South St. Paul Lady Loons take the Gold
Sample St. Paul Page 6
Page 10
Volume 19 | Number 8
Your Community News & Information Source
August 2022
Primary election is August 9
Longtime downtown barbershop relocates to South St. Paul
he stage is set for primaries in the South St. Paul Voice distribution area. Early voting began June 24 and runs through August 8. The primary election is August 9. Included on the ballot are candidates for Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General, Dakota County Commissioner District 2, Dakota County Attorney and South St. Paul City Council. The general election is Nov. 8. Here are the local candidates in our distribution area involved in a primary. Websites are provided, if available.
South St. Paul City Council (elect 3) • Incumbent Tom Seaberg • Incumbent Joe Kaliszewski • Raymond G. Aaron, Jr. • Ugbad Abdilahi • Michael N. Gould • Joe Gullerud • Matthew Thompson • John Winkels
Dakota County Attorney • Kathy Keena, • Elizabeth Lamin, elizabethlamin. com • Matt Little, • Jeffrey (Jeff) Sheridan, Dakota County Commissioner District 2 • Joe Atkins, • Jimmy Francis, • John Wheeler, wheeler4d2@
Image: Metro Creative Graphics
As the new school year approaches, middle school students and parents should take note that the district will be strictly enforcing its cell phone policy this year to minimize distractions to learning. Students will not be allowed to use cell phones during the day.
School Work
Construction projects underway at SSP schools Kindergarten camp held August 9-12 Jake Spitzack Staff Writer
everal construction projects are taking place this summer in Special District 6. All but one will be finished by the time school begins the week of September 6. South St. Paul Secondary: Projects include replacing the roof of the auditorium (completed later this fall), carpeting the second and third floor hallways, new
countertops, and backpack cubbies near gym space. Lincoln Center Elementary: hallway lighting updates, countertops, carpet/tile replacement, window replacement, roof flashing, and parking lot seal coating Kaposia Education Center: hallway lighting updates and countertops Central Square Community Center: SSP Schools / Page 3
Jake Spitzack Staff Writer
fter working in downtown St. Paul for more than 20 years, Philip Glass Jr. uprooted his barbershop – House of Hair – and relocated to the former Southview Barbershop space at 1319 Southview Ave. in South St. Paul. The decision to move was sparked by several recent changes downtown that made it nearly impossible for him to achieve the same level of success he had just a few years ago. “There was a bike lane that got put down right in front of my shop which took out at least 15 parking spots and St. Joseph’s hospital closed so I lost about 15 regular customers,” said Glass. “Plus, with the whole shut down in general, people are starting to work more from home and don’t really come to downtown St. Paul unless they’re coming to work. After working there for so long, I knew what [sales] I was missing, and I decided to close the shop without knowing where I was going to go.” Glass renamed his shop Phil Phil’s and has been busy providing general haircut and shaving services since its grand opening on June 7. Customers enjoy complimentary refreshments and treats. The shop is nearly the same size as his previous space, which he once shared with two other barbers. He said he fell in love with the new space right away and is excited to connect with new clientele that will hopefully allow his Barbershop / Page 3
City reorganizes departments, looks to hire more staff Jake Spitzack Staff Writer
n an effort to cut down on administrative costs and increase efficiency, the city of South St. Paul has merged its public works and engineering departments. The decision was made in mid-June following the retirement of former public works director Pat Dunn. City engineer Sue Polka is leading the reorganized de-
partment. “We’re looking to grow the engineering department and now we’ll be able to do more in-house design, which will help save money,” said Polka. “I offered to take on the [public works director] job because I know how hard it is to find employees right now, and I knew I was capable. I previously worked as public works director in Mendota Heights, Arden Hills and in a city in Texas.”
In addition to her responsibilities as city engineer, Polka will now oversee all public works projects. Projects underway include the reconstruction on Concord Street, work to water treatment well #3, and replacement of the watermain crossings under I-494 and the watermain under 7th Avenue South. Howard Steenberg, former public works leadworker, has been promoted to
the newly created position of public works superintendent to help supervise staff and projects. The City also plans to hire an assistant city engineer in 2023 to assist Polka with design work. Polka currently oversees two full-time employees in engineering and 19 in public works. In other news, the South St. Paul City Council recently approved a communication coordinator position
and is seeking to fill it by Labor Day. Duties include creating and implementing marketing campaigns, updating the city’s website and social media platforms, and coordinating media for city events and activities. The South St. Paul Police Department recently hired Dylan Naffziger as its sixth community service officer (CSO), filling all CSO openings in the department.
CSO’s are non-sworn in positions with duties including park patrol, animal control, resolving code enforcement violations and more. Naffziger is pursuing a law enforcement degree at Inver Hills Community College. He is also a member of the Minnesota Army National Guard and recently returned from deployment to Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Egypt.
E lection 2022
Your community news and information source
Three vie for Dakota County Commissioner District 2 seat Three candidates will face off in the primary for the Dakota County Commissioner District 2 seat, which covers South St. Paul.
Joe Atkins Occupation: Small business owner and attorney Political experience: Current Dakota County Commissioner, Metropolitan Emergency Services chair and executive board member, Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission board member, former state legislator and former mayor of
Inver Grove Heights. Top priorities: Public safety and health, parks, providing outstanding constituent service and keeping Dakota County debt-free. Candidate statement: “Since I was first elected county commissioner in 2016, Dakota County has paid off all county debt, making us one of the only debt-free counties in the nation. During this period, we have also been named the best county in the country for public safety and public health, beating out 3,000 counties nationwide, while also safely maintaining 424 miles of roads, 83 bridges, nine award-winning libraries and 5,000 acres of popular parks and natural areas. Remaining debt free, providing outstanding service, and assisting constituents remain my top priorities.” Website:
Jimmy Francis Occupation: Employee benefits advisor with Assured Partners Political experience: Current mayor of South St. Paul, South Metro Fire Board President, member of South St. Paul Futures and member of the Dakota County Broadband Board. Top priorities: Listening to residents of the district, mental health and public safety. Candidate statement: “What I will bring to the
Proven Leadership
county is energy with a focus on action; energy behind mental wellness. Currently, our county provides enough funds for a safety net or crisis intervention. We need to invest in people and provide robust and impactful tailored services for people experiencing mental health emergencies and provide for mental health wellness. Action behind this would look out 25 years and bring in experts to help draft the plan that would include reaching out to hospital systems around the world and use the (county’s) debt-free status to leverage investment from private systems into Dakota County. The work I will do for District 2 will be leveraged for the entire county and would make it an even better place to live.” Website:
John Wheeler Occupation: Self-employed real estate attorney Political experience: First-time candidate Top priorities: Engaging with residents, improving infrastructure, encouraging business presences in the county and ensuring stable housing opportunities exist. Candidate statement: “To utilize fiscal responsibility in the way resources are distributed.” Website: wheeler4d2@
Voter registration, polling locations Due to redistricting, some polling locations may be different than last year. To find your polling location, visit pollfinder.sos.state. To vote in Minnesota, residents must be a U.S. citizen, at least 18 years old on election day, and a resident of Minnesota for 20 days. Register to vote before the primary election to save time at your polling location. To register online, visit For more information on elections and voter registration, call the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office at 651215-1440 or visit sos.state.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
I'm proud of our great city and what we accomplish together!
FOR SOUTH ST. PAUL CITY COUNCIL Prepared and paid for by the Tom Q. Seaberg election committee, 700 Wentworth Ave., South St. Paul, MN 55075, 651-703-3885
Page 2 - South St. Paul Voice - August 2022
PreSchool - 8th Grade 745 6th Avenue South South St. Paul, MN 55075 (651) 455-8557
C ommunity
Your community news and information source
SSP Schools from page 1
lighting updates, carpet and countertops South St. Paul Education Center: boiler replacement In other school news, Kindergarten camp will be held August 9-12. Hours are 8:30-11 a.m. at Lincoln Center and 9-11:30 a.m. at Kaposia Education Center. The program helps prepare children for kindergarten by
introducing them to their school environment, teachers and peers, bus safety and lunch procedures. The TriDistrict Center for Advanced Professional Studies is in its fifth year and offers work experience programs to high school juniors and seniors in South St. Paul, West St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Inver Grove
Barbershop from page 1
business to thrive for another 20 years and beyond. Glass completed some cosmetic updates to his new shop, including painting, new flooring and signage. He plans to hire another barber this fall and potentially a third in the future.
“I love meeting and talking with people during the haircut,” said Glass. “There are so many different personalities and so many stories. It’s just cool to have a good conversation with people.” A St. Paul native, Glass received his barbering license
Heights and Eagan. It has a projected enrollment of 120 students for the upcoming school year. Courses are offered in business and entrepreneurship, health care, transportation and – new this year – computer science. The center also matches interns with local businesses at no cost. Internships can be paid or unpaid. For more information on the CAPS program, contact Kusch at 612-267-2760, bkusch@
Stock photo: Metro Creative Graphics
from the Minnesota School of Barbering on Lake Street in 1999. He landed a job at the House of Hair shortly after, which was then owned by Skip Toombs. After six years, Toombs sold the business to Glass and two of his coworkers. The other two co-owners eventually left for personal reasons and in 2016 Glass became the sole owner.
Now Accepting Fall Registrations Classes start September 6 Celebrating our 43rd year!
Open House Registrations 4-8 p.m. Aug. 23, 24, 25 Aug. 30, 32, Sept. 1
Philip Glass Jr.
222 N. Concord Exchange South St. Paul
Call us for our new fall schedule or email us your home address
Find us on
"A Classic Performing Arts Studio"
Joe Kaliszewski for South St. Paul City Council
"Our city needs experienced people more than ever to help guide us through these challenging economic times. I will continue to strive to keep taxes as low as possible while maintaining the great services of our city."
"Vote for Joe"
Experienced Knowledgeable Caring & Approachable Lifelong SSP resident
Become a Tutor!
Prepared and paid for by Joe Kaliszewski, 256 6th Ave. S., South St. Paul, MN 55075, 651-451-3218.
The South St. Paul Voice is published monthly and distributed to 8,500 homes and high traffic businesses in South St. Paul. Publisher & Editor: Tim Spitzack Copy Editor: Leslie Martin Staff Writers: Jake Spitzack John E. Ahlstrom
Contributors: Lois Glewwe Roger Fuller Delivery: Independent Delivery Service
For questions regarding news or advertising, call 651-457-1177
1643 So. Robert St., West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-457-1177 | | The South St. Paul Voice assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed by contributors and for the validity of claims or items reported. Copyright South St. Paul Voice 2022. All rights reserved in compliance of Federal Copyright Act of 1978.
South St. Paul Voice - August 2022 - Page 3
C ommunity
Your community news and information source
Fill the Backpack campaign begins August 2
he South St. Paul Mayor’s Youth Task Force will kick off the 22nd annual Fill the Backpack campaign on August 2. The campaign provides backpacks and school supplies for students in need who attend South St. Paul schools. We begin collecting supplies at the many Night to Unite celebrations on August 2. Residents are encouraged to bring their donations to their neighborhood get-together. Task
Library events Book Club, 7-8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 11. The title is “No One Is Coming to Save Us” by Stephanie Powell Watts. Visit tinyurl. com/SSPbookclub for more information. Bucket Drumming, 4-5 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 4. Learn basic drumming techniques, rhythm patterns, and grooves as you practice on bucket drums. Geared toward older adults. Registration required. This event will
take place at John Carroll Senior Highrise, 300 Grand Ave. W., South St. Paul.
Student notes Hamline University dean’s list: Benjamin Path, Carter Viner, Dawson Shanley, Heidi Therres, Jaime Hernandez Portillo, Jemmy Vasquez Sermeno, Nevaeh Van Horn Milwaukee School of Engineering: Connor Sadowski earned a bachelor of science in mechanical engi-
neering University of North Dakota graduates: Cora Duffy, communications; Elizabeth Perkins, physician assistant studies
Meeting dates The South St. Paul City Council meets at 7 p.m. the first and third Monday of each month in the council chambers at City Hall, 125 3rd Ave. N. For agendas and city council member contact information, visit www.
Affordable Living Seniors (50 & Older)
Now accepting applications for 1-bedroom incomebased apartments. Our buildings are updated, quiet and in a great neighborhood.
Pet Friendly!
force members will collect them, fill the backpacks and deliver them to the schools. Each year we receive hundreds of notebooks, pencils, markers and crayons at these neighborhood block parties, and from other groups and individuals. On average, the task force fills about 200 backpacks with basic school supplies and distributes them to the elementary and secondary schools. We are gearing up for another 200 backpacks this year as well. If your child needs a backpack with supplies, or only school supplies, contact your or call 651554-3284. The Special School District 6 School Board meets at 6 p.m. the second and fourth Monday of each month. For agendas and school board member contact information, visit www. or call 651-4579400. The South St. Paul Lions Club meets at 7:15 p.m. the first and third Thursday of the month (September May). For more information, visit
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South St. Paul HRA Serving Pre-K-12th graders in St. Paul Metro
New Building Opening this Fall! St. Paul City School is building a new facility one block west of the capital at University Ave. W. and Marion St. We will have Pre-K through grade 12 under one roof! The new building features state-of-the-art classrooms, gymnasium, green space/playground, cafeteria, community space, and a community center. We're now enrolling. Call today or enroll online!
To learn more and schedule a tour
Call 651-225-9177 or visit
St. Paul City School
215 University Ave. W., St. Paul Page 4 - South St. Paul Voice - August 2022
• New state-of-the-art facility • Free public charter school • Small class sizes (25 or fewer) • Full day pre-school and kindergarten • Emphasis on community • Environmental Ed / Experiential Learning programs • Free school busing in St. Paul for Pre-K-12th grade • Free breakfast & lunch available • Special education services • English language learning services • School culture that emphasizes relationships, community building, leadership and character growth.
Johnson-Peterson Funeral Home & Cremation 612 So. Smith Ave.
child’s school. The school will get you what you need. If your business, organization, group or family would like to donate supplies and or make a monetary donation, please drop off your supplies or funds at South St. Paul City Hall, 125 Third Ave. N., attention Deb Griffith. Checks should made payable to the City of South St. Paul – Fill the Backpack Campaign. For a list of needed supplies, visit the events calendar at www. and click on August 2. The task force thanks everyone in advance for their
To register for the following programs, call 651366-6200 or visit Youth Football registration is now open. Register in person 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday or 7-11 a.m. Friday at City Hall, 125 3rd Ave. N., or at Flag Football, grades 1-2 ($65); Tackle Bar, grades 3-4 ($85); Tackle, “Lo nuestro grades 5-6 ($85). es Train un servicio Like a Hero - Mark your calendar for this event, held 9 a.m.-noon at Kaposia Landing. It indecludes sinceridad” an obstacle course, smoke house from the fire Desde 1927 department, community workout and food trucks. $20 if registered by Sept. 12; $25 after. Day of event Ken B. Peterson is cash only. Owner-Director Trail Walk Treasure Hunt - The next medallion Johnson-Peterson hunt takes place Wednesday, Aug. 3. Visit southstCasa Funeriafor y Cremación daily clues, posted at noon Wednesday 612 So. Smith Ave. through Sunday. 651-222-3220
MidWestOne Bank 930 Southview Blvd. 451-2133
donations to the campaign. Every donation helps ensure that all South St. Paul students start the school year right. We extend a special thanks to the Mizpah Lodge #191 for hosting the Annual Taco Feed at the Croatian Hall earlier this year in support of the Fill the Backpack campaign. A very generous donation from the club will help us purchase the backpacks and much-needed supplies. For more information on the campaign, contact Deb Griffith, community affairs liaison, at deb. or 651-554-3230.
Support the businesses that support our community
State Farm Christopher Kisch 625 Southview Blvd. 455-9700
Metzen Realty and Associates Co. 412 Southview Blvd. 455-2214
Luther Memorial Church
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
315 15th Ave. N. 651-451-2400 •
Catholic church 749 6th Ave. S. 651-455-1302 •
St. Augustine’s Catholic Church
Clark Memorial United Church
408 3rd St. N. 651-455-1302 •
779 15th Ave. N. 651-451-7278 •
First Presbyterian 535 20th Ave. N. 651-451-6223 •
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox church 357 2nd Ave. S. 651-451-0775 •
Woodbury Lutheran Wakota Ridge Campus
Saint John Vianney Catholic Church
255 W. Douglas St. 651-739-5144 •
789 17th Ave. N. 651-451-1863 •
Worship Guide
South St. Paul Hispanic Seventh-day Adventist 140 6th Ave. N. 651-455-0777 •
Grace Lutheran Church 149 8th Ave. S. 651-451-1035
Sf. Stefan Romanian Orthodox Church 350 5th Ave. N. 651-451-3462 •
St Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church 501 6th Ave. S. 651-455-8947
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Visit to explore these schools and for tips on how to choose a school that best fits your student's and family's needs.
Academia Cesar Chavez 1801 Lacrosse Ave., St. Paul 651-778-2940 St. Paul City School PreK-12 260 Edmund Ave., St. Paul 651-225-9177
COLLEGES / UNIVERSITIES St. Paul College 235 Marshall Ave., St. Paul 651-846-1600
St. Croix Lutheran Academy 1200 Oakdale Ave., West St. Paul 651-455-1521
Academia Cesar Chavez 1801 Lacrosse Ave., St. Paul 651-778-2940 | St. Paul City School PreK-12 260 Edmund Ave., St. Paul 651-225-9177 |
St. Croix Lutheran Academy 1200 Oakdale Ave., West St. Paul 651-455-1521 |
St. Paul College 235 Marshall Ave., St. Paul 651-846-1600 |
South St. Paul Voice - August 2022 - Page 5
S ample St. Paul
Fitzgerald Theatre
10 Exchange St. E. St. Paul 612-338-8388
Wine & Crime Podcast is presented at 8 p.m., Friday, Aug. 12. Tickets start at $35.
Your community news and information source
Palace Theatre 17 7th Place West St. Paul 612-338-8388
The Psychedelic Furs perform with special guest X at 8 p.m., Saturday, July
30. Tickets start at $39.50. The Dead South perform with special guests Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band and Tejon Street Corner Thieves at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Aug. 8. Tickets start at $39.
“A Beautiful Planet” is presented at the Omnitheatre through September 8. Blockbuster movie nights are held Fridays at 7 p.m. in August.
Park Square Theatre
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Page 6 - South St. Paul Voice - August 2022
20 W. 7th Place St. Paul 651-291-7005
“Holmes and Watson” is presented through August 21. Dr. Watson receives a telegram from a mental asylum stating that three patients are claiming to be Sherlock Holmes. He must investigate who the imposters are and if Sherlock Holmes faked his own death. Tickets start at $16.
Landmark Center
75 5th St. W. St. Paul 651-292-3225
“Summer Nights in Rice” is a free music concert series held 4-7 p.m. on select Thursdays through September. The lineup includes Will Kjeer Quartet, July 28; Twin Cities Latin Band, Aug. 11; Everett Smithson Band, Aug. 25; Pete Whitman & Mississippi, Sept. 8; and International Reggae All Stars, Sept. 22. Andrew Young, Landmark Center’s current artist-inresidence, will create several interactive art exhibits this summer exploring what’s beyond the five senses. All events are free. “CARE: Light Up Landmark,” is held 7-9 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 18, and explores the sense of wonder. Visitors can project shadow puppets onto the side of the three-story tall building to tell stories. The Landmark Center offers free guided walking tours at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays through August. Reservations are required. It Happened Right Here: St. Paul’s Origins tour explores downtown and provides stories about the city’s first settlers. The tour is held the first Wednesday of each
month, departing from the Kellogg and Robert Street entrance to Kellogg Park. The Rice Park tour circles one of St. Paul’s most iconic parks and observes the surrounding buildings that gave the park its central role in city events and celebrations. The tour is held the second Wednesday of each month. It departs from the Landmark Center at 75 5th St. W. The Great River tour travels along the Mississippi, highlighting buildings and locations that helped make St. Paul the city it is today. This tour is held the third Wednesday of each month, departing from Upper Landing Park at Shephard Road and Chestnut Street.
MN Children’s Museum 10 7th St. W. St. Paul 651-225-6000
“Wallace and Gromit and Shaun the Sheep: Shear Genius!” is featured through Aug. 28. Blast off in Wallace’s rocket, test out some wild contraptions with Gromit, climb around the barn with Shaun and engage in problem solving activities. “Shipwreck Adventures” includes a sunken pilot house and 20-foot-long decaying ship hull based on a real sunken ship, a diver training area and interpretation of the natural landscape of Lake Superior’s north shore. Other exhibits and activities include The Scramble, The Studio, Creativity Jam, Sprouts, Backyard, Our World, Forces at Play, Super Awesome Adventures, Imaginopolis and the Tip Top Terrace. The museum is open 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Tues.-Sun. Tickets are $14.95. Admission is free the first Sunday of each month; reservations are required. The next free date is Aug. 7.
S ample St. Paul MN Museum of American Art 350 Robert St. N. St. Paul 651-797-2571
“Off the Deep End” is a digital mural printed on vinyl that will be installed in the Jackson Street skyway bridge between 4th and 5th Streets through March 15, 2023. The artwork was created by 19 students from the St. Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists and explores the theme of metaphorical rising sea level. “In Our Minds” is on display through October 16 in skyways and along sidewalks. The display, held in partnership with Interact Center for the Visual and Performing Arts, celebrates art-making as a form of research, improvisation and play.
175 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651- 265-4800
Your community news and information source
13. Visitors may free-build with cardboard. “Science Superheroes” is a temporary exhibit on display through August. Learn about the science museum’s scientists, see projects they’re working on, and get a sneak peek at items from the museum’s collection. “Artists at Pine Needle Gallery” is a temporary exhibit displaying the work of local artists from the Pine Needles cabin on the St. Croix Watershed Research Station property. The artwork explores the place where art and science meet in Minnesota’s environment. “Real STEM Stories” is an online exhibit. Learn about professionals working in the STEM field. Omnitheater - “A Beautiful Planet” is presented through September 8. See the beauty of earth and the evidence of climate change through the eyes of astro-
nauts aboard the International Space Station. “Into America’s Wild” is presented through October 14. Explore fantastical wild places and the human connection we all share with the natural world. Blockbuster movie nights are held Fridays at 7 p.m. in August. The lineup includes: Guardians of the Galaxy, Aug. 5; WALL-E, Aug. 12; Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Aug. 19; Star Wars: The Last Jedi (member-exclusive), Aug. 25; and Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Aug. 26. Theater tickets are $9.95, with discounts for children and seniors. Museum tickets are $19.95, with discounts for children and seniors
special guests Avril Lavigne and Willow, 7:30 p.m., Thursday, July 28. Tickets start at $25. Alan Jackson, 7 p.m., Friday, July 29. Tickets start at $36. Brandi Carlile with special guests Lake Street Dive and Celisse, 6:30 p.m., Saturday, July 30. Tickets start at $30. Maverick City Music and Kirk Franklin, 6:45 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 6. Tickets start at $26.
Xcel Center
Baby Keem and Tanna Leone, 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 20. Tickets start at $44.
I do painting, repairs & cleaning of homes and apartments
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Window Washing Gutter Cleaning and Repairs
Dakota County Commissioner Re-Elect
Joe Atkins þ
199 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-726-8240
Machine Gun Kelly with
Host an Exchange Student Today !
“Show Me Reptile (for 3, 5 or 10 months) Show,” 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Saturday, July 30. Tickets Make a lifelong start at $10; free for children friend from abroad. Enrich your family with 12 and under. another culture. Now you can “Modest – Premium host a high school exchange Automotive Showcase,” student (girl or boy) from Belgium, France, Germany, 2-8 p.m., Saturday, Aug. Ukraine, Scandinavia, Spain, 13. Over 150 vehicles will Japan, Italy or other countries. Single parents, as well as Hanna from Germany, 17 yrs. be on display, and music, Giorgio from Italy, 16 yrs. Enjoys spending time with her Loves to play baseball and spend couples with or without family and younger siblings. food, games and prizes will time with his dogs. Giorgio also children, may host. Contact us Hanna plays volleyball and is plays the guitar, and his dream ASAP for more information or is to join a drama club at his be available. Tickets are $15 excited to learn new sports while in America. American high school. to select your student. for adults and $8 for chilAmy at 1-800-736-1760 (Toll Free) dren age 12 and under. Amy at 1-800-736-1760 (Toll Free) or Tammy at 715-497-6696 “Colleges That Change host.asse.comor oremail email Lives Information Session and College Fair,” 11 a.m.Founded in 1976 ASSE International Student Exchange Program is a Public Benefit, Non-Profit Organization. 1 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 20. Visitors can get information from 44 liberal arts colleges 5/16/22 that are members of CollegesASSE 4x4 Regions 0522.indd 5 That Change Lives. Registration is required. Free.
Minnesota Firefighters and Minnesota Nurses named Joe Atkins Elected Official of the Year for his work to protect public safety Prepared and paid for by Atkins Volunteer Committee, 105 Hardman Court, South St. Paul, MN 55075,
For privacy reasons, photos above are not photos of actual students INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMS
Our mission: Helping you find yours.
4:18 PM
Science Museum of Minnesota 120 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-221-9444
OneRepublic performs with special guest NEEDTOBREATHE, 7 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 7. Tickets start at $35. The Lumineers perform with special guests Gregory Alan Isakov and Daniel Rodriguez, 7 p.m., Friday, Aug. 12. Tickets start at $36. Twenty One Pilots perform with special guest Peter McPoland, 8 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 18. Tickets start at $35. Kendrick Lamar performs with special guests
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Downtown St. Paul Farmers‘ Market Saturday & Sunday Mornings till 1:00 PM 290 5th Street East Securian Farmers’ Market Wednesday's from 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM 400 Robert Street N South St. Paul Farmers’ Market Wednesday's from 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM 12th Ave & Southview West St. Paul - Signal Hills Farmers’ Market Friday's from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM 1225 S. Robert Street
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Visit your local market and get in on the deliciousness! 7th Place Mall Farmers’ Market Thursday's from 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM Between Wabasha Street & St. Peters Street
P R O G R A M M E S I N T E R N AT I O N A U X D ' É C H A N G E S É T U D I A N T S
“Summer of Space” features exhibits, movies and experiences showing the beauty and extremes of space, as well as the science that brings people there. “Journey to Space” is the featured temporary exhibit on display through September 5. Learn about the extraordinary conditions of space travel and the challenges and rewards of life on the International Space Station. See relics from past decades of space exploration, including Neil Armstrong’s gloves from Apollo 11. “Cardboard City” is a temporary, interactive exhibit offered through November
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South St. Paul Voice - August 2022 - Page 7 7/15/22 10:17 AM
S ummer Events Outdoor Music & Movies St. Paul’s Parks and Recreation department will present the movie “Up” July 28 at the West Minnehaha Recreation Center, and “Encanto,” July 29 at El Rio Vista Recreation Center. Movies begin 15 minutes after sunset. Children ages 10 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Participants are encouraged to bring food and a blanket or lawn chair. For more information, visit or call 651292-6508. Summer Nights in Rice - Free outdoor concerts are held at Rice Park Thursdays, 4-7 p.m., through September. The Pete Whitman Quartet, July 14; The Will Kjeer Quartet, July 28; Twin Cities Latin Band, Aug. 11; Everett Smithson Band, Aug. 25; Pete Whitman & Mississippi, Sept. 8; International Reggae All Stars, Sept. 22. Music at Mears Park concerts begins at noon. The lineup includes: Steven’s Family Band, July 26; Sonic Love Child, July 27; Saint Suburbia, Aug. 2; to be determined, Aug. 3; Capital Wind Ensemble, Aug. 9; and 99er’s, Aug. 10. Lowertown Sounds will present free outdoor concerts 6-9:30 p.m., Thursdays in Mears Park. Upcoming performances are: We are the Willows and Folios, July 28; Flamin’ Oh’s and The Scarlet Groove, Aug. 4; Mayda and Becky Kapell, Aug. 11; Malamanya and Jaedyn James, Aug. 18; Joyann Parker Band
and Beaur Baker Band, Aug. 25. Food and beverages will be available for purchase – benefiting the St. Paul Yellow Ribbon Network. Guests are invited to bring blankets and chairs. For more information, visit Union Depot is screening the movie “Encanto,” at 9 p.m., Friday, Aug. 5 in Lot D, located near Kellogg boulevard. The event features a chance to win a prize basket. Concessions will be available. Tickets are $15 per vehicle. To purchase tickets or for more information, visit depotdrivein.
Fairs & Festivals The Dakota County Fair takes place Aug. 8-14 at the Fairgrounds, 4008 W. 220th St., Farmington. Highlights include musical entertainment, demolition derby, midway rides, talent contests, grandstand shows, car and livestock shows, historic village and food. For more information, visit or call 651-463-8818. Minnesota State Fair is held Aug. 25-Sept. 5 at the State Fairgrounds, 1265 N. Snelling Ave. The Fair showcases Minnesota’s finest in agriculture, art and industry, hundreds of concession stands, a giant Midway, Grandstand concerts, giveaways, animal and product demonstrations, parades and much more. Grandstand concerts include: Alice In Chains and Breaking
Your community news and information source Benjamin with special guest Bush by 93X, 5:30 p.m., Aug. 25 ($36-72); Counting Crows: Butter Miracle Tour with special guest The Wallflowers, 7 p.m., Aug. 26 ($34-51); Pitbull - Can’t Stop Us Now Summer Tour 2022 with special guest Iggy Azalea, 7 p.m., Aug. 28 ($39-84); Jim Gaffigan: The Fun Tour, 7 p.m., Aug. 30 ($39-94); Live & UnZoomed 2022: REO Speedwagon & Styx with special guest Levon, 7 p.m., Sept. 1 ($41-51); Zac Brown Band: Out In The Middle Tour with special guest Robert Randolph Band, 7 p.m., September 2 ($75-194); and Diana Ross with special guest Naturally 7, 7 p.m., September 3. ($34-60). For more information, visit IndiaFest is held 11 a.m.9 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 13, at the Minnesota State Capitol grounds, 75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. The free event will feature performances from Asian Indian dance groups, Indian cuisine from local restaurants, Bollywood music, cultural displays, activities and games, along with an Indian bazaar. For more information, visit or call 651-321-3421. Irish Fair of Minnesota takes place Aug. 12-14 at Harriet Island. This event celebrates Irish heritage through music, dance, Gaelic sports, children’s activities, a Celtic marketplace, cultural displays and Irish food and drink. The musical
Irish Fair of Minnesota takes place Aug. 12-14 at Harriet Island. lineup includes We Banjo 3, Gaelic Storm, Skerryvore, The Friel Sisters, Aoife Scott, Clare Cunningham. Patsy O’Brien, Wild Colonial Bhoys, Sweet Colleens, Paddy Wagon, The Northerly Gales, The Hounds of Finn, The Tim Malloys, The Inland Seas, and Locklin Road. New this year is pub trivia, an Irish Toast competition, “Sea Shanty Sing-Along,” and The Real Irish Comedy Tour. The Wee Stages return this year with some new additions, including comedy, trivia, games and more. Hours are 3-11 p.m., Aug. 12, 10 a.m.-11 p.m., Aug. 13, and 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Aug. 14. Tickets are $15-$45 for adults and $12-$40 for youth. Free for kids under age 13. For more information, visit or call 651-645-0221.
Japanese Obon Festival, 3-9 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 21, at the Marjorie McNeely Conservatory in Como Park, 1225 Estabrook Dr. The festival will feature cultural music and dance, origami demonstrations, a lantern lighting and more. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for seniors age 65 and up and children age 3-12. Tickets must be purchased in advance. For more information, call 651-487-8200.
Food Truck Festival returns to Union Depot The 6th annual St. Paul Food Truck Festival is held 11 a.m.-9 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 6, at Union Depot Lot C, 390 E. Kellogg Blvd. More than 45 food trucks will participate. You’ll
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find global flavors ranging from Spanish paella to New Zealand meat pies to Maine lobster rolls, as well as handcrafted beers and other beverage options. To purchase beer, attendees must request a wristband at the entrance. The MN Lottery I’MN Stage will feature live music from local cover bands throughout the day, including Khalia & Blackwater, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Tyte Phitt, 2:30-5:30 p.m., and Sumo Seven, 6-9 p.m. The event also features fashion/ clothing trucks, a vintage record truck, and a photo booth truck. Other activities include life-size Jenga, a mechanical bull, bean bag toss and henna tattoo artists. There is no charge for the event, but donations are accepted to benefit Feed My Starving Children.
C ommunity
Your community news and information source
Neighbors, Inc. Charlie Thompson President & CEO
Neighbors’ Financial Empowerment program has been serving our community for one year now. Recently, we remodeled part of our building to serve as the Financial Empowerment Center. The program offers services to help improve your
financial well-being. Financial well-being means having financial security, now and in the future. Participants start by choosing a financial goal and work alongside one of our certified financial counselors to achieve it. (For more infor-
Dragonfly Escort I was up north walking through the woods with an escort of dragonflies on either side, as if I were a visiting dignitary in need of protection. I love dragonflies, their variety, shiny wings and the way they turn on a dime in midair. I love how they clear the path of mosquitos as I walk through the woods along the lakeshore. I love how they behave exactly as a good escort should. My husband, Peter, and I spent the early days of summer at my parents’ cabin, where everything magical I imagine about the north woods showed up in reality, as if by magic. I saw the first wild geraniums of the season and a doe with three speckled fawns. I had never seen a deer with three fawns before and thought she might be running some sort of baby deer daycare. My mother thought
Carrie Classon
she saw a big black dog by the side of the road – until it stood up; it was very much a juvenile bear, fur shining in the sun. It got so uncharacteristically hot that I jumped in the lake. I’m a wimp when it comes to cold water, and the lake is deep, but the cabin isn’t air conditioned, and one afternoon I simply couldn’t stand it anymore. I jumped in the cold water and swam out to the point. A loon popped up right in front of me, as if on cue, no
mation, visit neighborsmn. org and click on Financial Empowerment under the services menu.) Jenny Sanford, Financial Empowerment program manager, writes a monthly blog post about financial well-being and how Neighbors can help. Below is a recent post regarding inflation and how to mitigate its effects. I encourage you to read it as it continues to be relevant and the impacts of inflation have only become more challenging. We’ve all experienced the impact of inflation over the past few months with rising prices at the grocery store.
doubt wondering who or what this awkward aquatic creature was. A huge storm rolled in and blew the hot weather away. The next afternoon, I walked to the public access, again with a dragonfly escort. The wind blew fiercely at the end of the dock and stirred whitecaps on the lake. That’s when I heard the music. “Someone is playing a pan flute recording,” I thought. I looked over at the nearby cabin. The music stopped. Then it started again. “Someone must be playing the pan flute!” I amended, hearing the music rise in volume. Then I heard it coming from the other direction. “What the heck?” I turned and stared at the shore. Clearly, it was a flute, but now it was coming from both sides of the dock, which made no sense at all. For a moment I wondered if I was hallucinating: music, coming from the woods, in both directions, increasingly loud. Instead of gazing into the
Food costs increased by nearly 9% in the year ending in March 2022, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Inflation is the increase in prices and decrease in purchasing power. It can happen incrementally or rapidly in response to instability in the world or the local market. In recent months, inflation has hit a 40-year high. Neighbors is here to help people who are financially stressed due to inflation. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Thrifty Food Plan, a family of four spent an estimated $205 a week on food early this year. One way that
trees for an answer, I looked a bit closer at hand. Halfway down the length of the dock stood two stout support poles made of steel, each with six holes drilled down the length of them. This day, the holes were directly positioned in the path of the strong wind. Suddenly, they let out an unmistakable musical chord. First one, then the other, then in unison, then in harmony. I sat at the end of the dock, put my feet in the water and listened. The music was beautiful, untamed and as utterly unpredictable as the wind that composed it. I felt privileged to be sitting there on the dock, listening to this wild and amazing music. You might say it was random noise created by two galvanized pipes, and I suppose you would be right – but only technically. In truth, it was a magical concert put on by the wind, and I was fortunate enough to be the audience, a lucky guest, ushered in by dragonflies.
Neighbors helps offset the sting of inflation is through our Hunger Relief program. Our food shelf participants receive about a week’s worth of food and personal items each month. Visiting the food shelf allows families to spend money on additional basic need items and save money for emergencies. In addition, our Resiliency program can help people save money on essential items like clothing and household goods. Our Clothes Closet Thrift Store carries quality new and gently used merchandise. Prices are extremely affordable, and gift cards are available for clients with limited means.
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Neighbors also provides free financial counseling services through our Financial Empowerment program. Participants set their own financial goals, while highly trained counselors support them with information, skill-building, and access to helpful tools to boost financial well-being. During this period of heightened inflation we are here to support our community. If you or someone you know is having a hard time making ends meet, please reach out by calling 651-455-5000 or email us at financialempowerment@
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South St. Paul Voice - August 2022 - Page 9
S ports A South St. Paul Treasure: the Minnesota Lady Loons
Your community news and information source
John E. Ahlstrom Staff Writer
don’t know how many slo-pitch softball teams take to the diamond in an average summer in the State of Minnesota but I would presume there are several thousand. After all, it is a wonderful summer activity, and it is great fun. There is, however, only one team in our state that captured the gold medal at the National Senior Games on May 19, 2022 in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. The team’s home base is in South St. Paul and they play weekly in the Recreation Softball League at the Kaposia Landing fields. There’s not even a charge to watch them play, although that might change soon. They are the Minnesota Lady Loons, and they are a precious commodity. The Loons were assigned to the 70-74 age group, Division 2 in Ft. Lauderdale and they prevailed without a single loss. The Loons story goes back to 2000 when a few of the athletes still on the current roster were playing competi-
The Loons captured first place this spring at the 2022 National Senior Games, held in Florida. tive tennis. “One of them had played tennis in the National Senior Games,” recalled Cheryl King, a founding member of the Lady Loons. “Tired of going alone, she suggested
we play a team sport. We looked at each other and said, ‘How about softball?’” And the franchise was born. In a rather loony mood, they chose to call themselves the “Tennis
To submit news or advertising to reach 37,500 homes in the greater St. Paul area and the Latino market of the Twin Cities, call 651-457-1177.
Community news for community minded people in... • Downtown St. Paul • The West Side • West St. Paul • South St. Paul • Mendota Heights • Sunfish Lake • Lilydale Page 10 - South St. Paul Voice - August 2022
Team” because all of them played tennis – and that probably would confuse the National Senior Games committee. The Loons are certainly not above pulling a gag here or there.
“We started our journey by holding practices and then joining an open local slow pitch softball league playing against younger gals,” said King. “We suffered through pulled muscles and aching
joints and, in the meantime, learned the meaning of ‘agony of defeat.’” In 2000, the Lady Loons were young and sprightly and participated in the 5054 age group when they traveled to competitions all over the country. It was a difficult climb, but they were “allin” and their camaraderie was off the charts. A breakthrough came in 2009 when they captured silver medals in the 60-64 age group in Palo Alto, Calif., and bronze medals in Cleveland, Ohio, in 2013. “We were self-coached and diligently practiced every Monday, played in a summer league and even played some practice games with the ‘old duffers’ men’s teams in Roseville,” said King. “We finally made the big step by recruiting a coach, David Edin, who has really helped our game grow.” One of the negative results of the growth of the National Senior Games has been the proliferation of All-Star teams that actively recruit on a national scale. It certainly goes against the notion of fair play and the
S ports spirit of the Games themselves. It is also sticks in the craw of King, Colita Fischer and other team members. “As time goes by it seems that we are, more and more, the only homegrown team to take part in many of the national tournaments,” said King. “All of us are from Minnesota and we’re proud of that.” What is fresh and fun about the Loons is that they have their priorities straight. According to King, the grounds crew at their practice field in Bloomington always has the field in perfect condition – partly because Fischer showers them with lemon bars and other treats. On July 18, when the temperature hovered at 95 degrees, the Loons had a brisk 75-minute workout and then, as a team, went to Jimmy John’s to escape the heat and partake of a sandwich. I have not yet met the members of the team, but I’ve spoken with three or four and all had difficulty getting through our brief telephone interviews without a laugh or a joke or a positive word.
Your community news and information source Not surprisingly, the story of the Lady Loons is not limited to softball. When the season comes to an end and the winds began to howl, they continue to get together as a team for admirable causes. They make blankets for organizations that need them, participate in the Feed my Starving Children program, distribute Thanksgiving meals, sew winter mittens for children and deliver needy items to Mary’s Place, a homeless shelter in Minneapolis. Since their inception, the Lady Loons’ main sponsor has been Gallagher’s Bar and Restaurant in West St. Paul. Gallagher’s annually pays the team’s registration fee for their participation in the South St. Paul Recreation Softball League. The team exhibits their appreciation for Gallagher’s generosity by stopping by for a beverage or two at the conclusion of their Wednesday night games. Remaining regular season games at Kaposia Landing: July 27 vs 220 Club at 6:15 p.m. on Field 4, and August 3 vs B52 Aftershock at 6:15 p.m. on Field 4.
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B ack in Time
Your community news and information source
Local Rotary Club ceases operations Lois Glewwe Contributor
mainstay of local charitable giving, sponsorship and business and civic engagement has come to an end. The Rotary Club of South St. Paul/Inver Grove Heights disbanded in June after 60 years of serving the community. Rotary provided financial support to Kaposia Days and other community groups. Over the years, the club became best known for its sponsorship of foreign exchange students attending South St. Paul Secondary or Simley High School. Many club members welcomed the students into their homes and treated them as family
during their stay. Another long-time tradition was inviting two or three high school students to the weekly Rotary lunch meeting to encourage them in their studies and introduce them to Rotary. In 2012, the club began the Service to Others: Humanitarian Recognition banquet at Southview Country Club, where it honored a local resident for their contributions to the community. The club was also active in fundraising for such projects as Books for Africa and the drive to eliminate polio from Southeast Asia. Teams of volunteers, often led by the St. Paul Rotary Club, worked hard internationally to aid Rotary in achieving its goals.
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In 1962, a group of South St. Paul businessmen formed the local chapter of Rotary International, with Maurice Barnes as its first president. Twenty years later, the club expanded to include Inver Grove Heights business owners and civic leaders, and in 1987 it became the first of the local men’s organizations to include women. Kathy Smith and Jodelle Ista were the first women initiated into the local Rotary Club at that time. The club usually met at a local restaurant but in recent years gathered at Southview Country Club. The meetings included social time, guest speakers and fun and informal fundraising efforts, such as paying a dollar for not wearing your Rotary pin or to share news with the club. Each gathering included a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and the Rotary Four Way Test, which asks of the things we think, say or do: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned? Rotary International was
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In August 1990, South St. Paul was named an All-America City by the National Civic League. The new city banner was revealed at a Rotary Club meeting at the former Drover’s Inn. Jodelle Ista, one of the first women welcomed into the all-male Rotary Club, and Dr. Tom Schmidt stood in front of the Rotary banner bearing chapter flags. Flags were exchanged by clubs around the world and displayed at every weekly meeting. founded in 1905 by Paul Harris, a Chicago attorney who called three friends together for the purpose of forming an organization focused on charitable deeds and service, while encouraging lifelong friendships among its members.
Perhaps above all else, the local Rotary Club accomplished what Paul Harris had set out to do: to create lifelong friendships among its members while benefiting the community. The ability to keep those relationships strong was tested during the
pandemic, when meeting in person, especially to enjoy a meal together, came to a halt. Members gradually retired or adjusted their own post-COVID activities to accommodate other obligations.
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