FE B R U A RY 2 0 0 8 V O L . 1 5 , N O . 2
“Do All the Good You Can...”
nited Methodists have believed, from the beginning, that each of us is called to participate in the outreaching ministry of Jesus Christ. John Wesley described this work in simple, practical terms: “Do all the good you can, in all the places you can, to all the people you can.”
St. Paul’s Youth Activities for February February 10: February 3: The teams from been selected and the God invites us to a journey of faith commercials have been made; who will you that will bring us closer to God and all cheer for? Join us for the annual UMYF Super that God offers. Come hear about the Journey. Bowl party! This year the Reiman February 17: family will host No UMYF due to plans the youth at on Sunday morning to 10359 South worship at St. James Highland Lane United Methodist Church in Olathe. The in honor of Black History senior high youth Month. are asked to bring something February 24: Christians healthy or salty are called to be and the junior Gustavo, Joey and Alex at the Lazarus Project. worshipful in every aspect high youth are asked to bring something sweet. Keep an eye of out daily life. Worship: come hear how to live it every day. out for e-mails for directions and start time.
ooking for something to do on Wednesday nights? Bored with reruns and silly reality TV? We
have the answer for you. Join the high school youth of the church on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month for Bible Study and fellowship. On the 6th we will meet on the bridge following the 7pm Ash Wednesday service for snacks and a short discussion on Lent. On the 20th we will meet at the home of Katie Barrett’s for a lesson and fellowship.
Putting our faith into action is at the very heart of our Christian calling. By volunteering to be of service to our brothers and sisters, we have the opportunity to live our calling more faithfully. Here at St. Paul’s, we are always looking for ways to engage people in service and because we are a healthy congregation, we are never lacking for areas that need people to serve.
Volunteer Opportunities Volunteers embody Christian love in action by bringing their diverse talents to the church, to mission programs, local outreach ministries, and emergency response and recovery work around the world. Many of you are attending worship….our attendance is UP! So you have the worship part down, but how about the +2? Are you serving somewhere? Have you selected an area where you are able to nurture yourself? Lucky for you, it is my job to help people match their areas of interest with areas of ministry. Let me help you…here is a sample of ways that you can choose to serve the St. Paul’s church family. Find one that fits you and then e-mail me your questions or your decision to volunteer your service:
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Keep correct, updated information about our membership: ie new members, baptisms, marriages, name changes.
WORSHIP + 2 = worship + service for others + nurture e for you
CHURCH OFFICE VOLUNTEER: One Wednesday afternoon per month when our office manager is out of the office.
COMMUNION SERVERS: Help serve communion on the first Sunday of a month and special services. People needed for all 3 services. ACOLYTES: Children in grades 3-5 to bring in/take out the light for 8:15 and 10:45 services each Sunday. Brief training will be scheduled. CHILDREN’S TIME: Talk with our younger children for 3-5 minutes during 8:15 or 10:45 worship service. ORDER FLOWERS: Serve on worship committee with responsibility to oversee the Poinsettia and Easter Lily orders from church members. SANCTUARY ORGANIZATION: Two or three people who like things to be “just right,” who would be responsible for seeing that the sanctuary chairs are set evenly and comfortably for services, with hymnals on every other seat. GREETERS/HOSTS: Greeters welcome all who come through our doors on Sunday morning. Hosts make first-time visitors feel welcome.
Continued on page 4
8:15 a.m.
Traditional Worship Service
9:30 a.m.
Celebration Service with Praise Band Sunday Classes (ages 3-adult)
10:45 a.m.
Traditional Worship Service with Chancel Choir Youth/Adult Classes
LENT& HOLYWEEK................... 2 TAKING CARE OF ST. PAUL’S...... 3 CONFIRMATION....................... 3 NEW EMAILADRESSES.............3 STEWARDSHIP UPDATE...........4 BORROWING POLICY.................5 GLOBALMISSIONS...................5 NOTHING BUTNETS..................6 PRESCHOOL INFO....................7 YOUTH ACTIVITIES....................7
STAFF Jim Darby Senior Pastor Sandra Cox Associate Pastor Denis Dutton Bishop-in-Residence Doris Housh Office Manager Cheryl Scott Business Manager Becky Ronning Financial Secretary Jeni Anderson Communications Coordinator Celebration Service Music Director Sharon Darby
Looking Ahead to Lent
realize that it will be February before most of you receive this newsletter, but I’m still basking in the glow of the Advent and Christmas services we enjoyed together. I am so grateful to the many people who made such high quality and inspirational worship possible. We are very blessed here at St. Paul’s with generous and gifted people! Thanks to all who read, sang, acted, arranged, played, prayed and simply showed up! It seems hard to believe that we are already looking at Lent and Easter! February 6 is Ash Wednesday which means Easter falls in March this year. In fact, it falls as early as it is possible to do in our lifetimes: March 23. (Note the schedule of services
listed below.) Such is life and the rhythms of life. With Epiphany quickly passing in between, we will switch from the celebration of Incarnation to the sorrow of Lent, followed by the greatest celebration of them all! This we will do together as members of the very special faith community that is St. Paul’s. I can’t think of anyone else with whom I would rather walk the journey and I can’t wait to hear the music, enjoy the beauty of the sanctuary and see the drama of this holy time. Thank you St. Paul’s, for what has been and for that which is yet to come. Jim
Coordinator of Ministries Marti Johnson Coordinator of Music Elizabeth Mulkey
Chancel Choir Director
February 6, 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.:
Kim Barney
Ash Wednesday Services with Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes, Sanctuary
Children’s Choirs Joy Ellsworth Bell Choir Director Jeremy Watson Pianist
March 5, 6:00 p.m.: Seder Meal for Children, Sponsored by Children’s Ministries
March 16, 8:15, 9:30, and 10:45 a.m.: Palm Sunday Services
Heather Gonzales
March 20, 6:30 p.m.:
Youth Director
Maundy Thursday Last Supper Commemoration A fellowship connecting the Passover Tradition with Holy Communion, Sanctuary
Claudia Vines Children’s Ministries Lynda Gillette Child Care Coordinator Linda Edgell Preschool Director Joy Dodd, Susan Fussell, Marylyn Robertson, Shannon Mullen Children’s Church Coordinators Michael Harrison Building Manager Journey is published monthly by St. Paul’s United Methodist Church PO Box 14342, Lenexa, KS 66285 7740 Lackman, Lenexa, KS 66217 Editor: Jeni Anderson, 913-268-9551 Printer: St. Paul’s UMC, 913-268-9551
March 21, 7:00 p.m.: Good Friday Choral Tenebrae Service Dramatizing the abandonment of Jesus by his followers, Chancel Choir/Sanctuary
March 23, Easter Sunday 6:45 a.m.: Sunrise Service designed and offered by St. Paul’s Youth 8:00 a.m.: Traditional Service with choir 9:30 a.m.: Celebration Service with Praise Band 11:00 a.m.: Traditional Service with choir No Sunday School or Adult Classes Easter Sunday
ST. PAUL’S HAPPENINGS LADIES COFFEE GROUP meets the first Thursday of each month at the Black Dog Coffeehouse, 12815 West 87th Street Parkway (behind Mr. Goodcents). Call Jane Wiegele, 248-0622, with questions. See you Thursday, February 7, at 9:00 a.m. DOWNTOWN LUNCH GROUP will meet Friday, February 8, 11:30 a.m., at Lidia’s in the Crossroads by Union Station. To reserve your spot at the table, contact Jennifer Wampler, 816-931-2232, ext. 309, or MOVIE GROUP meets Friday, February 8, at 6:30 p.m. Contact Steve Simon, ssimon@cmh. edu, or 814-9942, by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 7, for details about the movie and to reserve tickets.
RSVP in advance, however, to Diana McElroy,, or call the church office, 268-9551, no later than Thursday, February 7. MOTHERS (Moms Out to Help Each other Regain Sanity) will meet on Monday, February 11, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Shannon Mullen, 14116 West 73rd Street, for game night. For questions or directions, call or email Sonya Bower, 962-8036, or OUR NEXT ARGENTINE FOOD KITCHEN DATE is Friday, February 15. RED team, it is your month to prepare food. Shawnee Mission grades 7-12 are off that day, so this is a great opportunity for youth to serve. Call Janet Podoll, 888-1866, if you would like to prepare
PANTRY TO PANTRY Thank you, St. Paul’s Church members! We appreciate all that you did in December and January to support those who need it most! On “Souper Bowl Sunday,” February 3, we will be collecting soup in addition to our regular food collections for Metropolitan Avenue Food Kitchen. Our donations really do make a difference in the lives of the people in this community. Please go through your pantry or buy some extra soup next time you shop. You can drop off your donations in the coat closet in the marked bins the
first week of February.
or serve food. A VALENTINE TEA PARTY for girls of all ages, and moms, grandmothers, aunts, etc., will be Sunday, February 10, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the bridge classroom. Please bring a tea set if you have one, and a treat to share. Favorite dolls are welcome to join us. We will share a Valentine craft project. Cost is $5.00 per family, payable that day. Please
Preschool Fall Enrollment Students for 2008-2009 school year
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Children ages 2 to 5 years
Preschool and Children’s Day Out
New families enrollment begins Feb. 16
nurtures children to grow in a loving relationship with Christ and provide
Give your address to the preschool office to receive enrollment information View the preschool website for information and forms Linda Edgell, Director 631-0101 or
opportunities for educational and social growth.
othing But Nets is a grassroots campaign to save lives by preventing malaria, a leading killer of children in Africa. While the UN Foundation has been working with the UN to fight malaria for years, it was a column that Rick Reilly wrote about malaria in Sports Illustrated, challenging each of his readers to donate at least $10 for the purchase of an anti-malaria bed nets -- and the incredible response from thousands of Americans across the country -- that led to the creation of the Nothing But Nets campaign.
The reaction to Reilly’s 815 words made clear that thousands of people were ready to help the million children dying unnecessarily each year of malaria. Within a few short months, Nothing But Nets raised over one million dollars. And so Nothing But Nets was born. The UN Foundation has now partnered with groups as diverse as National Basketball Association’s NBA Cares, The People of the United Methodist Church and Sports Illustrated to bring Nothing But Nets to the American public. These Founding Partners are joined by corporate, multi-media and financial partners to make a significant impact by raising awareness and funds to purchase and distribute bed nets and save lives. With the money contributed, the UN Foundation and its partners work with the Measles Initiative – one of the most successful vaccination efforts ever undertaken – to purchase bed nets and distribute them in countries and communities in greatest need. Using its proven distribution system – which in just five years has vaccinated nearly a quarter billion children – the Measles Initiative will distribute bed nets along with measles vaccinations and other medicines to atrisk countries. It’s an effective and cost-efficient way to get the nets to the people who need them. UMC Involvement The people of the United Methodist Church have been invited to participate with the Nothing But Nets partners to help stop a deadly disease – malaria. In sub-Saharan Africa, a child dies
every 30 seconds from this preventable disease. This is a statistic that the world must pay attention to according to Bishop Joao Somane Machado, leader of the United Methodist Church in Mozambique. “This is not an African issue,” said Machado. “It’s not only for poor countries. It’s global.” Just $10 buys a bed net, distributes it to a family and provides education on how to use it. By answering Jesus’ call to “minister to the least of these who are members of our family,” we can beat this awful disease and save future generations. So give a child the opportunity to live a life of health and happiness. Pray. Communicate the need. Buy a bed net. And save a life. To learn more about malaria initiatives of The United Methodist Church, visit
Nothing But Nets campaign gets $3 million challenge grant The Nothing But Nets campaign has received a $3 million challenge grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the purchase and distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets to prevent malaria in Africa. The people of The United Methodist Church, the United Nations Foundation, NBA Cares, Sports Illustrated and other partners are working to raise donations for bed nets. The grant will match those contributions dollar for dollar up to $3 million. St. Paul’s is joining this fight by offering a special, evening worship service at 7 p.m. on Sunday, March 30. “Netjam” will be similar in style to the U2charist service we held in November, 2006. Jeremy’s band, BixbyLane, will play; youth and children will be involved; and we’ll draw on the prayers, music and traditions of Africa. The offering that night will go to the Nothing But Nets project. You’ll hear more about this service in the days to come. Contact Scott Groth, Elizabeth Mulkey, Heather Gonzales, Marti Johnson or either pastor if you would like to participate.
Taking Care of St. Paul’s
his is a friendly reminder for anyone who finds themselves at the church late in the evening. Recently there has been a higher than usual number of instances where our late night volunteer to check the church has arrived at an empty church building that has doors unlocked, lights on, and furnaces blasting heat. Please treat God’s house like it is your own. When you leave at night and see that you are the last car in the parking lot (or almost the last car), look back at the building. •Did you lock the door on your way out? •Are there any lights on? •Can you hear the furnace (or A/C) in the Sanctuary?
If the answer is yes to any of these, please walk back in and switch off the lights, push “Run Program” on the thermostat, and lock up on your way back out. We have a group of volunteers who each have a single night every month, in which they drive to the church late at night, to make sure it is shut down and secured. We don’t always make it. We need your help to make sure we arrive at a building that is already safe, and not wasting our money on heating and A/C. We are short one volunteer. If you are interested in joining the late night security team (one night per month, every month), please contact Jack Podoll at 913- 888-1866 or 706-5104 or
hey’re back and hot on the
Humphrey and Chris Soper report that the newsroom
is packed with a fresh team of 19 “investigative reporters.” Our beat? Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30pm. Are you ready for their questions? Can you handle their enthusiastic quest for those timeless answers to who, what, when, where, how and why? Even YOU may be called upon
CHECK OUT THE NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES! On Friday, February 15, our email addresses will no longer be valid. Please make the following changes in your email address books right now:
to help in their insatiable search for the truth! Be READY! The minds:
Sharon Darby: Sandra Cox:
Albracht, Wyatt Anderson, Taylor Carly
Crocker, Jessica Himes, Rachael Hulse,
Kotzman, Jim Darby:
includes the following inquiring
Bailey, To send something to the office or to Doris:
Humphreys, LaLonde,
Seth Helen
Paolo, Angela Podoll, MacKenzie Rex, Joey Schmits, Hannah Singhal, Jenny Skells, Erica Waltman and Allison Williams. So far, they have delved into prehistoric man’s concept
Linda Edgell or St. Paul’s Preschool: Cheryl Scott: Claudia Vines:
of God and “some really weird stuff” in the Bible. Soon they’ll be looking at how our Bible in its present form came to be. Our “Covering the Beat” presentations will introduce us to numerous Old Testament notables
If a staff member is not listed here, that employee’s current email address is still valid. Many of our staff work offsite, and have different email address. Please refer to your church directory, or call or email the office if you have any questions.
such as Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Saul, David and Solomon. We are a busy group!
600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 Jan Feb Mar
Children’s Education (plans children’s activities) needs 4-5 more volunteers.
Did you find something if interest to you? If not, this is only a small sample of ways to be in service at St. Paul’s. Together, you and I can find your place of service. Next month’s article…finding a place at St. Paul’s to nurture yourself. I’d love to hear from you: E-mail me at or call 268-9551. Sharon Darby, Coordinator of Ministries
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec YTD
15000 10000
te t m be r O ct ob N ov er em b D ec er em be r
S ep
Au g
Be g
Peace and Justice is a new committee that will help raise awareness of social issues and help educate and encourage our congregation to faithfully address these issues.
Apr May June Jul
2007 Operating Budget Equity
Family Life (social committee) needs 2 or 3 people who like to plan and help organize events pertaining to our in-house social life.
Communications is a task orientated committee to improve communication within and without. This involves the web site, newsletter, advertisements, new signage, etc.
Revenue Expenses
CHURCH COMMITTEES WITH OPENINGS FOR SERVICE: Administrative Board (policy making committee) needs several “at large” members
2007 Operating Revenue and Expenses
Ap r
Below is a chart of operating revenues and expenses for 2007 as well as YTD equity.
M ar
“Hey, I Could Use That...”
Stewardship Update
From the Business Manager
Fe b
cont’d from page 1
December pledged contributions were received at 147% of budgeted and expenses were expended at 105% of budget. For the year as a whole, pledges were received at 93% of budget and expenditures were 95% of budget. Although pledges and expenses were very close for the year, other income sources allowed us to end the year at $18,304 equity. These are awesome financials for 2007. Finance had anticipated ending the year with equity of 15,000 and had budgeted that amount as part of the 2008 budget. Many thanks to all those families that honored their 2007 commitment, thus allowing our committees and mission areas to provide programs and outreach through their budgets. Below is a chart of capital revenues and expenses for 2007. 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr YTD Pledge Revenue $19,680 $36,529 $35,133 $ 50,695 $142,037 Pledge Revenue (debt reduction) $65,476 $58,321 $108,211 $232,008 Rental Revenue $ 9,294 $13,223** $12,091 $ 11,360 $ 45,968 Loan Payments – Interest $37,594 $39,148 $39,799 $ 40,743 $157,284 Loan Payments – Prin $19,449 $17,894 $18,273 $ 19,392 $ 75,008 Rental Expenses $ 5,588 $ 9,703* $ 367 $ 4,818* $ 20,476 *Includes ½ property tax payments **includes deposits on 2 properties and advance money from loan for repairs We are at the end of the 2005-2007 capital campaign, our “old” campaign. Contributions for this campaign reached 90%. This is a very normal amount to receive on a three year campaign as some families move or due to job situations are unable to complete their commitment. St. Paul’s should celebrate this milestone!! Many folks have already begun making contributions towards their new debt reduction commitment; however others will be starting that commitment this month. If you have any questions on what your commitment was, please contact Becky Ronning,, or 894-9564.
Church Administration Board Sets Policy for Borrowing Items from St. Paul’s UMC
t. Paul’s policy for borrowing items from the church is stated below. In order to preserve St. Paul’s not for profit/tax exempt status, items cannot be borrowed from the church for personal use. When items are borrowed for St. Paul’s activities outside the building, please complete a form (available from the church office) to document what is leaving the building. This will allow us to be aware of where items are being used in case the item(s) is/are needed for other church activities. Procedures Regarding Borrowing Items from St. Paul’s UMC: In accordance with applicable law, no property of St Paul’s shall be removed from the building for personal use. Church property may only be borrowed for church purposes and only after receipt of written approval by the Board of Trustees pursuant to written policy of the Board of Trustees. (Approved by Administrative Board June 24, 2007) This policy covers all furniture and fixtures of St. Paul’s building (for example - furnishings, electronic equipment, kitchen equipment, etc.). Procedures: 1. When a requester (church member) wants to request to borrow property for church use offsite, a property-borrowing form must be obtained from the church office manager; 2. The requester will include in that form the mission or ministry served, along
with the appropriate mission or ministry authorization; 3. The requester will return the completed request form (except for the Trustees’ approval) to the church office manager; 4. The church office manager will advise the Trustees’ Chair or Secretary of the Trustees of the completed request form. If approved by either the Chair or Secretary of Trustees, the church office manager will advise the requester (now borrower) of that approval; 5. The borrower will make arrangements for pick up and return of the item(s) with the church office manager; 6. The borrower will advise the church office manager of the return of the item(s) and 7. The church office manager will so note the return of the borrowed item(s) on the form and will maintain those forms in a file for two (2) calendar years.
Procedures approved by St Paul’s UMC Administrative Board on October 21, 2007
In Our Thoughts and Prayers Our sympathy is extended to Tom Vrabac upon the death of his uncle, Mike Vrabac.
Our sympathy is extended to Brian Bower upon the death of his grandmother, Meta Luelf..
Global Mission Experience
Saturday Feb 23,2008 The Face of Today’s Missionary - Is it Yours? 9 am - 4 pm (check in 830-900 am) Countryside United Methodist Church 3221 SW Burlingame Rd, Topeka, KS Registration Fee $15 adult; $10 kindergarten - 6th grade Registration Deadline Feb 8 - no lunch guarantee for late registration Register by mail or online https:// link from www. (must pay by credit card to use this service, no need to login) Sponsored by the Conference Board of Global Ministries to celebrate MISSIONS of the Kansas East Conference and the General Board of Global Ministries Workshops include UMCOR, VIM (volunteers in mission), Haiti, McCurdy School, Mexico Clinic, Samaritan Good Heifer International, Disaster Response, AIDS and Africa, Russia, Honduras, Covenant Relationships and Global Mission Partners, Global Praise, Poland etc.
600000 500000 400000 300000 200000 100000 0 Jan Feb Mar
Children’s Education (plans children’s activities) needs 4-5 more volunteers.
Did you find something if interest to you? If not, this is only a small sample of ways to be in service at St. Paul’s. Together, you and I can find your place of service. Next month’s article…finding a place at St. Paul’s to nurture yourself. I’d love to hear from you: E-mail me at or call 268-9551. Sharon Darby, Coordinator of Ministries
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec YTD
15000 10000
te t m be r O ct ob N ov er em b D ec er em be r
S ep
Au g
Be g
Peace and Justice is a new committee that will help raise awareness of social issues and help educate and encourage our congregation to faithfully address these issues.
Apr May June Jul
2007 Operating Budget Equity
Family Life (social committee) needs 2 or 3 people who like to plan and help organize events pertaining to our in-house social life.
Communications is a task orientated committee to improve communication within and without. This involves the web site, newsletter, advertisements, new signage, etc.
Revenue Expenses
CHURCH COMMITTEES WITH OPENINGS FOR SERVICE: Administrative Board (policy making committee) needs several “at large” members
2007 Operating Revenue and Expenses
Ap r
Below is a chart of operating revenues and expenses for 2007 as well as YTD equity.
M ar
“Hey, I Could Use That...”
Stewardship Update
From the Business Manager
Fe b
cont’d from page 1
December pledged contributions were received at 147% of budgeted and expenses were expended at 105% of budget. For the year as a whole, pledges were received at 93% of budget and expenditures were 95% of budget. Although pledges and expenses were very close for the year, other income sources allowed us to end the year at $18,304 equity. These are awesome financials for 2007. Finance had anticipated ending the year with equity of 15,000 and had budgeted that amount as part of the 2008 budget. Many thanks to all those families that honored their 2007 commitment, thus allowing our committees and mission areas to provide programs and outreach through their budgets. Below is a chart of capital revenues and expenses for 2007. 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr YTD Pledge Revenue $19,680 $36,529 $35,133 $ 50,695 $142,037 Pledge Revenue (debt reduction) $65,476 $58,321 $108,211 $232,008 Rental Revenue $ 9,294 $13,223** $12,091 $ 11,360 $ 45,968 Loan Payments – Interest $37,594 $39,148 $39,799 $ 40,743 $157,284 Loan Payments – Prin $19,449 $17,894 $18,273 $ 19,392 $ 75,008 Rental Expenses $ 5,588 $ 9,703* $ 367 $ 4,818* $ 20,476 *Includes ½ property tax payments **includes deposits on 2 properties and advance money from loan for repairs We are at the end of the 2005-2007 capital campaign, our “old” campaign. Contributions for this campaign reached 90%. This is a very normal amount to receive on a three year campaign as some families move or due to job situations are unable to complete their commitment. St. Paul’s should celebrate this milestone!! Many folks have already begun making contributions towards their new debt reduction commitment; however others will be starting that commitment this month. If you have any questions on what your commitment was, please contact Becky Ronning,, or 894-9564.
Church Administration Board Sets Policy for Borrowing Items from St. Paul’s UMC
t. Paul’s policy for borrowing items from the church is stated below. In order to preserve St. Paul’s not for profit/tax exempt status, items cannot be borrowed from the church for personal use. When items are borrowed for St. Paul’s activities outside the building, please complete a form (available from the church office) to document what is leaving the building. This will allow us to be aware of where items are being used in case the item(s) is/are needed for other church activities. Procedures Regarding Borrowing Items from St. Paul’s UMC: In accordance with applicable law, no property of St Paul’s shall be removed from the building for personal use. Church property may only be borrowed for church purposes and only after receipt of written approval by the Board of Trustees pursuant to written policy of the Board of Trustees. (Approved by Administrative Board June 24, 2007) This policy covers all furniture and fixtures of St. Paul’s building (for example - furnishings, electronic equipment, kitchen equipment, etc.). Procedures: 1. When a requester (church member) wants to request to borrow property for church use offsite, a property-borrowing form must be obtained from the church office manager; 2. The requester will include in that form the mission or ministry served, along
with the appropriate mission or ministry authorization; 3. The requester will return the completed request form (except for the Trustees’ approval) to the church office manager; 4. The church office manager will advise the Trustees’ Chair or Secretary of the Trustees of the completed request form. If approved by either the Chair or Secretary of Trustees, the church office manager will advise the requester (now borrower) of that approval; 5. The borrower will make arrangements for pick up and return of the item(s) with the church office manager; 6. The borrower will advise the church office manager of the return of the item(s) and 7. The church office manager will so note the return of the borrowed item(s) on the form and will maintain those forms in a file for two (2) calendar years.
Procedures approved by St Paul’s UMC Administrative Board on October 21, 2007
In Our Thoughts and Prayers Our sympathy is extended to Tom Vrabac upon the death of his uncle, Mike Vrabac.
Our sympathy is extended to Brian Bower upon the death of his grandmother, Meta Luelf..
Global Mission Experience
Saturday Feb 23,2008 The Face of Today’s Missionary - Is it Yours? 9 am - 4 pm (check in 830-900 am) Countryside United Methodist Church 3221 SW Burlingame Rd, Topeka, KS Registration Fee $15 adult; $10 kindergarten - 6th grade Registration Deadline Feb 8 - no lunch guarantee for late registration Register by mail or online https:// link from www. (must pay by credit card to use this service, no need to login) Sponsored by the Conference Board of Global Ministries to celebrate MISSIONS of the Kansas East Conference and the General Board of Global Ministries Workshops include UMCOR, VIM (volunteers in mission), Haiti, McCurdy School, Mexico Clinic, Samaritan Good Heifer International, Disaster Response, AIDS and Africa, Russia, Honduras, Covenant Relationships and Global Mission Partners, Global Praise, Poland etc.
othing But Nets is a grassroots campaign to save lives by preventing malaria, a leading killer of children in Africa. While the UN Foundation has been working with the UN to fight malaria for years, it was a column that Rick Reilly wrote about malaria in Sports Illustrated, challenging each of his readers to donate at least $10 for the purchase of an anti-malaria bed nets -- and the incredible response from thousands of Americans across the country -- that led to the creation of the Nothing But Nets campaign.
The reaction to Reilly’s 815 words made clear that thousands of people were ready to help the million children dying unnecessarily each year of malaria. Within a few short months, Nothing But Nets raised over one million dollars. And so Nothing But Nets was born. The UN Foundation has now partnered with groups as diverse as National Basketball Association’s NBA Cares, The People of the United Methodist Church and Sports Illustrated to bring Nothing But Nets to the American public. These Founding Partners are joined by corporate, multi-media and financial partners to make a significant impact by raising awareness and funds to purchase and distribute bed nets and save lives. With the money contributed, the UN Foundation and its partners work with the Measles Initiative – one of the most successful vaccination efforts ever undertaken – to purchase bed nets and distribute them in countries and communities in greatest need. Using its proven distribution system – which in just five years has vaccinated nearly a quarter billion children – the Measles Initiative will distribute bed nets along with measles vaccinations and other medicines to atrisk countries. It’s an effective and cost-efficient way to get the nets to the people who need them. UMC Involvement The people of the United Methodist Church have been invited to participate with the Nothing But Nets partners to help stop a deadly disease – malaria. In sub-Saharan Africa, a child dies
every 30 seconds from this preventable disease. This is a statistic that the world must pay attention to according to Bishop Joao Somane Machado, leader of the United Methodist Church in Mozambique. “This is not an African issue,” said Machado. “It’s not only for poor countries. It’s global.” Just $10 buys a bed net, distributes it to a family and provides education on how to use it. By answering Jesus’ call to “minister to the least of these who are members of our family,” we can beat this awful disease and save future generations. So give a child the opportunity to live a life of health and happiness. Pray. Communicate the need. Buy a bed net. And save a life. To learn more about malaria initiatives of The United Methodist Church, visit
Nothing But Nets campaign gets $3 million challenge grant The Nothing But Nets campaign has received a $3 million challenge grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the purchase and distribution of insecticide-treated bed nets to prevent malaria in Africa. The people of The United Methodist Church, the United Nations Foundation, NBA Cares, Sports Illustrated and other partners are working to raise donations for bed nets. The grant will match those contributions dollar for dollar up to $3 million. St. Paul’s is joining this fight by offering a special, evening worship service at 7 p.m. on Sunday, March 30. “Netjam” will be similar in style to the U2charist service we held in November, 2006. Jeremy’s band, BixbyLane, will play; youth and children will be involved; and we’ll draw on the prayers, music and traditions of Africa. The offering that night will go to the Nothing But Nets project. You’ll hear more about this service in the days to come. Contact Scott Groth, Elizabeth Mulkey, Heather Gonzales, Marti Johnson or either pastor if you would like to participate.
Taking Care of St. Paul’s
his is a friendly reminder for anyone who finds themselves at the church late in the evening. Recently there has been a higher than usual number of instances where our late night volunteer to check the church has arrived at an empty church building that has doors unlocked, lights on, and furnaces blasting heat. Please treat God’s house like it is your own. When you leave at night and see that you are the last car in the parking lot (or almost the last car), look back at the building. •Did you lock the door on your way out? •Are there any lights on? •Can you hear the furnace (or A/C) in the Sanctuary?
If the answer is yes to any of these, please walk back in and switch off the lights, push “Run Program” on the thermostat, and lock up on your way back out. We have a group of volunteers who each have a single night every month, in which they drive to the church late at night, to make sure it is shut down and secured. We don’t always make it. We need your help to make sure we arrive at a building that is already safe, and not wasting our money on heating and A/C. We are short one volunteer. If you are interested in joining the late night security team (one night per month, every month), please contact Jack Podoll at 913- 888-1866 or 706-5104 or
hey’re back and hot on the
Humphrey and Chris Soper report that the newsroom
is packed with a fresh team of 19 “investigative reporters.” Our beat? Wednesday nights from 7:00 to 8:30pm. Are you ready for their questions? Can you handle their enthusiastic quest for those timeless answers to who, what, when, where, how and why? Even YOU may be called upon
CHECK OUT THE NEW EMAIL ADDRESSES! On Friday, February 15, our email addresses will no longer be valid. Please make the following changes in your email address books right now:
to help in their insatiable search for the truth! Be READY! The minds:
Sharon Darby: Sandra Cox:
Albracht, Wyatt Anderson, Taylor Carly
Crocker, Jessica Himes, Rachael Hulse,
Kotzman, Jim Darby:
includes the following inquiring
Bailey, To send something to the office or to Doris:
Humphreys, LaLonde,
Seth Helen
Paolo, Angela Podoll, MacKenzie Rex, Joey Schmits, Hannah Singhal, Jenny Skells, Erica Waltman and Allison Williams. So far, they have delved into prehistoric man’s concept
Linda Edgell or St. Paul’s Preschool: Cheryl Scott: Claudia Vines:
of God and “some really weird stuff” in the Bible. Soon they’ll be looking at how our Bible in its present form came to be. Our “Covering the Beat” presentations will introduce us to numerous Old Testament notables
If a staff member is not listed here, that employee’s current email address is still valid. Many of our staff work offsite, and have different email address. Please refer to your church directory, or call or email the office if you have any questions.
such as Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Saul, David and Solomon. We are a busy group!
STAFF Jim Darby Senior Pastor Sandra Cox Associate Pastor Denis Dutton Bishop-in-Residence Doris Housh Office Manager Cheryl Scott Business Manager Becky Ronning Financial Secretary Jeni Anderson Communications Coordinator Celebration Service Music Director Sharon Darby
Looking Ahead to Lent
realize that it will be February before most of you receive this newsletter, but I’m still basking in the glow of the Advent and Christmas services we enjoyed together. I am so grateful to the many people who made such high quality and inspirational worship possible. We are very blessed here at St. Paul’s with generous and gifted people! Thanks to all who read, sang, acted, arranged, played, prayed and simply showed up! It seems hard to believe that we are already looking at Lent and Easter! February 6 is Ash Wednesday which means Easter falls in March this year. In fact, it falls as early as it is possible to do in our lifetimes: March 23. (Note the schedule of services
listed below.) Such is life and the rhythms of life. With Epiphany quickly passing in between, we will switch from the celebration of Incarnation to the sorrow of Lent, followed by the greatest celebration of them all! This we will do together as members of the very special faith community that is St. Paul’s. I can’t think of anyone else with whom I would rather walk the journey and I can’t wait to hear the music, enjoy the beauty of the sanctuary and see the drama of this holy time. Thank you St. Paul’s, for what has been and for that which is yet to come. Jim
Coordinator of Ministries Marti Johnson Coordinator of Music Elizabeth Mulkey
Chancel Choir Director
February 6, 6:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.:
Kim Barney
Ash Wednesday Services with Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes, Sanctuary
Children’s Choirs Joy Ellsworth Bell Choir Director Jeremy Watson Pianist
March 5, 6:00 p.m.: Seder Meal for Children, Sponsored by Children’s Ministries
March 16, 8:15, 9:30, and 10:45 a.m.: Palm Sunday Services
Heather Gonzales
March 20, 6:30 p.m.:
Youth Director
Maundy Thursday Last Supper Commemoration A fellowship connecting the Passover Tradition with Holy Communion, Sanctuary
Claudia Vines Children’s Ministries Lynda Gillette Child Care Coordinator Linda Edgell Preschool Director Joy Dodd, Susan Fussell, Marylyn Robertson, Shannon Mullen Children’s Church Coordinators Michael Harrison Building Manager Journey is published monthly by St. Paul’s United Methodist Church PO Box 14342, Lenexa, KS 66285 7740 Lackman, Lenexa, KS 66217 Editor: Jeni Anderson, 913-268-9551 Printer: St. Paul’s UMC, 913-268-9551
March 21, 7:00 p.m.: Good Friday Choral Tenebrae Service Dramatizing the abandonment of Jesus by his followers, Chancel Choir/Sanctuary
March 23, Easter Sunday 6:45 a.m.: Sunrise Service designed and offered by St. Paul’s Youth 8:00 a.m.: Traditional Service with choir 9:30 a.m.: Celebration Service with Praise Band 11:00 a.m.: Traditional Service with choir No Sunday School or Adult Classes Easter Sunday
ST. PAUL’S HAPPENINGS LADIES COFFEE GROUP meets the first Thursday of each month at the Black Dog Coffeehouse, 12815 West 87th Street Parkway (behind Mr. Goodcents). Call Jane Wiegele, 248-0622, with questions. See you Thursday, February 7, at 9:00 a.m. DOWNTOWN LUNCH GROUP will meet Friday, February 8, 11:30 a.m., at Lidia’s in the Crossroads by Union Station. To reserve your spot at the table, contact Jennifer Wampler, 816-931-2232, ext. 309, or MOVIE GROUP meets Friday, February 8, at 6:30 p.m. Contact Steve Simon, ssimon@cmh. edu, or 814-9942, by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 7, for details about the movie and to reserve tickets.
RSVP in advance, however, to Diana McElroy,, or call the church office, 268-9551, no later than Thursday, February 7. MOTHERS (Moms Out to Help Each other Regain Sanity) will meet on Monday, February 11, at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Shannon Mullen, 14116 West 73rd Street, for game night. For questions or directions, call or email Sonya Bower, 962-8036, or OUR NEXT ARGENTINE FOOD KITCHEN DATE is Friday, February 15. RED team, it is your month to prepare food. Shawnee Mission grades 7-12 are off that day, so this is a great opportunity for youth to serve. Call Janet Podoll, 888-1866, if you would like to prepare
PANTRY TO PANTRY Thank you, St. Paul’s Church members! We appreciate all that you did in December and January to support those who need it most! On “Souper Bowl Sunday,” February 3, we will be collecting soup in addition to our regular food collections for Metropolitan Avenue Food Kitchen. Our donations really do make a difference in the lives of the people in this community. Please go through your pantry or buy some extra soup next time you shop. You can drop off your donations in the coat closet in the marked bins the
first week of February.
or serve food. A VALENTINE TEA PARTY for girls of all ages, and moms, grandmothers, aunts, etc., will be Sunday, February 10, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the bridge classroom. Please bring a tea set if you have one, and a treat to share. Favorite dolls are welcome to join us. We will share a Valentine craft project. Cost is $5.00 per family, payable that day. Please
Preschool Fall Enrollment Students for 2008-2009 school year
St. Paul’s United Methodist Church
Children ages 2 to 5 years
Preschool and Children’s Day Out
New families enrollment begins Feb. 16
nurtures children to grow in a loving relationship with Christ and provide
Give your address to the preschool office to receive enrollment information View the preschool website for information and forms Linda Edgell, Director 631-0101 or
opportunities for educational and social growth.
FE B R U A RY 2 0 0 8 V O L . 1 5 , N O . 2
“Do All the Good You Can...”
nited Methodists have believed, from the beginning, that each of us is called to participate in the outreaching ministry of Jesus Christ. John Wesley described this work in simple, practical terms: “Do all the good you can, in all the places you can, to all the people you can.”
St. Paul’s Youth Activities for February February 10: February 3: The teams from been selected and the God invites us to a journey of faith commercials have been made; who will you that will bring us closer to God and all cheer for? Join us for the annual UMYF Super that God offers. Come hear about the Journey. Bowl party! This year the Reiman February 17: family will host No UMYF due to plans the youth at on Sunday morning to 10359 South worship at St. James Highland Lane United Methodist Church in Olathe. The in honor of Black History senior high youth Month. are asked to bring something February 24: Christians healthy or salty are called to be and the junior Gustavo, Joey and Alex at the Lazarus Project. worshipful in every aspect high youth are asked to bring something sweet. Keep an eye of out daily life. Worship: come hear how to live it every day. out for e-mails for directions and start time.
ooking for something to do on Wednesday nights? Bored with reruns and silly reality TV? We
have the answer for you. Join the high school youth of the church on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month for Bible Study and fellowship. On the 6th we will meet on the bridge following the 7pm Ash Wednesday service for snacks and a short discussion on Lent. On the 20th we will meet at the home of Katie Barrett’s for a lesson and fellowship.
Putting our faith into action is at the very heart of our Christian calling. By volunteering to be of service to our brothers and sisters, we have the opportunity to live our calling more faithfully. Here at St. Paul’s, we are always looking for ways to engage people in service and because we are a healthy congregation, we are never lacking for areas that need people to serve.
Volunteer Opportunities Volunteers embody Christian love in action by bringing their diverse talents to the church, to mission programs, local outreach ministries, and emergency response and recovery work around the world. Many of you are attending worship….our attendance is UP! So you have the worship part down, but how about the +2? Are you serving somewhere? Have you selected an area where you are able to nurture yourself? Lucky for you, it is my job to help people match their areas of interest with areas of ministry. Let me help you…here is a sample of ways that you can choose to serve the St. Paul’s church family. Find one that fits you and then e-mail me your questions or your decision to volunteer your service:
MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Keep correct, updated information about our membership: ie new members, baptisms, marriages, name changes.
WORSHIP + 2 = worship + service for other otherss + nurtur nurture e for you
CHURCH OFFICE VOLUNTEER: One Wednesday afternoon per month when our office manager is out of the office.
COMMUNION SERVERS: Help serve communion on the first Sunday of a month and special services. People needed for all 3 services. ACOLYTES: Children in grades 3-5 to bring in/take out the light for 8:15 and 10:45 services each Sunday. Brief training will be scheduled. CHILDREN’S TIME: Talk with our younger children for 3-5 minutes during 8:15 or 10:45 worship service. ORDER FLOWERS: Serve on worship committee with responsibility to oversee the Poinsettia and Easter Lily orders from church members. SANCTUARY ORGANIZATION: Two or three people who like things to be “just right,” who would be responsible for seeing that the sanctuary chairs are set evenly and comfortably for services, with hymnals on every other seat. GREETERS/HOSTS: Greeters welcome all who come through our doors on Sunday morning. Hosts make first-time visitors feel welcome.
Continued on page 4
8:15 a.m.
Traditional Worship Service
9:30 a.m.
Celebration Service with Praise Band Sunday Classes (ages 3-adult)
10:45 a.m.
Traditional Worship Service with Chancel Choir Youth/Adult Classes
LENT& HOLYWEEK...................2 TAKING CARE OF ST. PAUL’S......3 CONFIRMATION....................... 3 NEW EMAILADRESSES.............3 STEWARDSHIP UPDATE...........4 BORROWING POLICY POLICY.................5 GLOBALMISSIONS...................5 NOTHING BUTNETS..................6 PRESCHOOL INFO....................7 YOUTH ACTIVITIES....................7