The Parent Council is so pleased to have secured Rivers Rutherford as our performer for our annual Stummin' & Hummin' on February 2nd. Rivers is one of the most recognized, number-one hit songwriters of our time, and he is also a St. Paul parent! Tickets are $100 each or you can purchase a table for 10 and invite your friends to join you. Details are on the invitation and reply card sent to you or you can go to: www.stpaulchristianacademy.org/ songwriters. Seating is limited, so make your reservation soon! If you were able to attend last year's event, you know how much fun it was! We encourage everyone to attend! The dress is casual, the food will be fabulous and the entertainment will be superb (a cash bar will also be available)! A live auction will also take place during the event. We have 6 packages specific to wives, husbands, families, and just friends, so come prepared to bid in support of St. Paul! Auction packages details will be sent to parents before the event, so stayed tuned!
Mark Your Calendars • On the morning of January 25th, 8:00-9:30 am in the C. S. Lewis Library, Jennifer VanOrman will present Emotional Coaching - Connecting With Your Children's Emotions. This is an event for all St. Paul moms. Jennifer VanOrman is a Licensed Marriage and Family therapist working in private practice in Brentwood, TN. After becoming a widow and single mom at the age of 30, Jennifer followed her passion and calling of becoming a therapist by attending Trevecca for graduate school. She works with men, women and marriages to facilitate a safe, non-judgmental space for them to feel their feelings and tell the truth. • On the evening of February 7th, 6:00-7:30 pm in the C. S. Lewis Library - Stephen James will present Parenting from the Heart for both moms and dads. Stephen James is a psychotherapist who works with individuals and couples in the Nashville area. Stephen thoughtfully works to help people heal and grow. Stephen's therapeutic approach is heavily informed by his Christian faith, psychodynamic theory, “story,” and the Spiritual Root System. Stephen has also co-authored several books with David Thomas (Daystar Counseling Ministries) including Wild Things, The Art of Nurturing Boys and Becoming a Dad. • Calling all parents of readers and soon-to-be readers at St. Paul! The Parent Council wishes to extend a hearty invitation to a lively discussion of children's literature and how the American publishing market is meeting the literary needs of our young readers. We will take an excursion into the relational concerns of Harry Potter and see just how his circumstances reflect the realities of a Jane Austen heroine. From that we will carry on to discuss how St. Paul can be an avenue into literary discoveries of beauty and imagination through a new approach to our summer book sale. There are many wonderful and precocious readers at St. Paul - a mark of the strengths and outcomes of a St. Paul education. We wish to honor all of the children at St. Paul with a summer book reading excursion that fulfills their ever-growing capacity as reader, thinker, and creator. The event will be held on Friday, March 8, 8:00 - 9:30 a.m. in the C.S. Lewis Library. Christine Shih, a Jane Austen scholar and mother of first grader Meredith Shih, will lead this discussion and explain her vision for a new direction into summer reading through developing the creative imagination of our children. It is not a requirement, but if you wish to read in advance for this discussion, please refer to Jane Austen's novel 'Mansfield Park' and J.K. Rowling's novel 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.' There will be a few copies of each book available in the office up for purchase, so put on your reading glasses and mark your calendars for a valuable discussion on literature!
Sweetheart Moms' Breakfast On the morning of February 6th, we will have our annual Sweetheart Moms' Breakfast. All JK-5th grade moms are encouraged to take their children to breakfast. School will begin at 8:55 am. We will host a breakfast in the Dining Hall for all 6th grade moms and their children at 7:00 am.
Target, Kroger, Box Tops for Education, eBox Tops Marketplace (think Nordstrom, Hanna Andersson, Land’s End, LEGO, Southwest Airlines, and over 175 other stores!), Pottery Barn Kids and PBteen, Harris Teeter, Publix, and Labels for Education.... These shopping partners generously give back to St. Paul on purchases we make every day around town and on the internet! For more information, go to www.stpaulchristianacademy.org/myspca and click on St. Paul Shopping Partners under Parents’ News. We just received a check from Box Tops for Education for $428.02! Thank you for supporting this program! Tracy Crawford crawfordbt@comcast.net
The Saint Shop is now online and taking orders!
www.stpaulchristianacademy.org/ saintshop Orders placed online will be put in your child's backpack unless otherwise noted on the online form.
POINT OF GRACE We are so pleased to be able to offer a wonderful event for St. Paul moms! Point of Grace will be performing at a Mom's Luncheon on Monday, March 11th at the home of Robyn Moore. Tickets to this event are $50 and only 50 tickets are available. Lunch will be provided. •This item will be available during Strummin' and Hummin' on February 2nd.