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Giving to St. Paul’s

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Contact Pam O’Halloran, Director of Operations, for more information: pohalloran@stpauls-church.org.

Members share responsibility for all aspects of the church, including ensuring its financial health. We call this “Stewardship.” Seventy-seven percent of St. Paul’s budget is supported through annual gifts from current parishioners. The primary vehicle by which these funds are raised is through the annual giving campaign in the fall, where members are invited to make a pledge for the coming year. Even though the campaign is in the fall, new members are invited and encouraged to pledge at any point during the year.


What is a pledge?

A pledge is the sharing of our gift intentions, what we hope to offer to the church during the year. Why do we pledge?

We pledge for two reasons: first, our pledges enable our parish leaders to create responsible, informed budgets. Second, and more importantly, pledging for the coming year provides the giver the opportunity to offer to God from their “first fruits” — not from what is leftover. How much do we pledge?

We suggest proportional giving. Decide on a percentage of your annual income to give and set a goal to increase as you are able.

How can we give to St. Paul’s?

Gifts can be made by putting an offering in the plate each week (personal envelopes can be provided), setting up an auto-debit with our controller, making a credit card gift online, or through gifts of stock, an IRA distribution, or donor-advised fund.

Where do our gifts go?

Gifts support all operations of the church including the clergy, outreach activities, education programs, and facility maintenance. A portion is also given to support the diocese and the national church.

What are the other sources of income?

St. Paul’s receives approximately 23% of its annual revenue from endowment and trust income and space use fees. The balance comes from our current members.

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