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A Celebration of Service

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Reunion 2019

Reunion 2019

With Gratitude A Celebration of Service

The Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart education is only made possible by the team members who bring it to life on a daily basis.

At the conclusion of our 2018-2019 academic year, we honored and thanked 13 employees who had each dedicated at least 20 years of service to Stone Ridge. These 13 individuals, through their own tireless and boundless efforts, made remarkable contributions to the foundation of Stone Ridge. When combined together, their service reflects an astounding 405 years of service to the School.

Like so many of the Religious of the Sacred Heart who partnered in teams to educate young women, these individuals are part of the extended team that has carried forward the original mission and helped make it relevant for today’s Sacred Heart students. The following remarks were shared by Head of School Catherine Ronan Karrels ’86, on May 22, 2019, describing these wonderful team members and asking for prayers for them:

“Our Lower School bids a fond farewell to Stone Ridge alumna and 21-year employee, Susan O’Callaghan Davis. Susan ran our Lower School library for many years and in recent years extended her impact as Lower School Campus Minister. Susan’s keen appreciation for literature and faith have been a tremendous gift to the Lower School.

For 28 years, our Middle School science and math students have benefited from the calm, gentle demeanor of June Gentilcore. June’s excellence and joy as a teacher have helped decades of students develop a love for math, science, and a curiosity about the world around them.

Our Middle School Social Studies Department bids a fond farewell to three remarkable teachers: Sally Foley, Chair of the Department, served for 28 years; Dr. Chris Weber for 33 years; and Tom O’Hare for 40 years. With their own distinct style and sense of humor, each brought passion and excellence to the study of history, current events, and the society around us. They have cultivated in generations of our Middle School girls a deep appreciation for critical thinking, the importance of civic engagement, and the importance of learning from the past.

Counterclockwise from top left, Susan O'Callaghan Davis with Lower School students; June Genticore with Grade 5 students from the Class of 2024; Sally Foley with Grade 8 advisees from the Class of 1998

The Upper School also thanks and bids farewell to a History Department legend, Dr. Michael Cavey, who for 21 years has shared his passion for understanding the lessons of history with his students. His quick wit and vast knowledge have inspired countless Upper School girls to pursue history and political science in college, and furthermore, developed our graduates into lifelong learners of the lessons of history. His passion for civic engagement has encouraged generations of students to think for themselves, to pay attention to the world around them, and to be women of action.

We say a fond farewell to Patrick Sales, who for 27 years has worked in the business office, patiently and persistently going about the work of keeping the bills paid, the vendors happy, and the business transactions in good order.

Two members of our housekeeping staff, Hector Barrera, who served for 23 years, and Jorge Aguilar for 29 years, both conclude their work. Always with a bright smile and ready hand, these dedicated men have helped to prepare our environment every day so that our students and employees have a beautiful, well-kept space in which to work. We are ever mindful of how lucky we are to have these beautiful spaces in which to learn and live, and we are deeply grateful to you.

We also thank and acknowledge two legends in our Music Department: Nancy Fazio who departs after 36 years of service and Linda Lynch after 46 years of service. Nancy taught Lower School music for many years, founded the esteemed Junior Chorus program, and directed our liturgical music program.

Linda has played a variety of roles in the Lower School over the years including classroom teacher for various grade levels and Lower School music teacher. Both of these women have brought our community together through the power of music countless times, and both have shared their deep faith in God, serving as models for our community about the importance of faith in the journey of life.

For the past 23 years, Alana Pitcher has literally taken care of this community. She served as nurse, confidant, and consultant to students, parents, and employees alike. Whether dealing with a scraped knee, a

Clockwise from top left, Tom O'Hare; Pat Baldini, Chris Weber, and June Gentilcore; Dr. Michael Cavey with the 2008 It's Academic team with former Head of Upper School Kate Morin and former Interim Head of School Richard Barbieri; St. Patrick (aka Patrick Sales) with the many other 'Pats' during the annual faculty St. Patrick's Day celebration; Jorge Aguilar; Hector Barrera

Clockwise from below left, Alana Pitcher assisting a student, Linda Lynch, Nancy Fazio, and Pat Cleary

broken limb, a chronic illness, or an aching heart, Mrs. Pitcher always comes through for us with her gentle manner, calm disposition, genuine care, and outstanding medical knowledge.

And finally, the incomparable Mrs. Patricia Cleary. For 50 years, Mrs. Cleary has been the face and the voice of Stone Ridge. Sitting at her command center of the reception desk, she has welcomed our visitors, directed daily foot traffic, and kept the phones in order. Five decades of Stone Ridge students and community members have been greeted by Mrs. Cleary every time they walk through the Hamilton House doors, feeling instantly at home the moment they see her loving face and hear her familiar voice.

There really are not words to thank you all for what you have contributed to Stone Ridge. Your collective and individual impact is nothing short of legendary. So knowing that there is no material gift or words that can fully express our gratitude, I share these thoughts on what we can give you in some humble way to thank you:

First, profound recognition of your impact. A life well lived leaves a mark on those around you. Rest assured that your work here has transformed hearts and minds and that your good works leave a lasting legacy.

Shown below: current and former students, faculty, and friends joined in celebrating the 13 retirees who departed Stone Ridge at the end of the 2018-2019 school year at a Celebration of Service held at Hamilton House in May 2019

Faculty and staff celebrated the end of the 2018-2019 year with Mass and a luncheon

Second, know of our gratitude and love. Many of you have expressed to me that leaving Stone Ridge at the end of this year is like leaving family. The good news is— you don’t have to. We’re not going anywhere and as you know, “Once a child of the Sacred Heart, always a child of the Sacred Heart.” We fully hope and expect that you will remain active participants in the life of the School.

Third, our commitment to pay it forward. Your good works inspire us to keep moving forward the mission—the foundation that you have helped to set will continue to serve as the bedrock on which we will build for future generations.” We salute you.

May the Spirit of Madeleine Sophie continue to guide you.

May the Holy Spirit nurture you at every turn.

May the doors that open in this moment of change bring you joy and laughter.

May your hearts be full of wonder.

May you always remember our gratitude.

And may you always remain children of the Sacred Heart.

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