Grandparent Newsletter, Fall 2013 St. Paul Christian Academy, 5035 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215, 615-269-4751
What a blessing it is to serve as the 2013-2014 Grandparent Chairs and to have two of our grandchildren at St. Paul Christian Academy. We believe in the mission of the Academy to integrate academic excellence with a passion for Christ to develop a strong foundation for young leaders who uniquely shape the world in which they live and are excited about the many ways to strengthen the three pillars in our grandchildren as well as all of the students at the Academy. As grandparents, we have countless opportunities to pray for the students, faculty, and staff of St. Paul. This is the most important thing we can do each day to help the Academy. We also can show our support by attending events, giving to the Annual Fund, and telling others about the Academy. It is such a joy to be grandparents and it is a blessing to be actively involved in the lives of our grandchildren. Whether you live across the street or around the world, we hope you will join us in prayerfully considering the many ways you can help to strengthen the three pillars of academic excellence, passion for Christ, and leadership development. Sincerely, Mark and Debbie Eaton 2013-2014 Grandparent Chairs
Message from the Head of School similar programs with the rest of our St. Paul saints before we break for Christmas recess, during which time I hope and pray you enjoy your grandchildren.
your grandchildren spend each day.
Through your support, prayers, and investments in your children, your grandchildren, and our Throughout our fall semester, your school, we are able to help each Dear Grandparents, grandchildren have been busy St. Paul child reach his or her learning, growing, and playing, and best. I am humbly grateful for all Grace and peace to you! As we as you spend some time with them you do for St. Paul Christian enter the Christmas season, I pray in the coming weeks, ask them to Academy. for many blessings for your share with you some of the many family. Celebrating the birth of things they have experienced so far May God bless you and keep you our Savior within our elementary this academic year. and your families well. I am school community is a precious gift. Just last night I watched our We have enclosed a piece entitled Yours in Christ, first graders begin our Advent Why St. Paul that shares a little season by singing carols, telling more about who we are at the the story of Christ’s birth, and Academy. I hope you enjoy seeing lighting the school Christmas tree our mission in action and gain a for the first time; we are excited better understanding of the loving Kenneth C. Cheeseman to watch and participate in and nurturing environment where Head of School
Visit Our Website!
Please visit our website to find a link to our SmugMug photo page where you can see photos of daily life at St. Paul. If you would like to learn more about what is happening in our community, visit our website and click on the bowtie in the upper right-hand corner. This will take you to the My SPCA page. The My SPCA page has links for videos, pictures, and more. This page also includes the school calendar and weekly campus highlights. If you would like to receive e-mails from the Academy, please send your e-mail address to Anna Verner at
The Annual Fund Each of our students benefit from the wonderful generosity of those who believe in and support the mission of the Academy by giving to the Annual Fund, the Academy's largest source of income, other than tuition. Annual Fund gifts are critical for the successful execution of our mission and provide needed support on an ongoing basis. In our celebration of grandparent giving to the Academy, we are continuing the tradition of recognizing gifts of $100 or more to the Annual Fund by naming one book in the C.S. Lewis Library for each of your grandchildren. Please prayerfully consider making a gift to the Annual Fund and honor your grandchildren with your generosity. While we encourage you to make your gift or pledge by December 31, 2013, our fiscal year does not end until June 30, 2014, so gifts are welcome anytime before then.
Other Ways You Can Support St. Paul Strummin’ and Hummin’ Songwriters’ Night & Auction will be held on Saturday, March 1st, 2014. This annual event is coordinated by parent volunteers with the goal of building community as well as raising funding for the Academy. Please consider joining us for this special evening of fun and music that supports St. Paul Christian Academy. To purchase tickets go to
Faces of St. Paul
Important Dates: Please mark your calendar for the following important events at St. Paul: December 12th - Kindergarten Christmas Program - 9:00 a.m. December 17th - Junior Kindergarten Christmas Chapel - 8:10 a.m. December 19th - Christmas Program (2nd - 6th grade) - 8:15 to 11:15 a.m. (8:15 a.m.-3rd grade; 9:00 a.m.-2nd grade; 9:30 a.m.-5th grade; 10:15am-6th grade; 10:50 a.m.-4th grade) April 17th - Grandparents’ Day May 19th - Field Day In addition, we invite you to attend chapel on Wednesdays at 8:10 am, led by a different class each week. You are always welcome to join your grandchild for lunch in the Dining Hall and cheer on the St. Paul Saints at athletic competitions. For more information or to learn about opportunities to volunteer, please contact Shari Shephard at  You may also reach her by calling the school office at (615) 269-4751.