St. Paul Voice Sept 2020

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The St. Paul Pedal Pleasure

Soccer is back

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Volume 54 | Number 9

Your Community News & Information Source

Opening plans for area schools

Life on the River

Tim Spitzack Editor


he new school year has returned and it’s a mixed bag on how schools in the St. Paul Voice distribution area are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. St. Paul Public Schools will begin the year with distance learning. Its plan includes daily lessons and student-to-student interaction using iPads for PreK-12, various educational software platforms that are grade-specific, and video conferencing using Google Meets. Academic support centers with in-person instruction will be offered for students who are falling behind in their classwork. The District will reexamine its policy on Sept. 25 to determine if it can move to a hybrid model of distance learning and in-class instruction. Under this model, students would be placed into two groups. Group 1 would meet in person on Mondays and Tuesdays, and Group 2 on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Distance learning will take place on days students are not in school. St. Croix Lutheran Academy will begin the school year with face-toface instruction and offer distance learning to those unable to attend in person. The school has made changes to cleaning procedures, the HVAC system, lunch room arrangement and large group settings, and will perform daily wellness checks on students and staff. Face coverings are required of everyone. Back to school / Page 7

September 2020

Owens-Keller named Optimist of the Year Tim Spitzack Editor


Photo by Barbara Howell

Meet a St. Paul couple who has lived on the Mississippi for more than three decades Tim Spitzack Editor


t was love lost that prompted Truman Howell to live on the Mississippi River—and love found that sealed the deal. Now, after 30 years, he is one of the longest liveaboard residents at the St. Paul Yacht Club, and he can’t imagine life any other way. In 1989, he had just gone through a divorce and needed to quickly find an inexpensive place to live, so he packed

his bags and moved aboard the Howell-e-luyah, a 14x57-foot houseboat he owned and had docked at the club. “She got the house. I got the boat,” he quipped when recounting the story. He also got the lifestyle that came with it, and if you ask him, he got the better end of the settlement. “I haven’t been land-based since,” he said. Howell is a native of Kansas City, Missouri, and an architect by trade. River living / Page 2

n an age of pandemics, political divisiveness, and various economic pressures, it can be difficult to look on the sunny side of life. Not so for Jessi Owens-Keller, recently named Optimist of the Year by the Optimist Club of West St. Paul. While Owens-Keller is not a club member, her outlook on life and commitment to helping others melds perfectly with the club’s philosophy of advancing “the well-being of humankind, community life and the world.” Nominated by Jayna Emerson, a former West St. Paul Days princess, Owens-Keller has been coordinating the Royalty program since 2013 and enlisted Emerson to lend a hand. The royalty director’s role is quite time consuming: in addition to promoting the program and finding new candidates each year, she also chaperones West St. Paul Days royalty to nearly 100 events each year throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin to “help Optimist award / Page 3

Goodman named new director of St. Paul PED Tara Guy Contributor


here is a fresh new face at St. Paul City Hall these days in the person of Nicolle Goodman, the city’s new director of planning and economic development. She is one of at least half a dozen new hires at the director level in less than a year. Goodman’s appointment was announced by Mayor Melvin Carter in

Nicolle Goodman

mid-July and she assumed the position on Aug. 3, following a whirlwind move to St. Paul from Oklahoma City, where she had lived for 16 years. “I haven’t purchased a home yet because I wanted to get to the know the neighborhoods before I decide where to buy. For now, I’ve rented a cute apartment in Summit Hill,” said Goodman. “I’ll be looking for a home to purchase in a neigh-

borhood where people like to get to know their neighbors, spend time together and do things together to strengthen the neighborhood.” An element of culture shock might be expected with a move to St. Paul from Oklahoma City. At a glance, the two cities are vastly different. Oklahoma City sprawls over 620 square miles in four counties and has around 655,000 residents. It has one of the

world’s largest livestock markets and is situated in the middle of an active oil field. In contrast, St. Paul has a relatively compact footprint, at 56 square miles, all situated in Ramsey County, and a population of about 308,000. Culture shock turned out to be irrelevant in this instance, however. “My dad and stepmom and my sister have been in the Twin Cities for over 30 years so I’ve been com-

ing here to visit my entire adult life,” said Goodman. “I always said if I were to ever leave Oklahoma City it would be to move here.” Goodman holds a master’s degree in public administration from the University of Oklahoma, with a concentration in public management and an emphasis in urban planning. She also brings an impressive wealth Goodman / Page 9

P eople

Your community news and information source

River living from page 1

He earned his degree from the University of Kansas in 1963 and spent the next two years serving in the Peace Corps in Sierra Leone, where he helped build roads and bridges and worked on other construction projects. That’s also where he married. When the couple eventually settled in Crystal, Minn., Howell began working in architectural design with a large Minneapolis firm. By the late ’70s he’d started his own firm working out of their home. He went on to specialize in the hospitality industry and has designed more than 300 hotels and 60 restaurants across the country. Truman Howell Architects is now based in Monticello, specializing in commercial projects, and at 79 he is still drafting designs. His work space is the exquisitely apportioned pilot house of an all-steel, freighter-style vessel named Trubador, docked close to the slip that held the Howell-e-luyah. Howell found love again, and in 2006 married Barba-

ra Haake. It wasn’t hard to convince her that a houseboat was the perfect abode. She already had liveaboard experience from a 6-month adventure sailing through the Caribbean. After discovering that life in a tropical paradise can be boring, she returned to her home in Mounds View, Minn., where she worked as a benefits consultant and served a term as a Minnesota state representative during the Gov. Jesse Ventura administration. She has three children from her first marriage, and eight grandchildren. Truman has two sons, Bryan and Eric. Eric, who has provided Truman with a grandchild of his own, had just graduated from high school in the late ’80s and lived with his father on the boat. “He always brags about growing up on the river,” said Truman. Nowadays the entire family enjoys visiting the couple on their boat. Trubador—a name created using letters from Truman, Barbara and Dwelling on the River—is much dif-

ferent than Truman’s first boat. At 24-by-65-feet, it’s considerably larger—one of the largest at the Yacht Club—and more beautifully designed. Using photos of a Florida Bay Coaster, Truman designed the boat himself. The sketches were ready in about a week but the building process took much longer. He found a boat builder in Escanaba, Mich., and he and Barbara spent much of 1994 traveling between here and there to oversee the progress. The couple made the 12-hour round-trip drive a few times a month for several months. When the boat was finally finished, they motored it home through Lake Michigan and down waterways in Illinois to the Mississippi River. At St. Louis, they headed north to St. Paul. With its Twin 175 hp John Deere diesel engines— each with a 500-gallon fuel tank—the boat has a traveling speed of 8 mph upriver and 10-12 mph downriver. The journey took about 21 days.

Floating home The Trubador has more space than many of the

Thi nk Before you toss!

Barbara and Truman Howell in the pilot house of the Trubador. homes in the neighboring West Side community. With nearly 1,800 square feet of living space, it has a large main salon with hardwood floors and a wood-burning stove on the first level. The salon and the spacious master stateroom (bedroom) on the upper level have French doors with a view of the St. Paul skyline. Also on the first level are two smaller staterooms for guests, and

drawing and painting. He also enjoys pottery but engages in that art below a skylight in the hull, next to the engine room. Throughout the boat, the walls are filled with original artwork from around the country, and many of their own pieces. Barbara also enjoys painting, primarily portraits. Truman’s architectural sketch of the Trubador, as well as that of St. Paul’s Public Dock,

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Page 2 - St. Paul Voice - September 2020

a three-quarter head (bathroom). The master head on the second level is as large as any bathroom you’d find in most homes. It has tile flooring and a corner Jacuzzi-style bathtub. In the upper level pilot house, which features all black walnut woodwork, Truman has carved out space for a design table to work on architectural projects and his creative arts, which include

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P eople are among the framed and displayed works. Truman helped design the dock in 1993, and was responsible for everything visible from the waterline on up.

Unique lifestyle Both Truman and Barbara speak highly of the liveaboard community at the club, the city itself and the river. As we sat on the open deck of the stern during our interview, each was often temporarily distracted by a passing neighbor, a heron jabbing its long-pointed beak into the river to catch a fish, the thump-thump of carp crashing against the steel hull, or a barge slowly motoring past. This activity is what they enjoy most, along with the rumble of nearby trains, the buzz of aircraft at nearby Holman Field, and the many outdoor events at Raspberry and Harriet Islands. The noise and the hubbub don’t bother them at all. “Part of living here is accepting that this is a park,” said Truman. He was also quick to share comments he’s heard from other boaters, especially those who have made “The Loop,” a

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‘This is so unique,’ said Barbara, her admiration for their home and the river coming through loud and clear in her soft-spoken comment. ‘If we had to sell it, I would never want to come down here and see it again. I would just cry.’ trip down the Mississippi, through the Gulf of Mexico, through Florida, up the Atlantic seaboard and back through the Great Lakes and interior waterways. “The ‘loopers’ all say there is no marina with a better location to a city than here in St. Paul,” he said. “They all pale in comparison.” The Yacht Club was formed in 1912, and at its peak in the mid-’90s had around 225 members and 25 boats that people lived on year-round. Today, it has about 125 members and the number of liveaboard boats has dwindled to 15. Nonetheless, it’s a tight-knit little community that gathers often during the summer for “docktails”—cocktails and conversation on the dock. While those get-togethers have been few this year due to the pandemic, they are treasured times where relationships are formed and information is shared.

Optimist award from page 1

spread good cheer from West St. Paul.” “Jessi is an organizer, hard worker, motivated and straightforward, yet approachable individual,” said Emerson. “Being the royalty director of Celebrate West St. Paul Days for several years is a big task. Jessi has organized several year-round schedules for the current royal family. Along with that, Jessi also takes part in the essential duties of organizing the West St. Paul Days parade, kick-

off dinner, street dances, and coronations for Miss West St. Paul. Jessi handles all of these duties with a smile and never lets you see her sweat.” Owens-Keller is a lifelong resident of West St. Paul and a 1999 graduate of Henry Sibley High School. When not volunteering, she works in human resources for ACIST Medical Systems in Eden Prairie and is also a part-time massage therapist at Stoffels Chiropractic in West St. Paul.

Most of the liveaboards never take their boats out of the harbor. The Howells haven’t had theirs out for the past two years, partly because it’s difficult. Silt and sediment have formed in the riverbed around them and they’re waiting for the Army Corps of Engineers to dredge the harbor. Barbara said the Corps dredges when they deem it necessary, and it hasn’t been done for quite some time. It’s a bit of a sore spot for the Howells and the other liveaboards, who are becoming stuck in the muck. But they don’t seem to mind too much. They enjoy each other’s company and the gentle, ever-changing cadence of life around them. “We met a great group of friends right away,” said Barbara. “There’s so much camaraderie here. It’s the most wonderful place to live.” It’s not without its challenges, though.

“The first year was tough,” confessed Truman. “It was really cold. The Howell-eluyah had very little insulation and a gas heater that produced just enough heat to make it livable.” Barbara said there is not one single drawback to living on the Trubador, but later mentioned that getting to her car requires a bit of effort: walking down a long dock, a flight of 18 steps then several yards to the parking lot. They use a solid wire cart to bring home their groceries. In winter, it’s even more difficult if the lot hasn’t been plowed and their car is buried beneath snow. However, she said all liveaboards are good about shoveling the walkway and helping each other in other ways. Because of this, the weather doesn’t bother her. “Wintertime is gorgeous,” she said. “Every season here is beautiful.”

That includes springtime, when the river frequently floods. During extraordinarily high water times, the club shuts off the electricity—each boat is connected to electric and city sewer— and the boaters must use generators to keep their lights on and refrigerators cold. It’s during those times that the Howells especially appreciate the warmth of their wood-burning stove. “We enjoy the challenges of it. It creates a lot of exercise,” said Barbara, 79, revealing her adventurous spirit. Perhaps she gained some of that by rubbing elbows with Arctic explorer Will Steger, who lives on his boat nearby. Truman agreed. “Everything you do is an exertion,” he said. It was clear he was coming at it from a different angle. He had a heart attack 20 years ago and open-heart surgery in 2011, so he moves

Volunteerism runs in the family. She and her husband Alex are active with the St. Paul Winter Carnival—Alex was Sergeant of the Guard in 2014 and Captain of the Guard in 2019—and are members of the St. Paul Festival and Heritage Foundation, the organization that presents the Carnival. Owens-Keller credits her grandmother with helping her have a positive outlook on life, saying she “was my best influence. She was active with her community and church and always said ‘anytime you can help someone you should do it.’”

Owens-Keller took that advice to heart and humbly puts it into practice. “I don’t volunteer for recognition. I love being a behind-the-scenes person,” she said. “I do this because

it’s important to be part of the community. I try to be optimistic to make other people feel good and bring joy to the community.” The Optimist Club of West St. Paul was established

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a bit slower these days. He is even beginning to question how much longer he can remain in the home he loves. When asked about the possibility of moving back to land he said, “We’re hoping to put it off as long as possible. Will I miss the experience? Oh yeah. Big time. But at some point, we need to face reality.” He understands that the many steps required to get to the boat—and the several winding stairways in their home—are perhaps now his biggest obstacles. Barbara is hoping they don’t need to make that decision anytime soon. “This is so unique,” she said, her admiration for their home and the river coming through loud and clear in her soft-spoken comment. “If we had to sell it, I would never want to come down here and see it again. I would just cry.” For now, they’ll push aside that thought and continue to enjoy life on the river, where they can watch eagles and herons, observe magnificent sunsets and sunrises, and rest soundly in their own bed while Old Man River rocks them to sleep.

in 1971 and annually hosts the Optimist Essay Contest, ISD 197 Spelling Bees and West St. Paul Sings, in addition to the Optimist of the Year award.

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The St. Paul Voice is published monthly and delivered to 16,500 homes and businesses in St. Paul’s West Side, West St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Lilydale & Sunfish Lake. Publisher & Editor: Tim Spitzack Copy Editor: Leslie Martin Staff Writers: John E. Ahlstrom, Amy Johnson

Contributors: Roger Fuller, Tara Guy Ginny Contreras Sawyer Delivery: Independent Delivery Service

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St. Paul Voice - September 2020 - Page 3

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On the Pitch: Fall Prep Soccer Preview John E. Ahlstrom Staff Writer


or the past nine years, we have featured a Fall Prep Football Preview article in our September issue. That will not happen in 2020. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) has moved the start of the football season to March 2021. We will fill that void with our first ever Fall Prep Soccer Preview. The five high schools in our distribution area include four girls teams and four boys teams. A coin toss determined that we will open up with the girls and close with the boys. St. Croix Lutheran Dave Huebner, in his 17th season as the head coach, brings a high level of passion and energy to the Crusader program. His 2019 squad finished 8-7, good for fourth place in the rugged Tri-Metro Conference. Scoring ace Clara Avery, a second team All-State forward has gradu-

ated, but Huebner is excited about his 2020 prospects. Senior co-captains Lydia Freeburg, who scored nine goals for the Crusaders in 2019, and center midfielder Carmen Diaz will spearhead the offense. “Lydia is a tough customer with a nose for the goal and usually wins the one-on-one skirmishes,” said Huebner. “Carmen has uncommon ball skills and is very creative distributing the ball.” Junior Kylee Tiarks will anchor the defense and goaltender duties will be split between sophomores Clare Longueville and Allyse Schletty. “Kylee will control the action from her center back position. She is heady, fast and fearless,” said Huebner. “Allyse started in goal as a ninth grader, but Clare will see action as well. Both of them are athletic and will contribute on the pitch when not in goal.” This fall the Crusaders will co-op with the new Unity School in Burnsville. Four

Unity sophomores joined the team when practice began on Aug. 17. As dictated by the MSHSL, the girls will play 30% fewer games this season. “For all of us, it will be safety first,” said Huebner. “We are blessed and excited that the kids will get an opportunity to play.” Visitation - The Blazer program, under head coach Jay Miller, has reached a lofty plateau. After a 15-13 campaign last year, which ended with a penalty kick loss to Holy Angels in the section championship game, the team is in the midst of reloading. The offensive fire power starts with senior attacker Andi Barth, who earned All-State accolades as a junior while scoring 23 goals. “Andi is not big and muscular,” said Miller. “She is sinewy and lightning fast. She runs faster with the ball than most kids run without the ball.” Senior Fae Katras will key the defense from her defen-

sive midfielder position and senior midfielder Liv Montpetit is the engine that drives the offense. “Fae is very cerebral and has a tremendous feel for the game,” said Miller. “She typically funnels the ball to Liv, who then distributes it unselfishly with uncanny precision.” Junior Kate Norman is in her third season as the Blazer goaltender. “She is top shelf,” said Miller. “She has it all—size, strength, positioning. She doesn’t give up softies. If they get one by her, they’ve earned it.” Senior Emily Groppoli, tenacious and versatile, will also play a key role for the Blazers. Miller has not yet decided which position, but she will be on the pitch. “Like our kids, I was very excited when I learned we were going to play,” said Miller. “It’s a great opportunity and it is imperative that we do it the right way.” Humboldt - The team achieved something in 2019

that the program had not accomplished in 32 years. The Hawks finished over .500 and a good deal of the credit belongs to head coach Jessica Adame. A native of southern California, Adame matriculated to St. Paul to attend St. Catherine University and play soccer. As the Wildcats’ goalkeeper in 2017, she registered a stingy goals-againstaverage of 1.05. She was hired by Humboldt in the summer of 2018. “A dramatic increase in numbers and the skills they have brought to the table have been the keys to whatever success we’ve had,” said Adame. Sophomore Yuneewa will likely be the Hawk goalkeeper, and center back senior Htee Htee Say, along with sophomore Moo Ka Paw, will key the defense. “Htee Htee is mentally and physically strong and adept at breaking up plays before the opponent has opportunity to shoot, and she also creates plays in the oth-

er direction,” said Adame. “Moo Ka is a solid defender and dribbler.” Seniors Paw Htee and Poe Mu Chi will lead the offensive attack. “Paw Htee was our leading scorer and can shoot from any angle and from long range as well,” said Adame. “Poe Mu Chi is smooth and distributes the ball to both attackers and defenders. “We had a great turnout at our July practices,” she added. “We have talented and dedicated kids who love to play soccer and want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.” Henry Sibley - After taking a hiatus of eight years from coaching high school soccer to raise her children, Carle Cheesebrough is back on the field as head coach of the Sibley girls team. Her enthusiasm for the sport and those she coaches is easily apparent. “I think I am the fourth head coach in the past five years and, in fairness to the kids, I hope I can give the

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Page 4 - St. Paul Voice - September 2020



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Photo by Michael Murray Photography

Visitation senior Andi Barth (#15) earned All-State honors as a junior. program some continuity,” she said. “I am fully invested in this community and I’m not going anywhere.” Cheesebrough was pleased with the work ethic displayed by the 45 girls in grades 7-12 who showed up for July practices at Mattson Field. She was also impressed by the leadership and mentorship provided by her team captains—seniors Eryn Winkelhake, Stella Altier and Natalie Parnell and junior Audrey Parnell. “Beyond their obvious talent, they are multi-sport athletes and I applaud that,” said Cheesebrough. “They are a dedicated group and we have high expectations for all four of them.” Sophomore Sydney Potter returns as the Warrior goalkeeper. The daughter of goalkeeper coach Todd Potter, Sydney recorded five shutouts and produced a stingy goals against average of 0.94 in 2019. “Sydney has played nonstop all summer,” said Cheesebrough. “She’s tall, rangy and athletic and we’re fortunate to have her.” Sophomore midfielder Sarah Wagner made an immediate impact when she was pulled up from the JV team in 2019 and Cheesebrough was eager to unearth a few more gems when the evaluation process began in earnest on Aug. 17.

Boys soccer Humboldt - When Matt Osborne became the athletic director in 2019 he yielded his head coaching duties for

the boys soccer team to his assistant, John Pucci, and the Hawks did not miss a beat. In 2019, they tied for second place in the talent rich City Conference with an 11-6-1 record, losing to eventual state champion Holy Angels in the section semi-finals. The Hawks lost Eh Ku Say, an All-State selection now playing at Gustavus, and 14-goal scorer Micah Gundale to graduation, but Pucci remains optimistic with his 6’1,” 210-pound senior goalkeeper Diego Kroonblawd, and the seasoned and athletic team captains: senior midfielder Joe Deuitch, senior defender Hser Pwe Htoo and junior attacker Eh Ler Moo. “This summer, all four of those kids have traveled around the country as members of the high-level St. Paul Blackhawks,” said Pucci. “Diego is one the best keepers in the state; Joe is a nightmare for the opposition as a consummate midfielder; Hser Pwe is rock solid and intense in the defensive end; and Eh Ler, a quiet sort, tends to belie that demeanor with very flashy goals.” Sighting his high soccer IQ, his surreal vision and pinpoint passing, Pucci believes that junior Eh Thaw Maung will develop into the best defender in the conference. He also predicts a breakout season from gifted sophomore attacker Ah Nee Htoo. Numbers may be a problem for Humboldt football, but not soccer. Pucci has 60 kids in grades 9-12, with

another 100 in the middle school waiting their turn. St. Thomas Academy Brian Kallman, who played professional soccer in Minnesota for nine years, is in his second season as the Cadets’ head coach. The team is coming off a 5-8-1 season in 2019. “It was a transition year for us,” said Kallman. “We play a very competitive schedule and we came up short in some very close, competitive games.” Junior Seth Moore, the starting goalkeeper in 2019, had a very solid summer club season and will once again serve as the Cadets’ last line of defense. “Seth is an athletic kid with size and length,” said Kallman. “He reads the ball exceptionally well and is also a vocal leader on the field.” Senior Aidan McGill is the center midfielder and, along with junior forward Matthew Zander and senior forward William Guttery, will key the Cadets’ offensive attack. “Adrian’s work ethic is second to none. He’s comfortable with the ball, passes it with precision and will likely lead us in assists,” said Kallman. “Matthew had a great club season and we look for his goal production to increase, and William Guttery is a proven and efficient goal scorer.” Caleb Smit, often with his shirt off to display the fifteen pounds of muscle he added this summer, is most often the first Cadet on the field. “Caleb is a very physical

player who seldom loses a one on one confrontation,” said Kallman. “He is also a great leader.” “We are thankful for the opportunity to compete,” he added. “I am confident that we will evolve into a very solid team.” Henry Sibley - Terry Doud is in his 26th season as head coach. His Warriors finished 3-8-1 in 2019 but he’s already turned the page and is looking forward to the new season. Senior Micah Dove and junior Jack Heidelberg are in competition for the starting goalkeeper position. “They have different styles and both of them will see a lot of action,” said Doud. “Micah is big and physical at 6’4” and 200 pounds. Jack, on the other hand, relies more on speed and is likely to come out of the net and challenge the attacker.” A sprinter on the Warrior track team, senior center defender Brandon Morris has been on the varsity since ninth grade and brings multiple skills to the table. “Brandon’s calling card is speed and he utilizes it all over the field,” said Doud.

“He not only keys our defense, he is also a strong attacker who can dribble the ball the length of the field.” Senior Cesar Godinez is the center midfielder and junior Antonio Olivares is the team’s most electrifying attacker. “Cesar is responsible for organizing the team in the middle of the field and distributing the ball,” said Doud. “Antonio may be the best dribbler I’ve ever had and knows how to finish at the front of the net.” Doud has not lost any of his enthusiasm for the sport and is thrilled that the MSHSL has given his team an opportunity to compete this fall. St. Croix Lutheran Chris Maki is in his tenth season as head coach. Playing in the high-octane Tri-Metro Conference, the Crusaders finished the 2019 campaign with a 3-9-1 record. “Very few of our players compete on club teams during the summer,” said Maki. “Most of our kids limit their participation to the high school season and we do the very best that we can.”

Maki is expecting much from senior captains Parker Lewis and Caden Fischer. “Parker plays multiple positions and his greatest strength is his role as a vocal team leader and motivator,” said Maki. “Caden is an outside midfielder and forward. He is fast and he is a finisher who hungers to score goals.” Sophomore Silas Gawrisch is also a captain and one of two players on the team that plays club soccer. The other is sophomore goalkeeper Max Kutz. “Silas can play anywhere on the field and is our best ball handler and distributor,” said Maki. “Max is in his second season as our varsity keeper and we’re lucky to have him for two more years.” International students make up nearly 25 percent of the student body and Maki normally gets several of those kids, but the pandemic has lessened those numbers. Despite all of that, 47 kids showed up for practice on Aug. 17 and Maki is thankful that they can compete and interact with their friends and teammates.

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St. Paul Voice - September 2020 - Page 5

A rts & Culture

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The Urban Explorer Exploring our regional amenities Ginny Contreras Sawyer Contributor

Pedal Pleasure Biking has always been one of my go-to activities for summer. I find it’s a great way to enjoy nature while eluding mosquitos, and with more than 56 regional parks and 400 miles of trails in the 7-county metro area, I’m always finding new places to explore. Today my route is close to home, from Harriet Island Regional Park on the West Side to Indian Mounds Regional Park in East St. Paul, one of the city’s oldest parks. By the time I got to Harriet Island, it was mid-morning and there were already groups of picnickers, walkers and a few people reading in the shade. Everything was luscious and green. It was the perfect day for a bike ride, hot but not too humid. Once I got going, the natural ventilation would be enough

to keep me cool. Before heading to the main trail, I tooled around the park and the riverside boardwalk. Among the sights were a nature playground with a giant clam shell as a sandbox, a historic anchor and a section of an original riverboat walkway, a pointillistic portrait of Harriet Bishop, the city’s first school teacher, and of course the big show-stopper, the gorgeous view of the downtown skyline across the river. There was something achingly nostalgic about the paddlewheel boats docked on the river and the art deco design of the lamp posts and pedestrian bridges. I was tempted to plunk down in the shade of one of the towering cottonwood trees and drink in the scene before me, but onward I went, across the Wabasha Street Bridge

and Raspberry Island. Like a little kid, I looked below at the Mighty Mississippi as I rode along and felt the thrill of its immense size and power. On the other side, the bike path joins up with the sidewalk, and I cruised down Kellogg Boulevard, going around pedestrians as care-

fully as possible. That may be the only complaint I have about St. Paul bike paths— you start on a wonderfully paved and marked trail then get dumped onto either a sidewalk or street for a few blocks or sometimes longer, until the trail picks up again. I pedaled past Union Depot, CHS Field and the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary. So far it had been a relaxing and flat ride, but soon I reached Commercial Street and my vacation was over. It was time for the 200foot climb to Dayton’s Bluff. I gave myself a pep talk to the rhythm of my pedaling: You can do it. You can do it. The yellow, purple and white prairie flowers were like cheerleaders lining my path. Slowly but surely, I went up and up, each yard of pavement hard fought. When I saw the Airway Beacon up ahead, I stood and pedaled with my full body. Victory was within my grasp! Magically, a park bench appeared at the top of the hill and I pulled off to park my bike. The whole ride up

the view had been at my back, but as I turned around I was shocked to see the panorama before me: the field of wildflowers and the river and St. Paul skyline down below. I sat for a while, catching my breath. This has to be one of the best views of the city, and completely worth the effort. The only thing missing is a beer garden. I left my bike and started walking around the Indian burial mounds, the namesake of this regional park. They weren’t well-marked, only a small plaque and a wrought-iron gate to keep intruders out. I grabbed my phone to search the internet for more information and discovered that these are six of the remaining burial mounds that anthropologists believe to be remnants of the Hopewell Culture. They are thought to be nearly 2,000 years old. I took a moment to imagine this place without the skyline, without the bike trail—just the bluff, the river and the sky. Yes, it did

feel like a sacred site, about as close to heaven as a mere mortal could get. The newly paved trail continued, hugging the treelined edge of the bluff, and I hopped back on my bike to follow it. I passed a shaded playground and picnic area, and a cluster of pine trees just begging for some hammocks. Finally, on the other side of the park, next to Burns Avenue, I found an information display that showed pictures of men in top hats and women in hoop skirts walking around the mounds, a map of the region, and the words of one prominent businessman from 1913. It said, “It is doubtful if there is anywhere in any city so impressive a combination of views where nearly the whole of the business section of a great city, so imposing an expanse of river, with a vast sweep of country lying beyond, can all be taken in at a single viewpoint.” I couldn’t have put it any better.

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Page 6 - St. Paul Voice - September 2020

E ducation

Your community news and information source

Back to school from page 1

St. Croix has a large number of international students who are housed in a dorm. No outside guests will be allowed in the dorm, other than parents or guardians. A quarantine procedure has also been established for any student who might contract COVID-19. School officials continue to explore hybrid options

that would reduce the number of students at school on any given day, if the pandemic worsens. St. Thomas Academy will have on-campus learning this fall. Classes will also be live streamed for those students who are not comfortable being on campus or who have health issues. All students will wear face cov-

erings, and classrooms have been redesigned to allow for proper social distancing. Visitation is hosting oncampus instruction this fall along with an online option for those with health concerns. The school will follow social distancing guidelines and other protocol recommended by the Minnesota Department of Health. All students will have their temperature checked prior to entering the building, and face coverings are required. The school has also modified its

New teacher training program at Henry Sibley Students at Henry Sibley High who are interested in pursuing a career in teaching will have a new option this year to gain insight into the profession and earn three or more college credits in the process. The school has teamed up with the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities to provide coursework to juniors and seniors that introduces them to careers in education, with a focus on teaching and increasing diversity within the field. This yearlong experience will

give students a glimpse into what is involved in becoming a teacher or educational professional through coursework equivalent to the first two courses college students take when pursuing a teaching degree. An instructor from the high school will work alongside a professor from the University of Minnesota to present the material. This program was created with the support of the TriDistrict Career and College Readiness Initiative, a

collaboration between the school districts of South St. Paul, Inver Grove Heights, and West St. Paul-Mendota Heights-Eagan. The TriDistrict Career and College Readiness Initiative also offers career-focused programming in transportation technologies & skilled trades; healthcare; and business & entrepreneurship. Students interested in participating in any of these opportunities should contact their high school counselor or administration staff. For more in-

lunch program to offer only boxed meals. Community of Saints will start the year with a hybrid approach. Instruction for preschool-grade 1 will be in-person. Grades 2-8 will be divided into two groups. Group A will do inperson learning Monday and Tuesday and distance learning on Thursday and Friday. Group B will follow the opposite schedule. Both groups will do distance learning on Wednesday. All students and adults will be screened

for COVID-related systems prior to entering the building, and all must wear a face covering while in school. St. Joseph’s Catholic School will offer in-person instruction and a distance learning option. Parents are asked to take the temperature of their children each day before sending them to school. Teachers and staff will be screened at school. Classrooms have been redesigned to allow for social distancing and face coverings

are required of everyone in the building. River’s Edge Academy, 188 W. Plato Blvd., is offering distance learning this fall. The school is part of the St. Paul City School district, which operates its primary school at 260 Edmund Ave. and middle school at 643 Virginia St. Those schools will also start the year with distance learning. ISD 197 had not made its final decision as of press time.

formation on the TriDistrict Career and College Readiness Initiative, contact Ben

Kusch at 612-267-2760 or The new teaching program

is partially funded through a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education.

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N ews Briefs Student notes University of WisconsinEau Claire graduates: Emily Varner, bachelor of business administration, marketing; Richard Dunn, bachelor of business administration, marketing; Francis Einberger, bachelor of business administration, management. University of WisconsinMadison graduates: Max Buell, bachelor of science in civil engineering; William Maher, bachelor of arts in history, international studies, Russian, graduated with distinction; Adam Tschida, bachelor of science in mechanical engineering, graduated with distinction; Juliet Dupont, bachelor of arts in journalism, graduated with distinction; Emmett Sexton, bachelor of science in economics, graduated with distinction; Emili-

Your community news and information source ana Almanza Lopez, bachelor of science in environmental sciences; Echko Holman, Doctor of Medicine; Emilee Skadron, bachelor of science in zoology. Normandale Community College: Shirley Vue was named to the dean’s list. Graduates: Cara Halvorson, associate of arts, liberal education, with high honors; Abdikadir Farah Salah, associate of arts, liberal education, with high honors; Sarah Josephs, associate of science, business transfer pathway, with honors. University of Minnesota-Twin Cities dean’s list: Clare Bann, Lily Byrnes, Kathleen Gleason, Michelle Iwen, Katira Lutterman, Aidan McNally, Casey O’Brien, Samantha Salmen, Julia Wallace, Mi-


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Concordia University Wisconsin honor’s list: Nicole Demlow. University of North Dakota graduates: Augustus Postiglione, bachelor of science in civil engineering, magna cum laude; Alexa Wild, bachelor of science in criminal justice; Anna Domler, bachelor of administration; Jordan Reinke, bachelor of fine arts, cum laude. Purchase College dean’s list: Ellen Walz. Marquette University graduates: Kathleen Orfei, doctorate in physical therapy; Halli Burke, bachelor of arts in psychology; John Lawder, bachelor of science in business economics. College of St. Scholastica graduates: Victoria Perez, bachelor of arts in psychology; Laura Menk bachelor of science in elementary education.

STA baseball wins Academic All-State title The St. Thomas Academy baseball team has won the 2020 Class AAA Academic All-State title with a team GPA of 3.581. The team GPA, the highest in team

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chala Zien, Henry Anderson, Abigail Arganbright, Sydney Bagley, Elizabeth Brown, Hannah Bursey, Sophia Bursey, Joseph Dill, Moriah Elkin, Matika Joynoosaeng, Joseph Juliette, Naomi Kaplan, Joseph Kelly, William Kelly, Elisabeth Latterell, Jenna Lewis, Jennifer Malay, Liam McManus, Natalie Nachtsheim, Adrienne O’shea, Christian Ramirez, Ashley Rascher, Ellie Salmen, Caelyn Steele, Greta Stifter, Elizabeth Zanmiller, Anne Debertin, Georgia Noble, Bergen Thomson, Olivia Nachtsheim, Jocelyn Ricard, Hannah Watson, Angelina Contreras, Jairo Leiva, Rachel Nelson, Gabriel Schmid. Benedictine College dean’s list: Thomas Wilkin, Cathryn Schneider, Dolores Ryan. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee dean’s list: Emma Abrahamson. University of Kansas honor roll: Jack Blomquist, Grace Bullard, Erin Cole, Mary Horttor, Emily Johnson, Kathryn Kirchner, Quinn Mack, Ainsley Rosenstiel, Kate Sievert, Molly Tierney, Russell Whitney.

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history, is the average GPA of all players who lettered in 2019-2020. The award is presented by the Minnesota High School Baseball Coaches Association. “We’re always proud of how our boys prepare and perform on the baseball field, but this accomplishment shows just how wellrounded our group of young men is,” said Head Coach Matt Kelly. “They continue to make St. Thomas Academy and Cadet Baseball proud.” STA is an all-male, college preparatory, Catholic, military/leadership school serving students in grades 6-12. For more information, visit

Progress made on Robert Piram Regional Trail Significant progress has been made this summer to close the gap between St. Paul’s trail system and the Mississippi River Trail, and by next spring cyclists and pedestrians will be able to safely travel between Harriet Island Regional Park and Kaposia Landing Park in South St. Paul. From there, they can access the Mississippi River Trail and travel to Rosemount. A small gap still exists near Spring Lake Park Reserve in Rosemount and the trail leading to Hastings. The new segment will be part of the multi-state bike trail that begins at the

Mississippi River’s headwaters at Itasca State Park and follows the river all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. The $8 million project, a joint effort between the City of St. Paul and Dakota County, began in September 2019 and is funded by a Federal Surface Transportation Program grant, Legacy Funds, the National Park Service, Metropolitan Council, Dakota County and Ramsey County. The project includes a 10-foot wide multi-purpose trail approximately. 3.7 miles in length, a pedestrian overpass bridge in South St. Paul, two boardwalk bridges in St. Paul, landscaping, wayfinding signage, and cultural/historical interpretive elements. For more information, call 651-266-6407 or visit and search the trail name.

Rep. Hansen receives award Rep. Rick Hansen (DFL, District 52A) has received the Leon G. Billings Environmental Achievement Award from the National Caucus of Environmental Legislators. The award recognizes state legislators for their outstanding accomplishments on environmental issues. Hansen was selected for his national leadership on pollinator protection and conservation issues, including river protection through the Mississippi River Legislative Caucus.

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N ews Briefs Employment help in Ramsey County Ramsey County recently launched Job Connect, a new interactive job board, to help the unemployed find work. It’s the latest upgrade to the County’s economic development website, www., which provides business development resources and incentives. Job Connect allows users to search for jobs by keyword and location using an inter-

Your community news and information source active map. It highlights major industries in the county, including healthcare, technology, manufacturing, construction and more. Each listing includes information about responsibilities, qualifications, industry, education level, nearby transit and pay. Businesses may post jobs for free. A workforce training dashboard is also being developed to connect job seekers to short-term education opportunities. Visit the job board at www.ramseycounty. us/jobconnect.

Goodman from page 1

of hands-on economic development experience. In the five years preceding her new appointment, Goodman served as vice president of the nonprofit Alliance for Economic Development of Oklahoma City, managing economic development entities, programs and projects. In that role she planned and implemented tax increment financing (TIF), retail strategy and incentives, city and urban redevelopment programs, as well as developing job creation sites and public-private development projects. The Alliance operated similar to the St. Paul Planning and Economic Development Department’s management of the HRA. In addition, for five years preceding her management role with the Alliance, Goodman was the program administrator for Metropolitan Area Projects (MAPS3), the third iteration of Oklahoma City’s famous massive redevelopment program. Funded by a one-cent sales tax initiative for capital improvement projects, the nearly $800 million program resulted in the addition of a 70-

acre downtown park, a new convention center, a new fairgrounds expo center, a modern streetcar system, a downtown whitewater rafting facility and other riverfront improvements, four senior health and wellness centers, and more than 100 miles of sidewalks and trails. Because of that enormous investment, downtown housing exponentially increased, together with demand for additional residential amenities, such as grocery, retail shops and other services. That project is widely considered one of the most successful public-private partnerships in the U.S. St. Paul itself has several high-profile properties ripe for redevelopment, such as the Ford and Sears sites, Hillcrest golf course, Boys Totem Town, the RiverCentre ramp, and others. The potential for these properties naturally appeals to Goodman but are not what attracted her to the city. “I was drawn to St. Paul because of Mayor Carter’s stated core values,” she said. “Being involved with projects of that scale with equity

New resource for artists Springboard for the Arts has created a new resource to help working artists. The 116-page fully illustrated “A Handbook for Artists Working in Community” is available for free at https:// artists-working-in-community. It is organized into five sections: artist groundwork, community groundwork, project formation, project

and inclusivity as the guiding principles was attractive to me. Doing this work without those core values as a compass becomes more about real estate development than economic development or community development.” While PED naturally engages in the world of lending and finance and its stated mission is to build community wealth, Goodman’s personal philosophy includes a sense of fairness and equity that is rare in the broader world of high finance and investment. “Many families and communities have been left out of opportunities to have assets and to build wealth, often due to systems of institutional racism going generations back and continuing today,” she said. “When people, families, communities have assets—a home, a business, job skills, a network, access to capital— they can build a future. They can send their kids to college. They can plan for retirement. They can survive downturns in the economy, including when something like COVID happens.” Much has happened in the community at large since Goodman applied for the position in February,

implementation and group participation tools. “This handbook is a practical manual for individual artists who would like to begin or deepen this kind of artistic practice—work in and work with community,” said Springboard Associate Director Jun-Li Wang. “We’re thrilled to be able to share insights, tools and wisdom gathered from our work and from creative practitioners immersed in community in different ways.”

Career labs open in St. Paul

including not just the pandemic but the tragic murder of George Floyd and the extensive property damage and loss of businesses due to civil unrest in response to his murder. “Priorities now include rebuilding and recovering in a way that truly does bring equity and builds a city that works for everyone,” she said. Asked how her first few weeks in her new position have gone, Goodman was enthusiastic. “Deputy Director Kristin Guild has been amazing. She’s just been absolutely fantastic,” she said. “I’ve also been so impressed by the talent and passion of the team

leads and all of the staff that I have met so far. Several of them reached out before I even started and have made me feel so welcome.” More broadly, it seems the storied “Minnesota Nice” ethos holds true. “After the press release came out about my having been hired, people from the community started reaching out to welcome me to St. Paul, asking how they could help me, telling me they are looking forward to working together,” she said. “Everyone I have encountered has been incredibly friendly, welcoming and helpful. I’ve been blown away by the warm welcome.”

The City of St. Paul and Ramsey County have teamed up to open six career labs that offer free assistance to job seekers. The labs provide computer access, printing and copying, digital literacy programs, job search and resume assistance and other workforce support programs through 2020. All sites require reservations, and participants must wear face

coverings and follow social distancing guidelines. Labs are offered at the following St. Paul Public Library branches: Dayton’s Bluff, Rice Street, Rondo Community Library and Sun Ray locations, as well as Ramsey County Library branches in Maplewood and Roseville. An additional site will open in Downtown St. Paul in late August. For more information, visit CareerLabs.

Goodman may even find a few more welcomed surprises as she settles in. “I recently started exploring and found that much of my family lineage is in the Twin Cities,” she said. “My greatgreat grandparents both arrived in Minneapolis in the late 1800s…from Sweden. They married in Minneapolis in 1889, and raised eight daughters, including my great grandmother Violet. I believe that many of those eight daughters raised their own families in the area, so I likely have many cousins here that I haven’t met before. It would be really fun to find some of them.”

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St. Paul Voice - September 2020 - Page 9

C ommunity

Your community news and information source Nancy Brady President

Hope and healing during a difficult year At Neighborhood House, we have felt the pain that so many have experienced during this difficult year. Throughout the pandemic, we’ve seen countless new faces looking for help getting food and paying their rent. We feel the heartbreak over the killing of George Floyd. We see those who were already struggling, already asking for change, hurt even more by these events. But we have also seen incredible strength. Through an unprecedented time of pain, we are

Neighbors, Inc. Charlie Thompson President & CEO

My family was fortunate to take a vacation this summer in spite of COVID-19. As part of our vacation, my wife Kim and I spent three days backpacking in the Mount Jefferson Wilderness in Oregon. About half of the 28-mile loop hike was on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT), which runs 2,650 miles from the border of Mexico in California to the border of Canada in Washington. We nearly canceled our hike because we could not find fuel for our camp stove. Due to the pandemic, the supply


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seeing tremendous cooperation and the beginnings of healing in our community. We saw strength in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak. As families across the city lost their jobs, we received more donations of food and money than ever before from hundreds of new donors. People got creative, putting on a virtual fundraising concert, donating monthly fees from a parking ramp, and running contactless food drives. As many were hurting, many were doing what they could to support their neighbors. This gives us hope. As our food support team remained onsite to serve the community, we received N95 and homemade masks, gloves, and other items to keep our staff and participants safe. Words of encouragement sprang up on flyers across the lawn at the Wellstone Center, thanking employees for their work. This gives us hope. We’ve served a number of teachers in our food markets who pick up food for their students’ families. We’ve served people who bring groceries to elderly neighbors. This gives us hope. After the riots in Minneapolis and St. Paul, thousands of

people joined together to clean the streets and raise money and goods for those impacted. In just a matter of days, community members shared a record amount of money, food, diapers, clothing and more. In two weeks, more money was donated through GiveMN than all of spring. This gives us hope. With each family we are able to keep in their home, with every parent we provide groceries to, and with every child who engages with our online learning opportunities, we are given hope. We know that the hard times are not over. But we have seen the ways in which we have come together to make life a little easier for our neighbor, and because of this we are confident that we will get through this. With your support, our community will continue on the path toward healing and become even stronger than before. If you would like to support your community during this unprecedented year, you can make a donation at www. to help your neighbors stay in their homes, get food to feed their families, and access resources to continue their education. Thank you for your support.

chain was disrupted and stores were out of fuel. Eventually, we found a sporting goods store with the proper fuel and we were on our way. After nearly six hours of hiking on the first day, we arrived at our lakefront, backwoods camping area. We pitched our tent, boiled some lake water and enjoyed a rehydrated meal. Afterward, we hung our food in a nearby tree and settled in for the night. Day 2 started early with three relatively easy miles, then trail conditions worsened. We started coming across felled trees that blocked our path, and each required us to go around, over or under it. At about the 7-mile mark, in the heat of the day, my water ran out. We still had three miles to go and it was getting hotter. Finally, we reached camp. It was a beautiful lake and the water never felt (or tasted) so good. We repeated the same routine as the day before, only this time we added a nice soak in the mountain lake. Day 3 came early. We packed up and set out for our final 11 miles of the trip. This time I rationed my water. After eight hours of hiking, we reached the parking lot where we began. During our trip we viewed majestic mountains, soaked in cool lakes and enjoyed some of the freshest air you can imagine. It was not easy, but it was worth it. I held my last liter of water in hand while standing by our car and that is when the most memorable part of our entire Vintage vacation began. Records, Turntables I was about to down & Stereo the water when a man apEquipment

proached us. He was hot, dirty and disheveled, he did not speak English well, but I knew what he wanted: water. Turns out he was about 150 days into hiking the PCT and was out of water and low on food. Without hesitation, I poured my last liter into his jug and he downed it. My wife also gave him her last bottle of water and we offered him whatever food he wanted from what we had left. He took some and left the rest. He still had ten miles to go that day. We wished him well and he went on his way. We finished packing and drove back to civilization, having completed a 3-day hike and performing a good deed. My story could easily end here with an appropriate message about never knowing when you will be asked to provide food and water to someone in need. But it doesn’t. Three days later, clean and rested from the backpacking portion of our trip, we took our kids to the Mount Hood Wilderness for a short hike. This hike, like our previous one, briefly intersected the PCT. We were walking along when a lone, disheveled looking hiker came our way. I said hello as he walked by shuffling his feet. It was only after he passed by that I looked back at him and then turned to my wife and said, “it’s the same guy.” Sure enough, Kim confirmed it was the same hiker, only this time he was 60 miles closer to finishing his 2,650-mile journey. Unlike the PCT, with COVID, we do not know how long the journey is going to last. However, much like the hiker, no matter how alone we may feel, no matter how tired we may become, no matter how disheveled we may get, we have each other to help us through the wilderness. Keep hiking. Keep supporting. Keep hoping. Be well.



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C ommunity

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I go on my hike almost every day. I hike in the snow and the drizzle and the cold. “There is no bad weather,” a naturalist in Alaska once told me, “only inappropriate clothing choices.” I like that. So when it started to rain, I wished I had my hat. But the weather was warm and, as Peter pointed out, it was getting lighter up ahead. Unfortunately, that was not where the weather was coming from. By the time I got to the trail, the rain was steady but not cold. I started walking faster.

Summer Storm I was headed out for my daily hike. There was thunder in the distance. “It’s getting lighter,” my husband, Peter, said. “I don’t think we’re going to get any rain.” The air smelled like a storm to me, but what do I know? If my dog, Milo, were still alive I would have asked him. Milo would huddle in the corner of the kitchen when a thunderstorm approached. “There’s no storm on the radar,” Peter would tell him. Milo didn’t care what the radar said. We called him, “Doppler Dog,” because if Milo was in the corner, bad weather was never far behind. But Milo is no longer with us and I was headed out on a hike. “Do you think I need a hat?” I asked. If the sun came out, I’d want a hat. “I don’t think you’ll need

Carrie Classon

it,” Peter assured me. It might be worth noting that both Peter and I grew up on the plains of the Midwest where you can see a storm coming from miles away and the weather is predicted accurately to within the quarter of an hour. I left the house without a hat and it started to rain before I’d even made it to the trail. That might have been a good time to turn around. I didn’t.

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When I reached the section of the trail that goes into a ravine, the sky opened up and a sheet of rain fell. In moments, I was as wet as it was possible to get. I was now going at a brisk trot. It couldn’t have been more than five minutes later that the sky crackled with lightning. I have never had thunder crash so close overhead in my life. My hair would have stood on end if it hadn’t been plastered to my head. The lightning and thunder were simultaneous, so I figured I had walked smack-dab into the middle

Sept. 21-30

of a summer storm. The rain was now coming down in buckets and the entire trail had become a swiftly flowing stream. I needed my hiking poles to hop along the newly formed riverbank—jumping from one rock to another, my boots filled with water, my eyes stinging from the rain—and all I could think was, “Oh my gosh, it’s good to be alive!” By the time I was headed home, the rain started to slow. It came to a stop about a half-mile from home. I noticed the puddles getting

smaller until the ground was nearly dry. Peter was surprised when I got home. “You sure hiked fast today!” he said. He had no idea what had been happening just a couple of miles away. At our house, it had hardly rained. I got in a hot bath, and as I washed the mud off my legs I knew I would never have gone on that hike if I’d known how bad it would get. And I was so glad I hadn’t missed it. Till next time.

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FREE Local Shuttle and Same Day Service on Most Repairs! Page 12 - St. Paul Voice - September 2020

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