South St. Paul
A famous crime in Cowtown Page 4
Arts & Entertainment Page 6
Volume 19 | Number 7
Your Community News & Information Source
July 2022
Voting season is underway The stage is set for the gubernatorial primary, held August 9. Early voting began June 24 and runs through August 8. For information on candidates and voter registration, call the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office at 651-215-1440 or visit www.sos. Here’s a brief look at who’s on the ballot in local races in the general election on Nov. 8. We provided websites if one was available. South St. Paul City Council (elect 3) - Incumbent Tom Seaberg, Incumbent Joe Kaliszewski, Raymond G. Aaron, Jr., Ugbad Abdilahi, Michael N. Gould, Joe Gullerud, Matthew Thompson, John Winkels Minnesota Senate District 53 (South St. Paul, southern portion of West St. Paul, Lilydale, Sunfish Lake) - Incumbent Matt Klein, DFL, www.; Chris Rausch, Republican, Minnesota House District 53B (South St. Paul) - Incumbent Rick Hansen, DFL,; Steven Swoboda, Republican; Laura Pride, Legal Marijuana Now Dakota County Commissioner, District 2 - Incumbent Joe Atkins,; Jimmy Francis,; John Wheeler. Dakota County Sheriff - Joe Leko, Dakota County Attorney - Kathy Keena,; Elizabeth Lamin,; Matt Little,; Jeffrey (Jeff) Sheridan,
County finalizes design for new SSP library Jake Spitzack Staff Writer
Housing report
How our local housing market compares to the Twin Cities region Jake Spitzack Staff Writer
ewer homes in the Twin Cities saw new owners last year – about 9% – compared to the two unusually strong years prior, but numbers are still above the pre-COVID statistics and market trends are expected to continue. Inventory in the Twin Cities has plummeted more than 57% in the last three years, according to the St. Paul Area Association of Realtors and Minneapolis Area Realtors, leaving metro buyers facing a stiff shortage. The shortage is sure to keep prices record-high, time on the market short and multiple of-
fers commonplace. The median sale price for a home in the Twin Cities rose 10% from last year, to $370,000, a record-high. Mortgage rates also climbed from 2.96% to 5.78%. Here’s how the market has changed in the South St. Paul Voice distribution area over the past year. If you’re looking to buy a home in this area, you’ll notice numbers are slightly more encouraging compared to the Twin Cities as a whole. Data is through April 2022. • Median sale price in South St. Paul increased by 5.8%, from $260,000 to Housing / Page 3
akota County has finalized the design for the proposed 16,000 square-foot library to be built at 7th and Marie, but now there’s a wrinkle in the plans due to funding. Dakota County anticipated that half of the project cost would come from State bonding, which it didn’t receive this session. “Our Board believes a special session might happen yet this year, so we are planning on awarding the bids as late as we can and still allow construction to begin this construction season,” said Dakota County Capital Project Manager Jay Biedny. “The Board will decide in early September if the project will move ahead or wait another year.” Bidding of the $6.2 million project was expected to begin this summer and be awarded by September. If the funding comes through, construction could begin this fall, with the new building opening in January 2024. The library will have specific areas for children, teens and adults, a programming room, community room, reading garden, a central operations desk and will be fully accessible. The interior will feature a wall collage of South St. Paul’s history. To make way for the project, the South St. Paul City Council will combine six city-owned parcels and rezone the area. City staff City developments / Page 2
South St. Paul Post Office named in honor of fallen police officer Tim Spitzack Editor
he South St. Paul Post Office now bears the name of Leo Pavlak, a South St. Paul police officer who was killed in the line of duty on August 30, 1933. The Minnesota House of Representatives unanimously passed a resolution on May 19 to name the building in his honor. Pavlak was 38 years old and had been on
the force just five months on that grim summer day. “Officer Leo Pavlak deserves to be recognized for his heroism and service to our community,” said the bill’s author, Rep. Rick Hansen (DFL-South St. Paul), in a press release. “It’s an honor to champion legislation to name the South St. Paul Post Office in his memory.” According to information on the city’s website, Pavlak escorted two 21-year-old
messengers of the Stockyards National Bank to the South St. Paul Railway Station around 9 a.m. to pick up a payroll shipment for Swift and Co. After picking up the money, they went to the post office, just a block away, and put the money in bags. As they were leaving the bank to return to Swift, a large black sedan pulled up with a siren blaring and smoke pouring from the back of the car. Two or three
armed members of the infamous Barker-Karpis gang jumped from the car and told Pavlak and the messengers to drop the money bags and raise their arms. Pavlak did so without reaching for his gun, and the two messengers scurried under a nearby truck. At this point, fellow police officer John Yeaman drove toward the scene and was fired upon by a machine gun-wielding robber. He was shot in the face but, remark-
ably, survived. The man then grabbed Yeaman’s gun and ran toward the post office, spraying it and other nearby buildings with bullets. During the mayhem, another man with a shotgun shot Pavlak in the head at close range, killing him instantly. Pavlak was survived by his wife, Pauline, and children, Eleanor and Robert. His funeral was held at St. Augustine’s Church, and he was interred at Calvary Cemetery.
Robert eventually followed in his father’s footsteps. He served as a U.S. marshal in Minnesota and with the St. Paul Police Department, retiring after 32 years. A few of Leo’s grandchildren and great-grandchildren have been police officers as well. In a letter of support sent to lawmakers earlier this year, some of Pavlak’s grandchildren called the plan to name the post office in his honor “a true and fitting memorial.”
E conomic Development
Your community news and information source
The interior of the library will feature a mural commemorating South St. Paul history. The library will be located at Marie and 7th Avenue North.
City developments are currently working on a joint powers agreement to officially transfer the site to the county and expects to receive approval from the Dakota County Board of Commissioners in July. The city is responsible for site preparation and will modify 7th Avenue to be a one-way street with angled parking. The future of the existing city-owned library building is still unknown. Concord Gateway Mixed Use District architectural
requirements - The South St. Paul City Council will soon decide whether to update a zoning ordinance for the Concord Gateway Mixed Use District that requires buildings to reflect an early 1900s architectural style. Currently, 60% of a building’s facade in that district must be constructed of brick, stone and glass. The ordinance was created in 2003 but hasn’t been strictly upheld. In recent years, variances were
granted to Concord Lanes bowling alley, Kaposia Club (now Stockyards Tavern and Chophouse) and the Yards apartment complex. In May, David Abramowicz, owner of the South St. Paul Animal Hospital, presented his plan to the city council to construct a 12,000-squarefoot multi-tenant commercial building on a vacant EDA-owned property north of Al’s Corral Bar and Grill. The animal hospital would be the primary tenant. The project was denied because it didn’t meet the
Working Together To Get Things Done
design requirements. However, the council encouraged Abramowicz to petition for an amendment to the ordinance, and he followed their advice. The council will meet on August 3 to consider his request to allow for a wider range of materials to be used on building exteriors. Public Works - On May 16, the city council unanimously approved a $262,100 contract with Bolton & Menk, Inc. to complete design work for the reconstruction of the watermains under 7th avenue and I-494.
According to a 2020 city report, the I-494 watermain crossing was listed as a high priority to be completed in 2022. The 7th avenue project was originally planned for 2029 but recent breaks in the watermain prompted more immediate attention. The city is seeking a grant from the Minnesota Department of Health to cover design costs. Community Service Officers - The police department recently hired another community service officer (CSO) and plans to hire another
one later this year. On May 17, Roman Cortez became the department’s fifth CSO. Community service officers are a uniformed, non-sworn position in the police department whose primary responsibilities include park patrol, animal control and resolving code enforcement violations. Cortez is a graduate of South St. Paul High School and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice at Bemidji State University. The CSO position is often a pathway to a career in law enforcement.
Trabajando juntos para hacer las cosas The South St. Paul Voice is published monthly and distributed to 8,500 homes and high traffic businesses in South St. Paul. Publisher & Editor: Tim Spitzack Copy Editor: Leslie Martin Staff Writers: Jake Spitzack John E. Ahlstrom
Contributors: Lois Glewwe Roger Fuller Delivery: Independent Delivery Service
For questions regarding news or advertising, call 651-457-1177
1643 So. Robert St., West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-457-1177 | | The South St. Paul Voice assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed by contributors and for the validity of claims or items reported. Copyright South St. Paul Voice 2022. All rights reserved in compliance of Federal Copyright Act of 1978.
Please feel free to contact me anytime: 651.451.1189 twitter @reprickhansen
Dakota County Commissioner Re-Elect
Rick Hansen is running to represent the cities of South St. Paul, Newport, St. Paul Park, Cottage Grove and Inver Grove Heights.
Joe Atkins þ
Rick Hansen
State Representative • District 53B PAID ADVERTISEMENT Prepared and paid for by People for Hansen, 1007 15th Avenue N., South St. Paul MN 55075
Page 2 - South St. Paul Voice - July 2022
Minnesota Firefighters and Minnesota Nurses named Joe Atkins Elected Official of the Year for his work to protect public safety Prepared and paid for by Atkins Volunteer Committee, 105 Hardman Court, South St. Paul, MN 55075
H ousing Report
Your community news and information source
homes $365,000; for condos $195,000; and townhouses $272,000.
from page 1
$275,000. Homes have been on the market for 26.3% longer, increasing from 19 to 24 days.
Market trends and inventory Buyers are sometimes paying about 50% more for the same home compared to a year ago. That diminishes buying power, especially when taking into account higher down payment costs, closing costs and the fact that inflation is at a 40-year high. Many people – especially first time buyers – are feeling the sting and are being forced to postpone their homebuying plans. Isaac Contreras, realtor with Keller Williams Realty, said that millennial buyers are in the hottest competition right now. “They are in their prime home-buying years and are the biggest segment of the first-time home buyers. With the historically low inventory, you are finding buyers who may have explored the
single family home market first but found themselves moving over to townhomes and condos so they can put monthly housing payments towards building equity versus rising rent payments.” He added that the increasing trend of sales of luxury properties is primarily due to out-of-state buyers who are relocating and getting a bigger bang for their buck in Minnesota compared to higher-cost markets like San Jose, Calif., Seattle, Wash., and others. He said that this influx of newcomers has been accentuated because many people are now able to work from home and don’t need to stay in those high cost markets. Economists aren’t overly concerned about a crash in the housing market because of the high demand for houses among millennials and most lenders giving mortgages only to the most qualified borrowers. Currently, the Twin Cities has about three weeks’ supply of
Multifamily and affordable housing Rent for apartments has stayed relatively consistent since last year. Median rent for 1-bedroom units stayed at $1,000; 2-bedroom units decreased 3%, to $1,300; and 3-bedroom units increased 8%, to $1,669. The Yards, by Steven Scott Management, is a 154-unit apartment expected to open this fall at 205 Concord Exchange N. in South St. Paul.
inventory; a balanced market would have four to six months’ worth. Inventory of existing properties has decreased 6% while inventory of new construction has increased a whopping 50.7%. Here’s how inventory and sales have changed metrowide in the past year: • There are 11.7% more single-family homes, 4.6% more townhomes and 22.2% fewer condos available.
• Sales of single-family homes decreased 10.2%, sales of condos decreased .6%, sales of townhouses decreased 7.1% and sales of luxury properties ($1M+) rose 16.6%. • Overall sales were down 24.8% in St. Paul and 15.1% in Minneapolis. • The median price for newly built single-family homes is $493,900; for previously owned single family
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Homebuying costs • Most lenders require a 5% down payment for home purchases. For the Twin Cities median sales price of $370,000, a buyer would need about $18,500, plus closing costs, which adds up to about $10,000. • Buying an existing home can come with unexpected expenses. Homeowners should hire a professional home inspector before closing. Inspections costs start at around $500. Roofs and most mechanical systems
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such as water heaters, furnaces and air conditioning units often have a life span of about 20 years. Older homes may have harmful environmental issues such as asbestos, lead paint, and old wiring and piping. • First-time homeowners may save money by buying a home that doesn’t have a garage. However, if they choose to add one later, costs typically exceed $15,000 for a two-car garage. Minnesota Housing, the state’s housing finance agency, has tips and financing options for homebuyers. For more information, visit
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South St. Paul Voice - July 2022 - Page 3
B ack in Time
Your community news and information source
A famous crime in Cowtown Two Minnesota governors prosecute an accused murderess Lois Glewwe Contributor
ouis F. Johnke, 49, an employee of the Cudahy Packing Plant and a resident of South St. Paul, died of a “strange poisoning” at the West Side General Hospital on August 19, 1937. He had been ill for two months. His widow, Beatrice, survived him as did two married daughters. The Johnkes lived in a modest home on the hill above Concord Street, where the historical monument at Butler and Concord now stands. The Dakota County district attorney at the time of Johnke’s death was Harold Stassen, an up and coming Republican politician from South St. Paul who was being groomed to run for governor of Minnesota. One of the young attorneys who worked for Stassen’s firm was Harold LeVander. As news of Johnke’s death from poisoning crossed their desks, both men began to investigate the details of the unusu-
al case. Rumors were spreading throughout the city that Beatrice Johnke had been seeing another man and that two of the Johnke dogs had died mysteriously prior to Louis’ death. The Dakota County coroner ordered that Louis Johnke’s stomach be removed and sent to the University of Minnesota for analysis. The local papers covered the investigation, which led to the arrest of Beatrice Johnke in early October for murder. Beatrice, then 41 and a grandmother, was reportedly a flamboyant defendant whose demeanor and appearance would rival any Court TV star familiar to viewers of today’s televised celebrity trials. To make the story even more interesting, Beatrice Johnke’s paramour was a handsome young man named Carl Sandgren, nine years her junior. Sandgren, who worked for the WPA in Como Park, testified regarding the affair he had with a woman he knew as “Lavon Darlon.” Beatrice only later
admitted that she was married to Louis Johnke. Sandgren denied any knowledge of Louis’ death but said that Beatrice had told him that her husband was trying to kill himself and had been hospitalized several times. Also adding local interest to the trial was Beatrice Johnke’s defense team: Vance Grannis and Lawrence Lenertz, South St. Paul attorneys appointed by the court to defend the accused. Both men were in their late 20s, from long-established local families, and were well known in the county. With a dramatic, attractive female defendant and four powerful young, handsome attorneys as its stars, the trial soon attracted the attention of the Twin Cities media and, eventually, the national news agencies. Headlines rang out every day with reporters filing from the halls of the old Hastings courthouse. Articles included descriptions of Beatrice’s clothing, expressions and responses. The trial began on January
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10, 1938, and the jury was sent to deliberate 16 days later. Some expected a quick verdict of guilty and nothing was done to arrange for a long jury stay in Hastings. On January 29, the judged called in the attorneys and reportedly discussed a littleused – yet entirely legal – option of putting the jurors on a diet of only water in order to force a verdict. As of that afternoon, the jurors had been out for over 70 hours. At 3 p.m. that same day, word went out that a verdict had been reached. It took about two hours to get the attorneys back to the courthouse and to assemble the court. Harold Stassen, who had led the prosecution, was not able to be present and sent Fallon Kelly to take the verdict in his place. After more than 60 ballots and votes that reportedly ranged from 10-2 to a 6-6 tie, the jury had finally ruled Beatrice Johnke not guilty. Reporters immediately began filing news stories about the Stassen/LeVander loss to the Grannis/Lenertz team. Stassen went on to become Minnesota’s youngest governor, and LeVander took the governor’s office later in his life. Grannis and Lenertz continued successful law careers in South St.
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Paul. Beatrice Johnke led a life of quiet seclusion after her 15 minutes of fame and soon disappeared from sight.
A personal note about the players… In 1996, Vance Grannis, Sr., then 88 years old, asked me to stop by to talk about the most famous trial he’d ever been involved in. I agreed and I’ll never forget the irony of the situation. Grannis was watching the O.J. Simpson trial on TV in his gracious South St. Paul home, utterly intrigued by the machinations of that judicial exercise. As the O.J. trial played in the background, Grannis pulled out a box of 60-year-old newspaper clippings and trial transcripts and proceeded to tellSTATE me the story of Beatrice FARM Johnke and the death of her Stremski Agency husband. 1560 Livingston Ave. The irony lay not only Suite 101, West St. Paul in the fact that O.J. was on TV, but inHogar my relationship to Harold Stassen. He’s my Automóvil Seguro de Vida
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uncle. Grannis continued to be proud of having beaten Stassen at a pivotal time in their young careers. I admitted to him that Uncle Harold had never mentioned the Johnke trial to me, even though I had lived in his home in Pennsylvania and had discussed several other cases with him. Over the subsequent years before Grannis died in 1999, and my uncle in 2001, I had many conversations with both about Beatrice Johnke and the “strange poison” that took the life of her husband in 1937. Both men went to their graves convinced that what they knew to have happened was the truth and nothing but the truth. To this day, I have no idea what really happened to poor Louis Johnke on that fateful day in 1937, but his death led to what is certainly one of the most fascinating murder investigations that ever took place in South St. Paul.
N ews Briefs Student notes Southern New Hampshire University president’s list: Chantel Wood University of NebraskaLincoln graduate: Patrick Schmidt, bachelor of arts with distinction University of Mississippi honor roll: Valeria Garcia Creighton University graduate: Andres Fernandez Alvarez, bachelor of science in business administration Bradley University dean’s list: Sylvia Krech Milwaukee School of Engineering honors list: Connor Sadowski Hofstra University provost’s list: Amudalat Ajasa University of NebraskaLincoln dean’s list: Marcus Molumby, Patrick Schmidt, senior, Mae Shannon The State University of New York at Potsdam president’s list: Alexis Ritter
Meeting dates The South St. Paul City Council meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Monday of
Your community news and information source each month in the council chambers at City Hall, 125 3rd Ave. N. For agendas and city council member contact information, visit www. or call 651554-3284. The Special School District 6 School Board meets at 6 p.m. the second and fourth Monday of each month. For agendas and school board member contact information, visit or call 651457-9400. The South St. Paul-Inver Grove Heights Rotary Club meets at 12:15 p.m. each Wednesday. For more information, visit https:// south-st-paul-inver-groveheights. The South St. Paul Lions Club meets at 7:15 p.m. the first and third Thursday of the month (September May). For more information, visit
E V E N T S Call 651-554-3240 or visit
Book Club, 7-8 library’s basement. p.m., Thursday, July 14. Art Journaling & Cre“Beartown” by Frederick ative Memory Making, 6-8 Backman is the title. For p.m., Monday, July 25. Get more information, visit ti- started on making a ful new journal using paint, Summer Book Sale, July collage fabric, found ob11-15. Children and adult jects and more. Registration materials available for pur- required. Geared toward chase. $1 bag sale all week. adults. SPV-FLJuly2022V-Eng.qxp_Layout 1 The sale will be held in the
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To register for the following programs, call 651366-6200 or visit Kaposia Day Camp, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., July 24-29. This camp is for kids in grades K-6 and features games, interpretive programs, swimming and crafts. Cost is $80. Field trip Ninja Warrior Gyms, 8:30-3:30, Thursday, July 14. Ages 6-12 are invited to attend the ninja warrior/obstacle adventure race training at the gym, then enjoy the afternoon at Kaposia Park. Cost is $32. Splish Splash Bash!, 5-7 p.m., Thursday, July 21 at Jefferson Park. This free event features a giant Slip ’n’ Slide, food trucks, dance party, bounce houses and a celebrity dunk tank.
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Join our Tribe... Support Your Community Newspaper! A tribe is defined as a group of people having a common character or interest. In today’s day and age it has also come to mean supporters and we invite you to be one of ours. Since 1966, we’ve proudly and effectively covered the issues most important to our community. We ask our loyal readers to consider donating a small amount to help us continue publishing community news that informs, entertains and inspires. Could you send $10 a year...or more? Every dollar helps. To contribute, mail your check to St. Paul Publishing Co., 1643 S. Robert St., Suite 60B, West St. Paul, MNSt. 55118, or call us at 651-457-1177 with|your credit card number. Mailed subscriptions Paul Publishing Company | 651-457-1177 are available for $21.50 per year. Thanks for your support! St. Paul Voice • Downtown St. Paul Voice South St. Paul Voice • La Voz Latina
South St. Paul Voice - July 2022 - Page 5
S ample St. Paul
Fitzgerald Theatre
10 Exchange St. E. St. Paul 612-338-8388
XV Latvian Song and Dance Festival USA is held 3:30 p.m., Friday, July 1. This performance features a folk dance choreography show. Tickets start at $35.
History Theatre 30 10th St. E. St. Paul 651-292-4323
“Glensheen” is presented at 7:30 p.m., Thursday-Saturday, and 2 p.m. on Sundays July 9-24. This dark musical unravels the mystery behind the Congdon family murders, which made headlines across Minnesota in
Your community news and information source
1977. Tickets start at $45, with discounts for seniors, those under age 30, and students.
History Center 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-259-3000
“Righting a Wrong: Japanese Americans and World War II” is on display through July 3. It looks at immigration, prejudice, civil rights, heroism and what it means to be an American. “Art Speaks” is on display through July. It presents more than 150 paintings, sculptures and photos collected over the past 15 years and invites Minnesotans to explore the intersection of art and the history of the state.
“Our Home: Native Minnesota” is an exhibit about how Minnesota’s native communities have retained cultural practices, teachings and values, and an essential connection to home. Other exhibits include “Minnesota’s Greatest Generation,” “Then Now Wow,” “Grainland” and “Weather Permitting.” “Then Now Wow” is closed until July 5, and “Minnesota’s Greatest Generation” and “Weather Permitting” will be closed July 5-29, while light fixtures are updated. The Center is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m., ThursdaySunday. Tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and college students and $8 for children ages five to 17.
The Latvian Song and Dance Festival is held at several downtown venues June 29-July 4. Music ranges from rock to chamber and symphonic.
Landmark Center 75 5th St. W. St. Paul 651-292-3225
Andrew Young, Landmark Center’s current artist-inresidence, will create several interactive art exhibits this summer exploring what’s beyond the five senses. All events are free. “CARE: Falls at Landmark,” 7-9 p.m., Thursday,
July 21. An indoor installation of a waterfall created with fabric will cascade from the top of the cortile to the ground floor. Participants can create shadow puppets on the waterfall and add to a collaborative sculpture. Music on the Cortile performances include Amanda Grace, noon-1 p.m., Wednesday, July 13 and Trio Bossa Nova, noon1 p.m., Wednesday, July 27.
Both events are free. XV Latvian Song and Dance Festival art exhibition will be in the North Gallery until 5 p.m. Sunday, July 3. This exhibition encompasses the idea of “place” within various mediums of art created by American Latvian artists. The Landmark Center offers free guided walking tours at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays through August. Reser-
FRANCIS For Dakota County Commissioner District 2
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If you love Saint Paul, trains, or history, you won’t want to miss your chance to see the Land to Legacy: Union Depot Through Time photo exhibit. This fun and free exhibit highlights interesting and compelling photos documenting 150 years of Saint Paul and Union Depot history. Take it all in while it’s on display in the Head House at Union Depot June 3 - November 13.
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Page 6 - South St. Paul Voice - July 2022 @uniondepot UNIONDEPOT.ORG
S ample St. Paul vations are required. • It Happened Right Here: St. Paul’s Origins tour explores downtown and provides stories about the city’s first settlers. The tour is held the first Wednesday of each month, departing from the Kellogg and Robert Street entrance to Kellogg Park. • The Rice Park tour circles one of St. Paul’s most iconic parks and observes the surrounding buildings that gave the park its central role in city events and celebrations. The tour is held the second Wednesday of each month. It departs from the Landmark Center at 75 5th St. W. • The Great River tour travels along the Mississippi, highlighting buildings and locations that helped make St. Paul the city it is today. This tour is held the third Wednesday of each month, departing from Upper Landing Park at Shephard Road and Chestnut Street.
MN Children’s Museum 10 7th St. W. St. Paul 651-225-6000
“Wallace and Gromit and Shaun the Sheep: Shear Genius!” is featured through Aug. 28. Blast off in Wallace’s rocket, test some wild contraptions with Gromit, climb around the barn with Shaun and engage in problem solving activities. “Shipwreck Adventures,” a new permanent exhibit, includes a sunken pilot house and 20-foot-long decaying ship hull based on a real sunken ship, a diver training area and interpretation of the natural landscape of Lake Superior’s north shore. Other exhibits and activities include The Scramble, The Studio, Creativity Jam, Sprouts, Backyard, Our World, Forces at Play, Super Awesome Adventures, Imaginopolis and the Tip Top Terrace. The museum is open 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Tuesday-Sunday. Tickets are $14.95. Admission is free the first Sunday of each month; reservations are required. The next free date is July 3.
Ordway Center 345 Washington St. St. Paul 651-224-4222
XV Latvian Song and Dance Festival USA presents a chamber and symphonic music concert at 1 and 7 p.m., Friday, July 1, and a grand choir concert at 3 p.m., Sunday, July 3. Tickets for the chamber and
Your community news and information source
symphonic music concert are $40 for adults and $30 for ages under 21. Tickets for the grand choir concert are $55 for adults, $45 for youth under 21 and $15 for children under 11.
and the human connection we all share with the natural world. Theater tickets are $9.95, and museum tickets are $19.95, with discounts for children and seniors.
Palace Theatre
199 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-726-8240
17 7th Place West St. Paul 612-338-8388
XV Latvian Song and Dance Festival USA is held 9 p.m., Friday, July 2. This performance is a rock concert with Akacis, Astro’n’out and DJ Ai-Va. Tickets start at $55.
Park Square Theatre
20 W. 7th Place St. Paul 651-291-7005
Shawn Mendes with special guest Dermot Kennedy, 7 p.m., July 9. Tickets start at $25. Alanis Morissette with special guest Garbage,
7 p.m., July 24. Tickets start at $55. Machine Gun Kelly with special guests Avril Lavigne and Willow, 7:30 p.m., July 28. Tickets start at $25.
HANDYMAN Viking Exteriors
Xcel Center
Latvian Grand Folk Dance performance, 4 p.m., Saturday July 2. Tickets start at $51, with discounts for youth. Rod Stewart with special guest Cheap Trick, 7:30 p.m., July 8. Tickets start at $25.
MR. LARRY FOR HIRE I do painting, repairs & cleaning of homes and apartments Window Washing Gutter Cleaning and Repairs
Alan Jackson, 7 p.m., July 29. Tickets start at $36. Brandi Carlile with special guests Lake Street Dive and Celisse, 6:30 p.m., July 30. Tickets start at $30.
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Live carefree.
“Holmes and Watson” is presented July 12-Aug. 21. Dr. Watson receives a telegram from a mental asylum stating that three patients are claiming to be Sherlock Holmes and he must investigate who the imposters are and if Sherlock Holmes faked his own death. Tickets start at $16.
175 W. Kellogg Boulevard St. Paul 651- 265-4800
“Show Me Reptile Show” is held 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Saturday, July 30. Tickets start at $10; free for children age 12 and under.
Science Museum of Minnesota 120 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-221-9444
“Summer of Space” features exhibits, movies and experiences showing the beauty and extremes of space, as well as the science that brings people there. “Journey to Space” is on display through September 5. Learn about the extraordinary conditions of space travel and the challenges and rewards of life on the International Space Station. See relics from past decades of space exploration, including Neil Armstrong’s gloves from Apollo 11. Omnitheater films - “A Beautiful Planet” is presented through September 8. See the beauty of earth and the evidence of climate change through the eyes of astronauts aboard the International Space Station. “Into America’s Wild” is presented through October 14. Explore fantastical wild places
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Member FDIC | 800.247.4418 *Your MidWestOne consumer checking account must be enrolled in Occasional Overdraft Protection Service (OOPS) and meet qualifying direct deposit conditions. OOPs applies to checks, electronic fund transfers, automatic bill payments and other transactions made using your checking account. We will not include ATM and everyday debit card transactions within OOPS without first receiving your affirmative consent to do so. We typically do not pay overdrafts if your account is not in good standing, you are not making regular deposits or you have excessive overdrafts. Your account will be charged an overdraft fee of $35.00 for each item that overdraws your account in excess of $50. We retain full discretion to decline to pay any overdraft item under the OOPS Service for any reason. All negative balances must be resolved within 35 days of the original overdraft. If the negative balance is not resolved within 60 days, your account will be closed. For additional program details see a banker. South St. Paul Voice - July 2022 - Page 7
S ample St. Paul
Your community news and information source
Summer is short. Make the most of it!
Music & Movies St. Paul’s Parks and Recreation department will present free outdoor movies at several parks. Movies begin 15 minutes after sunset, and some have pre-show activities. Children ages 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Participants are encouraged to bring food and a blanket or lawn chair. “Jumanji: The Next Level,” July 21 at the Highland Pool House; “Up,” July 28 at the West Minnehaha Recreation Center; “Encanto,” July 29
at El Rio Vista Recreation Center. For more information, visit or call 651-292-6508. Music at Mears Park begins at noon. The lineup includes: “29:11:00,” July 6; Granger Moonshine, July 12; Legendary Percolators, July 19; to be determined, July 20; Steven’s Family Band, July 26; Sonic Love Child, July 27; Saint Suburbia, Aug. 2; to be determined, Aug. 3; Capital Wind Ensemble, Aug. 9; and 99er’s, Aug. 10.
Lowertown Sounds will present free outdoor concerts 6-9:30 p.m., Thursdays, in Mears Park through Aug. 25 (no events on July 7). Performing in July are: Heiruspecs, Longshot and Lazerbeak on July 14; Jillian Rae and Farewell Milwaukee on July 21; We are the Willows and Folios on July 28. Food and beverages will be available for purchase – benefiting the St. Paul Yellow Ribbon Network. Guests are invited to bring blankets and chairs. For more infor-
Photo courtesy of Lowertown Blues & Funk Fest
Selwyn Birchwood will perform at the Lowertown Blues & Funk Fest.
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The City of West St. Paul is hosting outdoor movies this summer. “Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings” begins at 8 p.m., Friday, July 15 at Southview Park, and TBD (voter’s choice), Aug. 12 at the West St. Paul Regional Athletics Center. For more information, call 651-552-4100. Groovin’ in the Garden free concerts are held 6-8 p.m. every Wednesday through July 27 at Como Park Zoo & Conservatory, 1225 Estabrook Dr. Food and beverages will be available for purchase. Guests are invited to bring blankets and chairs. Free concerts also take place at the Como Lakeside Pavilion. To view the schedule, visit www. Union Depot is hosting drive-in movies in Lot D, located near Kellogg boulevard, select Fridays through August. “Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost
Ark,” begins at 9:30 p.m., July 8, and “Encanto,” at 9 p.m., Aug. 5. Each event features a chance to win a prize basket. Concessions will be available. Tickets are $15 per vehicle. To purchase tickets or for more information, visit depotdrivein. Lowertown Blues & Funk Fest will host free concerts 2-10 p.m., Saturday, July 16, at Dual Citizen Brewing, 725 Raymond Ave. The Crow Band, 2:30 p.m.; The Lamont Cranston Band with Bruce McCabe, 4:30 p.m.; Selwyn Birchwood, 6:30 p.m.; and four-time Grammy nominee Shemekia Copeland, 8:30 p.m. Erik Christenson will perform at 4, 6 and 8 p.m. on the Juke Joint Stage. For more information, visit Minnesota Sinfonia will present concerts at Como Park Pavilion at 7 p.m., July 13, 22 and 28.
Residential Garage Doors IRS problems | Estates, trusts, planning
MidWestOne Bank 930 Southview Blvd. 451-2133 • State Farm Christopher Kisch 625 Southview Blvd. 455-9700 • Metzen Realty and Associates Co. 412 Southview Blvd. 455-2214
mation, visit Bands on the Boulevard is a free, outdoor concert series featuring Minnesota musicians at the Minnesota History Center, 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. Concerts will be held 6:30-8 p.m. every Tuesday in July. Ellis Delaney and the OK Factor, July 5; Roe Family Singers, July 12; Nur-D, July 19; Mariachi Mi Tierra, July 26. Food and activities begin at 6 p.m. Visitors may bring a lawn chair and a picnic. For more information, visit or call 651-259-3000. The City of Mendota Heights is hosting the following free concerts in its parks: Up South, 6-7:30 p.m., July 13 at Market Square Park; Sons of Groove, 6:30-8 p.m., July 27 at Mendakota Park; Funktion Junction, 6:30-8 p.m., Aug. 12 at Mendakota Park; and Rockin’ Hollywoods, 6-7:30 p.m., Aug. 24 at Mendakota Park.
Federal and all states | Individual and small business Free e-filing with return preparation
Wishing you a safe and happy Fourth of July!
The Saint Paul Saints will present a fireworks display following the July 2 game at CHS Field. Other promotions include a Monster Food Truck on July 2 and 3, Marvel Movie Night on July 14 and Dog Days on July 17.
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C ommunity
Your community news and information source
Friends Like Angel This time of year still hits me hard. It’s the anniversary of the death of my best girlfriend, Angel, who died too young and left an Angel-shaped hole in my life. “Can it be six years?” I ask my husband, Peter, in disbelief. Angel died at age 50 six years ago. In the years since, I’ve tried to fill the spot she occupied without success. I expect new friends to be like Angel, and this is, of course, unfair. I expect them to be willing to listen to whatever mad idea has entered my head at any hour of the day. I expect them to type as fast as they speak and keep up three conversations at once with people on different sides of the globe. While I considered Angel my best girlfriend, I had no illusions that she felt the same about me. Angel was rich in friends. There was no limit to her ability
Carrie Classon
to support and encourage and cajole and occasionally berate her legions of friends into being more hopeful, less gloomy and better able to face the particular challenges of their lives. Angel floated into and over so many lives. I was simply lucky to be one of them. Of course, she was no angel. I remember when her boyfriend, Alain, discovered that she had thawed all the baguettes he’d been saving in the freezer. He was enraged and at a loss for words. “She is not perfect!” he
finally exploded. This wasn’t news to anyone who knew her. But we didn’t seek her out because she was perfect. We sought her out because she was so unbelievably real. There was no experience she would dismiss out of hand, no passion she didn’t think was worth exploring, no body of knowledge she felt was beyond her depth. Art, cooking, politics, string theory, Disney movies, bad ’80s rock ’n’ roll, fashion, trashy novels and whatever else the person she happened to be talking with was interested in – Angel was interested too. She tried everything. She was the first to admit she was wrong, and she frequently was. But it never discouraged her from experiencing one more thing
or learning a bit more. Today, I felt a little wicked. I spoke the truth to a friend. I told him he had hurt me and that I didn’t want to put up with his nonsense anymore. It’s the sort of thing I don’t often do. Usually, I tell myself how lucky I am and how much easier things are for me than for some, and how I should just forget about the slight. This time I didn’t. I felt a little guilty, I confess. Then I heard Angel laughing. She would have chided me for being so anxious, so careful, so worried about things – things that were never worth worrying about in the long run. She was all about speaking her truth and getting her needs met without shame or embarrassment.
She’s been gone for six years and is still teaching me. She was bigger, freer and more lively than any person I’ve known, which is why it is so hard to accept that she’s no longer alive. I don’t need another friend
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Catholic church 749 6th Ave. S. 651-455-1302 •
St. Augustine’s Catholic Church
Clark Memorial United Church
408 3rd St. N. 651-455-1302 •
779 15th Ave. N. 651-451-7278 •
First Presbyterian 535 20th Ave. N. 651-451-6223 •
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox church 357 2nd Ave. S. 651-451-0775 •
Woodbury Lutheran Wakota Ridge Campus
140 6th Ave. N. 651-455-0777 •
Grace Lutheran Church 149 8th Ave. S. 651-451-1035
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
315 15th Ave. N. 651-451-2400 •
South St. Paul Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist
We Support
Haul your own & SAVE!
Luther Memorial Church
255 W. Douglas St. 651-739-5144 •
like Angel because there are no other friends like Angel. Besides, the goal was never to replicate her. The goal was to try – in my cautious, nervous, high-strung way – to become a bit more like her. Till next time.
Saint John Vianney Catholic Church
Worship Guide
789 17th Ave. N. 651-451-1863 •
Sf. Stefan Romanian Orthodox Church 350 5th Ave. N. 651-451-3462 •
St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church 501 6th Ave. S. 651-455-8947
South St. Paul Voice - July 2022 - Page 9
C ommunity
Your community news and information source
Neighbors, Inc. Charlie Thompson President & CEO
e have reached the midway point of the 50th anniversary year at Neighbors, Inc. It continues to be marked with tributes, proclamations and awards. Thank you to everyone for
helping us commemorate Neighbors. In 1997, we celebrated our 25th anniversary by hosting an open house in the newly renovated 13th Avenue location. Fifteen years later, we
moved into our current location. Now, we are preparing for the new, post-pandemic, normal by highlighting our renovated building and expanding our hours of operation. Our food shelf will continue to take appointments for in-person shopping, curbside pick-up and delivery. The fully remodeled food shelf provides staple items such as fresh fruits and vegetables, baking items, dairy, hygiene products and much more. During these challenging times, we are experiencing high need for food. Please continue to keep us in mind as we grapple with the
higher costs of providing it due to inflation and supply chain issues. The Clothes Closet Thrift Store will also be open more days and have longer hours. We will soon announce expanded access to great deals on essential items. The new schedule will also allow us to be more accessible for those in need of free items through our Clothes Closet Gift Card program. With expanded hours of operation comes the need for more volunteers. Like all our programs, volunteers enhance what we are able to provide the community, and the Clothes Closet is no exception.
Putting the pieces together When does the sport season begin? Is this activity offered in South St. Paul? Is there a Boy Scout troop in the area that my child can join? How do I sign up? How many times have you heard or seen these questions on social media? A grassroots effort is underway to address these questions and more. Sport associations, Scout leaders and the City of South St. Paul are working together to host a SSP Resource Fair to showcase the many clubs, teams and activities available in the community. Picture it like a puzzle, and each organization is a piece of the puzzle. It is hard to see the big picture when all the pieces are spread out over the table or in the box but once all the pieces are together you can see the picture clearly. While we are still in the planning phases, we do know the date. The Resource Fair will take place 1-4 p.m., Sunday, August 14. Our goal is to host it outside, with an indoor
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Page 10 - South St. Paul Voice - July 2022
Another area of change is our former Welcome Center. It has been remodeled to serve as our Financial Empowerment Center (FEC). The FEC will have resources for our neighbors in need and include computers that allow visitors to work on tasks such as budgeting and job searching. A small conference room will provide a confidential space for client engagement and other meetings. This beautiful, welcoming space will help us as we provide radical hospitality to all who visit Neighbors. The culmination of these changes and of the commemoration of our 50th
year will take place September 16 -17 at our South St. Paul building. On Friday and Saturday we will have food, drinks, music and fun for everyone. It is going to be a community-wide celebration, lifting up those we serve and those who support our ability to do so. Over the years, we have provided a variety of programs and services at different locations. Looking to the future, we will continue to evolve to meet the needs of our neighbors. Thank you for your ongoing support of your community pillar, Neighbors, Inc.
location available in case of inclement weather. The event will feature a variety of activities and booths from participating organizations, and the South St. Paul Lions Club will serve their famous hamburger and hotdog baskets. It is open to all organizations that have opportunities for youth or adults in the community. It is free to participate, we just ask that you bring information to distribute to the attendees. If you have an activity to share, even better. We’d love to have you join us. If you are a resident who has questions on what is being offered for youth and adults in the community, mark your calendar to attend the event. Watch for more information on the City’s website at, the South St. Paul Events and Activities Facebook page, and other community pages. For more information or to register your group to participate, contact Deb Griffith, community affairs, at or 651-554-3230. We hope to see you there.
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We reach the market you need to reach. Our newspaper group reaches over 37,500 homes and businesses in the St. Paul area, as well as the Hispanic market of the Twin Cities. To advertise, call 651-457-1177.
WOW! That’s interesting... Do you know of someone in our community who has done something noteworthy or has a fascinating background? If so, we want to hear from you. We enjoy sharing the stories of residents in downtown St. Paul, the West Side, West St. Paul, South St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Lilydale and Sunfish Lake. If you have a tip for a feature article, contact Tim at 651-457-1177 or
FREE CONCERT Tuesday, June 28, 6:30 p.m. Black Hawk Middle School in Eagan 1540 Deerwood Dr.
Cantus reprises its My Journey Yours program – the ensemble’s critically acclaimed program on migration – that weaves in stories from local Latino teens from Esperanza United This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
Hear Cantus in a new way as the ensemble partners with jazz superstar Ignacio “Nachito” Herrera for Ramas y Raíces: Songs from Latin America, an unforgettable collaboration featuring music of Argentina, Brazil, Cuba, and Mexico. Available in person in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and online. Visit for more information.
South St. Paul Voice - July 2022 - Page 11
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FREE Local Shuttle and Same Day Service on Most Repairs! Page 12 - South St. Paul Voice - July 2022