7 Rules for Creating Perfect Push Notifications By- Storifi.app
Introduction Smartphone owners who normally use 5,10 or maybe 15 apps will realize that they tend to receive a lot of notifications daily. These apps may include shopping apps, food ordering apps or productivity apps that are used daily. However, not all notifications are useful or personalized. Some apps tend to send out irrelevant notifications that have no use for you. You might also realize that you tend to clear the notifications just because they don’t cater to your needs. So, in this case, how can you design notifications for your eCommerce mobile app that are click-worthy? Read on to find out!
What are Push Notifications all about? To put it simply, Push Notifications are small yet effective communication alerts that you get from the various types of mobile apps you use daily. Some might be sent from the system apps like your calendar, alarm, phone or text message app whereas other alerts are sent from third-party apps that you download on your phone from time to time.
Types of Push Notifications
System Notifications – Alerts triggered by your smartphone’s system applications. Transactional Notifications –These are automated alerts sent by various mobile apps (primarily Ecommerce) when you purchase products, abandon a cart or do other activities. User Notifications –These notifications are generally sent by messaging/social network apps when a user sends a message to another user.
7 Rules for Creating Push Notifications Perfectly Instead of sending irrelevant push notifications to your customers, put in some time, love, care & efforts to curate some eye-catchy & click-worthy notifications that can not only improve user engagement but also bring in more sales for your Shopify eCommerce Store. Here are 7 Golden rules that can help you to design creative push notifications for your Ecommerce mobile application.
1. Refrain from Sending Excessive Push Notifications at a Time One of the most common mistakes that any Ecommerce business does is to send out a lot of notifications in a short amount of time. While you might think that doing more will result in better results, it is the exact opposite. Sending notifications frequently will not only irritate the users but even drive them to uninstall your mobile app. Surely, you don’t want your users to uninstall your Shopify Mobile App, do you? So, you need to take a good hard look at the frequency of push notifications. Never overwhelm your users with a barrage of notifications. Instead, send only those notifications that are relevant & addresses customer needs.
2. Offer Excellent Value in Your Notifications When a user installs your Shopify mobile app for the first time, they won’t mind getting some introductory notifications on their smartphone. However, if these notifications are irrelevant & offer little value, then there is no point in sending them to the customer. So, always ask this question to yourself before sending a notification: “Do our users really need these details?” If not then you should go back to your Notification Strategy & draw out a new strategy to attract your users & drive customer engagement with the help of creative push notifications.
3. Personalize the Content of Push Notifications Since we are talking about the relevancy of Push Notifications, you might’ve come across some creative push notifications that address you with your first name. This is just one of the ways to personalize push notifications for your customers. On the other hand, you can also personalize the contents of the message & provide relevant information i.e., recommending products that are in line with customers interests. How can you know about the customer’s interest? By going to your analytics dashboard where you can check out their purchasing history, product viewing times, favorites & more. Curate the notifications accordingly & send them to achieve higher customer engagement, better sales & revenue for your Shopify business.
4. Ensure that the Notification is Understandable & Clear Push Notifications should be clearly visible & understandable for every customer, the reason being many businesses send out alerts with long titles & even longer descriptions. So, when a customer sees your notification, he/she will not be able to read the entire title or description thereby not understanding what you want to share with them. This confusion might also drive the customer away from clicking on the notification. So, keep the title & description of your notification short so that users can easily read & understand what you mean to send to them.
5. Link a Valuable Action in Your Notification While sending notifications is a great way to boost customer engagement, these alerts won’t make much of a difference if they are disconnected from the product experience. To put it simply, if you just send content & don’t attach products to the link then the customer might not be interested in clicking on the notification. Instead, you can add a product link or an image & add a one-time deal, special discount or an alert about an upcoming discount in your notification. Not only does this improve customer engagement, but users will be interested in checking other products in your Shopify Mobile App.
6. Time Your Notifications Right Everyone is busy these days. While some are occupied with office work, others have home affairs to tend to. So, not everyone will have the time to unlock their phone & checkout your push notification. So, you should develop a push notification strategy that includes sending alerts at designated times to receive maximum user clicks. This automatically translates to better product viewing times, more traffic & potential sales!
7. Rigorously Test Notifications You need to continuously optimize your push notifications strategy so that you can make your alerts more effective. One of the best ways to achieve this is to test your push notification tactics regularly. You can send out a notification to a small set of users & check the analytics of it. This will easily help you to optimize your notification strategy. These are a few rules that you should follow for creating push notifications perfectly. Want to leverage a No-Code Platform to build your first Shopify Mobile App? Why not head over to Storifi. It offers a variety of features like the Drag & Drop Builder, RealTime Preview, Storifi Blocks, Customizations & more to simplify the process of building a mobile app for your Shopify Store.
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