Fall Parent Council Newsletter

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St. Paul Christian Academy integrates academic excellence with a passion for Christ to develop a strong foundation for young leaders who uniquely shape the world in which they live.

One of the greatest blessings to our school is our Parent Council! This group of moms and dads provides hours and hours of their time and talent and much of their treasure to help us be the best possible version of ourselves. Our parents consistently sacriOice so that the faculty can devote their time to our children. At many other schools, the faculty have many interruptions to their preparation for teaching, assessing learning, and building relationships with the children so that they can help provide the infrastructure that allows for good teaching and learning. At St. Paul, our faculty are set free to focus on the children, knowing that our Board, leadership, and especially our Parent Council will provide the resources and infrastructure they need to help each student reach his or her best. So, on behalf of the entire faculty and staff, I say thank you, Parent Council! SpeciOically, I am thankful for the most recent gift from Parent Council to our entire school: the newly enhanced playground. As we met with several security consultants last spring and this summer, all of them told us that we needed to move our children off of the hill by the amphitheater and away from Hillsboro Road. The consultants believed that the small, gated playground at the top of the hill was appropriate for our little ones, but the playground near the amphitheater needed to be moved as soon as possible. With no budgeted resources to make this change occur this year, I went to our Parent Council and the St. Paul Community Church to ask for their support in making this happen now as opposed to a year from now. The answer from both was a resounding yes, and we now have a much-­‐enhanced playground for all of St. Paul to use. It is safer, much bigger, and much more appropriate. We have added basketball for both our younger students and our older students. We have added a new, rubberized play area with our transplanted slide and climbing apparatus. We have added swings, so we now have swings for the older and younger students. All of the students have much more room to run and play. So, again, thank you Parent Council for your generosity in helping us make life for our children safer and better. Kenneth C. Cheeseman Head of School

Happy Fall! We are so excited about all the things that are happening at St. Paul and with Parent Council! Dear Dads’ Breakfast was a huge success. Thank you to Ashley Cook and Susan Dean and the many volunteers for putting together a wonderful breakfast for our sixth grade dads and their children! Market with a Mission kicked-­‐off October 4th. This is a great time to support our school as we raise money. And don’t forget to save the date for Songwriters’ Night on February 2 at the Loveless Barn. It will be a fun evening, and we are all looking forward to it! Blessings, Stephanie and Anne

Market With A Mission Parent Council’s annual Market with a Mission is underway. Our theme this year is “Mission St. Possible,” and we hope that you will ask your family and friends to support St. Paul by purchasing wrapping paper, magazines, books, gifts, jewelry, candy, and much more! Parent Council has partnered with Great American Opportunities to provide our community with an exciting array of items. Check out the Helping Hands section of the catalog or website for many items made by micro-­‐businesses in impoverished countries. Also, don’t miss our new local vendor card for discounts at all your favorite retailers and restaurants! The sale runs from Thursday, October 4 through Thursday, October 18! You may shop easily online or through the sale packet. All money raised by the Parent Council is given back to the school, and funds teacher requests that are far beyond classroom budgets as well as special projects like the recent improvements to the playground on the Massey Athletic Complex and the St. Paul bus. This year the Parent Council hopes to fund a new portico at Carrier Circle. We hope you will support our efforts! Questions? Contact Julia Gaw at jjgaw@comcast.net or Kim Elliot at kellitbg@bellsouth.net.

St. Paul Shopping Partners • Kroger cards are in the McGuffey ofOice. They cost just $5 and already have a $5 credit on them. Remember to load and re-­‐load your card again and again! Kroger gives 4% back to St. Paul on groceries, gas, and pharmacy purchases. • Publix Partners for Education cards are also in the ofOice. Be sure to link the card to St. Paul at your Publix store. Publix donates 1% of every Publix brand product you buy. • This is the time of year to re-­‐link your Harris Teeter card to St. Paul at the store or online at www.harristeeter.com/community/together_in_education. Use code 3222 or search for St. Paul Christian Academy to be sure your card is linked. • The Target REDcard is a debit card or a credit card. You choose! Sign-­‐up for a REDcard at Target and be sure to link it to St. Paul at Customer Service or www.target.com/tcoe. You’ll receive 5% off your purchases each time you use your REDcard, and St. Paul will receive 1%. A good deal! • Keep clipping and collecting Box Tops for Education labels. Our Oirst submission date will be October 26, so please turn in your labels by this date. Also, visit www.btfe.com/marketplace to learn how stores like Nordstrom, LEGO, Boden, Land’s End, Ann Taylor, Crate and Barrel, ShutterOly, and over 170 other online stores give back to schools, including St. Paul. • We also collect Labels for Education and have a partnership wih Pottery Barn Kids and PBTeen. For more infomation, go to www.stpaulchristianacademy.org and click St. Paul Shopping Partners under Parents’ Corner.

Strummin’ and Hummin’

St. Paul Parent Council Songwriters’ Night The second annual Strummin’ and Hummin’ will be held on February 2nd at the Loveless Barn. This songwriters’ event, combined with our school auction, is an evening you do not want to miss! The very talented Rivers Rutherford will be on hand, along with a few of his friends, to entertain us. Rivers has penned several Number One country hits, including “Ain’t Nothing ‘Bout You” by Brooks & Dunn, “If You Ever Stop Loving Me” by Montgomery Gentry, “When I Get Where I’m Going” by Brad Paisley and Dolly Parton, “Real Good Man” by Tim McGraw, “Living in Fast Forward” by Kenny Chesney, “Ladies Love Country Boys” by Trace Adkins, and “These Are My People” by Rodney Atkins. These songs are just a few of the many hits Rivers has written, and he will provide an evening of great music and humor!


Anne Holleman Stephanie Dickinson

Vice President/ Jeanie Dayani Volunteer Coordinator Treasurer Lara Green Secretary

Andrea Hardy

Market With Julia Gaw a Mission Kim Elliott Saint Shop Robyn Moore Amy Husband Shopping Partners

Tracy Crawford

Used Uniform Sale

Maggie Passmore

Used Book Sale

Amy Williams

Spring Book Fair

Christine Shih

Dear Dads’ Breakfast

Susan Dean Ashley Cook

Sweetheart Moms’

Rick Nickels

The famous Loveless Café will provide dinner and a cash bar. There will be new and interesting packages to bid on at the auction, but most of all, it is a great chance to fellowship within our St. Paul community. This event is open to all St. Paul families as well as to your family and friends.

Hospitality (Teacher's Lunch)

Kimberly Petty Jill Mendoza

Hospitality (Admissions)

Britt Horn Amy Butler

Room Moms

Lara Green Mary Sensing

Individual tickets and table host opportunities will be sold. If you are interested in a sponsorship for this event, please contact Stacey Andrews (sandrews33@hotmail.com), Adrienne Knestrick (apknestrick@comcast.net), or Scott Johnson (scojo@schojo.net).

Field Day

Kate Elasy

All proceeds bene5it the St. Paul Parent Council.

Kindergarten Ashley Lane Christmas Program First Grade Carole Parker Christmas Program 2nd-­‐6th Grade Paige Roddey Christmas Program Kristen Smithson Grandparents' Day

Whitney Musser Meg Moudy

Parent Council of Nashville

Libby Glisson

Teacher Treats

Jill Stroud


Mary Wilson


Cara Crews Carole Peterson

Songwriters' Night

Stacey Andrews Adrienne Knestrick

Ringing in the Spring Catherine Plato ELF

Whitney Lytle

Since the Saint Shop ofcicially opened, I have thoroughly enjoyed watching the wave of St. Paul apparel that has permeated through our campus and is being worn throughout the community. I want to recognize and extend my heartfelt thanksgiving to Robyn Moore, Amy Husband, and Stephanie Dickinson for bringing the Saint Shop to a new level. I also want to thank all of the parent volunteers who come on Tuesday and Thursday mornings and to St. Paul events to encourage St. Paul families to not only show their St. Paul pride, but to support the efforts of Parent Council. In our recent visit by the SAIS/SACS Accreditation Team, they recognized and applauded the great branding on our campus. One of the ways we continue to show our support of the Academy and build brand awareness in the community is by wearing St. Paul branded clothing. Again, thank you to everyone who wears St. Paul apparel and for our Saint Shop volunteers. Go Saints! Ken Cheeseman Head of School

Mark Your Calendar!

October 19-22

Fall Break

October 24-November 2

Sixth Grade Poinsettia Sale

October 26

Report Card Day and Jeans Day with any St. Paul Shirt

October 31-November 1

11:30 Dismissal, Parent/Teacher Conferences (12:30-4:00 PM), and Used Uniform Sale

October 31

Yearbook Retakes for JK-5th

November 5

Faculty Inservice-No School for Students

November 6

Parent Council General Board Meeting (8 AM in Kuyper Conference Room)

November 15

Evening with the Arts (6 PM)

November 21-25

Thanksgiving Break

November 22

Lighting of the First Grade Christmas Tree (5:30 PM)

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