We would like to take a moment to extend our thanks to our Stonhard Canada employees who participated in the recent RPM Employee Engagement Survey and share the results with everyone.
We recognize that these surveys take time to complete but also recognize the amazing opportunity they create to get meaningful and actionable feedback from our employees on how to continue to get better everyday for our employees and for our Customers.
Two of the questions in this Year’s survey that we rated relatively low on were Action with respect to this exact survey. You all noted that you didn’t hear about or see much change from last year’s survey. While we did email the results from last year across the Company and while we worked on improving some of our areas noted for improvement, we didn’t communicate what we were working on based on your answers.
We’re changing that! In this document the action plan from this year’s survey as follow-ups for us to continue to get better and to continue to be one of the top ranked operating companies at RPM Globally!
Below are Stonhard Canada’s Scores in each of the Engagement Categories:
This year saw us roll out several new platforms but the most field facing of those obviously being Salesforce. And yes, we hear you, it wasn’t without a few bumps in the road. While we continue to learn the new platform for its benefits and functionality, we are also actively working on the exciting revision to our SFA system (quotes, orders, PMF, forecasting, etc) that, building on the core platform of Salesforce, allows us to modernize.
This will be an 11-month process to build the next generation of mobile friendly ways for you to do your job efficiently and effectively. We will keep you up to date with progress, but rest assured we are working on enabling you with the right tools, systems and processes to make you more effective each and every day! Stay tuned!
Again, while we did send out the results from last year, we definitely could have done better at pointing out key takeaways. This year we are sharing the details and our plans with you.
This has been an area of focus for Stonhard Canada for the past 5 years. We are working with a specific focus on Direction, Alignment and Commitment; Direction set through collaboration with all departments, Alignment from all levels that we are on the same page and working together collectively and Commitment to ensure we communicate and follow through on the plan.
While we rank relatively high here already with respect to other RPM Companies, this will remain a focus for us to ensure we collaborate often and communicate freely about where we’re headed and how we plan to get there. We’re stronger when we work together as a Team and we’re proud of the Team we have!
Again, we rank slightly higher here than other RPM Companies, but we can do better. We have implemented new Awards of Excellence that are voted on and recognize those who go above and beyond in all departments.
We have introduced Tenure videos to give people insight into the hard work and dedication of their fellow colleagues, we’ve continued to host appreciation events through our amazing Social Committee and expanded them more nationally wherever we can, and we’ve introduced Project focused awards that recognized the entire Team of people it takes to do the great work we do around the Country each year!
We will build off these great platforms to ensure we continue to recognize the hard work and effort of our best and brightest.
RPM started the Building a Better World initiative a few years ago now. Our plan this year is twofold; communicate more of the amazing things the RPM Family is doing around the world to make a difference in their communities to inspire our own Team and participate in more Building a Better World initiatives to make a difference in our own communities.
We do some great things today from charity rides, food drives, Christmas toy drives, and support of local community Teams and Organizations. We’ll do our best to communicate these events to you more frequently and of course if you have any great ideas, feel free to reach out to us directly.
We do this well today, but we’re committed to maintaining our great Team atmosphere here more so than ever! We said it above, we have a great Team of people around the Country, and we will continue to build strong connections and even stronger Teamwork as we move forward.
Every piece of our Team is what keeps us on the right track; from Warehouse Training to ensure skids are packed correctly for you and your Crews, to Admin and Estimating expanding how they can help you and your Teams, to Marketing working on more targeted market-specific pieces to better arm you in the field, to our Project Managers and Construction Managers building better QA programs to improve our delivery, to Managers building success plans for their Teams all the way to our Crew Wear program that is building a better brand and better Team atmosphere for some of our most important members, the Installers themselves.
We will remain committed to building on the Team model we have and hope to see some results next year that show us we made a difference!
While this wasn’t a question it was a result we wanted to work on. Global participation this year was around 70%, ideally you want above two-thirds (66%) of your employees providing meaningful feedback. We will work with your Managers next year to try to drive improved participation so we can stay on the right track with our action plan moving forward.
We need your help with participating in next year’s survey. Your insights and contribution from the survey will guide our strategic initiatives and action plans.
These are our action items for this year, some where we want to remain strong and some where we know we need to get better; all areas that are important to making sure we succeed in providing a great place for us all to work and grow.
Again, we thank you for taking your time participating in the survey and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
A century solving customers’ problems, one point of contact, direct sales with complete design support, project management, technical support and global accounts. No matter where you are in the world, the end result is the sameconsistent products and installation.