Year Book 2009

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St Paul’s High School Bessbrook

The Jubilee Year of St Paul Yearbook 2009

St Paul’s High School 108 Camlough Road Bessbrook Newry BT35 7EE Telephone: 028 3083 0309 Fax: 028 3083 9948 Email: Principal Mr Oliver A.G. Mooney M.Sc. (Ed. Management), B.A. (Hons), P.G.C. Ed. Chairman of Governors Very Reverend Father S.Larkin, P.P.

St Paul’s was established in 1966 with the aim of providing its students with a Christian education within the Catholic ethos. St Paul’s is a Catholic Maintained School catering for boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 18. The school is situated on a modern campus in pleasant rural surroundings between Camlough and Newry. St Paul’s High School has recently undergone a complete refurbishment and site extension, boasting state of the art teaching and learning facilities which will allow the school to continue to offer first class education to the children of our many different parishes.




nother extraordinary year in St Paul’s is coming to an end and we must bid farewell to those young people who are embarking on the next stage of their careers. Some of our Year 12 students will leave to enter new courses in the local Further Education College, others may enter training programmes or apprenticeships, while our Year 14 students will either go off to university or perhaps enter the workforce. 2009 has been a difficult year for the economy and we have been bombarded by bad news as banks and businesses are telling us how the hard times will be with us for the next few years. This is probably a very good time for many of our students to take on new courses as by the time they have graduated the economy will have completed its downward trend and be buoyant again. 2008/9 has been a very busy year in St Paul’s and we had the wonderful production of Oklahoma in the autumn term. The cast and production team excelled and gave us great memories for the future. We also had an inspection in late October and again the staff and pupils came through with flying colours and the inspection team were full of praise for all they had witnessed on their visit to our school and gave it an outstanding report. Sport has continued to flourish and the girls and boys have given their best efforts across a wide range of sports. Music goes from strength to strength and we still have more to come this year with our Spring Concert. The pilgrimage to Rome was a hugely successful and moving occasion and the choir was outstanding. The mass in St Peter’s in the Vatican was my most memorable experience as a teacher. I would like to thank all our students for making St Paul’s such a great school and wish them well on the roads they choose in the years to come. I hope they stay loyal to St. Paul’s wherever they go and always keep in touch so we know what they are doing. May St Paul look after them for the rest of their lives. Oliver Mooney Principal


Year Heads

Ms Christine Fearon


his particular group made history in St Paul’s by being the largest ever to enter Post 16 study – a big group, with a big personality!! I can honestly say that I have enjoyed working with you collectively as a year group and also working with you as individuals. I hope the experience was a positive one for you also and that you realise that any ‘telling offs’ you may have received were ultimately for your own good! I have many memories of this year group. I think perhaps the Formal stands out as one of those exceptional events when everyone was so proud of this group of young men and women. The many individuals who have excelled in their selected sporting, musical and/or volunteering activities have also made me feel very privileged to be associated with this diverse year group. Indeed, there have also been funny memories – like the day when a certain group of ‘lads’ decided to tell anyone they met on the corridor that I was looking for them and my class was interrupted by year 14 students about six times. It was getting out of hand when even Mr McCaffrey appeared asking did I need to see him about something!! However, we have always been able to give and take a joke and I suppose that is what has contributed to this year group being one which will be remembered for a long time. I wish each of you every success in the pursuit of your ambitions and dreams in both your academic and personal lives.

Year 14 I hope you realise that success is a relative experience and what equates success for one person may be something entirely different for another. Whatever your hopes are, always hope for something. Indeed, there will be difficult times ahead for everyone; you need to remember to keep trying and always try your best. I look forward to meeting you in the months and years ahead and hearing what life has thrown at you – it goes without saying I will be glad not to be meeting you on the corridors any more when you’re not supposed to be on them! Finally, can I extend a word of sincere thanks to my entire Senior Prefect Team. You have been a pleasure to work with and will prove a hard act to follow! No request has ever been too great and I think the prefect team received excellent leadership from Sinead, Sean, Leona and Brian. As a whole, the team has been an example to the entire year group. Finally, finally….a quiet word of thanks to the many ‘gossips’ littered throughout the year group who always kept me informed of the ‘going ons’ of their peers. It has been very effective and caused many a stir when students simply couldn’t work out how I would have obtained certain pieces of information. I hope the friendships founded here in the classrooms of St Paul’s stand the test of time. Good Luck & God Bless Christine Fearon

Mr Brendan McArdle Goodbye and good luck to you all.


will always remember the pupils from our year 12 group very fondly as you were my first ever year group. How quickly time has passed since I first stood in front of you in assembly as your new Year Head in 2006, taking over the reins from the very safe and capable hands of Mrs Lorraine Kane. As a year group I genuinely feel that I could not have asked for better and you as a group of individuals have provided me with many memorable moments throughout our time together. What has brought me most satisfaction from your time here is seeing the pride you have brought to your homes and local communities through your involvement in extra-curricular activities, be it on the sporting fields or through your participation in our fantastic productions of Viva-Mexico and Oklahoma. I


Year 12 hope that you take away with you very special memories of your time together at St Paul’s and remain true to the life long friends you have made here. You will, as some have already experienced face challenges ahead. My advice to you is to always remain positive in the face of adversity. Remember the only way to realise your ambitions is to take small footsteps in the right direction every day. In the end they all add up. My hope for you is that these footsteps will eventually lead you towards the realisation and fulfilment of all your dreams. Finally a special word of thanks on your behalf to your form teachers who have got to know you so well and have looked after your daily needs and requests over the last five years. Good luck to you all and never give up on those dreams. Brendan McArdle.

Head Boy and Head Girl Head Girl

Sinead Grant

Being chosen as Head Girl was a huge surprise and it is a role that I am very proud to have been given. I am delighted to represent St Paul’s and all its pupils. The position of Head Girl has allowed me to grow in confidence, as I never thought I would be able to stand up in front of a huge crowd and make a speech. I have conquered this fear through the opportunities I have been given all year including the school formal, the Variety Concert and our leaving mass. Being an ambassador for St Paul’s and a role model to the younger pupils is a privilege and a great honour.

Head Boy

Sean Farrell

As Head Boy of St Paul’s I have had many great memories that I will always look back on with fondness. I have taken on the role and all its responsibilities in good heart and have formed many good relationships with both pupils and staff. I have attended and spoken at many functions throughout the year including the school formal, open day, parent-teacher meetings and our leaving mass. I also have gained many new skills such as leadership skills and better communication skills. I know that all I have achieved will stand me in good stead for the future. One thing that being Head Boy has taught me is that life is about opportunities and when opportunities arise you must take them!

St Paul’s Prefect Team The St Paul’s Senior Prefect Team consists of a group of senior prefects and leaders from Year 14. They act as ambassadors for the school and represent St Paul’s at many public events throughout the year. Their aim is to set an example to younger pupils and in doing so to fulfil the message of our prayer to St Paul. “O Glorious St Paul, by your prayers and example enable me to be a better person, more considerate towards others, more honest with myself and more faithful to God. Give me the courage to accept the pains and problems of the day, rejoicing always in the Lord. Through your prayers, may I be rooted in love, always loving God, in fidelity to Sunday Mass and daily prayer; always loving my neighbour especially my family and friends. Make me patient and kind, never jealous or rude. Give me the strength to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes. May I always know in my heart what you taught so well, that there are only three things that last; faith, hope and love; and the greatest of these is love. Amen”

Senior Prefect Team Back Row: Orla McCone, Brian O’Neill, Nathan Burns, Megan Camblin Front Row: Marc Flynn, Sinead Grant, Sean Farrell, Leona Dunne, Liam McArdle


Class 12/06 Form Teacher

Miss Niamh O’Rourke

Back Row: Joseph Gallagher, Ryan Moley, Justin Cunningham, Niamh Walker, Siobhan McAuley, Anita Thompson, Ruaidhri Groom, Jamie Cunningham, Ryan O’Hare, Miss Niamh O’Rourke Middle Row: Noelin Bradley, Shannon Boyle, Orlaith McCabe, Jennifer McEvoy, Nicola Hughes, Orla Boyle, Tanya Fitzpatrick, Ciara Sloan, Sinead Kenny Front Row: Conor McCarthy, Conor McNally, Connor Fegan, Bridgeen Byrne, Siobhan Kerley-Dunne, Aveen Rafferty, Ronan Sharkey, Conor McKeown, Johnny Feenan Missing from photo: Mairead Lonergan, Cliodhna McAteer, David McCabe It’s hard to believe that almost five years have passed since 12/06 first sat in front of me as a rather timid yet excited 08/06. Their arrival coincided with the development of the new school and F3 quickly became established as their form class. It became a place for chats, discussions, high and low points of the passing years, countless precious memories. It never takes too long to get to know a group and they settled quickly and enthusiastically, with the uniqueness of each pupil nurtured and cherished within the caring and stimulating environment that characterises St Paul’s.


12/06 will be a group of pupils who I will always remember, a group of wonderful individuals who together formed an exceptional class, who brought much happiness and many laughs ( and not without the odd yell from myself! Hopefully forgiven!) I want to wish you all the very best in future years, hoping you will achieve your hopes and aims, if possible your dreams, bringing with you the values instilled in you in your fleeting years at St Paul’s. And always remember, “ad astra per aspera” Niamh O’Rourke

Tanya Fitzpatrick

Connor Fegan

Since I joined St Paul’s two years ago I have been fortunate enough to have made many good friends and I have had an excellent time here. The highlight of my time was the trip to Paris arranged by Mrs McMahon. I was able to practice my French, visit famous buildings and monuments, and of course I really enjoyed the day trip to Euro Disney. I have tried to work hard in all my subjects. The Sciences have been my favourites but I was surprised and proud of my award for Key Stage 3 English.

I have really enjoyed my time at St Paul’s over the past five years. It has allowed me to develop both socially and intellectually due to my year group and the staff at St Paul’s. They have guided me from nervous beginnings in Year 8 through the pressure of Year 12. During that time I sat my Key Stage 3 exams, took part in many school outings and made many close friends. Overall my time here has been the highlight of my life so far!

Class 12/16 Form Teacher

Mrs Margaret Murtagh

Back Row: Aveen Trainor, Deborah Torrens, Denise Keenan Middle Row: Nichola Connolly, Eamon Gorman, Jason Larkin, John Morgan, Amy Coogan Front Row: Francis Hughes, Ryan Morgan, Ciaran Hanna, Hadyn McCabe, Gary Linnie Missing from photo: Patrick Byrne, Mairead Campbell, Shane Davidson, Kyle Lynch, Niall Maginnis I acquired 12 16 as my Form Class during their fifth year here in St Paul’s – from September 2008 to June 2009. I wish you well in the future and hope you will succeed in your chosen path. Always remember to keep an open mind and think

seriously about what it is you would like to do in life. Take care of yourselves and may you all look back on your time in St Paul’s with fondness Margaret Murtagh

Deborah Torrens

Gary Linnie

I enjoy some sports and was a member of my primary school football team, Meabh O’Neill’s in Camlough and our school team. I do like to sing but don’t play an instrument. I work part time at Rascals Soft Play Centre. My most memorable moment was going to M & Ds in Scotland in Year 10. I would like to return to school to do the Cache course or go to the Southern Regional College to study Child Development. I would like all my friends to keep in touch and hope they have success in their lives.

I enjoy sports and have been part of the school football teams over the years. My favourite subjects are DiDA, PE and English. After my GCSEs I would like to stay on in St Paul’s and go on to University. My wish for the future is to become a Computer Technician. I wish for my friends to have long and happy lives and to keep in touch. My most memorable moment at St Paul’s was the very first day I arrived here and met loads of new people.


Class 12/22 Form Teacher

Mrs Sinead Pelissou

Back Row: Shanneen McParland, Mallie Connolly, Eoghan Robb, Miceal McCann, Tony McParland, Lee Fallon, Connor Shields, Ursula Lennon,, Rachael McKeown Middle Row: Michelle Murphy, Grainne Savage, Sarah Hillen, Gemma McKeown, Meabh McAuley, Ashlene Bannon, Arlene Hillen, Sonya Dobbin, Lorna Cumiskey Bernadette Byrne Front Row: Darren Fleming, Declan O’Brien, David Brady, Michael Keenan, Brian Kearney, Diarmuid Pepper, Paul Grant, Eoin King, Robert Hamill Missing from photo: Amy McGuigan, Aaron McAllister It has been a great honour to be form teacher to 12-22, a class who arrived five years ago bursting with personality, good humour and vitality. From the outset in Year 8 it was obvious that the class was full of unique, talented and enthusiastic students and it has been a pleasure to watch you make the transition into growing and maturing adults. As your French teacher I have so many fond and funny memories of the class –


“Monsieur Le Roi” et “Le Poivre” – the nicknames we had for Eoin King and Diarmuid Pepper as well as the end of year trips, retreats and the Christmas Kris Kringles. Who could forget the success that some of you had in the Dance Competitions and the Football Tournaments? On a personal note, the end of 2008 was a very sad time for me and I was so touched by your compassion, caring nature and those hugs of comfort. Your donations to

the MacMillan Fund underlined your generous spirit and overwhelming kindness. I am so proud of you all and it has been a pleasure to know each and everyone of you. I hope that you can reflect on your five years at St Paul’s with great fondness and pride particularly in your own personal and collective achievements. I wish you every success in the future and most of all, every happiness in your chosen paths ahead. Sinead Pelissou

Eoin King

Grainne Savage

I have enjoyed my time here at St Paul’s especially because I have made so many friends. My most memorable moment was my very first day in September 2004. I play football for Forkhill GFC and my favourite subject at school is PE! I would like to return here to study ‘A’Levels and then go on to university to study engineering. I am proud to say that I have been part of the first group of pupils from St Paul’s to study BTec Engineering at the Southern Regional College over the past two years. I am very grateful for all the opportunities I have received at St Paul’s.

I am a member of the Traditional Irish Group in St Paul’s. I love music and my most memorable moment was when we performed at the Easter Vigil Mass in Armagh Cathedral in 2006. The event was televised live on RTE and millions of people tuned in to see our performance. In the future I would like to stay on to do my ‘A’ Levels in Home Economics, English, Religion and ICT. My ambition is to go to university to pursue a career in Media Studies and then travel the world!

Class 12/42 Form Teacher

Miss Lisa McLoughlin

Back Row: Lisa Marie McGrath, Shaun McDonnell, Catherine Smith, Ruairi McGovern Middle Row: Sinead Hughes, Natasha McKevitt, Charlene Barlow, Shannon Mone, Miss Lisa McLoughlin Front Row: Nicole O’Callaghan, Joseph Grant, David Davidson, Sean-Patrick Hollywood, Kerri O’Callaghan Missing from photo: Caolan Gray, Angaleen Keenan, Sinead O’Hare, Mark Hanratty.

For the past year and a half I have been Form Teacher to 1242. During this time I have always found them to be a pleasant, helpful, enthusiastic and co-operative group. This last year I have observed them developing in maturity and confidence. They have developed many skills and abilities in their

five years and have worked hard alongside their teachers. I have found all members of my form class to be friendly and caring young people to each other and to the staff they have worked alongside. I wish you all luck and every success in the future. Lisa McLoughlin

Sinead O’Hare

Mark Hanratty

I have really enjoyed my five years at St Paul’s. My favourite subjects are DiDA and Maths. My most memorable moment was our school trip to Scotland in Year 10. I was part of the Year 8 team that won the Ulster Gaelic title and I will never forget that game. I hope to stay on at St Paul’s and do my ‘A’ Level’s with a view to becoming a secretary.

My most memorable moment at St Paul’s would have to be our trip to M&Ds in Scotland in third year. I have enjoyed my time here and I was the Captain of the U.14 Gaelic team for a while. After my GCSEs I would like to come back to the sixth form and then go to university to become a teacher.


Class 12/87 Form Teacher

Ms Pauline Lynch

Back Row: Natasha Crummy, Danielle Gilmore, Caolan Travers, John Sheridan, Colm McKevitt, Gerard Og Markey, Patrick Faloon, Melissa Byrne, Shauna McParland Middle Row: Shauneen Hughes, Mairead Quinn, Cliodhna Rodgers, Gerard O’Neill, Conor McCann, Timothy Kingsnorth, Niamh Monaghan, Aideen Fegan, Emer McDonnell, Ms Pauline Lynch Front Row: Sinead O’Callaghan, Colleen Lynch, Ryan Grennan, Ceibhionn Feehan-Moan, Aron Hollywood, Tanya Bannon, Karl Marron, Katherine O’Hare, Michael Boyle Missing from Photo: Michael Fearon and Nicole Murphy

The pupils of 1287 began their educational journey in St Paul’s High School in September 2003. As I am a new teacher to the school, I initially met the class in September 2008 as their form teacher and was impressed by their maturity and their sense of enthusiasm and character. They have a great deal of respect for each other and have created their own comfortable learning environment as a result. Obviously there are many budding stars in 1287 and their achievements have been commended both by the school and their peers. In March 2008 a dance troupe from St. Paul’s High School won the All Ireland and the Ulster Dance Championship Finals. What an achievement! The girls in 1287 who took part were; Natasha Crummy, Danielle Gilmore and Nicole Murphy. I am confident that these girls have the potential to achieve enormous successes in the future in their chosen fields. The boys have also shown great promise in all areas. Patrick Faloon’s love of boxing has meant he has won the Ulster Final in Coalisland in 2008. We are all in support of Patrick as he competes in the Ulster Final of 2009 this Saturday in Donegal. It is fantastic to see his enthusiasm for his sport. He also plays Gaelic and in Year 10 played in the Ulster Final.


Dance, sport and drama have all played a role in the lives of the students of class 1287. Sinead O’Callaghan, another budding star, has contributed in an outstanding manner to ‘Oklahoma’ which was staged in October 2008 in St. Paul’s High School. Sinead’s commitment was outstanding as she juggled classes, rehearsals and coursework deadlines to perform on the stage in St. Paul’s High School. Her brother Michael and sister Claire also starred in ‘Oklahoma’ and were a tremendous support to her during the rehearsal and performance period. The students of class 1287 have achieved so much. Even though their specific names have not been mentioned above, they all play a major role in the character and stamina of their class. Forthcoming G.C.S.E. examinations are at the forefront of all of our minds and many may return to continue their education into sixth year. Memories of St. Paul’s will hopefully be happy ones for all of the students of this class. My memories of this year have been extremely positive. I think each student in 1287 has the potential for great success in whatever field of work or study they apply themselves to. Pauline Lynch

Sinead O’Callaghan

Patrick Faloon

For my GCSEs my chosen subjects were Music, Geography and Home Economics. I really enjoy the cooking module this year. I took part in two school musical productions “Viva Mexico” and “Oklahoma”. I am also a member of the choir, the drama group and the traditional music group. Outside of school I have been doing Irish Dancing for 12 years and I am part of All-Ireland Medal winning teams. In the future I would like to do a degree in Drama and graduate as a Drama Therapist.

My favourite subjects are History and PE here at St Paul’s. I hope to stay on after my GCSEs and do my A’ Levels. I have been to the All Ireland Boxing Finals and won the Ulster Boxing Championship three times. I also have played Gaelic football for the school team in the Ulster Final and I have won many awards in Cross Country Running. I wish everyone well in the future and I hope to have the craic with them all in later years.

Class 12/51 Form Teacher

Miss Martina Sweeney

Back Row: Seainin Ruddy, Barry Lavelle, Dominique Fitzpatrick, Shauneen Quinn Middle Row: Miss Martina Sweeney, Sarah Mooney, David Worsford, Terry Murphy, Roisin O’Hanlon Front Row: Aislinn Crilly, Kevin Murray, Jordan Duignan, Louise McElherron Missing from photo: Daniel Downey, Martin Mackey, Megan McCann, Gemma Toner, Seamus Toner 12 51 have been my form class from September 2007 to June 2009. I had never previously taught any of you (except Kevin) so it was a pleasure to get to know each of you. Hopefully you all will have fond and happy memories of your time in St Paul’s and I look forward to seeing many of you returning to

Year 13 in September. You have many great talents to offer in life, and you can achieve whatever you wish and set your mind on, so I wish you all the very best of luck in your future. Martina Sweeney

Kevin Murray

Louis McElherron

I have been part of the Cross Country team in St Paul’s over the past five years and have won many trophies and titles. My most memorable moments were running in the Mini-Marathon in London in 2006 and coming 3rd in the All –Ireland Cross Country Championships. I hope to stay on at St Paul’s to study Art with a view to a career in Graphic Design. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Eugene Hollywood, Mrs Anne Hollywood and Mr Peter Young for all their help and encouragement.

My favourite subject here at St Paul’s is definitely PE! My most memorable moment was winning the U.16 Ulster Gaelic Final and many other great games as part of the St Paul’s team. I received the Commitment to Sport Award at Key Stage 3 and also won U.14 and U.16 Player of the Year. Our team won the U.16 Championship and League. When I leave St Paul’s I hope to do a course in Hairdressing.


Class 12/64 Form Teacher

Mrs Grainne Campbell

Back Row: Aiofe Lavelle, Aislinn Murphy, Michaela Cromie, Shauneen Mallon, Kirsty McGirr, Eimear Mooney, Mrs Grainne Campbell Middle Row: Kayleigh Murphy, Niamh Meehan, Joseph Cooney, Ciaran Moan, Caolan Trainor, Darragh O’Hare, Conor Mathers, Sinead Gallagher Front Row: Patrick Rice, Lonnie Larkin, Gary Fitzpatrick, Sean O’Callaghan, Owen McEvoy, Paul Gollogly, Daniell Martin Missing from photo: Adrian O’Grady It has been a real pleasure to be 12/64’s form teacher over the past 5 years and watch them develop into fine young adults. It was sad to see the departure of quite a few of them in Year10. Kayleigh, Caolán, Ciarán, Darragh, Gary and Lonnie joined the class and brought into it a warmth and lightness of humour that benefited the whole group. There are a core of boys who love their sports and it has certainly kept them out of serious mischief and on the right path. If you can’t find Adrian, Caolán, Daniell, Lonnie or Séan, you should look no further than the hand-ball alleys where Patrick Rice beats off most challengers. They are proud members of school teams and have made valuable contributions to the school’s success in U14, U16 and U18 football as well as rugby, hurley and cross country. Michaela and Shauneen have also served the school well through netball and dance respectively.


The entire class works well together; be it making a banner, under the capable leadership of Joseph and Aóife, to cheer on the boys in an Ulster Final; or making sure everyone is included and having a laugh at Dundalk Ice Bowl. Each one of them has different talents and qualities that, if nurtured, should serve them well in their adult life: Aislínn and Sinéad’s gentle kindnesses, Eimear’s bubbly friendliness or Niamh’s arty sense of style. Owen has an enquiring mind that makes for interesting chats and Conor is a quiet and confident presence. Kirsty and Paul were worthy ambassadors for the school in The Key Programme; but anyone of this group could represent the school and make us proud. I have no doubt that each one of them will go on to lead happy and fulfilled lives and make a worthy contribution to their local communities. Grainne Campbell

Sean O’Callaghan

Shauneen Mallon

I have made many new friends here in St Paul’s over the past five years due to my involvement in sport. I have played on the school Gaelic teams since Year 8 and enjoyed success at U.14, U.16 and U.18 level. I am grateful to Mr Martin O’Rourke for helping me develop my skills and knowledge of the sport. My favourite subjects are PE and Maths. I hope to return to St Paul’s in September to pursue my goal to become a PE Teacher.

I have enjoyed my five years in St. Paul’s. I have made many new friends. I joined St. Paul’s and Newry Dance Company in Year 8. A highlight for me was visiting Pineapple Dance Studios in London with the dance troupe. My favourite dance over the 5 years was, History Repeated as I thought the dancing and costumes were amazing. In year 10 I participated in the school musical ‘Viva Mexico’. My favourite GCSEs were Art and D.I.D.A. I hope to return to St Paul’s in September to do my A Level’s.

Class 12/66 Form Teacher

Mrs Monica Tate

Back Row: Ronan Byrne, James McKeown, Blair Glymond, Conor McCarthy, Calum Murphy Middle Row: Mrs Monica Tate, Kelly Hearty, Alannah Murray, Danielle McArdle, Aisling Gorman Front Row: Aodhan McQuade, Conor Murtagh, Daniel Monaghan, Mark Mooney Missing from photo: Emer Byrne, Niall Connolly, Michelle Doyle, Aidan Rooney 12 66 were my form class from 2004 until June 2009. During Year 10 the class was reformed due to subject choices. Many of these pupils were successfully involved in sporting and dance activities representing the school with pride. I have found the class to be pleasant, friendly and caring. Over the past two years in particular, you have grown in maturity and realised the future is

your responsibility based on the choices you made. I hope as a form teacher I have instilled in you an appreciation of the hard work done on your behalf by your teachers and you bring with you fond memories of your experiences in St Paul’s. I wish each of you success in whatever you do in the future. Monica Tate

Kelly Hearty

Mark Mooney

I started St Paul’s in 2004 and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. My favourite subject is Child Care and when I leave St Paul’s I would like to become a childminder. I would like to go to the Southern Regional College to study Child Development. I would like to thank all the teachers and staff here at St Paul’s for all the opportunities given to me.

I came to St Paul’s in 2004 and I have enjoyed my time here in school participating in different sporting activities such as Rugby. My main interest is Motorcycle Racing which I do outside school where I participate in the MMRCI and I thoroughly enjoy this. I hope to stay on at St Paul’s to study ‘A’ Levels and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers and staff who have helped throughout my time here.


Class 12/83 Form Teacher

Ms Mary McManus

Back Row: Laura Murphy, Rebecca McKevitt, James Campbell, Martin Davidson, Aine Harris, Sinead Phillips, Deimantas Pudinskiene Middle Row: Niall Marron, Claire Tighe, Rebekah Riddle, Amy Meegan, Sabrina McCartney, Joanne Dowdall, Charlene McNulty, Ms Mary McManus Front Row: Cailum McParland, Sean Hughes, Michael Rush, Jason Fleming, Andrew Grant, Patrick Forgione, Peter Treanor, Mark Collins Missing from photo: Analee Gibney, Ciara Hanratty, Pearse McGuigan, Miceal White


I have been lucky to have 12 83 as my form class this year and have found them all to be hardworking, pleasant and helpful students. They have worked with their teachers to achieve qualifications that will help them choose the right career path. They have each shown dedication to reaching their goals and eventually reach their full potential. I have found all members of this class to be caring and thoughtful young people towards each other and the

staff both in St Paul’s and on placement. I wish them well as they embark on the next phase of their journey through life and I am confident that they will all be participators and contributors in the workplace and in the community. Good luck to each one of you as you leave St Paul’s.

Joanne Dowdall

Charlene McNulty

My favourite subject is PE and I enjoy all sports especially football. When I leave school I would like to attend the Southern Regional College to study Hairdressing. My hope for the future is to open my own Hairdressing Salon.

My favourite subject is Maths because I really enjoy the practical side of the subject. I would like to stay on in St Paul’s to complete the Cache Programme and learn all the aspects of Child Care. I would like to work in a Creche and eventually own my own business.

James Campbell

Sean Hughes

My favourite subject is PE because it keeps me fit and healthy. I would like to go to the Southern Region College when I leave St Paul’s to do an Engineering course. I am currently on work experience in the ICT Department in St Paul’s. My hopes for the future include passing my engineering course and getting a job in the IT Industry.

My favourite subjects are English, Maths and PE. I would like to study PE and hopefully become a PE teacher. I am currently on work experience in the PE Department at St Paul’s. I hope that in the future that I am successful and well paid!

Mary McManus

Class 12/73 Form Teacher

Mr Patrick McAvoy

Back Row: Mrs Jane Poland, Mark Hughes, John Magee, Mr Patrick McAvoy, Mark Gallagher, David Hanratty, Mrs Josephine Conlon. Front Row: Declan Hughes, Gary Kearns, Sean It has been a great pleasure to have been form teacher to Class 12 73 from 2007. I have always found them to be a pleasant, hardworking and conscientious group who give of their best on all occasions. During their time at St Paul’s they have successfully completed a number of courses. • OCR Level 1 Certificate for IT Users (New CLAIT) • Essential Skills, Application of Number and Communications • In-House Module Certification relating to Employment • Preparation for Employment – Entry Level 3 • GCSE Literacy and Numeracy The pupils have participated in a highly structured vocational programme. This involves work experience placement one day per

week and participation in various work units in the Southern Regional College. The social, educational and recreational curriculum is geared entirely towards the world of work. It has been my pleasure to teach this fine group of young people and I wish them every success for the future and I hope they will use the skills acquired to follow a successful career. On behalf of Mrs Josephine Conlon and Mrs Jane Poland, Classroom Assistants, I would like to wish each of you the very best of luck in the future. I am also pleased to announce that one of our past pupils Colan McLaughlin has been awarded “Learner of the Year”. This award is given by CCEA in conjunction with the Southern Regional College and rewards the student with the highest marks in each of their subjects. Paddy McAvoy

Declan Hughes

Mark Gallagher

My favourite subjects are Science and Art and I am currently doing a Plastering Course at the Southern Regional College. I am a member of the successful LSC Soccer team who participated in various competitions on both sides of the border. I would like to become a Bricklayer when I leave St Paul’s.

My favourite subjects are PE and Art and I am currently doing a Retail Course at the Southern Regional College. I am the Captain of the LSC Soccer Team and hope we are successful in the schools final in a couple of weeks. I would like to pursue a career in Computers or Sport when I leave St Paul’s.


Steps Programme Project Manager

Bernadette Rocks

Steps Programme The programme is adapted to assist the student develop the attitude and skills necessary to maintain lifelong learning, including the capacity to work independently. The students are given the opportunity to work toward the achievement of relevant qualifications, each student is encouraged to take responsibility for their own achievements and individual training plans are drawn up at the end of

16 Link Teacher

Mary Mc Manus

the 1st term. Timekeeping and attendance is monitored closely and each participating school is given a weekly report of attendance. The outputs i.e. qualifications and attendance are monitored and students are encouraged to achieve relevant qualifications, which will benefit them with progression into vocational training. Students are encouraged to develop the occupational, personal and social skills needed for effective participation in the workplace. The students are offered courses in bricklaying, motor vehicle repair, joinery, hairdressing and beauty. They also do Key Skills in Communications, Application of Number and Information Technology

(St Paul’s High School)

The Steps programme is situated in the building of Southern Group Enterprises, which is a very well equipped training centre. SGE Ltd is an approved Awarding Body Centre for City & Guilds, CITB, Pitman, OCR and CCEA. Southern Group Enterprises received a letter of excellence from CCEA on the standard and calibre of work in the centre and samples of the finished products were taken for use as exemplar material. Good communication and effective partnerships have been established throughout the programme with parents, link teachers, principals, careers advisors and employers.

Volunteering at St Paul’s St Vincent de Paul Society The St Vincent de Paul Society is a vibrant part of school life and is organised by Fr Dermot Maloney, Miss Grace O’Neill and Mrs Siobhan Kearney. Pupils from Year 13 and 14 take part in many fundraising events throughout the year both in school and in the local community. One of the most successful events is the Annual Christmas Hamper Appeal and this year we were able to distribute over 30 bulging hampers to many deserving families in our local area. The Society also visits the Cuan Mhuire Rehabilitation Centre where our pupils have met people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. In December 2007 the Homework Club was set

up to help Year 8 pupils in this transitional year between Primary and Secondary school. I would like to thank all involved with SVDP in St Paul’s and thank you for making it such a rewarding and challenging year. Grace O’Neill

Fr Dermot Maloney

Annual Pilgrimage to Lourdes Every year over 30 pupils and staff travel to Lourdes as helpers. The pupils always return with a real sense of what life is like for those less fortunate than themselves. “For me it was a memorable experience and I thank St Paul’s for giving me this unique opportunity” Nicola McCamley “Lourdes was a great opportunity to meet new people and also to appreciate one’s own health!” Shauneen Loughran “ I really enjoyed my trip to Lourdes this year as I had an opportunity to help people as well as immerse myself in the French culture” Janine Sloan “Deciding to go to Lourdes was one of the best decisions of my life so far as I found it to be such a rewarding experience” Niall Morgan


Mass to celebrate the Jubilee Year of St Paul On Monday 26th January a mass was held in The Church of the Good Shepherd in Cloughrea to celebrate the Jubilee Year of St Paul. The celebrant of the mass was Cardinal Sean Brady assisted by Fr. Dermot Maloney PP of Dromintee and our School Chaplain, Fr. Sean Larkin PP, Lower Killeavy and Fr. John Heagney PP, Mullaghbawn. Most of the school attended the celebration and the wonderful music was provided by the school choir and the traditional group.

Left to right: Fr. Dermot Maloney PP and School Chaplain, Fr John Heagney PP Mullaghbawn, Mrs Anne Mallon VP, Cardinal Sean Brady, Mrs Una McNulty VP, Fr. Sean Larkin PP Lower Killeavy, Mr Jarlath Burns VP.


Interview Skills Day - Year 14

This year Interviews Skills Day took place on Wednesday 18th February and as always it brought together the business community and our Year 14 students as they embark on improving their interview techniques. The Careers Department hosts this annual event under the watchful eye of Mrs Siobhan Kearney and Mrs Anne Black. Students can gain first hand knowledge of the interview process and benefit from the advice and guidance from prospective employers. They are encouraged to dress appropriately for an interview and as always they were definitely dressed to impress! At the end of the sessions the students receive certificates from the Sentinus Group who act as facilitators during the training programme. We are indebted to those representatives from the business community who give up their time from busy schedules to participate in this day.

Student Council Student Council Members Sinead Grant 14 79, Sean Farrell 14 37, Kim Curtis 1390, Turlough O’Neill 13 32, Aichlinn Trainor 13 76, Mark Gallagher 12 73, Maeve McAuley 12 22, Anne Marie Mallon 11 94, Conor Empringham-Green 10 77, Padraig McDonnell 09 85, Matthew Larkin 08 21. The Student Council at St Paul’s has been going since 2002 and holds meetings regularly under the direction of Mr Charlie Byrne and Mr Jarlath Burns, Vice-Principal. The council consists of one or two pupils from each year group as well as the Head Boy and Girl. It aims to improve student/teacher relations and student conditions as well as enhance the public perspective of St Paul’s in the wider community. The Council also deals with issues such as bullying, litter and uniform suggestions and pupils can anonymously put forward suggestions by using the Suggestion Box in the library.


Pilgrimage to Rome

A total of 91 people including staff and students made the trip of a lifetime when they travelled to Rome to mark the Jubilee Year of St Paul. 2009 was designated in the Saints’ honour by the Pope to commemorate the 2,000th anniversary of the birth of St Paul. Mr Brendan Connolly assisted by Mrs Michelle Murphy organised the five day pilgrimage and it was a truly great experience for all involved. The members of the school choir were invited to sing in St Peter’s and a church called San Clemente, which is one of the oldest churches in Rome. They also sang at St John Lateran which is one of four largest basilicas in the city. We also were delighted to attend “Villa Spada”, the Irish Embassy, where we met the Irish Ambassador to the Holy See, Mr Noel Fahey and his wife Christine (pictured on the page opposite). Mr Fahey expressed his thanks and appreciation to the choir and wished the pilgrims well on the rest of their journey. Mr Oliver Mooney, Principal took part in the pilgrimage and remarked on his return “The young people in the choir were exemplary in their behaviour and their singing at the


various masses was beautiful. St. Peter’s on Sunday evening was simply heavenly and it was a great privilege to be part of the occasion. I would like to personally thank Mr. Connolly and Mrs. Michelle Murphy on their flawless organising of the entire pilgrimage. Thanks also to Fr. Dermot and to Fr. Larkin for all their assistance at each of the masses. While all the adults helped to enrich the experience, a particular word of thanks to our group leaders who so professionally

assisted their students during the six days away. Lastly, my sincere thanks go to Mr. Colm Murphy and Miss Bridie McAvoy who prepared the school choir so well. The choir’s performances were exceptional on all occasions and their impromptu singing in the Irish embassy and in the restaurants was a joy to hear”. Whilst in Rome the group followed an extensive itinerary of places to visit such as the Vatican City and the Colosseum.

Pilgrimage to Rome


A Musical Year in St Paul’s

St Paul’s Music Department have continued on from their highly successful Pilgrimage to Rome with a profitable Feis appearance at Warrenpoint on the 24th of February. Starting the afternoon session was St Paul’s LSC Choir who were looking to retain the ‘Marguerite Delahunt Perpetual Cup’ for the third year running. They performed two pieces and the Adjudicator commented ‘Beautiful two part singing’ and ‘fantastic solo singing throughout the arrangement.’ They retained the trophy with a high mark of 86. Special thanks go to Clíodhna McAteer and Mairéad Lonergan who conducted the choir so well and to Mr Slane who provided the piano accompaniment. St Paul’s Mixed Choir were the next to perform in this their maiden competition, against stiff competition consisting of St Marks High School and The Abbey Grammar School. They performed two pieces an arrangement of ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ and Ev’ry Time I feel the Spirit’. The adjudicator commented that the performance had ‘very exciting singing carried out with panache’ and they won the ‘Hairflair Perpetual Cup’ with a score of 89. Next to perform was the Main school choir with over 90 pupils involved to take part in the ‘James Murphy Cup’. Again they prevailed with a mark of 88 and the adjudicator said that the ‘singing was of a high and impressive standard’. This is the 4th year in a row that St Paul’s have won the hymn singing section of this competition. St Paul’s African Drumming Ensemble were the next to perform and the have retained ‘The Music Cup’ for the second year running with a mark of 91. The adjudicator said it was ‘a thoroughly professional performance’.


The String Quartet Ronan Sharkey, Nicola Hughes, Mairead Longeran, Cliodhna McAteer

Mr Colm Murphy, Mr Peter Slane and Miss Bridie McAvoy

Oklahoma A Whole School Experience Ms Pauline Lynch Drama The curtain fell on the stage of St Paul’s High School’s ‘Oklahoma’ on Tuesday 21st October 2008, to the applause and appreciation of a very supportive wider school community. The lilt of the timeless musical score was in the air as the school absorbed the essence of musical theatre. Dancers, actors and singers were enthused by the reception which was affectionately adorned upon them. A whole school production is an apt description for ‘Oklahoma’ as its cast members and attending staff, amidst exam schedules, found the time and made the effort to perform in whatever way they could. Parents and guardians have

been outstanding in their support both of their children and their interest in St Paul’s High School. All staff and pupils would like to acknowledge their assistance and care. Rodgers and Hammerstein gave us the opportunity to delve into the lives of Aunt Eller, Laurey, Will and Jud (among many other wonderful characters) and to immerse ourselves in their lifestyle and culture. Uniquity became reality as the actors on stage made each character believable and took total responsibility for actions and gestures. As a result, the ensemble became paramount and teamwork second nature. An era of tremendous pride for all staff and pupils of St Paul’s High School Bessbrook as the word spread about the performance, the cast of ‘Oklahoma’ became local stars.

Leading Lady

Ronan and Amy

Michael Mallon

Mairead Quigley

Turlough O’Neill

Margaret Murphy

I played the role of Laurey in “Oklahoma” and it is certainly one of my most memorable moments in St Paul’s. This was a step-up from the role I played in “Viva Mexico” two year’s ago. I would like to thank all those who helped me in any way through this wonderful experience and I will always remember the kindness shown to me by both staff and cast. Being part of the school musical enriches your life so take the chance to audition and enjoy it !

Leading Man

Brian O’Neill & Margaret Murphy

Brian O’Neill

Getting the lead role in the musical “Oklahoma” came as a bit of a shock as Nathan and Liam told me to go to the auditions “for the craic” I didn’t expect to see my name anywhere near that cast list! However, playing the part of Curly has easily become one of my most memorable moments during my time at St Paul’s. I soon realised I was going to do something that I would never have thought of doing in a million years! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ms Lynch, Mr Murphy, Ms Catherine Hughes, Miss Laura McConville and the entire cast and crew who made this musical a huge success. A special word of thanks must go to Mr Slane who nearly got me crushed by a plywood tree….thanks for that!


Individual Achievers

Conor McCormack- 14 56 European Snooker Champion I started playing snooker when I was six and I still practice three hours a day. My favourite players are Ronnie O’Sullivan and Mark Allen. My highest ever break was 136 at the North vs South tournament. I haven’t entered any major competitions over the past year as I am concentrating on my A’ Levels and I would like to go to university.

My titles 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006

Barry Lavelle - 12 51

Connor Malone - 10 59

Ulster Boxing Champion

Ulster Boxing Champion

I have just become Ulster Boxing Champion 2009 in the recent finals and this comes after me winning the Mid Ulster Boxing Championship. I have also been U.12, U.14 and U16 Player of the year throughout my time at St Paul’s as part of the Gaelic Football Team. My most memorable moments were winning the Ulster title and getting an All-Star Award in St Paul’s. My favourite subject is Construction and I hope to pursue a career as a Joiner when I leave here.

Connor is a member of the Camlough Amateur Boxing Club and has really had a fantastic season. He has won the Ulster Boxing Championship 2008, the Armagh/Down Boxing title and the Mid Ulster Boxing title in his age group. We wish Connor all the very best as he proves himself as one of the most talented and exciting boxers in Northern Ireland.

Aimee Hutchinson - 14 12

Owen Campbell- 09 27

Excellence in Art

Mini Moto Racing

I have developed a great love for Art during my seven years here at St Paul’s. I was able to do my GCSE Art early in Year 10 and I received an A*. I was then able to go on to do GCE AS Level Art in Year 12 and A2 in Year 13, I was awarded an A in both examinations. I would like to develop my talent and love for Art by venturing into Art Direction or Production and Set Design for Film and Television. I would like to thank all the staff here who have helped me with my studies over the years.

I started Mini-Moto Racing two years ago and I really enjoy it. I am now moving on to faster bikes and I am hoping for an injury free season. Over the past year I have had a successful season as I won the Most Improved Rider Award as well as coming 2nd in the Irish Mini-Moto Championship. My favourite subjects in school are Technology and PE and I also play football and rugby at St Paul’s.

Rachel Campbell - 11 65

NI Junior Whip Champion

I have been involved in the sport of Carriage Driving for three years now and 2008 was a very eventful year for me. I have been competing with my new pony, Keltic Traveller, known as Joey at home, since March. We were selected to represent Ireland as part of the Junior Irish Team in the British Young Driver’s Championship held in York and came 2nd in our class and the team finished 2nd over all. I was also presented with the Best Junior Driver Cup at the Northern Ireland Carriage Driving Association in January 2009. This sport requires a lot of hard work, looking after my pony and training but it is all worth it when you are successful. 2009 will be a new competitive season for me and Joey and hopefully it will be as enjoyable as the last.


include: Under 14 Ulster Champion Under 16 Ulster Champion Under 16 All- Ireland Champion Under 18 Ulster Champion Junior Pot Black Finalist 3rd Place in the World Amateur Championships 2nd Place in the Under 21 European Team Championships 1st Place in the Home Internationals as part of the Northern Ireland team

Science Specialism Mrs Una McNulty, Miss Karina Traynor

St Paul’s receives Specialist Status On 4 June Education Minister Caitríona Ruane, announced that St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook would be designated as a Specialist school in Science from September 2008. This prestigious award demonstrates the commitment of St Paul’s to excellence and to collaborative working with their partner primary and post primary schools and to the wider community, which will ultimately enrich the learning experiences and opportunities of all young people in the area. Specialist Status recognises the hard work and excellence of the Science Department led by Mrs Una McNulty.

Robotics Day with our Primary school partners

Norbrook Pharmaceuticals Worldwide formally became our major school partner and sponsor in November 2007. This collaboration has created opportunities to enhance, enrich and increase interest and motivation for all. Our motto is “Partnership in Education” and Lord Ballyedmond, Chairperson of the Norbrook Group, has pledged financial and personal support which enables further and innovative development in Science within the school and beyond. Mr Oliver Mooney would again like to thank Lord Ballyedmund and Norbrook Pharmaceuticals Worldwide for the wonderful opportunity being afforded to students.

educational needs, interests, aptitudes and aspirations. In short as a specialist school we will offer an educational system that is fit for the needs of children, society and the economy in the 21st century. Specialist Status will afford St Paul’s the opportunity to work in the best interest of all pupils in the area. Our 3 partner primary and 3 post primary schools are:St Joseph’s Primary School, Meigh, St Peter’s Primary School, Cloughrea, St Malachy’s Primary School, Ballymoyer, St Joseph’s High School, Crossmaglen, Newtownhamilton High School, St Joseph’s High School, Newry

We have also established exciting partnerships with:- ReGen and Doherty Developments Ltd, Giggles Day Care Centre, Carrickcruppen Community Club, Newry & Mourne Senior Citizens Consortium, Felix O’Hare Ltd. These partnerships will allow us to build on and develop closer links with the communities we serve and also with our local business partners. They will enable us to provide pupils with an enriched curriculum that is relevant to their

Specialist Status will allow us to continue to develop educational links with our partner primary and post primary schools to afford pupils opportunities in Science, Technology and ICT. It will allow for sharing good practice with our schools and through collaboration arrangements will assist in the development of Science for all.

of the comprehensive school model within our learning community.

Not only will the school be an excellent ambassador for the Specialist Status programme but it demonstrates the benefit


Our Brazilian Adventure 2008

On Wednesday 22nd October six students left for Sao Paolo in Brazil. The trip was organised by Fr Dermot Maloney, School Chaplain in conjunction with St Patrick’s Missionary Society, Kiltegan. The international project involved pupils and staff visiting the most poverty-stricken areas of Sao Paulo for two weeks and seeing first hand the great work being carried out by the charity. The Year 14 students who took part in this wonderful trip were Brendan McDonnell, Niall Morgan, Brian O’Neill, Janine Sloan, Maria McCann and Aoife Hollywood. They were accompanied by Father Dermot Maloney and teachers, Mrs Bridget McConville and Mr Eugene Hollywood

Brendan McDonnell In October I got the opportunity of a life time when I was chosen to be part of a team of 6 students to travel to Sao Paolo, Brazil. It was an experience I will never forget and it was certainly life-changing. Sao Paolo is the fifth largest city in the world and to be in this environment and experience this lifestyle was unbelievable. It was a great honour to be chosen alongside the other five students who were brilliant craic along with Mr Eugene Hollywood, Mrs Bridget McConville and Fr Dermot. The thing that will stick with me most was the warmness and friendliness of the Brazilian people. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Fr Dermot and the school for this amazing adventure and I hope to return to Brazil for the 2014 World Cup. It was “nuts oh hazel nuts”

Janine Sloan Brazil 2008 was an experience I will remember forever. I would like to thank Fr Dermot, Mrs McConville and Mr Hollywood for their help and support on this project. I particularly want to thank my fellow students, Niall, Maria, Brian, Aoife and Brendan for sharing this wonderful experience and making the trip even more


enjoyable for me. It was a great insight into the lives of others less fortunate than ourselves and it taught me a few valuable things. Going to visit the schools and nurseries was the highlight of the trip. This is a life-changing experience for me and I hope to return to Brazil in the future. In the words of Fr Dermot “nuts oh hazel nuts”

Niall Morgan Brazil….what a trip! The highlight of visiting Sao Paolo was playing football with patients at a rehabilitation centre. With all the problems some of the patients had, it was great to see how they all came together despite the language barrier. I would love to return to Brazil some day! In the words of Fr Dermot “nuts, oh hazel nuts”

Brian O’Neill I would first like to thank Fr Dermot, Mrs McConville, Mr Hollywood, the Kiltegan Fathers and the students who were part of the Brazilian project. They made the experience one that I will never forget. I was very fortunate to be one of the six students chosen to go. It was a real wake up call for all of us as we witnessed the harsh conditions some people have to live in. Somehow they always seemed pleased to

see us. My most memorable moments from my time in Brazil was singing “Oh what a beautiful morning” at both the high school and the Bingo Hall. I also really enjoyed playing football with the fellas at the rehabilitation clinic, visiting the Indian camp and watching Janine fall off the swings. I know that this trip has affected us all and we will never quite feel the same again. My hopes are that in the future I return to Brazil to meet again the people that were so kind to me. “nuts, oh hazel nuts”

Mrs Bridget McConville Head of Science Two weeks in Brazil, it couldn’t have come at a better time, just at the end of the 5 nights of Oklahoma and plum in the middle

Father Dermot Maloney and teachers, Mrs Bridget McConville and Mr Eugene Hollywood

of the General Inspection! Escape to paradise in every sense of the word. The nine of us piled onto the bus at 2.30am on Wednesday morning, it was freezing! Just look at where the shoulders are in the photos. Twenty hours later, 7.30pm Brazil time, we arrived at our destination in Sao Paula on the east coast of Brazil. We were welcomed by 3 Irish priests – Fr Sean, Fr Jack and another Fr Dermot-who brought us to our first base. A very welcome tea was quickly organised (Irish tea is a luxury out there and we were warned well in advance to pack some) and rooms were allocated. With Mr Hollywood positioned on

had really no English, no experience in using their school English and no notion of trying! The children couldn’t understand why we weren’t able to speak to them. But a smile goes a long way in every language. They were all so friendly and warm, always greeting with hugs, even kisses, very caring hosts and very afraid we would go hungry or get lonely. They were intrigued by our blue eyes.

When we travelled up to the country destination the life of the missionary was much more apparent. We met nuns and priests working together to serve a very large community. Our two new Irish hosts, Fr Derek and Fr Denis. They were as different as chalk and cheese. They had a newly ordained Nigerian priest, Fr Richard, working with them. He was almost fluent in Portuguese after 5 months and poor Fr Denis was still struggling after 5 years. They were supported by a team of Brazilian nuns who were very active in every aspect of parish work. Education is compulsory up to age 17 and free for all ages. A school day consists of one four hour block at 7am to 11am, 1pm to 5pm or 7pm to 11pm. Both countries have very charismatic celebrations of the Mass and everyone is involved from the youngest to the elders. Both countries have Sunday School arrangements to teach religion as it is not taught in schools. This seems to promote and strengthen the youth participation in church events and results in a strong sense of community.

While in Sao Paulo we toured the city centre, visited a Rehabilitation Centre and the Marion Shrine – Aparaceda. The shrine has a wonderful story and is much bigger than the Lourdes shrine. There was so much to see there, their faith in their ‘Lady’ extends from very poor to the very wealthy, millions of tokens were on display. We even attended a beach wedding, compliments of the Cork groom. The wedding was running a little late, about 3 hours! By the time she arrived it rained, got dark, everything was moved indoors and we didn’t have time to stay for the food.

one end of the corridor, myself at the other end, the boys and girls safely positioned in between and considering that it was about 40 hours since we had been to bed, no rocking was required. Father Dermot was ushered off to more private quarters! It was the next morning before we could appreciate our accommodation. It was a work in progress, bit of a building site really, but compared to Londiani in Kenya it was 5*. Work didn’t start for a couple of days, we visited some neighbouring churches run by Kiltegan priests and everywhere we went, they fed us -they heard Mr Hollywood was with us! The language barrier proved a real problem; we had to have everything translated. We had no Portuguese and they


Cache Programme

Mrs Brenda Fegan, Mrs Siobhan Kearney, Mrs Monica Tate

Cache group 2009

Back Row: Shauna Rice, Annemarie Haw, Coisla Malone Front Row: Louise Faloon, Collette McCabe, Cathy Malone, Claire McTaggart

It is with sadness that I say goodbye to you all and would like to let you know that you have all grown and matured in confidence over the last year. It has been a pleasure to teach you and I know that you all were successful in your placements throughout the community. Working with children and young people is a very worthwhile and rewarding career and I am glad to say you have risen to the challenges faced by you throughout the year. The Cache qualifications that you have received will open many doors and I hope you all find careers in childcare, childminding, nursing or teaching. The qualifications are designed to demonstrate your abilities and achievements by acting as stepping stones in your careers. We hope that we have given you the skills to help children and young people reach their potential. On behalf of Mrs Brenda Fegan and myself, we would like to wish you all the best for the future. Good luck and God bless. Mrs Siobhan Kearney


Class 14/12 Form Teacher

Miss Karina Traynor

My form class are a quiet, hard working and well balanced group of young people. Even though I have only known some of them from September, it has been a pleasure to be their form teacher. Albert Schweitzer once said, “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful”. I wish you all every success in your future life and remember there will always be an unbreakable link between you and St Paul’s.

Sean Bradley

St Joseph’s HS, Newry

Since I came to St Paul’s at the start of Year 13 I have really enjoyed my time. My most memorable moment has to be getting my EMA bonus, twice and I might be lucky to get the third one in the summer term. I hope to go to university in Belfast to study either History or Politics. As I leave St Paul’s, I would like to wish everyone all the very best. Bring on the debt!

Megan Camblin

St Clare’s PS, Newry

I am not a very sporty person but I did participate and was also a member of the Newry Youth Dance Company. I left because I wanted to devote more time to my studies. My hope is to pursue a career in teaching when I leave university. I am a Senior Prefect and I found this to be very rewarding as I formed great relationships with both pupils and staff. I wish all my close friends and the whole of Year 14 the best of luck and hope they are all successful in the future.


Class 14/12 Niamh Carlisle

St Malachy’s PS, Carnagat

I have played the guitar for the last four years, self taught and I really enjoy it. I have also studied the violin in the past. I work part time in the Tai Pan takeaway. On leaving St Paul’s I would like to go to University to study Business Studies with a view to establishing my own hair dressing business. My most memorable moment in St Paul’s was sharing my GSCE success with all my friends. My wishes and hopes for the future are happiness and success for all in Year 14 as we begin another chapter in our lives

Christopher Casey-Bradley

St Colman’s Abbey CBS, Newry

I have attended St Paul’s for seven years. I have been part of the football team for all that time and have really enjoyed taking part in all the matches. In Year 13 I travelled to Romania on an aid mission and it was a truly great experience. When I leave St Paul’s I would like to go to university and eventually work in Public Relations. And now the good stuff! I have met three of the soundest people in this school. Due to St Paul’s I have had some really great memories, gone on some amazing holidays and met some really nice girls! Also I have come across some of the soundest teachers ever! I will miss the craic in St Paul’s but I am sure university will be every bit as good. Thanks and good luck everyone.

Ryan Fearon

St Patrick’s GS, Armagh

I am currently studying ‘A’ Levels here in St Paul’s in the hope of obtaining a job in either the Theatre or Film Industry. I play a broad range of instruments including piano, tin whistle, drums, accordion and bodhran. I wish all my friends a great deal of wealth for the future and more importantly happiness. My most memorable moment in St Paul’s was my first day of sixth form as I was new to the school!

Laura Feenan

St Teresa’s PS, Tullyherron

For me my seven years at St Paul’s have been truly amazing! I have made some great friends especially the “click” The memories I have are unforgettable; I cannot pinpoint the best one! I play Gaelic for the amazing Whitecross Senior Ladies – we are going to win the Championship this year! I am still not sure what I want to do when I leave St Paul’s but don’t worry you will see me around. I wish everyone well for the future and look after yourselves! “talk afta peoples”

Amy Flynn

St Malachy’s PS, Carnagat

I have been in St. Paul’s for the past seven years and I have enjoyed my time greatly. I was a member of the netball team for the first five years. I would like to go to university and study Social Work. My most memorable moment was going on a school trip to Paris with the French department. For my senior years I was chosen to be a sixth year prefect; my role was to look after my younger peers. My wish for everyone in the future is that everyone achieves their ambitions and be happy.

Aoife Carlisle

St Malachy’s PS, Carnagat

I am a member of the Manchester United Supporters Club outside of school and I enjoy going to see a match each year. My most memorable moment was the day I went to the Irish National Art Gallery where I got to meet many famous artists. I would like to go to university to do a foundation year in Art. Then I hope to study Fashion Design in Manchester. My wish for the future is that I am successful and that my friends all achieve their goals.



Form Teacher

Michaela Kennedy

Miss Karina Traynor

Sacred Heart GS, Newry

I came to St Paul’s in 6th year and took part in our school musical, “Viva Mexico”. I enjoy singing and drama. I would like to go on to university to study Drama with Advertising. My most memorable moment was going to Lough Derg with Father Dermot, Mrs McGuinness and fellow classmates. My wish for the future is that everyone in my year is successful and happy in their lives!

Kathryn Grant

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

In St Paul’s I was involved in the Paired Reading Scheme and I really enjoyed helping the junior pupils to read. I also am a member of the St John’s Ambulance Brigade. I have played the oboe since primary school. My most memorable moment at St Paul’s was our school trip to Paris on my 16th birthday! My plans for the future involve going to university to study Law. I have enjoyed my time here at St Paul’s and I wish all my friends all the best in their future endeavours!

Aimee Hutchinson

St Peter’s PS, Cloughrea

There have been many memorable moments in my time at St Paul’s. In Year 10 I played the role of Juliet at the BBC Shakespeare Festival and I also achieved an A* in my GCSE Art. In Year 12 St Paul’s gave me the opportunity to travel to Paris, a place I had always wanted to visit. I have won awards for Outstanding Achievement in Art and also the Endeavour Cup in History. I play the guitar and drums. In the future I hope to travel to Japan and teach English and I would like to develop my talent and love for Art by venturing into Art Direction or Production and Set Design for Film and Television.

Jade Kimmins

Cloughoge PS

In St Paul’s I have had lots of lovely memories so it is hard to pinpoint just one, but I can say that being in the Art Department has definitely been memorable. I have really enjoyed going to Art Exhibitions especially the “True Colours” Exhibition in Belfast, as I was delighted to see my work displayed. I also won the GSCE award for the highest mark in Art. When I leave St Paul’s I hope to continue my passion for Art by going to University and hopefully becoming an Art Teacher. I would also love to do a bit more travelling. For my fellow pupils I wish you all the best for the future and I hope you all enjoy life!

Helena Mallon

St Malachy’s PS, Carnagat

I have been in St. Paul’s for the past seven years. I was a member of the school and Newry dance team for six years and also a member of the school netball team for five years, which gave me a lot of long term memories. I cannot choose one most memorable memory, there are simply too many. I was also a 6th year prefect and mentor to my younger peers. After St. Paul’s I would like to go to university to study and eventually pursue a career in Art. My wish for the future is that my friends at St. Paul’s are successful, happy and healthy.

Donna McCabe

St Joseph’s PS, Newry

I enjoy most sports and was previously a member of the St Paul’s Dance Team and the Newry Youth Dance Company for four years. I wanted to focus on my ‘A’ Level studies so I don’t participate in dancing at the moment. I hope to go on to university to study Psychology. I would like to wish all my close friends all the happiness in the world and I hope they achieve all their dreams. Good Luck everyone!


Class 14/12

Shireen McConville

St Joseph’s HS, Crossmaglen

I moved to St Paul’s from St Joseph’s, Crossmaglen in Year 13 to study ‘A’ Levels. I have really enjoyed my two years here very much. I am a member of the St Vincent de Paul group that attends Cuan Mhuire and have found this to be a very rewarding experience. I am studying Business Studies and Health and Social Care and I would like a career in either of these subjects. I have made many new friends and I wish them all the very best for the future.

Orla McCreesh

St Joseph’s HS, Crossmaglen

I have only been at St Paul’s a very short time (two years) but I have made many new friends and have really enjoyed coming here. I wish them all the best for their future careers. I have had many special moments in St Paul’s and would like to thank everyone for making my time here so great. I would like to go to university.

Aine McKeown

St Malachy’s PS, Camlough

St Paul’s…what a place. Some unreal memories have been made within its walls which I will never forget I have met so many great friends and I hope we all stay in touch when we move on to university. My most memorable moment would have to be travelling to Romania in Year 13 for 10 days. This was an eye-opening experience as I got to visit a few orphanages. The whole journey made me see how lucky I am. So if you get the chance to go, take it, you won’t regret it. When I leave St Paul’s in June I would like to go to Queen’s to study Nursing and have an unreal time partying!

Fergal McParland

St Brigid’s PS, Drumilly

Within St Paul’s I currently hold the position of Library Assistant. I really enjoy this because of my love of reading. Having successfully mastered to play a tune, I consider myself to be excellent on the tin whistle. My most memorable moment in St Paul’s was coming second in the “Stars in Yer Eyes” competition in Year 9. When I leave here I would like to go to university to study English and eventually become an English teacher.

Jennifer McShane

Our Lady’s GS, Newry

I have really enjoyed my past two years here at St Paul’s and I have enjoyed my Health and Social Care and Sociology courses. I would like to go on to university when I leave here. My wish for the future is that all the friends I have made in St Paul’s do well in their exams and have long, happy and healthy lives. Good luck everyone!


Form Teacher

Miss Karina Traynor

Marie Mulcahy

St Mary’s HS, Newry

During seventh year I had the privilege of being one of four Year 14 Library Assistants. It enables me to keep an eye on the library in such cases when books need loaned or returned as well as answering the phone etc. Outside of school I participate in many different activities which allow me get experience for my future career. One particular activity I take part in a lot is visiting an Equestrian Centre which will give me experience for future career working with animals. Hopefully, all being well, I will study an equestrian course in CAFRE in Enniskillen. My most memorable moment being in St. Paul’s is simply enjoying school life with my friends and meeting some wonderful people who have helped me throughout my two years. My wish for the future would be that I have a successful career and for my friends and fellow students that they achieve what they set out to do and lead a good and healthy life.

Caroline Mullan

Killeen PS

My seven years at St Paul’s have given me many memories, experiences and opportunities that I will never forget. My most memorable moment was going to Paris in Year 12 with the French Department. I also loved my time in Lourdes as a helper on the Year 12 and Year 13 pilgrimages. I enjoy socialising with my friends, shopping and making the most of life. My wish for the future is to pursue a job in nursing and to be healthy, happy and successful. I would like to take this opportunity now to wish all my friends the best of luck in the future. My seven years at St Paul’s have been the best seven years of my life far!

Margaret Murphy

Dromintee PS

My years at St. Paul’s have given me opportunities, experiences and memories that I will always treasure. I am currently studying Music, Religion and Sociology. Next year I hope to continue my studies at Magee College in Derry and pursue a career in Music. Some of the many memorable moments would have to include getting the lead role in ‘Oklahoma’; this was an amazing experience. I got the opportunity to meet President Mary McAleese and featured on the BBC in the programme ”Our Wee World.” I am also a member of the school choir and Chamber Choir and we made history by being in the first SATB Choir in the school. I also helped out with the Learning Support Choir and enjoyed this immensely. I would like to thank all the teachers who have helped me along the way. And for Year 14 - good luck in the future!!

Sian Nic An Bheatha

Colaiste Feirste

I was previously a student of the Colaiste Feirste in Belfast and was nervous at the thought of starting the sixth form of a new school. However, immediately St Paul’s made me feel very welcome and I am happy that I chose to come here. I have made some lifelong friends along the way. I hope to go on to Queen’s University in Belfast to study either Irish, Celtic Studies, History or Politics! My wish for the future would be that all my friends and I achieve our goals and live long and happy lives.

Jessica Torley

St Mary’s HS,

Newry I joined St Paul’s in Year 13 and I have really enjoyed my two years here. I have made lots of friends and wish them all the very best for the future. I hope to go on to university and eventually become a Property Developer. All in all I feel I have really gained a lot from my time in St Paul’s. Good luck to everyone in the forthcoming exams.


Class 14/37

I have really enjoyed working with this great bunch of students over the last two years. You are a vibrant, entertaining and resourceful group who have worked hard on your BTec Sport Course. As you now go on to third level education or into the workplace I hope you will always be proud of what you have achieved in St Paul’s and will look back fondly on your time here. There will be times when decisions have to be made and I hope

that you will be guided by the things you have been taught by the teachers and staff of St Paul’s. Finally I would like to take the opportunity to wish you all every success in whatever path you choose to take and above all be safe and believe that anything is possible if you put in the hard work. Martin O’Rourke

Paudie Curran

Abbey CBS, Newry

I came to St Paul’s in Year 13 and I have really enjoyed my two years here. I have met many life long friends. I enjoy playing Gaelic football and the banjo! I hope to go on to university to study a sports related subject. I wish all my friends at St Paul’s all the very best for the future.

Lisa Devlin

St Patrick’s College, Banbridge

I have thoroughly enjoyed my two years here at St Paul’s. I have made loads of new friends and I would like to stay in touch with them when I leave. My wish is to attend Liverpool Hope University to study Sports Sciences. My wish for the future is to travel and see the world. I would like to wish all my friends at St Paul’s good luck in their exams.


Form Teacher

Mr Martin O’Rourke

Alison Donaghy

St Mary’s HS, Newry

Having moved to St Paul’s in 6th year I have enjoyed my school life. I am a member of the school dance team and Ladies Gaelic football team. I work part time in a restaurant and I would like to go to University where I will hopefully study nursing. My most memorable moments were winning the Northern Ireland dance Championships with my school team and my 7th year formal. My wish for the future is that everyone will succeed and lead a happy life.

Sarah Doran

St Joseph’s PS, Meigh

I have really enjoyed playing for the school football teams over the past seven years and I will miss all the girls when I leave. My most memorable moment in St Paul’s was defeating St Joseph’s to win the Armagh league. I hope to study Sport and Exercise Sciences at University of Ulster, Jordanstown. When I leave I hope to remain great friends with everyone in my class and on my football team.

Sean Farrell

Abbey CBS, Newry

At St Paul’s I am the Head Boy and the Chairperson of the Student Council. In school I coached basketball after school and I really enjoyed the opportunity to encourage pupils to get involved in sport. I am also trained in Life Saving. I recently attended a course in Holland to train as a Youth Leader and I found this experience extremely rewarding. St Paul’s has been the best part of my life so far as I have met so many good friends and have so many great memories to look back on. My most memorable moment has to be the school formal. It was ‘plus craic’! My wish in life is to go to university to train as a PE teacher and also to win the lotto and own an elephant!

Marc Flynn

St Malachy’s PS, Camlough

What can I say? My years at St Paul’s have been the best years of my life….so far! Having been a member of the Senior Prefect Team for two years now, it has given me so many opportunities. I think the most memorable of these was our school formal. Who knew a speech with Liam McArdle could be so legendary! I am studying BTec Sport and as part of that I became one of the after school basketball coaches. I really enjoyed the intensive training programme and the opportunity to promote the sport. When I leave St Paul’s I would like to head off to Jordanstown to study Sports Sciences. I hope then to find a job within the Leisure Industry. I’ll just end by saying “I wish everyone all the best and I’ll see you in the future!

Declan Hannaway

St Joseph’s PS, Meigh

I have been at St Paul’s so long that the students all call me “Van Wilder” I play Gaelic football for Killeavy GFC outside school. My most memorable moment in St Paul’s was when we went to Scotland in our first year trip. I only had one front tooth as it got knocked out at football and I earned the nickname Cledus. Next year I hope to go to college in Jordanstown to study Quantity Surveying.


Class 14/37 Grainne Keenan

St Joseph’s PS, Meigh

I have really enjoyed my time here at St Paul’s and have been a member of the school Gaelic team since Year 8. I am also a member of the Killeavy Senior Ladies Gaelic football team. This year I took part in coaching basketball after school which I found to be very rewarding. I would like to go to Liverpool to study Sports Development in October. My wish for the future would be to become a Sports Development Officer. I hope to stay in touch with all my friends at St Paul’s. Good luck in your exams!

Jamie Lavelle

St Malachy’s PS, Ballymoyer

Well, Fein, I am in the best class in the school, BTec Sport and when I leave St Paul’s in June I would like to have a career that involves sport. I am currently on the St Paul’s U.18 team and the Armagh Minor Panel 2008/09. I also play Gaelic for the best club ever, Mullaghbawn. I have also been very successful in St Paul’s winning an Ulster medal in Year 10 and a runners-up medal in Year 12. I have recently passed the Gaelic and Basketball coaching Level One courses. I currently coach basketball after school. I like girls but dislike sausages. If you are looking for a funny, good looking 5’ 8 male please contact the librarian for more information!

Brendan McDonnell

St Brigid’s PS, Drumilly

I enjoy most sports and I am a member of the U.18 Gaelic football team here in St Paul’s. Our team was the first to play in the McLarnon Cup. I have been a member of the school team for seven years. Outside school I am a member of Belleek GFC. My most memorable moments were the U.14 and U.16 finals as well as my travels to Brazil and Lourdes. I am hoping to go to University in October to study Podiatry. My wish for the future would be to return to Brazil and for all my friends to be successful and keep in touch!

Thomas McKenna

St Joseph’s HS, Crossmaglen

I enjoy nearly all sports and I am a member of the U.18 Boys’ Gaelic team here in St Paul’s. My most memorable moment of the two years since I have been here was our school formal. I am studying BTec Sport and would like to go on to university and eventually become a PE teacher.

Karl McVerry

St Peter’s PS, Cloughrea

My time at St Paul’s has been great over the past seven years. I have met many new friends and built friendships for life. Playing for the school Gaelic teams over the years has given me many great sporting moments. I have really enjoyed sport at St Paul’s and I would like to continue this by going to university to further my sports studies. My most memorable moments include winning the McDevitt Cup in Year 10 and reaching the final of the Arthur Cup in Year 12. I have also really enjoying coaching basketball this year with the junior pupils. I wish everyone all the best in the future.


Form Teacher

Mr Martin O’Rourke

Michael Murray

St Patrick’s PS, Cullyhanna

This year in St Paul’s I was chosen as the Male Sports Leader in the PE Department. I am a member of the U.18 McLarnon Cup Team. I also play Gaelic football for my local club, St Patrick’s, Cullyhanna. I am part of a team of BTec students who coach basketball after school. My most memorable moments in St Paul’s include playing in two Ulster Finals in 2005 and 2007. I hope to study Sports Sciences at University of Ulster, Jordanstown and to become a PE teacher. I would like to stay in touch with everyone and I hope they all stay safe. “Up da Pats”

Cathal O’Neill

St Patrick’s PS, Newry

Well, I can honestly say that my seven years have been very memorable as I have met many new friends along the way. I am looking forward to meeting many more in college. I am a member of the school Gaelic football team and we won the Ulster McDevitt Cup in Year10. My most memorable moment was coming on as a sub and scoring a goal in the Ulster Final. I loved the craic in St Paul’s and don’t know how my teachers have put up with us sometimes but I have made some good friends among the staff as well! I hope to go on to University to study Housing Management. Anyway, thanks for the good years and remember “Don’t try to be anybody else, just be yourself”

Stephen Sheridan

St Joseph’s PS, Crossmaglen

I moved to St Paul’s in Year 13 and was made feel welcome by the pupils and staff. In my three years I have met some weird but great people who will always be there for me. I enjoy playing football for St Paul’s U.18 team. I hope to go to university to study Sports Technology. St Paul’s is one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I will always remember my time here. The Leavers Class of 2009 will always be remembered! Talk afta!

Janine Sloan

St Peter’s PS, Cloughrea

I hate saying goodbyes and this is a huge goodbye for me. I am going to miss St Paul’s so much as I just loved my time here. I have made the most amazing friends and the memories we have had will stay with me forever. I have been part of the school dance team and last year we won an All-Ireland title which was just brilliant. That was one of my most memorable moments along with getting chosen to go to Brazil in October 2008. When I leave St Paul’s I hope to go on to university in Liverpool (bring on the credit crunch 2009!). My wish for the future is to travel the world and stay really close to my friends and family. To all my friends in St Paul’s I wish you all the happiness in the world and the success you deserve. In the words of Janine, Aine (Maltesers), Shona and Nicola ’Peace Out’.


Class 14/46

Thinking back to September 2007 it seems like only a short time ago that we were all enjoying a beautiful sunny day in Carlingford and yet so much has been done and achieved since. In the two years since then it has been very rewarding for me to see how much you have all matured and how much progress you have made both on a personal and an academic level. It has been great to see the way that you have worked together as a group and still allowed your own individual personalities to flourish. During the two years you have all worked so hard to advance your own personal and academic achievements and still have found the time and energy to make such a significant

Nathan Burns

contribution to life in St Paul’s. Many of you have extended that contribution out into the local community for the benefit of so many people. No matter what the activity or the event was you have always been excellent ambassadors of St Paul’s. I have no doubt that you will always continue to be good examples of the teaching and guidance which you have received in St Paul’s. Finally I would like to say that it has been a pleasure to have worked with you over the last two years and I would like to wish you all the very best of luck for the future. Jim Murray

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

Once upon a time, way back in 2002, I started this school. Little did I know that the seven years were going to be filled with hilarious moments. In 3rd Year I got the chance to play Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet and I really enjoyed the scene where my character died. I was part of the group that went to France in 5th Year which terrorised Disneyland. But my most memorable moment was when me, Liam and Brian made the worst presentation ever in Chemistry, our music was too loud and no one could hear us but we didn’t realise so we kept on going. It was still better than Leona and Orla’s effort! I hope to go to University to study Computer Science or Teaching. I wish everyone the best of luck for the future and I hope that I do well too!


Form Teacher

Mr Jim Murray

David Byrne

St Joseph’s PS, Meigh

I have really enjoyed my time here in St Paul’s and have made many good friends. My most memorable time was the Year 12 trip to Paris. At the GCSE prize giving I received the Endeavour Award for Technology and Design and for Business Studies. I play the drums outside of school. When I leave St Paul’s I would like to go to University and train to become a Commercial Airline Pilot. In the future I would like to live in Italy. Ciao!

Neil Byrne

St Joseph’s HS, Newry

I moved from St Joseph’s High School to St Paul’s to undertake my A’ Levels in Maths, Chemistry and Biology. In my spare time I like to play the piano and I have taken part in abseiling events for charity. My most memorable experience in St Paul’s was when I was chosen alongside 15 other students to go to Romania as a volunteer. During my time in Romania I witnessed many things that influenced me and now I would like to travel around the world to visit places like Romania and to help people less fortunate than myself. I hope to go on to Queen’s University to study Architecture and later to start my own business. Finally I wish that everyone in my year achieves what they want in their life and that most importantly they all have happy and healthy lives.

Leona Dunne

Jonesboro’ PS

It is true what they say…time flies! It is hard to believe my seven years at St Paul’s are over, from the first daunting day, walking into what then seemed the biggest building in the world, until the highlight of Year 14, the school formal. I have loved every minute of it. St Paul’s has provided me with ample opportunities which have helped me evolve and mature. I am Deputy Head Girl and I represent the sixth form on the Student Council. My most vivid memory was at GCSE prize giving as I received awards for top results in Double Award Science and English Literature. My trip to France and Physics class also hold many memorable moments! I hope to study Pharmacy in Queen’s when I leave even though I was nominated for “Person most likely to end up on the dole” at the school formal (thanks Sinead!) I wish everyone the best of luck in their exams and for the future.

Lisa Hearty

St Joseph’s HS, Crossmaglen

I came to St Paul’s to study A’ Levels and I don’t regret a minute of it. I was welcomed with open arms and I have met some absolutely amazing people and made great friends for life! I have many fond memories of my short time here and one of them is the school formal. My hope for the future is to become an Irish teacher. My wish for all the Year 14s is to be happy and achieve all their goals in life

Antoinette Hillen

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

I have made many friends through my time at St Paul’s. I am a library assistant (I love reading and can spend hours in my room with my head buried in a good book) and some of my memorable moments are from helping out in the open days in the library. Some more of my memorable moments would have to be my fifth year geography field trip, the trip to London in sixth year and the seventh year formal. When I leave St Paul’s, I hope to go to Queen’s University in Belfast to study Genetics. My wish for the future for my friends is to succeed in all their endeavours and to wish everybody well in their exams.


Class 14/46 Aoife Hollywood

Dromintee PS

I have really enjoyed my seven years in St Paul’s; in fact so much so that I got locked in the school one night with Rachael McCann! I have made some very special friends (Shaunna, Orla, Liam, Nathan, Brian etc.) and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Angela Meehan, matron, my various form teachers and class teachers for their help and support. St Paul’s has offered me many opportunities not least my trips to Brazil, Lourdes, Gaeltacht, the outdoor pursuits centres, Killowen and Shannaghmore and the chance to learn the skills of sailing over a six month period at Killowen. During my time at St Paul’s I played Gaelic football and ran cross-country (until I got sense!!) I also sang in the school choir for a while. My hope for the future is to study Dietetics. I would like to wish all my friends, happy, healthy fulfilling lives and always remember “Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly”

Miceal Larkin

Cloughoge PS

I have really enjoyed my time at St Paul’s…all 7 years of it. I have had so many good memories over the years. I have recently started up my own paintball team (go Team Marvel!). I also have recently started to play the guitar (Hero). When I leave St. Paul’s I hope to go to Queen’s University in Belfast to do a Masters in Aerospace Engineering. I hope that all my friends from St. Paul’s achieve and exceed all their expectations in life. Good luck in your exams everyone!

Liam McArdle

St Malachy’s PS, Carnagat

Seven years have come and gone, some bad times but mostly good. I have had so many good times that I couldn’t pick just one memorable moments so here are three! I really enjoyed doing the Award Ceremony at the school formal with Marc Flynn, what a guy!: I will always remember going to France in 5th year (Sinead getting stuck in the toilets) and of course Oklahoma…for life. I was elected as Senior Prefect and I hope to go on to university to study Pharmacy. Remember, “Never take life seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway”.

Orla McCone

St Peter’s PS, Cloughrea

Hiya…..Well where to start, I am a Senior Prefect in St Paul’s. I have been a member of the school dance team and the NYC club team for seven years. I have also been a member of the school netball team for 5 years. Some of my best moments have been, “Viva Mexico”, Liam’s party, tea and scones in the morning, winning the all Irelands and my most memorable moment was being part of the team that went to Romania; it really was an eye opening experience and one I will always treasure. I would like to go to university to study Biological Science and eventually become a Biology teacher...thanks to Mrs Kimbley. My wish for the future is that all my friends achieve their goals and keep in touch for years to come. A wee thing to remember, “We were born unique, why die a clone?”

Annette McCullough

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

I am a voluntary Sailing Instructor for the Killowen Outdoor Education Centre and have been doing this job for three years. My most memorable moment in St Paul’s is being chosen to go to Romania on an aid mission. I really enjoyed being a part of the entire Romanian project and I made some really good friends during that time. When I leave St Paul’s I would like to go to university to study Biomedical Sciences. I wish my friends good luck in their exams and all the best in the future.

Patrick McCullough

St Malachy’s PS, Carnagat

I played football with the U.14, U.16 and U.18 school team throughout my time here at St Paul’s. I am also a member of Carrickcruppen and recently won two U.21 Championships. I was part of the County Minors too. I used to play the clarinet but gave it up as I was useless at it! My most memorable moment was being Captain of the McDevitt Cup winning team and of course meeting a lot of new friends. I would like to go to Jordanstown to study Engineering or Sport’s Technology but mostly go buck shi wa! My wish for the future is to always be remembered, enjoy my life and hopefully live it large!


Form Teacher

Orlagh McEvoy

Mr Jim Murray

Killeen PS

I have thoroughly enjoyed my seven years at St Paul’s. My most memorable moment to date is winning the “Outstanding Student” Award at GSCE. I also will never forget the wonderful time we all had at our school formal back in September. What a night! When I leave St Paul’s I wish to pursue a career in Mechanical Engineering. My wish for all the fantastic people I have come to know during my time at St Paul’s is that each of them achieves their dreams and lives life to the full.

Ciara Moley

St Joseph’s HS, Crossmaglen

I transferred to St. Paul’s From St. Joseph’s in Crossmaglen to do A’ Levels and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. In my two short years I have met some amazing people and I hope we will be friends long after we leave. I am part of the school Traditional Group and the School Chamber and SATB Choirs. Being a part of these groups has been a great experience and I have met so many great people through them. I have had so many great memories including the formal and the trip to Rome. I’m going to miss fighting over second years reading jokes in ICT and chasing bats in Biology. I would like to study Music at university when I leave here. I want to thank everybody at the school for making me feel welcome and giving me memories that I will cherish forever. I hope that everyone succeeds in their goals and that we all keep in touch when we leave. “Don’t waste a minute being unhappy. If one window closes – run to the next window - or break down a door.”

Aileen Murphy

St Joseph’s HS, Crossmaglen

I moved to St Paul’s in 6th year. In my short time at St Paul’s I have met some amazing people and have made many great memories. My best memory would have to be the school formal back in September: it was great craic. I would like to go to Queen’s University in Belfast to study Pharmacy. The very best of luck to everyone in Year 14 in the future and I hope that you are healthy, successful and enjoy life.

Shaunna O’Grady

St Brigid’s PS, Drumilly

Hi everyone! I had pleasure of being a Year 8 mentor and Prefect last year. I have been a member of the school Gaelic ladies team for seven enjoyable years. I work part time in O’Neill’s so I am very into Gaelic sport. Also at the weekends and when I am off I love to go ice-skating. My most memorable moment in St Paul’s ....well there are just too many of the… every day was memorable but I would have to say meeting my friend Aoife was definitely one of the best. When I leave St Paul’s I want to study Biomedical Science with Pathology. I wish everyone luck and health for future.

Brian O’Neill

St Mary’s PS, Mullaghbawn

I moved to Ireland from Canada back in the year 2000 and I have really enjoyed my time here at St Paul’s. I became Deputy Head Boy this year and was lucky enough to have been chosen to go to on the Brazil trip. I participated in the Spanish Exchange programme with Mrs Murray and have had seven years of Biology with Mrs Kimbley. I was tricked into going to the auditions for Oklahoma by Orla, Nathan and Liam and no one was more surprised than me when I landed the lead role! I am looking forward to studying abroad next year and I would like to wish all my friends here all the luck in the world for the future. Remember, “Our greatest glory is not ever falling but in rising every time we fall

Edel Quinn

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

I have been awarded Grade 6 in Violin which I started playing in Primary School. My most memorable moment at St Paul’s was going to London with the Drama Department to see Joseph, The Musical in the West End. Next year I would like to go to university to study Accountancy. I wish all my friends at St Paul’s every success with their future plans.


Class 14/56

I’ve only ‘looked after’ you for 2 years but it’s been quite an experience. It has been a privilege to watch you develop into the wonderful individuals you are. I have seen how committed to your work, friends and school you are and a better side of human nature. Remember; “Don’t make life harder by hiding from problems; Confront them head on.

Keep smiles on your faces and don’t lose your sense of humour. Have fun because here’s where the adventure starts”. Congratulations! Finishing your education is a great feeling – you should be proud of yourself and your accomplishments. Gook Luck for the future, make the world a better place for having you and look out for each other. Mrs Brenda Murray

Michaela Bradley

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

I really enjoy dancing, shopping and eating takeaways mmmm! Throughout my years at St Paul’s I have been a member of the school netball team and I thoroughly enjoyed playing in all the inter-schools competitions. My wish for the future is to become an entrepreneur and run my own business. I also wish my friends all the success in the world and I hope they all have health and happiness. “Life is like a bank machine: what you put in is what you get out”

Tyrone Carroll

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

I enjoy reading and have been a member of the library team for the past year and have also been playing the guitar for a year and a half. My most memorable moment at St. Paul’s to date is winning the award for Prom King at the school formal which took place at the start of seventh year and receiving awards for the top mark in GCSE religion and full attendance for the first five years at St. Paul’s. I wish to pursue a career as a teacher of Religious Studies and I.C.T when I leave St. Paul’s. I hope that every one of the wonderful people that I have met in St. Paul’s go on to have great lives and achieve all of their goals in life.


Form Teacher

Mrs Brenda Murray

Vicki Collins

Our Lady’s GS, Newry

I have really enjoyed my short time here in St Paul’s as I started here in Year 13. I have loads of memorable moments including the school formal and my free classes in the Health and Social Care ICT room1 I hope to go on to study Public Relations in John Moore University in Liverpool. I would also like to travel the world!. My wish for the future would be for myself and my friends to be happy and reach all the goals we are aiming to achieve in life.

Nicola Cromie

Killeen PS

My experience throughout St Paul’s has been one big fairytale that is soon coming to an end. I took part in different events in St Paul’s including travelling on a pilgrimage to Lourdes, going on an aid mission to Romania and our trip to Holland. Each trip was very different but I found friends for life. I have been playing Gaelic football with the school team since Year 8 and I also am a member of Killeavy Ladies. The craic is always good even when you are tired after a long day in the office! For the future I see myself playing lots of sports while studying Business at university. Leaving St Paul’s will be hard for me and Mr Mooney will have to install expensive security equipment to keep me away. In the words of Aine, Janine (Maltesers), Nicola and Shona.. “Peace Out”

Aideen Finnegan

St Malachy’s PS, Carnagat

I have really enjoyed my time here in St Paul’s from day one in Year 8! I participated in the school Netball team for many years and really enjoyed competing against all the other schools. I especially enjoyed my trip to the Gaeltacht in Year 11 and Year 12. When I leave St Paul’s I hope to party my years in university before getting a well-paid job! My wish for the future is to live a long and happy life with the people who matter.

Mairtin Hearty

St Brigid’s PS, Drumilly

St Paul’s for me has been about three things: the school formal which was absolutely wild, getting my A’ Levels so I can go to University and finally getting up on those awkward Monday mornings after the weekend. However you do have to work hard too and it is all worth it in the end – I better say that or it won’t get published! In the future I hope to be a teacher, surprisingly! I would like to wish all my friends good luck in their exams and I know they will all do well in the future.

Shauneen Loughran

St Joseph’s PS, Meigh

My seven years at St Paul’s, have been excellent, full of enjoyment and most memorable. Throughout these years I have made life long friends and cherish the memories that were encountered over the past seven years. Experiences which I will remember consists of our yearly pilgrimage to Lourdes in year twelve and also earning a place to return in year thirteen, this was one of the best experiences of my life. Another memory consists of receiving an endeavour award for GNVQ ICT. My aim for the future is to “Take over the World” quoted by our librarian Mrs Morgan, reasons for this is she suspects I will be on the news at some point in my life!. I would like to study into higher education involving computers and earning a degree. My wishes for the future, live life to the full and accomplish all my dreams. I wish all my friends the best for the future and hope life brings then great happiness

Jenna McAnulty

St Mary’s HS, Newry

I enjoy socialising and playing Gaelic football. My most memorable moment at St Paul’s was definitely the school formal! I would like to pursue a career in Radiography. My wish for the future is to get a good job, a nice house and to be happy and healthy. I would like to keep in touch with all my friends from the past two years and good luck to everyone in Year 14 in the future.


Class 14/56

Nicola McCamley

St Mary’s PS, Barr

To be honest St Paul’s was not the school I wanted to come to in September 2002. I failed my 11+ and it was the end of the world. I was coming to St Paul’s knowing absolutely no one and dreading it! How things have changed… The best thing that ever happened to me was getting that ‘D’. These 7 years at St Paul’s have been the best years of my life so far; the craic here has been mental I have met my best friends here and had so many opportunities offered to me. I have just loved it! I am so sad to be writing this and saying all my goodbyes! I have many good memories here at St Paul’s one of these being selected to go to Romania; an experience which was life changing and rewarding. The teachers who came with us made it… Mrs Fearon and Mr McCaffrey! I play Gaelic football (even though I get slagged for being useless,) but I still enjoy it. In the future I hope to have a successful career and live a comfortable lifestyle. Oh and of course keep up the MAD nights out with all my best friends. Talk afta people and good luck!

Maria McCann

Cloughoge PS

I am a senior prefect and I have been a member of the school and Newry dance squad for 7 years, and the Ulster dance squad for 1. I work part time as a care worker and would like to study nursing at Queens University. My most memorable moments were our visit to France in 5th year, our formal night and our visit to Brazil. Visiting Brazil was the most life changing experience I have ever experienced. I now realize how lucky we all are here in St Paul’s and I truly appreciate my life more. Over in Brazil we worked with the Irish missionaries. This involved visiting schools and the homes of residents within the community; I would definitely like to return to Sao Paulo some day. My wish for the future would be to keep in touch with all my friends I have made in St Paul’s and for us all to be successful and happy in whatever we do.

Rachael McCann

St Peter’s PS, Cloughrea

I have been at St. Paul’s for the past 7 years and they have been some of the most memorable years of my life. I suppose you could say it’s the school that’s made me the person I am today. It has given me some fantastic opportunities including being part of the School Council, being a Year 8 mentor and many trips including my most memorable to Paris in fifth year. I’ll always remember the formal and the fun we all had, definitely a night to remember! Next year I hope to study Environmental Health in Jordanstown, fingers crossed! Finally I want to thank everyone at St. Paul’s for the teaching I have received and the many friends I have made, I wish everyone the very best for the future. Keep in touch!

Conor McCormack

Jonesboro’ PS

My time at St Paul’s has been great. Since the first day I came into school I felt at home and really got on with all my friends. My most memorable moment in St Paul’s has to be in Year 11 when I travelled to Wales to play in the Under 21 European Snooker Championships and took the title! I was able to achieve this accolade because I was given time off school to attend the tournament and had great support from my teachers especially Mrs Wilson. I would like to go to university to study Accounting and would eventually like to work in the finance industry. I hope everyone in Year 14 achieves what they need in their forthcoming exams.

Kristina McCoy

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

My years here at St Paul’s have given me many memories, experiences and opportunities that I will never forget. My best experience by far at St Paul’s was our formal, it was the best night ever where our whole year group got to go out together and getting “Prom Queen” made it all the more enjoyable. I was on the school formal committee and played my part in helping organize it. I was also a year eight reading mentor which was enjoyable as I got to put my skills to use to help benefit others. At GCSE level I won the prestigious Harry Caruth Cup for my achievements In Technology and Design. Technology isn’t just for boys!! I still do it at A-level in fact, and although I am outnumbered by boys its still good craic. I am currently a member of the St Vincent De Paul Society and the Gateway club in Newry. I love socialising with my friends and going shopping. I hope to go on and study Social Work at college and to travel around the world. I wish everyone all the best for the future and hope they are successful in whatever they do.


Form Teacher

David McCullough

Mrs Brenda Murray

St Malachy’s PS, Camlough

I am a member of the St Vincent de Paul since the start of sixth year. My most memorable moment at St Paul’s was when I was given two awards at the end of fifth year for the highest mark in Geography and Double Award ICT. I would like to go to the University of Ulster in Jordanstown to study an ICT course. After that I would like to get a well paid job. I wish all my friends at St Paul’s good luck in their exams and thank my teachers for all their help and support over the last seven years

Marie McParland

St Joseph’s PS, Newry

I am a member of my local Youth Club in Newry and I really enjoy working with other people. I enjoy socialising with my friends. I hope to study Social Work at the University of Ulster. I really hope my time at university is as good as my years at St Paul’s. My wish for the future is for all my friends and family to have all the success and happiness they deserve and to live long and happy lives.

Niall Morgan

St Peter’s PS, Cloughrea

Seven years at St Paul’s and I honestly thought it was only going to be five! I am glad I decided to stay on to do A’ Levels because I got the opportunity to travel to Sao Paolo in Brazil with a group of five other students. Seriously, I will miss St Paul’s and I would like to wish all my friends and my year group all the best of luck in the future. When I leave St Paul’s I would like to go to University to become a teacher- simply because of the amount of holidays!

Aoibhinn Ni Dhughaill

St Mary’s PS, Mullaghbawn

My past seven years in St Paul’s have just passed by so quickly. Throughout my years here I have had many enjoyable experiences. I was recently involved in the school musical ‘Viva Mexico’. I also travelled to Romania in 6th year and the ‘highlight’ of that was not being able to walk on the last day...... My real highlights were many good nights craic with Mr McCaffrey and Ms Fearon singing in the hotel lobby, Neil Byrne and Claire Rice sliding down the slope screaming and all the days we spent with all the children. I enjoyed being part of ‘the click’ and all my days that I have spent at St Paul’s. I hope to go on to University to study Irish and go on to be an Irish teacher. I hope to keep in contact with all my friends throughout the years and wish them all the best in what they are going on to do. “We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces, while regret weighs tons. Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”. “Talk afta people”

Paula-Ann Toner

St Joseph’s PS, Meigh

Attending St Paul’s has given me memories and opportunities that I will never forget. I have enjoyed every minute of St Paul’s. I have recently been awarded “Ireland’s Young Ambassador for the 21st Century” for my volunteering work both in school and outside of school. My most memorable experience while in St Paul’s was my aid distribution experience to Romania and one that I will never forget. I was a member of the formal committee which I found very enjoyable. I was given the chance to go to Lourdes as a volunteer with St Paul’s; this was an experience that I found invaluable. I hope to go on to University to become a Social Worker. I would like to wish that everyone at St Paul’s is successful and happy.


Class 14/79

It has been my pleasure to be Form Teacher to 14 79 this past two years. From day one I have enjoyed the questions, the banter and the very strong sense of class spirit and loyalty. I hope your time here was happy and that the many friends you had in St Paul’s will remain your friends and a great source of support

throughout the rest of your lives. I wish you all good health, lots of luck and success in everything you do. Remember that nothing in life that is worthwhile is ever going to be easy. You will have to work hard but have the courage to believe. Best wishes. Donal Murray

Conor Boyle

St Joseph’s PS, Meigh

I have made lots of great friends since I started St Paul’s back in 2002, but especially over the past two years. Next year I hope to go to the University of Ulster to study Transportation; that’s if I pass my A’ Levels! My most memorable moment in St Paul’s was the school formal back in September. I wish all my friends the best of luck for the future and that they achieve all their goals!

Tyrone Campbell

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

I have enjoyed my time here at St Paul’s. My most memorable moment was probably the very first day as I wandered around the big school. I am studying ICT and Business Studies for A’ Level. I hope to go on to University to study Graphic Design. To all my friends in school I hope you all achieve your dreams and find fortune in the world. Live long and happy lives!


Form Teacher

Donal Murray

James Donnelly

Killeen PS

I am an enthusiastic Gaelic footballer and have represented my school at U.14, U.16 and currently at U.18. I also play for Killeavy at club level and represent my county at U.18 level. My most memorable moment in St Paul’s was winning the U.14 McDevitt cup when I was in Year 10. On leaving St Paul’s I wish to pursue a career in Engineering and study this at the University of Ulster, Jordanstown. My wish for the future is that we all achieve what we want in life.

Mairead Doran

St Joseph’s PS, Meigh

I have been in St Paul’s for the last seven years and it has been most enjoyable. I have made many life-long friends over that time. In Year 13 at St Paul’s I travelled to Romania with 15 other students to visit orphanages and homes. This experience will stay with me for life and I hope someday to return there. Next year I plan to go to University to study Finance. My hope for the future would be to keep in touch with all my friends, have a great job and live a happy and healthy life. I would like to wish all my fellow students all the luck in the world.

Jessie Feenan

St Teresa’s Ps, Tullyherron

My seven years at St Paul’s have been just great. I have made many friends and have really enjoyed my time here. I have a part time job in Specsavers and play football for my local club, Whitecross. In the future I hope to win the Ladies Football Championship and have many great nights out. I have so many great memories such as going to Romania in 2008 with fifteen fellow students. I also had my foot run over in Year 10 by Mrs I Hughes! I hope in the future is to have a good job in the Professional Care Industry. I hope to keep in touch with all you lot as well!

David Finegan

St Joseph’s HS, Newry

After completing two years out here in St Paul’s I have to say that I have really enjoyed it. My most memorable moment would have to be the school formal but my recollection isn’t that good but I was told it was a great night. When I finish here I hope to go to Jordanstown to study Quantity Surveying. I hope to “live the life” sharing a house in Belfast with all the construction lads. Messy times! In the future I would like to graduate as a Quantity Surveyor and I hope the lads don’t drop out of university and complete their courses. Good luck everyone!

Sinead Grant

St Joseph’s PS, Poyntzpass

They say that schools days are best days of your life and when I look back over my seven years, that is certainly true! Since being at St Paul’s I have made life long friends. My most memorable moment has to be the school trip to France in Year 12. It was an amazing five days! The formal night was also a night to remember. I will never forget standing beside Sean dressed as Tweedy Pie! Best night ever! I hope to go to Jordanstown and study Speech and Language Therapy. I wish everyone success and happiness in the future.

Padraic Groom

St Malachy’s PS, Ballymoyer

I am in Year 14 now and have really enjoyed my seven years at St Paul’s. I wouldn’t say I am much of a leader, more of a follower! Outside school I play football for Whitecross (the best team in the world) and I enjoy this very much. My most memorable moment was leaving school early on a Friday and getting caught by Mrs McConville! I hope to go to college to study Construction and I want to go on to own a small country like Cuba. For my friends I don’t know what the future may hold for them but hopefully they will all avoid the dole queue. Good luck everyone and have long, happy lives!


Class 14/79 Michelle Loughran

St Malachy’s PS, Camlough

I am currently a member of the school orchestra and I play the violin. I am studying music, sociology and drama for A’ Level but I wish to pursue a career as a Vet or a Music Therapist. My most memorable moment at St Paul’s was achieving good GSCE results that enabled me to return as a sixth form student. I hope that all my friends achieve all their goals in life, are happy and above all, stay in contact.

Ronan Magee

St Joseph’s HS, Newry

I have enjoyed most of my time during the last two years here at St Paul’s. I have made loads of new friends over that time. Outside of school I enjoy playing football, golf and socialising with my friends. When I leave St Paul’s in June I would like to go to the University of Ulster in Jordanstown to study Quantity Surveying. My eventual goal is to own my own business one day. I would like to wish everyone in my year good luck for the future.

Shona Malone

St Joseph’s PS, Bessbrook

Throughout my years at St Paul’s I have enjoyed many memorable experiences. One of these would have to be travelling to Romania in Year 13. From this visit I made new friends and although it was hard at times, I found it to be an extremely rewarding experience. I would love to return to the orphanages again in the near future. I think the reason I have enjoyed my time here at St Paul’s is mainly due to the friends I have made. In the future I hope to study Business at university and remain friends with everyone I’ve met here. In the words of Aine and Janine (Maltesers), Nicola and Shona……”Peace Out”

Mark McCann

St Peter’s PS, Cloughrea

I have enjoyed the last seven years at St Paul’s and I will miss it next year when I’m in Belfast. My most memorable moment at St Paul’s was when Conor O’Grady came into school with his hair dyed blonde and he tried to tell us it was a dare! Hopefully I will go on to study Construction Management in Jordanstown next year and if I finally get a degree, it will be a bonus. I would like to wish all the construction boys all the best in the future and I wish Declan Hannaway good luck in repeating his A’ Levels for another few years!

Michelle McSherry

St Joseph’s PS, Tullyherron

I have had some craic in St Paul’s over the past seven years. I have made many friends who mean the world to me! I play football for the amazing Whitecross Senior Ladies – we are immense! My most memorable moment in St Paul’s was finding out I was chosen for the aid mission to Romania, My time in Romania changed my life and has given me memories I will never forget. My ambition in the future is to beat Cullyhanna in the Championship. I am hopefully going to Jordanstown in October to study Occupational Therapy. Belfast won’t know what’s hit it when the “click” arrives. My wish for everyone in the future is to enjoy themselves and live life to the full. I will hopefully see most of you next year sometime. “Talk afta peoples”

Gillian Murphy

St Malachy’s PS, Camlough

I enjoy most sports but camogie would have to be my favourite. I am a member of Meabh O’Neill’s Camogie Club in Camlough. I have had so many memorable moments here in St Paul’s but I think dancing with the school dance team is high on the list! When I leave here in June I would like to go to St Mary’s in Belfast and eventually become a teacher. My wish for the future is that everyone in my year achieves their goals and don’t forget to keep in touch and be happy!


Form Teacher

Stephen O’Callaghan

Mr Donal Murray

St Brigid’s PS, Drumilly

I have experienced seven eventful years at St Paul’s and I’m sure I will miss it next year when I am off enjoying student life at University. My most memorable moment was when someone played music on their mobile phone in our construction class and hid it in a folder! It took the teacher over a class to find the phone and at one stage he was convinced it was the internet modem. Funny times! I hope to go on to Liverpool next year to study Construction Management and finally get my degree!

Conor O’Grady

St Joseph’s HS, Newry

I have only been at St Paul’s for two years and in my short time here I have made many friends and had some really great times. My most memorable moment has to be the school formal which has to be one of the best nights of my life from what I can remember. I’ve not decided what I want to do when I leave St Paul’s but I will always remember the good times I had here. I just want to wish everyone the best for the future and have a happy, successful life.

Leigh Shannon

St Oliver Plunkett PS, Forkhill

After having completed seven long years at St Paul’s I am, to say the least, surprised! Outside of school I play Gaelic football for my local team, Forkhill (well I try!). Once you get used to losing, its good craic. I’d have to say my most memorable moment was when our construction teacher flipped out when we were messing during a surveying task for a football pitch. In the not too distant future I would like to see myself at college and having a great time. As for my construction colleagues, I see them, alongside me, being lab rats for scientific experiments at MDSNI!

Orla Shields

St Teresa’s PS, Tullyherron

My seven years at St. Paul’s have given me very memorable moments with the best group of friends that I will never forget. The most memorable one would have to be our school formal; this is one that I will never forget! I hope to pass my A-levels, go to university and pursue a career in the Business sector. After university it would be my dream to travel and see more of the world with my friends

Laurence Tiernan

Dromintee PS

I have enjoyed most of the time that I have served at St Paul’s and it is good to see that my sentence is almost up! My most memorable moment would have to be repeating 6th year. After St Paul’s I hope to go on to university but haven’t made up my mind what course yet. I wish all my friends and classmates the very best of luck in whatever it is they want to do in the future.


Aid Mission to Romania

Aoibhinn Ni Dhughaill I don’t even know where to begin with this. After a series of applications and interviews, 16 pupils were successful in gaining a place to embark on this experience. Straight away we began fundraising, and after many nights of legs being waxed and quiz nights we had finally fundraised all of our money, £15,830, far exceeding our target of £8,000. Sixteen students, along with Mrs Christine Fearon and Mr Emmet McCaffrey, stood waiting on the bus at the Carrickdale hotel at around 3am awaiting for it to take us to the airport. Two planes, two buses, and about 18 hours later we finally arrived in the town of Brasov, Romania. As the bus crawled up the snowy slopes everyone

watched out the window in excitement, anticipation, and maybe that little bit of fear. We set off in the morning to Vulcan Psychiatric Hospital where we had one of the most heart wrenching experiences of the trip. Watching how these people accepted such small gifts such as fruit or soap with such gratitude and genuine disbelief that someone was bringing them such luxuries. Over the next week we visited many orphanages and elderly residential homes. We visited schools and day centres where the children had many activities planned to impress us such as singing songs and drawing maps of Ireland. We also took many of the young children who were disabled and autistic on days out

to magic shows, puppet shows and music shows and afterwards to Mc Donald’s which they absolutely loved and it was amazing to see how much joy and happiness a Happy Meal can actually bring. As the week went on we visited many more places, some worse than others, but tried to do all we could to make the visits enjoyable. Wanting to be involved in this project was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I learnt so much in that one week, about how people can live with so little, how something small goes a long way and also made so many friends. My


Mr Emmet McCaffrey, Mrs Christine Fearon

advice to anyone reading this and thinking of becoming involved in this project – grab this opportunity with both hands and do not let it slip through your hands. The week was made thoroughly enjoyable by the experiences we had, the people we met and also by Mr McCaffrey and Ms Fearon. Although at the end of the week we were left wondering – “Who put the tree in the lift????”

Aine McKeown “Romania was one of the best experiences of my life. I have never cried and laughed so much in one week. I was truly touched by all the various experiences and the hardship faced by the children we met. I have also met life long friends that I will never forget. I loved my trip to Romania and it will always stay in my heart as a life changing experience”.

Orla McCone “Romania was the most humbling and on the whole, eye-opening experience. Seeing the way children were living in deprived conditions was heartbreaking and emotionally challenging but with a group of close friends from St Paul’s and the other schools, we helped each other through the tough times. It was a life-changing experience that filled me with compassion for people less fortunate than myself. Despite the sadness we gained satisfaction from being able to deliver food, clothing and medical supplies from the money we raised. Children from the orphanages and local Down Syndrome schools were also treated to days out on the town- it was precious seeing the enjoyment on their faces as they were made happy by such simple things that we take for granted such as eating Big Mac burgers and playing with balloons. I advise that anyone who gets the chance to take part, to grab the experience with two hands and do not let it pass through your fingers”


St Paul’s School Formal 2008

The annual school formal took place on Friday 12th September 2008 in the Canal Court Hotel. A large number of staff members joined the Year 14 students on this special night and a great time was had by everyone involved. The highlight of the evening was the Alternative Awards Ceremony and the prestigious titles of Prom Queen and Prom King went to Kristina McCoy

and Tyrone Carroll. They proved to be very popular winners among both staff and students. The staff Prom Queen title went to Miss Caroline McShane and the staff Prom King was Mr Barry Shannon. The Formal Committee did a great job organising the whole event in a professional manner and they made sure everyone had the night of their lives as they danced into the wee small hours!

2008 Awards


Couple of the Year Culchie of the Year Best Assets School Clown

Margaret Murphy and Liam McArdle Orla McCreesh Paudie Groom Thomas McKenna

Person most likely to be at St Paul’s in 30 years Person most likely to be on the dole Immigrant of the Year Gossip of the Year Most vain person of the Year Person most likely to be on steroids Skeet of the Year

Declan Hannaway Christopher Casey Brian O’Neill Mairead Doran Mark McCann Ronan Magee David Finegan

Kristina McCoy Prom King Tyrone Carroll

Prom Queen

Prom Queen Kirstina McCoy on left

Prom King Tyrone Carroll


Lions All Ireland Young Ambassador Award 2009

Every year Newry Lions Club holds interviews for young people in the Newry and Mourne area who are involved in helping others in their local community. Nominations are invited from all the Post-Primary Schools and the winner has the opportunity to attend the Regional and National Finals. This is a very special award that recognises young people who are dedicated to making life better for others less fortunate than themselves. This year Paula Ann Toner won the Newry & Mourne and the Regional sections of the competition and will be travelling to Illinois in the USA on an international exchange programme for three weeks during the summer. Paula Ann Toner competed in and won the National Finals of the Lions Young Ambassador Award at a ceremony in Dublin on Sat 17th January 2008. She won a prize of £500 as well as £1,000 for a charity of her choice. She has chosen the Newry Gateway Club as her chosen charity as she works there as a volunteer. This is the first time a student from St Paul’s has won the National Award and it has been thirteen years since a Newry & Mourne student has won this prestigious


title. Paula Ann then went onto the Great Britain Lions Young Ambassadors Final in Birmingham in February where she represented Ireland against winners from Britain.

Paula Ann also took second place in the Rotary Club Youth Award for Newry and Mourne in 2008.

Awards 2008/2009 Employability Status

St Paul’s High School has been awarded Employability Status by CCEA. The Employability Status Award is an acknowledgement of the quality of the curriculum and of our extensive engagement with the community, particularly employers. It is also intended to indicate a long-term commitment to Employability throughout all aspects of the school community. Staff involved in working towards this achievement are Mrs Siobhan Kearney and Mrs Anne Black.

Action Cancer

6th Annual Healthy School Awards 2008 In October 2008 St. Paul’s High School won a Gold Award for their entry into the 2008 Action Cancer’s Health Action Awards based on the information provided by the various departments in the school who were and are currently involved in health promotion programmes. In completing the application the school had shown outstanding commitment to promoting healthy activities for students which impressed the judging panel; influenced by the school’s collective determination to improve the students’ life styles and future life choices.

Pictured from left are: Head Girl Sinead Grant, Mrs U McNulty VP, Mrs G Egan and Daniel Byrne Year 9.


Successful Sporting Year

Netball Year 12 and Year 14 Girls Year 12 Netball Team This group of girls came together in 2005 as our first year netball team. That year they were entered in the Newry and Mourne Schools Netball Tournament and reached the semi final stages. As year 9 and 10 students they continued to play in the Newry and Mourne Schools Netball League reaching the semi finals in year 10. Their biggest success was in 2009 when they reached the quarter final of the N.I. Netball Intermediate Plate competition only to be beaten 20-25 by Lumen Christi Derry. The girls have been captained throughout this time by Noelin Bradley. I look forward to working with this group of girls next year as they will become St Paul’s High School’s first Senior N.I. netball team.

Year 14 Netball Team

Team members: Back row: Gemma McKeown, Bridgeen Byrne, Orla Boyle, Michaela Cromie Front row: Shannon Boyle, Orlagh McCabe, Noelin Bradley, Amy McGuigan Missing from photo: Danielle Gilmore

Left to Right: Michaela Bradley, Leona Dunne, Aideen Finnegan, Janine Sloan, Helena Mallon, Orla McCone, Antoinette Hillen, Sinead Grant

This team came together in 2006 and played for that season in the Intermediate section of the Newry and Mourne Schools Netball League. They were runners-up that year narrowly losing to Sacred Heart Grammar School, Newry. I wish the girls well as they leave St Paul’s this year. Coach: Mrs Paula O’Hare-Armstrong


Successful Sporting Year St Paul’s win the

Newry and Mourne Secondary School of the Year in the recent Sports Awards The pupils of St Paul’s have proved their excellence in sport by competing in and winning a huge range of sporting activities over the past year. In Gaelic football the U.14 squad were crowned McDevitt Cup Ulster Champions as well as claiming the Armagh league and Championship honours, while the U.14 B squad also won the county league and championship. The U.16 team were Armagh league and championship winners and runners-up in the Ulster Arthur’s Cup. The school also excelled at

Cross Country

Coaches: Mrs Anne Hollywood, Mr Eugene Hollywood

When this particular year group arrived in St Paul in September 2004 Cross-Country Running took on a new meaning. Mr Young was quick to recognise that there was a natural talent among these lads and he started preparing them for the Newry & Mourne championship in November. The team won the minor race and Kevin Murray was the first individual to cross the line. The team included Kevin Murray, Aron Hollywood, Robert Hamill, David McCabe, Daniel Monaghan, Ronan Byrne, Paddy Faloon and Aodhan McQuade. The team then competed in the District D Armagh/Monaghan Championships which they won. This qualified them for the Ulster Schools ’Final where they finished 3rd. This was the first time a team from St Paul’s had been in medal position in an Ulster final. In 2005 four of the strongest runners i.e. Kevin Murray, Aron Hollywood, Paddy Faloon and David McCabe joined the junior team and repeated the same feat which they had achieved in 2004. In 2006 the boys were joined by Lonnie Larkin and achieved the ultimate accolade: The Ulster Cross-Country Junior title. This qualified the lads for the Irish Schools’ Final in D.C.U (The first time in the history of the school). Unfortunately Paddy Faloon was competing in the All-Ireland boxing final on the same day and the team finished one place outside the medals.

Aron Hollywood

Gerard O’Neill

cross-country and among the titles were overall Newry and Mourne Champions at Kilbroney, Junior Boys Lakeland’s competition and Minor Girls Lakeland’s competition. The also won the Armagh-Monaghan District D Championships. Two of the boys were selected for the Leinster Team. Meanwhile the Year 8 Netball team won the Newry and Mourne League, the Rugby U.16 won the Ulster Cup and the U.14 Hurlers scooped the Super Nines at St Patrick’s, Armagh.

Based on his performance in the Ulster race, Kevin Murray was selected to represent Northern Ireland in a leg of the London Marathon in May. In 2007-2008 Kevin Murray and Aron Hollywood joined the Intermediate team and they had a very successful year, winning the Lakelands race , the Newry & Mourne title , District D Armagh/ Monaghan Championships and were placed second in Ulster. In 2008-2009 Kevin and Aron were joined by Stephen Bradley (year11) and Gerard O’ Neill. The boys once again won a string of awards and reached the Ulster Final. Unfortunately the team finished in 4th position out of 31 teams only the top three can qualify for the Irish Schools’ Final. However the good news is that both Kevin and Aron have qualified for the final as individuals because of their strong finishing position. They will represent St Paul’s and Ulster in Jordanstown on 7/03/09 in the Irish Schools’ Final. Both boys are members of Glenmore AC and were selected to run for Louth and Leinster earlier in the year. Aron is the reigning U.16 and U.17 Louth Cross-Country champion. While Kevin holds the title for javelin.

Patrick Faloon

Kevin Murray

Caolan Travers


Successful Sporting Year

Year 14 Dance Alison Donaghy, Orla McCone, Maria McCann, and Janine Sloan have been members of the School Dance and Aerobic team from two to seven years. They have won many prestigious titles including the Northern Ireland Dance Championships at least five times and last year the All Ireland Dance Championship. Ms Catherine Murphy is the dedicated choreographer and PE teacher who has years of experience in the dance world and who has achieved great success with teams from St Paul’s at every level. As a dancer Ms Murphy was a member of the NI Dance and Aerobic team for over 10 years. Dance Teacher: Ms Catherine Murphy

The girls would like to thank her for all her hard work and friendship over the years and they will miss all the practices after school! They have developed a love of dance and hope to continue to perform in some way when they leave St Paul’s in June.

Girls Football U16 Team

Maria McCann

Orla McCone

Janine Sloan

Alison Donaghy

Back Row: Miss Sharon Duncan, Emma Quinn, Jessica Daly, Noelin Bradley, Louise McElherron, Caoimhe Hughes, Shauneen McConville, Orla Boyle, Mallie Connolly, Laura Keenan, Hayley Mackin, Claire Murphy, Emma Rooney, Niamh Byrne, Sarah Moley, Miss Geraldine King, Mr Paul Caldwell Middle Row: Jade Anderson, Blaithin Hughes, Shannen O’Grady, Shannon Sexton, Niamh Gibney, Aveen Rafferty, Grainne McMullan, Shannon Rice Front Row: Grainne McTaggart, Ciara McManus, Orla Magennis, Aislinn Davidson, Amy Mullholland, Gemma McKeown, Amy Hughes, Lynda Keenan, Niamh Doran, Claire Garvey, Ashlene Bannon

St Paul’s U.19 Ladies team pipped at the post! In March the U.19 Ladies Football team from St Paul’s reached the final of the Ulster U.19 Championships in a thrilling match against Holy Cross, Strabane in Dungannon. The team captain was Martina Moley who led the team out and at full time the score was level. During extra time the Holy Cross team scored a goal which won them the match. Player of the match for St Paul’s was Caitlin Malone. Congratulations to this fine St Paul’s team as they have made history by becoming the first U20 St Paul’s team to reach these heights. Anne Hollywood and Julie Donaghy Orla Boyle, Noelin Bradley, Megan Burns. Megan Cinnamond, Mallie Connolly, Nicola Cromie, Niamh Doran, Sarah Doran, Clare Garvey, Niamh Gibney, Niamh Finnegan, Amy Hughes, Orla Hughes, Grainne Keenan, Caitlin Malone, Coleen McElherron, Louise McElherron, Martina Moley, Katie O’Brien, Shannon O’Grady, Shaunna O Grady, Dervala Rafferty, Shannon Sexton.


Successful Sporting Year

Rugby Hamill, Eoin King, Gerard Doherty and Michael Keenan. Congratulations to all involved! At the end of the competition, the final league table looked like this: St. Paul’s, Bessbrook 14 points St. Pius X, Magherafelt 13 points St. Colman’s College, Newry 11 points St Columb’s, Derry 7 points Western Region Pollock Cup Subsidiary Competition Omagh Rugby Club played host to the Western region Pollock Cup Subsidiary competition in November 2008 when developing schools were given the chance to compete at Under 16 level for the first time. The schools involved were St Paul’s Bessbrook, St. Pius X Magherafelt, St. Colman’s College Newry, St. Columb’s in Derry and Aughnacloy College. Organised and refereed by Ulster Branch officers Darren McGuigan, Barry Willis, Hamish Fraser and Jonathan Quigley, the competition saw all 5 schools take part in a keenly contested set of round robin play-off matches.

St Paul’s, Bessbrook came out victorious winning three of their four games and drawing with their neighbours St. Colman’s college, Newry. The St. Paul’s side was captained by local boys Aodhan McQuade and Adrian O’Grady and much of the credit is down to their rugby coach New Zealand born Hamish Fraser from Ulster Rugby branch and Down Gaelic football senior star Stephen Kearney or more affectionately known by the boys as “Coach Kearney” who is currently doing his PGCE placement year from Jordanstown at the school. On the day all of the boys played a major part in the victory with a few stand out performances by the 2 joint captains Aodhan McQuade and Adrian O’Grady, Ryan Evans, Jordan Duignan, Robert

Boys Football

Aughnacloy College 4 points

U16 Team Coaches Mr Bill Geoghegan and Mr Martin O’Rourke

Back Row: Michael Keenan, Conor McKeown, Jordan Duignan, Cathal McParland, Peadar O’Hare, David Mullholland, Paul Og Grant, Steven Trainor, Damian Doyle Middle Row: Caolan Trainor, Lonnie Larkin, Barry Gaskin, Conor Donaghy, Michael Reel, Brendan Doherty, Darren Sheridan, Aodhan McQuade, Caolan Downey, Conor Hughes, Christopher Canning Front Row: Gavin O’Keefe, Gerard McKeown, Patrick Rice, Adrian O’Grady, Robert Hamill, Lee Lennon, David McCabe,Daniel Monaghan, Kevin Moan, Emmett Murtagh, Donal McKenna


St Paul’s into Europe

St Paul’s staff attend British Council events in Stormont, Brussels and Prague On 9th September 2008, to mark the launch of the European tour of the Ordinary Lives Exhibition, the British Council NI in partnership with the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister hosted an afternoon event and evening launch at the office of the Northern Ireland Executive in Brussels.

Three Northern Ireland based participants from the project –Junona Baleisa, Classroom Assistant, St Paul’s High School (Latvia), Michelle Morgan, Librarian, St Paul’s High School (N Ireland) and Justyna Pers, Interpreter (Poland), joined a group of young Belgian-based people from across Europe, to discuss issues raised by the project around themes of European migration. Their conclusions were presented by Michelle to guests attending the evening launch.


Also on 14th October 2008 the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister hosted another afternoon event and evening launch at the Café Louvre, Prague. This was attended by Mrs Oonagh McArdle, Art Teacher and representatives of the British Council. The exhibition, in text and photographs, has so far been on display in Brussels, Prague and in most recently at the Southern Regional College, Newry.

The accompanying book, ‘Ordinary Lives’ explores European migration through the eyes of 18 young people from the Czech Republic, Latvia, Northern Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Spain. The resulting stories and photographs reflect three different perspectives of the migratory experience: those who took the decision to move to Northern Ireland, the people they met on arrival and those they left behind.

Excellence in ICT Austrian Visitors The visitors were given the opportunity to see how well ICT has been embedded in the curriculum of St Paul’s and had an opportunity to see how the significant investment in computers and innovative emerging technologies is being utilised by staff and students.

St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook was delighted to welcome fifteen teachers from Austria who are spending a week in Northern Ireland and who were very keen to view the ICT facilities at the Bessbrook school.

The Austrian teachers were given a demonstration of how GPS technology is being utilised by the Environment and Society Department, how Apple Mac technology is being used by Music and Art and Design, how Pocket PCs are being used by the Irish department to encourage language learning and how wireless laptops are being used in Success Maker to target under-achievement in Literacy and Numeracy.

The visitors also viewed the Learning Support Centre, Construction Department, ICT Department and the impressive cafeteria facilities. Welcoming the Austrian teachers to St Paul’s, Principal Mr Oliver Mooney thanked the SELB and in particular Mrs Averil Morrow, Advisory Teacher for ICT for choosing St Paul’s as a venue which would allow the visiting teachers to view effective use of ICT in a modern, well-equipped facility. The visit was co-ordinated by Director of ICT at St Paul’s, Mr Dáithí Murray, and Senior Teacher Mrs Siobhán Bradley.

St Paul’s host delegation from Spain

St Paul’s High School, Bessbrook, was privileged to host a delegation of high-ranking officials from the Ministry of Education of Spain to the school in November 2008. The officials were keen to see how Information and Communications Technology (ICT) was being embedded as a curricular, pastoral and management tool. The visitors were greeted by students from the A Level Spanish class, who welcomed them to St Paul’s, and introduced the digni-

taries to the Chair of Governors, Very Reverend Father Seán Larkin, Principal, Mr Oliver Mooney, and other staff members who were on hand to give the Spanish visitors a tour of the facilities. The school promotes creativity and innovation using digital media, and boasts two digital technology suites which are equipped with the latest Apple Mac technology.

Representatives from C2k and HewlettPackard were also present during the visit and they were keen to see how well the systems were being integrated. The Spanish visitors were overwhelmed by how effectively ICT is being used in St Paul’s, and by the ease of how students and staff interact with it in each lesson. They thanked the staff and students of St Paul’s for their kind welcome and for their fantastic tour.






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St Paul’s High School

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