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adult arts
DRAWING & PAINTING Beginning Drawing Matt Lord This class focuses on training the eye and hand to translate imagery from the real world to marks on a page. CAD11: 6/1-7/20, MO; 5:30-7 PM, $150 ($135)
Drawing Stories Lora Jost This beginning-level class will use drawing and visual note-taking to explore place, experience, memory, and imagination towards storyboarding for comics or graphic novels. CAD32: 6/2-7/21, TU; 6:30-8:30 PM, $210 ($189)
Drawing Lawrence: Feathers & Fur Kent Smith This course focuses on sketching various birds, reptiles, and mammals at a new Lawrence location each week. The instructor will work with students to develop skills in gesture, anatomy, value, texture, color, and composition as you drink coffee and study some crazy critters. Class will meet at the Arts Center for week one. Be prepared for adventure! CAD15: 6/5-7/31, FR; 10 AM-12 PM, $180 ($162)
Life Drawing & Anatomy Jeff Ridgway for the Artist MUST BE 18 OR OLDER Students learn to draw the human figure working from a live model using a variety of drawing media. CAD24: 6/4-8/6, TH; 7-9:30 PM, $260 ($234)
Open Model Jeff Ridgway MUST BE 18 OR OLDER This class provides an opportunity for skilled artists to draw a model each week using their choice of media. Students who enroll in Life Drawing receive a 50% discount on Open Model. CAD37: 5/31-8/2, SU; 1-3 PM, $220 ($198)
Intro to Water Media Jessica Belangee This introductory watercolor class invites students from all levels to explore different water-based medias and techniques. Discover mark making, color mixing, and a variety of subjects to render in this course. CAP22: 6/2-7/21, TU; 5:30-7:30 PM, $180 ($162)
Fundamentals of Oil Painting Jessica Belangee Students will learn about the basic tools, chemistry, and control of oil paint with fundamental exercises that are of value to beginning and experienced artists alike. Learn how to develop paintings with lessons in composition, focus, and color. CAP23: 6/3-7/22, WE; 5:30-7:30 PM, $180 ($162)
Art Classes for Adul ts
Stitch-a-long: Artist Aprons
Anne Luben Never enough pockets to keep track of all of those rulers, pencils, brushes, or headphones while moving through the studio? This class will help you build the ultimate, personalized, artist studio apron, all while teaching you basic sewing skills. No previous sewing experience required; this class is open to all levels. CAF11: 6/1-6/22, MO; 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, $90 ($81)
Natural Dyeing Fabrics Allison Sheldon Natural dyeing is a beautiful, alchemic process that can transform the textiles in our lives. Students will learn several natural dye techniques, including how to make a natural indigo vat, and how to use plants in our community to make dyes. Transform your connection with plants and add meaning to the textiles in your life! CAF34: 7/2-7/23, TH; 5-7 PM, $95 ($85.50)
Surface Pattern Design Nazanin Amiri Meers Do you love patterns, color, and drawing? This Pattern Design class will teach you how to turn your sketches into printable patterns. Explore various drawing techniques, both manual and computer-aided, as you develop your design style and create patterns for any surface. CAF12: 6/2-7/21, TU; 6:30-8:30 PM, $180 ($162)
Sewing Fundamentals Allison Sheldon This class introduces the fundamentals of clothing construction, sewing machine operation, alterations, and various types of seams and stitches. PHOTOGRAPHY Students will learn the basics of darkroom and hand-printed photographic processes such as cyanotype and Van Dyke printing. We will also go over pinhole cameras, printing in the darkroom, and experimental printing techniques. No photographic experience is necessary. Develop your photographic technique and learn more about your camera in this beginning class for DSLR users. We will explore basic camera function, the lens, light, composition, and exposure as you learn to take better pictures. CAF14: 6/4-7/23, TH; 7:30-9:30 PM, $180 ($162) JEWELRY & METALS
Jewelry Design Rachael Sudlow Learn how to make rings, earrings, & pendants in silver & copper using a wide range of techniques from soldering to stone setting. CAJ13: 6/3-8/19, WE; 7-9 PM, $300 ($270)
Lost Wax Casting Rachael Sudlow Students will carve wax to create small items that will be cast in bronze or silver. We will also do one nature casting by altering found natural objects to cast. No tools or experience required. CAJ23: 6/3-6/24, WE; 5-7 PM, $110 ($99)
Hoop Earrings Carly Kimbrough Design your own hoop earrings from start to finish. Several forming and cutting demonstrations will be the inspiration for your own designs. This course will cover some basic jewelry making techniques and students will be taught how to make the hoop, post and catch and go over techniques such as cutting, annealing, shaping, soldering, and texturing. All levels are welcome! CAJ21: 6/29-7/20, MO; 6-8 PM, $90 ($81)
- Chain Making Carly Kimbrough Learn how to make contemporary designs from classic techniques. In this class, we will learn how to make our own chains. Learn how to solder and make chainmail to create bracelets, earrings and necklaces. This course will cover some basic metalsmithing techniques and students will learn how to form, saw, and solder. All levels are welcome!
Analog & Alternative Photography Adam Finkelston CAH16: 6/6-8/1, SA; 10 AM-12 PM, $160 ($144)
Intro to Digital Photography Ann Dean CAJ31: 7/27-8/17, MO; 6-8 PM, $90 ($81)
CAH21: 6/1-8/10, MO; 6:30-8:30 PM, $200 ($180) SCHOOL OF THEATRE & MUSIC
Adult Improv Summer Session MUST BE 18 OR OLDER Leah Towle Ready for a spontaneous and hilarious challenge? Spend your summer with us continuing to build your improv skills, learning new games, and meeting new people. This class will not meet on June 23rd. This class meets at Studio 720 at 720 E 9th St #8. SU-AAZ001: 6/2-7/21, TU; 6:30-7:30 PM, $120 ($108)
Summer Samplers! Are you feeling adventurous this summer? Want to explore a new medium or process without committing to an eight week class? We are proud to introduce our new Summer Sampler series. Look for the sun symbol for samplers designed just for you! WRITING
Storytelling as Investigation Bryn Greenwood Fiction is at its most powerful when it connects us to the world. In this class, we’ll focus on storytelling as investigation, using empathy, psychology, and research to investigate important issues in our fiction. Discussing cultural and personal experiences that motivate people, we’ll implement techniques to make your stories more connected to the issues you care about.
1st Time Potter Shantel Wright, Ashlyn Pope, Antonio Martinez Learn the basics of wedging, centering, wheel throwing, and trimming and glazing while making objects like cylinders, mugs, bowls, and plates. SHANTEL: CAC11: 6/1-8/17, MO; 7:30-9:30 PM, $240 ($216) ASHLYN: CAC13: 6/3-7/22, WE; 5-7 PM, $180 ($162) ANTONIO: CAC16: 6/6-8/22, SA; 10:30 AM-12:30 PM, $220 ($198)
African to African American Art Ashlyn Pope Using clay, we will explore works by African and African American artists from functional to sculptural forms using handbuilding techniques. Be inspired by textures, patterns, imagery, and stories as you build your own narrative forms in clay. Previous clay experience helpful. CAC21: 6/1-7/20, MO; 5-7 PM, $180 ($162)
Relief Printing on Fabric Anne Luben This four-week class will introduce students to printing on textiles with hand cut relief stamps. Working with linoleum block printing, create your own custom fabrics with multicolor repeat patterns. No previous printmaking experience required; this class is open to all levels. CAT24: 7/2-7/23, TH; 5:30 PM-7:30 PM, $95 ($85.50)
Letterpress Tim O’Brien If you like the written word and making images, this class gives you a chance to combine the two. Learn how to design, set, and print type to create stationery, business cards and broadsheets, or the student’s own project. This class will also introduce linoleum carving & pressure printing techniques. CAT11: 6/1-8/17, MO; 7-9 PM, $240 ($216) CAW11: 6/1-7/20, MO; 6:30-8:30 PM, $170 ($153)
Writing the Personal Essay Amy Fowler In this class, we will explore people, places, things, and events that hold meaning for us. We will study a wide range of forms and styles of creative nonfiction writing as we explore the spectrum of personal essays. This class is for first time writers and experienced composers alike. CAW13: 6/3-7/22, WE; 7:30-9:30 PM, $170 ($153)
Thrown & Altered Adam Meistrell Just because something is thrown on the wheel doesn’t mean it needs to be round. Learn how to combine handbuilding and wheel throwing techniques to develop a wide range of functional forms in this class. Wheel throwing experience suggested. CAC12: 6/2-7/21, TU; 5-7 PM, $180 ($162)
Mold Making Shantel Wright This course will give students a foundational understanding of the principles of mold making. Learn how to create 1 and 2 part molds for press-molding or slip-casting using found forms or clay prototypes. Previous clay experience recommended. CAC33: 6/3-8/19, WE; 7:30-9:30 PM, $240 ($216)
Ceramics Revolution Hollie Rice Fresh, new, and alternative approaches to working with clay are explored in this experimental class. All levels welcome! CAC24: 6/4-7/23, TH; 7-9 PM, $180 ($162)
Screenprinting Alicia Kelly Learn the basics of the popular printmaking method Silkscreen. Students will study both drawn stencil methods and photographic stencils that can be used to create multiple layer color editions on paper or fabric. CAX11: 6/1-7/20, MO; 6:30-8:30 PM, $180 ($162)
Monoprinting Dayon Royster A spontaneous medium perfect for those wanting to explore color, mark making, color separations, tone, texture and more. This class will introduce ghost imaging, alla prima, stenciling, and viscosity rolling and use a variety of tools from brushes and rollers to the hand of the artist. CAT12: 6/2-7/21, TU; 5:30-7:30 PM, $180 ($162)
Printing in the Round Dayon Royster This course will combine printmaking and sculpture. Students will create sculptures in the round using found objects and then dress the sculptures with relief printed elements. CAT13: 6/3-7/22, WE; 5:30-7:30 PM, $180 ($162) You call THAT a story? Mary Wharff Here’s a chance to try out some unusual forms of fiction! Each week, we’ll learn a new form and use it to write our own short stories. Four weeks, four forms -- including Hint Fiction and the story as operating instructions. Please bring your favorite writing tools. CAW26: 6/6-6/27, SA; 10 AM-12PM, $90 ($81)
Returning Potter Antonio Martinez This class expands on existing skills, refines techniques, and develops more complex forms made with parts. CAC36: 6/6-8/22, SA; 1:30-3:30 PM, $220 ($198)
Glazed & Confused: Ceramic Surfaces Kyla Strid Unsure what to do about a half-baked (bisqued) ceramic surface? Bring your previously fired ceramic pieces, unglazed & glazed, to explore underglaze and overglaze techniques. We will discuss composition and layering as we explore different options for creating rich surfaces. Previous clay experience recommended. CAC33: 7/29-8/19, WE; 5-7 PM, $95 ($85.50) Ceramics Open Studio Adam Meistrell Open studio is for advanced students who want to work independently. Participants must provide their own clay and classes have studio right-of-way. Instructor permission is required. CAC57: 6/1-8/22, ALL; 9 AM-9 PM, $280 ($252)
Risograph Printing for Beginners Nicholas Stahl Learn the history and evolution of risograph printing. From its office copier origins to its modern applications within the art scene, risograph printing has become a quick and affordable printmaking solution for artists. This class will explore some of the ideal applications for Risograph’s natural grain texture and vivid ink tones, including but not limited to: zines, posters, cards, stationery and art prints. CAX13: 6/3-7/22, WE; 6:30-8:30 PM, $180 ($162
Printmaking Open Studio Anne Luben Open studio is for advanced students to work independently, using their own inks & paper. Scheduled classes have studio right-of-way. Instructor permission required. CAT57: 6/1-8/22, ALL; 9 AM-9 PM, $280 ($252)