Renovate Your Home the Eco-Friendly Way Green is all the rage, and the good news is that many eco-friendly approaches can actually help you save that green ‌ money, folks. Money. If you’re looking to do the environment a solid and pad out your wallet at the same time, the following tips will help you do just that.
Renovate Your Home the Eco-Friendly Way The good news is that there are many renovations that don’t involve exposing asbestos. For instance, when you apply exterior stone to your house, you don’t have to rip out any existing walls, insulation or facades
Renovate Your Home the Eco-Friendly Way While in previous decades paint contained high levels of VOCs, you can now find many low-VOC options, especially good for homes that contain children and not costing any more than regular paint.
Renovate Your Home the Eco-Friendly Way Whether you’re outfitting an exterior chimney with some lovely red or gold fireplace stone, or revamping the entire outside of your home with new stone veneer, it’s important to ensure it’s the eco-friendly kind.
Renovate Your Home the Eco-Friendly Way Water is an increasingly critical resource, and everyone should use as little of it as possible. One of the ways you can do this is to plant species that adapt to your area, tolerate drought and don’t require constant watering during dry months.
Renovate Your Home the Eco-Friendly Way For more information about Stone Veneer: ďƒ˜ ďƒ˜