Grandparent Newsletter, Fall 2011 St. Paul Christian Academy, 5035 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215, 615-269-4751
St. Paul Christian Academy integrates academic excellence with a passion for Christ to develop a strong foundation for young leaders who uniquely shape the world in which they live.
We are honored to serve as the 2011-2012 Grandparent Chairs. As proud grandparents of St. Paul students Hank Roberson, Tillman Dean, William Dean, and St. Paul graduate Caroline Dean, we are excited about sharing our enthusiasm for the mission of St. Paul Christian Academy with other grandparents. There are so many things we can do to be involved at the Academy.
We can pray for the students, faculty, and staff, support the Annual Fund, attend events, and tell others about how our grandchildren are becoming academically excellent as they develop their passions for Christ and learn to become great leaders. Please enjoy this edition of the grandparent newsletter. We look forward to visiting with you at Grandparents' Day 2012. Sincerely, Hilton and Sallie Dean
Message from the Head of School Even as the leaves are at their peak color and we anticipate Thanksgiving and Christmas, my heart is filled with tenderness and excitement at the thought of Grandparents' Day 2012. We will Dear St. Paul Grandparents, I am among the most blessed be able to welcome you to our men in America because I spend campus on April 5, 2012 with no construction for the first time in my days watching your grandover three years. I am always so children grow in wisdom and knowledge while being nurtured blessed to greet each of you and and challenged by our excellent watch you watch your grandchildren during that special faculty. I thank you for your support of your children and your day. While we wait for that special grandchildren in this critically day, we ask you to consider important educational journey.
helping us provide your grandchildren the finest elementary education in the city of Nashville by giving a gift to this year's annual fund. This year's annual fund goal is $375,000 and it will take all of us to reach it. Thank you in advance for your gift. I am thankful to be among you and your families. Godspeed to each of you. I am Yours in Christ,
Kenneth C. Cheeseman
Visit OurWebsite! Please visit our website to watch a video about St. Paul and experience what a day at the Academy is like for your grandchild(ren). If you would like to learn more about what is happening in our community visit our website and click on the bowtie in the upper right-hand corner. This will take you to the My SPCA page. The My SPCA page has links for videos, pictures, and more. This page also includes the school calendar and weekly campus highlights. If you would like to receive e-mails from the Academy, please send your e-mail address to Nancy Crowell at We will add you to our grandparent e-mail list.
The Library Fund We are truly blessed to have received so much support from grandparents for our Library Fund over the past few years. Our students are excited about exploring literature in the beautiful and inviting C.S. Lewis Library, and because of your generosity they are enjoying our library collection of over 17,000 books and media. While we will continue to purchase new books and other resources for our library program, we are moving the Library Fund to become part of the Annual Fund so that we can fund the most critical needs of the entire Academy. Because the library program is funded by our overall budget, gifts to the Annual Fund will be used toward the purchase of books and resources for the library, but will also help to fund other important needs. This year we ask that you prayerfully consider supporting the
mission of the Academy by giving to the Annual Fund. If you give $100 or more to the Annual Fund, we will name one book in the C.S. Lewis Library for each of your grandchildren. A label will be included in the book, and you will receive a photograph of your grandchild’s class. As we celebrate our 40th Anniversary as a school, we plan to purchase more history books and classics, so many of these will be the named books. In addition, we will give all children special birthday bookmarks. Thank you for understanding our need to transition from the Library Fund to the Annual Fund and for your support of the mission of the Academy. Please complete the enclosed pledge form and return it in the envelope provided. If you have questions, please contact Lisa Schlachter at 615-269-4751 or
Other Ways You Can Support St. Paul This fall, the sixth grade class is selling St. Paul cookbooks to help defray the cost of their trip to Washington D.C. If you are interested in purchasing cookbooks and supporting our sixth graders, please contact Nancy Crowell at 615-269-4751 or Our Market with A Mission sale continues all year long! Visit the online store of Great American Opportunities by following this link: http:// to support St. Paul. You will be asked to provide your grandchild’s name. While we are not offering prize credits any longer, having your purchase linked to your grandchild’s name will help us to track the order. You can see just how significant your contribution is in your shopping cart!
New Facilities
Important Dates: Please mark your calendars for the following important events at St. Paul: November 29th-Lighting of the First Grade Christmas Tree - 5:30 p.m. December 7th - Junior Kindergarten Christmas Chapel - 8:10 a.m. December 9th - Kindergarten Christmas Program - 8:10 a.m. December 15th - Christmas Program (2nd - 6th grade) - 7:00 p.m. April 5th - Grandparents’ Day May 21st - Field Day In addition, we invite you to attend chapel on Wednesdays at 8:10 am, led by a different class each week. You are always welcome to join your grandchild for lunch in the Dining Hall and cheer on the St. Paul Saints at athletic competitions. For more information or to learn about opportunities to volunteer, please contact Nancy Crowell at  You may also reach her by calling the school office at (615) 269-4751.