Epoxy vs. Vinyl Composite Tile – Which System Should You Choose? To avoid rising material and maintenance costs in your facility, proper floor selection is a key component. Often, flooring projects are budgeted as inexpensively as possible based on upfront costs, but end up costing more in replacement and repairs over the long-term. Choosing epoxy flooring in the design stage, instead of VCT, sheet vinyl and resilient vinyl flooring in high moisture environments, such as tub rooms, kitchens, showers, washrooms, wet labs, warehouses and other areas, is the right solution to avoid costly mistakes in the future. In each of these areas, water damage can force the owner to replace VCT, and sheet vinyl flooring prematurely, as none of these products are suitable for high moisture environments. The same can be said about heavy traffic areas, such as hospitals where vinyl flooring is often destroyed by rolling hospital beds, wheelchairs, and castors. It is also understood that less expensive materials, such as VCT, require upkeep and maintenance (cleaning and waxing) not only to look good, but to perform. Epoxy floors require limited cleaning due to their extreme durability versus alternate flooring materials and do not require expensive, labour intensive waxing and buffing. Studies analyzing life cycle costs rank epoxy as one of the best materials in limiting long-term cost, despite the moderate increase in initial expense. Seamless, chemical, abrasion and impact resistant epoxy systems are designed to perform in even the harshest environments. Stonhard has been solving flooring problems for more than 90 years with our seamless flooring systems. Punishing chemical assault, unremitting abrasion and impact, wet conditions and thermal shock – our proven systems are designed for the toughest environments.
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