Policy Acceptable use of internet

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POLICY FOR THE ACCEPTABLE USE OF THE NETWORK FACILITIES INCLUDING THE USE OF THE INTERNET RATIONALE The computer facilities in St Paul’s allow pupils access to Information and Communications Technology in the library and a number of classrooms around the school. While appropriate use of the Internet is educationally beneficial this facility may be used inappropriately. This policy aims to promote good practice and minimise the risk of accessing unsuitable material. PRINCIPLES 1. 2. 3. 4.

Access to the Internet and the school network is a privilege and is given to pupils who act in considerate and responsible manner. Pupils are not allowed unsupervised access to the network computers or the Internet. The school can and does monitor work carried out on the network (including sites visited on the Internet). Internet access is only available to pupils in highly used areas and all screens are in full view of people circulating in the area.

RULES Pupils are not allowed unsupervised access to the Network computers or the Internet. Network (including Internet) users must not: 1. Search for information which is not related to the aims of the curriculum. 2. Copy, save or distribute copyright protected materials. 3. Subscribe to any services or order goods on the Internet. 4. Play computer games or use interactive ‘chat’ sites, unless specifically assigned by the teacher. 5. Waste resources (such as on-line time, paper). 6. Damage computers, computer systems or computer networks. 7. Use offensive language. 8. Receive, send, copy or display offensive messages or pictures. 9. Send or receive personal communications without the consent of the school. 10. Use the username and password of another student. 11. Access another student’s work folders or files. 12. Violate any school rule while using the Networked Computers. SANCTIONS 1. 2. 3.

Disciplinary actions will be taken in line with the school’s discipline policy. Violation of the above rules may result in a temporary or a permanent ban from the ICT facilities. For serious breaches of the above rules authorities beyond the school may be involved.

Revised and updated June 2008 This version, August 2010

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