Proton Publishing House Catalogue

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About Norberto R. Keppe

Psychoanalyst Norberto R. Keppe received his training in Vienna, where he worked with professors Viktor E. Frankl (Polyclinic Hospital and School of Existential Analysis), Knut Baumgarten (Child Guidance Clinic) and Igor Caruso (Deep Psychology Circle). Dr. Keppe was a guest professor for a number of years at the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) in São Paulo Brazil and the University of São Paulo (USP) School of Medicine, among other educational institutions. He is the founder and president of ISAT (the International Society of Analytical Trilogy, and has written thirty-one books which have been translated into eight languages. He has seen clients all over the world, including New York where he lived for five years and Europe where he lived for eight years while developing the greater part of his work in the fields of Socio-pathology, Metaphysics and the New Physics. An international lecturer, he has been called by the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), “Undoubtedly the most original heterodox contemporary writer of our times.” He returned to Brazil in 1997 where he developed, among other activities, his Trilogical psycho-linguistic method utilized by the Millennium Language School.


The Universe of the Spirits

Richly illustrated with examples from more than 50 years of clinical practice, this book takes us deep into a world most of us ignore, and ignore at our peril – the Universe of the Spirits. The Universe of the Spirits explores: How true human life is more transcendental than sensorial (or corporeal); The Holy Trinity and the influence of the good spirits in human life; Psychological Inversion – the human being’s mortal pact with evil; Spiritual pathology and its relationship to human psycho- and sociopathology; How Keppe provides the missing link between the spiritual and physical worlds; How the science of psycho-sociopathology can exorcise the planet and liberate the human being; Spiritual influences in our day-to-day existence. US$ 7,43 - ISBN 978-85-7072-063-4 - 156 pages

The Origin of Illness: Psychological, Physical, Social

In this provocative book, Keppe shows how the keystone of mental, physical and social illness is our unconscious resistance to goodness, truth and beauty, and as a result, a battle is waged both within us and against others. Richly illustrated with examples taken from more than 30 years of clinical research, Keppe uncovers the real reasons we undermine our health, stifle our talents and sabotage our success. This book will help you: a) Learn the principles that have helped heal so many people around the world, b) Gain resourcefulness and resilience, c) Become a happier, healthier, more balanced person, d) Open the door to a brighter future for yourself and those you love. US$ 17,07 - 145 pages

The Universal Man

Only by conscientizing our errors it is possible to correct them and avoid committing more errors. This is the way to form the Universal Man, i.e., the “integral” or “cosmic” man. The author tells us that man’s structure is universal, encompassing the truth in all sectors of life, love, which is ageless, timeless and placeless, and consciousness, which reaches all aspects of the being. Therefore, the reader will confirm Keppe’s findings while questioning the validity of the present scientific method. By doing this the reader will come to the conclusion that the human being needs to go back to his threefold structure - goodness, truth and pure act - the only way to take him back to personal and social normality. US$ 7,43 - 155 pages


The New Physics Derived from a Disinverted Metaphysics

In this fascinating book, Dr. Norberto Keppe, explores how the essential concepts of Physics, as well as biology and psychology, are completely inverted and are actually leading scientists away from understanding the nature of reality and the universe in which we live. This conundrum was perceived by 1979 Nobel Prize winner, Steven Weinberg. He asserted that unifying all the disparate theories would “require the emergence of radically new ideas.” This book introduces those ideas. From exploring the truth about energy and matter, to discussing the true source of energy, to examining the enormous impact of psychology on genetics, Keppe clarifies science and disinverts its incorrect metaphysical orientation. This book transcends the study of Physics alone and offers far reaching consequences for biology and psychology as well. In the end, it will become clear that Keppe’s landmark ideas unify science as no one before him and offer us a potent vision of the science of the future. Book translated into: Portuguese, Spanish, French and Italian.

US$ 17,07 - ISBN: 85-7072-050-5 - 149 pages

Trilogical Metaphysics - The Liberation of Being In this pioneering and scientific study of Metaphysics, Keppe focuses on Aristotle and some Aristotelian-Thomist philosophers and manages to dis-invert this field of philosophy thus showing how the denial of the Being is at the base of all human and social disease. This book marks the incorporation of theological and philosophical knowledge into Science at last, offering humanity the knowledge necessary to free the Being from millennia of imprisonment. Keppe shows how “pure act” (i.e. good, beautiful and true action) is the path that will bring us to sanity. US$ 17,07 - 226 pages


Work and Capital

The author shows that the capitalist system is stuck in a deadend, especially after John M. Keynes endorsed the thesis of speculation - as if that was the only way to save capitalism. Obviously, the so called capital has to exist, but people has to benefit from it as well - which will happen with the process of disinversion, in which all powers will start to serve the nations’ interests – differently from what is happening at the moment, where peoples from every country work for the interests of a few who have jumped over positions of power. US$ 17,07 - 340 pages

Liberation of the People - The Pathology of Power

In this, his 17th book, Keppe turns his attention to the study of psycho-socio-pathology, specifically the study of the pathology of power and the power-seeker. In his view, “All of our presentday problems can be reduced to one and that is,” he writes, “the way in which social and economic power is being used.” With extraordinary vision and clarity, this scientific, in-depth analysis explores the relationship between individual and social psychopathology, showing how the abuse of power in our social system has corrupted all facets of human endeavor, from work, to education and science, to the media and the arts. Essential reading for anyone interested in contributing to a just and balanced society, this book is a dynamic call to action in defense of the basic human values of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. US$ 14,93 - 290 pages

The Decay of the American People (and of the United States)

Although written over twenty years ago, this book still proves to be a comprehensive, fully documented scientific critique of the causes of the psychological, social and economic problems currently at play in today. Going further, the book provides a perceptive and illuminating analysis of the root of these problems. The author lays out a clear roadmap of what can be done to reverse the situation. US$ 14,93 - ISBN 85-7072-006-8 - 240 pages



Immensely readable with an emphasis on true spirituality, Glorification is a profound and encouraging analysis of man, reality and mental health. Keppe shows that the human being has contact with God only through awareness of his psychopathology. He affirms that humanity has a glorious destiny, but that we must first be willing to see how we reject it, condemning ourselves to illness and suffering. US$ 14,93 - ISBN 85-7072-004-1 - 168 pages


The author shows that the capitalist system is stuck in a deadend, especially after John M. Keynes endorsed the thesis of speculation - as if that was the only way to save capitalism. Obviously, the so called capital has to exist, but people has to benefit from it as well - which will happen with the process of disinversion, in which all powers will start to serve the nations’ interests – differently from what is happening at the moment, where peoples from every country work for the interests of a few who have jumped over positions of power. US$ 14,93 - ISBN 85-7072-003-3 - 273 pages


About Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco

Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco has been a psychoanalyst and writer for over thirty years. She is the vice-president of ISAT (International Society of Analytical Trilogy) in São Paulo, Brazil, the founder and president of the STOP the Destruction of the World Association and the editor of the Journal of Integral Psychoanalysis. She has organized and chaired many international conferences in Europe, and North and South America.Together with Dr. Keppe, she founded the American branch of the International Society of Analytical Trilogy in New York in 1983, where she was active as the society’s president until leaving the U.S. for Europe in 1988. In 1990, she created the Institut Supérieur de Psychanalyse Intégrale – École Norberto Keppe, with headquarters in Paris and affiliated branches in London, Lucca, Moscow, Stockholm, Helsinki and Lisbon. The aim of this Institute was to develop lectures and courses based on the work of Norberto Keppe. She also founded and published Savoir c’est Pouvoir, a free scientificcultural magazine which was distributed in Paris and many other French cities for several years. Dr. Pacheco’s extensive research and clinical practice with clients from all over the world have culminated in several books, including her best-seller, Healing Through Consciousness: Theomania and Stress


Healing Through Consciousness Theomania: The Cause of Stress


Based on clinical observations and extensive bibliographical research, the author, a psychoanalyst, shares her unique observations about the mind-body connection. Stress taxes the immune system and makes us sick. But the worst stress comes not from outside but from inside of us. Pacheco writes, “Ninety-nine percent of the time it is we ourselves who adopt an attitude of persecution ... fighting against life, against reality and principally against the consciousness of our errors. And the impending danger to which we are subject is the danger of having to cease being the godlike creatures we think we are. Because of this “theomania”, we create our own torture chamber. Man struggles against his nature and his health and kills himself, while firmly believing that his interests are directed toward reality.” In the first section of the book, Pacheco analyzes the psychosomatic roots of many common ailments including asthma, headaches, ulcers, cancer, glaucoma, and arthritis. She discusses illness in children, the family pact, psycho social disease and more. The second section of the book is a comprehensive explanation of the therapeutic methodology of Analytical Trilogy and the technique of interiorization, which the author uses to treat patients in her clinical practice. US$ 17,07 - ISBN: 85-7072-002-5 - 192 pages

The American Drug Multinacional

Our intention in releasing this dossier is to make the world fully aware of the dangers created by the manipulative individuals who are pulling the strings of the international drug trafficking industry. Our deep desire is to communicate to all humanity the true intentions of this power elite (principally from North America), which is clearly to alienate the people and destroy consciousness. US$ 14,93 - 184 pages


Women on the Couch: An Analysis of Female Psychopathology

This uniquely perceptive and clear-cut scientific evaluation of today’s woman analyzes the social and psychological reality of women and their struggle for true liberation. The book is based on the author’s first-hand experience with hundreds of clinical cases and reveals, in practical terms, how through greater awareness of their psycho-pathological attitudes, women can achieve genuine fulfillment and lasting happiness. US$ 17,07 - 192 pages

The ABC of Analytical Trilogy: Integral Psychoanalysis

This book is a comprehensive explanation of the trilogy which unifies science, philosophy and spirituality. Written in simple everyday language, the author explains the fundamental principles of Analytical Trilogy, a unique methodology created by Norberto Keppe. Analytical Trilogy studies the psychological roots of illness in individuals and society and treats them through a therapeutic model in individual and group psychoanalysis. Analytical Trilogy is also being successfully applied in language learning, in cooperative living arrangements and in employee owned enterprises. US$ 12,20

The ABC of the New Physics

This book was born out of the necessity to explain in the simplest words possible the content of Norberto Keppe’s book, The New Physics. In this profound and extraordinary book, Dr. Keppe analyzes the mistakes in science that have caused us to be so destructive and out of resonance with nature, and to offer concrete solutions for fixing our inverted scientific worldview. Compiled from extensive teleclass transcripts conducted by Pacheco, assisted by researchers, Cesar Sóos, and Alexandre and Roberto Frascari, this workbook uses everyday language to re-connect you with something incredible: the universal wisdom that resides in each one of us. Where the modern physical and sensorial scientific view severely restricts our understanding of ourselves and reality and the Universe, Norberto Keppe’s writing awakens us again to the magic of true science and the beauty, truth and goodness that lie within.. US$ 17,07 - ISBN 978-85-7072-065-8 - 272 pages


Revealing the Power of Consciousness: The Handbook of Analytical Trilogy

Concisely edited from scores of transcripts taken from Dr. Cláudia Bernhardt de Souza Pacheco’s international teleclasses on the science of Analytical Trilogy, Revealing the Power of Consciousness is a profound investigation into what has gone so wrong in our beautiful world and with the human beings who live here. The scope of the discussions is immense, and they offer us a vast comprehension of human psychology as well as pinpointing both the root causes of our difficulties and their solution. US$ 17,07

Books of Other Authors Preventing and Healing AIDS through our Inner Pharmacy

Roberto Giraldo “Preventing and Healing AIDS through our Inner Pharmacy” is the title of a new book by Roberto Giraldo, M.D. Informed by the author’s experience treating seropositive individuals from every continent and including 298 scientific references, the book explains the fundamental role of the personality and the individual’s emotional and sentimental life in the genesis of AIDS and in its prevention and healing. The volume includes an amazing Foreword written by Psychoanalyst Cláudia B.S. Pacheco, President of the international association “STOP the destruction of the world.” This book should be read by all those interested in any form of immunological illness and by anyone who is concerned with the future of the human species and our planet. US$ 12,20 - 1st edition 2009 - ISBN 85.978-85-7072-086-3 - 104 pages


The Dirty Little Tooth in the Chewing Factory

Márcia Sgrinhelli and Maria Silvia Almeida Supervision: Cláudia Pacheco This is a coloring book whose aim is to show children and their parents the inter relation that exists between our emotions and the health of our teeth and gums. The story is based on the discoveries of Norberto R. Keppe, founder of SITA (The International Society of Analytical Trilogy) or Analytical Trilogy, explaining that the essential aspect of life is “pure action”, action based on goodness, beauty and the truth which is in harmony with the human being’s essence. This delightful story illustrates the cause and prevention of dental cavities from a unique psychological perspective and shows children how to have healthy teeth and gums. US$ 4,88 - 1st edition 2009 - ISBN 85.978-85-7072-086-3 - 104 pages

Algy’s Secret

Suely Maria Keppe Not only written for children, Alguino’s Secret contains important messages that provide guidance to parents on how to educate children, resolve problems and be happy. US$ 4,88 - 1st edition1983 - ISBN 85-7072-005-X - 16 pages


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