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News from Kings Baptist Church
News from King’s Baptist Church
It has been said,
“To err is human, to forgive divine. ” This recognises that making a mess of things is common to us all. It also recognises that sometimes it requires a superhuman or supernatural strength in order to forgive.
But it wasn’t God who said,
“To err is human, to forgive divine. ” You won’t find that in the Bible—it was written by Alexander Pope, in An essay on criticism.) What you will find in the pages of the Bible however are two things: A promise and a challenge. • The promise is that of God’s forgiveness, freely offered to each one of us. • The challenge is for us to forgive one another, as God has forgiven us. You see, forgiveness is at the heart of the Christian faith. “Father, forgive them, ” Jesus prayed from the cross. In Ephesians we read, “Forgive one another as God in Christ has forgiven you. ” The ancient creeds affirm, “I believe in the forgiveness of sins. ”
Forgiveness is about deep healing, the thorough repair of broken relationships, the removal of the poison that destroys love and harmony, the restoration of wholeness and trust. Forgiveness is about making what is tragically broken right again. Forgiveness is neither an armistice nor an amnesty. It is saying with complete truthfulness, “The wrong is now righted, and I no longer count this against you. ” True forgiveness is uncommon in our human experience—not because it is hard to do, but because it is impossible to do. Ask a person to be civil, to be kind, or to not repay harm with harm, and it might be done. But do not ask them to forgive. True forgiveness is not humanly possible. Then who could tell anyone that they must forgive? Who but God alone? God is calling us to do what we cannot do. God does not simply ask us to do the difficult—he asks us to do the impossible. The only way it can be possible is because God invites us to share his forgiveness with others. It is only when we have experienced for ourselves the liberating power of forgiveness that we understand its power to transform others. These promises from God are not dependent on our performance: they have already been given to us, and are a guaranteed part of our eternal inheritance in Jesus.
May you know the comforting presence and the life-changing power of God—and the joy of forgiveness received and given—in your life. Alistair
Would you like to join a friendly local group for a weekly local walk? Walks start at 10.45am
Meeting points for February:
2nd, 9th & 16th Arlesey Station 23rd Etonbury Wood (entrance by the school.)