Fullington Tours 2011-2012 Tour Book

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2011-2012 TOUR BOOK www.fullingtontours.com 800.252.3893

Allen Edwards - “The Voice of Branson” 2012 Reunion Tour & More - Preview Dinner/Show April 29, 2012 in State College, PA! (see inside cover for details)

Fullington’s Fourth Annual Reunion Trip



Eight of Branson’s favorite HOLIDAY shows!

George Jones Daniel O’Donnell Andy Williams Yakov Smirnoff The Presleys Allen Edwards Platters Showboat Branson Belle

Thursday - Wednesday, November 8 - 14 Price per person Double Triple Quad $1,174 $1,154 $1,144 Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, seven breakfasts, and five dinners.

Fantastic Caverns Unique Riding Tour in Springfield

Titanic Museum “100th Year” Commemorative Tour

Scenic tour of Branson and College of the Ozarks

Veteran’s Day Parade

Historic Downtown Branson

Branson Landing

THE BEST OF BRANSON!! Photos courtesy of Branson Lakes Area CVB

Branson Reunion Trip Preview* ALLEN EDWARDS “The Voice of Branson”

Sunday, April 29 • 5 - 8 PM Ramada Inn State College


Free transportation! Includes show & dinner! Make reservation and pay in full by February 15 and take $10 off! *And more 2012 fabulous Fullington tours




Motorcoaches / Limousines / Cruises

Fullington Tours Main OďŹƒce: 814.765.7871 Toll Free PA: 800.252.3893

Fullington Group Charters: 814.355.4900 Toll Free: 800.385.5464

Trailways Daily Departures: Toll Free PA: 800.942.8287

Trailways Casino Departures: Seneca Allegany Casino Toll Free PA: 800.942.8287

Trailways Casino Departures: Hollywood Casino 814.238.1100

Voyager VIP Cruises:

Table of Contents

fullingtontours.com 800-252-3893 Branson Reunion Trip & Open House ............. 2 The Fullington Auto Bus Company ................. 4 Pickup Loca ons ............................................. 4 Travel Insurance ............................................. 4 The Fullington Mission & Our Vision .............. 5 Calendar.......................................................... 5 2011 One-Day Tours ....................................... 6 New York City ................................................. 8 New York City Broadway ............................. 11 Washington, DC ............................................ 12 Theatre & Shows .......................................... 15 Penn State Football ...................................... 17 Sports............................................................ 18 Pink Zone ...................................................... 19 Gaming ......................................................... 20 Trailways Daily Casino Departures ............... 23 2012 One-Day Tours by Date........................ 24 2012 Mul ple-Day Tours by Date ................. 29 Ocean City, Maryland ................................... 32 Voyager VIP Cruises ...................................... 33 VIP Limousine ............................................... 34 Trailways Daily Departures ........................... 35 Tour Policies and General Informa on ......... 36 Alphabe cal Tour Index ................................ 38 Interna onal Balloon Fiesta ......................... 39

Toll Free PA: 814.474.8314

VIP Limousine: 814.765.8046 Toll Free PA: 800.435.6556

PUC #A-00009329





The Fullington Auto Bus Company We hope that you are pleased to be receiving our tour book at this me of the year. As you know, we asked for your opinions with the survey form in the 2011 Annual Tour Book - and we listened! We are pleased to be providing this tour book now, which includes our tours from November, 2011, through July, 2012. In April we will be sending another tour book that will include the tours we are planning throughout the rest of 2012. This year we are con nuing our tours commemora ng the Sesquicentennial Anniversary (150 years) of the American Civil War, as well as offering tours commemora ng the War of 1812 Bicentennial. Our Fourth Annual Reunion Trip will be to the exci ng city of Branson, MO, where “someone you love is always playing.” This trip will take place in November, the prime season for Branson’s best entertainers. There will also be a special “Sneak Preview” Open House for this trip, when Allen Edwards, aka “The Voice of Branson” will be visi ng us in State College for an exclusive evening entertaining our Fullington passengers. Our “Early Bird” discount* will con nue to apply to mul -day trips of three days or more. If you make your reserva ons and pay in full, by cash or check, 45 days or more prior to the departure date, you will receive a 5 percent discount. So, please sit back, put up your feet, and take a look at these and the many other exci ng tours we are offering, including: Des na ons that are new to us – and hopefully to you as well Tours selected by the American Bus Associa on as the Top 100 Events for 2011 Tours selected by the American Bus Associa on as the Top 100 Events for 2012 Annual Events also recognized by the American Bus Associa on Serving you, our loyal passengers, has been our pleasure over the past 104 years. The en re Fullington Family of Companies sincerely thanks you for your con nued patronage. We hope you will enjoy your travels with us again this year.

Thank you for traveling your world with us. From all of us at Fullington *Excludes Voyager VIP Cruises and Colle e Vaca ons

Tour Pickup Loca ons All of our public tours have pickups in the following loca ons: ♦ DuBois DuBois Mall, Sears parking across from CNB & Hampton Inn ♦ Clearfield WalMart, lower parking lot on food side of store ♦ Philipsburg Peebles Plaza, in front of Goodwill store ♦ State College Fullington’s garage, near University Park Airport In the event we have ten or more passengers reques ng a pickup loca on other than the above, we will do a special pickup for an addi onal $10 per person over the tour cost. Special pickups may be in a school bus or van, and passengers will be taken to a regular pickup loca on to board the motorcoach that is comple ng the trip.

Travel Insurance We understand that your trip can take a year to save for, but there is always a chance that at the last second you may not be able to go for any number of unforeseen reasons. You can do something to cover your investment – purchase travel insurance. We are able to assist you in choosing the plan to suit your needs, including medical coverage, trip interrup on, emergency travel services, and more. Call us at 800-252-3893 for quote and informa on.




The Fullington Mission The mission of The Fullington Auto Bus Company is to transport people and their goods safely and comfortably.

The Fullington Vision The Fullington Family of Companies is the leading and most recognized transporta on service provider to our customers. Our highest priority is the safe passage of the families, friends, and employees who u lize our services. No other objec ve in our business shall take precedent over the safety of the people and communi es served by our company. As a result of our efforts, we have become the most valued transporta on provider to our customers. For our customers, we provide high quality in everything we do. They must be serviced professionally and promptly with courtesy and an emphasis on their comfort and needs. Our fees are fair. Our equipment is modern, clean, and well maintained. For our employees, we provide a safe and peaceful working environment that values the respect, dignity, and recogni on of individuals and the team. We are just and ethical in decisions involving employment, compensa on, promo on, and working condi ons. Each employee’s family responsibili es and commitments are considered in balance with business and customer needs. For the communi es we serve, we are ethical in the treatment of the property we are privileged to use, including protec ng the environment, wisely using natural resources, and respec ng the value of community assets. Our rela onships with business associates are honest, and we have reliable working rela onships to enhance our mutual produc vity and effec veness. For our shareholders, we provide fair and consistent profits while reinves ng appropriate surplus to maintain a qualified workforce and modern equipment and facili es. Our management is competent and is focused on delivering high quality service to all of our customers. We evaluate business risks and ensure that all major decisions adequately consider the effect on all stakeholders. We humbly serve, knowing that our greatest rewards will come from enthusias c and loyal customers. NOVEMBER, 2011 S M T W T F S

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GREAT HOLIDAY TOURS! Fullington Gift Cards make great Stocking Stuffers!

The Crossings Premium Outlets® & Country KeƩle

$60 per person

Tannersville and Marshalls Creek, PA Saturday, November 26 Ready . . . Set . . . Shop! ♦ 100 outlet stores at The Crossings Premium Outlets® ♦ Free VIP Coupon Book to each passenger ♦ Collec bles, gi s, Christmas shop, candy, gourmet and specialty foods, kitchen décor, and more at Country Ke le Customer Apprecia on Special: Take $10 off!

ICE! Christmas on the Potomac

$101 per adult*

Na onal Harbor, MD Monday, November 28 ♦ Merry Madagascar, the DreamWorks Anima on holiday TV special, brought to life in an interac ve world of colorful ice sculptures carved en rely from TWO-MILLION pounds of ice *$90 per child age 12 and under.

Gateway Clipper Oglebay Festival of Lights

$141 per person

Pi sburgh, PA and Wheeling, WV Friday, December 2 Ohio River Winter Fes val of Lights Cruise aboard the Gateway Clipper. ♦ Leisurely cruise from Pi sburgh to Wheeling includes light luncheon, live entertainment, ac vi es and sightseeing, and the delicious Captain’s Dinner Buffet ♦ Motorcoach driving tour of the Oglebay Winter Fes val of Lights, named Top 100 Event for 2012

Dickens of a Christmas

$51 per person

Wellsboro, PA Saturday, December 3 ♦ Take a step back in me and celebrate the community's 28th annual "Dickens of a Christmas" as Wellsboro becomes an early Victorian marketplace ♦ Delectable wares for ea ng and drinking, as well as deligh ul gi items for wearing or enjoying. Food and cra vendors, strolling musicians and singers, dancers, and street-corner thespians






GREAT HOLIDAY TOURS! Fullington Gift Cards make great Stocking Stuffers!

Pennsylvania Christmas Show

$54 per person

Harrisburg, PA Saturday, December 3 ♦ A fesƟve celebraƟon of the season’s finest decoraƟons, arts & craŌs, cuisines, and musical and dance groups at the Farm Show Complex

Hartwood Acres CelebraƟon of Lights Galleria at PiƩsburgh Mills

$47 per person

PiƩsburgh, PA Saturday, December 10 ♦ Shop Ɵl you drop at the Galleria at PiƩsburgh Mills which features all of your favorite stores ♦ Relax in the comfort of our motorcoach while enjoying Hartwood Acres’ 3.2-mile stretch of more than 400 holiday light displays standing 3to 40-feet tall

Longwood Gardens Christmas

$99 per person

KenneƩ Square, PA Saturday, December 10 ♦ Elegantly decorated trees and thousands of poinseƫas, amaryllis, narcissus, cyclamen, and tulips adorn the indoor heated conservatory ♦ More than 500,000 lights transform the grounds into a fesƟve, night-blooming garden, while colorful dancing fountains perform to holiday music ♦ Lunch included

Lakemont Park “Holiday Lights on the Lake”

$25 per person

Altoona, PA Sunday, December 11 & Sunday, December 18 ♦ Travel in vintage style and begin a new family tradiƟon of “an old-fashioned holiday” ♦ Visit Santa’s Village where you can get a photo taken with Santa, enjoy refreshments, and shop at the giŌ shop




N E W YO R K C I T Y “Do As You Please”

$80 per person

Spend the day in the “Big Apple.” Drop off points are at Gray Line New York Visitors Center* between 48th and 49th Streets on 8th Avenue and at Ba ery Park for Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island (you must purchase your own ferry ckets).

2011 Dates See Page 35 for Trailways Expresses to NEW YORK CITY

Saturday, November 19 Saturday, December 3 Wednesday, December 7 Saturday, December 10 Saturday, December 17

2012 Dates Saturday, March 3 – Spring Break Special - $70 Wednesday, September 19 Saturday, March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day Special - $60 Saturday, October 13 Saturday, April 21 Saturday, November 10 Saturday, May 19 Saturday, December 1 Saturday, June 23 Wednesday, December 5 Wednesday, July 18 Saturday, December 8 Wednesday, August 15 Saturday, December 15 Statue of Liberty and Broadway cket informa on: PLEASE KEEP IN MIND THAT WE DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT A TRIP WILL GO TWO (2) WEEKS PRIOR TO THE TRAVEL DATE. PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE AND MAKE CERTAIN YOUR SCHEDULED DATE IS DEFINITELY GOING BEFORE PURCHASING TICKETS. You may purchase Statue of Liberty ckets at 866-782-8834 or online at www.statueofliberty ckets.com. When you purchase ckets, let them know you will arrive at Ba ery Park at approximately 11:30 a.m. You may purchase Broadway ckets online, or purchase same-day discounted ckets at TKTS, 45th and Broadway. ALL ckets are NON-REFUNDABLE once you purchase them. *At Gray Line New York you may purchase ckets for a number of tours including bus tours, helicopter rides, harbor cruises, as well as obtain maps, pamphlets, and other informa on. The Times Square Informa on Center is another resource for informa on and is located in Times Square on 7th Avenue between 46th and 47th Streets. For more informa on, go to www.newyorksightseeing.com or www. messquarenyc.org.

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

$100 per adult*

Thursday, November 24 ♦

Famous parade includes giant balloons, falloons, marching bands, floats, celebri es, clowns, costumed characters, and Santa Claus ♦ Includes Thanksgiving meal at Cracker Barrel Restaurant *$80 per child 12 and under.

New Year’s Eve at Times Square

$82 per person

Saturday, December 31 ♦ ♦

Bid farewell to 2011 and welcome 2012 at Times Square with star-studded musical performances, balloons, confe , and pyrotechnic displays Descent of the famous New Year's Eve Ball as the whole world watches




N E W YO R K C I T Y Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit

$93 per person

Saturday, March 3 ♦

Collec on of 972 texts of great religious and historical significance from the Hebrew Bible and extra-biblical documents found between 1947 and 1956 Believed to reveal new informa on about the development of early Judaism and Chris anity

Heroes of the World Trade Center

$110 per person

Saturday, April 21 Wednesday, July 18 Wednesday, September 19 Four-hour guided tour including : ♦ One-hour walking tour of the World Trade Center Memorial ♦ Three-hour driving tour of the Big Apple’s highlights, including Times Square, Rockefeller Center, Bryant Park, Empire State Building, Li le Italy, Chinatown, Brooklyn Bridge, and more

9/11 Memorial

Ninth Avenue Interna onal Food Fes val

$80 per person

Saturday, May 19 ♦ ♦ ♦

Ninth Avenue local merchants serving various cuisines such Polish, Italian, Spanish, Greek, Asian, and others Over 200 individual vendors selling handcra ed jewelry, unique clothing, music, and an array of arts and cra s Childrens' pavilion for the kids to enjoy during the fes val

A Slice of Brooklyn Pizza Tour

$133 per person

Wednesday, June 6 Voted #1 tour of Brooklyn! ♦ Guided tour featuring Brooklyn’s favorite food, neighborhoods, landmarks, and movie loca ons ♦ Brooklyn Bridge in DUMBO (Down Under the Manha an Bridge Overpass), Red Hook, Sunset Park, Bay Ridge, Bath Beach, Bensonhurst, Brighton Beach, Coney Island Boardwalk, and movie loca ons ♦ Pizza parlor samplings




N E W YO R K C I T Y Terra Co a Warriors Exhibit

$93 per person

Wednesday, August 15 ♦

♦ ♦

Nearly 2,000 years ago, thousands of life-size clay figures including soldiers, charioteers, archers, musicians, generals, and acrobats were buried in massive underground pits to accompany China's first emperor, Qin Shihuangdi, into the a erlife One of the greatest archaeological finds of the 20th century Largest collec on of significant ar facts from China ever to travel to the United States



Saturdays, Dec. 3 & Dec. 17 ................ $205 Wednesdays, Dec. 7 & Dec. 14 ............ $153


Saturday - Sunday, Dec. 3 - 4 ....... $397/Dbl Prices are per person.

Entertaining Families for more than 75 Years!


Thursday - Friday, May 3 - 4 ................ $263


Friday - Sunday, June 8 - 10 ................ $351 Friday - Sunday, Oct. 19 - 21 ............... $441


Friday - Sunday, June 8 - 10 ................ $475 Friday - Sunday, Oct. 19 - 21 ............... $565 Prices are per person double occupancy. ♦ ♦ ♦

“Ba ery to the Circle” Guided Sightseeing includes accommoda ons at the Holiday Inn, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ, five-hour guided harbor cruise and motorcoach tour, and dinner at Carmine’s Restaurant On your own includes accommoda ons at the Skyline Hotel, 725 Tenth Avenue in Manha en Sightseeing includes accommoda ons at the Skyline Hotel , two- or three-day “Hop-on Hopoff” pass on Grayline Sightseeing Double Decker bus, dinner at Tony DiNapoli’s Restaurant, and admission to Top of the Rock

Travel Ɵp: Please be advised that we are required to pay in full for hotel rooms a minimum of 30 days in advance of the departure date. Therefore please make your reservaƟons as early as possible so we may secure your accommodaƟons.





“Anything Goes”

$195 per person

Wednesday, August 15 Stephen Sondheim Theatre, 124 West 43rd Street The unforge able score by Cole Porter includes “De-Lovely,” “I Get a Kick Out of You,” and “Anything Goes” in this classic musical complete with amazing tap numbers, campy jokes, and unlikely happy endings.

“On a Clear Day You Can See Forever”

$190 per person

Wednesday, June 6 St. James Theatre, 246 West 44th Street Go a Love Harry!

Harry Connick Jr. returns to Broadway in this re-imagined version of the 1965 musical.

“Phantom of the Opera” Saturday, November 19, 2011 Wednesday, July 18 Saturday, October 13

$162 $157 $162

Majes c Theatre, 247 West 44th Street Price per person. Andrew Lloyd Webber's me-honored favorite story of seduc on and despair.

“Sister Act”

Call for Price

Wednesday, August 15 Broadway Theatre, 1681 Broadway Who wouldn’t love nuns in sequins, unlikely friendships, the solidarity of Sisterhood and a happy ending?

“Wicked” Wednesday, June 6 Wednesday, December 5

$190 $199

Gershwin Theatre, 222 West 51st Street Price per person. A fantasy journey through the unseen side of Oz, “Wicked” is a tale of unexpected friendship and love.




WA S H I N G TO N , D C NaƟonal Cherry Blossom FesƟval & Centennial CelebraƟon of the GiŌ of Cherry Blossom Trees ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦

Premium grandstand sea ng for the massive Cherry Blossom Fes val Parade The Capitol Visitor’s Center Tour of the United States Capitol Building United States Library of Congress Tour Supreme Court Building (pending length of line) Memorial tour including The Na onal World War II Memorial, The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, The Lincoln Memorial, The Korean War Veterans Memorial, The Marine Corps War Memorial, The Jefferson Memorial, Air Force Memorial, and the Pentagon Dinner at Buca di Beppo Free me at your choice of the Smithsonian Ins tuon museums

APRIL 13 - 14 2 DAYS Friday - Saturday, April 13 - 14 Price per person Double Triple Quad $262 $237 $222 Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, one breakfast, and one dinner.


NaƟonal Cherry Blossom Fesitval Day Trips Saturday, March 31 Saturday, April 7 Saturday, April 14 ♦ ♦ ♦

Guided tour of Washington’s historic monuments Visit Lincoln and Jefferson Memorials Take a riding tour around the Tidal Basin to Hanes Point

Wednesday, April 4 - Odyssey Lunch Cruise ♦ ♦ ♦

$65 per person* $75 per person $75 per person *Super Saver!

$129 per person

View the cherry blossoms while dining aboard the sleek and sophis cated all-glass vessel A fantas c fusion of dining, entertainment, sightseeing, and views Free me at the Na onal Mall and Smithsonian Ins tu on Note: The Odyssey recommends business casual aƫre for the luncheon cruises. AthleƟc shoes or jeans are not allowed.




WA S H I N G TO N , D C Washington, DC Embassies and Elegance ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Over 30 Embassies open to peruse on your own Smithsonian Ins tu on’s museums on the Na onal Mall Memorial Tour Tudor Place, the Georgetown mansion and Na onal Historic Landmark once the home of Martha Washington’s granddaughter, Martha Cus s Peter Hillwood, the estate and once private home of legendary cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post

May 11 - 12 2 DAYS Friday - Saturday, May 11 - 12 Price per person Double Triple Quad $272 $258 $252 Includes accommoda ons, all a rac ons and guide services, oneday unlimited use metro pass, one deluxe con nental breakfast, and six dinners.

Travel Insurance is available for any tour. Please call for quote and applica on. Hillwood and Iwo Jima Memorial

Memorial Tour & Camp David Museum

$80 per person

Saturday, May 12 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

WWII Memorial Air Force Memorial FDR Memorial Drive by Jefferson Memorial Lincoln Memorial Korean Memorial Vietnam Memorial Raising the flag on Iwo Jima Camp David Museum in Thurmont, MD Dinner at the Cozy Restaurant, Thurmont, MD

Vietnam, World War II, and FDR Memorials

Smithsonian and Newseum

$76 per person

Saturday, June 9 ♦ ♦

A museum of news - The Newseum offers an experience that blends five centuries of news history with up-to-the-second technology and hands-on exhibits Among the many things to see at the Smithsonian, the Na onal Portrait Gallery is commemora ng the 150th anniversary of the Civil War

Big Screen Theater and 9-11 Gallery at the Newseum




WA S H I N G TO N , D C Smithsonian Ins tu on

Tourmobile Sightseeing

Saturday, March 3 Saturday, April 28 Tuesday, July 10 Saturday, September 8

Saturday, March 3 Saturday, April 28 Tuesday, July 10 Saturday, September 8

Na onal Museum of American History, Na onal Air and Space Museum, Na onal Museum of Natural History among the 19 museums at this loca on $68 Per person Spring Break Special: Take $10 off!

Narrated shu le tours to the historic loca ons you choose to see Free all-day reboarding

$95 Per adult; $87 per child Spring Break Special: Take $10 off!

Na onal Zoological Park & Smithsonian Ins tu on

$68 per person

Saturday, June 23 Saturday, August 25 ♦ ♦

Zoo has animals in a natural and peaceful se ng World’s largest museum complex and research facility

Dandy Lunch Cruise, Air Force Memorial, Pentagon Memorial, & Mount Vernon $118 per person Wednesday, July 25 ♦ Watch as the Washington Monument, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, Kennedy Center, and the sights of Georgetown glide past your window as you feast on delectable entrees on the Dandy ♦ Visit the Pentagon Memorial honoring those who perished on September 11, 2001 ♦ Visit the Air Force Memorial, a national place of pride, reverence, and remembrance dedicated to the men and women of the United States Air Force ♦ Visit Mount Vernon, the home of George and Martha Washington and the most popular historic estate in America The Pentagon Memorial and Mount Vernon




T H E AT R E & S H O W S “Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles”

Price : $101 per person

Thursday, January 26 Hershey Theatre, Hershey, PA In 1964, a group of boys from Liverpool changed the face of rock ‘n’ roll. Together longer than The Beatles themselves, RAIN has mastered every song, gesture and nuance of the legendary group, delivering a totally live, note-for-note performance. This internaƟonally-acclaimed Beatles concert recaptures the era through all phases of The Beatles’ astounding musical career.

Disney on Ice “Dare to Dream”

Call for Price

Saturday, March 3 Consol Energy Center, Pi sburgh, PA Get tangled up in the newest thrilling show to hit the ice! This hilarious hairraising escapade includes The Princess and the Frog, Cinderella, Tangled, and all your favorite Disney princesses on the ice in a spectacular finale.

Allen Edwards

Price: $75 per person*

Sunday, April 29 Ramada Inn, State College, PA Known as "The Voice of Branson" Allen's voice covers all genres of musical style from pop and country classics, to big band, gospel to patrioƟc. Allen's show is a favorite among young and old alike and is consistently rated one of Branson's top shows. Includes meal. *Make reserva ons and pay in full by February 15 and take $10 off!

Mamma Mia

Price : $99 per person

Saturday, June 30 Hershey Theatre, Hershey, PA A young woman preparing to marry wants her father to give her away – but she doesn’t know who he is! Reading her mother’s old diary she learns that it could be one of three men, so she invites each to the wedding. This always-popular show features the music of ABBA.

Price : $105 per person

The Addams Family Saturday, August 11 Benedum Center, Pi sburgh, PA

Gomez and MorƟcia find themselves living every parent's nightmare. Their daughter Wednesday has suddenly become a young woman, and what's worse, has fallen deliriously in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family. See how they deal with their house turning upside down when they are forced to host a dinner for the young man and his parents.




T H E AT R E & S H O W S

Lancaster County, PA

Story, song, and spectacular staging bring each of Sight & Sound Theatre’s epic shows to life. Dozens of professional actors a red in elaborate costumes, me culously detailed sets towering up to 40 feet high, trained animals, unmatched special effects, and beau ful memorable music inspire more than 800,000 guests every year.

Includes Show Ticket and Meal “Miracle of Christmas” - 2011 Saturday, November 19 Saturday, December 10 $143 per adult* As the Wise Men and shepherds did so long ago, follow the star to witness the miraculous truth of the Savior's birth! Journey back in Ɵme and experience the bustling village of Bethlehem as camels, horses, donkeys, and villagers surround you. Witness the beauty and majesty of angels worshipping in heaven, and proclaiming to shepherds, "The Savior is born!" *Call for youth and child prices.

“Jonah” - 2012 Wednesday, March 14 Saturday, May 5 Thursday, June 21 Saturday, August 11 Tuesday, September 11 Saturday, October 20

$116* $123 $116 $123 $116 $123

Get ready for Sight and Sound’s most extreme fun filled adventure yet. Jonah disobeys God and runs away, then encounters a TERRIBLE storm, an ENORMOUS fish, a TINY worm, a MIGHTY wind, a BLAZING sun, a WICKED empire in the GREATEST revival in history. *Adult pricing. Call for youth and child prices.




Don’t Stop Believing!

Penn State Football 2011 Championship Game ConƟnue the ROAR when the NiƩany Lions win the BIG TEN LEADERS DIVISION! Or follow the team to a

BCS Bowl Game

Call 800-252-3893 or visit fullingtontours.com

FULLINGTON GROUP CHARTERS Do you have a group ouƟng in mind?

800-385-5464 Our Charter Coordinators specialize in planning group trips. We can provide the best overall soluƟon to your travel needs; from providing a cost for transportaƟon to arranging hotel accommodaƟons to providing you with a complete customized iƟnerary. And, as a Tour Operator, we will be able to obtain the best value for your budget. Your transportaƟon may be by motorcoach, school bus, stretch limousine, our new 30-passenger motorcoach limousine, vintage trolley, or van (see Page 34). All of our vehicles are safe, reliable, and clean. All of our drivers are professional, courteous, and most importantly safe. So regardless of the size of your group, sit back and enjoy the convenience of the one-on-one aƩenƟon that you will receive while we design your travel package. 1.800.252.3893



SPORTS NaƟonal Hockey League $110 per person

PiƩsburgh Penguins Consol Energy Center, PiƩsburgh, PA

Wednesday, November 23 ...................... St. Louis Blues Sunday, March 11 .................................... Boston Bruins Saturday, April 7 ...................................... Philadelphia Flyers

Major League Baseball New York Yankees

Call for price

Yankee Stadium, New York, NY Saturday, April 28..................................... Detroit Tigers Saturday, June 30 ..................................... Chicago White Sox Saturday, August 18 ................................. Boston Red Sox

PiƩsburgh Pirates

Call for price

PNC Park, PiƩsburgh, PA Sunday, April 22 ....................................... St. Louis Cardinals Saturday, May 26 ..................................... Chicago Cubs Saturday, June 23..................................... Detroit Tigers Sunday, June 24 ....................................... Detroit Tigers Saturday, August 11 ................................. San Diego Padres* Saturday, August 25 ................................. Milwaukee Brewers *Sky-Blast Night

Philadelphia Phillies Call for price CiƟzens Bank Park, Philadelphia, PA Saturday, May 19 .................................... Boston Red Sox Saturday, July 7 ....................................... Atlanta Braves

NASCAR Racing Richmond InternaƟonal Raceway Richmond, VA Saturday, April 7

$175 per person Bristol Motor Speedway Bristol, TN Saturday - Sunday, August 25 - 26

$367 per person, double occupancy Dover InternaƟonal Raceway Dover, DE Sunday, September 30

$125 per person




Fullington is proud to support the WBCA Pink Zone! ♦

Free transportaƟon for survivors and their family members (Contact Penn State at 814-865-0403 for reservaƟons)

Discounted transportaƟon and Ɵcket for all others $25 per person; includes game Ɵcket (Contact Fullington at 800-252-3893 for reservaƟons)

Please support the fight against breast cancer and help us cheer on the Lady Lions 1.800.252.3893



GAMING All casino bonuses are at the discreƟon of each casino. Bonuses vary and cannot be guaranteed by Fullington Trailways, LLC. Minimum age to enter casinos in the United States and Canada is 21 years old. Casinos require photo iden fica on of all guests.

Atlan c City, NJ Casino Trips

Tropicana Casino ♦ ♦

$25 on Players Ac on Card One buffet per person

Duncansville Pickup*

State College & Lewistown Pickup*

2011 Dates

2011 Dates

2012 Dates

2012 Dates

Saturday, January 7 Wednesday, February 15 Saturday, March 3 Wednesday, April 18 Saturday, May 5 Wednesday, June 20 Saturday, July 7 Wednesday, August 15 Saturday, September 1 Wednesday, October 17 Saturday, November 3 Wednesday, December 19

Wednesday, January 18 Saturday, February 4 Wednesday, March 21 Saturday, April 7 Wednesday, May 16 Saturday, June 2 Wednesday, July 18 Saturday, August 4 Wednesday, September 19 Saturday, October 6 Wednesday, November 21 Saturday, December 1

Saturday, November 5 Wednesday, December 21

Wednesday, November 16 Saturday, December 3

Customer Apprecia on Specials: Take $10 off! *All dates have DuBois, Clearfield, and Philipsburg pickups available. Price per person. DuBois pickup .............................................................................................. $70 Clearfield & Philipsburg pickup .................................................................... $65 State College pickup ..................................................................................... $60 Duncansville pickup ..................................................................................... $55 Lewistown pickup ........................................................................................ $55

Resorts Casino Firecracker Special Wednesday, July 4 ♦ $25 Slot ♦ One buffet per person


$50 Per person



GAMING Atlan c City, NJ Casino Trips

Resorts Casino ♦ ♦

$30 Slot One buffet per person

2011 Dates Friday, November 25 Friday, December 23 2012 Dates Friday, January 27 Friday, February 24 Friday, March 23 Friday, April 27 Friday, May 25 Friday, June 22 Friday, July 27 Friday, August 24 Friday, September 28 Friday, October 26 Friday, November 23 Friday, December 28

Customer Apprecia on Special: Take $10 off!

Price per person. DuBois pickup .............................................................................................. $70 Clearfield & Philipsburg pickup .................................................................... $65 Duncansville pickup ..................................................................................... $55


Resorts Casino Tues. - Wed., March 6 - 7 ...................... $124 Bonus: $30 slot, one buffet coupon, $10 food credit per person


Showboat Hotel Casino

Price per person, double occupancy.

Wednesday - Friday, June 13 - 15 ........... $184 Bonus: $45 slot; two buffets per person

THUNDER OVER THE BOARDWALK Dates for this ever-popular three-day trip have not been announced as of the date of this prin ng. Watch for our Spring Tour Book for further informa on. 1.800.252.3893



GAMING Pennsylvania Casino Day Trips

Hollywood Casino

Grantville, PA

$30 Slot $5 Buffet coupon

2011 Dates Thursday, November 24 Tuesday, December 27

2012 Dates Thursday, January 26 Tuesday, February 28 Thursday, March 29 Tuesday, April 24 Thursday, May 31 Tuesday, June 26 Thursday, July 26 Tuesday, August 28 Thursday, September 27 Tuesday, October 30 Thursday, November 29 Tuesday, December 25

Customer Apprecia on Specials: Take $10 off!

Price per person. DuBois & Clearfield pickup ........................................................................... $45 Philipsburg pickup ........................................................................................ $40 Duncansville pickup ..................................................................................... $35 (See following page for Trailways Daily Departures from State College and Lewistown.)

Rivers Casino

Pi sburgh, PA

$15 Slot & $5 food credit OR $20 Slot

State College & Duncansville Pickup Tuesday, February 7 Sunday, May 20 Sunday, September 9

State College, Philipsburg, Clearfield & DuBois Pickup Sunday, March 11 Thursday, June 7 Sunday, October 14

All trips $35 per person. Must be 21 years old with valid photo iden fica on to enter casinos. Bonus is at the discre on of each casino and is subject to change


Gambling Problem? Call 1-800-Gambler



GAMING New York Casino Trips

Seneca Allegany Salamanca, NY Tuesday, January 10* Monday, April 16

$35 per person

Seneca Niagara

All trips have pickups in: ♦ State College ♦ Philipsburg ♦ Clearfield ♦ DuBois

Niagara Falls, NY Friday, February 17* Saturday, March 17

$45 per person Regular Bonus: $25 Slot & $10 Food *Terrific Tuesdays & Fantas c Fridays! Receive an addi onal $10 Free Slot Play during January & February!

Trailways Daily Casino Departures DAILY DEPARTURES TO SENECA ALLEGANY CASINO SALAMANCA, NY FARE: $25 (Round trip only) BONUS: $25 Slot & $10 Food credit



CALL 814-238-1100 FOR PICKUP TIMES & LOCATIONS Bonus is at discre on of casino and is subject to change. Must be 21 years of age with valid photo ID to enter.






Philadelphia Mummers Parade

$79 per person

Philadelphia, PA Sunday, January 1 ♦ The Philadelphia Mummers Parade features unique costumes, music, and pageantry ♦ Reserved seating for the Fancy Brigade Finale indoors at the Pennsylvania Convention Center Customer Apprecia on Special: Take $10 off!

Pennsylvania Farm Show

$42 per person

Harrisburg, PA Wednesday, January 11 ♦ One of the world’s largest indoor agricultural exposi ons ♦ Farm machinery, crops, livestock, and entertainment

Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show

$51 per person

Harrisburg, PA Saturday, February 11 Calling all outdoor sports enthusiasts! ♦ Largest event of its kind in North America ♦ Test the latest hun ng and fishing products ♦ Plan outdoor sport and camping vaca ons ♦ Shopping, fishing boats, RVs, SUVs, and ATVs ♦ Meet your favorite outdoor celebri es ♦ Test your skills with a variety of outdoor sportrelated contests based on skill and talent

Splash Lagoon

$52 per person

Erie, PA Saturday, February 11 Recognized as one of the Top Ten Water Park Resorts, this indoor facility promises fun for land and water lovers alike! ♦ Wild Waters Wave Pool is the largest indoor wave pool in the Eastern United States ♦ Tree Tops Ropes Course, all new dry a rac on; a great test of balance and bravery ♦ Many water slides and lazy river ♦ Treasure Island Arcade






Camelback Mountain Resort

$101 per person

Tannersville, PA Saturday, February 18 Enjoy winter fun to its fullest with family and friends! ♦ Includes li cket ♦ Lessons, snowboarding, and snowtubing available ♦ Shopping at The Crossings Premium Outlets® for the non-skier

The Crossings Premium Outlets®

$60 per person

Tannersville, PA Saturday, February 18 ♦ 100 stores with impressive collec ons of the finest brands ♦ Free VIP Coupon Book to each passenger ♦ Not a shopper? Go skiing!

Philadelphia Flower Show*

$89 per person

Philadelphia, PA Saturday, March 10 “Hawaii: Islands of Aloha” ♦ Stunning gardens ♦ Live entertainment ♦ Free wine and spirits tas ng ♦ Free cooking and gardening demos *All proceeds from the Philadelphia Interna

onal Flower Show, including admission ckets, support The Pennsylvania Hor cultural Society and its acclaimed urban greening programs.

Delaware Art Museum & Longwood Gardens

$126 per person

Wilmington, DE & Kenne Square, PA Saturday, March 24 ♦ “Blast from the Past” exhibit guided tour through 100 years of art, pop culture, and history ♦ Interna onal Orchid Show and Sale ♦ Dinner at Brandywine Prime

Sell 20 seats on any public tour and receive one free!






Harrisburg Kennel Club Dog Show

$48 per person

Harrisburg, PA Saturday, April 14 ♦ Among top 10 shows in the country ♦ Featured on Animal Planet’s dog Championships ♦ Breed and obedience compe ons ♦ Vendors of dog-related products and services

Delaware Water Gap Trolley Tour

$99 per person

Delaware Water Gap, PA Wednesday, May 16 Visit the Famous Delaware Water Gap - the Eighth Scenic Wonder of the World ♦ Guided tour on all-weather trolley through history and many points of interest ♦ Comedy & Variety Show during luncheon ♦ Guided tour of Pocono Indian Museum ♦ Shopping at Country Ke le

Flight 93 Memorial & Quecreek Mine

$47 per person

Shanksville, PA Saturday, May 19 ♦ Memorial built for the 40 heroes of Flight 93, who selflessly gave their lives to protect a na on ♦ A common field one day; a field of honor forever: Their final res ng place ♦ Flight 93 Memorial Chapel ♦ Quecreek Mine

Wall of Names and Ceremonial Gateway at the crash site. Rendering by bioLINIA and Paul Murdoch Architects

Lilac Festival

$104 per person Rochester, NY Saturday, May 19 ♦ World’s largest lilac collec on inspires this fes val of over 500 varie es of lilacs on more than 1,200 bushes ♦ Perfect event for all ages and was voted as a Top 100 Event in 2010 ♦ Exhibitors, food vendors, entertainment, children's ac vi es, and more ♦ Scenic ride through Letchwork State Park ♦ Dinner at Glen Iris Inn






Baltimore National Aquarium & Inner Harbor

$87 per adult*

Bal more, MD Friday, May 25 ♦ Aquarium visit including the Dolphin Show and 4-D Immersion Theatre ♦ Free me at Bal more’s famed Inner Harbor *$82 per child 12 - 18; $78 per child 3 - 11.

Carnegie Science Center & Heinz Field

$50 per adult*

Pi sburgh, PA Monday, June 11 Love sports? Love science? Love fun? ♦ Highmark SportsWorks® Challenge for rock climbing, roller coaster simulator, and pitching cage with radar ♦ USS Requin Submarine (weather permi ng) ♦ Kitchen Theater live demo with sampling ♦ 90-minute behind-the-scenes tour of Heinz Field *$48 per child 18 and under.

Tara & Treasurers of Mercer County

$64 per person

Mercer County, PA Tuesday, June 19 ♦ Tara, A Country Inn tour and luncheon ♦ Buhl Mansion tour ♦ Avenue of 444 Flags and War on Terror Memorial ♦ Free me at Kraynak’s Home and Garden Showplace, and Daffins Candies

Gettysburg Civil War Battle Re-enactment

$87 per adult*

Ge ysburg, PA Friday, July 6 ♦ History brought to life as the 1863 Ge ysburg Ba le is commemorated ♦ Live mortar fire demonstra ons ♦ Expansive living history village ♦ Union and Confederate camps as they were in 1863 ♦ 1860’s “sutler” village ♦ Ge ysburg Visitors Center museum gallery, film, and cyclorama program *$80 per child 12 and under.






Erie’s Seaway

$115 per person Erie, PA

For the adventuresome, seaworthy types

Saturday, July 7 ♦ Day sail on the Flagship Niagara with hot meal cooked on board ♦ Erie Mari me Museum ♦ Tom Ridge Environmental Center ♦ Presque Isle State Park and Erie’s Lighthouses

Finger Lakes Wine Festival

$95 per person

Watkins Glen, NY Saturday, July 14 ♦ More than 600 varie es of New York State wines from more than 90 wineries ♦ Brewer’s Garden ♦ Free cooking classes, demonstra ons ♦ Arts, cra s, and jewelry vendors ♦ Musical entertainment Customer Apprecia on Special: Take $10 off!

Fullington Day at Hersheypark®

Call for Special Price! Hershey, PA Monday, July 16 ♦ Free me at Hersheypark® to enjoy the family rides and roller coasters ♦ Water rides at The Boardwalk at Hersheypark® ♦ ZooAmerica at Hersheypark®

SNEAK PREVIEW UPCOMING 2012 ONE-DAY TOURS Peddler’s Village, Bucks County, PA ♦ Gela n in Genessee, Western NY ♦ Mansions Along the Delaware ♦ Strasburg Railroad ♦ Applefest, Franklin, PA ♦ Finger Lakes Wine Trail ♦






Myrtle Beach, SC Myrtle Beach, SC ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

APR. 22 - 27 6 DAYS

Alabama Theatre, voted the #1 a rac on by Myrtle Beach visitors Hopsewee original planta on house Brookgreen Gardens and Springfield Creek Excursion Tour Palace Theatre Ripley’s Aquarium Broadway at the Beach Dolphin sightseeing cruise Carolina Opry Myrtle Beach State Park Barefoot Landing

Sunday - Friday, April 22 - 27 Price per person Double Triple Quad $820 $790 $770 Includes accommodaƟons, three shows, all aƩracƟons and guide services, five breakfasts, and five dinners.

Victorian Cape May, NJ Cape May, NJ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Tours of Cape May Point, Na onal Landmark District, Emlen Physick Estate, and Southern Mansion Victorian style tea Sunset dolphin watch cruise with buffet dinner Hereford Inlet Lighthouse Cape May Winery and Vineyard Lunch at the Washington Inn “The Beacon” presenta on describing lighthouse lore and the keepers who maintain them

MAY 9 - 11 3 DAYS Wednesday - Friday, May 9 - 11 Price per person Double Triple Quad $497 $473 $463 Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, one breakfast, and one dinner.

Buy 20 seats for any tour and get the 21st FREE!

Preakness at Pimlico and BalƟmore SporƟng Weekend BalƟmore, MD ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦

MAY 18 - 20 3 DAYS

Black-Eyed Susan Day at Pimlico 137th running of the Preakness Bal more’s Inner Harbor Drive along the course of the Bal more Grand Prix Indycar Race Sports Legends Museum Babe Ruth Birthplace Museum


Friday - Sunday, May 18 - 20 Price per person Double Triple Quad $509 $474 $454 Includes accommodaƟons, aƩracƟons and guide services, reserved grandstand seaƟng for both races; two full breakfasts, and two dinners.





Niagara Wine & Spa Lewiston and Niagara Falls, NY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Tour and tas ng at three Niagara Wine Trail vineyards Historic cruise on the Black Pearl Tall Ship Walking tour of Lewiston Free me at Fashion Outlets of Niagara Falls Spa treatment Accommoda ons at The Barton Hotel & Spa, the “Historically Hip Inn at Water’s Edge”

JUNE 12 - 13 2 DAYS Tuesday - Wednesday, June 12 - 13 Price per person Double Triple Quad $305 $281 $269 Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, one breakfast, one lunch, and one dinner.

BalƟmore Star Spangled Tall Ships FesƟval BalƟmore, MD ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

U.S. Bicentennial commemora on of the War of 1812 Free me at the Tall Ships Fes val and tour of a Tall Ship Visit Star Spangled Flag House where Mary Pickersgill made the flag hoisted above Fort McHenry Narrated War of 1812 cruise Tour Fort McHenry, where Francis Sco Key penned the “Star Spangled Banner” Blue Angel Air Show “Hairspray” at Toby’s Dinner Theatre Bicentennial Anniversary and Declara on of War ceremonies Free me at Inner Harbor; with me to visit local a rac ons (admissions on own)

JUNE 17 - 19 3 DAYS Sunday - Tuesday, June 17 - 19 Price per person Double Triple Quad $430 $394 $306 Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, two deluxe conƟnental breakfast, one lunch cruise, and two dinners (one dinner show).

Nova ScoƟa & Prince Edward Island Maine & Canada ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Portland Head Light and Mount Desert Island Cadillac Mountain in Acadia Na onal Park Magne c Hill, Canada’s third most visited a rac on Confedera on Bridge into Prince Edward Island Charlo etown tour, Anne of Green Gables House, and Charlo etown Fes val to see “Anne of Green Gables” musical play Northumberland Ferry across Northumberland Straight to Pictou and then to Baddeck on Cape Breton Island Alexander Graham Bell Na onal Historic Site Cabot Trail Sherbrook Village Halifax Tour & Peggy’s Cove Evangeline Trail Fabulous tour!



JUNE 20 - 30 11 DAYS Wednesday - Saturday, June 20 - 30 Price per person Double Triple Quad $2,250 $2,054 $1,954 Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, ten breakfasts, three lunches, and seven dinners.

Travel Insurance is available for any tour. Call for quote and applicaƟon. fullingtontours.com



Mississippi River Cruise & Chicago Dubuque, IA and Chicago, IL ♦ ♦ ♦

♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Chicago’s Navy Pier Skydeck Chicago at Willis (formerly Sears) Tower Cruise the Mississippi River on Celebra on Belle. Includes full breakfast buffet, lunch buffet, snack, and full prime rib dinner buffet, entertainment, acvi es, and Captain’s narra on throughout the day The Na onal Farm Toy Museum Lansing family farm, the site where “Field of Dreams” was filmed Dyer-Botsford House & Doll Museum Basilica of St. Francis Xavier Na onal Mississippi River Museum & Aquarium World-class gambling Mystery Dinner Theater at the Stone Cliff Winery

JULY 9 - 14 6 DAYS Monday - Saturday, July 9 - 14 Price per person Double Triple Quad $718 $663 $632 Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, five breakfasts, one lunch, and three dinners.

Upstate New York Sail, Rail & Cooperstown Herkimer and Cooperstown, NY ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Erie Canal Lock 18 cruise in the beau ful Mohawk Valley Gems Along the Mohawk, 70 mini stores of New York’s “best” Herkimer Diamond Mines to mine for quartz crystals that mimic diamonds Historic Fly Creek Cider Mill for tour and tas ng Farmers’ Museum Luncheon train ride on The Rip Van Winkle Flyer through the beau ful Catskill Mountains The Na onal Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum

JULY 23 - 25 3 DAYS Monday - Wednesday, July 23 - 25 Price per person Double Triple Quad $416 $376 $356 Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, two breakfasts, two lunches, and two dinners.

Taste of Lancaster Lancaster, PA ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

Family-style dinner in an Amish home, prepared and hosted by the family Amish Experience Theater Turkey Hill Experience at Turkey Hill Dairy Landis Valley Village & Farm Market Wilbur Chocolate Company Julius Sturgis Pretzel Bakery Lancaster’s Central Market



JULY 31 - AUGUST 1 2 DAYS Tues., July 31 - Wed., August 1 Price per person Double Triple Quad $217 $199 $190 Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, one deluxe conƟnental breakfast, and dinner at Amish home.





Friday, June 15 - Saturday, June 16 (NEW TWO-DAY GETAWAY!) $161 double, $141 triple, $131 quad, $125 quint , $121 sextuple ♦ Wednesday, June 20 Sunday, June 24 (5 days) $399 double, $319 triple, $279 quad, $249 quint, $233 sextuple ♦ Thursday, July 12 Sunday, July 15 (4 days) $405 double, $317 triple, $273 quad, $246 quint, $229 sextuple ♦ Thursday, August 16 Monday, August 20 (5 days) $532 double, $408 triple, $346 quad, $310 quint, $285

Photos courtesy of Maryland Office of Tourism

SNEAK PREVIEW - MORE MULTI-DAY TOURS Shenandoah Valley Fall Foliage West Virginia & Virginia September 16 - 18, 2012

Virginia Beach - King Neptune’s USO Show Tour Virginia Beach, VA October 15 - 18, 2012

Coastal Maine Ogunquit, Kennebunkport, Portland September 24 - 28, 2012


“Southern History & Charm” South Carolina & Georgia Seven Days - TBD









Southern Caribbean


(12 Days) Monday, February 27 - Friday, March 9 ♦ San Juan, Puerto Rico, Labadee, Hai , Philipsburg, St. Maarten, St. John’s, An gua, Basseterre, St. Ki s ♦ Royal Caribbean’s “Explorer of the Seas” ♦ Cruise without flying; round trip motorcoach transporta on to Bayonne, NJ

(7 Days) Friday - Thursday, June 22 - 28 ♦ Royal Caribbean’s “Enchantment of the Seas” ♦ Cruise without flying; round trip motorcoach transporta on to Bal more, MD Interior stateroom ............$1,099 Oceanview stateroom .......$1,219 Oceanview/balcony ..........$1,929

Interior stateroom ........... $1,313 Oceanview/balcony ......... $1,864

A l a s k a C r u i s e To u r

Canada & New England

(14 Days) Sunday - Saturday, August 5 - 18 ♦ Southbound Glacier Cruise on Royal Caribbean’s “Radiance of the Seas” ♦ Round trip motorcoach transporta on to Pi sburgh Airport ♦ Round trip airfare from Pi sburgh ♦ Vancouver tour ♦ Sea le Space Needle

(14 Days) Friday, September 21 - Tuesday, October 2 ♦ Royal Caribbean’s “Brilliance of the Seas” ♦ Round trip motorcoach transporta on to Montreal, Canada ♦ Quebec tour Interior stateroom ............ $2,499 Oceanview stateroom....... $3,119

Interior stateroom ........... $3,999 Oceanview stateroom ...... $4,449




Make any day extra special! Luxury Stretch Limousines Chauffeured by Uniformed Drivers! Services Including But Not Limited To:            

Weddings Bachelor/Bachelorette Parties Proms Anniversaries “Night Out on the Town” Birthdays New York City Casino Trips Sporting Events Wine Country Tours Day at the Spa Major airport transfers

Need assistance planning your event? Call our Charter Coordinators See Page 17


VIP LIMOUSINE 800-435-6556 ▪ 814-765-8046 fullingtontours.com 1.800.252.3893



Fullington Trailways Your passage to the United States & Canada ♦ Daily scheduled service to:

Pi sburgh/Pi sburgh Airport Buffalo Wilkes-Barre Harrisburg (with connecƟons to any U.S. desƟnaƟon) ♦ Daily casino departures:

See Page 23 ♦ Package Express:

Send and receive packages at rates much lower than other package delivery services

800-942-8287 fullingtontours.com or check your Yellow Pages Under “Bus Lines” for local informaƟon

Penn State Express Runs 814-238-1100 ♦ From State College* to:

East Stroudsburg / Dover, NJ / New York City King of Prussia / Philadelphia Altoona / Monroeville / Pi sburgh York / Bal more / Washington, DC Reading / Allentown / Newark, NJ See ckets@fullingtontours.com for schedules and fares. *Thursday, Friday, Sunday departures only while Penn State is in session. They do not run over the summer months. Returns to State College same day.

Earn a FREE RIDE . . . Buy 5 rides, get the 6th FREE




Tour Policies and General Informa on FOOD AND BEVERAGES: Large coolers are not permi ed in the sea ng area; they will be stowed in the luggage compartment beneath the motorcoach. Small coolers are permi ed and must be stowed under the seat in front of you. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THE MOTORCOACH. The driver and/or escort reserve(s) the right to inspect any or all coolers and dispose of all alcoholic beverages. Passengers under the age of 21 are prohibited from having alcoholic beverages at any me during the trip dura on. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA): We require a 48-hour advance no ce for individuals needing boarding assistance onto the motorcoach. Within 48 hours, we will make a reasonable effort to provide necessary boarding assistance as long as it does not cause a delay in service. An able-bodied companion must accompany any person who is not able to travel independently, and/or who will need con nued special assistance. The companion must pay full tour price. BAGGAGE: One piece per passenger, 2-7 days. Should not exceed 62“ combined length, width, height; weighing no more than 50 pounds. Two pieces per passenger, 8 days and more. (Must pack 1 bag for first half of trip and 1 bag for second half.) Small 14”X8”X12” carry-on, to be handled by passenger. Only one piece of luggage will be handled by hotel. DEPARTURE TIMES: We recommend that passengers wait a minimum of 30 minutes from their original pick-up me before leaving the pick-up point. GRATUITIES & TIPPING: Driver and escort gratui es are not included in your tour cost. Suggested pping guide is $2 per day per person for the driver, and $2 per day per person for escort; or at individual discre on based on level of service. The cost of the tour is inclusive of expected pping to porters, local guides, restaurant servers, etc., when included in the tour package. INSURANCE: It is recommended that you review your medical insurance before your departure to determine if you have coverage while on your tour. In addi on, while every effort is made to protect your personal property on a tour, Fullington Trailways LLC is not liable for lost, stolen, or damaged ar cles. Please check your homeowner’s insurance to ascertain your coverage for baggage. TRAVEL INSURANCE: Travel Accident, Op onal Sickness, Travel Baggage, Trip Cancella on Insurances are available. Call for brochure and applica on. OBJECTIONABLE PERSONS: Fullington Trailways, LLC reserves the right to refuse to transport a person who is considered objec onable. An objec onable person is one who (i) the driver reasonably believes to be under the influence of intoxica ng liquor or drugs, (ii) exhibits an incapability to take care of him/herself, (iii) causes public inconvenience, annoyance or alarm, or recklessly creates a risk thereof (including, but not limited to, engaging in figh ng, unreasonable noise, obscene language or gestures), (iv) exhibits hazardous or offensive ac ons or behavior, and/or (v) refuses to comply with any lawful rule or regula on of Fullington Trailways, LLC. The driver should a empt to call the local police at 911 and arrange for the police to meet the driver and take over responsibility for the passenger(s), then such persons should be removed from the motorcoach at any usual stopping place or at such other place as the driver may select that is a point of safety regarding protec on from the elements, and has food, water, and phone communica ons available. In the event of such removal, any liability of Fullington Trailways, LLC shall not exceed, and is expressly limited to, the amount of the excess fare paid by the passenger(s) to obtain transporta on home or to an alternate loca on. PASSENGERS: All individual passengers must be 18 years old or older. Minors (17 years old and younger) must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Due to the double seat configura on, you may be required to sit with another solo passenger in order to accommodate passengers traveling together. PROOF OF U.S. CITIZENSHIP WHEN CROSSING USA BORDER: Beginning on June 1, 2009, the Western Hemisphere Travel Ini a ve (WHTI) began requiring U.S. ci zens* returning home from Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, or Bermuda, by land or sea, to present one of the following travel documents: U.S. Passport – This is an interna onally recognized travel document that verifies a person’s iden ty and na onality. It is accepted for travel by air, land, and sea. U.S. Passport Card – This is a new, limited-use travel document that fits in your wallet and costs less than a U.S. Passport. It is only valid for travel by land and sea. Enhanced Driver’s License (EDL) – Several states and Canadian provinces/territories are issuing this driver’s license or iden fica on document that denotes iden ty and ci zenship. It is specifically designed for crossborder travel into the U.S. by land or sea. At this me the EDL is not available to Pennsylvania ci zens. Trusted Traveler Program Cards – NEXUS, SENTRI, or FAST enrollment cards can speed your entry into the U.S. and are issued only to preapproved, low-risk travelers. The cards are valid for use at land or sea; the NEXUS card can be used in airports with a NEXUS kiosk. For further details and how to obtain the required documents go to www.travel.state.gov, www.getyouhome.com, or visit your local post office. *Children under age 16 arriving by land or sea from con guous territory may also present an original or copy of his or her birth cer ficate, a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, a Naturaliza on Cer ficate, or a Canadian Ci zenship Card. Children under age 19 arriving by land or sea from con guous territory and traveling with a school group, religious group, social or cultural organiza on, or sports team, may also present an original or copy of his or her birth cer ficate, a Consular Report of Birth Abroad, a Naturaliza on Cer ficate, or a Canadian Ci zenship Card. The group should be prepared to present a le er on organiza onal le erhead with the following informa on: (i) the name of the group and supervising adult; (ii) a list of the children on the trip, and the primary address, phone number, date of birth, place of birth, and name of at least one parent or legal guardian for each child; and (iii) a wri en and signed statement of the supervising adult cer fying that he or she has obtained parental or legal guardian consent for each par cipa ng child. Note: If a passenger has a criminal record, including any DUI in the past 10 years, they will not be able to enter Canada. RAINED OUT & CANCELLED EVENTS: Ticketed venues retain the right to cancel or reschedule their events. O en the venue will honor the cket for the rescheduled event or issue a refund for the cost of the event cket. These event ckets are the property of you, the individual passenger, and going to the rescheduled event or obtaining the refund is your responsibility. Please do not dispose of your cket un l the venue has announced what they are going to do. Fullington




Trailways, LLC acts only as an agent in obtaining the ckets for you. If the event is cancelled a er the bus arrives, Fullington Trailways, LLC cannot make any refunds for the transporta on por on of the tour as the transporta on has been provided. As a courtesy, we will try, but cannot guarantee, to set up transporta on for the rescheduled event at an addional charge. Cancelled or rescheduled cketed events fall within the realm of circumstances beyond our control. REFUNDS: This policy will apply regardless of reason for cancella on. If you feel there may be a chance of cancella on on your part we recommend Trip Cancella on Insurance. (Informa on is available at our main office in Clearfield.) The best way to ensure a full refund is for you to find a replacement for your reserva on. Cancella ons can be made either in person at the main office during regular business hours; Monday - Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., or by calling 814-765-7871 or 800-252-3893. Refunds will be made a er the tour returns and has been processed by the accoun ng department. Refunds are made in kind; cash and check payment will receive a check; credit cards will be credited. There are no refunds on any unused sightseeing and admissions. There are no refunds for Broadway plays, dinner theatres, Radio City Music Hall, spor ng events, or other special entertainment for which ckets were purchased in advance. There are no refunds for Broadway plays, dinner theatres, Radio City Music Hall, spor ng events, or other special entertainment for which ckets were purchased in advance. Cancella on fees apply whether or not a passenger changes to or rebooks on another tour. ONE-DAY TOUR REFUND: When the customer cancels, full refunds will be made on tours cancelled 10 business days or more prior to departure date, unless tour inclusions have been prepaid. Cancella ons received less than 10 business days before departure date will be subject to a minimum $5 or 10% cancella on fee, whichever is greater, plus prepaid tour inclusions. There are no refunds on cancella ons received 3 full business days or less prior to date of departure. MULTIPLE-DAY TOUR REFUND: When the customer cancels, full refunds will be made on tours cancelled 30 days or more prior to departure date, unless tour inclusions have been prepaid. Cancella ons received less than 30 days before departure date will be subject to a 10% cancella on fee based on the total price of the tour, plus repaid tour inclusions. There are no refunds on cancella ons received 5 full business days or less prior to date of departure. Refunds on Voyager VIP Cruises: Refer to individual tour for cancella on and refund policy. RESERVATIONS, DEPOSITS, & PAYMENTS: Reserva ons may be made by phone. Early reserva ons assure you the tour of your choice. One-day tours require payment in full within 1 week from date of reserva on. Mul ple-day tours require a $30 per tour day deposit, due 1 week from date of reserva on. If the tour is 2 days long, a $60 deposit is required; if 3 days, a $90 deposit, etc. Payment in full is due 1 month prior to departure date. Some tours with special features may require addi onal deposits. Some tours require payment in full with reserva on when sell-out crowds are an cipated. All reserva ons not paid by due date will be automa cally cancelled. Reserva ons made within 1 week of trip will be accepted on a seats-available basis. HOWEVER, payment in full must be received with reserva on. Payment sent by mail should be sent promptly. When sending payment by mail, be sure to specify name of trip and date. Checks should be made payable to Fullington Trailways, LLC. RESPONSIBILITY: Fullington Trailways, LLC acts solely as selling agent for transporta on (whether by motorcoach, rail, boat, air or other means) and non-transporta on services (including but not limited to hotel/motel, restaurants, sightseeing, and amusements) sold or arranged by it; and Fullington Trailways, LLC does not assume responsibility for any damage, loss, delay, injury, or accident due to any act or default on the part of any company or persons engaged in providing transporta on, lodging, sightseeing, or other services which are a part of these tours. In addi on, Fullington Trailways, LLC will not be responsible for (i) mechanical breakdowns, government ac ons, weather, acts of God, or other circumstances beyond its control, (ii) passengers’ failure to obtain required documenta on, including passports, visas, and health cer ficates, (iii) overbooking by the hotel and hotel imposed surcharges, (iv) passengers’ failure to follow instrucons, including but not limited to check in and out mes and baggage handling, and (v) inconvenience generated by strike or other work stoppage involving the heretofore referenced independent firms. We an cipate no changes in the published tours, but reserve the right to withdraw, alter the schedule, change the rou ng and tariffs at the me of prin ng, and are subject to change before departure. The right is reserved to cancel any tour prior to departure and in such case all payment will be refunded. Fullington Trailways, LLC is NOT responsible for items le on the bus. SEATING: There will be no seats reserved. On mul ple day tours, sea ng will be rotated at the driver’s and/or escort’s discre on. SMOKING: A “NO SMOKING” policy has been adopted on all tours. TOUR PRICE: Tour prices published in this brochure are stated per person. Each individual tour will show its specific inclusions with its price. On mul ple-day tours, the published price is based on 2 people sharing accommoda ons. Some prices are calculated in advance of confirma ons from vendors and some mes must be adjusted. When prices must be adjusted, the passenger has the opportunity to cancel at that me without penalty. Children’s applicable ages vary by venue. On rare occasions when not all tour items are available, every effort is made to make a subs tu on of equal or be er quality. Hotel packages and third party packages are at the discre on of the seller and cannot be guaranteed by Fullington Trailways, LLC.

Fullington Tours Main Office:

Trailways Daily Departures:

814.765.7871 Toll Free PA: 800.252.3893

Toll Free PA: 800.942.8287

Voyager VIP Cruises: Toll Free: 800.474.8314

Fullington Group Charters:

VIP Limousine:

814.355.4900 Toll Free: 800.385.5464

814.765.8046 Toll Free PA: 800.435.6556




AlphabeĆ&#x;cal Tour Index Atlan c City Casino ......................................................................................................................... 20 Bal more Na onal Aquarium & Inner Harbor................................................................................. 27 Bal more Star Spangled Spectacular............................................................................................... 30 Branson, MO...................................................................................................................................... 2 Broadway Shows ............................................................................................................................. 11 Camelback Mountain Resort ........................................................................................................... 25 Cape May, NJ ................................................................................................................................... 29 Carnegie Science Center & Heinz Field ............................................................................................ 27 Crossings Premium Outlets ....................................................................................................... 6 & 25 Cruises ............................................................................................................................................. 33 Delaware Art Museum & Longwood Gardens ................................................................................. 25 Delaware Water Gap ....................................................................................................................... 26 Dickens of a Christmas....................................................................................................................... 6 Disney on Ice - Dare to Dream ......................................................................................................... 15 Eastern Sports & Outdoor Show ...................................................................................................... 24 Erie's Seaway ................................................................................................................................... 28 Finger Lakes Wine Fes val............................................................................................................... 28 Flight 93 Memorial .......................................................................................................................... 26 Gateway Clipper Oglebay Fes val of Lights ....................................................................................... 6 Ge ysburg Civil War Ba le Re-enactment ...................................................................................... 27 Harrisburg Kennel Club Dog Show ................................................................................................... 26 Hartwood Acres Celebra on of Lights & Pi sburgh Shopping .......................................................... 7 Hersheypark .................................................................................................................................... 28 Hollywood Casino at Penn Na onal Race Track ...................................................................... 22 & 23 ICE! Christmas on the Potomac ........................................................................................................ 6 Interna onal Balloon Fiesta............................................................................................................. 39 Lakemont Park "Holiday Lights on the Lake" ..................................................................................... 7 Lancaster, PA ................................................................................................................................... 31 Lilac Fes val Rochester, NY ............................................................................................................. 26 Longwood Gardens Christmas ........................................................................................................... 7 Major League Baseball .................................................................................................................... 18 Mississippi River Cruise & Chicago .................................................................................................. 31 Myrtle Beach, SC.............................................................................................................................. 29 NASCAR ........................................................................................................................................... 18 New York City .................................................................................................................................... 8 New York Yankees ........................................................................................................................... 18 Niagara Falls NY Wine & Spa ........................................................................................................... 30 Nova Sco a & Prince Edward Island ................................................................................................ 30 Ocean City, MD ................................................................................................................................ 32 Penn State Baskeball - Pink Zone .................................................................................................... 19 Penn State Football ......................................................................................................................... 17 Pennsylvania Christmas Show - Harrisburg ....................................................................................... 7 Pennsylvania Farm Show ................................................................................................................. 24 Philadelphia Flower Show ............................................................................................................... 25 Philadelphia Phillies ......................................................................................................................... 18 Philadelphia Mummers Parade ....................................................................................................... 24 Pi sburgh Penguins ......................................................................................................................... 18 Pi sburgh Pirates ............................................................................................................................ 18 Preakness at Pimlico and Bal more Sports Weekend ..................................................................... 29 Reunion Trip - Branson, MO .............................................................................................................. 2 Rivers Casino - Pi sburgh ................................................................................................................ 22 Seneca Casinos ................................................................................................................................ 23 Sight & Sound Theatre ..................................................................................................................... 16 Splash Lagoon .................................................................................................................................. 24 Tara & Treasures of Mercer County ................................................................................................ 27 Theatre & Shows ............................................................................................................................. 15 Upstate New York Sail, Rail & Cooperstown.................................................................................... 31 Washington DC ................................................................................................................................ 12






Santa Fe &

Thursday - Saturday, October 4 - 13 Price per person Double Triple Quad $1,425 $1,250 $1,185

Acoma Pueblo,

Includes accommodaƟons, all aƩracƟons, five welcome recepƟons, nine breakfasts, and four dinners.

New Mexico ♦

Travel through the Ozarks of Missouri to Branson for dinner and spectacular Branson Show

Albuquerque’s Old Town area and guided city tour Balloon Fiesta Park for the astronomical “Mass Ascension” of more than 500 balloons Indian Pueblo Cultural Center and Sandia Peak Tram Travel to Santa Fe via The Turquoise Trail for guided walking and motorcoach city tour including San Miguel Mission and Loretto Chapel’s “Miraculous Staircase” Acoma “Sky City” Pueblo guided walking tour Oklahoma City Memorial

♦ ♦

♦ ♦

Photos courtesy Ron Behrman & Jay Blackwood




PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Permit #12 Indiana, PA

Fullington Trailways, LLC P.O. Box 211 Clearfield, PA 16830

Fullington Gi Cards! ∗ Perfect for any occasion ∗ Available in any amount ∗ Never the wrong size or color

To: Someone Special

Travel Memories Last a Lifetime!

Fullington Tours Main Office:

Trailways Daily Departures:

814.765.7871 Toll Free PA: 800.252.3893

Toll Free PA: 800.942.8287

Fullington Group Charters: 814.355.4900 Toll Free: 800.385.5464

Voyager VIP Cruises: Toll Free: 800.474.8314

VIP Limousine: 814.765.8046 Toll Free PA: 800.435.6556


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