Archangel Uriel, the Tatra Mountains and the World Light Grid

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The 6-pointed, Star of David superimposed over Cracow, Poland

We must all serve the One Living God, the living God which lives in all dimensions, even where the thought forms of the other Gods cannot dwell, for the Living God is the “God of all Gods�.

Archangel Uriel and Tatra Mountains The Etheric Retreat and Home of Archangel Uriel is universally accepted to be the heart of the Tatra Mountains of Poland, south of Cracow. Uriel's Name (Hebrew: Auriel, Aleph, Vau, Resh, Yod, Aleph, Lamed) means "Fire of God", "Flame of God", "Light of God" or "Sun of God". Some accounts place the Archangel Uriel at the head of the third Order or Hierarchy of Angels. Others identify Uriel as one of the "Seven Spirits before the Throne". Uriel is referred to as "The Angel of Repentance" and is commonly held to be the Angel who holds the keys to the gates of Hell. He is also often identified as the Angel who "stands at the Gate of Eden with a Fiery Sword," and in the Book of Enoch Uriel was called the Angel who "watches over thunder and terror" (Enoch 1). He was thought to be the messenger sent to warn Noah of the forthcoming floods. As the "Interpreter of Prophecies", Uriel was usually depicted carrying a book or a papyrus scroll, or possessing a Fiery Sword. The Archangel Uriel is traditionally considered the Angel of the Earth. He (or she) is the keeper of the mysteries which are deep within the planet, underground and in the hidden depths of the living world. Therefore Uriel is the patron of Ecology, the science of the whole Earth and the inter-relationship of all life upon it. Humankind is currently at the end of an evolutionary cycle, when the paradise trinity of the Christ, Moses, Jesus and Elijah will return with Archangel Uriel, who is the creator of the inner light, Metatron, who is the creator of the outer light and Archangel Michael, who is the creator of this local universe, as a demonstration of the return through a greater ionization of a new body of light that is connected to the galactic thresholds of our Heavenly Father’s “crystalline” house of many Mansions. It is through receiving the anointing light of the Archangels Uriel and Michael, as the collective Pillar of Light, that the foot of the lord has been place upon the earth: Call Uriel forth if you have trouble sleeping or are feeling tense or anxious. He is here to release any fears or worries you may have concerning a situation. He can give you the determination and assist you to transform any aspect of your life. You can also call on Uriel if you have a lack of confidence or health issues relating to the digestive tract.

The Star Of David, the Pentagram and the World Light Grid With the inception of the Tucson Crystal Light Grid in 1996, an ancient template utilized by Templars, Gnostics and spiritualists of old was brought back into modern use as a tool for energy clearing and planetary ascension through the activation, re-alignment and re-initiation of natural and manmade vortices and grids around the world. The 5 pointed and 6 pointed stars have been used for millennia by spiritual and religious leaders, priests and sages as energetic tools for our collective connection to God, through the anchoring of the Pillar of Light frequencies as angular tools for the molecular realignment of matter into light receiving structures that ground the descent of spirit into matter, and support the returning ascent of matter into spirit. The Pentagram: The pentagram has been found on potsherds from the pre-cuneiform Uruk period of ancient Babylon (3500 BCE). In later periods of Mesopotamian civilization it appears in cuneiform writing to represent the four cardinal directions with the fifth point representing “above”. As such, it represented the dominion of royal authority extending to “the four corners of the world and the heavens above.” The early Christians associated the Pentagram with the five wounds of Christ. Later kabalistic Christians would associate the name of Christ in Hebrew characters, IHShVH or Yeheshua, to the five points of the pentagram. Thus the pentagram represents the descent of divine fire into the world, and the ascending power of Divine Will within Humanity to effect conscious change. The Star of David: The Star of David was used long before Judaism and the nation of Israel embraced it. Composed of two, equilateral triangles, it represents a double-triangulation which "maps" the position of the major stars of the heavens with the major axis along the Milky Way from Sirius to Aquila. As such, the Star of David was originally the secret symbol of stargazing priests, later adopted by the Israelite Kings David and Solomon and subsequently by the Hebrew people as a whole. The Star of David is formed of the paradise trinity of Christ, Moses and Elijah, descending to meet the ascending triangle of body, mind and will. Thus the Lower Self or Ego Personality becomes a reflection of the Higher Self and embodies the completion of the soul’s journey into physical matter. As these two opposing triangles meet within the hearts of awakening humankind, the process of humanity’s long and arduous journey into mass, density and emotion completes itself, and true enlightenment can be realized.

The World Light Grid:

For millennia, civilizations have utilized knowledge of lines of concentrated energy that wrap around the earth. Ancient monuments such as the Great Pyramid and Stonehenge as well as the great cathedrals of Europe were all designed and built to utilize these energetic lines of force through the creation of vortices linked together to elevate consciousness and facilitate spiritual healing. Many of the sacred sites and ancient architecture of the world are vortexes created through the building of “light grids”. Such light grids, past and present, are not dependent on existing lines of force that are said to wrap around the earth. Through prayer, appropriate placement of crystals and integral use of technology, such grids can be built and activated where needed. A Crystal Light Grid is a number of crystals arranged into a particular geometric form that builds a particular energy field. The simplest crystal grid is a triangle formed of three crystals, placed either at the points of the triangle or within the area of each point. When two such equilateral triangles are placed opposite and superimposed over each other, one has the ancient Star of David. It is said by some that the alignment of six crystals into a Star of David pattern creates a seventh, etheric crystal in the middle, where the energy fields converge to form a Pillar of Light. When the Pentagram with its five points is laid over the top of the Star of David in a particular configuration, it grounds and activates the etheric Pillar of Light energies contained within the Star of David, energizing a vortex spin that moves up and down inside the Pillar of Light through the sixteen chakra dimensions in a figure eight, infinity movement, thus opening the gateway to our personal and planetary Christed ascension. The symbolism and use of sixteen chakras within our individual selves, linked to sixteen collective layers or dimensions of planetary consciousness, dates back to ancient Iranian history and the 16 cities of Ahura-Mazda. Iranian traditions places sixteen chakras located within the “Kehrpa of our physical body and Kehrpa of the ultra-physical body, linked with spiritual protection and the enlightenment of humanity” Ancient Gnostic teachings from the Nag Hammadi Scrolls proclaim that Jesus Christ remained on earth after his resurrection for eleven years. During that time he was able to teach his disciples of the inner mysteries, including allegories paralleling the death and resurrection of Jesus that describe the descent and the ascent of the soul. Such teachings include the sixteen chakras of personal and collective energies that govern our individual and collective Ascension. By aligning crystals into a Star of David/Pentagram Light Grid, we anchor and activate a doorway to these sixteen chakras that allows for removal of darkness and the embrace of our collective, Christed messiahship.

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