Parent Council Newsletter July 20212

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St. Paul Christian Academy integrates academic excellence with a passion for Christ to develop a strong foundation for young leaders who uniquely shape the world in which they live.

how you can get involved. Be on the look out for it once a quarter. Included with this newsletter is a magnet which lists all of the major Parent Council events for the year. We thought this might be helpful to you in planning out the year. It’s hard to believe in less than a month, our children will be back at school. We hope that you have had a chance to enjoy the lazy days of summer with your kiddos.

Please do not hesitate to contact either one of us with any questions or ideas that you might have.

We want to welcome back all of our returning families and send out a big welcome to those of you who are new to St. Paul Christian Academy. We also want to introduce you to our new newsletter. The purpose of this newsletter is to provide you with information about the various Parent Council activities and

Stephanie Dickinson and Anne Holleman


2012-­2013 Parent Council Co-­Presidents

Stephanie: Anne:

What Does Parent Council Do? There are three main reasons why Parent Council exists: 1. We organize events for the school which promote unity among the St. Paul family. 2. We help raise funds for the school which provide faculty enrichment, teaching materials, classroom equipment, facilities improvement, and much, much more. 3. We foster communication between parents and the school.

How Can I Help? There are so many ways that you can get involved! Listed on the right are the different Parent Council positions and who is heading up that committee. If you see something that interests you, simply go to the My SPCA page of the website ( and click on the Volunteer link.

Ringing in the Spring – New this past year, Ringing in the Spring was a great event for the entire family. “Kimber Rising” performed at the Massey Athletic Complex, and Stroud’s Barbeque graciously donated the delicious food. Fellowship and fun was had by all.

Songwriters’ Night – Last year we had our birst Songwriters’ Night. It was so popular, that we are bringing it back and making it even better. This year we will include a special live auction . . . so you won’t want to miss it!

2012-­2013 Parent Council Co-­‐Presidents

Anne Holleman Stephanie Dickinson

Vice President/ Volunteer Coordinator Treasurer

Lara Green


Andrea Hardy

Jeanie Dayani

Market With A Mission Saint Shop

Julia Gaw Kim Elliott

Shopping Partners Used Uniform Sale

Tracy Crawford Maggie Passmore

Used Book Sale

Amy Williams

Spring Book Fair

Christine Shih

Robyn Moore Amy Husband

Dear Dad's Breakfast

Susan Dean Ashley Cook

Sweetheart Mom's

Rick Nickels

Hospitality (Teacher's Lunch)

Kimberly Petty Jill Mendoza

Hospitality (Admissions)

Britt Horn Amy Butler

Room Moms

Lara Green Mary Sensing

Field Day

Kate Elasy

Christmas Program K

Ashley Lane

Christmas Program 1st Grade

Carole Parker

Christmas Program 2-­‐6 Grades

Paige Roddey Kristen Smithson

Grandparents' Day

Whitney Musser Meg Moudy

PC of Nashville

Libby Glisson

Teacher Treats

Jill Stroud


Mary Wilson


Cara Crews Carole Peterson

Songwriters' Night

Stacey Andrews Adrienne Knestrick

Ringing in the Spring



Whitney Lytle

Market With A Mission Want to shop while making a difference? There is a lot more to our annual fall fundraiser than wrapping paper! Parent Council is in partnership with Great American Opportunities to provide our community with an exciting array of magazines, household items, and gifts while making a difference on our campus and around the world! Check out the Helping Hands section of the catalog or website for many items made in impoverished countries. Also don't miss our new local vendor card for discounts at all your favorite retailers and restaurants! The sale will run from Thursday, October 4 through Thursday, October 18! Shop easily online ( Store.aspx?ur=9 ; school code 2138956) or through the sale packet. Either way there will be lots of fun incentives for the kids!

St. Paul Shopping Partners Target, Kroger, Box Tops for Education, eBox Tops Marketplace (think Nordstrom, Hanna Anderson, Land’s End, LEGO, Southwest Airlines, and over 175 other stores!), Pottery Barn Kids and PBteen, Harris Teeter, Publix, and Labels for Education.... These shopping partners generously give back to St. Paul on purchases we make every day around town and on the internet! For more information, go to and click on St. Paul Shopping Partners under Parents’ News. Question? Contact Tracy Crawford


The Saint Shop: Don't forget to stop by the Saint Shop to get everything you need. The Saint Shop has clothing, hats, PE uniforms, sweatshirts, bags, beach towels, and much, much more. We know that it is hard to always make it in right before school begins. This year we will be working on getting the items online, so that you can order from the comfort of your home. The Saint Shop is located right outside of the Rochford Center and is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 am -­‐ 8:00 am.

How has Parent Council helped the Academy with the money it has raised?

With the money that Parent Council raises, we not only put on events like Dear Dads’ Breakfast, Grandparents’ Day, Sweetheart Moms’ Breakfast, the Christmas Program, and Field Day, but we are able to purchase big ticket items that the school otherwise wouldn’t be able to fund. Some of these items have included: The St. Paul Bus, Carrier Circle, back playground equipment, sound equipment, and cameras for all teachers. Last year Parent Council raised over $50,000 for the Academy!

August & September Dates: August 6

Meet Your Teacher, 5:30-6:30 pm

August 13

First Day of School for K-6th grades

August 13-14

11:30 Dismissal for K-6th, JK Home Visits, Child Focus Conferences 12:30-3:30 pm

August 15-17

1/2 day of JK attend, 11:30 am Dismissal for JK & K, Full Day for 1st-6th.

August 16

Upper School Back to School Night, 6:30 pm (parents only)

August 20

Lower School Back to School Night, 6:30 pm (parents only)

September 3

Labor Day-No School

September 26

Dear Dads’ Breakfast, 7:30 am for 6th grade dads on campus, JK-5th grade dads take their children to breakfast, school begins at 8:55 am

St. Paul Christian Academy, 5035 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37215, 615-269-4751

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