Ana Garcia Graphic Design Portfolio

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01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

La Guarapachanga restaurant branding


public service advertising campaign

Caja de Incongruencias website & textile design

Devil’s Java packaging

Montgomery wayfinding system

Todd Kuffner poster design

Astrid + Astir service design

Galaxy Academy app design


Guarapachanga cub an ame ri can fusion saint augustine, fl

01 La Guarapachanga RESTAURANT BRANDING La Guarapachanga is a fictitious, Cuban American fusion restaurant located in Saint Augustine, FL. The premise of the restaurant is bringing cultures together through the art of cooking (and eating!) This idea is achieved by using the menu as a key point of conversation. By giving each meal Spanish names but English descriptions, the idea is to reconcile the perceived differences among both cultures—even though the names might be different, the food is not. The takeaway being that no one is so different after all. Happiness, brightness, enjoyment—the branding for La Guarapachanga is supposed to make a potential patron feel all of these things. There is a mandatory quirk injected into the aesthetics of the brand. Cubans are known to be fun-loving people while Americans can sometimes be described as more serious and reclusive. This dichotomy, by no means negative, is visually expressed by the blending of straight and organic lines, by the bright colors and stark black accents. There is a visible order to the madness, a grid within a sea of color. La Guarapachanga lives in a state of eternal flux that appeals to anyone and everyone. La Guarapachanga is a hub for change, inclusivity and edible magic.


H ava na is the ca pita l fo Cuba

Guarapachanga saint augustine, fl

D a iquir i The Da wa s inve nte d in the no w ve r y po pula r , La Flo r idita ba r in Old H ava na

M o re th an o n e m i l l i o n Cu ban s h ave m oved to th e U n i ted S tates s i n c e Fi d el Cas tro to o k p o wer

U n ti l 2 0 1 1 , an au to m o ti ve i m p o r t ban m ean t al l cars fo u n d o n th e road s were p re- 1 9 5 9

Cuba is o f te n ca lle d E l Ca ima n ( S pa nish fo r a lliga to r ) — wha t the isla nd lo o ks like f ro m a n a e r ia l v ie w

G overn m en t i s a M arx i s t- Len i n i s t s i n g l e par ty s tate th at h as b een h ead ed b y th e Cas tro s s i n c e 1 9 5 9

Fide l Ca stro e re c te d a sta tue o f J o hn Le nno n f ro m The B ea tle s in 2000. Ca stro a dmire d Le nno n a nd be lieve d he wa s a tr ue music revo lutio na r y.Fid e l ha d prev io usly ba nne d the music o n the isla nd.

Bacard i R u m was o ri g i n al l y m an u fac tu red i n Cu ba, h o wever p ro d u c ti o n was m oved to P u er to R i co af ter Fi d el Cas tro to o k p o wer.

The re a re ove r 250 muse ums in Cuba .

Ernes t Hemingw ay w rot e one of his mos t famous w orks “ For Whom t he Bell Tells” w hen he w as living in Cuba.

In 1961, t hen pres i d en t J o h n F. Kennedy bought 1 , 2 0 0 Cu ban c i g ars j u s t hours before he o rd ered th e U S trad e embargo t hat is s ti l l i n p l ac e to d ay

Placemat uses short blurbs and simple icons as an interactive way for kids (and adults) to learn facts about Cuba

T h e Nati o n al Rai l way Co m pan y o f Cu ba, Ferro carri l es d e Cu ba, i s th e s i x th o l d es t rai l road i n th e wo rl d

Cu ba i s th e m o s t p o p u l ated co u n try i n th e Cari b b ean , wi th 1 1 + m i l l i o n

Business/Punch card

Unisex server unifrom

Main entree plate design



02 Terracycle Campaign #saveyourbutt PUBLIC SERVICE ADVERTISEMENT & INTERACTIVE TerraCycle is one of the leading companies in waste management. Their mission toward Eliminating the Idea of Waste®, in particular, has led to practices of recycling cigarette butts that many companies have shied away from. The #savemybutt campaign hopes to further their initiative by getting more and more people involved in this type of recycling. The goal of this project is to encourage and educate smokers on the importance of recycling their cigarette butts and the negative impact of littering. This campaign is geared to the 39+ million adults in the United States that smoke. The goal is to get more individuals recycling and decrease the amount of cigarette butts that are littered each day. Call to action is fundamental and revealed through the many instances of interactive design. The print advertisement component appeals to individuals that do have a degree of interest in the environment and uses a double truck magazine spread with vellum to invoke interaction. Viewers can physically remove or put back the littered cigarettes butts over the images. Unlike the print ad, the “voting booths” appeal to individuals that might not care as much about the environment but find the booth interesting and want to participate or are avid social media users. With a humorous hashtag, bold color scheme and easy to read typography the campaign will certainly increase the number of recycled cigarette butts!

Double-truck ad with vellum in between. Cigarette imagery is scattered onto the vellum offering readers a visual of how these spaces would look littered with cigarette butts. The text side of the ad stresses the importance of treating the streets similarly to other places of habitation. The ad hopes to express the idea that if one would not trash a bedroom, car, or office, then why trash the one place that houses all of these? One much bigger and far more valuable—our Earth!Â

Social media is intended to create hype around Terracycle setting up “voting” booths in particular cities and to promote t-shirt giveaway “Voting” booths are large containers with questions printed on giving participants the chance to cast their vote on certain topics and simultaneously recycle their cigarette butts

Infographic style flyers available next to each “voting” booth offers participants more information on cigarette littering and their damage on the environment

Free T-shirt to individuals who post image of themself recycling their cigarettes by using the “voting” booths; must tag Terracycle on Instagram or Facebook


03 Caja de Incongruencias WEBSITE & TEXTILE DESIGN Caja de Incongruencias, Spanish for “Box fo Incongruences”, is a fictitious e-commerce clothing company for women who understand the paradox: wanting to wear fun patterns without the “fun” colors. Caja produces dynamic fabric patterns in various shades of grey and allows customers to buy the fabric by the yard or choose from a number of pre-made clothes. Every three months, Caja retires the patterns from the previous season and starts a new collection. Caja is monochromatic, Caja is sophisticated but quirky, Caja is for every woman who was told she couldn’t have her cake and eat it too. Join the movement: Negro es mi color feliz® With a monochromatic color scheme, it’s important to push the rest of the brand visuals. Serif typographic treatments and delicate line work offer a subtle touch of elegance and refinement. A minimalist website interface that, in part, utilizes collapsible accordions help customers navigate otherwise content-heavy pages. The website also focuses on simple call to action segments that further help with navigation. Ultimately, the website maximizes usability and does not detract from the “sophisticated but quirky” brand appeal.

Above: Six sample pattern swatches // Right: Sample order

d ev e vii l’ s jav a cannabis infused cold brew

04 Devil’s Java PACKAGING DESIGN Devil’s Java is a fictitious brand of cannabis-infused cold brew drinks originating in St. Augustine, FL. The name is a play on words between “Devil’s Grass”, a slang term for cannabis, and the common term for coffee, java. Devil’s Java allows the customer to take an active role in their experience by choosing one of the five drinks that best conforms to their activity and/or intended mood. Since colors are frequently associated with certain moods, the five products are color-coded to establish this. For example, Diffuse, a bold choice intended for high social interactions is denoted with red, a color normally associated with energy and passion. Environmentally-friendly packaging was a must. Reusable glass bottles are complimented with 100% biodegradable slip-on labels. These easy to remove labels further incentivizes customers to keep the bottle. An added bonus being the intricate graphic that is etched onto the back of the bottle, only visible after finishing a bottle and mandatorily collectable. Child resistant caps are covered with a layer of wax that can be easy removed but useful for tamper evidence. Labels are kept simple to stand apart from the many brands of cannabis-infused drinks with overwhelming visuals. Angular typography is contrasted with a slab serif for a mix of new and old. The minimalist appearance of the label contrasts the busy pattern on the back in what some might describe as the mullet of design, “business in the front, party in the back.” Always a perfect addition to any activity, choose your experience with Devil’s Java.



d e v i l’s j av a

devil’s ja va java



13.5 FL OZ (400 ML) | 100 MG THC

13.5 FL OZ (400 ML ) | 100 MG THC

cannabis infused cold brew

cannabis infused cold brew








FL se








9.25 inches

Conceive the idea. Find your ingenuity.

Amount Per Serving Calories Total Fat Total Carbohydrate Sugars Sodium THC

80 0g 19 g 14 g 65 mg 100 mg

1%* 3%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Distributed By: Cannabyss, Inc. 420 Highline Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-420-5353

cannabis infused cold brew



Ingredients: Coffee (Filtered Water, Coffee Extract), Cane Sugar, THC Oil.

16000 33611

Jorja grew up in a home full of laughter—and coffee. If there is one thing Jorja is good at, it is making others really happy. As a little girl, she loved making silly faces and hearing the rhythmic pattern of laughter from family and strangers alike. Today, she merges these two childhood favorites into Devil’s Java. A high quality cold brew espresso and a hint of laughter, as she says, makes this beverage the perfect combination of zest and delight.

devil’s java

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 Bottle (400 mL) Servings Per Cointainer 2


2.5 inches


13.5 FL OZ (400 ML) | 100 MG THC

DIS COVER — Conceive the idea. Find your ingenuity.

Amount Per Serving 80 0g 19 g 14 g 65 mg 100 mg

1%* 3%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.


Serving Size 1 Bottle (400 mL) Servings Per Cointainer 2 Amount Per Serving Calories Total Fat Total Carbohydrate Sugars Sodium THC

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Distributed By: Cannabyss, Inc. 420 Highline Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-420-5353

dev il’s java ja va

Nutrition Facts 4

Amount Per Serving

1%* 3%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

cannabis infused cold brew


16000 33612

80 0g 19 g 14 g 65 mg 100 mg

Ingredients: Coffee (Filtered Water, Coffee Extract), Cane Sugar, THC Oil.



cannabis infused cold brew


DELV E — Reveal from within. Search deeper.

dev il’s ja va java

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 Bottle (400 mL) Servings Per Cointainer 2 Amount Per Serving Calories Total Fat Total Carbohydrate Sugars Sodium THC

80 0g 19 g 14 g 65 mg 100 mg

1%* 3%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

cannabis infused cold brew

— DEL VE —


Ingredients: Coffee (Filtered Water, Coffee Extract), Cane Sugar, THC Oil.

16000 33617


Jorja grew up in a home full of laughter—and coffee. If there is one thing Jorja is good at, it is making others really happy. As a little girl, she loved making silly faces and hearing the rhythmic pattern of laughter from family and strangers alike. Today, she merges these two childhood favorites into Devil’s Java. A high quality cold brew espresso and a hint of laughter, as she says, makes this beverage the perfect combination of zest and delight.

1 3.5 F L O Z (400 ML) | 10 0 M G T HC


16000 33612

Distributed By: Cannabyss, Inc. 420 Highline Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-420-5353

Distributed By: Cannabyss, Inc. 420 Highline Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-420-5353

13.5 FL OZ (400 ML) | 100 M G 1 3T.5HC F L O Z (4 00 ML) | 10 0 M G T HC

Share you with the world. Propagate.

Jorja grew up in a home full of laughter—and coffee. If there is one thing Jorja is good at, it is making others really happy. As a little girl, she loved making silly faces and hearing the rhythmic pattern of laughter from family and strangers alike. Today, she merges these two childhood favorites into Devil’s Java. A high quality cold brew espresso and a hint of laughter, as she says, makes this beverage the perfect combination of zest and delight.

80 0g 19 g 14 g 65 mg 100 mg

1%* 3%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

cannabis infused cold brew



Ingredients: Coffee (Filtered Water, Coffee Extract), Cane Sugar, THC Oil.

16000 33619

Distributed By: Cannabyss, Inc. 420 Highline Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-420-5353

D RIF T — Level your body and mind. Drift within.

— DEL V E — Nutrition Facts de vil’ s jjava ava

Serving Size 1 Bottle (400 mL) Servings Per Cointainer 2 Amount Per Serving Calories Total Fat Total Carbohydrate Sugars Sodium THC

80 0g 19 g 14 g 65 mg 100 mg

1%* 3%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Distributed By: Cannabyss, Inc. 420 Highline Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-420-5353

cannabis infused cold brew

— D R IF T —


Ingredients: Coffee (Filtered Water, Coffee Extract), Cane Sugar, THC Oil.

16000 33610

Jorja grew up in a home full of laughter—and coffee. If there is one thing Jorja is good at, it is making others really happy. As a little girl, she loved making silly faces and hearing the rhythmic pattern of laughter from family and strangers alike. Today, she merges these two childhood favorites into Devil’s Java. A high quality cold brew espresso and a hint of laughter, as she says, makes this beverage the perfect combination of zest and delight.

1 3 .5 F L O Z (4 00 ML) | 10 0 M G T HC



Ingredients: Coffee (Filtered Water, Coffee Extract), Cane Sugar, THC Oil.

Calories Total Fat Total Carbohydrate Sugars Sodium THC



16000 33617


* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Distributed By: Cannabyss, Inc. 420 Highline Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-420-5353

Amount Per Serving

cannabis infused cold brew


Amount Per Serving 80 0g 19 g 14 g 65 mg 100 mg

dev il’s ja va java

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 Bottle (400 mL) Servings Per Cointainer 2

devil’s j a va ava

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 Bottle (400 mL) Servings Per Cointainer 2

Calories Total Fat Total Carbohydrate Sugars Sodium THC

1 3.5 F L OZ (4 00 M L ) | 1 00 M G THC

Serving Size 1 Bottle (400 mL) Servings Per Cointainer 2

Calories Total Fat Total Carbohydrate Sugars Sodium THC


Jorja grew up in a home full of laughter—and coffee. If there is one thing Jorja is good at, it is making others really happy. As a little girl, she loved making silly faces and hearing the rhythmic pattern of laughter from family and strangers alike. Today, she merges these two childhood favorites into Devil’s Java. A high quality cold brew espresso and a hint of laughter, as she says, makes this beverage the perfect combination of zest and delight.

— D I SC O VE R —

devil’s j ava a va

Nutrition Facts

Jorja grew up in a home full of laughter—and coffee. If there is one thing Jorja is good at, it is making others really happy. As a little girl, she loved making silly faces and hearing the rhythmic pattern of laughter from family and strangers alike. Today, she merges these two childhood favorites into Devil’s Java. A high quality cold brew espresso and a hint of laughter, as she says, makes this beverage the perfect combination of zest and delight.


Reveal from within. Search deeper.


cannabis infused cold brew

13.5 F L OZ (400 ML) | 100 MG THC

Size 1 full Bottle of (400 laughter— mL) Jorja grew up in aServing home Servings Per Cointainer 2 and coffee. If there is one thing Jorja is good Amount Per Serving Jorja grew up in a home full of laughter—and at, isitgood is making others really happy. As a little coffee. If there is one thing Jorja at, it Calories 80 is making others really happy. As a little girl, Total Fat 0g girl, she loved making silly faces and hearing she loved making silly faces and hearing the Total Carbohydrate 19 g 1%* rhythmic pattern of laughterthe from rhythmic family and Sugarof s 14 g pattern laughter from family strangers alike. Today, she merges these two Sodium 65 mg 3% and alike. childhood favorites into Devil’s Java.strangers A high THC Today, she merges these 100 mg quality cold brew espresso and a hint of two childhood favorites into Devil’s * Percent Daily Values are based Java. on a 2,000A calorie diet. laughter, as she says, makes this beverage the perfect combination of zest and delight. Ingredients: Coffee (Filtered Water, Coffee Extract), Cane high quality cold brew espresso and a hint Sugar, THC Oil. of laughter, as she says, makes this beverage Distributed By: Cannabyss, Inc. the perfect combination of zest and delight. 420 Highline Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084



Ingredients: Coffee (Filtered Water, Coffee Extract), Cane Sugar, THC Oil.

Find your brilliance. Perceive the senses.

Find your brilliance. Perceive the senses.

80 0g 19 g 14 g 65 mg 100 mg


Jorja grew up in a home full of laughter—and coffee. If there is one thing Jorja is good at, it is making others really happy. As a little girl, she loved making silly faces and hearing the rhythmic pattern of laughter from family and strangers alike. Today, she merges these two childhood favorites into Devil’s Java. A high quality cold brew espresso and a hint of laughter, as she says, makes this beverage the perfect combination of zest and delight.



devil’s ja va

Nutrition Facts

Conceive the idea. Find your ingenuity.

16000 33611

Distributed By: Cannabyss, Inc. 420 Highline Drive, St. Augustine, FL 32084 904-420-5353

— D I SC OVE R — 4


Ingredients: Coffee (Filtered Water, Coffee Extract), Cane Sugar, THC Oil.

16000 33611

Calories Total Fat Total Carbohydrate Sugars Sodium THC

cannabis infused cold brew


Jorja grew up in a home full of laughter—and coffee. If there is one thing Jorja is good at, it is making others really happy. As a little girl, she loved making silly faces and hearing the rhythmic pattern of laughter from family and strangers alike. Today, she merges these two childhood favorites into Devil’s Java. A high quality cold brew espresso and a hint of laughter, as she says, makes this beverage the perfect combination of zest and delight.

d ev il ’s ja v a

Nutrition Facts

Serving Size 1 Bottle (400 mL) Servings Per Cointainer 2

1 3 .5 FL OZ (40 0 M L) | 10 0 M G T HC

13.5 F L OZ (400 ML) | 100 M G THC










FL se












I got baked in st. augustine.




FL se


















05 Montgomery Barbershop & Lounge WAYFINDING SYSTEM Montgomery is a local, vintage-inspired and luxury men’s barbershop & lounge styled after the essence of the late Edward Montgomery “Monty” Clift. Clift is remembered as one of the original Method Actors of Hollywood in the 1950s. The barber shop caters to the modern day gentleman, or as The New York Times said of Clift in his obituary—the moody, sensitive young man. Montgomery hopes to create a sense of community through the long standing ritual of hair cutting. The goal for the Montgomery wayfinding aesthetic is to invoke nostalgia while maintaining a modern, clean appeal. The color scheme is reminiscent of wood, smoke and libations, and work to differentiate the two areas of the brand. Cool blues are used for the barbershop portion of the facilities and are meant to calm and soothe patrons. Contrastingly, a deep burgundy is used in the lounge. Elements from the iconic logo are found on the overhead signs in each area, however signage is meant to be legible and to the point—no fluff needed. With painstaking attention to detail and superb aesthetic, the brand speaks to the modern day gentleman. A beautiful dichotomy of strength and sensitivity—as was the late Montgomery.

Student Silver Addy Animated Logo 2018

Isometric-style interior graphic of barbershop (left) and lounge area

06 Todd Kuffner POSTER DESIGN, WEBSITE & BRANDING Todd Kuffner is a musician based out of the UK who writes, arranges, records, produces, mixes and masters each album entirely by himself. His music is a mixture of folk and rock; a sort of whimsical darkness with a hint of romanticism. For his personal branding, an abstracted monogram with angular lines appears almost as an ancient symbol and is paired with six burgundy circles reminiscent of the six cords on a guitar. Together they balance the dichotomous appeal of love and melancholy. The burgundy, a staple in his personal branding, is matched with other similarly darker colors to hint at the folk. Beyond personal branding, branding was developed for a fictional concert tour that included a tour poster, album cover for accompanying album release, and business cards to leave with interested individuals in the business. Business cards are meant to be tour-specific and collectable; a new design would be made for each consecutive tour. Texture on poster and album cover are collaged together from artwork made by me. The paintings’ rough textures and subdued colors are meant to hint at the emotions within the music. The main goal of the art direction is to fuse the elements of folk and rock while keeping his personal branding minimalist and able to withstand artistic ebb and flow.

Astrid + Astir    ’                      

07 Astrid + Astir SERVICE DESIGN Healing and growth occur from the inside out, the mind must be ready and the heart willing. For many women in the United States prison system, the resources to do either are scarce, leaving them with little hope for the future. Astrid + Astir is a nonprofit organization that utilizes outdoor and physical activities to delve into three key aspects of an incarcerated woman’s journey to recovery. Through meditation, yoga, and group camping, participants will learn healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with existing trauma, conflict resolution, and relationship building. Astrid + Astir believe that these three points will leave a positive and lasting impression in these women’s lives. As an NPO, priority is gathering volunteers and donations through the use of a website and promotional material. For art direction, volunteers and donors are the known target audience. Branding is meant to appeal to the individuals that fall under these two categories as women in the prison system wouldn’t be using their allotted internet privileges to visit the website. Being an organization that does camping retreats, color palette is comprised of shades of blues, deep green and a gray for a hint of neutral. Additionally, the soft peach is meant to symbolize the emotional aspect of the retreat, this hint of softness is also visible in the script typeface used for the logotype. The modern and artistic elements throughout the branding are meant to entice possible volunteers and donors, sending a message of progress, vision, and attention to detail. More than designing a brand, this is a concept of service. No program exists that hopes to benefit women while they are still incarcerated. Many are after they have been released and most and religiously affiliated, further reducing the number of individuals that would participate. This NPO would be the first of its kind.

Astrid + Astir


Get Involved


Astrid + Astir


Get Involved

join the journey

join the journey

(become a volunteer)

(make a donation)

apply now

Everyone’s experiences and situations make them ideal for particular types

*Volunteering is as much about the people we help as the people we are.

+ Astir to provide three main workshops that focus on *Astrid Abuse and Trauma, Conflict Resolution, and Relationship

of volunteering. That is why Astrid + Astir focuses on the individual volun-

Building. Inmates are taken to a weekend retreat where they

teer so as to best provide support for the women they are invested in help-

participate in numerous activities that focus on the

ing. More than likely, you might fall into more than one category and that is

aforementioned topics. While on retreat, inmates are provided

OK. Volunteers are the backbone of our organizations, we wouldn’t be

with all accommodations, including food, clothing, and

where we are, helping the many women inmates across the nation without

toiletries. Donations directly affect the organizations ability to

our deeply dedicated volunteers. Apply to any, and all, sectors that apply to

provide these much needed services to women inmates.

you and we will determine where your strengths are needed most!


VOLUNTEER remote logistics



Our donations are 100% tax-deductible. Tax ID #: 13-6578123

donate goods A large majority of our funds go into purchasing goods for during and after the retreat for participating women. These goods include, but are not limited to: 1. Camping gear: tents, sleeping bags, pillows, flashlights, bug repellent

field professional

2. Canned foods/dehydrated meals, kitchen ware, bottled water 3. Camping/Exercise clothing 4. Exercise mats 5. Shoe wear: flip flops, slip-on sneakers, socks 6. Shampoo, soap, pads, tampons, toilet paper, sunscreen If you have any questions about your goods donation, please contact us at 904 852 9413

s ign u p fo r u p d ates



isn’t in your means, please think of donating. Funds allow Astrid + Astir to provide emotional workshops, *If volunteering camping experiences, and basic necessities while in prison. Every donation directly affects a woman in need.

donate now

sign up for updates email Contact


Get Involved




Get Involved





Volunteers and donors will receive complimentary t-shirt accordingly. Particapants will receive t-shirts without any designation on the backside to minimize discrimination. Anyone can purchase “supporter� t-shirts, offering another opportunity to raise money. All merchandise bought is viewed as a donation.



08 Galaxy Academy APP DESIGN Galaxy Academy is an edutainment application for tablets designed to teach kids and pre-teens about Earth and Space Science while keeping them active. The app is a three-part system divided into Explore, Search, Build and collectively focuses on The Milky Way Galaxy, our Solar System and the planets, exoplanets and stars that reside within it. Part of the app uses Augmented Reality and follows a “Pokemon Go” approach to get kids moving and visiting parks, beaches, and other outdoor locations to “catch” all the planets. Once found, these can be used to create a live replica of outer space. Through the app, parents are given the opportunity to participate in their kids’ learning and hands-on skill building by purchasing a Starlight Kit. Branding and app design focuses on the complexity of the pre-teen age group. The minimalist design hopes to catch the interest of kids that are doing away with childish graphics and interests. Color combination exudes happiness with bright orange and green, and blues to connect with the space aesthetic. Typographic contrast is achieved by combining a decorative san serif display type for the logo and a clean, easy to read san serif for all other headlines. A distinct serif is used for areas with a lot of information. The goal of Galaxy Academy is for kids to learn about outer space and develop a long lasting interest in the field. Branding is versatile enough allowing the app to follow these kids well into their teen years. The app also promotes inclusiveness through the use of quirky anthropomorphic planets.



Visit for app prototye

Physical interactive component: DIY Stalight nightlight


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