Report Part 2

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English English forms part of the statutory curriculum for pupils in Years 8 12 and at Key Stage 4, students have the option to study GCSE English Literature. At post-16 AS and A2 English Literature is offered. The department was delighted with the excellent results in public examinations in 2011 at Key Stage 3, GCSE, AS and A2 level. A number of intervention strategies have been established to support pupils with literacy difficulties including: 1. Reading Support - Toe-to-toe and Reading Partnerships. 2. Raising Achievement Programme (R.A.P) – Write Away Together (WAT) (Year 8) and Tender Loving Care (TLC) (Year 9). 3. English As A Second Language (E.A.S.L) support at Key Stage 3. In this academic year the primary concern has been the planning of and managing of learning and teaching at Key Stage 4 with the Legacy specifications (Year 12) running alongside the introduction of the Revised Specifications for GCSE English, English Language and English Literature for first teaching from September 2011 (Year 11). The unitisation of the Revised Specifications has been welcomed as a modular approach allows the subject area to “compete” in the minds of the pupils with the other subjects areas which had previously adopted a modular approach. A number of changes have been made in terms of the delivery of the CEA (revised) GCE English Literature specification from September 2010: •

One teacher, Mrs T Magee, has delivered the AS and one teacher, Mrs S McKenna, has delivered the A2 in the current academic year.

The decision to prepare AS pupils for examination in the January series, with the opportunity to resit in the June series and A2 pupils for examination of A21 in the January series, with the opportunity to resit in the June series has been very successful and will be adopted as policy.

Miss P Carroll (Mrs V Doherty) and Miss L.A Phillips (Ms K McShane)

were supported as EPD teachers. Support was also given to Miss T Mohan, EPD teacher, in her post in Newtownhamilton High in this academic year. Several in-service courses were attended by members of the department in the course of the academic year. In preparation for the incoming statutory arrangements for Communication at Key Stage 3, Mrs K McCormick (Literacy Co-ordinator) and Mrs S McKenna took part in a CEA run Communications Cross Curricular Skills workshop and completed a three week online course on the same. Mrs K McCormick (Literacy Co-ordinator) and Mrs S McKenna facilitated whole school inset on the same. Mrs S McKenna has been appointed as an Assistant Reviser for Communication with CEA and undertook professional associate work for CEA in terms of the incoming statutory arrangements for the assessment of the cross-curricular skill of Communication from 2012/2013. The department took part in a Communications Cross Curricular Skills Talking and Listening Scoping Exercise with Shauna McLaughlin, CEA Education Manager – English and Literacy. A number of Year 10 classes (1002, 1014, 1030 and 1071) took part in a Communications Cross Curricular Skills Writing Scoping Exercise for CEA. Vivienne Bannon (Education Manager for Curriculum, Assessment & Reporting at CEA) “shadowed” in St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook on Monday 7th March 2011 as part of her undertaking of a piece of Action Research for ETI in preparation for the incoming statutory arrangements for Communication at Key Stage 3. She observed Mr N McArdle teaching a Year 10 History class, Mrs S McKenna teaching a Year 8 English class and a Year 11 Dual Award class and Mrs M Wilson teaching a Year 10 RE class and met with Mrs K McCormick, Literacy Co-ordinator. Pupils from Mrs T Magee’s 1072 were involved in a Borders Crossing Project Residency organised by Poetry Ireland and worked with the author Oisin McGann, producing their own short stories in a collection entitled ‘Hollow Halls’. All pupils had opportunities to enter a number of external competitions which were displayed in English classrooms and the English Display Board outside F5. Margaret Patterson from Jonesboro Primary School donated readers to the English Department which can be used with pupils involved in Reading Partnership; these have been located in Mrs E Hughes’ room.

Environment and Society Environment and Society is studied by all pupils in years 8 and 9.. It combines topics from Geography and History including some collaborative units, with field trips playing an integral part of the course. All year 8 students visited Dromore Motte and Bailey, and Carrickfergus Castle in April. Year 9 students participated in a trip to Marble Arch Caves and Cuilcagh mountain in Co Fermanagh in May. Year 10 classes study geography and history independently, delivered by subject specialists, to allow them to make a more informed decision with GCSE choices. As a result numbers choosing the subjects has increased. Year 10 were also involved in a project designing a mediascape game on recycling. This is to be used with year 9 pupils when studying the topic on industry and global warming. History and Geography are offered at GCSE level, and history is offered at A level. A field trip to carry out a river study was done in October to provide data for the new GCSE geography controlled assessment. Year 12 history students had a visit from a survivor of the Holocaust in May, and A level history students had the opportunity to visit Berlin in February. The department’s tradition of excellent examination results have been maintained this year, both at GCSE and in A level history. After the success of geography students at GCSE, numbers choosing this subject has increased and the A level will be re-established in the next academic year. French In the academic year 2010-11, French was offered to all students in years 8 to 14. Emphasis continued to be placed upon the four necessary skills in foreign language acquisition; listening, speaking, reading and writing. At the end of year eight, pupils had to elect their two preferred languages. The year eight programme focuses predominantly on the spoken word and students enjoy the opportunity to savour the rich sound of their new language. In year ten, a larger than usual number of students opted to study French at GCSE level. Forty students are accommodated in the daily timetable and provision has also been made for a twilight group. The results at GCSE maintained their 100% pass rate as did the A2

students. The year 13 AS students were also very successful. All of the above exam classes were guided and tutored by Mlle. Lucie Martin who proved to be the most exceptionally talented Assistante. She provided individual tuition three times a week for the AS and A2 students. Mlle. Lucie was an invaluable link with contemporary French and she supplied the students with a marvellous source of authentic materials which enriched both their academic and social lives. In May 2010, Mrs Mc Mahon organised a French Trip to Paris. The group of 50 students was the greatest number of pupils from all sections of the school to travel abroad with our Department. It is an eagerly awaited event that is always massively over subscribed. In five frenetic days of sightseeing and sampling the best of ‘la vie francaise’, our travellers were able to experience for themselves the language living and full of colour, taste and sound. Their trip comprised of a visit to the Tour Eiffel, Montmartre, Le palais du Louvre, La Seine and Les Bateaux Mouches, Le Marché aux Puces and a full and much anticipated day in the company of Mickey and Minnie Mouse at EuroDisney

Home Economics The revised A Level Home Economics subject was re-introduced in September 2011. Teachers went on relevant courses through CCEA in October and found these very beneficial with useful information being disseminated and vital contacts made. Financial Capability Award On Wednesday 1st June 2011 eight pupils from Year 10 attended the launch of the inaugural Ulster Bank Financial Capability Awards at Queens University, Belfast. This award recognizes the growing importance of financial capability teaching in helping young people understand the world of finance. They reward the best efforts made by schools, students and individual teachers in teaching financial capability. It is vital that young people learn how to understand and manage their finances at an early age. The awards help to support financial capability

teaching and the sharing of innovative practices across the educational community. St Paul’s High School was one of the overall “ runners up” and was the beneficiary of a monetary prize for the school and other individual awards for the students. St Paul’s Year 8 Home Economics students were one of ten schools in Northern Ireland who completed the STEM programme where Schools, the Food and Drink Industry and Science came together to carry out Science activities and to undertake a class based project focusing on food packaging. Courtney’s Catering of Newry was one of ten companies in Northern Ireland to participate in the STEM Programme and was linked to St Paul’s for this programme. During term 2 Pat Courtney supported by Frank McCann, Sentinus Programme Manager visited the Year 8 Home Economics class over three weeks to develop a series of practical Science investigations looking at a range of foodstuffs. These practicals included: 1. Science of fruit jellies 2. Surprising stains 3. Making a mess with milk. On completion of the practical investigations the pupils carried out a project looking at how local shops recycle their packaging. On May 24th the pupils attended a Tasty Science Celebration Day in Loughry College Cookstown where they presented their project along with the nine other schools. Mrs Fegan, the Home Economics teacher at St Paul’s, expressed her appreciation to Pat Courtney for his participation in the Tasty Science Programme and making this a worthwhile experience for the pupils. Information and Communication Technology Information and Communication technology continues to thrive as a vibrant and enthusiastic subject on the curriculum but also as an excellent teaching and learning tool throughout the school. Our GCSE, CiDA, Applied ICT and A level ICT results in August 2011 were outstanding. The academic year 2011/12 sees the continuation of a new and exciting initiative where pupils in year 11 have embarked on a new GCSE equivalent course entitled CiDA (Certificate in Digital Applications) which is worth 2 GCSE’s at either Distinction, Merit, Credit or Pass level. The CiDA in ICT is a particularly exciting development for both students and teachers.

This subject was enthusiastically embraced by our students and provided a broad and relevant Curriculum. ICT staff and students are provided with bright and spacious ICT suites equipped with the latest technology available.

Irish In Key Stage 3, all students in Band A and B study Irish and at the end of Year 8 they choose to continue two of the modern languages courses on offer. Numbers of pupils choosing to continue studying Irish in Year 9 and 10 are high. Band C students get the opportunity to study Irish in Year 9. Irish is one of the key subjects facilitating the Key Stage 3 ICT Accreditation award. GCSE Irish continues to be a very popular subject choice at GCSE level. We currently have two Year 11 GCSE classes and two Year 12 GCSE Irish classes. We also have 10 students studying Twilight Irish. These students attend a lesson on Friday from 3:30 – 5:00 and complete a lesson online each week. This class consists of Yr 11 and 12 students who wished to study Irish at GCSE level but timetable restrictions could not accommodate them. This class also

caters to Bunscoil students in Key Stage 3 who wish to achieve GCSE Irish. AS/A2 We have students studying Irish at both AS and A2 level. Our collaboration with St, Joseph’s Crossmaglen has had a positive impact on Irish within the school. Numbers are high in both these classes. Gaeltacht Once again, many pupils attended summer and Easter courses in the Donegal Gaeltacht. We secured over £2000 worth of scholarships for our students to attend the Gaeltacht in 2011 by participating in various Irish Language competitions and through the activities organised during Seachtain na Gaeilge. Pupils report a high degree of satisfaction with their Gaeltacht experience and many pupils show marked improvement on their return to school. Extra-Curricular Activities Irish Language students in St. Paul’s continue to be offered a wide range of extra-curricular activities. Following the success of St. Paul’s in Féile Scoildrámaíochta 2010, rehearsals are underway for an entry in 2012’s competition. During Seachtain na Gaeilge, students participated in a Poster Competition, a quiz and a céilí for the whole community. A Careers event was organised for the A level students to speak to professional people working with the Irish Language sector. Students in Key Stage 3 also attended the annual Gael Linn Tráth na gceist, where one team won 2nd place. E-learning Irish continues to progress with e-learning. Two department members are now OLTE (Online Learning and Teaching for Educators) trained and ICT is used within the department to promote the subject, increase access to the subject, enhance the student’s learning experience and to allow students to develop their higher order thinking skills.

Learning Support Centre The L.S.C. choir had a very successful year. They won competitions in: • • • •

Ballymena Festival Warrenpoint Feis Newry Feis Came second in the Drogheda National Choral Festival

The choir also sang at the Spring Concert and received great praise for their performance. Great credit is due to Mr. Slane from the music department for all the work he did with the pupils. Year 8 and 9 pupils from 0848 undertook a number of trips in keeping with their curriculum: • •

The pupils visited Cultra as part of their Environment and Society project examining customs at Halloween from years gone by. The pupils also visited Dromore Motte and Bailey as an extension to the history aspect of their Environment and Society curriculum as well as their Citizenship programme.

The year 8/9 pupils integrated with main school first year pupils to participate in a retreat in Cloughrea. The KS3 pupils participated in the school Sports Day and had a very successful time. KS3 participated in the M.L.D. regional finals in Craigavon organised by the I.F.A. and won their way through to the N.Ireland soccer finals in the Ormeau Park in Belfast. The pupils of 1047 undertook a number of trips in keeping with the aspect of active learning within the different criteria of their curriculum: •

In the area of Environment and Society the pupils visited Slieve Gullion to look at forests and different types of trees as well as visiting a coastal area in Cranfield to look at different parts of a coast line and to look at erosion.

As part of their LLW programme the pupils of 1047 visited a mineral

factory in Belfast to explore life in the workplace at first hand. The KS3 pupils also participated with mainstream pupils in the Magic Show hosted by the Science Dept. and learned a lot from this experience. Year 11/12 pupils continued to undertake a comprehensive Leaver’s Programme which evolves over two years. The programme was delivered on site by teaching staff and external agencies. The pupils visited a number of premises off site in keeping with the delivery of their curricula, e.g. Mc Caul Signs, etc. Year 11/12 pupils participated in the Occupational Studies course in the Southern Regional College. The year 12 pupils of 1273 successfully completed their Vocational Enhancement Programme comprising of four units of work, completed over two years, which are internally marked by the tutors and are externally moderated by C.C.E.A. The pupils received their certificates at a graduation ceremony in the Canal Court Hotel along with pupils from the main school as well as a number of other schools from the local area. Year 11/12 pupils also participated in the Employer Based Training programme where they were place in work placements for a number of weeks and their performance analysed before moving on to another placement. The placements were set up to attempt to keep in line with what the pupils were doing each Thursday in the Southern Regional College but this was not always possible. A number of pupils have taken up part-time employment in some of their work placements because they impressed their employers with their performance during their Employer Based Training All the school leavers will: • • • • •

Go on to further training for employment Take up employment Take up apprenticeships. Attend the Southern Regional College Attend Clanrye Training and Employment Agency to receive continued individualised support

Year 11/12 pupils successfully completed their external accreditations in: • •

Essential Skills - Level 1 Communication Essential Skills - Level 1 Application of Number

• • • • • • •

Essential Skills – Level 2 ICT Preparation For Employment Entry Level 3 Mathematics For Life – Entry Level Science – Entry Level Art – Entry Level Occupational Studies Qualification Work Hazard Awareness Certificate

Various areas of the curriculum have been developed and enhanced to meet the needs of the pupils in an ever changing environment. All LSC staff were involved in in-service training relating to various aspects of special needs: •

• •

A new computerised reading scheme for KS3 has been implemented and all relevant staff have received the necessary training. The Starter Rapid Reading Scheme enables the very weak pupils to progress at their own rate and is aided by a series of readers geared for individual levels of ability. Centralised Training provided by the S.E.L.B. to enable all L.S.C. staff to cater for the medical needs of each pupil. Teaching staff attended various courses – academic and medicalto enable all staff to deliver the curriculum. Mathematics

2011 saw the retirement of Margaret Keenan after many years of dedicated service to the Maths department. Margaret will be remembered for her devotion to her students, as well as, her perceptive insights into all departmental matters. We wish her a long, healthy and happy retirement. The Mathematics department has been involved in a wide range of courses including Key Stage 3, GCSE, Key Skills and A Level, in addition to the UKMT tests taken in May. Our A level numbers continue to grow, with over twenty-six pupils in lower sixth. These figures are due to the excellent results achieved by our GCSE candidates in the summer of 2011 and the quality of the students transferring, to St. Paul’s, from local schools. Key Stage 3 results were excellent, again, this year with 62% gaining level five, or above. All students, and their teachers, deserve great credit for the huge effort required to obtain these achievements.

On Friday 6th May 2011, the students of 10/06 and 10/100 participated in the UK Mathematics Trust Junior Maths Challenge. A total of 25 students walked away with prestigious certificates for all their efforts, with Conor McKeever achieving the highest mark in the school. Congratulations to the pupils who took part with a special word of thanks to the co-ordinator Mrs Laura Hollywood for administering the exam.

Music Students were entered for GCSE, AS and A2 level examinations. The department was delighted with 100% pass rate for each of these examinations. During the month of September, all Year 8 pupils were taught the hymns for their induction Mass. This proved to be very successful as all students joined in the singing with Senior string players and percussion accompanying making the celebration an uplifting experience. Year 8 students sang the solos parts on this occasion. From Thursday 14th to Tuesday 19th October the Music Department in conjunction with the Drama and Dance Departments staged a

very successful production of the musical Fiddler on the Roof. This involved 85 students who played principal roles, members of the chorus and a dance troop. On 20th December, the Orchestra provided the entertainment for invited quests and students at the annual prize giving ceremony. Repertoire included, an Abba Medley and ‘Wipe Out’. The Senior Mixed Choir performed a number of Beatles Songs compiled in a collection called ‘The Beatles in Revue’. This year was very successful for the Music Department at Warrenpoint Feis Cheoil. The two choirs were entered in the School Choir Competition and were awarded first and second prize. The LSC Choir were entered in the ‘Making Music For Special Needs’ Competition and were awarded first prize as were the African Drumming Ensemble in the Percussion Class. The Traditional Group were awarded second prize in their competition. From 18th – 27th March, the Choirs, Orchestra, String Quartets, and African Drumming Ensemble competed against the local Secondary and Grammar Schools at Newry Feis and was awarded first place in The High School Choir and Secondary School Choir Competitions. The Orchestra and String Quartet were also awarded first prize in their respective competitions. The SATB Choir were awarded the ‘Harry Heather Memorial Cup’ for gaining the highest mark in the choral section of the Feis. The Traditional Group were awarded second prize in their competition. On 30th March, the Music Department hosted its annual ‘Spring Concert’ in the School Assembly Hall which was attended by a large number of parents, guests and friends of St. Paul’s. This provided a

platform for the Choir, Orchestra, Traditional Group, SATB Choir, LSC Choir and other ensemble to perform which was invaluable experience for examination students. On 12th & 13th April, the Choir and Traditional Group performed at the Year 12 & 14 leaver’s Masses. On 9th June, the Choir travelled to St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh to sing at the Year 10 Retreat which consisted of a Mass celebrated by His Eminence, Cardinal Brady. PORTADOWN NEWRY WARRENPOINT Secondary School Choir (Grammar) High School Choir







U18 Hymn Singing








African Drums




String Quartet








LSC Choir




Physical Education This year was our most successful year in the PE Department. As well as offering the broadest possible range of activities including dance, games (gaelic football, basketball, netball, rounders, badminton, rugby), gymnastics, swimming and athletics to all pupils in Key Stage 3 and 4, the PE Department continued to extend the

range of subject levels for PE and now our lower sixth provision is on two levels and catering for the broadest range of academic ability within the school. As the numbers of pupils entering GCSE, AS Level PE and BTeC Sport continued to rise, a large group of year 14 pupils began A2 level PE and achieved excellent results with 97% achieving A – E Grades. Our BTeC students along with our outreach officer continued to forge strong links with our feeder primary schools which include the only summer scheme for new pupils in the area. Outside the classroom, we achieved unparalleled success as shown below; Gaelic Games • under 13 boys - Harry McGarry Cup winners • under 14 boys – Ulster finalists in Loch an Iúir Cup • under 16 boys – Rannafast semi finalists. (Ulster Colleges A football) • under 18 boys – MacLarnon Cup finalists • under 12 girls – Ulster Champions • under 14 girls – Ulster A Champions • under 16 girls – Ulster A finalists • under 13 boys – Reihill Cup winners (hurling) • under 16 boys – Maguire Cup winners (hurling) St. Paul’s also achieved astounding success in both netball and dance at regional and national level. Both these sports continue to flourish in St. Paul’s. We thank the Board of Governors for their continued support for all aspects of PE and like to offset the costs of running all these teams by organising the annual St. Paul’s Golf Classic which enlists the support of many local businesses and our school staff, without whose support and understanding we could not run our extra curricular programmes. Religious Education The RE Department has the dual role of co-ordinating religious events within the school and delivering the RE curriculum to all pupils. At present we have 7 full time Religion teachers (Kathy Branagan joined the department this year) At GCSE level the pupils follow the AQA, CCEA OR Entry Level

syllabus, studying St Mark’s Gospel in year 11 and Christian Ethics in Year 12. At A Level the Syllabus followed is Edexcel and they study St John’s Gospel and Islam as well as investigating the life of Martin Luther. We are extremely proud of our pupils who enter public examinations. Year 13/14 pupils also attend Non-exam RE classes each week where we discuss topical religious issues. We are closely involved with The Christian Education Movement and at various times of the year our year 11 and year 12 pupils attend local conferences with other schools in the locality. The Life Conference is attended each year by year 12 and this takes place in Newry City Hall and again it is with local schools from the area. The RE Department also helps to organise the Year 8 Mass, the School Retreats, the Mass for deceased pupils and staff, the Year 12 and 14 Leavers Mass. We fundraise for various charities especially St Joseph’s Orphanage in Bethlehem which is run by an Irish nun Sr Kevin Morton. This year Mrs Smith personally presented our cheque to Sr Kevin in the Church of the Nativity Bethlehem and Mrs Teresa Fearon on behalf of St Joseph’s Orphanage presented the RE department with a beautiful Olive Tree Crib from the Holy Land in recognition of our work We also raised money for the local hospice, along with 3 of our Key Stage 3 pupils, Matthew and Ciara McAteer, and Aislinn Pentony whose mothers unfortunately died in the hospice. This was part of the work carried out by Mrs Smith and her Rainbows group. Mrs Smith, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Branagan and the pupils then went back to the hospice and spent a wonderful morning with the staff and were shown the facilities and treatments available and the pupils were given a lot of praise for their hard work. It was a very cathartic experience for children who had experienced great loss and very humbling for the teachers who accompanied them. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated twice Yearly with all pupils during Advent and Lent. This year Mrs D Graham was appointed assistant to the chaplain and as such she works very closely with our chaplain Fr Dermot Maloney. Science 2010-11 was our final year of Specialist Status in Science programme, a year sooner than first planned. All our good work

hopefully has not ended. Our greatest achievement is our link with other local schools and hopefully this contact will continue. We plan to continue our work with the primary partners through SEP and work with post primary partners will also continue through annual meetings for Single Award science. The BTec cluster group put in place by Miss McNamee is growing in both size and strength, there are now 5 schools on board; St Joseph’s Newry, St Joseph’s Crossmaglen, St Mary’s Newry & St Mark’s Warrenpoint along with ourselves. All subjects working to and beyond target. All subjects well above NI average for similar schools Subjects offered at KS4 and Post 16: Key Stage 4– GCSE Double Award Science (6 groups), GCSE Single Award Science (3 groups), BTec Extended Certificated level 2 in Applied Science (2 groups), Entry Level Certificate in Science (1 group) Post 16 – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Applied Science (Y14 only) CPD Courses attended: Specialist Status Co-ordinators Conference – September 2010: Miss K Traynor & Mrs B McConville CCEA AS/A2 Biology Agreement Trials – October 2010: Mrs A Kimbley CCEA A2 Biology Exemplifying Performance (1/2 day)– November 2010: Mrs A Kimbley CCEA A2 Chemistry Exemplifying Performance (1/2 day) – November 2010: Mrs B McConville CCEA A2 Physics Exemplifying Performance (1/2 day) – November 2010: Mr J Murray ALC BTec Applied Science Cluster meeting in St Paul’s chaired by Miss M McNamee (SJN, SJC, SMN, SMW, SPB): Mrs B McConville ALC CCEA GCSE Controlled Assessments November 2010 – all science staff Single Award Science Cluster meeting for Partner schools – ‘Data Harvest’ data logging demonstration, November 2010. SJC, SJN, NTH, SMN & SPB

STEM Planning meeting November 2010; Mrs M Bradley & Mrs S Kearney BTec Internal Verifiers Online Accreditation task, November 2010; Miss M McNamee Raising Standards in Science, 3 day course March & June 2011: Mrs B McConville. CCEA GCSE Science Revised Specification launch, April 2011, ½ day: Mrs A Kimbley, Mr J Murray & Mrs B McConville. CCEA A2 Physics Practical guidance, April 2011: Mr J Murray BTec Cluster meeting, June 2011, ½ day in SJN: Miss M McNamee, Mrs B McConville. Single Award Cluster Meeting June 2011, ½ day in SPB. Nuffield Bursary Placement Summer 2010: Four Y13 students in Norbrook Laboratories Nuffield Bursary Placement Summer 2011: Two Y13 students in Norbrook Laboratories Events to support Raising Profile for St Paul’s students included: Work Experience in Norbrook Year13 February 2011 (Mrs B McConville) BT Young Scientist 2010 Year 9 January 2011 (Miss K Traynor) Magic Shows Years 8 & 9 November 2010 – May 2011 (Miss K Traynor) Balmoral Show LSC & Y11 May2011 (Mr N McKevitt) Interschool KS3 Science Quiz Year10 (A) May2011 (Mrs A Kimbley) STEM fair Year 9 March 2011 (Mrs S Kearney & MrsB McConville) Post primary Partnership Events: (Miss K Traynor & Mrs B McConville)

Year 8 Robotics Facilitated by Sentinus and Year 13 Mentors October 2010 Year 8 Science Week Poetry Competition March 2011 KS3 Magic Shows November 2010 – May 2011 Year 9 STEM Fair March 2011 BTec First - SJN, SJC, SMN & SMW Nov 2010 & June 2011 Primary School Events: (Miss K Traynor) Sentinus Training for senior Mentors October 2010 Primary 7 Robotics and STEM workshop December 2010 Primary 6 Magic Shows January 2011 Science week poster competition March 2011 Forces and Energy Competition (Mr Geoghegan & Mrs Bradley) May 2011 Bug Hunt (Mrs Rafferty & Miss Traynor) May 2011

Technology and Design Our subject continues to be a popular choice among students with 5 year 12 groups currently studying for GCSE, one AS group and one group of year 14s for ‘A’ Level. We have six teachers and one technician, four male and two female teacher. We have an ever increasing number of girls taking Technology & Design to GCSE and ‘A’ Level. •

Accommodation includes 5 Workshops, 2 Planning rooms each with 10 computers and 2 Computer suites/systems rooms each with 20 stations. We have C2K network, internet, all relevant software, CAD/CAM and printing facilities accessible for all students – suitable for ‘teacher guided’ and ‘independent learning’.

All schemes of work and teaching materials/projects are continually being reviewed and updated in light of the ‘Revised Curriculum’.

We are currently uploading resources onto ‘Oscail’ which means that students can access technology documentation at home through the school website. Year 10 very successfully completed their KS3 Accreditation in

Measurement and Control (CCEA) by writing a program using PIC Logicator to turn a night light on and off automatically. GCSE and AS/A2 Level students continue to achieve their potential in public examinations across the whole ability range and remain well above the NI average.

One of our staff works with the local primary schools, promoting an awareness of Science and Technology. Children design and produce a finished product/model involving ‘Movement’.

We exhibit KS3, GCSE and A Level work as part of the SELB Technology and Design Exhibition in the Marketplace Theatre, Armagh.

Please visit our website under ‘Departments’ within the main school website for more detailed information.

Chaplain’s Report The past year has been a very busy one for Fr. Dermot who is part time chaplain of St Paul’s. The following are a list of events in which Fr. Dermot was involved in the school year 2010/11 16th September - Year 13 Retreat 21/22 September - Year 12 Retreat 22nd September - Year 8 Mass. 20th Oct - 2ndNov - Fr. Dermot, Miss Kathleen Moore, Mr.Daithi Murray and six students from year 14 visited Londiani in Kenya. This project was organised in conjunction with theKiltegan Fathers. 10th November - Mass for deceased Staff and Students. 25th January - St. Paul’s Feast Day was celebrated. 12th April - Year 14 Leavers Mass.

13th April - Year 12 Leavers Mass. May - Year 8 Retreats were held in Cloughreagh Church conducted by the form teachers and Fr. Dermot. 9th June - Cardinal Brady celebrated Mass for Year 10 in Armagh Cathedral. 11-16th July - St Paul’s Pilgrimage to Lourdes. During the year, Fr Dermot attended the weekly Pastoral Meetings and gave regular briefings and updates to the Pastoral Team. Fr. Dermot was delighted to welcome Mrs. Deirdre Graham as Chaplaincy support and this proved invaluable in organising Masses and promoting the Catholic ethos in the school. All students received the Sacrament of Reconciliation twice during the school year.

Library I was absent from school from 20th Sept to 10th May this year due to illness and the library was managed by Bronagh Nugent, Classroom Assistant. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bronagh for all her hard work and effort during a difficult time and for keeping the library open. Some of the usual library events and competitions did not take place as a result of my absence but the Scholastic Book Fair did go ahead in March and raised £300 in fiction books for the library. I have spent the last two months getting the stock back into order and buying in new stock.

Library Displays 2010/2011 AS/A2 World War 1 Poetry October 2010 Shakespeare GCSE & AS/A2 October 2010 Halloween Poetry Competition Kenya Aid Mission November 2010 Christmas Poetry Winners Drewett Book Awards – NI Teenage Book Reading Zone March 2011 Carnegie Medal Nominated Books Display May 2011

Events Sept 2010 - June 2011

Roald Dahl Day! 13th September 2010 You are What You Read September Theme School Library Day Cancelled National Poetry Day Cancelled

Launch of the NI Book Awards, RBAI, Belfast Cancelled Year 8 Halloween Poetry Competition Cancelled Kids Literature Quiz, Belfast Cancelled Winter Book Exhibition 25th November 2010 Scholastic Book Fair March 2011 Year 8 Christmas Poetry Competition Cancelled Open Day: From Book to Screen 30th January 2011 Holocaust Memorial Day Cancelled World Book Day: Cancelled Drewett NI Book Awards in Odyssey in Belfast Cancelled Author Visit Cancelled School Book Week Art Competition Cancelled St Paul’s Shadow the Carnegie Medal May 2011 Spring Book Exhibition June 2011 Future Library Events 2010/2011

Drewett Award Reading Group 13th September 2011 Roald Dahl Day: Celebrating his 96th Birthday September 2011 Get Caught Reading Photo Competition Year 8 and Year 9 25th October 2011 Halloween Art Competition 1St Week in December Scholastic Book Fair November 2011 Kids Literature Quiz, Belfast 1st December 2011 Library Christmas Creative Writing Competition (Year 8) January 2012 Open Day 28th January 2012 Holocaust Memorial Day Library Display 6th March 2012 World Book Day Author Visit/Event March 2012 Drewett NI Book Awards April 2012 School Book Week Theme: Get Caught Reading Design a poster/bookmark/book cover Competitions/ Events/Author (Year 8, 9, 10) April 2012 Carnegie Medal Shadowing Scheme ANNUAL STOCK COUNT OF LIBRARY BOOKS 2011 DATE: June 2011

NAME OF SCHOOL: St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook 1. Number of reference books in the library: (in the case of multi vol works, count each book separately) 348 2. Number of non-fiction books on shelves in library 3. Number of fiction & non-fiction books on issue

5437 1569

4. Number of non-fiction books housed in other places (eg careers library, classrooms, stores, staffroom, offices, etc)


5. Number of fiction books on shelves in library


6. Number of books on display or on separate ‘racks’ in the library (eg paperback stands)


7. Number of fiction and Non Fiction books housed Reading Room TOTAL BOOKS

349 11, 141

8. Number of donations/gifts from non library sources Included in above figures, received from last stock count 32 NON BOOK MATERIALS CDs: 70 Videos: 80 DVD: 121 Cassettes/CDS: 50 Audio Books with Tape: 16 Audio CD: 10 WITHDRAWALS 11. Fiction and Non-fiction books withdrawn from stock: 653 Library Allocation

The Library Allocation from the SELB for 2010/2011 is £2575.00 for purchasing books and resources. The bursar has allocated a further budget of £752.00 for stationery and equipment and photocopying of the Year 8 Information Skills booklet. I will concentrate on areas that need updating and those new subjects covered by the revised curriculum.

Fiction War/ Graphic novels/ Manga Comics Reading Partnership/ Detective/Fantasy Health and Social Care BTec Sport and Construction General: Hobbies, Cars, Environment, Art, Religion, Sport Periodicals All periodical subscriptions now are purchased through Sarah in the Office. The Library receives the following: Liverpool Magazine Hindsight History Review History Review Modern History Review National Geographic P. E. Review Sociology Review First News Magazine School Librarian Magazine Time Magazine Manchester United Agenda Golfer Magazine Flipside (Free) Library Committee 2011 The Library Committee has been reformed and there is now one

nominated member from each subject area. We will communicate mostly by email on library issues such as stock, budget and library events. Vocational Education Learning Support Religion History Geography Maths ICT Health/Social Care French Irish Spanish Science Drama Careers Art Technology Home Economics Business Studies PE Music Moving Image English

Ms M McManus Mr P McAvoy Mrs M Wilson Mr E McCaffrey Mr D McKenna Mr M McKey Mrs G Hughes Ms C Fearon Mrs M McMahon Mr S Quinn Mrs L Mullholland Miss K Traynor Ms P Lynch Mrs S Kearney Mr T McParland Mr S O’ Neill Mrs M Tate Mrs P McGuinness Mr J Rafferty Mr B McAvoy Mrs S O’Hare Mrs S McKenna/Mrs Theresa Magee

“a well-resourced and welcoming library” (ETI Post Primary School Inspection Report, October 2008) Library Skills Course All Year 8 pupils have now completed the Library Skills Programme and have been presented with a certificate of merit. All booklets have been marked and evaluated below. Library Skills Evaluation Statistics

Class Marks out of 25

Good V.Good Excellent Excellent* -18



Total in class


* 08/042, 08/097, 08/048 completed a more practical library skills programme Reading Star Awards

The 6th Annual Reading Star Awards have been announced. Year 8 pupils are given a Reading Record at the start of the year and they fill in the names of all the books they have read and give each book a score out of 10. They also show an ability to read challenging books on many different subjects and are overall, great library users. The outstanding readers in Year 8 and 9 for 2010/2011 are: Shauna Hughes 9/100 Michael McKenna 09/100

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