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Hartman is also overseeing the renovation of three libraries, including Riverview on the West Side, which hasn’t been updated in more than 30 years. Its final design was completed by LSE Architects last October. The plan calls for creating a new main entrance and turning the existing one into a reading area; creating in public and two pounds at home; grow up to eight marijuana plants on their property; and use cannabis products in private areas. It also automatically expunges the criminal records of people with low-level marijuana convictions, establishes a review board to determine eligibility of expungement for high-level offenses, and establishes the Office of Can- nabis Management, which oversees the regulation and sale of cannabis products in Minnesota. A few restrictions were also laid out. For example, residents cannot consume marijuana while in a motor vehicle, and people must abide by any additional restrictions of each municipality.
Currently, any retailer in West St. Paul can get a license to sell THC-infused edible cannabis products but there can only be two THC “specialty stores” operating in the city. A specialty store is defined as one that receives 10% or more of its revenue from the sale of THC products or that has 10% or more of its retail space dedicated to THC products. Restaurants can be licensed to sell edible THC products if they have a liquor license or offer indoor dining but they may not serve alcohol and THC products at the same time, and no more than two servings of THC products can be served per hour. Opened THC products may not leave the premises and a retailer that sells THC products to a minor may be charged with a misdemeanor and have their license suspended or revoked.
CBD and THC are both chemical compounds in the cannabis plant. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, products with those chemicals may have medical benefits to those experiencing chronic pain, anxiety, eating and sleeping disorders, epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder and other conditions. an outdoor reading plaza and garden; and increasing accessibility. SPPL is working with the nonprofit The Friends of the St. Paul Public Library to seek city, state and federal funding and secure private funds for the project.
Minnesota is the 23rd state in the country to legalize recreational marijuana. It follows Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington, as well as Washington D.C.
“The building’s design reflects the community’s desire for a safe, dynamic space with comfortable seating, small study rooms, a wellness room, a community room, and all amenities – as well as books and materials – on one level,” said Hartman. “It also includes intentional space for public art that will reflect the cultural fabric of the neighborhood.”
The other libraries scheduled for renovation are the Hamline Midway and Hayden Heights branches. For more information, visit sppl.org/transforminglibraries.
Other goals called for this year in the recent needs assessment include distributing 310 Chromebooks and
600 hotspots to community members; launching a new bookmobile; expanding substitute staffing in public services; filling two new roles: Hmong community specialist and Black community specialist; and expanding intercultural development support for staff.
Hartman, who has a bachelor’s in English from Macalester College and a master’s in library science from Simmons College, has much experience with SPPL.
She was interim director for six months following Catherine Penkert’s departure last September. Previously, she was SPPL’s deputy director for public services for five years. Before coming to SPPL, Hartman held a variety of roles at the Hennepin County Library, the Minneapolis Public Library and the Watertown Free Public Library in Watertown, Mass.
“I’m extremely excited to continue to build together with the team the next chapter of St. Paul Public Library and welcome more community members back to library services and programs,” she said. “Libraries are continuing to evolve based on the needs of our residents. The next few years are exciting opportunities to invite all St. Paul residents into our libraries and help more of our community members learn about the wide variety of services in our public spaces.”
Augustana Lutheran 1400 Robert St. S. West St. Paul 651-457-3373 augustana.com
B eth Jacob Congregation
1 179 Victoria C u rve M endota Heights 651-452-2226 beth-jacob.org
Cherokee Park United 3 71 Baker St W St. Paul 651-227-4275 c herokeepark u nited.org
Community Christ the Redeemer
1 10 Crusader Ave W West St Paul 651-451-6123 c credeemer.org
Crown of Life Lutheran Church & School 115 Crusader Avenue W. West St. Paul 651-451-3832 colwsp.org
Faith United Methodist 1530 Oakdale Ave. West St. Paul 651-457-5686 faithumcmn.com
Holy Family Maronite 1960 Lexington Ave. S. Mendota Heights 651-291-1116
La Puerta Abierta UMC 690 Livingston Ave. St. Paul 651-558-1896
M izpah River Ministries
1 530 Oakdale Ave. West St. Paul 6 51 - 399-5783
O ur Lady of Guadalupe 4 01 Concord St ., St. Paul 6 51 - 228-0506 w ww.olg catholic.org
Riverview Baptist 14 Moreland Ave. E. West St. Paul 651-457-3831 www.riverviewbaptist.net
Salem Lutheran
1 1 Bernard St West St Paul 6 51 - 457-6661 w ww.salemluth.org
S pirit of Hope Catholic 2 035 Charlton Road S unfish Lake 6 51-760-8353 w ww.spiritofhopemn.org
S t. A nne’s Episcopal 2 035 Charlton R d. S unfish Lake 6 51 - 455-9449 www.s aintannesmn.org
St. Elizabeth Orthodox 125 Congress St E St. Paul 651 - 424-0814 seocc.org
St. George Antiochian Orthodox 1250 Oakdale Ave. West St. Paul 651-457-0854 www.saintgeorgechurch.org
S t. Matthew Catholic 4 90 Hall Avenue St. Paul 6 51 - 224-9793 w ww.st-matts.org
St. James Lutheran 460 Annapolis St. W. West St. Paul 651-457-9232 www.saintjameslutheran. com
St. Joseph’s Catholic 1 154 Seminole Ave West St Paul 6 51-457-2781 w ww.churchofstjoseph.org
S t. Paul’s United M ethodist 700 Wesley Lane Mendota Heights 651-452-5683 stpaulsmn. org
S t. Paul Mennonite F ellowship 3 71 Baker St. W S t. Paul 6 51-291-0647 w ww.saintpaul m ennonite.org
St. Stephen’s Lutheran 1575 Charlton St. West St. Paul 651-457-6541 w ww.ststephenswsp.org