Biography of Storm Boswick

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Biography of Storm Boswick

Storm Boswick (full name: Sean Morgan Storm Boswick), is aseasonedmanagingdirectorandportfolio managerspecializinginassetmanagement.Ahighlyexperiencedventurecapitalist,investor,andstrategic advisor, he has an extensive list of accomplishments in the public and private equity and public and privatedebtsectors.

Storm’s lengthy professional career spans over 30 years, taking him from his native Canada to the US, UK, Israel, France, The Netherlands, and the Caribbean Apart from being anauthorityinglobalfinance andinvestment,heisalsoalecturer,conferencepresenter/panelist,philanthropist,andapublishedauthor


Storm Boswick attended Ridley College in St Catharines, Ontario, Canada, from 1984 to 1987 He also attendedChoateRosemaryHallasatransferstudentin1986.

From 1987 to 1991, Storm attended the University of St. Andrews in Scotland, where he earned an MA Honours degree in Economic History and International Relations. He was also the secretary and then president of the International Politics Association, a member of the varsity golf team, and eventually becametheteam’svicecaptain

Storm also conducted research studies for his Master’s DissertationattheSchoolofOrientalandAfrican Studies(SOAS)inLondon.


Storm’s storied professional career began in 1994 when he joined Goldman Sachs in New York as a financialanalystinthecompany’sinvestmentresearchdivision.

In 1996, he became a portfolio manager and eventually the youngest partner in the history of J&W Seligman, remaining with the New York-based firm for six years. While at Seligman, Storm was responsible for global Tech, Media, and Telecom investment positions worth tens of billions of dollars acrossseveralindustry-leadingportfolios

In 2003, Storm signed onasalong/shortportfoliomanagerfocusedontech,media,andtelecomatSigma Capital,holdingthepositionuntil2005.

The following year, he founded Brompton Cross Capital, apublic/privatetechnologyinvestor,servingas thefirm’sleadportfoliomanager.

After six years of operating Brompton Cross Capital, Storm began a lengthy tenure working for Brock Capital Group as a Senior Managing Director He would remain with the company for more than a decade, including senior stints working with Medley Capital, Brightwood Capital, and MC Credit, advisingonPrivateDebtportfoliosintheUSA,UK,andAsia.

An advisory firm offering a range of consulting services, Brock Capital raises capital for itssenior-level clients via its exclusive broker/dealer affiliate. The group was established to attract accomplished executivesandprofessionalsfromdiversecorporateandgovernmentalbackgrounds

In 2021, Storm Boswick became an independent strategic advisor and founded TRE Advisors, servicing clients in the technology and industrial spheres of the Five Eyes and Israel, focusing on Public/Private Partnerships and Dual-Purpose technologies. He also manages a portfolio of Venture Capital, Private Equity,andPrivateDebtcalledTREVenturesfocusedonhisTREAdvisorsclientsandinvestments.


Adding to his already lengthy list of accomplishments,Stormisalsoapublishedauthor.Hewroteabook titled, Guide to the Universities of Europe,whichwaspublishedinLondonin1991.

A comprehensive reference guidetohighereducationopportunitiesinEurope,thebookcontainsvaluable information on admission, degree, and visa requirements, tuition and expenses,foreignscholarships,and college and student life The book was accorded the Choice Award in 1993 and was cited as an OutstandingLibraryReference

Also, while at Goldman Sachs, Stormco-authoredthequarterlyPublishingReview&Outlook,aswellas co-authored a ground-breaking internet report, Cyberpublishing (the first internet industry report publishedonWallSt.)


Storm is fiercely devoted to global marine conservation and restoration efforts. He has supported the Fabien Cousteau Ocean Learning Center since 2020 and sits on the center’s Board of Directors. Also, Storm joined the board of directors for Fabien Cousteau's Proteus Ocean Group Storm has represented those boards at industry confabs in the USA, Curaçao, Bonaire, Grand Cayman, Portugal, Madeira, the Azores,Canada,andtheUK

Storm is an accredited scuba diver with both NAUI and PADI certifications and is also an active contributor to the Reef Restoration FoundationBonaire,CoralGardenerinMo’orea,andScottishOceans Institute in St Andrews, Scotland He is a regular participant UN Ocean events all over the world, including Scuba diving for research & development technologies in the Channel Islands off California, Curaçao,Bonaire,Cuba,GrandCayman,theFloridaKeys,andtheAzores

The Reef Restoration Foundation spearheads efforts to restore the coral reefs in Bonaire, a Caribbean island in the Leeward Antilles. The organization maintains coral nurseries and implements innovative restorationtechniquestopreservecoralreefsinthearea.

Coral Gardener initiates similar coral reef restoration and conservation efforts in Mo’orea, a Tahitian island in French Polynesia By cultivating and transplanting corals to damaged reefs, the organization workstorestoretheregion’smarinebiodiversityandecosystemhealth

Storm has also made significant contributions to educational and research initiatives undertaken by his almamaters,theUniversityofSt.AndrewsinFifeScotland,andSOASinLondon,England.

Storm is a regular contributor, lecturer, and strategic advisor totheInternationalSpaceUniversity,andto the UCLA Space Institute. In addition, Storm has lectured at The British Museum, Adler Planetariumin Chicago, Tel Aviv University in Israel, Technion in Haifa Israel, Israel SpaceAgency,LeidenUniversity in The Netherlands, Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands, and Rice University in Houston Texas


Storm has had a longstandingpassionforgolfdatingbackto1987whenhewaspartoftheGolf1stTeam at the University of St. Andrews. He is still a member of the St. Andrews Golf ClubinFife,Scotlandto this day. He has won many events, awards, and tournaments over his decades of competitive play in Scotland,Ireland,England,Canada,theUSA,andBermuda

StormwasalsoafoundingmemberoftheveryprestigiousCoreClubinManhattan,andafounderandthe largestinvestorinthefamousLTBurgerinSagHarbor

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