Revised GCSE student guide

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For first teaching from September 2009 For first award in Summer 2011

and the Built Environment

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CCEA Microsite teachers at your school or college

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Controlled Assessment visit

Controlled Assessment Student Guide for GCSE Construction and the Built Environment


What is Controlled Assessment?

What do I have to do?

Controlled assessment is a new approach to internal assessment at GCSE. It has replaced coursework, which no longer exists at GCSE.

Unit 2 t Produce a craft folder to show the stages of your production. t Produce a craft product using one of the following themes: timber, brick, plaster or pipes.

What is the percentage of Controlled Assessment in GCSE Construction and the Built Environment? The controlled assessment tasks are worth 60% of your total mark. You must complete two tasks in total. Unit 2: The Construction Craft Project is worth 30%. Unit 3: Computer Aided Design in Construction is worth 30%.

What knowledge and skills are being assessed? Your ability to: t plan and carry out investigations; t analyse and evaluate evidence; t make reasoned judgements and present conclusions; t present information clearly and accurately; and t produce a product that you have designed.

Unit 3 t Produce a portfolio of work to show Computer Aided Design in Construction.


Remember t All the work you submit for assessment must be your own. t You must not copy from someone else or allow another candidate to copy from you. t You must acknowledge any material used that is not your own.

How will my work be assessed? Your teacher will mark your work and we will moderate it.

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