St. Paul Voice Jan. 2020

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The St. Paul Vis swimmers take State

Sample St. Paul Page 12

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Volume 54 | Number 1

Your Community News & Information Source

Help for homeless youth

January 2020

A New Perspective West Sider among the artists selected to create diverse works for St. Paul City Council Chambers

Dakota County begins host home program to connect families to youth in need Amy Johnson Staff Writer


hen temperatures hit subzero, most of us find comfort in homes that are heated and snug. Some young adults in Dakota County are not so lucky. According to a 2018 Wilder Research study, more than 4,700 homeless youth are sleeping outdoors or in shelters on any given night. Skyrocketing prices in the housing market have led to an increase in youth homelessness the last couple of years, according to Rebecca Bowers, program coordinator for Dakota County Social Services. Bowers coordinates the community group Heading Home Dakota, which is working to help homeless or otherwise unsheltered youth in Dakota County. The group is looking for families that would be willing to open their homes to youth to provide temporary shelter in a safe, family-like environment. Rigorous background checks are completed on both the family and participant to ensure they are a good fit for one another. Heading Home Dakota is working with other youth services providers Host homes / Page 5

The new artwork will be displayed with the existing artwork created in the 1930s by artist John Norton, now considered by some to be controversial for its portrayal of ethnic groups. Amy Johnson Staff Writer


he Ramsey County Historical Society has commissioned several artists to create works of art to be displayed in the Ramsey County Courthouse and St. Paul’s City Hall Council Chambers. The new artwork will be displayed with the existing artwork created in the 1930s by Chicago artist John Norton, now considered by some to be controversial for its portrayal of ethnic groups. It will be rotated with the Norton pieces in an attempt to better represent the city’s diversity.

The artists include West Sider Marina Castillo, Aaron Johnson-Ortiz, Zamara Cuyun and Gustavo Lira, who are part of the CLUES Latinx Mural Apprenticeship Project, and individual artists Emily Donovan, Adam Swanson and Leah Yellowbird. Four new works of art will be created. Some artists will base their work off themes in the current panels while others will explore new ideas. Last September the Historical Society sent out a call to artists and received 20 applications. A task force consisting of New artwork / Page 2

West St. Paul sales tax begins Jan. 1 John Molene Staff Writer


nnapolis Street and Delaware Avenue will be the first two streets in West St. Paul to benefit from a new half-cent sales tax that begins Jan. 1. West St. Paul voters approved the tax in November 2018 to generate an estimated $1.3 million annually for road projects over the next 20 years, said City Manager Ryan Schroeder. The city council chose to implement the tax as a result of the deficit from the Robert Street reconstruction project, of which the city still owes $21.4 on the $46 million price tag. The city’s projected cost will be $27.5 million by the time the bond is paid off in 2034, leaving the city without enough funds to repair other city streets. The tax, to be imposed through Dec. 31, 2040, is in addition to sales taxes collected by the State of Minnesota and Dakota County. After West St. Paul voters approved the tax, it was authorized by the Minnesota State Legislature and returned to the city council to adopt, which was done on June 24. Work on Annapolis is scheduled for 2022-23, followed by Delaware in 2024-25. The Annapolis project will be done jointly by West St. Paul and St. Paul, while the Delaware project will be completed with the help of Dakota County. Crusader and Emerson are next on the list.

Noecker brings new ideas, enthusiasm to second term Tara Guy Contributor


hen Rebecca Noecker was elected in 2015 to represent Ward 2 on the St. Paul City Council, she received one piece of advice from her colorful predecessor, Dave Thune: “Don’t forget, you only have four years—work as though you’re not guaranteed anything beyond that,

because you’re not.” Noecker took the advice to heart, and since her first day has let no grass grow under her feet. She is on the go from dawn to late night. If you do catch her standing still, she’s likely at the standup workstation next to the window in her office at City Hall. “I like to work at the window with a view of my Ward,” Noecker said during

a recent visit in her office. “It reminds me of who I’m working for.” Re-elected on Nov. 5— winning handily with 62% of the vote—Noecker isn’t resting on her laurels. A quick glance at her schedule reveals that her days are replete with meetings of all kinds, not only in her official capacity with the city council, committees and advisory boards but also the

many social outreach events she routinely hosts. “I try hard to be as accessible as possible to my constituents,” she said. “If you just sit back and wait for people to come to you, you’ll only get a certain kind of people. Some segments of the population are always active, but there’s a whole swath of my constituents that would never dream of coming to City Hall.”

Noecker mingles frequently at events in her ward, hosts her own coffees, happy hours and virtual lunches, and speaks in university classrooms. She also hopes to develop her own “salon” soon to further the community conversations. A special concern is for those who might feel set apart from the larger community. “New residents, immigrants with English as a sec-

ond language and those living in poverty, even though working multiple full-time jobs; it’s so hard for these people to get engaged,” she said. “I try to connect deeply with all of my constituents.” Raised in St. Louis Park by parents who worked as physicians for the Veterans Administration, Noecker was inculcated early with Noecker / Page 4

A rts & Culture

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New artwork from page 1

seven community members reviewed the applications and nine finalists were identified. These finalists were interviewed by the task force before the final decision was made. Here’s a look at the contributors.

CLUES Latinx Mural Marina Castillo has been a photography contributor for the St. Paul Voice since 2006. Her expertise includes mural and installation projects at the Minnesota History Center and Guadalupe Alternative Programs. She is a collage artist and painter, and has had work exhibited in Minnesota, Iowa and California. She recently had a solo exhibit at the Wilder Foundation. Her work focuses on spiritual healing. Castillo is also a mental healthcare worker. “This is an opportunity to share our story,” said Castillo, who considers it an honor and a blessing to be able to create artwork that represents the Latino community. “When somebody enters those chambers, I want them

to say, ‘they look like me.’” Aaron Johnson-Ortiz lives in St. Paul and is a part of the Chicanx community. A multidisciplinary artist, his work focuses on social justice and movement-building. His “Workers United in Struggle” mural was named best mural by City Pages last year. He currently leads the art department at Comunidades Latinas Unidas En Servicio (CLUES), Minnesota’s largest Latinx organization. In early November, he opened a new art gallery at CLUES’ St. Paul headquarters, the only nonprofit Latinx art gallery in the state. Gustavo Lira has been a Minnesota muralist for nearly 20 years. Lira is originally from Mexico and was the lead Minnesota-based artist in the creation of “Mosaic of the Americas,” the largest outdoor mosaic mural in the state, located at 31 St. E. and Minnehaha Ave. S. in Minneapolis. A few of his commissions are Seward Co-Op, Plains Art Museum in North Dakota, Roosevelt High School in Minneapolis

and La Palma Supermarket in St. Paul. Zamara Cuyun lives in Minneapolis, and her work explores her indigenous family roots in Guatemala. A painter, she focuses on Maya history and iconography as well as colonization and resistance. Cuyun recently opened a solo exhibit at the Artistry MN gallery in Bloomington. Cuyun said the group has not yet decided on a specific idea for their piece but is focused on the history and contributions of the Latinx community in St. Paul and Minnesota, especially women. “It’s about citizens, residents of this state, community members being able to walk into a civic space and see themselves and their communities accurately reflected in that space,” she said.

Individual artists Emily Donovan lives in St. Paul and studied art history and visual art at the University of Minnesota, with an emphasis on printmaking and painting. Her batik art relies on wax and handmade dyes made from foraged materials, local pig-

ments and natural plants. Donovan was a recipient of Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative grants in 2014 and 2019, and most recently completed her first artist residency in Cusco, Peru. Her award-winning work is shown nationally in galleries and art centers. Her commissions include works for the Minnesota Vikings Eagan Hotel, the Northeast Minneapolis Library and a high-rise in Taipei, Taiwan. “I’m very excited that work is being done in a public space where policy is being made,” said Donovan. She is focusing on community and urban gardens, and giving voice to indigenous peoples and immigrants. In addition, she plans to mirror the original architecture in the council chambers, which features art deco and motifs. Adam Swanson grew up in Ramsey County and currently lives in Cloquet, Minn. on the Fond du Lac Reservation. A muralist who works closely with city leaders, businesses and neighborhood residents, his commissioned work includes Allete-Minnesota Power, the Superior Hiking Trail, the Minnesota Environmental

Protection Agency, Bent Paddle Brewery and murals in Mora, Chisholm, MSP International Airport, Spirit Mountain Grand Chalet in Duluth and others. He has received grants and artist residencies from organizations in Minnesota and worldwide, including South Africa, the Pacific Islands, Sweden and the Palmer Station in Antarctica. Swanson considers the Ramsey County art project a step forward. “It’s an elegant solution to a difficult problem,” he said. For his own work, he plans to use the industrial themes found in Norton’s original art, as he is interested in alternative and sustainable energy. Leah Yellowbird, a lifelong Minnesota resident, lives and works in Grand Rapids, Minn. She has worked with Native and non-Native communities across the state for her art projects. She creates mixed-media pieces incorporating painting, beadwork, sculpture and fiber art connected to her Anishinaabe heritage. She is also a muralist and has created public art for Grand Rapids Arts, the Grand Rapids Area Library, Bemidji State University and

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the St. Louis County Government Services Center, and was recently commissioned to create a 50-foot mural for the Blandin Foundation in Grand Rapids. She received Minnesota State Arts Board Folk and Traditional Arts Grants in 2017 and for 2020, and other fellowships and awards.

Spring installation The result of this project will be original artwork that interprets the same overarching themes in the Norton murals currently on display, while celebrating the people and diversity of St. Paul and Ramsey County. Two new pieces will be displayed with original murals in the council chambers for a period of several months. The city and county will decide on a rotation schedule. In addition, new interpretive panels will give more context to the Norton murals and new pieces. The new art is expected to be completed by April and installed in May. The task force will meet with each artist or team throughout the next few months as they work on their commissions. The artists will be paid $3,000 per piece. The Ramsey County Historical Society will host two community meetings where artists and task force members can share their progress with the public. For meeting times, visit

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B usiness Thai Pepper opens in WSP

John Molene Staff Writer


hai Pepper co-owner Paul Chaiyamart is rolling the dice that his new restaurant can succeed in a location that has been unsuccessful for its two predecessors. Thai Pepper opened Nov. 15 at 1307 S. Robert St., formerly home to a drivethrough coffee shop and later a hot dog restaurant. Neither lasted long, due in part to the small footprint and accessibility issues. Chaiyamart believes the quality of his food and service will break that trend. That optimism—and the lack of a Thai restaurant in West St. Paul—convinced the new owners that the concept could work. “I don’t see a problem if


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the food is good and affordable,” said Chaiyamart. “We would like to introduce Thai food to the community.” The restaurant offers pickup service, online ordering and delivery. Most orders are available in 20-25 minutes. They also offer a pre-made lunch special at the drivethrough window 11 a.m.-2 p.m. daily. The menu is fairly modest at this stage but the owners plan to expand it soon. It includes three appetizers— egg rolls, moo tod (deep fried pork) and Thai beef jerky—and three salads: papaya, minced meat laab, and nam kok, a spicy grilled beef salad. There are seven stir-fry or curry entrees, including pad Thai, sweet green curry and pad prik king, a basil stir fry. Entrees can be ordered with shrimp, beef, chicken

or tofu. There’s also pad kana moo grob, a specialty made with red bell pepper, broccoli and crisp pork belly. Appetizers range from $3.50 to $5; entrees $8.95 to $10.95. Thai iced tea and iced coffee, and soft drinks are also available. The authentic Thai recipes are from Chaiyamart’s family. The restaurant’s small kitchen forced the owners to concentrate on offering only the most popular Thai dishes. If Thai Pepper takes off, the owners plan to open a fine dining restaurant. Hours are 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday. During non-peak hours, a small area is open for customers waiting for their order. For more information, visit or call 651-330-3243.

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The St. Paul Voice is published monthly and delivered to 16,500 homes and businesses in St. Paul’s West Side, West St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Lilydale & Sunfish Lake. Publisher & Editor: Tim Spitzack Copy Editor: Leslie Martin Staff Writers: John E. Ahlstrom, John Molene, Amy Johnson

Contributors: Roger Fuller and Tara Guy Delivery: Independent Delivery Service

For questions regarding news or advertising, call 651-457-1177



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1643 So. Robert St., West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-457-1177 | | The St. Paul Voice assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed by contributors and for the validity of claims or items reported. Copyright St. Paul Voice 2020. All rights reserved in compliance of Federal Copyright Act of 1978.

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St. Paul Voice - January 2020 - Page 3

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Noecker from page 1

principles of community involvement, watching her parents help build parks, raise money for schools, and help neighbors in need. Adopting this ethos early, at age 12 she organized neighborhood kids into a “good deeds club,” which met regularly to discuss self-improvement and raise social awareness. Her early instinct for activism developed further as a social studies student at Harvard University. Following graduation, Noecker put her sensibilities into action, moving to Baton Rouge, La., to teach middle school in an impoverished school district. It was there she met her future husband, Shane, also a teacher and Minnesota native. Her intuitive understanding of the difference that good government could make in peoples’ lives crystalized when Hurricane Katrina hit. Noecker saw firsthand the devasting effects of bad government rippling out from New Orleans, especially for marginalized populations. After leaving Baton Rouge, the couple lived in India for a year and a half while Noecker worked for the nonprofit Teach for India. A stint in Gulu, Uganda, followed,

where the couple worked with the Justice and Reconciliation Project to promote healing in an area devastated by the depredations of warlords and terror groups over decades. Eventually they returned to Minnesota, where, as Noecker’s husband had kept reminding her while overseas, “things work, the government works, and things get done.” Attracted to the vitality and diversity of the West Side, the couple moved there in 2012. “We fell in love with the West Side,” she said, “its architecture, the views of downtown and the river from the bluffs, the walkability to businesses and parks, the history of the place as the original landing ground of immigrants, including Russian Jews like my ancestors.” She quickly became involved in the community, appointed to a seat on the St. Paul Planning Commission and chairing the West Side Community Organization. Noecker had never held elected office but noted, “I’d always been interested in politics from a distance, watching people come together to figure out how to make the best possible society.”

Rebecca Noecker By the time Thune announced he would not seek re-election, Noecker had begun thinking about throwing her hat in the ring. She recalls ruefully, “It was probably the worst possible time in my personal life, with a one-year-old and six-weekold infant, but the timing is never going to be perfect. You just need to go for it. Thankfully, I have a great husband.” She campaigned hard and won the 2015 general election, in a field of six candidates. The children, Whitman and Fitzgerald, are now 6 and 5.

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Avowedly non-partisan, Noecker says she carefully examines every issue on its own merits and listens to all sides before making decisions. “I will never be a ‘blue butt sitting in a blue seat’ always opposed to everything the ‘red’ folks propose,” she said. “In local government, the issues are simply not partisan.” Asked if the vitriol in current American politics affects her, Noecker replied, “I’m pretty thick-skinned, I understand that what someone hates is usually only what I represent in that moment. Negativity directed at public officials goes with the

privilege of serving—it’s the price we pay for the honor of being elected. The job is perhaps five percent harshness but 95 percent is this great chance to help people—creating parks, attracting new businesses, passing social justice legislation. The negativity pales in comparison.” However, she believes today’s political venom is unhealthy for society. “I worry about any place where people can’t disagree with civility,” she said. Her stated non-partisanship notwithstanding, the DFL- and labor-endorsed Noecker leans decidedly to the left. “I believe that the role of government is to be on the side of people who need it, to make it easier for regular people struggling to manage difficult lives,” she said. Reflecting on her priorities for her second term, Noecker reaffirmed her commitment to the core issues she cares about, such as safe neighborhoods, affordable housing and economic development, but added that one of her highest priorities is something she’s been quietly working on for two years. “I want to work on something the City has never gotten involved in before now: subsidized pre-K childcare for three- and four-year olds,” she said. She views the lack of pre-K availability as a genuine drag on the



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economy and a contributing factor to social inequity and the resulting achievement gaps. If funding methods can be identified, she says, “St. Paul would be the first city in the region to have city-wide Pre-K.” Asked what she learned during her first term, Noecker said, “I feel like a different person. The work I do exposes me to new perspectives every day and challenges me to grow as a person. I’ve been inspired by the people I’ve met…working so hard to make things better, whether in their particular corner of the city or at a national or global scale.” Momentarily contemplative while regarding the eclectic ward from her window, she mused, “I really love Ward 2: the West Side, which I love and care about deeply because I feel like it’s often marginalized; West 7th Street, now going through this incredible renaissance while trying not to become gentrified; the Summit Hill area, trying to preserve its character yet remain open to new neighbors, new businesses; and there’s downtown and the river.” Preparing to depart for a city council meeting, Noecker concluded with her trademark energy and enthusiasm, “I work really hard every day to live up to the expectations of my constituents, to get as much as I can done,” she said. “Time is finite. I take nothing for granted. It gets me up very early every morning, excited to get things done.”

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Host homes from page 1

forward with the process,” she said. “We are emptynesters and have capacity to share. This is a personal way of supporting a particular individual, and that appeals to us.” Doug works full-time and Kathy part-time, and both of their children are out of the home. They believe they can be a good support system to help youth and young adults gain independence. To participate in the Y’s program, you must be 21 years or older, live in the service area, have a spare bedroom, pass a background and reference check and have homeowners or renters insurance. Youth participants are between age 16 and 24, homeless or at risk of losing housing, and are working with a case manager to create life-stabilizing goals. Avenues requires hosts to be at least 25 years old, be LGBTQ or an ally, and have

Kathy and Doug Dunmire, who have been involved in the Heading Home Dakota action team in Dakota County, are now considering becoming hosts themselves. a commitment to social justice. The organization provides staff to support both the hosts and youth and help set expectations and answer questions. Youth can stay with host families anywhere from three days up to a year.

“One of the most beautiful things I have experienced doing this work is bearing witness to the transformative power of sharing homes and resources,” said Rocki Simões, assistant director of community-based programs


Must close February 22!

Michelle Barber, Kersten Rodau, Therese Walth

to help them expand their reach in Dakota County, including The Link, Avenues for Youth and the YMCA. Both Avenues and the Y have their own host home programs. The Link is the county’s primary youth service provider, and in 2018 alone helped 278 youth get back on their feet. Avenues for Youth uses the 20-yearold GLBT Host Home Program that first operated at the nonprofit YouthLink, which has helped 200 young adults since it began. The Y modeled its program after the one used by Avenues. Kathy and Doug Dunmire of Inver Grove Heights have been involved in the Heading Home Dakota action team and are now considering becoming hosts themselves. Kathy said she originally got involved simply to help the community. “We are working with the YMCA to continue moving

at Avenues. The Link provides a variety of services to youth throughout the metro and Dakota County, including a drop-in center in Apple Valley, and plans to open a host home program, as well, said Beth Holger, CEO. In addition to temporary housing, Heading Home Dakota aims to provide youth with additional skills and support, including finding steady employment or furthering their education; finding permanent, safe and affordable housing; and geting plugged into a healthy community or faith group. For more information on becoming a host family or to donate, contact: • YMCA, 612-208-7381 or • Avenues for Youth contact Ashley at 612-9681672 or • The Link - contact Yong Lo at 612-767-4487 or

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Haul your own & SAVE! St. Paul Voice - January 2020 - Page 5

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Vis swimmers claim seventh consecutive state championship John Ahlstrom Staff Writer


he Visitation girls swimming and diving team continued its dominance as a state swimming power by capturing the Class A team championship for a seventh consecutive year and the 11th time since 2005. The Blazers accumulated 318 team points—68 more than runner-up Hutchinson—in the 12 events that unfolded at the University of Minnesota Aquatic Center in midNovember. The team’s overall depth in each discipline—including six top three finishes— was the key ingredient to the championship run and remains the trademark of head coach Nate Linscheid’s formula for success. “We do our very best to develop swimmers who excel

in multiple events,” said Linscheid. “It becomes a crucial factor when you are competing for a team championship in an event that awards points all the way down to 16th place.” The tournament finals could not have begun in a more positive manner for the Blazers. The quartet of seniors Kali Fischer, Elinor Glass, Ava Hoffman and freshman Lucy Berg opened the proceedings with a first place finish in the 200-yard medley relay. Their time of 1:45.64 gave Visitation 40 points. Ironically, it was the team’s only first-place finish in any state tournament event since 2016. The Blazers qualified 13 swimmers for the state tournament, and all contributed points in the team competition. Three swimmers each placed in four events— Fischer (51.5 points), Hoff-

man (47.5) and freshman Ella Passe (43)—and Glass (30.5), Berg (42) and junior Sophia Mattaini (20.5) each placed in three events. Visitation’s depth was most revealing in the 200yard individual medley, an event that requires the competitors to swim all four disciplines: backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle. Four Blazers qualified for the finals: Fischer, Berg, Anna Farley and Mary Burke. They finished second, fourth, seventh and tenth respectively and compiled 51 points in that race alone. Four team members also qualified for the 500-freestyle finals. Passe, Burke, Elizabeth Burke and Arabella Lowell finished fourth, seventh, 11th and 13th respectively and added 37 points to the Visitation scorecard. Senior Frances Holmstadt and sophomores Madelyn

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Page 6 - St. Paul Voice - January 2020

Photo by Little Road Studios

The Visitation swim team celebrates its most recent state championship. Holding the trophy are team captains Sophia Mattaini, Mary Burke, Kali Fischer and Bella Lowell. McGrath and Libby Fischer also scored points for the Blazers. The season was Linscheid’s 25th as the head coach. There are few high school sports teams in the state

that have achieved the dominance that has become the norm for the Visitation girls swimming and diving team. “It doesn’t happen by accident,” said Linscheid. “We get tremendous support

from our parents and, year in and year out, our seniors and other team leaders instinctively take the time and effort to connect with and encourage the underclassmen. And most importantly,

S ports

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we have kids eager to succeed at a high level.” The 2019 roster included 55 student-athletes, roughly ten percent of the student body. Linscheid does not refute the notion that the increased popularity and strength of his program lures aspiring swimmers to develop and hone their craft by attending Visitation. “That is certainly true to a point,” he said. “But Visitation, which is currently the only all girls high school in the state of Minnesota, has a record of academic excellence that makes it a popular

and positive destination with or without a swimming program.” A large majority of team members swim with a club team during the off-season. Many swim with Black Line Aquatics based at their home pool at St. Thomas Academy. Others train with the Aquajets in Eden Prairie, the Piranhas in Richfield and the Riptide in Apple Valley. Another key element for Visitation’s success has been the continuity in the coaching staff. Linscheid’s wife, Julie, serves as the team’s diving coach and Meghan Weiss,

a 2009 Visitation graduate who won multiple state events during the program’s four-year championship run from 2005 to 2008, has been part of the staff since 2013. “Coach Nate is an inspiration and does a phenomenal job of integrating girls that come from different clubs,” said Kali Fischer, who served as a team captain as a junior and senior. “He is approachable regardless of the issue and cares about every student-athlete on the roster.” Among Coach Weiss’ duties is the supervision of the land workouts that play a

pivotal role in a swimmer’s training regimen. During the season land workouts commence at 6:30 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The kids get to sleep in some on Saturdays, when morning workouts don’t get started until 8 a.m. “All of us are inspired by what Meghan accomplished in the pool,” said Fischer. “She is the perfect role model and has always made herself available to talk to team members about issues in or out of the pool.” Visitation will graduate five of the 13 swimmers who

competed in the 2019 state tournament. They accounted for 157 points, almost half of the team’s total, but, according to the head coach, their contributions extended well beyond what they accomplished in the pool. “We always expect our seniors to take ownership of the team, exert their leadership and mentor our underclassmen and this group never let us down,” said Linscheid. “They were terrific and I am not surprised that they were rewarded with a championship. We will certainly miss them.”

Fischer added, “It was such an honor to be a part of this team and this community and it is amazing that we won championships in all four of the state tournaments I competed in. But the most lasting memory will be how close we became as friends and teammates.” In November, Fischer signed a Letter of Intent to swim at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Ava Hoffman signed a Letter of Intent to swim at State champs / Page 12

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St. Paul Voice - January 2020 - Page 7

E ducation L

ooking for a new school for your student? The school shopping season is here. With registration deadlines approaching, many schools are hosting open houses and parent information fairs soon. Families have many choices: public, magnet, parochial or charter. This guide will help you understand the differences between them so you can select the best school for your child.

Public schools Public schools are funded through taxes and are operated by local school districts and a board of education. Each student is guaranteed enrollment and is assigned a school near where they live. Bussing is free for those outside of walking distance. Minnesota has open enrollment, which allows families to apply to any school.

Your community news and information source Families that apply to a school not assigned to them are responsible for their own transportation. When selecting a public school, families may want to consider class sizes, student-teacher ratios, academic progress and extracurricular activities.

School Choice Guide Understanding your options when choosing a school.

Magnet schools A magnet school is part of the public school system but has curriculum with a teaching focus that is used in all classes, such as environmental or STEM (science, technology, engineering and math). Families should ask about the school’s focus, transportation options and if there are additional fees.

Charter schools Private groups can get a charter to operate a school that uses alternative teaching methods and innovative

curriculum. These schools typically have a smaller stu-

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Page 8 - St. Paul Voice - January 2020

dent population and a lower student-teacher ratio. They are required by law to have open admission and recruit from all segments of the community. If the school does not meet academic performance requirements, the charter is revoked and the school is closed. Inquire about the teaching methodology used, how academic progress is measured, if there are any special enrollment requirements or fees and if the site is the school’s permanent location.

Parochial schools Parochial schools are operated by a church or reli-

gious organization and have a curriculum that includes religious instruction. Class sizes and student-teacher ratio are usually small but tuition can be high. Parents should ask about tuition, scholarships, transportation, religious requirements or expectations and if there are any additional expenses for uniforms or supplies.

School fairs More than 35 charter schools will be featured at the St. Paul Charter School Fair, held 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Jan. 18 at Wilder Center, 451 Lexington Pkwy. N., St. Paul. The fair

gives families the chance to learn more about charter school education opportunities and meet with staff from the participating schools. For more information, visit St. Paul Public Schools is hosting its school choice fair 9:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25 at Union Depot, 214 E. Fourth St. Paul. The event will feature information on each school in the district and allow participants to meet school staff, ask questions and enroll their children. For more information, visit

E ducation

Your community news and information source

City to provide $50 to newborns for college The City of St. Paul’s Office of Financial Empowerment is launching a new college savings account program in 2020—College Bound St. Paul—that

will provide a $50 savings deposit to every child born in the city. Families can add funds to the account, which can be used for a variety of postsecondary educational

opportunities, including 4-year colleges and universities, 2-year community colleges and workforce or vocational training. About 5,000 babies are born in St.

Paul each year. The annual projected operational cost for 2020 is just over $1 million. Funding comes from the City of St. Paul, the State of Minnesota, foundations, corporations and individual

donors. The Office of Financial Empowerment also helps families find financial services, early childhood education and services, free tax

preparation and more. For more information on the college savings program, visit (search College Bound) or call 651266-8989.

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1801 Lacrosse Ave., St. Paul, MN 55119 • St. Paul Voice - January 2020 - Page 9

A rts & Culture

The Urban Explorer Exploring our regional amenities Ginny Contreras Sawyer Contributor

St. Paul Curling Club hen the sun starts setting before 5 p.m., and a hat and scarf are musthave accessories rather than fashion statements, I know it’s time to get extra busy and say yes to every dinner or drink invitation and join another committee or book club. For me, hyperactivity, not hibernation, is the only way to get through winter. In the past, ice skating at the many outdoor rinks around St. Paul has buoyed my spirits, and a few years back I took up cross-country skiing. This year, however, with arctic-like conditions arriving before Thanksgiving, I suspected my normal tactics would not suffice and I would need something flashy and new to seduce me out of the house and into the tundra. That’s how I came to find


myself on Selby Avenue one dark and cold Sunday evening, next to a long, white building resembling an old German farmhouse. Above the front door, a sign verified my destination: St. Paul Curling Club. It was time for a little reconnaissance work. The sport’s popularity has exploded since the 2018 Olympic gold win by the U.S. men’s curling team in Pyeongyang, South Korea. According to Explore Minnesota, St. Paul had the only curling club in the Twin Cities prior to 2010. Now there are eight clubs in the metro area, though St. Paul Curling Club holds title as oldest in the state. At the Selby Avenue location since 1912, its origins date to 1885 when the first curling match in St. Paul was played on the Mississippi River near Raspberry Island.

Your community news and information source I entered the building and climbed the carpeted stairway to the lobby, while wondering what a 100-plus-yearold curling club would look like. Upstairs, plush, oversized leather furniture was arranged around low coffee tables, with a large, brick fireplace as the centerpiece. I realized the lobby had most definitely been redecorated a few times since 1912. Nearby trophy cases displayed the club’s successes along with countless pictures of men in old-fashioned suits, ties and overcoats, brooms in hand, posing on a myriad of frozen bodies of water. I love old pictures like that. They send tingles up my spine and, for a few exhilarating seconds, make me feel as if I’ve traveled back to that very moment in time. A few spectators were gathered around a large viewing window that runs the length of the lobby. Inside, not one but eight games were underway. I crossed over to get a better look. Players appeared to range in age from early twenties to late fifties or sixties. This day, nobody was wearing a suit and tie, although a few sported team jackets with

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Sweepers work to get their team’s stone inside the tee. embroidered logos. The majority were men but there were also some women. Apparently, curling is an athletic and challenging sport, yet still quite accessible to all age and ability levels. I watched as the “throwers” crouched low and collapsed into controlled lunges. With one hand on the stone, they glided forward and gently released their grip. Their teammates coerced the stone along by scrubbing the ice furiously with their brooms at calculated intervals. I had never seen a proper curling match before and my first thought was that it had a lot in common with the lawn



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game petanque, or perhaps shuffleboard. After a later internet search, I discovered I was way off base with both comparisons. Curling teams are made up of four players. Each player “shoots” two rocks toward a 12-foot circle called “the house.” After a stone is delivered, the non-throwing players can “sweep” to control or correct the desired speed and distance of a throw. Each game is made up of 10 “ends” (like innings), and a point is scored for each stone that lands closer to “the tee” (like a bullseye) than the opponent’s stone. The last player to throw is called the “skip,” and this is the person who usually calls all the shots. Players were popping into MR. LARRY FOR HIRE the lobby between throws painting, forI do a quick sip ofrepairs beer—no & cleaning homes on food or drink of is allowed and apartments the ice—and they seemed focused yet relaxed. The atWindow Washing mosphere reminded Gutter Cleaningme of a and Repairs jovial bowling league.


Curious, I continued up to the next floor and discovered the Club’s in-house restaurant—the Firehouse Grille. It’s a beautiful space featuring a high, lofted wood ceiling decorated with strings of white lights, and another fireplace and viewing window. I scanned the menu and chuckled when I spotted a Reuben sandwich, a Reuben burger, and a Stroganoff burger—only in Minnesota! With a $3 dollar pint of Surly Furious in hand, I pulled a chair to the viewing window to enjoy the rest of the match. An hour or so later, with the first matches finished, a flood of players entered the restaurant for postgame festivities. All around me people were sipping beer, munching on food and chatting enthusiastically. Yes, I could see myself doing this during the long, winter months ahead. Hopefully I can find three other people to join my team.



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N ews Briefs

Your community news and information source

Student notes Mankato State University graduates: Michele Kvikstad, Michael Povolny, Samuel Pittorf, Kathy Thao.

Blood drives Faith United Methodist Church, 1530 Oakdale Ave. in West St. Paul, will host a blood drive 1-7 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 8. The Beth Jacob Congregation, 1179 Victoria Curve, Mendota Heights, will host a blood drive 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 19. To reserve a slot, visit BloodDrive. For questions, email Sharon at sharonben@

Wentworth Library The following events are held at Wentworth Library, 199 Wentworth Ave. E., West St. Paul. Meditation for Health and Wellness, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 6. Learn meditation techniques and practice under meditation instructor Arvind Naik. Salamanders, 6:30-7:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 16. In this family-friendly event, a Dodge Nature Center naturalist will explore salamanders and provide hands-on experience. Escape Room Challenge, 2-4 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25. Solve puzzles, crack codes and find hidden clues as a group to break out of this escape room. Registration required. Ages 11 to 17. The Friends of the Wentworth Library meeting will be held 6:30-7:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 27.

English classes South Suburban Adult Basic Education offers free classes at West Heights Area Learning Center, 150 Marie Ave. E., West St. Paul, to help people age 17 and older learn English and improve

literacy skills. To register or receive more information, call 651- 306-3632.

Funding to recruit Black teachers

St. Paul Public Schools has received $64,500 from the National Center for Teacher Residencies (NCTR) to expand its efforts to recruit and develop Black teachers. The award is part of NCTR’s Black Educators Initiative, a 5-year, $20-million effort to recruit and train 750 new Black teachers. The grant will support the St. Paul Public Schools Urban Teacher Residency Program, which aims to recruit, prepare, support and retain highly qualified teachers from underrepresented backgrounds. The program provides an affordable, accelerated program to earn a Minnesota teaching license and master’s degree in 15 months from the University of St. Thomas. For more information, visit www.spps. org/sutr.

Holiday Lights Recycling ProAct, a nonprofit serving people with disabilities, continues its sixth season of urging residents to properly recycle their holiday lights and cords. The “Holiday Lights Recycling” program also accepts electrical, phone and appliance cords. The effort exists to reclaim the material for reuse. There are 26 drop-off locations and the program ends the first week of Feb. Locations cannot accept cord adapters, battery packs, plastic rope lights, CFL lights, trees, garland and decorative light fixtures. Pre-lit items need the light strands removed. Last season ProAct collected more than 13,886 tons of material. All the proceeds from the processed material go toward individuals with

disabilities in its programs. Drop-off locations include: • Mendota Heights City Hall, 1101 Victoria Curve • City of West St. Paul, 1616 Humboldt Ave. • Dakota County Northern Service Center. 1 Mendota Rd. W., West St. Paul

HHW collection Ramsey County’s household hazardous waste collection site at 5 Empire Dr., St. Paul, is open yearround. Drop-off is free for residents of Ramsey and Dakota counties with a photo I.D. For hours of operation and more information, call 651-633-3279 or visit www.

Como Holiday Flower Show Como Zoo’s Holiday Flower Show is featured through Jan. 12 in the Sunken Garden of the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory. The show features hundreds of poinsettias, and this year showcases the Ice Punch poinsettia, which entered the commercial market in 2009. This poinsettia has been the top-rated novelty cultivar throughout North America every year since. Admission is free, and the show is open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. daily.


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St. Thomas Academy has named Mitchell MacDonald of Mendota Heights the 2019-2020 cadet colonel and brigade commander. MacDonald is the highest-ranking officer in the school body and will work with the school’s administrators and military leaders, and act as a liaison between the cadets and the faculty and administration. MacDonald has attended Saint Thomas Academy since the seventh grade. He is involved in Cadet football, the swim and dive team, the tennis team,

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St. Paul Voice - January 2020 - Page 11

S ample St. Paul

Fitzgerald Theater

10 E. Exchange St. St. Paul 651-290-1200 https://thefitzgerald

National Geographic Live, 2 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 12. Dr. Kara Cooney, professor of Egyptology, explores the reigns of powerful ancient queens. $25-$45.

History Center 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-259-3000

“First Avenue Stories of Minnesota’s Mainroom,” through May 3, 2020. Since 1970, First Avenue & 7th St. Entry have been at the heart of the Minnesota music scene. This exhibit celebrates the musicians, employees and regulars who have called First Avenue their rock ‘n’ roll home. Museum tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and college students, and $6 for children ages five to 17. Free on Tuesdays, 3-8 p.m. Host Ryan Cameron of Let It Be Records will host Music History Trivia, 7-9 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 7. The exhibit “Art From the Edge of the Boreal Forest: Reflecting Biodiversity” opens 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 18 at the James J. Hill House, 240 Summit Ave., and continues through June 21.

Victorian Superstitions, 7-8:15 p.m. and 8:30-9:45 p.m., Friday, Jan. 10. Visit the Alexander Ramsey House, 265 S. Exchange St., to explore the world of Victorian superstitions. $11-12. Master of Illusion, 7-8 p.m., 8-9 p.m. and 9-10 p.m., Friday, Jan. 10 and Saturday, Jan. 11. Visit the James J. Hill House for a re-enactment of a 1920s magician act. $18-$20. Dakota and Ojibwe Winter Sky Family Day, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 11. Join educators from the Native Skywatchers program to learn about Dakota and Ojibwe star maps and constellation guides. $6-$12. Evolution of the Russian Army, 7-9 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 14. Dr. Bruce Menning, author of the upcoming book “Russian Army and First World War,” will discuss the turmoil of WWI as it led to WWII. The Capitol Art and Artists Tour will take place at the Minnesota State Capitol, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1-2:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 18. $8-$10. VocalEssence’s “Together We Sing” Festival will take place 1-5 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 18. The MLK Jr. Community Day will take place 11 a.m.-3 p.m., Monday, Jan. 20. $6-$12.


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Your community news and information source

Angels and Madams, 7-8:15 p.m. and 8:30-9:45 p.m., Friday, Jan. 24. Visit the Alexander Ramsey House for a tour exploring the dark secrets of the capitol city. $11-$12. Winter on the Hill, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25. Visit the James J. Hill House for a look into Minnesota’s wintry past. $6-$10. “American Populism’s Rise, Fall and Legacy,” 10-11 a.m. and 2-3 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25. Kevin Gaines, Julian Bond Professor of Civil Rights and Social Justice at the University of Virginia, will lead the discussion. $16.

Landmark Center

75 W. 5th St., St. Paul 651-292-3225

The Minnesota Boychoir will perform its Winter Concert at 1 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 5. Urban Expedition: Germany, 1-3 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 12. Music, dance and crafts that highlight the culture and traditions of Germany. Free. The St. Paul Civic Symphony will perform “Hot & Cool Classics” celebrating the 2020 St. Paul Winter Carnival from 2-3 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 26. Courtroom concerts: Julia and Irina Elkina will perform classical pieces, noon-1 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 9.

“Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo” returns to the Xcel Center Jan. 24-25. The Artaria String Quartet will perform noon-1 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 16. Two pianists, an oboist and a bassoonist will perform noon-1 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 23.

Ordway Center 345 Washington St. St. Paul 651-224-4222

The St. Paul Chamber Orchestra will perform Mozart’s 40th Symphony, 8 p.m., Friday, Jan. 10, Saturday, Jan. 11 and 2 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 12. Artistic Partner Pekka Kuusisto collaborates with composer Nico Muhly for new interpretations of Mozart. Jan. 1011 shows are held in the Ordway Concert Hall in downtown St. Paul. The Jan. 12 show is held in Benson Great Hall in Arden Hills. $11-$50. The orchestra will also present Northside Celebration, 8 p.m., Friday, Jan. 24. This concert brings the spirit of the

North Minneapolis community to the stage. $12$50. Minnesota Opera presents “Flight,” 7:30 p.m., Jan. 25, 28 and 30; 8 p.m., Feb. 1; 2 p.m., Feb. 2. Jonathan Dove’s opera “Flight” explores the human connection through the story of eight strangers stranded overnight at an airport. To order tickets, visit https://my.mnopera. org/flight/739.

Palace Theatre

17 W. 7th Place, St. Paul 612-338-8388

Folk duo Mandolin Orange will perform 8 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 30. $27.50-$50.

Science Museum of Minnesota 120 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-221-9444

“Body Worlds RX,” through Jan. 5, 2020. Explore the human body

State champs from page 7

the University of Minnesota. They are among a long list of Visitation swimmers who have gone on to swim at the Division I level. Alum Abbie Dolan, now a senior at the University of Notre Dame, qualified for the NCAA championships in each of the past two seasons and has been invited to compete in the Olympic trials, held in Omaha in late June.

“Kali and Ava are blessed with natural talent and the competitive instinct to do all of the hard work necessary to get better and compete at the Division I level,” said Linscheid. “I expect them to do well and I look forward to following their college careers.” Despite losing the five seniors who were instrumental in leading the Blazers to the 2019 state cham-

exhibition that has drawn 47 million people around the world.


175 West Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-265-4800

Minnesota Roller Derby, 7 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 18. $12-$14. Twin Cities Bridal Show, noon-4 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 26. General admission: $15. General admission and fashion show: $20.

Xcel Center

199 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-726-8240

Oprah’s 2020 Vision, 9 a.m., Saturday, Jan. 11. Includes a special interview with Tina Fey. $96.50-$289.50. “Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo,” 7:30 p.m., Friday, Jan. 24 and Saturday, Jan. 25. $12-$81.

pionship, the Visitation cupboard is far from bare. It is, in fact, loaded with talent. Among the eight underclassmen that competed at state this year are two sophomores and four ninth-graders who combined to contribute 136.5 points, or 43% of the Blazers’ total score. “We are blessed with a bevy of motivated young athletes who love to get in the pool and compete,” said Linscheid. “It’s been a great run for our kids and for our school and we look forward to the 2020 season.”

N ews Briefs

Your community news and information source

{ CALENDAR OF EVENTS } St. Paul Farmers’ Market will feature pop-up kitchens where a local chef will prepare a few dishes on Saturday mornings at the winter market, located at Market House at Fifth and Wall St. The market and NO Yoga center are planning to hold a “snowga,” yoga in the snow, in the latter part of January. Black Dog Café, 308 E. Prince St., will host an Early Safe New Year’s Eve Party 5:30-9 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 31. Jiselle McCullum will perform on Friday, Jan. 3. Amsterdam Bar and Hall, Sixth and Wabasha, will present Cold Sweat on Jan. 2; The Vintagers on Jan. 3; Noptober Rust on Jan. 4; Featherbed on Jan. 8; Half Moon Run with Taylor Janzen on Jan. 23; Poppy on Jan. 30.

Lowertown First Friday will feature works by local artists on Jan. 3 at Northern Warehouse, AZ Gallery, Lowertown Underground Gallery, Show Gallery, 333 Gallery, Handsome Hog, Octo Fishbar and Birch’s Lowertown. Books and Bars, 6:30 p.m., Monday, Jan. 6. The group will discuss “Climate Justice” by Mary Robinson at Urban Growler, 2325 Endicott St. Fire and Ice art display, Jan. 9-Feb. 23. The AZ Gallery, 308 Prince St., will present the “Fire and Ice” art show, based on the Winter Carnival. Historic Mounds Theatre, 1029 Hudson Rd., will present “A Night of Clean Comedy” with Brandon Young and Dan Boblitz, Jr.,

at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 9. Live Pro Wrestling will be held 7-9:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 11. “Burlesque Battle of the Stars: Trek vs. Wars, Search for the Jedi” will be held 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25. $18-$35. History Revealed will present “Moving Up, Moving Out” with Historian Will Cooley at 7 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 9 at East Side Freedom Library, 1105 Greenbrier St. George Latimer Central Library Book Club will discuss “The First Lady” by James Patterson at 10:30 a.m., Thursday, Jan. 9. The History Book Club will discuss “Desk 88” by Sherrod Brown at 2 p.m., Thursday, Jan. 23. The library is located at 90 W. Fourth St. Schubert Club will present concerts featuring Julia

and Irina Elkina at noon, Thursday, Jan. 9 at the Landmark Center, 75 W. Fifth St. Artaria String Quartet will perform at noon, Thursday, Jan. 16, and Christopher Atzinger, Merilee Klemp, Laurie Merz and Mimi Tung at noon, Thursday, Jan. 23. Unsung Heroes will be presented at 3 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 11 at Underground Music Café, 1579 Hamline Ave. N. Bluegrass Showcase with Sarah Cayley will be presented at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 28. Zeitgeist will present “The Blue in the Distance” at 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 11 and 2 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 12 at Studio Z, 275 E. 4th St. It features work by Scott L. Miller, an Avant Garde composer known for his electroacoustic chamber music. The crowning ceremony of the St. Paul Winter Carnival senior royalty will be

held at 4 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 11 at TST Ideal Hall, 1494 Dale St. The senior king, queen and members of the court will be honored. Ballet, noon, Tuesday, Jan. 14. Dancers from Ballet Co. Laboratory will perform excerpts from the company repertoire at Landmark Center, 75 W. 5th St. Union Depot will conduct hour-long tours at 11 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 14 and 28. Yoga classes will be held at 5:30 p.m., Mondays; noon, Tuesdays; 9 a.m., Saturdays. Subtext Book Store, 6 W. 5th St., will present Donna Isaac, author of “The Vision of Persistence” on Wednesday, Jan. 15. Author Rachael Jones will appear on Thursday, Jan. 30. The Baroque Room, 275 E. 4th St., will present “North and South Meet:

Two Hemispheres Unite” at noon, Friday, Jan. 17. Flying Forms will present “Songs of My Youth: Suzuki Baroque” at 5 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 18. The Lunchtime Concert Series will feature the Lux String Quartet and Lux Aeterna at noon, Friday, Jan. 24 and 3 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25. Penumbra Theatre, 270 Kent St., will present “Reel Talk: I Am Not Your Negro” at 7 p.m., Monday, Jan. 20. It is based on works by James Baldwin and features Samuel L. Jackson as narrator. Minnesota Museum of American Art, 4th and Robert, is presenting “Sherin Guircuis: Here I Have Returned” through Feb. 23. Guircuis has created an art installation of hand-cut works of paper and sculpture inspired by Egyptian feminist leader Doria Shafit.

Station 81 opens at Union Depot Amy Johnson Staff Writer


t’s been a tumultuous few years for restaurants at Union Depot, 214 4th St. E., as three have tried to establish a presence there in the last five years. The latest venture is Station 81, which opened in early December. Owned by the Minneapolis-based nonprofit Appetite for Change, its name is a tribute to the year the depot was founded: 1881. The restaurant offers locally sourced organic food, including a variety of vegan and vegetarian options. As with its predecessors, the restaurant will offer on- and

off-site catering. One reason the previous restaurants have had a hard time making a go of it is the complex rent structure. For example, Appetite for Change will pay Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority, which owns the Depot, a 3 percent commission on restaurant sales, 10 percent of on-site catering revenue and 3 percent from off-site events. The former tenant, Kaskaid Hospitality, which opened Union Bar & Grill in July 2018 after the county completed a $2 million renovation project of the space, had a less competitive agreement and paid 7 percent for off-site events.


Christmas at the Greenhouse It is the tender cusp of Christmas. It is that time when emotions run close to the overfill point, when sentimentality and anger and depression and euphoria mix freely together, with not enough space between them to tell the difference from one moment to the next. I am visiting my parents— and of course this does not help. My parents are doing well (thank you for asking). They are in their eighties now, still living in their dream cabin in the woods and, although I

Carrie Classon

know they are growing older, the signs are so incremental and their attitude so upbeat, it is easy to deny the passage of time when I am with them and imagine I am

Now Kaskaid Hospitality will sublease the space to Appetite for Change. Instead of a fixed-lease agreement, Appetite for Change will exclusively pay a sales-based commission. Appetite for Change has a mission of strengthening communities by using healthy food to bring individuals and families together through a variety of programs. One of their efforts is Kindred Kitchen, a shared commercial kitchen that entrepreneurs can use to build their food businesses such as catering, meal prep services and food trucks. Appetite for Change works with Northside Economic

a much younger person than I actually am. Yesterday, we stopped at the local greenhouse in the small town near their cabin. It was unbelievably cold. I don’t know why I couldn’t believe it; I grew up in the cold and was raised with the idea that extreme cold was a signpost of Christmas and a litmus test for true Christmas spirit. But the truth is, I haven’t lived in a very cold place for a while and the cold stole the breath out of me. The greenhouse was a bit out of our way, but my mother explained, “I like to support them, they put up such nice floral arrangements in the summer.” The shop was surrounded by welcoming signs and Christmas trees propped up

Photo courtesy Union Depot

Opportunity Network to help the businesses with their licensing, permitting and access to capital. Another popular program is Breaking Bread, a community-run café in North Minneapolis that trains and hires youth from the area. In 2017 the organization received the Bush Prize

for Community Innovation. Station 81 will use food grown in gardens owned by Appetite for Change, along with that from growers around the state. Happy hour deals and other meal specials will help keep food affordable. Menu items include the farm board, a before-dinner platter fea-

turing a selection of local meats and cheeses, smoked almonds and a dried fruit compote for $12.95. Other options include vegan and gluten free three-bean chili for $4.95, and walleye tacos with green cabbage, shredded carrots, pickled red onions, cilantro and spicy aioli for $10.95.

against giant bags of earth, waiting for spring. Inside it was warm and smelled of soil and cinnamon. As my parents were in the greenhouse, bundling up the poinsettia for the drive home, I warmed the car and looked across the street at a mobile home that was a little worse for wear. The yard was piled high with stuff, now half buried in the snow. As I waited, the door flew open, accompanied by a string of expletives. A man about my age was following a younger man out of the house, screaming at him, yelling terrible things. I watched as the young man— who was wearing the beginning of a thin beard and a winter jacket—was chased

out of the house and began walking down the country road alone. Minutes later, my parents in the car, we were driving home on the road that leads to the greenhouse when we saw the young man, walking. It was several miles to town. “Should we stop, dad?” I asked. My dad was silent. “It’s hard to know what to do,” my mom said, quietly. The young man seems appropriately dressed for the weather. He is walking down the road in a deliberate fashion, as though he knows where he was going—I say all this to myself because I know I won’t stop. I know I won’t take a chance and put this stranger in the car with my eighty-year-old parents

and get involved in something that I don’t know the first thing about. We drive by. Snug inside the car, my mother holds the small poinsettia in her lap. I wonder what that young man’s Christmas will be like and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do, in this crowded time of year, with all the emotions that bump against each other. I don’t know how to sort out the tangled strands of joy and sorrow that run through me. Sitting with my happy, healthy parents, I am quiet as I watch the young man, walking alone down the road on this bright cold day. Till next time.

St. Paul Voice - January 2020 - Page 13

N ews Briefs

Your community news and information source


Neighborhood House in St. Paul is looking for volunteers to assist in the food shelf, with tutoring, youth services and other areas. For more information, contact Vanessa Edwards at 651-789-2524 or Neighbors, Inc., a social service agency serving northern Dakota County, has a number of volunteer opportunities to assist local residents, including work with the food shelf and thrift store. For more information, contact Jenny at 651-2721133 or DARTS, a nonprofit organization serving seniors in Dakota County, offers a variety of volunteer opportunities for all ages. To volunteer, contact Angela Liedke at 651-234-2254, angela.liedke@darts1. org or visit Dakota County offers volunteer positions in community corrections, environmental resources, the Historical Society, library, parks, public health, the sheriff’s office and social services. For more information, call 651-438-4435 or visit www. Dodge Nature Center, a nonprofit environmental education center in West St. Paul, is seeking volunteers age 16 and over to assist with community events, land management and environmental education. For more information, call 651-455-4531 or visit

Augustana Lutheran 1400 Robert St. S. West St. Paul 651-457-3373 Beth Jacob Congregation 1179 Victoria Curve Mendota Heights 651-452-2226 Cherokee Park United 371 Baker St. W. St. Paul 651-227-4275 www.cherokeepark Community Christ the Redeemer 110 Crusader Ave. W. West St. Paul 651-451-6123

Page 14 - St. Paul Voice - January 2020

Big Brothers Big Sisters is looking for men, especially Latinos, to mentor boys ages 7-12 in St. Paul. Volunteers are asked to commit just a few hours a month. To volunteer, call 651-789-2400 or visit www. CommonBond Communities seeks volunteers to assist children and teens with their academic skills, homework and discovering post-secondary school and career opportunities. For more information, visit or contact or 651-290-6226. Cerenity Senior Care-Humboldt is seeking volunteers to transport residents to activities. It also needs Spanish-speaking volunteers to assist with one-onone visits. Volunteers may work weekly, monthly or at a special event. Located on the West Side, the Cerenity Residence at 514 Humboldt provides assisted living, memory care and transitional care, and the Cerenity Care Center at 512 Humboldt provides nursing care. To volunteer, contact 651-220-1789,, or visit www. St. Paul Public Schools is seeking volunteer tutors to assist students one-on-one or in small groups. Flexible day, evening or weekend hours. To volunteer, contact Jyni Koschak at 952-945-4162 or jkoschak@

Crown of Life Lutheran Church & School 115 Crusader Avenue W. West St. Paul 651-451-3832 Faith United Methodist 1530 Oakdale Ave. West St. Paul 651-457-5686 Holy Family Maronite 1960 Lexington Ave. S. Mendota Heights 651-291-1116 www.HolyFamily La Puerta Abierta UMC 690 Livingston Ave. St. Paul 651-558-1896

Beyond the Yellow Ribbon needs volunteers to assist the families of deployed military members with household chores, grocery shopping, transportation to medical appointments, etc. To volunteer or for more details, contact or call Jan at 651-457-3541. Volunteers of America is looking for volunteers age 55 and over to assist children who are struggling with homework and reading. Time commitment ranges from three to 12 hours a week. To volunteer or receive more information, contact Jyni Koschak at 952-945-4162 or jkoschak@voamn. org. Minnesota Reading, Minnesota Math Corps is seeking full- and part-time tutors to serve in St. Paul public schools during the school year. Volunteers earn a biweekly living allowance of $526 (full-time) and an education award of up to $4,200 to help pay for education. Full-time tutors may also receive health insurance. For more information or to apply, visit visit, www., or contact 866859-2825. Rebuilding Together Twin Cities is looking for Safe at Home volunteers to provide home safety and accessibility modifications for low-income older adult or disabled homeowners in St. Paul and

Dakota County. For more information, call 651-776-4273, email or visit St. Joseph Hospital in St. Paul is looking for volunteers to escort patients as they discharge from the hospital. Flexible shifts, free parking and meal vouchers offered. Contact Michele Sahar at 651-232-3756 or Ramsey County Community Human Services has volunteer opportunities for people age 16 and older. For more information, contact 651-266-4090 or Science Museum of Minnesota is seeking volunteers to assist with visitor services and exhibits. Apply at or call 651-221-9453. YMCA in West St. Paul - The YMCA offers several volunteer opportunities, including youth sports coaches, member services and Kids Stuff staff. For more information, call 651-457-0048 or visit

Our Lady of Guadalupe 401 Concord St. St. Paul 651-228-0506

St. Anne’s Episcopal 2035 Charlton Rd. Sunfish Lake 651-455-9449

Riverview Baptist 14 Moreland Ave. E. West St. Paul 651-457-3831

St. Elizabeth Orthodox 125 Congress St. E. St. Paul 651-424-0814

Salem Lutheran 11 Bernard St. West St. Paul 651-457-6661

St. George Antiochian Orthodox 1250 Oakdale Ave. West St. Paul 651-457-0854

St. Joseph’s Catholic 1154 Seminole Ave. West St. Paul 651-457-2781

St. Matthew Catholic 490 Hall Avenue St. Paul 651-224-9793

St. Stephen’s Lutheran 1575 Charlton St. West St. Paul 651-457-6541

Spirit of Hope Catholic Community 2035 Charlton Road Sunfish Lake 651-760-8353

St. Paul’s United Methodist 700 Wesley Lane Mendota Heights 651-452-5683 St. James Lutheran 460 Annapolis St. W. West St. Paul 651-457-9232 www.saintjameslutheran. com

C ommunity

Your community news and information source Nancy Brady President

Lights, Camera, Action The arts have an important impact on youth development. Studies have shown that involvement with the arts is associated with better academic and civic outcomes for young adults. Unfortunately, not all schools meet state requirements for arts education, and that can potentially affect a student’s development and future success. Neighborhood House helps to fill this gap with its Lights, Camera, Action program. Twice a week, teens attend class with resident artists Patrick and Jalil. Students are encouraged to explore the arts and find something that speaks to them.

Photography caught the interest of 19-year-old Abdullahi. Before the program, he’d only taken photos on his phone. Although he enjoyed photography, he never would have made the investment in professional equipment to expand his hobby. Through Lights, Camera, Action, Abdullahi was able to learn how to use a DSLR camera and other photography equipment. He likes that the class is a different format than a traditional classroom setting. “It’s not forced learning,” he said. There aren’t assignments that need to be completed by a certain date, tests to take, or lectures. He gets to learn on his own terms. And he’s learning a lot. Before Abdullahi joined the pro-

gram, he had a basic understanding of photography. Now he’s learning about lighting and composition, and that if you change the elements of a photo, you can change the message you’re sending, he said. He’s even developed his own style. He enjoys photographing a combination of manmade elements and nature. “It’s where two beautiful things come together,” he said. Now he’s hoping to take what he’s learned and use it in his future career. He’s in his first year of college and wants to study engineering or medicine, but he’d like to freelance using his photography skills. He encourages other young people to explore the arts and get involved with Lights, Camera, Action.

A Happy & Healthy Year Begins Here

Neighbors, Inc. Charlie Thompson President & CEO

Generosity was on full display again this holiday season. More than 600 families were assisted with holiday gifts through Neighbors, Inc. Individuals and businesses throughout our community gifted the toys and brought joy to scores of children. Volunteers gave hundreds of hours to meet with families, wrap presents and arrange for them to be picked up by grateful parents. Joy and gratitude came in other forms as well. One story in particular has stuck with me. A mom came in with her six children to request holiday assistance. As she went through the process of applying, the time came to make a wish list for each of her children. She asked her 8-year-old boy to list the 10 things he would like for Christmas this year. When he got to the last three items, instead of asking for more toys, he wished to have the best day ever. Then, with his second to last wish, he wished for everyone to have the best day ever. Finally, with his last wish, he wished for chicken flavored ramen noodles. You cannot make this up. These three wishes brought tears to my eyes. The thought of an 8-year-old boy wanting the best day ever for him and the rest of us on Christmas is emblematic of the holiday. I pray that he got his wish. As for the third wish, we made certain he left with chicken ramen for the holidays. In addition to our holiday gift program, we continue to provide other valuable opportunities for our neighbors to thrive. Many of the opportunities come in the form of food assistance in our food shelf. I am happy to say that we have added even more access to food at Neighbors. Thanks to the generosity of our community partners and volunteers, we have been able to add something we call Neighbors Express, a once-a-day option for our neighbors in need to receive additional food support that supplements a full trip to our food shelf and helps them to thrive. People are welcome to visit the Express daily. Here is how it works. Each morning, a fleet of volunteer drivers visit grocer partners to pick up bread, produce and additional food items and bring them to Neighbors. The food is checked for quality, sorted and displayed in the Express, where people can shop for what they need. The positive feedback has been overwhelming and we continue to look for additional food and non-food items to place in the Express. Whether in the form of holiday elves, three wishes from a child or community partners willing to share their abundance, generosity is all around us. From all of us at Neighbors, we wish you a generous and abundant 2020.

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St. Paul Voice - January 2020 - Page 15


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Grab your favorite pooch and join us on Saturday, Free pancake breakfast in the school cafeteria February 1 when Union Depot transforms into Doggie Depot.

Free pancake breakfast in the school cafeteria Tour of the school, meet the faculty and staff Scholastic Book Fair • Student Art Show • Music

Tour of the school, meet the faculty and staff

There will be aBook doggie marketplace, rescue Scholastic Fair • Studentadoptable Art Show • Music dogs, doga (dog yoga) and, of course, cute pups everywhere. We’ll even be crowning this year’s St. Paul Winter Carnival CanineAcademic King and Queen. It’s in a fun, fur-filled day you won’t excellence a community grounded want to miss. in faith in the Catholic tradition

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FREE Local Shuttle and Same Day Service on Most Repairs! Page 16 - St. Paul Voice - January 2020

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