The St. Paul Humboldt grapplers win conference title
‘The Waitress’ comes to the Ordway
Page 5
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Volume 56 | Number 3
Your Community News & Information Source
March 2022
In the community for good South Robert Street Business Association celebrates 100 years
The Rev. Jason Bryan-Wegner
Augustana Lutheran names new pastor Jake Spitzack Staff Writer
fter seven months of searching for and interviewing candidates, Augustana Lutheran Church in West St. Paul has found its new senior pastor. The Rev. Jason Bryan-Wegner will assume his duties March 28. He succeeds the Rev. Mark Aune, who retired in June. Aune served the church for 32 years and had been senior pastor since 2002. “My first goal is simply to listen and get to know people,” said Bryan-Wegner. “Someone wise once said, ‘People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care,’ so I want to show that I care about the people. I want to learn the stories of their lives and know what’s happening in the community and how Augustana can be a force for good.” In addition to preaching, BryanWenger’s duties include overseeing the mission of the congregation, providing pastoral care and representing the church in the community. He
The recent West St. Paul Winter Fun Fest is just one of many community events that receives funding from the South Robert Street Business Street Association. From left, West St. Paul Mayor Dave Napier, Jim Probst with the association, and West St. Paul City Manager Nate Burkett. Jake Spitzack Staff Writer
ver the past 100 years, the South Robert Street Business Association (SRSBA), a West St. Paul-based nonprofit, has donated more than $1 million to community organizations, school programs and other causes. As it celebrates its centennial this year, the members of the association reflect on their accomplishments and reaffirm their commitment to the community. “Looking back at all the money donated back into the community gives me a great feeling,” said Dave Motz, president. “These donations help everybody, especially recently with COVID relief. Hearing thanks from the community feels good. Our goal is to increase membership and maybe even add a few more [charitable gambling] sites so that we can raise more money to support
the city and community moving forward.” The association raises funds through meat raffles, pull tabs and bingo at Gallagher’s Bar and the 5-8 Grill & Tap in West St. Paul, and other businesses in the region. It supports Two Rivers High School programs like Dollars for Scholars; the Boy Scouts; YMCA and other youth organizations and community events, including the West St. Paul Winter Fun Fest and the former Celebrate West St. Paul Days. The latter disbanded two years ago as a result of the pandemic but the City of West St. Paul plans to hold a similar celebration this summer and the association has pledged $10,000 toward it and may contribute up to $10,000 more. In the past, the business association annually gave between $10,000 and $15,000 to the festival. “There are five people on our donation committee and they approve applications for SRSBA/ Page 3
Augustana / Page 2
New MH foundation ready to lend a hand Jake Spitzack Staff Writer
he City of Mendota Heights, like all cities, has a wish list of things it can’t squeeze into the budget. Now members of a new nonprofit are rolling up their sleeves and stepping forward to assist. The goal of the newly formed Mendota Heights Community Foundation is to raise money for one-time installations or events that benefit the community. This could include purchasing artwork or adding equipment to a park. Additionally, the foundation can act as a conduit for other community groups that want to fundraise for a specific need such as raising money for a school choir or band trip. Donations to the foundation are tax deductible. “We’re very excited. This is larger than Mendota Heights and will bring people together,” said Sandra Krebsbach, foundation president and former mayor of Mendota Heights. “For example, we might plan a concert including students from all of the three high schools in our area or organize a 6th grade track and field day between the middle schools. We’ve never really done anything like that here.” The foundation formed in 2019 but didn’t acquire its nonprofit status until this year. Five Mendota Heights residents serve on its board. The foundation expects to host a fundraising kickoff event in May at the Pool and Yacht Club in neighboring Lilydale to provide seed money for the organization. MH foundation / Page 2
Learning Buddies program reaches milestone, adapts to needs Jake Spitzack Staff Writer
Zimmerman spent John his career in the corporate
world but always had a desire to work with students. Now that he’s retired, he’s able to do just that as a volunteer with the DARTS Learning Buddies program, now celebrating its 25th year. Following his retirement in 2005, Zimmerman began volunteering with the West
John Zimmerman St. Paul-based nonprofit, which serves seniors and their families. He has assisted in classrooms every school year since. Before the pandemic he worked primarily one-
on-one with students in the schools, usually the same kids each week, focusing on reading, math and projects. Although he and other volunteers are volunteering remotely now, the goal remains the same: to give students the help they need to succeed educationally. “Typically, I would volunteer one day a week, about four to five hours a day,” Zimmerman said. “Last year, when we got into re-
mote learning, I worked for about an hour each with two groups of three students. “With reading, you can see some improvement when working week to week,” he added. “It’s not like I’m saying, ‘Aha!’ these students are fantastic readers now. It’s all gradual. You see some minor changes in how they’re able to read.” The program was founded in 1997 by Anne Kalb and Rita Younger. At that time, it
was called Reading Buddies and focused primarily on reading. In 2005, DARTS expanded the program to support science and math, and the name was changed to Learning Buddies. The program provides volunteers to area schools, including Garlough Environmental Magnet School, Mendota Elementary, Moreland Arts and Health Sciences School, Somerset Elementary, Pilot Knob Elementary, Kaposia
Education Center and Lincoln Center. The program places approximately 130 volunteers across 47 schools in Dakota, Ramsey, Hennepin and Scott counties. To volunteer or for more information, call 651-455-1560 or visit www. Volunteers must attend an orientation prior to starting. Most volunteers work one to two hours a week. Additional training is available.
C ommunity
Your community news and information source
Augustana from page 1
Shown here are founding board members (from left) Steve Norton, Brian Woessner, the late Bert McKasy, Sandra Krebsbach, Liz Petschel and Chip Connelly. Litton Field and Mary Magnuson were absent. Today, Krebsbach is president, Steve Norton vice president, Litton Field treasurer, Mary Magnuson secretary, and Liz Petschel at large.
MH foundation
It's my Birthday month
from page 1
“We want people to know that this is available to them and that we’re ready to go,” said Krebsbach. “We really want to bring people together to celebrate the talent and
I'd love to hear how you celebrate your birthday. Jimmy Francis 651-321-8348
Ticket Discounts
interest in our area.” A website is expected to be ready by the end of April. For more information, call City Hall at 651-452-1850.
2022 Church of St. Matthew
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has a bachelor’s degree in religion from Augsburg University and graduated from Luther Seminary in 2007. Previously, he worked for 11 years at Zumbro Lutheran Church in Rochester, which has about 2,500 members. The century-old Augustana has about 2,200 members. “I want to continue to build on the rich tradition Augustana has, but I also see this time in our history as a catalyst for change,” he said. “The church society isn’t the same as it was 20 years ago or even 10 years ago. I think the core message of God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness is as relevant as ever, and yet how we communicate that and invite people into that is different. One of my goals is to learn what’s working, and also who’s not here. I think it’s important for the church to ask who’s not at their table and how has the community changed in the past years.” Bryan-Wegner said the pandemic has changed how people connect with churches and that many people have simply “checked out.” While this has been a turbulent time, he also sees it as an opportunity to reconnect with members and reach out to others. Augustana, located at 1400 S. Robert St., currently offers both in-person and online services. For more information, call 651-457-3373 or visit www.
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Here the love of Christ shall end divisions. All
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The Church of St. Matthew is a Catholic community
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Lo recaudado es para beneficio de las actividades de Osman Shriners, el pago no es deducible como donación para caridad.
N ews Briefs
Your community news and information source
St. Paul seeks Parks director The City of St. Paul is looking for someone to succeed Mike Hahm as Parks and Recreation director. Hahm is retiring at the end of February and the City hopes to have a new director on board by April. Hahm is a lifelong St. Paul resident and a long-time employee with the department. He began more than 35 years ago as a recreation center employee while finishing his business degree at the University of St. Thomas. For the past 24 years he has served on the senior man-
agement team holding a variety of positions, including recreation services manager, special services manager and director of Como Park Zoo & Conservatory. In 2008, he was appointed director. During his tenure, Hahm helped expand free youth programming in recreation centers, outdoor programming for St. Paul’s BIPOC community and mobile recreation offerings. He also strengthened public-private partnerships, added culturally relevant amenities to the park system, implemented a
successful management response to the emerald ash borer crisis, and modernized amenities at Como Pool and Highland Park Aquatic Center. Parks and Recreation manages more 180 parks and open spaces, the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory, 26 recreation centers, more than 100 miles of trails, aquatic facilities and a public beach, and a variety of other sports facilities. The department employs about 570 full-time employees.
NY firm to create design for the River Learning Center New York City-based W Architecture & Landscape Architecture has been selected to design the River Learning Center at Crosby Farm Regional Park in St. Paul. A project of the City of St. Paul and the Great River Passage Conservancy, the center will provide year-round environmental learning, outdoor recreational opportunities, and serve as headquarters of the Mississippi National River and Recreation Area, a unit of the National Park Service. The nonprofit Wilderness Inquiry is also expected to operate its Canoemobile from the center. Canoemobile is a floating classroom aboard a 24-foot Voyageur canoe, where students learn about science, history, geography and culture. W Architecture & Landscape Architecture was one of 11 firms to submit a proposal for the center. The firm has begun work on the schematic design and expects to have the final design and
construction estimates completed by October. The City and Great River Passage Conservancy is seeking $20 million in state bonding for the project. The River Learning Center is one of three major projects included in the City’s 2013 Great River Passage Initiative, which aims to connect people to the Mississippi River. The other projects are the River Balcony and the East Side River District. Work on the 1.5-mile river balcony is underway. The promenade will extend from Union Depot to the Science Museum and feature restaurants, retail shops, gathering spaces, sweeping views of the river valley, and connections to the river. In September, James Corner Field Operations, a New York-based urban design and landscape architecture firm, was selected to design the balcony. The final design, cost estimates and construction timeline will be com-
pleted in June. The goal of the East Side River District is to “heal a compromised landscape,” connect people to the river and land, and protect sacred and significant sites. This area of St. Paul currently has a mixture of heavy industrial sites and open spaces, including the largely undeveloped Pig’s Eye Regional Park. Several sites in the area are sacred to the Dakota people.
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The St. Paul Voice is published monthly and delivered to 16,500 homes and businesses in St. Paul’s West Side, West St. Paul, Mendota Heights, Lilydale & Sunfish Lake. Publisher & Editor: Tim Spitzack Copy Editor: Leslie Martin Staff Writers: Jake Spitzack John E. Ahlstrom
Marketing Manger: Caitlyn Fekete Contributors: Roger Fuller Tara Guy Delivery: Independent Delivery Service
WSP woman named to Senior Royalty Court Bonnie Lopez of West St Paul, far right, was named Prime Minister of the 2022 Senior Royalty Court of the St. Paul Winter Carnival. Throughout the year, senior royalty (age 55-plus) visit nursing homes and attend parades and other community events to spread goodwill. Other members of the court are, from left, Debbie Sjogren, Princess of the Four Winds; Deb Hess, Queen of the Northland and Douglas Dyrland, King Winter.
SRSBA from page 1
donations once a month,” said Motz. “There are usually multiple donations [annually], sometimes altogether summing up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. We
have some organizations we donate to on a repeating basis. Sometimes members of the association have a cause they want money to go toward.” The group has about 40 members and meets monthly at 260 Wentworth Ave. E.,
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West St. Paul. Membership is open to all West St. Paul businesses that have been operating for at least one year. Annual dues are $50. For more information or to submit a donation request, call 651-457-1196 or visit
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1137 Robert St S. West St. Paul 651-450-0535 St. Paul Voice - March 2022 - Page 3
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Your community news and information source
Winter sports teams looking to make a splash is the post-season John E. Ahlstrom Staff Writer
he waning of winter’s chill not only warms the soul but signifies that prep sports teams across the state are transitioning from their regular season routines to the hype and “one-anddone” excitement inherent in post-season play. We pause to highlight the high school teams and the athletes in our distribution area who have exhibited championship pedigree and may be on the cusp of living out childhood dreams. Two Rivers/St. Paul Girls Hockey (state tournament: February 23-26). The sudden rise to viability by the Two Rivers/St. Paul Riveters Co-op hockey team is a compelling rag-to-riches story. After compiling a dismal 10-58-2 record in their first four years as a co-op team, the Riveters posted a
13-11-1 record in the 202122 regular season and earned the #3 seed in the Section 4A tournament. Allie Duellman and Tim Blasé are in their fifth season as co-head coaches. For the first time in its existence, the team had a full 30-person roster, with 15 players on the varsity team and 15 players on the JV team. An observer need not look beyond the play of the Riveters’ first line to discover one of the primary reasons for the team’s sudden reversal of fortunes. Seniors Solvei Berg-Messerole, Molly Shetka and Olivia Van Siclen have been with the team since they were ninth graders and all of their hard work is paying dividends. The trio has combined for 56 goals and 53 assists. “All three of them bring it every night and contribute equally on both ends of the ice sheet,” said Duellman.
“Their leadership is as evident in the locker room as it is on the ice.” Assessment: The top three seeds in Section 4A are Simley (18-4-3), South St. Paul (13-10-2) and Two Rivers/ St. Paul (13-11-1). All three teams are members of the Metro East Conference and have played each other twice. The Riveters are not the favorite, but they belong and if that mighty first line gets hot, watch out. St. Thomas Academy (STA) Hockey (state tournament: March 9-12). The Cadets have a first-class hockey facility and a long history of putting quality teams on the ice. STA made four consecutive trips to the Class AA state tournament (2017-20) and are in the hunt to get back there in 2022. Four Cadets have already reached 20-plus points in the scoring column. Junior forward Tommy Cronin
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tin, a team that STA defeated twice during the regular season. The only other teams in the section with records over .500 are Eastview and Park (both 13-9). The Cadets play a tough schedule and shy away from no one. Snatching a third victory over archrival Cretin is what March Madness is all about.
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just 15 days apart they won 4-1 and lost 7-0. After narrow losses to Grand Rapids and Hermantown on the Iron Range, the Cadets closed the regular season with a 12-12-2 record. Assessment: STA is in Section 3AA. Coincidentally, the only team in the section in the Let’s Play Hockey top ten rankings is #1 Cre-
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Jaden Morgan, right, has averaged 15 points per game and has played a key role in the resurgence of Two Rivers basketball.
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is the team leader with 32 points on 15 goals and 17 assists. Senior forward Tyler Grahme is next with 29 points on seven goals and a team-leading 22 assists. Junior Zack Howard has 13 goals and 9 assists (22 points) and sophomore defensemen Will Skahan has chipped in 10 goals and 11 assists (21 points). The Cadets utilize three goaltenders. Senior Matt Schoephoerster has carried the bulk of the load with 12 games, and juniors Tyler Magozzi and Quinn Eigner have served between the pipes in seven and four games respectively. The 2021-22 season has been a roller coaster for the Cadets. They defeated #1 ranked Cretin-Derham Hall twice by scores of 4-3 and 5-4. They were outscored 9-1 in their home and away series with Hill-Murray, and in two games against Edina
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S ports Visitation Girls Basketball (state tournament: March 16-19). In her first season as head coach, Faith Johnson Patterson led her team to a 9-8 record. The Blazers opened the 202122 season with six consecutive victories and, with four games remaining on their regular season schedule, are 14-5. Ninth grader Samantha Wills, 6’1”, choreographs the offense from her point guard position. She is averaging a double-double with 19 points and 10 rebounds per game. Senior Olivia Johanns, 6’2”, patrols the post at both ends of the floor and she, too, is averaging a double-double with 17 points and 13 rebounds per game. Senior captains Ellen Slawin and Carolyn Fenlon and junior Catherine Breyen fill out the Blazers starting five. Breyen has contributed seven points and seven rebounds per game. Juniors Alice Nelson, Lauren Sexton, and Meghan Gerend have played significant minutes off the bench. Assessment: The Blazers have made positive strides under Coach Patterson and that momentum is likely to continue as long as she is at the helm. The Blazers are in Section 4AAA and are in line to get the #3 seed behind DeLaSalle and St. Paul Como Park. The Patterson train is on the rails, but DeLaSalle might prove to be too much this time around. St. Croix Lutheran Girls Basketball Team (state tournament: March 16-19). After leading the Crusaders to their first-ever berth in the state tournament in 2021, head coach Dave Mielke
Your community news and information source has his squad rolling along a similar arc this season. Any discussion about the team roster begins with 5’10” sophomore Laura Hauge, who surpassed 1,000 points last season as a ninth grader. Through 21 games this year, she has averaged 20 points per game and has made 42% of her 3-point shots. Point guard Ella Avery averages 5 assists per game and off guard Zoey Washington is averaging 16 points per game. It’s not a good idea to foul Laura, Ella or Zoey. The three have made 129 free throws in 147 attempts, a mind-boggling 88 percent. Others who have made significant contributions include Haley Orvik (8 points and 8 rebounds per game), eighth graders Callie Oakland (7 points and 8 rebounds) and Amaya Penn (9 points), and seniors Ilah Little and Katherine Beekman, who returned at mid-season after suffering a broken arm. Assessment: With just two games remaining in the regular season, St. Croix Lutheran is 22-2 and ranked #4 in Class 2A. The losses were to Class 3A powerhouse DeLaSalle and Goodhue, ranked #2 in Class 2A. The Crusaders are one of 16 teams in Section 4AA, including #1 ranked Minnehaha Academy. A St. Croix– Minnehaha showdown in the Section 4AA title game would be well worth the price of admission. Two Rivers Boys Basketball Team (state tournament: March 22-26). After toiling through his first season as head coach at Two Rivers High School in 2020-21, Doug Linton
Submitted photo
The Humboldt Hawks wrestling team celebrates after beating Harding 63-18 and securing the St. Paul City Conference championship. The team had a perfect 7-0 conference record. quickly put the Warriors’ 3-15 record on the back burner, put a smile on his face and joyously anticipated the return of basketball fans in the stands. Linton’s positivity must have rubbed off on his players as the Warriors opened the season with four consecutive victories, including a 74-69 victory over highlytouted Holy Angels. After a four-game winning streak in February against Mahtomedi, Hill-Murray, Hastings and Bloomington Kennedy, the Warriors record is now 14-7. Two sophomores, 6’3” roving guard Jaden Morgan and 6’4” center Max Mogelson, have played key roles in the Warriors’ surge to respectability. Morgan is the team’s leading scorer at 15
points per game. Mogelson is averaging 11 points and 9.5 rebounds, and senior point guard Tre Michaels also averages 11 points per game. Assessment: The Warriors are one of eight teams in Section 3AAA. There are three
others from the Metro East Conference: Simley, STA and South St. Paul (ranked #3 in Class 3A), along with three from the St. Paul City Conference: Harding, Central and Highland Park. Finally, there is DeLaSalle,
ranked #4 in Class 3A. South St. Paul and DeLaSalle will get the #1 and #2 seeds. It might not happen for the Warriors this year, but it is clear that Linton has got them going in the right direction.
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St. Paul Voice - March 2022 - Page 5
S ample St. Paul
Fitzgerald Theatre
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“Watch What Crappens”
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Your community news and information source
will be presented at 8 p.m., Thursday, March 3. Tickets start at $35. Twin Cities Ballet presents Pink Floyd’s “The Wall: A Rock Ballet,” Saturday, March 12 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets start at $37.50.
History Theatre
30 10th St. E. St. Paul 651-292-4323
“Not for Sale” is presented at 7:30 p.m. Thursday-
WANTED Vintage Records, Turntables & Stereo Equipment
Saturday, and 2 p.m. Sundays, through February 27. Late 1950s and early ’60s Arnold Weigel, a rising star in the Twin Cities real estate business, puts his career on the line when he begins to represent families of color as they attempt to buy homes in all-white neighborhoods of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Tickets start at $35, with discounts for seniors, those under 30 years old and students. An online streaming option is available February 21-27. Individual streaming tickets are $25. “Parks: A Portrait of a Young Artist” is presented at 7:30 p.m. ThursdaySaturday, and 2 p.m. Sundays, March 19-April 10. Gordon Parks, age 14, left home for St. Paul after the death of his mother in 1926. He lived with his
Photo by Jeremy Daniel
“The Waitress” will be presented March 8-13 at the Ordway Center. sister, until her husband kicked him out of the house and into the streets. While struggling to survive, his mother’s words would echo in his head, “Make a good man of yourself, ’cause you have a choice. You always have a choice.” Inspired by Parks’ book, “A Choice of Weapons,” the play takes the audience into the world of young Gordon Parks,
History Center 345 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-259-3000
“Art Speaks” opens February 26. It presents more than 160 paintings, sculptures and photos collected over the past 15 years and invites visitors to explore the intersection of art and the history of the state. “Our Home: Native
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Page 6 - St. Paul Voice - March 2022
who chose to use a camera to fight hatred and discrimination, and became an internationally renowned photographer, composer and filmmaker. Tickets start at $35, with discounts for seniors, those under 30 years old and students. An online streaming option will be available April 4-10. Individual streaming tickets are $25.
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Your community news and information source
and authentic vendors. $5. “Black Sea Odyssey” virtual event is held March 31. Experience the music, dance, language, foods, costumes and arts and craft traditions of several countries hailing from the Black Sea region of Eastern Europe. Produced in partnership with Ethnic Dance Theatre.
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Landmark Center
75 5th St. W. St. Paul 651-292-3225
The featured exhibit, “Thomas & Friends: Explore the Rails,” is on display through May 8. Travel to the Island of Sodor with Thomas and his friends to solve a variety of challenges, climb into Thomas’ cab, load freight into train cars and fix Percy’s wobbly wheel. Other exhibits and activities include The Scramble, The Studio, Creativity Jam, Sprouts, Backyard, Our World, Forces at Play, Super Awesome Adventures, Imaginopolis and the Tip Top Terrace. The museum is open 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Wed.-Sun. Tickets are $14.95.
Ballet Tuesday is held noon-1 p.m., March 8. Enjoy a free ballet performance and demonstration from the Ballet Co.Laboratory. “Courtroom Concerts” are presented Thursdays at noon. Clea Galhano and Rene Izquierdo perform Feb. 24. Leslie Shank, Merilee Klemp, Trudi Anderson, and Mimi Tung perform March 3. Rie Tanaka, and Jesse Nummelin perform March 10. “Urban Expedition” events are held 1-3 p.m. on Sundays. Learn about Greece on February 27 and Peru on March 20. St. Patrick’s Day Irish Celebration is held 10 a.m.5 p.m., Thursday March 17. “An Irish Day of Dance” is held 11 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday March 13. Experience all things Irish at this event feaSPV-FLFeb2022V-Eng.qxp_Layout 1 turing Celtic music, dancing
MN Museum of American Art 350 Robert St. N. St. Paul 651-797-2571
The following exhibit is only on view from outside the Pioneer Endicott building, installed in the windows on Robert and 4th streets, and in the Ecolab entrance in the skyway. “Mestizaje: Intermix-Remix” is on display March 19 through June 12. Determining one’s identity has been a constant and evolving concern for immigrants and descendants of Latin American countries living in the United States. Seven Latinx artists seek to engage people and community in conversation about the complexity of defining mixed identities through newly created artworks.
Ordway Center 345 Washington St. St. Paul 651-224-4222
“The Waitress” is presented March 8-13. Shows are at 7:30 p.m., Tues.-Fri., and 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday.
“International Artist Series:” Isata Kanneh-Mason performs piano at 7:30 p.m., March 8, and 10:30 a.m., March 9.
Science Museum of Minnesota
“Days of the Dinosaurs” is now on display. View dinosaurs and fossils from around the world in brandnew exhibits, movies and the recently expanded Dinosaurs & Fossils gallery. “Ultimate Dinosaurs” is on display through April 10. Learn about dinosaur discoveries and scientific research to show how continental drift altered the landscape of the ancient world. “Science is All of Us” is presented through March. Take a cultural and scientific look at race throughout history with paid and free virtual, hybrid and in-person learning opportunities at the museum. Science Fusion events: Native Americans in STEM runs until March 4. Latinx Americans in STEM runs Feb. 21-March 5. Asian Americans in STEM runs March 14-26. African Americans in STEM runs through March 31. Omnitheater films are “Dinosaurs of Antarctica,”
175 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-265-4800
The Twin Cities Bridal Show is held at noon on Sunday Feb. 27. Tickets start at $15 and must be purchased in advance at www.
Schubert Club 75 W. 5th St. St. Paul 651-292-3268
Maria Isa will perform a virtual concert at 10:30 a.m., Monday, Mar. 14. Free. A digital concert series is underway. One online presentation will be released each month until June and will be available for replay for one week. There are four concerts left. Cost for a single digital concert is $10. Accordo will be uploaded at 8 a.m., March 24.
Tax Tips From A Tiger
120 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-221-9444
“Dino Dana,” and “Not The Science Type.” Additionally, Omnifest runs through March 6 and includes the following films: “Deep Sea,” “Hubble,” “Galapagos: Nature’s Wonderland,” and “Island Of Lemurs: Madagascar.” Theater tickets are $9.95, with discounts for children and seniors. Museum tickets are $19.95, with discounts for children and seniors.
Xcel Center
199 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul 651-726-8240
The MSHSL Girls State Hockey Tournament is held Feb. 23-26. The MSHSL State Wrestling Tournament is held March 3-5. The MSHSL Boys State Hockey Tournament is held March 9-12. Journey performs at 7:30 p.m., March 14. Tickets start at $45.50. Billie Eilish performs at 7:30 p.m., March 15. Tickets start at $76.50. Elton John performs at 8 p.m., March 22-23. Tickets start at $160.
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651-450-9851 | St. Paul Voice - March 2022 - Page 7
H ome Improvement
Your community news and information source
Top 10 steps to prepare for a home improvement project
hether you are planning to add a fence or deck to your backyard or are looking to do an extensive remodel, this guide will help save you time, money and headaches on your project. The tips are provided by the Minnesota Chapter of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry
Research - Taking time to research projects on the internet and will provide a good sense of what is involved regarding cost, scope of work, return on investment and material options. You should also research property values in your neighborhood to make sure your project is in line with other homes in the area.
Long-term plan - To ensure your project is worth the investment, consider how long you will stay in your home and how your neighborhood and family structure might change over time. Set your budget - Deciding on a realistic budget and arranging finances to support your project are essential. Share your budget with
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your remodeler. Finding professionals - Ask friends, family and neighbors for referrals and spend time researching the recommended individuals or companies online. Professional remodelers take their reputation seriously and hold credentials beyond licensing, such as certifications, memberships in trade associations and additional training. Check online reviews and social media to
see how they interacted with past clients and peers. Ask the right questions Ask your professional remodeler about their educational background, training, experience, specialties or past issues with clients, and how the remodeling process will work. Verify your remodeler Check the information you receive, including references, license numbers, insurance information and certifications by calling providers to verify. If you are undertaking a large project, you might want to request a visit to an active client’s jobsite and talk to the homeowner. Review contracts word by word - A remodeling contract protects you and your remodeler. Homeowners should review contracts carefully and ask questions about terms or items they don’t understand. Pay attention to details about change orders, payment, additional fees, timeline and responsibilities. If it’s not in the contract, it doesn’t exist. Keep design in mind Your design guides the entire project. Think about what you dislike about your current space and the intended use of the new space. Use websites such as Pinterest. com and to gather design ideas. Make your selections Deciding on products and
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materials is a larger process than most imagine. With so many options to choose from, product selections are one of the primary reasons that project timelines get extended. Base decisions on quality, function, price, style and availability. Include selections in the contract to lock down pricing and keep your budget intact. Create a communication plan - A common downfall in remodeling is lack of communication between homeowners and remodelers. Your remodeler should lay out a communication plan at the beginning of the project. If not, ask them to do so. This plan should clarify roles of everyone involved, communication methods, availability and frequency of communication that is expected.
Finding the right remodeler The first step in hiring a contractor is to find one best suited to your project. Start by searching the National Association of the Remodeling Industry at, where you can search by specialty, and zip code. You can also research names and background of qualified remodelers that may have been supplied by neighbors and friends to verify licensing and certifications. Here are the most common types of contractors: Handyman Services Design-Build - A deby Merriam Parkoffers Painting sign-build firm qualSmall House Projects Done Right! ity Sash design construction cords, and torn screens, sticking doors, pictures hung and more. services within the same Call Ed at 651-224-3660
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Page 8 - St. Paul Voice - March 2022
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Remodeling - Many home improvements do not require professional design services. Projects like porch construction, roofing, siding and window replacement can be handled successfully
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Join our Tribe...
A tribe is defined as a group of people having a common character or interest. In today’s day and age it has also come to mean supporters and we invite you to be one of ours. To contribute to this newspaper, mail your donation to 1643 S. Robert St., Suite 60B, West St. Paul, MN 55118, or call us at 651-457-1177 with your credit card number. Mailed subscriptions are available for $21.50 per year.
for defining a contract and procuring permits. In cases where your professional remodeler does not provide design services, you may wish to seek the assistance of a professional architect,
Carpenter & Laborer Positions
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preferably one with extensive remodeling experience. Interior Designer - Interior design consultants are trained to deal with more than the furnishings and finishes that go into a space
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St. Paul Voice - March 2022 - Page 9
C ommunity
Your community news and information source
Neighbors, Inc. Charlie Thompson President & CEO
It is March and that means one thing at Neighbors: it’s Minnesota FoodShare month, the biggest food and fund drive of our year. Dozens of community partners, including faith communities, businesses and educational institutions, support it. The pounds of food and dollars raised help sustain
our hunger relief efforts for several months. We spend much time and energy each year promoting this important time. That was not always the case. Much like the humble beginnings of Neighbors 50 years ago, Minnesota FoodShare had a relatively quiet beginning. In fact, it took
ISD 197 Spelling Bee champions
Fifteen elementary school students and 24 middle school students qualified for the competition. The winners with their winning word were: Ian Brandt of Garlough
The Optimist Club of West St. Paul hosted its 25th annual ISD 197 Spelling Bee January 13 in the Two Rivers High School auditorium.
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St. Matthew’s 33nd Annual
some time to become what it is today. Neighbors first participated in the program in 1983, two years after the inaugural metro-wide food share campaign. The board meeting minutes for Neighbors from March of that year state: “The Metro Food Drive was a success. As a result, a fourth food shelf was opened at St. Augustine’s enabling staff to conveniently handle some of the emergency food needs.” As the years went by, Minnesota FoodShare grew into a statewide initiative that supports hundreds of food shelves. This year, our goal is to raise more than 400,000 pounds of food and/or dollars to support our hunger relief efforts in Northern Dakota County. Much like
Neighbors’ first food share, support from the community helps us to be innovative in our approaches to hunger relief. We offer a variety of ways for our neighbors in need to receive food support. First, we recently started welcoming back clients to shop in person at our traditional food shelf. For the first time, they are experiencing the newly remodeled food shelf, which provides nutritious options, ethnically diverse selections and non-food items, such as hygiene products. It has been nearly two years since in-person shopping last took place and we are so glad to be offering it once again. We will continue to offer flexible ways to access food
support. Food delivery, introduced during the pandemic, will continue to be an important way we are able to bring food to people. We have volunteer drivers that deliver food to those who have no transportation. We also support our Neighbors Express satellite distributions located throughout Northern Dakota County. Through Neighbors Express, we distribute a variety of food and other essential items to high need locations where residents can help themselves to the valuable resources. Finally, our curbside pick-up will continue as a preferred option for many of our clients. We are grateful for the community’s year-round
support of all our programs and services. During the month of March, there is a special focus on the need for food support. That is why it is so important that we partner with Minnesota FoodShare. It not only helps us stock our shelves with food, it also raises awareness around the need for food shelves and other hunger relief efforts. Thank you for your support of Minnesota FoodShare. Much like the first time we participated in the Metro Food Drive, with your support, we know it will be a success. To learn more about how you can participate in Minnesota FoodShare, contact Darcy at or 651-306-2149.
Environmental Magnet Elementary (Montmorency); Derek Johnson of Mendota Elementary (Chaucerian); Isabelle Duren of Moreland Arts & Health Sciences Magnet Elementary (fata morgana); Violet Larson of Pilot Knob Elementary (contorted); Henry Seidl of Somerset Elementary (mortification); Hannah Trudeau of Friendly Hills (conurbation); Grant Jedlicka of Heritage Middle
School (repast). Derek Johnson became the Elementary Grand Champion by correctly spelling Chaucerian in the one-word championship round, and Hannah Trudeau was the Middle School Grand Champion, correctly spelling conurbation in the one-word championship round. All finalists received a medallion, and the winners received a trophy.
Human Rights Commission openings
way and Hayden Heights libraries. LSE Architects will discuss the overall design process and attendees will hear about upcoming opportunities to share feedback. For more information, visit
Wills, Trusts & Probate Business Planning Estate Planning Personal Injury Real Estate
We Have Moved!
Our new address is 5684 Bishop Avenue, Suite 200, Inver Grove Heights (located inside Key Community Bank) To reach us, call 651-451-9743 or visit
The City of St. Paul is seeking people to serve a three-year term on its Human Rights and Equal Economic Opportunity Commission, which promotes human rights opportunities, advises the City on related policies and holds hearings on human rights cases brought under the City ordinance. Applications received by March 1 will be considered for appointment in the summer/fall. To apply, visit and search Human Rights Commission.
Meeting on Riverview library renovation St. Paul Public Library is hosting a virtual community meeting 6:30-7:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 24 to discuss redevelopment plans for Riverview, Hamline, Mid-
Fundraising breakfast DARTS is hosting its 8th Annual Fundraising Breakfast at Mendakota Country Club 7:30-9 a.m., Thursday, April 28. The event includes a complimentary breakfast and presentation by guest speaker Rick King, chairman of the Metropolitan Airports Commission. Donations will help DARTS continue to serve area seniors and their families. Register by April 20 at dartsconnects. org/darts-events/breakfast or by calling 651-455-1560. To become an event sponsor or table sponsor, contact Steve Haschig at steve.haschig@ or 651-234-2229.
P. James Taurinskas Attorney, Minnesota & Wisconsin Brian J. Taurinskas Attorney, Minnesota & Wisconsin
Minnesota State Bar Association Board Certified Real Property Law Specialist
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St. Matthew’s Social Hall Page 10 - St. Paul Voice - March 2022
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Experienced, professional tax preparation for over half a century... Call or stop in today to schedule your appointment Hilda E. Mickelson, EA Patrick M. Mikel, EA Timothy J. Wheeler, EA
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420 S. Robert St., St. Paul 651-224-4245
C ommunity
Your community news and information source
Out of the Jungle
In my dream, the jungle was thick and dark. There was a river running through it and I was on a small raft, careening down it. The current was flowing fast in the center and I wanted to steer closer to the banks, but the jungle was filled with monsters — prehistoric creatures that roared when they saw my little raft tumbling in the water. I never saw them clearly but could sense their presence. They reared their giant heads as I went by. The branches of the trees thrashed as they moved just out of sight. Then, up ahead, I saw huge stones in the center of the river. I feared I would smash my makeshift raft to bits. I steered closer to the bank until my raft was close to the river’s edge.
Carrie Classon
Suddenly, a huge arm reached out of the jungle. It was gray and covered in scales with long claws and I was easily within reach. I woke with a start. Peter was sleeping. I grabbed him. “What’s the matter?” he asked groggily. I tried to explain about the monsters that were like dinosaurs and the river that was flowing too fast for me
to navigate the rickety raft and the rocks ahead. “Wasn’t I there?” he asked. “No!” He wasn’t there. But as he fell back to sleep, I knew he thought he should have been. If he had been there, we would have evaded those monsters. Next time, he would make a point of being on the raft. Being married comes with a lot of responsibilities they don’t tell you about. We are now in Mexico and, after weeks of feeling good, Peter’s back went out again last night. He felt worse than he’d ever felt before. I didn’t know what we
should do. Stay where we were? Continue to our destination? Return home? “I can’t think clearly enough to decide. Let’s do what you think is best,” Peter said. “Let’s go!” I said. We packed up in minutes, caught a shuttle, and headed to our final stop, an hour and a half away. I explained to our driver, Ricardo, in my childlike Spanish that my husband had “terrible pain of the spine,” and he looked on sympathetically. We had almost made it to our destination when Ricardo asked if we would like to
stop at a pharmacy. The only thing that had helped Peter before was a short course of steroids. I figured it couldn’t hurt to ask. So, I launched into my small-child Spanish again, asking the pharmacist if it was “possible to buy prednisona.” “What strength?” she wanted to know. “And how much?” This was beyond my abilities to communicate, so she just brought out the boxes and laid them on the counter. By nightfall Peter was feeling a bit better, and today he is up and cooking beans. He will see another doctor when we get home because he can-
not live like this, always in fear of monsters jumping out of the jungle. But I am so glad he is better today. “I am not very good at taking care of you,” I said, because I’m not. I have no experience caring for people who are ill or in pain. I don’t know what to say or do. I feel helpless and useless and frustrated, none of which makes me much of a Florence Nightingale. But I was able to speak enough Spanish to get some help. I got our raft a little closer to the center of the river and now we are picking up speed. Till next time.
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Page 12 - St. Paul Voice - March 2022
Center for Rescue Veterinary Care Center for Rescue Veterinary Care Original building, renewed purpose. Center for Rescue Veterinary Care Original building, renewed purpose. OpeningOriginal in the previous Southview Animalpurpose. Hospital location, building, renewed Southview Sanctuary will be a dedicated space to serve animals Opening incare the previous Animal Hospital location, needing through Southview local animal rescure organizations Southview Sanctuary will be a dedicated space to serve animals Opening incare the previous Animal Hospital location, needing through Southview local animal rescure organizations Southview Sanctuary will be a dedicated space to serve animals needing care32 through animal rescure Westlocal Mendota Roadorganizations
Looking for a new career? Join our team! Inver Grove Heights, MN 55057 32 West Mendota Road Now accepting resumes! Heights, MN 55057 Do youInver love animals and want to be part of a growing, fast-paced 32Grove West Mendota Road Follow that along on Facebook for updates on animalInver hospital provides excellent care? If so, we invite you Grove Heights, Southview Sanctuary and toMN learn55057 more! to join our team. Due to expansion, Southview Animal Hospital www.facebook.con/SouthviewAnimalHospital Follow on Facebook for updates on hasalong the following positions available: Southview Sanctuary and to learn more! Follow along on Facebook for updates on www.facebook.con/SouthviewAnimalHospital Southview Sanctuary and to learn more! Care) Veterinarian (Associate, Overnight Emergency/Urgent www.facebook.con/SouthviewAnimalHospital Veterinary Technician
Tech / Kennel Assistant Customer Service Representative To apply, send resume to
Coming Soon
Southview Animal Hospital is opening Southview Sanctuary Center for Rescue Veterinary Care Clinic in early 2022, located at 32 W. Mendota Road, Inver Grove Heights. Follow along at