South St. Paul Voice November 2019

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Volume 16 | Number 11

History takes flight Minn. Commemorative Air Force Wing is a playground for historical aviation enthusiasts Amy Johnson Staff Writer


hris Van Nostrand, a first officer commercial airline pilot in the Twin Cities, recently flew to Fort Wayne, Ind., not in a 747 but in an aircraft nicknamed Miss Mitchell: a B-25J WWII-era bomber complete with an original Bendix Turret— something you don’t find often. Van Nostrand, 24, is part of the youngest B25 crew in the country, right here at the Minnesota Commemorative Air Force (CAF) Wing in South St. Paul. The captain, first officer and flight mechanic are all are under 30. That may seem young but their average age is older than the crews who flew the twin-engine bombers in combat. The CAF is a nonprofit dedicated to restoring vintage aircraft and keeping an era of aviation history alive. It was started by a group of ex-military men in Dallas, Tex., in 1958, and has since expanded to 84 locations across the United States and around the world. Together, the units have 170 airplanes, 130 of which are operational. The Minnesota Wing boasts 12 restored aircraft and vehicles from World War II and the Korean War. “Our mission is to educate, inspire and honor (veterans),” said Mitch Bertrang, mission commander CAF / Page 5

Your Community News & Information Source

November 2019

SSP student athlete excels on world stage

Southeast Asian restaurant to open in SSP Amy Johnson Staff Writer


John E. Ahlstrom Staff Writer


hen Suni Lee was six years old she became obsessed with watching YouTube videos of world class gymnasts plying their trade. When she began emulating her new heroes by running and jumping from bed to bed—even asking her Dad to serve as a spotter— her parents, John and Yeev Thoj Lee, decided the time was ripe to enroll their daughter in a gymnastics class. Ten years later, at age 16, Lee reached the pinnacle of her sport when she was named to the Lee with her 2019 World Championelite five-member United States Women’s Gymnastics Team that ships gold medal and coach, teacher was dispatched to Stuttgart, Ger- and mentor Kelly Pederson. many on Oct. 2 to compete in competition that followed she finished the 2019 World Championships. The women’s field included 259 competi- second in the floor exercise behind her tors from 92 gymnastic federations world- teammate and reigning world champion Simone Biles, and third on the uneven wide. Lee was the only member on the team bars, enabling her to come home with without prior World Championship ex- three medals, one of each color. Biles won perience. The team competition was the gold in five of her six events, stretching first event on the agenda and Lee played her career total to 25 medals, 19 of which an instrumental role in guiding the United are gold, and making her the most decoStates to its record fifth consecutive title. rated gymnast in the history of the World In the process, she and her teammates were Championships. Lee is indebted to Biles and has fond memories of her first-ever adorned with gold medals. But Lee was not done. In the individual Suni Lee / Page 8

uthentic Lao food is coming to South St. Paul. By the end of November, Basil and Sprout restaurant will tempt diners with larb, stuffed chicken wings, egg rolls and many other dishes representing the ethnic food of the new venture’s owners. Plia and Theng Vang hope to nurture a deep connection with the community by serving up friendly hospitality in addition to the cuisine of their homeland. Plia said she wanted to open the restaurant to share her family’s LaoAmerican heritage with the community. The couple immigrated from Laos in 1988. “Plia wants to extend her table to the local community,” said Laichee Yang, their daughter-in-law, who helps with marketing, design and translation. The larb salad, made with ground or grilled beef or chicken, ground rice powder, wine and Thai chili peppers, can be eaten as a lettuce wrap or traditional salad. The stuffed chicken wing is a de-boned chicken wing stuffed with egg roll fillings— clear noodles, carrots, cabbage, chicken—then deep fried or grilled. Yang said it is best when dipped in the house sweet and sour sauce. The restaurant’s décor will feature bamboo and textile artwork. Inspiration also comes from flora of the Mississippi River valley. Yang said Basil and Sprout / Page 3


Local faith communities unite to fight homelessness


John Molene Staff Writer

usiness is booming at the Project Home day center, and that’s both a good and bad thing. The good news is that people who need a hot meal and a bed for the night are getting them. The bad news is that the need for those services continues to grow.

“We have not been able to keep up with the need,” said Director Sara Liegl. “We’ve tried several times to create extra shelter beds but it’s very hard to get the funding to keep new shelter beds up and running.” Project Home is a program of Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul that partners with local faith communities to provide emergency

shelter space for families facing homelessness. Unlike traditional shelters, Project Home coordinates with area churches, synagogues and schools to provide emergency shelter spaces for a short period of time. Most host sites are in Ramsey County, including Central Presbyterian and First Baptist in Lowertown, and a few are in Dakota County,

including First Presbyterian of South St. Paul and Salem Lutheran Church in West St. Paul. Once a congregation chooses to get involved with Project Hope, they usually become a longtime partner. “Once they do it they’re typically hooked,” said Liegl. “We have congregations like First Presbyterian who have been doing it for over 20 years. There’s some-

thing about it, that the family shelter becomes theirs. It’s an opportunity that’s so very hands-on, and different from anything else they could do.” Working with faith communities is key to addressing issues related to poverty, said Randy Roth, executive director of Interfaith Action. “There’s no faith tradition that doesn’t look at poverty

as robbing people of their God-given right to dignity,” Roth said. “What’s being left on the table in our community response to poverty is the untapped labor potential of volunteers from faith communities. “Faith communities, especially small- and mid-sized faith communities, tend to

Interfaith / Page 4

B usiness VFW celebrates 100 years marks its 100th anniversary this year, the milestone is a bit clouded by the orlthough the South St. ganization’s lack of a new SPV-MammaOct2019V-Eng.qxp_Layou Paul VFW Post 295 permanent home. Shrinking membership and rising costs were among the reaExtended by Popular Demand! sons the Gallagher-Hansen Post made the painful decision to close its former 22,000-square-foot building at 111 S. Concord Exch. Since selling the building earlier this year the Post has been operating from an office at 1401 Thompson Ave. It’s temporary, members “A HUGE hit… hope, as the Post continues Can’t wait to return!” to look for a new location, – KARE 11 preferably in South St. Paul. “The old building wasn’t sustainable,” said Post Commander Terry Pieper. “We’ve been here 100 years and we want to be around for a lot more.” The old 2-story building where the Post had operated since the 1950s had two large bars upstairs, many dining tables, pool tables, arcade games, TVs, a stage 952.934.1525 and dance floor. Downstairs 800.362.3515 had two large rooms used for weddings, anniversaries, John Molene Staff Writer


Michelle Barber, Kersten Rodau, Therese Walth

birthday parties and group meetings. Before closing, it was the largest live music venue in South St. Paul. “We’ve looked at a lot of different locations, but it’s still up in the air,” said Pieper. Post 295 was chartered in 1919 by a group of WWI veterans who returned to the community after the war seeking comradeship among those who knew first-hand the meaning behind the phrase, “All gave some. Some gave all.” “We take pride in 295 because here we truly honor the dead by serving the living,” said former post commander Mike Labovitch. Over the years, membership has declined from a high of 1,500 to the current roster of 500, of whom only about two dozen are active members, said Pieper. Members are split on what they’d like to see in their new home. Some would relish a smaller bar and restaurant, while others—mainly younger members—prefer a more family-friendly venue, Pieper said. Members held


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The South St. Paul Voice is published monthly and distributed to 8,500 homes and high traffic businesses in South St. Paul. Publisher & Editor: Tim Spitzack Copy Editor: Leslie Martin Staff Writers: John E. Ahlstrom, John Molene, Amy Johnson

Contributors: Lois Glewwe, Roger Fuller, George Derringer, Tara Guy and Ryan Funes Delivery: Independent Delivery Service

For questions regarding news or advertising, call 651-457-1177


1643 So. Robert St., West St. Paul, MN 55118 651-457-1177 | | The South St. Paul Voice assumes no responsibility for the opinions expressed by contributors and for the validity of claims or items reported. Copyright South St. Paul Voice 2019. All rights reserved in compliance of Federal Copyright Act of 1978.

Page 2 - South St. Paul Voice - November 2019

Your community news and information source

The temporary location at 1401 Thompson Ave. a meeting in September to discuss options. Post 295’s woes are not uncommon. VFW and American Legion posts across the county have suffered shrinking membership in recent years because younger vets are simply not joining. “A lot of VFWs have had to close,” said Pieper. “We don’t want that to happen here.” Pieper said the Post is still very active. It holds regular

monthly meetings and community service events, such as the fall cleanup, provides the color guard for the Kaposia Days Parade, sponsors Voice of Democracy youth competitions, and continues to help veterans address their needs. The City of South St. Paul has been encouraging the Post to consider options in the Concord Street redevelopment plan. “Our first goal is to stay in

South St. Paul but that development isn’t there yet,” Pieper said. “If we’d go down there (Concord Street), I don’t know if we would be that big a draw.” The Post and its Auxiliary will host a 100th Anniversary Dinner on Sunday, Dec. 29, at Envision Hotel, 701 S. Concord St. For more information, call 651-455-1505 or visit

N ews Briefs Fall bazaar Clark-Grace Church, 779 15th Ave.N., South St. Paul, is hosting its Fall Bazaar 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 9. The event will feature a bake sale, handmade gifts and boutique items, and a homemade soup and sandwich luncheon. For more information, call 651-4517278 or 651-455- 7087.

Fare for All Express “Fare for All Express” is held 4-6 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 19 at the Central Square Community Center at 100 7th Ave. N. This cooperative

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Your community news and information source food-buying program offers up to a 40% discount on monthly groceries. Packages of fresh fruits, vegetables and frozen meat are available. For more information, call 651-366-6200 or visit www.

Free English classes Free English classes are offered by the South Suburban Adult Basic Education at 517 Marie Ave. for ages 17 and older. To register or receive more information, call 651-306-3632.

Basil and Sprout

from page 1 the décor is not limited to one specific nationality but is comprehensive and tells the story of the family’s Lao homeland and their life in America. Details can be seen in the wallpaper, tiles and light fixtures. Plia and Theng hope their investment sparks further economic growth in the area, and have already been pleasantly surprised by the kindness of neighboring business owners and others in the community. Plia’s and Theng’s son, Tou Vang, will be the main cook. Theng, a retired mail carrier, will serve as a source of support. The restaurant, located at 417 Marie Ave., will be open for lunch and dinner, 10:45 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Visit the restaurant’s Facebook page,, for the official opening date, menu and community events.

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Theng and Plia Vang with their grandson Apollo Vang.

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For a link to explore these schools and for tips on how to choose a school that best fits your student’s and family’s needs...

Visit South St. Paul Voice - November 2019 - Page 3

C ommunity

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Interfaith from page 1

be filled with people who are praying for a way to be part of the solution, but not necessarily the best designers of the way to be a part of the solution.” And that, in essence, is what Interfaith Action is all about – connecting those who need a helping hand with those who can help. In September, Project Home took over the day center at First Baptist Church, 499 Wacouta St., St. Paul, from another provider. Available to clients are three meals a day and afterschool snacks for kids. In the first month, Project Home served 885 meals and 236 after-school snacks. It also serves as a central location for children to be bused to

their schools. In addition, the center has lockers, showers, basic hygiene supplies and laundry facilities, and workers assist the families with finding housing and employment. On a recent afternoon, about a dozen parents and kids were having an early dinner at the day center in First Baptist Church. They chatted and ate quickly in order to catch a shuttle to one of the two emergency shelters operated by Interfaith Action this month. Volunteers and supplies are always needed. “Right now we are really looking for weekend meal teams to come down to the day center and help feed the families, Liegl said.

Christmas at Grace

The most needed items are feminine hygiene products, towels and washcloths, disposable razors, deodorant, games, craft supplies, and coloring and activity books. Donations can be dropped off at the office at 1671 Summit Ave., St. Paul, during office hours. Volunteers are needed to serve in a variety of ways, including as shelter hosts. Shifts are 5:30-8:30 p.m., and 8 p.m.-7:30 a.m. weekdays, and until 9:30 a.m. on weekends. Duties include greeting guests, serving healthy snacks, conversing with guests, and playing and reading with teens and children. Overnight volunteers also help secure the facility before bedtime, wake up guests and serve a light breakfast. Interfaith Action of Greater St. Paul has a budget of about $2.7 million annually. Funding comes from a variety of sources, including federal, state, county and city grants, and foundation and individual donations. For more information, visit To volunteer, contact Sara Liegl at 651-789-3848 or If you are seeking emergency shelter, call 651-291-0211.

Grace Lutheran Church

By the numbers (most recent statistics are from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018) • Project Home provided emergency shelter to 57 families, including 43 singleparent families. Shelter beds were used 10,312 times. • 196 individuals were served; 66 adults and 130 children.

• 21 percent of the parents served struggled with mental illness, including depression, and 27 percent had a chronic health condition or disability. • 39 percent of the families were affected by domestic violence. • 14 percent of the parents were 24 or younger. • 33 percent of the children were under the age of


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Interfaith Action staff members Wade Piper and Maria Soroka chat with a diner at the day center at First Baptist Church in St. Paul.

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Page 4 - South St. Paul Voice - November 2019

five; 49% were 5-12, and 18% were 13-17. • Self-described race and ethnicity: 70% Black/African American, 10% White/ Caucasian, 13% multiple; 6% Hispanic/Latino, 4% Asian American, and 3% American Indian. • Volunteer hours: 24,388 hours of direct service to shelter guests, filling 3,770 volunteer shifts.

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C ommunity


from page 1 coordinator for the South St. Paul site. “Maintenance for us is number one. Planes don’t fly unless they’re perfect. Planes don’t fly unless they’re historically right, so we’re telling the right story.” All units are run by skilled volunteers who repair, restore, preserve and fly the planes. Those qualified to pilot are required to sponsor an aircraft. B25J pilots must pay a one-time donation of $3,500, plus $1,000 to $2,000 a year in training costs, which Bertrang said covers the raw cost of running the plane for one hour. The sponsorship for smaller planes, like the L-5, is $1,500 plus training costs. Pilots also need insurance, which can run from $400 to $900. All volunteers pay $250 a year, which supports restoration efforts. For Van Nostrand, the sponsorship fee is shadowed by the sheer joy of flying in a B25. He recalled one thrilling experience at an air show in Brainerd, Minn., when he was crewing the plane piloted by his friend

Your community news and information source Trevor. They did a flyover of the crowd, and suddenly Van Nostrand noticed a flash from below. It turns out the event planners had set up pyrotechnics to simulate an aerial battle. The crew was so excited they turned around and again made another pass over the crowd to give them another thrill. Air shows draw thousands of onlookers, and the CAF uses the events to mingle with attendees and share interesting facts about the organization and its fleet. The South St. Paul wing has been to air shows in Alaska, Virginia, Georgia and other faroff regions but they mostly stay within the 5-state area of the Midwest.

History flight You don’t have to be a pilot or CAF member to experience the thrill of the vintage aircraft. Aviation buffs can schedule a WWII History Flight on the BT-13, PT22, SNJ, L-5 or the famous B25J Miss Mitchell. Rides range from $125-$450, and some flights include a oneyear associate membership in the CAF. The organization is entirely funded by donations,

which go right back into aircraft restoration. The South St. Paul wing is one of the only units to have an original WWII hangar. It also has some exciting history. In the 1940s, a young George Bush, Sr. trained at South St. Paul’s Fleming Field before heading into combat. Like most trainees, he flew an open cockpit Stearman— not an ideal situation during wintertime. “Can you imagine being in an open cockpit airplane in Minnesota?” said Bertrang with a laugh, thinking about the wintertime. The Minnesota Wing operates a museum at Fleming Field with many historical exhibits, including the excavated remains of a P-47 Thunderbolt that was unearthed in Bologna, Italy. The site was discovered after a 12-year search for the missing 1st Lt. Loren Hintz, who was killed in action in 1945. The engine was donated by Hans Wronka, Hintz’s grandson. In fact, everything in the CAF has been donated by various individuals and organizations. The CAF also hosts its popular hangar dances twice a year, where attend-

Aviation buffs can schedule a WWII History Flight on the BT-13, PT-22, SNJ, L-5 or the famous B25J Miss Mitchell. ees can dress up in periodstyle clothes to compete for a prize, take a dance lesson, jive to live music and view the vintage aircraft and vehicles. For Van Nostrand, there’s no greater joy than riding in a historical artifact he has helped restore. He said the bomber is “a completely different beast” than the modern planes he flies for airlines. “It’s just a different

type of flying. It’s a 14-cylinder engine and it’s loud, and with your headset on you just feel the rumble. It’s a really cool airplane.” Bertrang said the CAF is always looking for members from all backgrounds. “That’s what makes an organization like this super cool,” he said. “It’s not about a bunch of pilots, it’s about a group of people with a passion and a diversity in skills


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FREE Local Shuttle and Same Day Service on Most Repairs! South St. Paul Voice - November 2019 - Page 5

A rts & Entertainment

Fitzgerald Theater

10 E. Exchange St. St. Paul 651-290-1200 https://thefitzgerald

“Wits,” 8 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2. The beloved Twin Cities comedy and music institution will feature John Moe, John Munson and the Witnesses, and special guests. $35-$55. “A Tuba to Cuba,” 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 5. Join the Preservation Hall Jazz Band as they present their soundtrack, “A Tuba to Cuba.” YUSA and other guests will be featured. $25-$149. “Talking Volumes,” 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 7. Karen Armstrong will discuss her book, “The

Lost Art of Scripture,” with MPR journalist Kerri Miller. Musical guest is K.Raydio. $30.50-$32.50. Lindy West, author of “The Witches Are Coming,” is featured 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 14. Musical guest is Chris Koza. $30.50-$32.50. Tracy K. Smith will discuss her poetry book “Wade in the Water” at 7 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 21. Musical guest is Lady Midnight. $30.50$32.50. “Storyhill,” 8 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 9. Join American folk duo Storyhill as they celebrate their 30 th anniversary with a special show. $25-$45. “Piff the Magic Dragon,” 8 p.m., Friday, Nov. 15. Join Piff the Magic Dragon for a family-

Your community news and information source

friendly night of comedy and magic. $30-$75. Eric Benét, an American R&B singer, will perform at 8 p.m., Friday, Nov. 29. $40-$70.

History Center 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-259-3000

“First Avenue Stories of Minnesota’s Mainroom,” through May 3, 2020. Since 1970, First Avenue & 7th St. Entry have been at the heart of the Minnesota music scene. This exhibit celebrates the musicians, employees and regulars who have called First Avenue their rock ‘n’ roll home. Museum tickets are $12 for adults, $10 for seniors and college students, and $6 for children

We’re moving!

Kate Hamill’s adaptation of “Pride and Prejudice” is presented Nov. 15Dec. 22 at Park Square Theatre. ages five to 17. Free on Tuesdays, 3-8 p.m. “Macbeth,” 7-10 p.m., Nov. 1-4 and 6-8. The Wayward Theatre Company will present Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” at the James J. Hill House. $32$35. Author visit, 7-8 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 7. Author Martin Case will present

“The Relentless Business of Treaties” at the East Side Freedom Library. “ Victorian Gothic Novels,” 7-8:15 p.m. and 8:30-9:45 p.m., Friday, Nov. 8. Take a guided tour at the Alexander Ramsey House to explore the origins of the Gothic novel. $11-$12. Ages 18 and older.

History Theatre

10 E. Tenth St., St. Paul 651-292-4323

“Beyond the Rainbow,” Nov. 16-Dec. 22. This musical explores the life, music and movies of Grand Rapids, Minn. native Judy Garland. $30$65.




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A rts & Entertainment Landmark Center

75 W. 5th St., St. Paul 651-292-3225

“LUV,” Nov. 1-3, 9-10, 16-17. “LUV” is a comedy about alienation, loss and the meaninglessness of it all. $20-$25. “Courtroom Concerts” - The following free conconcerts are held noon1 p.m. “Land of Song,” by David Evan Thomas, Thursday, Nov. 7; The Lux String Quartet, Thursday, Nov. 14; The Mill City String Quartet, Thursday, Nov. 21. “Gala,” 5:30-10 p.m., Friday, Nov. 8. The “Once Upon A Time Gala” is a vibrant celebration in support of the Landmark Center and its free arts and cultural community programming. $150. “Film Screening,” 4-6 p.m., Monday, Nov. 11. Enjoy a screening of the film, “Stalag Luft III–One Man’s Story.” $12. “Ballet,” noon-1 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12. The Ballet Co. Laboratory will present a demonstration from the company’s repertoire. “Global Conversations,” noon-1 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 13. Raymond Kuo, executive director of the Midwest International Policy Institute, will discuss the future of U.S. nuclear arms control negotiations. “Landmark Live,” 8-10 p.m., Friday, Nov.

15. Olivia Diercks and Karla Colahan, cellist and violinist of the new-classical crossover duo The OK Factor, will perform. Cocktail hour begins at 7 p.m. $20-$25.

“Six the Musical,” 7:30 p.m., Friday, Nov. 29, and 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 30. $40.50-$81.50.

“Sundays at Landmark” - The Minnesota Mandolin Orchestra will perform 1-2:30 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 17. Free.

17 W. 7th Place, St. Paul 612-338-8388

Celebrate National Square Dance Day with several forms of social dancing. 1-3 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 24. Free.

Ordway Center 345 Washington St. St. Paul 651-224-4222

Palace Theatre

“Greensky Bluegrass and the Lil Smokies,” 8 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2. $27.50-$45. “Bishop Briggs with Miya Folick and Jax Anderson,” 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12. $29.50.

RATES AS LOWScience AS “FKA twigs,” 8 p.m., and the Museum searchers E dolphins ONLIN LYwhales P Thursday, Nov. 14. $35and they study. $3. P A of Minnesota $55. 120 W. Kellogg Blvd. “Girls, Science and St. Paul “Wilco,” 7:30 APR* p.m., Technology,” 10 a.m.-4 651-221-9444 Nov. 22-24. $59.50. p.m., Saturday, Nov. 9. Secured Loan Join Fox 9, and female “K im 7 New or UsedPetras,” Vehicles scientists and engineers “Body Worlds RX,” p.m., Nov. 30. Boat, Saturday, Snowmobile, through Jan. 5, 2020. from the Twin Cities, as ATV, RV $33.50. APR* Explore the human body they introduce girls to exhibition that has drawn science and technology Unsecured Loan Park Square 47 million people around through hands-on demonstrations and activities. Theatre the world. *APR means Percentage Rate. Minimum credit score to To order tickets, call 65120 W. 7thAnnual Place, St. Paul “Virtual qualify. All current WFCU loan refinancing is excluded unlessReality Expe221-9444. 651-291-7005 $5,000 is added to balance. To obtain the advertised the rience,”rates, through Nov. 21. applicant must have at least 2 of the following: GAP, MRC, Apply Online or an active Checking Plus account.With Rates arethe for 36help of virtual “Pride and terms Prejudice,” months, extended available for an increased Unsecured realityAPR. goggles and headborrowing amount vary by applicant. day funding experience may not Nov. 15-Dec. 22. EnjoySamephones, “The be available. Other restrictions may apply. All applications received Kate Hamill’s adaptation Click Effect,” a short film during the promotion 11/24-11/30/2019 may qualify for campaign ofrate. theOffer Jane Austen classic. expires 11/30/2019. Loans mustfollowing be closed and funded two marine reby 12/31/2019. $16-$37.





SSP Voice.indd 1

10/17/2019 12:08:32 PM

“Festival of Lights,” 6 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 10. The Thai Cultural Council of Minnesota presents Loy Krathong, also known as the Festival of Lights. $11-$27. “Classic Albums Live,” 7:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 16. Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” will be presented. $32-$64. “The Okee Dokee Brothers,” 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 17. $19-$32. “Maria Bramford,” 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 17. $37-$48. “CMA Songwriters Series,” 7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 20. See country music’s best singers and songwriters. Tickets available online.

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651 - 493 - 4540 South St. Paul Voice - November 2019 - Page 7

S ports

Your community news and information source

Suni Lee from page 1

meet on the world stage. “It was obviously an eye opener for me as the only rookie on the team,” she said. “I am most grateful for Simone’s leadership and encouragement. She kept me calm and focused.” Lee’s climb to the top began in 2009 when her parents enrolled her at the Midwest Gymnastics Center in Little Canada where she has been the beneficiary of the coaching expertise and mentorship provided by Jeff Graba and Alison Lim. Graba and Lim were with her when she was six years old and they were with her in Stuttgart in October to guide her fortunes there. Lee is the third oldest of six children. She recognizes and appreciates the unequivocal support and inspiration provided by her parents and her siblings, too. “They have all sacrificed on my behalf,” she said. “In terms of time and money and encouragement, they have always been there for me, and without them none of this could have happened.” It would be impossible to overstate the sacrifice of

sheer grit and time that Lee has invested in her quest to fulfill her dreams. By the time she was 11, she was training six to eight hours per day (except Sundays) year round. She would often train 9 a.m. to noon, take a four-hour break to tend to her online schooling, and then train from 4 to 8 p.m. At that age, her competitions were few and far between, but when they did come, more often than not, they bore fruit and further cemented her lofty goals. In 2014 and 2015, she competed in the U.S. Classic event at the Sears Center in Chicago and won backto-back titles in the pre-elite Hope category. “Those victories really gave me a morale boost and upped my determination to keep working hard,” she said. “It allowed me to start daydreaming about the Olympics.” From fifth to seventh grade, Lee did her schooling strictly online. As she approached eighth grade, she was searching for a different online option, and that is when Kelly Pederson, an English teacher at South

St. Paul High School and a coach at the Midwest Gymnastics Center, got involved. “When Suni was seven or eight, her coach at the time was on a leave of absence and so I worked with her for awhile,” recalled Pederson. “She has always been an amazing kid and our relationship grew over the years.” While assisting Lee with her schooling dilemma, Pederson’s first inclination was to contact South St. Paul High School Principal Chuck Ochocki to inquire if he was aware of any fulltime online programs that would make sense for her. “To my delight, our principal said, ‘I don’t want to see her go anywhere. Let’s see if we can make it work for her right here,’” said Pederson. “That is a perfect example of the innovative and flexible nature of our school district.” Lee, Pederson and the school have indeed made it work. In grades 8-10, Lee attended school half-days (7 a.m. to noon) and also did some online schooling. She is now a junior and is on pace to graduate with the Class of 2021. “It has been such a great change of pace for me,” said Lee. “When I am here it gives me an opportunity


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to forget about gymnastics for awhile. Before I had no social life at all. Now I enjoy spending time with my friends and going to football games with them.” In 2017, Lee made her junior elite debut as a 14-yearold at the U.S. Nationals and finished tenth. A year later she represented her country at the 2018 Pacific Rim Championships. She won the gold medal with her U.S. team, and the silver medal on the vault, balance beam and floor exercise. In August 2018, she was one of the favorites to win the junior national title in Boston, Mass., but settled for a third place finish. This year has been a watershed year for Lee in terms of both triumph and heartache. In February, she made her senior debut at the City of Jesulu Trophy event in Italy. The U.S. took home the team trophy and Lee won gold medals in the all-around, uneven bars and floor exercise. During the summer, she trained in earnest for her senior debut at the 2019 U.S. National Championships. Her family was looking forward to going to Kansas City to watch her compete, but tragedy struck on Aug. 4. Just four days before the start of the competition, her father John, who served in the Navy on board the USS Trenton during the Persian


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Golf War, was helping a friend trim branches from a tree when he fell off the ladder and suffered a spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed from the chest down. “My heart was broken and my mental state was all over the place,” said Suni. “I wondered if I should withdraw from the competition but my Dad insisted that I go to Kansas City and compete. He underwent eight hours of surgery on the day before the meet began.” Compete she did—and then some. She finished second to Biles in the allaround, earned a gold medal on the uneven bars and a bronze medal in the floor exercise. And she did all of that with a hairline fracture of her tibia that was 75-80 percent healed. Despite her concern and angst over her Dad’s condition, Lee points to the 2019 National Championships as the event that solidified her belief that her dream of becoming an Olympian is within her grasp. “Preparation is a must in gymnastics, but concentration, focus and belief in yourself are just as important,” she explained. “The fact that I was able to set aside my grief and concern for my Dad and do the job that I knew would make him proud has boosted my confidence and my resolve to continue to chase the goals I have set for myself.” Lee returned to Minnesota from Stuttgart on Oct. 14. We conducted our interview on Oct. 16 when she was in the midst of a one-week suspension of training designed to give her body and her mind some well-deserved rest and relaxation. She resumed training on Oct. 21 and everything she does between now and the open-

ing ceremonies of the 2020 Olympics on July 24 in Tokyo, Japan will be designed to make her a part of that competition. Lee will train an average of six hours daily and will likely take part in two international competitions. As a member of the United States Gymnastic team, she will also attend three- to four-day training sessions monthly in Sarasota, Fla. The United States Gymnastic Olympic trials will take place in St. Louis June 25-28. Effective with the 2020 Games, the number of competitors on an Olympic team has been trimmed from five to four. The four gymnasts who will represent the United States will be revealed at the conclusion of the Olympic trials. My fascination and respect for the athletic prowess of women’s gymnastics at the Olympic Games goes all the way back to Olga Korbet (1972), Nadia Comaneci (1976) and our own Mary Lou Retton (1980). And, of course, Simone Biles (2016) has taken the sport to a new and even higher level. Lee has already carved out a resume that is astounding in scope. That said, we are not yet privy to the manner in which her gymnastics legacy will unfold. But we do know that she will take no shorts cuts or leave any stone unturned in her quest to represent her country in the Olympics. South St. Paul has a storied reputation of rallying around its student athletes. The time is ripe for the community to jump on the Suni Lee bandwagon, shower her with our best wishes and goodwill and ride it all the way to Tokyo.

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Page 8 - South St. Paul Voice - November 2019

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South St. Paul Voice - November 2019 - Page 9

C ommunity

Your community news and information source

Neighbors, Inc. Charlie Thompson President & CEO

Recently I visited a local elementary school that was kicking off a sock drive. The socks will be donated to Neighbors and given to people in need. The students referred to themselves as “change-makers.” This was in reference to their ability to effect change in the world. It was a rallying cry that gave me hope.

Chamber Business Expo

more than 40 booths from participating vendors, and enter to win multiple door prizes (some valued at $100). “Whether you are looking to make a new connection, grow your business or learn about businesses—big and small—in Dakota County, this expo has something for everyone,” said Colleen Murphy Roth, director of membership development for the River Heights Chamber of Commerce. For more information, visit or call Chamber office at 651-451-2266, ext. 1032.


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transport people to medical and other necessary appointments. In our Welcome Center, kind volunteers will assure you that help is on its way. All our volunteers and donors play their part as change-makers in our community. Like the students, volunteers and donors, you can be a change-maker. Join us at Neighbors as we provide opportunities to thrive. During November and December there are many ways to support the community. • Our Holiday Gift Program needs people to adopt a family and purchase gifts this holiday season. • On Thanksgiving morning, the Walk to End Hunger will take place and you can form a team or pledge support to another walker. • The benefit performance of “It’s A Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play” will be held Dec. 5 at the St. Paul Hotel. Information on all of these opportunities and more can be found at As 2019 comes to a close, join us in being a change-maker. Doing so will provide hope for a better future.

The River Heights Chamber of Commerce, a nonprofit business organization that supports businesses in Inver Grove Heights and South St. Paul, is partnering with other area chambers of commerce to present the annual county-wide Chamber Business Expo, held 5-7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 13 at GrandStay Hotel & Conference, 7083 153rd St. W, Apple Valley. The event, which is free and open to the public, allows you to meet and connect with people and businesses in Dakota County, enjoy complimentary hors d’oeuvres, visit

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Every day we experience more negativity that further divides us. We hear it from our leaders. We see it in the way the most vulnerable among us are treated. We feel it with our very being. We live in times where truth is under assault and division is becoming more prevalent. Yet, when I see a school teaching its students to be change-makers, I am hopeful for our future. At Neighbors, change-makers walk among us every day. They walk in the form of volunteers and donors. Each morning, volunteers in our food program areas begin their day by picking up fresh produce and bread from grocer partners and delivering it to our food shelf. They prepare the fresh produce, meat, dairy and canned goods so our clients’ experience is respectful. Volunteers walk side by side to assist them while they shop. They are change-makers. Additional change-makers serve in our other programs and services. Those who volunteer in our Clothes Closet carefully sort and display clothing and other items so our customers will have a positive experience. Our volunteer drivers safely


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C ommunity

Your community news and information source The South St. Paul Mayor’s Youth Task Force invests in our community for a variety of reasons, including community service hours and simply because it is fun to do. Our members like the feeling of connectedness and the satisfaction of making the community a better place. Over the next few months, we will have a variety of opportunities to give back to the community. We hope you can join us at the following events. A Book for Every Child is currently under way. This program is a collaborative effort with the South St. Paul Public Library, SSP Kids Choice and Neighbors, Inc. Books are provided to every child who is part of the Neighbor’s, Inc. Holiday Gift Program. Thanks to the generosity of community organizations and individuals, every child will receive a wrapped book to call their own. Members of the task force and SSP Kids Choice will wrap the books as a group project. Recycle the Pumpkin the Task Force Way is back. As part of the Thinking Green campaign, the task force will collect pumpkins 1-3 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2 at the Wakota Federal Credit Union parking lot at 12th and Southview, and compost the pumpkins for free. Don’t forget to remove candles before bringing them to us. During the event we will offer free rides on the Ashes Fire Truck. Join us as we


E V E N T S Call 651-554-3240 or visit

“Rock, Rattle, and Rhyme,” 6:15 p.m., Mondays, Nov. 4, 18, 25. Children will learn social skills, listening comprehension and reading through books, music and movement. Ages three and under. “Storytime,” 10:15 a.m., Tuesdays, Nov. 5, 12, 26. Toddlers and preschoolers will develop literacy skills by reading, singing, talking and writing. Ages two to six. “Stories at Lawshe Memorial Museum,” 10:15 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 19. The Dakota County Historical Society and South St. Paul Public Library are collaborating for a special storytime to make history come alive through stories and activities. Ages two to six. “Color Like Kandinsky,” 6-8 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 7. Learn about artist Wassily Kandinsky, and explore abstraction and color theory while creating a Kandinsky-inspired design. Ages six to 11. Registration required.

“Team Jigsaw Puzzle Challenge,” 1-3 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 9. Teams of two to four people will compete to see who can complete a 500-piece puzzle first. Prize awarded to the winning team. One registration per team required. Grades six to 12. “Family History Research for Homeschoolers,” 2-3 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12. Curious about your family history? Get an introduction to genealogy, and access free resources to help you in your research. Geared for grades two to five, but all ages are welcome. “Book and Craft,” 10:30-11:15 a.m., Wednesday, Nov. 27. After listening to “Bear Says Thanks” by Karma Wilson, create placemats inspired by the book. Ages two to eight. Registration required. “Healthy Cooking for Everyone,” 10:30 a.m.-noon, Wednesday, Nov. 6. Learn about healthy eating, planning meals and working together in the kitchen. The class will help prepare a dish, all ingredients provided. All ages and abilities welcome. Registration required. “Knitting Crash Course,” 6-8 p.m., Monday, Nov. 4. Learn to cast on and begin knitting your first project. Needles and yarn provided. Registration required. Author visit, 7-8 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 14. Minnesota author Kaethe Schwehn will discuss her post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel “The Rending and the Nest” and share details of the writing process, her influences and her development as an author.

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fill the dumpster and have a good time “Thinking Green.” The annual Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner is one of our favorite events. The event takes place this year at 4:30 p.m., Thursday, Nov. 14 at the South St. Paul High School. It is a partnership between the task force, South St. Paul Lions and the South St. Paul School District. Nearly 500 senior citizens attend the dinner, and task force members assist with taking meals to the tables, and bussing tables. Light up the Square is a fun celebration to kick off the holiday season. It takes place at 4:30 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 1 at Central Square Community Center. This celebration continues to grow and this year will feature Santa, Mrs. Claus, reindeer games, caroling around the tree and much more. The task force will also host a hat and mitten drive to benefit Neighbors, Inc. and area students. The Ashes Fire Truck company will give rides to those donating to the drive. We have a few new ideas and partners this year. We hope you join us to light up the square. The Annual Holiday Skate at Doug Woog Arena will take place 1:10-2:10 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 22. This fun event includes skating to holiday music, photos with Santa, and cookies and milk with Mrs. Claus. For more information on any of these events, contact Deb Griffith at or 651-554-3230.

NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR THE 2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR South Washington County Schools, serving the communities of Cottage Grove, Newport, St. Paul Park, Woodbury, Afton, Denmark and Grey Cloud Townships is now accepting applications for the following positions: • Evenings, weekends and school breaks off (for many of our jobs) • Access to affordable health insurance • Public Employee’s Retirement Plan PARAPROFESSIONAL – Work directly with regular or special education students assisting a classroom teacher OR supervise groups of students. Part time and full time positions available. Starting base wage $15.75 - $16.25 per hour (DOQ). BUS DRIVERS – Safely transports students to and from school; starting base wage $17.30 - $20.35 per hour. NUTRITION SERVICES – Prepare and serve breakfast and lunches for students; starting base wage $15.00 per hour. CUSTODIAN – Perform cleaning, event setup/clean up and ensure security of buildings (year round positions); starting base wage $20.27 – $33.54 DOQ. KIDS CLUB SUPERVISOR – Lead our Kids Club Program (School Age Child Care) in one of our elementary buildings. Plan and carry out a daily program designed to meet the appropriate physical and developmental needs of children. Supervise paraprofessionals staff. Kids Club Supervisor positions are full-time, 12-month positions. Starting base wage is $18.75 per hour. Please visit our web site for specific job information and to apply: EOE

South St. Paul Voice - November 2019 - Page 11

B ack in Time

Your community news and information source

SSP Civil Air Patrol Lois Glewwe Contributor


s the nation prepares to commemorate the service of our military veterans in November, it is appropriate to look at the history of the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), which was established in the late 1930s to supplement America’s military operations. CAP members provide emergency services, such as disaster relief and search and rescue, and many cadets have gone on to military or aviation-related careers. During World War II, CAP groups across the country aided the war effort with missions in antisubmarine patrol, border patrols and courier services. Anna-Marie Bistodeau of South St. Paul is the first woman to be named a Civil Air Patrol Cadet Commander in Minnesota. She shared her story for the 1987 “South St. Paul Centennial History.” Some highlights follow. South St. Paul’s CAP was founded in August 1944 by Henry Howe, who was then the vocational program di-

rector at South St. Paul High School. Howe had joined the CAP a year earlier to sharpen his own knowledge of the aerospace industry. He soon realized the program was an excellent way to introduce students to careers in aviation and aeronautics. For Howe, it was a family affair. His wife Laura Mae and daughter Sue were CAP members. Sue married a fellow member, Darrell Zenk. Henry Howe served as commander of the local squadron for 22 years and was then promoted in 1966 to command a higher level, Group IV of the Minnesota Wing. Warren Zenk took over as the squadron commander, and Martin Boas, Anna-Marie’s brother, served as deputy commander of cadets. I spoke with Civil Air Patrol Captain Randall Knox in preparing this brief history of the organization. He said there are currently approximately 1,500 members in Minnesota. They own 17 aircraft and a glider, all housed at Fleming Field. The group often assists in search and rescue missions. Civil Air Patrol is a pub-

lic service organization that serves as an auxiliary of the U.S. Air Force. Members are citizen volunteers. Its 60,000 members devote their time, energy and expertise to the well-being of their communities, while also promoting aviation and related fields. Members provide emergency services for local, state and federal agencies. The Civil Air Patrol’s award-winning aerospace education program promotes aerospace, aviation and STEM-related careers, and the cadet program helps youth learn about aerospace careers through a curriculum that focuses on leadership, fitness and character. Many of the nation’s astronauts, pilots, engineers and scientists first explored their careers through CAP. On May 30, 2014, President Barack Obama signed legislation awarding the Congressional Gold Medal to the approximately 200,000 World War II members of CAP. The medal is the country’s highest expression of appreciation for distinguished achievements and contributions.

International movie star Ingrid Bergman came to South St. Paul High School on Nov. 19, 1944, to aid in the war bond sales campaign. The woman in uniform is Dayis Johnson, a member of the South St. Paul Wing of the Civil Air Patrol. The young girl presenting the bouquet of flowers to Bergman is Margaret Lloyd Fairhurst. The Minnesota Wing of the CAP is headquartered at Fleming Field in South St. Paul.



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The On the Road Again festival wishes to thank its sponsors for their generous support. Buggs Bar Kandat & Tetrick Funeral Home Quick Service License Center Sieben & Cotter, LLC People for Hansen-Rick Hansen City Auto Glass Tim Wallace Agency Southview 66 South St. Paul Lions Linda Jeager Accounting Midwest One Bank Culligan Milbert Company Vietnam Veterans of America – Chapter 639 Farmers Insurance – Geno Ward agency Nelson CPA Wakota Office Machines River Run Team – Greg Kuntz Corey Pace Nipps Service City of South St. Paul Southview 66 Service Center South St. Paul Police & Reserves South St. Paul Fire Dept.

Val Latour All Steve’s Volunteers Angelos Pizza Kisch Insurance Sanimax Republic Services The Coop Croation Hall Kaposia Club Angelos Pizza A&A Auto Care Globe Publishing Black Sheep Coffee Shop Band sponsors: Sieben & Cotter PLLC, Kaposia Club, MidWestOne Bank, South St. Paul Lions and Croation Hall Pickle sponsors: Buggs Bar, City Auto Glass, Cherokee Manufacturing, Tim Wallace Agency Petting Zoo sponsor: Vietnam Veterans of American Chapter 639 Car show sponsors: Southview 66, Republic Services, Kisch Insurance


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Daily 2:30-6:30 pm Page 12 - South St. Paul Voice - November 2019

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