancing, an all male deaf company who together have created a unique, energetic and raw performance that echoes the deepest motivations of what it is to be human. Commissioned by Without Walls and Greenwich+Docklands International Festival and Dada South (in association with Up-Stream). Alive! is supported by Accentuate

BAD TASTE CRU tribAl Assembly Tribal Assembly fuses physical theatre and dynamic b-boy moves to tell the story of four very different characters and their part in the social hierarchy of the streets. Businessman, chav, emo, homeless person each knows his place, but is there a bond of common humanity? From Northern Ireland and Estonia via Newcastle, Bad Taste Cru are no strangers to SIRF. This Without Walls commission is taking them to the next level in terms of national recognition. Commissioned by Without Walls

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STREET THEATRE RED HERRING PRODUCTIONS thAt's the WAy to do it! What would happen if Punch and Judy broke free of their booth? Havoc on the High Street? Social unrest? Mass rebellion? And the rest! Well, it happens at SIRF! That's The Way To Do It! is a raucous outdoor comedy - an alternative take on an age old institution that sees our lovable rogues run amok in these anxious, credit-crunched times. The design is heavily influenced by the traditional shows, with eye-catching costumes, and glove puppets with built in sound systems for a modern twist. A Red Herring show, commissioned by Without Walls and produced by Time Won’t Wait

WHALLEY RANGE ALL STARS AND BABOK imAgiNAry frieNds Ten performers and ten life-size puppets lead the audience on a journey through the streets. The troupe comes to life in a series of guises, continually remaking themselves into a gang of drunks, a group of ventriloquists, a dance troupe, nurses and patients, children and teddy-bears, rescuers and the rescued, the socially embarrassed and the socially embarrassing. Imaginary Friends fuses choreography, improvisation and singing to create images of tenderness, humour, surprise and cartoon-style violence. Imaginary Friends is a collaboration between British company Whalley Range All Stars and the Dutch company Babok Commissioned by Without Walls. Supported by Lakes Alive

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STOCKTON IN EUROPE SIRF is a founder member of the European Meridians network, which supports cross-border collaborations in outdoor arts involving companies and participants from its eight member festivals, which span Europe from Zagreb to Stockholm via Dublin and Stockton. With funding from the European Union, SIRF presents 3 new shows El Guia, Bridges y Puentes and Images of Villages.

REIAL COMPANYIA DE TEATRE DE CATALUNYA the gUide (el gUiA) The Guide (El Guia) is an audio tour that takes us on a journey to explore stories that the exhibitions cannot tell. As we move through the building a man who once worked here struggles to make sense of his recent past, as he pieces together his memories in the hope of finding a way forward. From a life in pieces, a puzzle is assembled to create a vivid picture that could never be hung on the walls. Taking place in mima in Middlebrough, small groups of visitors are led on a journey through the building with an mp3 player and a set of headphones. Free ticketed event. The Guide was created by Reial Companyia de Teatre de Catalunya with artistic support from UK based Metro-Boulot-Dodo. SIRF is pleased to present this event in partnership with mima.

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RAGROOF THEATRE AND CIE. VENDEVAL bridges y pUeNtes Bridges y Puentes uses a multiplicity of languages – spoken, sung, played, and danced – to explore the experience of migration. Interviews with migrants to Stockton, Brighton and Mulhouse (France) form an integral part of the soundscape, which also includes a beautiful mix of live and recorded music from all corners of the world. The audience experience the multi-layered lives of migrants from the painful leaving of home to the challenges of integration into new communities. It’s a show that evolves from, then disappears into, thin air...

Photo credit: Rosie Powell

Free ticketed event. Bridges is a trans-national collaboration between Ragroof Theatre (UK) and Compagnie Vendaval (France). Supported by Dance City Creative Partnerships.

SCUBA CLUB COLLECTIVE imAges of villAges Accompanied by an ensemble of musicians/noisemakers playing on instruments made from household waste, old bikes and metal containers, six dancers from around Europe (Belgium, Hungary, Slovenia, Sweden) recall their childhood memories amid the traditions and customs of European villages. Against a background of birdsong, traffic noise, but also techno, electro and the music of the Balkans, the Scuba Club Collective crosses traditions and finds similarities to create its own story.

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SPIEGEL TENT CABARET CHIPOLATINO hosted ANd seleCted by the ChipolAtAs It’s an eclectic mix of performers from around the globe, Blending circus, storytelling, ballads n' breakbeats, Layering sounds both acoustic and electronic, traditional and contemporary, Fusing live samples and stories, uniting the old and the new. An acrobat walks on his hands with the soles of his shoes on fire. A man taps out a tune on a xylophone made from bottles of wine. A woman dances in the air, hanging only by her hair. An Argentine accordion duels with an Anglo squeezebox. A clown balances a banknote on the tip of his nose. A father shares the stage with his son‌ For this family of entertainers, the journey has no destination. The emphasis is on celebration... Welcome one and all!

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SALON PERDU Karl Stets is an illusion seller and strings charmer. He brings us into a parallel world where objects come to life, speak to us and tell us their hidden meanings. Using elements of circus, dance, object manipulation and puppets, Stets creates an experience that brings the tension of a horror movie to some innocent games. Paramo Cero create a unique aesthetic and sound with musical instruments made from recycled materials; a bedside cabinet bass, a bottle xylophone, a briefcase guitar. Combining dance, contemporary circus and theatre with the music, Paramo Cero treat audiences to a dreamlike and surreal show. The Chipolatas need no introduction, but this year their music-making and inspired lunacy are specially enhanced on occasions by their Big Band and some very special guests!

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5th and 6th August, 10pm, Age 18+ Venue: The Spiegel Tent - Parish Gardens Cost: £12 (plus booking fee where appropriate) A Tees Valley legend for more than 20 years, Brutus Gold’s Love Train is the original Disco Inferno, replete with an amazing cast of characters, hot moves and hotter grooves. 18 SIRF 2011 -

(01642) 525199

THE DIRTY BROTHERS 4th, 5th, 6th & 7th August, 8.30pm, Age 16+ Venue: The Spiegel Tent - Parish Gardens Cost: £10 (plus booking fee where appropriate) Shep, Pat and Gordo, a.k.a The Dirty Brothers, are the kamikaze clown princes of sideshow, mixing silent comedy and sketches with some eye-watering stunts. As well as sword-swallowing, razor blades, piercing and the like, they dance blindfolded and in bare feet across a maze of mousetraps, lift a car battery by their nipples and, being Australians, tuck into a plate of live maggots. And it’s all done for laughs! A hit at the Edinburgh and Sydney Festivals, The Dark Party is one invite you won’t want to turn down. With swords, staple guns, singing saws and power tools, it’s like watching huge, tattooed toddlers play with very dangerous things. (01642) 525199

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TAFFY THOMAS Taffy Thomas MBE has been telling stories since the 1970s and is the nation’s first Laureate for Storytelling. He has a repertoire of more than 300 stories, tales and elaborate lies collected mainly from traditional oral sources, which he is happy to share with one and all. Photo credit: Steve Barber

5 RING CIRCUS CABARET The Five Ring Circus summer show features young people from across the North East exploring their circus dreams. Five groups of young people, from five places, learning five circus disciplines; from acrobatics to trapeze, juggling to unicycling. Come and enjoy the next generation of North East circus performers sharing their skills and enthusiasm. Five Ring Circus is part of NE Generation and is funded by Legacy Trust UK, an independent charity set up to create a cultural and sporting legacy from the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games across the UK.

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GET INVOLVED AND LEARN THE THE CLASSIC DANCE ROUTINES FROM 70s AND 80s, INCLUDING 'NIGHT FEVER', THE 'HUSTLE' THE 'MOONWALK' AND THAT 80s CRAZE 'BODY POP LOCKIN'. by Angel De Lyte, Tuition and entertainment provided Love Train) and us famo d worl the Chad Valley (from Electropops Michael & Louie. and Dads to sons Everyone’s invited, from Mum’s e to the free com n, dow get and daughters. So skool style. old e danc to how learn and y part nied by an adult. Children under 14 must be accompa

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DARE TO DREAM? STOCKTON COMMUNITY CARNIVAL 2011 Saturday 6th August, 12noon High Street to Trinity Green Join us in the largest community celebration in the North East! Although we may not have the weather of Rio or Trinidad we certainly have the carnival spirit! Each year the streets of Stockton are filled with samba rhythms as the parade dances its way down the High Street, greeting its audience with a vibrant mix of colourful costume and giant characters. Local schools and community groups spend weeks preparing their costumes using thousands of sequins and a mountain of glitter to put the finishing touches on their carnival creations! New for 2011! The People’s Choice Competition gave the people of Stockton the chance to choose the theme. The winning theme, chosen by Mark Watson, is Dare to Dream? It brings together our hopes and aspirations for the future alongside the ritual of bedtime stories and the bizarre and surreal worlds in our dreams. Look out for the Dream Keeper alongside some favourite bedtime story characters and the Baku, a mythical creature who devours bad dreams. The carnival starts from Church Road dancing its way down the High Street to Trinity Green finishing with a spectacular finale performance.

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AROUND THE TOWN MOTIONHOUSE DANCE THEATRE CAsCAde Set on a submerged house amidst rising flood waters, Cascade is an enthralling look at one family’s scramble to keep their heads above water and their feet on dry land! A company of fabulous dancers balance, fall, slide and tumble their way upwards as they ascend through the levels of their domestic life and arrive adrift on an disappearing island. More high energy dance from the company that brought Chaser and Underground to SIRF.

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FATALIA CAbiNet fAtAliA The German company Fatalia bring a taste of Glastonbury to Stockton with their chamber of mysteries. Enter the world of Fatalia to experience a magical mirror on life’s mysteries, full of strange perspectives and marvellous metamorphoses.

REIAL COMPANYIA DE TEATRE DE CATALUNYA bUNNy me This young company from Barcelona present a tongue in cheek parable for our times in Debenham’s shop window! What if job creation opportunities for young people included dressing up as pets in the hope of attracting a kindly family? Bunny Me was first presented at the Edinburgh Festival in 2009.

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BANGDITOS stUNtshoW SIRF favourites Bangditos Theatre return to Stockton to premiere their brand new show. After touring the town centre to announce the thrills in store, our two heroes present a stunt show that would have Evel Knievel turning on his camshaft! You’ll be amazed at what they can get up to with their Volkswagen Beetle and mini-me motor bike. Comedy the Bangditos way!


In keeping with the festival vibe that inevitably accompanies the great British summer, ARC is going after hours with the Festival Club. Shifting to the opposite end of the spectrum from the daytime events, this funky club night, on Friday and Saturday, has been organised exclusively for the SIRF and Stockton Weekender crowds. A great way to round off the day. For more information and to book tickets contact ARC. Fri 5 & Sat 6 Aug, 10pm until late, ÂŁ3, Age 18+ ARC Box Office, tel.01642 525199,

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NUTKHUT sAri sAri Nights Nutkhut’s latest production sees a sari shop explode into a colourful night-time procession through the centre of town. A beautiful mannequin modelled on a Bollywood star is paraded through the streets, accompanied by tailors on bicycles, parasol dancers, Maharajahs on stilts, and other exotic imagery including a radiant lotus flower float and a ‘maypole’ of outstretched saris. Join the fun and witness a truly explosive ending! Nutkhut use dance, film, theatre and music to celebrate contemporary British Asian culture, and Stockton audiences have enjoyed past productions like Bollywood Steps and Movieplex. Commissioned by Derby Feste in 2010. Supported by Dance City Creative Partnerships.

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DADADANG pArAtA We welcome the return of futuristic Italian percussionists Dadadang after more than 10 years. Join the "Dadadang machine", as the glowing, masked drummers make their robotic way from Stockton High Street to the Riverside in time for the Festival Finale. Fantastic rhythms, precise choreography and raw energy make the Dadadang experience one to remember.

VOALA high! This year’s SIRF Finale promises to be one of the most spectacular we’ve ever staged. It’s a stunning UK premiere featuring Argentine/Spanish aerial company Voala, with pyrotechnics from Alchemy Fireworks. Taking inspiration from the heady optimism of the 1960s, High! features a giant, psychedelic mobile suspended from a 120 tonne crane, 13 extraordinary acrobats performing below the mobile and uplifting rock music from Argentine-British band Lotus. It’s a performance guaranteed to move your emotions as well as your hands and feet. Get High! and finish SIRF 11 in style! SIRF 2011 - 29





11am - 2pm

Cabinet Fatalia


High Street

12noon - 3.30pm

The Guide (El Guia)

Reial Companyia

mima (M’boro) (FT)

3 - 5pm

Cabinet Fatalia


High Street


Cabaret Chipolatino


Spiegel Tent ^


Cabaret Chipolatino

Taffy Thomas

Spiegel Tent ^

7 - 9pm

Cabinet Fatalia


High Street


Cabaret Chipolatino

Paramo Cero

Spiegel Tent ^


Cabaret Chipolatino

Karl Stets

Spiegel Tent ^


Cabaret Chipolatino

Band Finale

Spiegel Tent ^


The Dark Party

Dirty Brothers

Spiegel Tent ^ (£10) 16+


Images of Villages

Scuba Club Collective

High Street


As the World Tipped

Wired Ariel Theatre

High Street


Cabaret Chipolatino

Chipolatas and guests

Spiegel Tent ^

10.45 - 11.30pm

Cabaret Chipolatino

DJ Dolphin Boy

Spiegel Tent ^

(FT) – Free Ticketed Event * Debenhams shop window ^

Spiegel Tent is in Parish Gardens. There will be a bar in the Spiegel Tent serving soft drinks before 6pm and full bar offer after 6.30 pm until 11.30pm

NOTE: Times and venues may change - check at SIRF Central.

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11am - 2pm

Cabinet Fatalia


High Street

11.30am - 1.30pm

Cabaret Chipolatino

Taffy Thomas/Chipolatas

Spiegel Tent ^

12noon - 3.30pm

The Guide (El Guia)

Reial Companyia

mima (M’boro) (FT)

12.15 - 5.30pm

Gone in 20 Minutes


High Street/ Church Road


Imaginary Friends

Whalley Range All Stars & Babok

High Street


Bridges Y Puentes

Ragroof Theatre & Cie. Vendeval

High Street (FT) High Street

2 - 3pm

Stuntshow Parade


2.15 - 3.45pm

70’s v 80’s Disco Dance Party

Love Train & Electropops

Spiegel Tent ^

3 - 5pm

Cabinet Fatalia


High Street


Imaginary Friends

Whalley Range All Stars & Babok

High Street

4.15 - 5.30pm

Cabaret Chipolatino

Paramo Cero/Karl Stets

Spiegel Tent ^


Bridges Y Puentes

Ragroof Theatre & Cie. Vendeval

High Street (FT)

6.30 - 8pm

Cabaret Chipolatino

Chipolatas & guests

Spiegel Tent ^

7 - 9pm

Cabinet Fatalia


High Street


Images of Villages

Scuba Club Collective

High Street


The Dark Party

Dirty Brothers

Spiegel Tent ^ (£10) 16+




High Street


Love Train

Brutus Gold

Spiegel Tent ^ (£12) 18+

10pm till late

SIRF Festival Club


ARC (£3) 18+

SIRF 2011 - 31



11am - 2pm 11am 11.30am - 1.30pm 11.30am

Cabinet Fatalia That’s The Way To Do It! Cabaret Chipolatino Imaginary Friends


7pm 8pm 8.30pm

Fatalia Red Herring Productions Taffy Thomas/Chipolatas Whalley Range All Stars & Babok Dare to Dream Stockton Carnival Stuntshow Parade Bangditos Cascade Motionhouse Bunny Me Reial Companyia Alive! Deaf Men Dancing That’s The Way To Do It! Red Herring Productions The Iron Man Graeae 70’s v 80’s Disco Dance Party Love Train & Electropops Imaginary Friends Whalley Range All Stars & Babok Cabinet Fatalia Fatalia Bridges Y Puentes Ragroof Theatre & Cie. Vendeval Cascade Motionhouse Bunny Me Reial Companyia Alive! Deaf Men Dancing Cabaret Chipolatino Paramo Cero/Karl Stets That’s The Way To Do It Red Herring Productions The Iron Man Graeae Cabaret Chipolatino Chipolatas & guests Cabinet Fatalia Fatalia Bridges Y Puentes Ragroof Theatre & Cie. Vendeval Images of Villages Scuba Club Collective Tribal Assembly Bad Taste Cru The Dark Party Dirty Brothers

9pm 9.45pm 10pm till midnight

Stuntshow Sari Sari Nights Love Train

Bangditos Nutkhut Brutus Gold

10pm till late

SIRF Festival Club


12noon 12.15pm 12.30pm 1pm 1.15pm 1.30pm 2pm 2.15 - 3.45pm 2.45pm 3 - 5pm 3pm 3.15pm 3.30pm 4pm 4.15 - 5.30pm 4.30pm 5pm 6.30 - 8pm 7 - 9pm 7pm

32 SIRF 2011 -

VENUE High Street High Street Spiegel Tent ^ High Street High Street High Street High Street Wellington Square* High Street High Street High Street Spiegel Tent ^ High Street High Street High Street (FT) High Street Wellington Square* High Street Spiegel Tent ^ High Street High Street Spiegel Tent ^ High Street High Street (FT) High Street High Street Spiegel Tent ^ (£10) 16+ High Street High Street Spiegel Tent ^ (£12) 18+ ARC (£3) 18+





11am - 2pm

Cabinet Fatalia


High Street

12noon -1.30pm

5 Ring Circus Cabaret

N.E. Youth Circuses

Spiegel Tent ^


That’s The Way To Do It!

Red Herring Productions

High Street

12noon 1pm

Alive! Bunny Me

Deaf Men Dancing Reial Companyia

High Street Wellington Square*


The Iron Man


High Street




High Street

2 - 5.30pm

Cabaret Chipolatino

Chipolatas and guests

Spiegel Tent ^


That’s The Way To Do It!

Red Herring Productions

High Street


Cabinet Fatalia


High Street

3.15pm 3.30pm

Alive! Bunny Me

Deaf Men Dancing Reial Companyia

High Street Wellington Square*


The Iron Man


High Street


That’s The Way To Do It!

Red Herring

High Street




High Street

6.45 - 8.15pm

Cabaret Chipolatino

Chipolatas and guests

Spiegel Tent ^


Cabaret Chipolatino

Taffy Thomas

Spiegel Tent ^


Images of Villages

Scuba Club Collective

High Street

7 - 9pm

Cabinet Fatalia


High Street


Tribal Assembly

Bad Taste Cru

High Street


The Dark Party

Dirty Brothers

Spiegel Tent ^ (£10) 16+




High Street


Finale “High!”


Northshore, Riverside

(FT) – Free Ticketed Event * Debenhams shop window ^

Spiegel Tent is in Parish Gardens. There will be a bar in the Spiegel Tent serving soft drinks before 6pm and full bar offer after 6.30 pm until 11.30pm

NOTE: Times and venues may change - check at SIRF Central.

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SIRF CREDITS: Presented and produced by: Stockton Borough Council. Festival Co-ordinator: Jan Doherty, Stockton Borough Council. Artistic Director: Frank Wilson, Event International. Designed and printed by Xentrall Shared Services Design & Print

CONTACT: PR & Media Enquiries: 01642 526162 SIRF Hotline: 07917587685 Email:

STOCKTON WEEKENDER If music’s your thing then why not enjoy some excellent live music at Stockton Weekender – down by the riverside and in Stockton Cultural Quarter from August 5th – 7th. Go to

BBC TEES BBC Tees will be providing the best coverage of this year’s festival on radio, tv and online. SIRF 2011 – Be part of it with BBC Tees. For full details visit

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VISITOR INFORMATION We aim to make the Festival accessible and enjoyable for all visitors. Once again, SIRF Central is in the centre of Stockton for up-to-date information on all the performances at this year’s festival. Visit the Shambles in the High Street for more information, or telephone 01642 528130. Look out for the roving visitor experience team throughout SIRF, they have the latest news and information available to make your SIRF experience unforgettable! Please contact us if you are disabled and have specific needs. For example, we can help with transport or parking information. We are able to provide our brochure in larger text format and braille prior to and during the Festival. There is information about Shopmobility services in Stockton on the SIRF website Most of the shows are not seated and some may involve the audience moving around. Strong lights and strobe effects may feature in some of the shows. During the Festival there will be some disruption to public transport and car parking in the centre of town. Please see the SIRF website for full information at, or ask at SIRF Central

FOR INFORMATION, HELP, COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS CONTACT: SIRF Central Shambles Stockton High Street General Enquiries : 01642 528130 Festival Hotline : 07917587685 SIRF 2011 - 35

SIRF 2011 LOCATION MAP The streets and public spaces in and around Stockton Town Centre will be transformed into an arena for astounding shows from large scale spectacular events to intimate experiences. The map highlights the main venues where shows are situated.




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