Stone UPDATE – Summer 2014

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WHERE DOES YOUR DATA GO? Steve Mellings explains about the upcoming changes to the Data Protection Law


APP MAN: MY TOP APPS FOR TOP TABLETS Top 10 education apps for Windows 8.1


THE FUTURE OF DESKTOPS Desktops are here to stay!


TIBSHELF SCHOOL CASE STUDY: PART ONE Creating the school’s next generation ICT infrastructure



Steve Mellings talks Data Protection



FROM THE EDITOR The low-down on what’s packed inside UPDATE


MAILBOX Your thoughts on data protection in education


AV TECHNOLOGY How to bring your classroom back to life


MEET THE TEAM James Gunson - Stone Payment Solutions


JOURNEY OF A PC: FROM ALDERSHOT TO AFRICA How we’re helping to transform IT education in Africa


CREATING A BROAD AND BALANCED CURRICULUM FOR TOMORROW Chris Sharples talks about the future of the curriculum


CITY OF BATH COLLEGE CASE STUDY Old PCs come in handy as part of IT lifecycle management


Top 10 (11) education apps for Windows 8.1


IIYAMA Wide range of education monitors


TOSHIBA: OUR UNIQUE BLEND The latest tech to help improve learning outcomes




Stone Infrastructure Services A look at the spectrum of our solutions




If you would like to receive future editions of UPDATE, then please subscribe to our mailing list today through the website at www.

EDITOR With Summer in full swing, the heat is on at Stone HQ as the busiest time for production begins. And because it’s our busiest time of the year we wanted to keep you updated with what we’ve been up to since BETT and what’s new and upcoming for the rest of the year. With the advancement in tech rapidly changing the face of education, we take a look at the future of desktops and introduce our latest desktop device – the Stone NUC. Packed full of features in the smallest possible form factor, the Stone NUC, which you may remember seeing on our stand at BETT, is the perfect solution for the classroom of the future (20). For those of you who didn’t get chance to see the real thing, we’ve put together a few words to demonstrate some of the benefits this device can bring to your institution. In this edition, we also chat to our AV Product Manager to find out what’s hot in AV (16) and App Man reveals his top 10 (okay…maybe 11) Windows 8.1 apps for education to help inspire and motivate student learning (8). We also take a look at a real-life ‘school of the future’ and show how we worked with Tibshelf Community School to help them achieve their vision (12). Look out for part two of the Case Study in the next edition of the Update!

And, with data security being high on the agenda across many educational establishments, we chat to Steve Mellings from ADISA (4) to get an insight into best practices for complying with the Data Protection Law when disposing of your end of life IT hardware.

“WE HOPE YOU’RE ENJOYING OUR NEW LOOK UPDATES, AND AS ALWAYS WE LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU TO KEEP THE CONVERSATIONS GOING.” Daley Robinson, Group Marketing Director Missed the last edition? Don’t worry – content can still be accessed online at And as we know how precious time can be – we’ve packed more of the content from this edition on there too! So, you can now keep up-to-date with all the latest news in education from all editions as and when you like. Happy reading! @StoneComputers

Daley Robinson, Group Marketing Director 08448 22 11 22

Current and past editions of UPDATE are available to read online at any time on your favourite device. Whenever you see these icons, go online for bonus content using the QR code or the web link.






Written by Steve Mellings, Chief Executive, ADISA

Complying with current and potential future changes to Data Protection Law when disposing of ICT Assets The following article is an excerpt from a full white paper. A copy is available on request from

As individuals we have a nature to consume resource at an alarming rate. For ICT equipment not only has there been a predisposition to demand the latest and greatest technology but there has also been refresh catalysts driven by manufacturers, resellers and software developers. This has created a ‘use and lose’ approach to hardware and within the wider world of ICT. The perception is that once infrastructure has finished its life then it is simply waste and those who remove it are the ‘ICT Dustmen’. However, a failure to understand that disposal includes three assets – data, software as well as hardware – leads to poor policy, poor operational processes and most of all, to uncontrolled risk taking.

Where does your data go? Desktops Flash Storage

Hosted Data Centre

Charity/Staff/ Brokering


Rental/Lease Multifunction Devices

WEEE Take Back Trade in

Disaster Recovery/ Back Up




Laptops/ Notebooks Networking


IT Disposal Partner



The UK Data Protection Act 1998 The UK Data Protection Law is designed to safeguard data held about individuals and is a complex and very broad ranging piece of legislation underpinned by eight basic principles. For ICT Disposal, Principle 7 is the most applicable which states: “Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.“ Ensuring compliance within UK education For many educational institutions, compliance with the UK Data Protection Act or even with their internal policies can sometimes be an opt-in and opt-out approach. The pressure of delivering teaching and learning ensures that focus is given to those areas where operations directly impact the school or college itself. However, with the rumoured changes to the Data Protection Law getting more clarification and support, data protection is an area which only the brave will ignore. For those who have data protection, information security or even brand protection within their remit, all aspects where their own institution could be compromised needs to be reviewed, a risk assessment to take place and remedial actions to be enacted. One such area must be the process of ICT asset disposal as this is clearly part of the overall battlefield of information security/data protection. In order to comply with existing legislation and to future proof against changing legislation the following (in my opinion) would be deemed as “Appropriate technical and organisational measures”:

“Appropriate technical and organisational measures shall be taken against unauthorised or unlawful processing of personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal data.“ Principle 7, The UK Data Protection Act 1998

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An approved means of media sanitisation encompassing all media types. A policy, which controls the release all of these media types within a school or college’s activities. Internal procedures which ensure a consistent approach to this activity across all product sets, departments and locations and which shows adherence to the policy. Full asset management throughout the process and verification at each point. Third party contracts clearly defining the operator as the data processor and controlling any downstream processing including a strong e-waste strategy. Detailed and measurable specification for service delivery. Evidence of professional competence of supply chain. Management and reporting on the process with incident reviews, to take place as matter of course.

Of course, the pressure on IT teams in UK education is enormous. These teams are expected to deal with more different technologies than ever before, in environments which are often out of their control. All of this with often a smaller budget and fewer resources available. However, by building an intelligent ICT disposal programme along the previously suggested outlines, schools and colleges will not only be able to show compliance with required legislation, but they will also protect their own data from exposure. Furthermore they will be able to maximise the opportunity from old infrastructure through re-deployment, re-sale or donation. Intelligent policy leads to intelligent processes and intelligent solutions. Without these elements being in place then compliance with the current and future act is clearly not evidenced and the ICT disposal process is one managed by good fortune rather than organisation control. If this is the case for your institution then ask yourself, why do we bother locking the data centre door at night, what harm could possibly happen? 08448 22 11 22 05


MAILBOX In this edition, we ask Josh Freeman, Managing Director at Primary Technology... “What are your thoughts on data protection in education?”

itive data now Schools hold more sens importance of data than ever before so the for any institution protection is paramount ry, secondary, whether they are prima dent. Primary state-funded or indepen ily challenge of Technology faces the da ta is protected ensuring that schools da and learning ing without disrupting teach ut ho causing a in the classroom and wit e devices off-site. headache to staff that tak light recently as This issue has come to data protection a serious issue regarding through the within a school made it consequence Court system and as a ed to ensure that schools have been advis te that contain devices which go off-si information are confidential or sensitive ndard. At the encrypted to a given sta fice our engineers Primary Technology Of plementation of have researched the im hool environment encryption within the sc ns available for and have various optio are suitable to moving for ward which scenarios. dif ferent budgets and offering which The standard Microsoft prise version of is available on the Enter ows 8 versions Windows 7 and all Wind


h EES is Bitlocker. Schools wit ible elig are Microsoft licensing ich wh s to use any of the version er Lock allows full support encryption. Bit hout the hassle of encryption of laptops wit multi-character remembering a complex top a specific passphrase, to boot a lap is is a centrally USB key is required. Th hools can also managed system, so sc d away in the have a master key locke booted without a be safe – so devices can It also means you specific individual’s key. ery keys just in case have a backup of recov e fail or all copies the USB ports on a devic which we admit is of the USB keys break depending on the very unlikely. Obviously school this could number of devices in the ing activity, and if be a very time consum render devices and done improperly could data useless. e and free There is an Open Sourc r device pe a offering which allows up ck of the encryption model. A ba a CD and kept key can be made onto uires a long safe, but otherwise it req laptop. This is a password to unlock a r establishments good option for smalle licensing. or those without EES


Data protection do esn’t just affect de vices that go off-site thou gh. All schools mus t ensure that staff m embers only have access to informat ion which is nece ssary for them to use. Th is can be achieve d by giving users spec ific access permiss ions to the various storag e areas which are us ed. How this would ap ply to a specific sc hool will be up to the he adteacher to decid e with advice from th e school’s technic ian or external technical support provider. Another common vector for sensitiv e data is easy to use US B memory sticks. Both hardware an d software encryp ted sticks are available but with frequent failures and high pr ices these are usua lly not suitable for m ost schools to use. W e would always reco mmend that data is stored on a devic e with FDE (full disk encryption) in plac e. It’s wor th noting that data protectio n doesn’t stop whe n a device comes to the end of its life. It is the responsibility of the school to ensure that their devices have a full audit trail whe n disposing of th em and should ensure th at the disks are er ased to

HMG Information Assurance Standard number 5 by an accredite d disposal company . Only by making su re their devices ar e secured whilst in use and then corre ct ly disposed of and er ased can a school be certain they ar e protecting their data throughout its lifecy cle. Primary Technolo gy are a leading co mpany offering ICT service s to schools; from technical support, to hardware insta llations and hosted service s. We’re always ha ppy to help so feel free to get in touch. Written by Josh Freeman, Managing Direct or, Primar y Techno logy Primar 0845 68 01274 hello @ primar yt



OR TWEET US rs @StoneCompute

08448 22 11 22 07


app man’s


@innovativeteach is my twitter alter ego, But more recently in the Microsoft in Education world I have been know as App Man. Some even think I should have a costume! 08

I often get asked what are my top ten for education. Well how long is a piece of string? there are so many great apps now in the Windows Store it’s difficult to choose. So here are my current ten favourite apps (there are eleven, but I couldn’t decide)!

here are the top 10(11!)...




Words have been trapped in straight lines for too long...set your words free! WordBrush allows you to draw text freely on the screen, each letter following the trace of your finger as though you were painting with a brush.

Kodu lets you create games through a simple visual programming language. Kodu can be used to teach creativity, problem solving, storytelling, as well as programming.



skitch touch

qr code designer

project sienna

bing translator

QR code design made easy! “QR Code Designer” – the only application generating customdesigned QR codes.

Microsoft Project Sienna (code name) is a new technology for app imagineers. Build apps and databases without any programming.



Your digital notebook for keeping track of what’s important in your life. Jot down your ideas, keep track of classroom and meeting notes, clip from the web, make a to-do list as well as draw and sketch your ideas.

Skitch Touch is a free tool for communicating visually with friends, co-workers, and the world. Annotate images and use Skitch to sketch something new, mark up maps, screen captures, or even a photo.


The best all-inone photo editing application, with cuttingedge tools including Brilliant Visual Effects, Frames, 1-Tap Enhance, Collage, Text, Tilt Shift and Raw Converter, all bundled together in one powerful package. 08448 22 11 22 09

Nearpod is a synchronous solution for the use of mobile devices in the classroom. Create multimedia presentations with interactive features such as quizzes, videos, polls, drawing tools, and more.

Just sketch something out and it’s translated into a realistic physics object. Add attributes such as bounciness, friction, and joints - then create your own games by adding behaviours to the objects.

Your companion when you need to quickly translate what you’re looking at. Use your camera or just type the text you want to translate (text and camera translation works offline with downloadable pack).

Educators can initiate formative assessments through quizzes, quick question polls, exit tickets and space races all with their Socrative Windows app. Save time and visualise student understanding when it matters. 08448 22 11 22 09


the best app i would buy... Createbook

Why just read ebooks when you can create your own! CreateBook is an easy to use app allowing users of all ages to create stunning eBooks that include text, video and a range of other media. Don’t forget there are apps for Twitter, Facebook, Flipboard, Khan Academy and LinkedIn.

great apps for practising skills...

iMath iMath is designed to help children under the age of 12 to improve math ability and develop interest in mathematics.

The Spelling Bee Fly between beautiful locations unscrambling words! As you figure out words you get points that will unlock rewards. Each level has a random theme that will help you figure out the mixed up word.

Face the Facts This new app for Windows 8 opens a world of thousands of facts to the user in a brilliant social experience. Choose from the many categories and be presented with a random statement.

The Windows Store is rich in resources for Education, you just have to find them. but don’t just look under the education category, I always use the search function. I may type a word like ‘Science’ and find an app that looks interesting, but I have found most of the real gems, such as Wordbrush, from the ‘related apps’ list that the store suggests from a search. And, if you can’t find the App you need, then maybe your students can build one. You can use our free tools at to do this. So that’s my top ‘just a little more than ten’ of great education apps, I am certain it will change as the Window Store grows and I will add to my ever growing list. If you have any great Windows 8.1 apps that you are using, please share them with us on Twitter via @StoneComputers or @innovativeteach. App Man’s List 10

My Study Life This planner for students, teachers and lecturers is designed to make your study life easier by storing your classes, assignments, homework, revision and exams in the cloud – making your study life available wherever you are.

stone’s super pick


windows 8 tablets...

So, with an array of Windows 8.1 apps to help boost and stimulate student activity in education, you’ll need a device that not only supports these apps – but can be used to aid independent student mobile learning. Here are some of the hottest Windows 8 tablets available across our vendors that will enrich and empower your students’ learning experience.

WT8 The Toshiba WT8 tablet provides you and your students with everything you need for an optimal teaching and learning experience. Teamed up with the latest Windows 8.1 operating system and apps to match, it’s packed with power and performance for the full Windows 8.1 experience.

Iconia W4 The Acer Iconia W4 8.1” tablet is compact enough to hold in one hand yet spacious enough for comfortable viewing. Running Windows 8.1 and the latest 4th generation Intel® Atom™ processor, the Iconia W4 brings mobile portability and productivity to the next level.

Iconia W510 Touch, type and view with this thin and light 10.1” tablet. Perfect for use with the latest Windows 8.1 apps to help stimulate student productivity.

T100 A portable and convertible 10.1” tablet device with the power and performance of Windows 8.1 to provide your students with the ultimate learning experience.





08448 22 11 22 11


Case Study Part One Tibshelf Community School: Working together, achieving together

Similar stories to read

New Mills School

Hatch End High School

North View School

Tibshelf Community School, Derbyshire serves a disparate community of nine villages spread widely across the districts of Bolsover and North-East Derbyshire. BACKGROUND The school’s mission statement is ‘Working Together, Achieving Together’ in recognition of its collaborative culture. This collaborative culture is the nucleus of everything, including the school’s next generation ICT infrastructure. SITUATION The school was faced with the problem of both outdated technology and a challenging site: • • • • • • •

IT infrastructure grown sporadically since the 1980s All technology at ‘end of life’ SAN 5+ years old, Servers 8+ years old Two Management Information Systems due to recent federation Just four IT suites for 750 pupils 95% of devices were desktops No WiFi due to Victorian construction of buildings The Facts: • £14.9m new school project completed in record time with ICT infrastructure at its heart

West Nottinghamshire College

• Over 95% of school’s pupils expected to use BYOD provision • Tibshelf Community School is a state secondary school in Derbyshire, educating 787 pupils between years 7 and 11

Our Infrastructure Solutions 12

• A vital learning hub for a number of villages in the surrounding area


In 2008, Tibshelf federated with another school six miles away that was underperforming and took on additional pupils at their legacy site on the High Street – a location which the school had resided in for over a hundred years. Brian Fischer, Assistant Headteacher explains: “Tibshelf Community School was Portakabin City for a couple of years. Our buildings were falling down, with leaks everywhere and plaster coming off the walls. We had prefabricated classrooms built for temporary use in the 1940s that were being held up by pit props! Teachers would look forward to lessons within the Portakabins as they were the best classrooms we had.” Four IT suites were formally structured, with 2 of the 4 being used primarily to teach ICT lessons, giving little opportunity for other faculties to access ICT. Owing to Victorian blue-brick buildings, WiFi within the school was not cost effective limiting options and proving a thorn in the side of ambitious teachers and network technicians.

“Stone Group has been very committed to making it work for us. They have consistently gone above and beyond what was expected from our new-build project. We really wanted inspiration and an injection of fresh ideas and Stone has given us exactly that. Their collaboration with our building contractor has been exemplary and that is testament to the skilled people they have within the team. Stone is not the cheapest, but their ability to offer a total solution and service is second to none.” BRIAN FISCHER, ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER, TIBSHELF COMMUNITY SCHOOL

With oversubscribed pupils and inadequate school buildings that were falling down, the situation was less than ideal. Tibshelf was awarded priority on the BSF initiative in October 2006.

Lack of access to ICT was commented on by Ofsted, and was always raised as an issue during parent and pupil surveys. Brian gives an example of the issues: “Science teachers had a lot of creative ideas on how to use technology within lessons. They couldn’t get anywhere near any kit to book out, which meant integrating ICT into lessons was nigh on impossible.”

Brian explains: “We had been patching everything on a needs-must basis, and that included ICT. We were already a couple of years behind as we weren’t spending anything in anticipation of the windfall BSF would provide our school. This made an already bad situation even worse. The ICT Support Team worked wonders with the little that they had but lack of any new equipment was hindering their progress.”

THE AFTERMATH OF BUILDING SCHOOLS FOR THE FUTURE • School was a casualty of the demise of the BSF programme • Derbyshire County Council funded and approved new building project after BSF withdrawal • IT budget was reduced by over 80% from original BSF £4m

However, Michael Gove announced in 2010 that the BSF programme was to cease, and Tibshelf’s situation became more critical. Brian explains: “We were extremely far down the line with the BSF project – two months away from diggers arriving on site. The Government put strict rules in place for the projects that could continue and we were only days away from meeting that threshold.”

08448 22 11 22 13


With no BSF project, federated pupils and crumbling facilities, the school worked up an alternative plan with Derbyshire County Council. A £14.9m building project was approved in September 2011 with money from the County Council that included £8m from other Derbyshire schools. Although the school new-build budget had been approved, the school’s ICT budget had been significantly impacted. With £4m earmarked through the initial BSF budget, the school had to put a strong case forward to secure funds in support of their classroom vision – eventually receiving less than 20% of the figure originally planned. It was not just budget that was short on supply. Schools rebuilt through the Derbyshire BSF programme historically had a period of 12 uninterrupted weeks after building had finished to install a new IT infrastructure. Time was also going to be in short supply when it came to improvements to IT, owing to construction deadlines that could not be changed. BUILDING THE NEXT GENERATION SCHOOL • Post BSF project changed in budget size and site footprint • Collaborative classroom design with faculty staff • Consultation pushed BYOD high up on the priority list Construction on the new-look Tibshelf Community School commenced in September 2012. Although the school had secured vital funds, the project scope had to be altered to accommodate vastly different economic circumstances. The post-BSF project budget was significantly less than it had been and meant the school’s footprint had to reduce by around 50%. “This made us re-look at the whole flow of the school in order to ensure we made effective and efficient use of every single square metre,” commented Brian. Tibshelf’s Senior Leadership Team consulted with teachers and students to answer the fundamental question – ‘What would you want in a new school?’ – and asked them to draw their ideal classroom, knowing this would put pedagogy at the heart of the new-look, accommodating for the different teaching styles of faculty staff. 14

Ideas were smart and pupil-focused, for example, access to classrooms would be built outside under canopies as corridors took up vital indoor learning space – a result of the faculty’s desire for nothing to detract from the quality of the teaching environment. The school had the starting point of curriculum excellence. With Mark as Network Manager involved in all stages of this consultation, the role of technology as part of the overhaul to learning spaces was integral. A number of overarching themes became apparent: • The notion of anytime, anywhere teaching and learning. The Senior Leadership Team and governors wanted the same experience at home for all – students, teachers and admin staff should be just as productive out of school as they are in school • Personalised experience – to further the notion of anytime, anywhere, the faculty and students wanted to get the same experience whether working on a smartphone, PC or tablet Mark offers his perspective: “This meant that Any Device Learning went to the top of our strategic IT priorities. Considering where we had been with funding historically, our budget for the future and the drive from students and teachers – this made sense for us.”


Selecting an ICT Partner Tibshelf invited suppliers to tender for the school’s ICT requirements, at the centre of which was the notion of ‘infrastructure first’. Tender priorities: • Infrastructure • Single consistent user experience • Anytime, anywhere • BYOD • Future-proofing • Interactivity in the classroom Why Stone? • Innovative cloud technologies • Proven on-premise solutions • Committed staff • Proven specialist in the UK education field

SOLUTION Brian explains: “For us it was all about the infrastructure. Our consultation ignited this vision of a single consistent user experience, delivering anytime and anywhere regardless of device. We knew the foundation for this utopia was the network and the wireless. We were not at all concerned initially with what hangs off the end of that. We wanted it to work like a tap. You just turn it on and it works. In fact, due to the strong BYOD element, and with an uncertain view of future budgets, our tender was written around not providing any devices at all. “Our priorities also involved a level of future-proofing, providing a scalable platform on which to adapt to future curriculum requirements and changes in technology.” Mark explains: “Audio visual was a big area for us. Ten year old interactive whiteboards do not move premises easily and our projectors were all due for replacement as they had been stretched beyond use.” Once interested parties had sent back their tender responses, as Mark points out, responses were varied: “At one end of the scale, we had an education ICT business recommending we did it the same way every other school they supplied did it. On the other end of the spectrum, we had another organisation claiming if we adopted their cloud only ICT infrastructure model we could be up and running within 10 minutes. “Stone Group sat nicely in the middle with a good blend of innovative cloud technologies with proven on-premise solutions. It was all underpinned by a healthy dose of innovation, while still giving us comfort that it was not so far on the cutting edge that support would be impacted. “Stone Group’s people proved themselves committed to what we wanted to do from the very outset. Some competitors were new in the education market and this presented unnecessary risk to the project as a whole as Stone were proven specialists in the UK education field.”

Part Two of the Tibshelf Community School Case Study will feature in the next edition of UPDATE later in the year... 08448 22 11 22 15




WHY INTERACTIVE TOUCHSCREENS? + Capture student attention + Encourage class collaboration + Enhance academic performance + Software packages available to inspire creativity + Create an inspiring and innovative learning environment + Enhanced teaching and learning experience + Sensory rich environment

The evolution of interactive touch technology in classrooms today has led to a more innovative learning approach and is revolutionising the way education is both taught and learnt. Interactive AV helps bring the classroom to life. And because of the way teaching and learning methods have evolved, both teachers and students want something to help inspire and engage. There are now a wide variety of interactive touchscreens available that can assist in achieving these common goals and can help capture students’ attention and inspire interaction with their peers.

By introducing large interactive touchscreens into your classroom, you’re able to best utilise the interactive experience for students. In addition to this, the endless software options that are available with these screens means that you can create exciting lesson plans for the class to get involved with – all at the end of your fingertips! The future of touch is all about helping to motivate students, encourage class interaction and collaboration and enhance student productivity. So, we get the low down from our AV Product Manager and find out what’s new in the world of AV...

Clevertouch Plus

The new 65” Clevertouch Plus is the next generation of Clevertouch and is a great choice for educational institutions wanting education specific software. These screens are available with some great software suites including: CleverLynx, DisplayNote and Wordwall to allow you to plan, organise and deliver interactive and engaging lessons.

FEATURES + 6-point touch and gesture control. + Toughened anti-glare glass. + Touch-control menu for on screen input selection and Integrated Android operating system and internal hard drive. + Full HD 1080p resolution. + Narrow bezel and modern design.




SMART Board E70

Designed specifically for classrooms, the new SMART Board E70 combines a premium touch experience with the power of collaborative learning software on a 70” display.


With a freestyle multi-user interaction feature anywhere on the screen, students can collaborate without limitations. Delivering optimal viewing and writing experiences, the SMART Board E70 offers the best value for classrooms.

FEATURES + SMART Notebook collaborative learning software for maximised content creation and delivery. + Multi-touch points* – 8 touch points allow a number of students to collaborate simultaneously together. + Low friction, coated glass screen for an intuitive and precise touch experience.



Using Windows 7 or 8 operating system

Stunning HD/High Resolution visual display for reduced eyestrain and enhanced readability in bright locations to help increase engagement in the classroom.

Promethean The Promethean ActivPanel Touch is the newest addition to the Promethean family and the latest in multitouch interactivity. Designed to promote active participation in class by providing interactivity and engaging learning experiences, the ActivPanel Touch will help to enliven lessons and promote student collaboration. With a 6-point multi-touch screen, wide viewing angle and ActivInspire 1.8 software included as standard, the Promethean ActivPanel Touch provides you with a great tool and support for active and inspired learning.

FEATURES + Excellent visibility in any room, at any angle to keep students engaged. +



Precise interaction for any task with multitouch functionality to bring Windows 7 and Windows 8 tools to life at the touch of your students’ fingertips.

+ Simple and intuitive to reduce the technology learning curve and achieve learning objectives. + Designed to meet the needs and demands of any classroom with LED interactive touchscreen and durable construction. + Complements most educational technologies to help you make the most of your existing technology tools. + Available in both 65” and 70” touch panel display.

Read our Case Studies

North View School

West Nottinghamshire College

David Edmunds AV Product Manager 08448 22 11 22

08448 22 11 22 17







See our Payment Solutions 08448 22 11 22




WITH A WEALTH OF FINANCE EXPERIENCE BEHIND HIM, JAMES IS ONE OF OUR OWN RESIDENT PAYMENT SOLUTIONS EXPERTS WHO BRINGS WITH HIM A WIDE RANGE OF KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERTISE TO HELP EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS GET MORE FOR LESS. WE CATCH UP WITH HIM TO GET THE LOWDOWN... So, James, it’s great to have you on board with us at Stone. Tell us a little bit about what you were doing before you joined our team. Before I joined Stone, I spent 8 years working for De Lage Landen - one of the world’s largest leasing companies owned by Rabobank. I joined De Lage Landen as the UK Country Sales Manager for the IT leasing side of the business and then progressed to run Sales for Europe. My last role was UK Sales Director for the office equipment and technology finance division. What are your particular areas of specialism within the education space? I understand the complexities involved with regards to operating leases and the ability to structure student and staff programmes around the operating lease rules. What do you hope to bring to Stone? What are you looking to achieve? Enabling schools to set up an ongoing IT strategy to enhance student learning via the implementation of technology that is self-funded by either parents or staff and hence releasing the reliance the school has on the IT budget given to them. What schemes are there available to customers through Stone Payment Solutions? We offer a wide variety of schemes including: managed service, staff/student BYOD, compliant

operating leases, total lifecycle management and tailored payment solutions. What are the benefits of introducing these 1:1 schemes into schools? These schemes allow the school to offer programmes that have no cashflow implication on the school and also enables the school to develop a strategy around how these devices are used in the curriculum. Are there any common themes/issues you see within the education space? Wanting to give students a device but not having the budget. What do you see as the next big thing in education? Full utilisation of tablets/mobile devices in the classroom. Any advice for those institutions thinking about different device schemes? There are a number of providers that offer programmes but you need to make sure that they fully understand the details of the programmes and what is and isn’t provided. It’s exactly the same as getting a quote for a PC – you need to know exactly what spec you are getting so that you can make sure that you are getting the deal that suits the requirement. 08448 22 11 22 19


The Future of DESKTOPS

Contrary to popular belief - desktops are here to stay! With the advancement of technology rapidly changing the face of educational establishments, we’ve further developed our range of desktop PCs to ensure your learning environment is equipped with the latest and greatest tech. Our range of desktop devices have been designed to provide an innovative and high performing learning space that will help inspire student productivity and collaboration. Here’s what we can offer to help you equip your classroom of the future…

STONE ALL IN ONE Versatile by nature The Stone All in One is an elegantly simple way to create a clutter free learning environment where space is a challenge. An optional height adjust stand with added security features, front access USB ports and an optional keyboard and mouse further enhance the user experience. Contemporary and stylish, this Windows 8 compatible PC is the ideal choice for those wanting a flexible solution. Allowing for the same bespoke configurations you’ll find with our traditional desktop chassis, the device is completely customisable – meaning you get the All in One that’s right for you and your students.

FEATURES + Standard PC parts In the rare event of an issue, the Stone All in One is treated the same as any other Stone PC - giving you ongoing modular service. + Warranty Industry leading on-site next business day warranty – just like a standard Stone PC. + Optional Height Adjust Stand An excellent management solution for a tidy and secure environment that suits multiple users’ requirements. + Cable Management Cable routing to reduce cable exposure. + Secure Ability to bolt down, plus Kensington Security Slot. + Configurable All units built to order from your individual requirements so you get the spec that’s right for you. + Manageability Intel® vPro™ Technology for manageability across the institution.


SUMMER 2014 Low power - only 27w load

Only 116.6mm x 112mm




Pictured is the standard Stone vPro NUC

The shape that fits the future This next generation computing device packages a fully scalable, flexible computing solution in the smallest possible form factor complete with the latest 4th Generation Intel® Core™ processor. Its small and compact design make for simple serviceability at the same time as providing superior graphics and processing features. The superb performance capabilities inside a mini-PC style device make the Stone NUC the perfect solution for any classroom of the future.

FEATURES + Thin form, fat functionality Space saving – only 116.6mm wide and 112mm high. VESA mountable to the back of your existing monitors making a cost effective but high performing integrated computing solution. + Powerful With options available up to Intel® Core™ i5 you can get the aesthetics of a thin client with all the power needed for even the most demanding workstation. + Low power Only 6.8w idle and 27w load making it the most energy efficient device in its class. + Customisation Get the NUC that’s right for your institution. A variety of flavours to suit from Intel® Celeron® through to high end Core™ i5 with full vPro functionality. Choose from our full range of 2.5” SSD or HDD options. + Flexible platform Can be used as a traditional workstation or as a digital signage hub to power up to 3 independent displays. + Secure Kensington lock port in addition to 3rd party security options for true classroom peace of mind.

Paul Boucherat Product Manager 08448 22 11 22 Find out more

08448 22 11 22 21

Journey of a PC: From Aldershot to Africa

Who is IT Schools Africa? IT Schools Africa is a UK-based charity with a mission to transform IT education in Africa. As a sponsor, we collect surplus computers, refurbish them and distribute them to schools in Africa.

You can read more about Stone’s partnership and the work of IT Schools Africa at

So far, IT Schools Africa has: • Sent 37,000 devices to help improve outcomes in Africa. • Equipped 1600 schools with computer suites.

Through Stone Recycling Services, we collect lots of IT equipment from schools, academies and colleges every year. The devices collected are repurposed for social projects abroad and at home. One such project is IT Schools Africa. Since 2009, we’ve been a proud headline sponsor of IT Schools Africa. Our Compliance Manager Martin Ruston takes a look at how it all works: 1. Those wishing to arrange a collection use our online form. Our team internally then arrange for our vehicles to collect the hardware. 2. Once at Stone HQ, it’s processed and the potential for reuse is assessed. It’s vital for us to ensure that the hardware being re-provisioned through IT Schools Africa is of a good standard. We want to make sure it makes a positive difference to education. 3. Once a month, this segregated hardware is sent to a UK logistics centre where the IT hardware donated by our customers is put into a container with other donations of schools equipment. 4. After a journey by sea freight, charity representatives in Africa decide which schools to support with the refurbished hardware.

It’s worth noting that schools helped by this programme are spread across 16 countries on the African continent. 5. IT Schools Africa also has a teacher training and adoption provision to ensure that the devices are as impactful as they can possibly be in their new home. 6. When the hardware reaches the true end of its economic life, the charity take responsibility for collection and ensuring that adequate reprocessing happens in one of the very few reprocessing facilities ethically and environmentally approved by IT Schools Africa. 7. Back in the UK, the organisation donating the equipment will receive an annual certificate that they can proudly display within their organisation highlighting their fantastic contribution to advancing global education.


Creating a broad and balanced curriculum for tomorrow

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Chris Sharples is the Head of ICT at a North Yorkshire comprehensive and a passionate advocate of digital skills for young people. Following his attendance at a recent roundtable we hosted on the digital divide in education, here he gives his conclusions and recommendations for the new curriculum, which he says should include computer science, but not to be taken over by it. At the Year 9 options evening recently held, I explained the skills I think that employers value. I

Big Ambition

then highlighted the ones that my students have developed the most over the last few years - helping each other; being confident; being creative; being problem solvers; and being resilient in the face of difficulties. Ex-students have returned and told me that ICT skills, time management and learning

Open Badges

to work independently have been crucial for when they have gone into higher education and into employment. Unlike Michael Gove, I don’t recognise our current ICT curriculum as being ‘boring’ or ‘clearly inadequate’. I think that the newly created curriculum is very academic based

Badge the UK

Badge the UK 24

and has quite a limited examination methodology dictating what is and isn’t measured. It’s frustrating.


“All of us, including parents, need clear explanations as to the pathways into ICT related jobs in the future. We need to make more use of websites such as BigAmbition, which has case studies of real people in real digital careers.“ Chris Sharples, Head of ICT

I think there’s so much more we can do both inside and outside the curriculum parameters. We need a broad and balanced computing curriculum to continue to offer pathways for our students into a spread of IT industries. Before now,

There’s so much more that can be done to keep this interest going. For the last three years we have been developing students as Digital Leaders, supporting teachers and other students to improve learning with digital technologies in our school. These opportunities and skills are outside the current examinable curriculum. I will continue to develop young peoples’ skills through our Digital Leader programme. For example, this week one of my Digital Leaders was the first to convert a Digital Leader’s badge into an Open Badge. This is a measure of skills and competencies, linked to online evidence, which a Digital Leader can take with them wherever they go after leaving school. All of us, including parents, need clear explanations as to the pathways into ICT related jobs in the future. We need to make more use of websites such as BigAmbition, which has case studies of real people in real digital careers.

not nearly enough has been done nationally to use computing to prepare students for work. The new computing curriculum must meet the needs of the current child and the future working adult that we’re teaching – such is the interesting mix of practical and creative skills that the subject contains. I’m talking about a computing and not a computer science curriculum here – the two words are used interchangeably and I see this as a mistake. The Computing curriculum in September 2014 is defined as a combination of three elements: computer science, information technology and digital literacy. I really believe my students need all three elements in the new curriculum, and it will be interesting to see how exam boards respond. Purely focusing too much on one element of those three won’t prepare students for work. It also isn’t fair to those who are digitally savvy but not technically minded.

We need more opportunities for teachers to mix with industry colleagues; especially if we haven’t been in industry ourselves. One of my teacher colleagues who worked previously at board level for a large supermarket chain suggested we should look at teacher work experience as well as student work experience. With the opportunities we have to connect online, we should be looking to combine our personal learning networks. We need a balance to how we integrate ICT into the curriculum, both as computing and how it is used in other areas. Do we really want to remove communication and collaboration from the debate when social media is changing the world? And how do we help young people become confident and competent learners to work safely in such a world if we do not engage with it in school? Chris was a lead speaker at the recent Stone Group debate on the current national e-skills shortage, held in London. 08448 22 11 22 25


Case Study Old PCs come in handy at City of Bath College as part of IT lifecycle management

As a vibrant and innovative further education centre at the heart of the community, City of Bath College is one of the most successful colleges in the West of England and is highly committed to the learning, training and development of its students. Similar stories to read

University of Portsmouth

Colne Community School and College

Our Recycling Services 26

BACKGROUND With high quality teaching, continuing professional development of students and a harmonious and purposeful learning environment, City of Bath is a good college with outstanding features. Excellent learning facilities and resources further support the college’s innovative approach to preparing students for the 21st century workplace. SITUATION With a relationship spanning over 10 years, City of Bath College now has over half of its desktop estate made up of Stone devices with almost 600 Stone desktop PCs actively in use. In order to get the most value out of the PCs, once they come to the end of the 4 year warranty that comes as standard on the Stone PCs, instead of being disposed of straight away the college use them for a further 2 years as part of their PC Maintenance courses. This allows students to get hands on and understand what is involved in building and maintaining PC hardware.


SOLUTION Despite having a wellestablished relationship with the UKs leading ICT solutions provider, Stone was never a vendor the college had thought to turn to for their recycling needs. The Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC) framework offers a compliant and competitive procurement route to market for colleges. For City of Bath College, this meant that they could find a vendor who could meet their IT hardware requirements as well as their IT asset disposal needs and dispose of their end of life IT equipment in a legally compliant and environmentally responsible way. It was only after the college realised that Stone were on the CPC framework that they were keen to find out more about Stone’s recycling offering and turned to the Stone Recycling Services team for more information. Speaking on this process, Mark Besley, ICT Administrator at City of Bath College, explains: “As a college we always purchase through the CPC framework for the supply of our IT hardware equipment. The transparency of the framework ensures that we always feel comfortable with the services we are getting so when it came to finding a vendor who could also help dispose of our redundant hardware we knew that trying to source this through the CPC framework would be the best decision by far. Stone were one of just two or three nationwide suppliers on the framework who could also assist with our recycling needs and given that we have a well-established relationship with them from a purchasing point of view, we were keen to find out more about their recycling process.

“We have been dealing with Stone for over ten years now and the service and support they provide is second to none. They are very highly thought of within the education space and very good things are always said about Stone. That, coupled with the excellent experience we have had with them over the last decade, shows their true commitment and dedication to providing first class service and support to the education sector. “It’s the level of service and support together with the longevity of our account managers and engineers that has helped to build trust and form a strong relationship with Stone. That single point of contact is very important and this is exactly what we get from Stone. We know that if there are ever any problems we can go straight to our account manager who will always endeavour to help; they know and understand your needs and requirements and work to meet them as best as they can. It is things like this that add extra value over and above competitive pricing and other aspects of the purchasing process and form the continuation of our relationship with them year after year.” MARK BESLEY, ICT ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF BATH COLLEGE

“It was important for us to find an organisation that was not only compliant with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive but who were also recognised by a nationwide framework – Stone fit the bill perfectly.” It was Stone’s compliance with the WEEE legislation, alongside a number of other factors that weighted heavily on the college’s final decision to choose Stone as their IT asset disposal vendor of choice. “In the past Stone was never really a vendor of choice for us when it came to recycling. However, the fact that they were on the CPC framework and could provide a recycling service as part of their offering gave me confidence that their recycling processes and knowledge had

improved greatly and from that point choosing them as our recycling vendor as well as our IT hardware supplier was a no-brainer,” explains Besley. “The recycling messaging and marketing was far better than in previous years and it was obvious that Stone had invested heavily in its recycling centre. We could see a vast improvement in Stone’s ability to safely and securely dispose of redundant, end of life IT equipment and were thoroughly impressed with the service provision on offer. Mix that with their presence on the CPC framework, the existing relationship we already have and the

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“Stone now provide us with the total package and end to end solution for ICT in the college. From the supply of IT hardware right through to the environmentally responsible and sustainable disposal of our outdated equipment, the service we receive is incomparable. “Having Stone as our IT Asset Disposal vendor of choice as well as our IT hardware provider has only helped strengthen the relationship. They do what we expect and provide a very efficient service which makes the deployment of new kit and the disposal of the old far easier and less time consuming. We have never looked back on our decision and are proud to have Stone as our vendor of choice for the total lifecycle management of our ICT.” MARK BESLEY, ICT ADMINISTRATOR, CITY OF BATH COLLEGE

knowledge that they could provide total IT lifecycle management for us helped form a clear cut decision to choose Stone.” Stone operate their own in-house recycling and refurbishment facility, fully licensed by the Environment Agency, and is ADISA certified to distinction level against the enhanced ADISA 2012 ITAD Standard – the only hardware manufacturer globally to have achieved this exclusive status. Alongside this, Stone maintains an Environmental Management System (EMS) and is accredited to ISO 14001 in order to monitor, control and continually improve environmental performance. Speaking further on this, Besley explains: “My role at the college involves dealing with total asset management, from purchasing IT equipment to the safe and secure disposal of the hardware at the end of its economic life. The recycling aspect is a major responsibility and very important because the college gets audited every year, as part of national requirements, on its recycling process to ensure we are disposing and recycling our IT 28

assets in an environmentally responsible way. Ensuring we have the correct paperwork and documentation as part of this is vital. The fact that Stone provide us with the documentation we need gives us total peace of mind when we are audited that our redundant IT equipment is being disposed of or re-used in an environmentally responsible, sustainable and secure way.” The decision to choose Stone as not only the college’s IT hardware provider but also their IT asset disposal vendor means that the college now recycles approximately 1 tonne of IT hardware every year. Commenting on the process, Besley explains: “We now recycle our entire fleet of end of life IT equipment with Stone, regardless of brand. We stock our old kit until we have enough to warrant a collection from Stone and where possible we try to tie this in with the delivery of our new IT equipment to also help reduce environmental impact and limit carbon emissions from the amount of deliveries and collections we have. I am extremely impressed with the entire recycling process and service

that Stone provides. “I cannot fault the admin process either, from the booking in and collection of our IT equipment to the delivery of the paperwork. The on-line recycling request form on the website is very convenient and one I now use every time. This process is very quick, efficient and easy. You simply fill in the request and within one or two days, the recycling team contact you to arrange dates for a collection. This is high quality service that I cannot fault and only further justifies the decision to choose Stone as the right one. They provide us with a total lifecycle management solution and overall service that at present no other vendor can contend with.”

Our Recycling Services




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OUR UNIQUE TOSHIBA BLEND If your educational institution is looking at Toshiba devices to improve learning, there’s no shortage of resellers to choose from. Here’s our story: Peace of mind

We’re a Toshiba Platinum Partner and a Toshiba Certified Service Centre. The highest levels of accreditation possible. Engineers employed by us We’re the only Toshiba partner to use our own field engineers to manage on-site warranties. Highly skilled, fully DBS checked and employed by us. Lifecycle management approach In addition to supporting the device during its economic life, we’ll also ensure you’re still fully supported at the end of it too. Through Stone Recycling Services we can ensure your data is effectively wiped in addition to offering a financial rebate when you trade in with us too. The service As you’re working with us, you get to choose the service wrap that’s right for you. All the way up to 5 year on-site next business day warranty.


Belt and braces to data security As a Blancco Gold Partner, we can pre-install your customer image complete with Blancco HMG Software v4.10 data wiping software meaning your institution can stay the right side of the law and the £500,000 ICO fines – giving you ultimate control over e-safety. Stone Payment Solutions Specialised, on-premise team offering bespoke packages to help your new Toshiba investment go further. From 1:1 parental contribution schemes, to Local Authority approved operating leases. Secure warehousing Purpose built bonded-storage facility to allow you to utilise your budget and then get your shiny new Toshiba tech at times to suit your deployment plan. 99% success Next business day fix by a skilled engineer, response by email/web/ voice within 1 hour and support desk phone answered by a real person within 12 seconds.


You can choose from a variety of the latest Toshiba devices. Here’s our pick of the top 4 for education… Portégé Z30

The perfect mobile teacher laptop • Exceptionally light, reliable and value for money. • Immediate boot up capabilities to instantaneously deliver lessons, planning and admin without delay. • Battery life designed for school use, no need to charge after every lesson. • Powerful, to aid the learning generation and those multi-tasking teachers.

Satellite Pro C50

The perfect teacher/student desktop replacement device • Great screen size, for those who prefer a larger viewing area. • Powerful, enabling multi-tasking and embracing students ability to multi-task without being confined by speed. • Immediate access to the information teachers require. • Value for money, great reliability.

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The perfect student agile learning device • The manageability of the Microsoft world in an ultra-mobile device. • Students can log into their own desktop and files whilst on the schools network. • Immediate-on benefits the tech savvy, information hungry students of today and teachers in the delivery of their lessons. • Battery life designed to fit in with the school day. • Learning carried around in the palm of the students’ hand.

Satellite Pro NB10T

The perfect student mobile laptop • Light to carry, good value for money and reliable. • Loaded with easy to use features. • Battery life designed for school use, no need to charge after every lesson. • Powerful, to aid the learning generation of tech savvy, multi-tasking students. • All the benefits of a touch device, bringing the consumption and creation world together with dedicated keyboard. Toshiba, Satellite Pro, Tecra, Qosmio and Portégé are trademarks of Toshiba Corporation.

08448 22 11 22 31

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