Draft Stoke Bruerne Canal Corridor Management and Improvement Plan 2014-2024 Consultation Response Form (additional sheets welcomed) Please submit your response to the Draft Plan to stokebruernecanalpartnership@gmail.com or post to Chairman of Stoke Bruerne Canal Partnership at 53 Eastfield Crescent, Yardley Gobion, Northants NN12 7TT by 31st January 2014. Thank you for your interest. Draft Proposals Proposal 1. Regarding the future of unused historic buildings in the canal corridor. Proposal 2. Regarding the use of the School Room building, and the area between it and the Museum. Proposal 3. Regarding the reuse of the top dry lock Proposal 4. Regarding the feasibility of achieving alternative means of access to the upper floors of Museum. Proposal 5. Regarding discussions about a possible visitor centre. Proposal 6. Regarding the interpretation and enhancement of key features in the Lock15/Museum area. Proposal 7. Regarding the longterm future of the poplar trees. Proposal 8. Regarding
Your comments
interpretation of the former Mill Arm whilst protecting the site for potential future reinstatement Proposal 9. Regarding use of and views into the Quarry Field. Proposal 10. Regarding an environmental management strategy for the canal corridor. Proposal 11. Regarding a coherent interpretation strategy of historic features. Proposal 12. Regarding support for the learning aspects of the canal corridor experience. Proposal 13. Promotion of the opportunities provided by the canal corridor for volunteering, work experience and skills development Proposal 14. Regarding liaison with the rights of way and countryside officers to promote circular walks.. Proposal 15. Regarding the enhancement of the practical experience of boaters whilst visiting Stoke Bruerne Proposal 16. Regarding a visitor management strategy including appropriate proposals for the resolution of adequate parking provision, movement of visitors around the site, provision of facilities and waterside safety.
Proposal 16. Regarding promotion of the contribution of waterways to the Northamptonshire economy and forming an alliance of local canal related bodies in the East Midlands. Proposal 18. Regarding work with partners to ensure that the economic benefits of the canal are realised without compromising the environment of the canal corridor. Additional suggestions for proposals you feel should be included in the Plan Significant omissions which you feel the Plan should address
General comments on the Plan (please continue on the back of this sheet if required)
Name………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Organisation represented………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Contact Details (Optional)………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...