the CrUsaDer m a g a z i n e f o r t h e a l U m n i , P a r e n t s & f r i e n D s o f s t P a U l’ s h i g h s C h o o l
Partners in the mission CamPaign Making a St Paul’s education even better!
from the president Dear Friends After six years in the leadership role at St Paul’s High School, Father Provincial, of the English Canada Province of the Jesuits, has decided this academic year will be my last before I undertake a change of assignment. This may come as a bit of a surprise, considering the number of new and exciting initiatives at St Paul’s. However, with over 10 months remaining as President, I will be focusing on ensuring that my successor will have a very smooth transition that includes— most importantly—bringing the Partners in the Mission Campaign to a successful completion. It has truly been a privilege to serve you as President of St Paul’s these past years. I have been continually impressed by your enthusiasm and affection for the school, and I will take with me many fond memories as I go on sabbatical. However, before I go, I look forward to sharing with you one last key moment— the laying of the cornerstone for the new MultiPlex building, so the 2013 Convocation Ceremony may return to the St Paul’s High School campus once again. What a happy time this will be, as we bequeath together such a lasting legacy to our students and the larger St Paul’s community. Also, as the new school year begins, I would like to welcome three recently elected members of the Board of Directors to the St Paul’s family. Some of you may already know Mr Michael Guertin ’76 who is returning to the Board after a one-year absence. Also, we have two new members, Chief Justice Glenn Joyal ’78 and Mr Mike Linton. Also, I welcome Mrs Robyn Wolfe as the new Parent Guild President and a Board Member. Each has longstanding connections to St Paul’s, as alumni themselves or as parents of students, and we appreciate their willingness to share their time and expertise.
There have also been some important changes to the head office of the English Canada Province of the Jesuits over the summer. The Very Rev J Peter Bisson SJ is now the new Provincial, Rev John McCarthy SJ is his new Socius (assistant), and the new Secretary is Rev Winston Rye SJ ’58. We all wish them well in their new leadership roles and look forward to continued cooperation to build up the Jesuit apostolate here in Winnipeg. In addition, you may have noticed that The Crusader Magazine has undergone a major redesign. The new look and feel of this publication is intended to make the magazine more reader-friendly and engaging. With each subsequent issue, it is our hope that the Crusader will emerge as a thought-provoking and informative magazine that will keep you up-to-date on activities at St Paul’s while stimulating your interest in the Jesuit and Catholic education tradition. Similarly, we have also launched the new St Paul’s website at I am sure you will find our updated web presence a refreshing change as well. With a cleaner design and more easily navigable menus, all the information you need to know about St Paul’s is still only a click away. And finally, but most importantly, I wish all students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni and friends a happy and blessed school year.
In Christ
Fr Alan Fogarty SJ
Mission Tribute Dinner: Ambassador Gary Doer ’66 ...................................................... 2 Partners in the Mission Campaign: Making a St Paul’s Education Even Better..... 4
Student Life Message from the Principal ........................................................................... 7 Crusader Sports: Highlights ........................................................................... 8 Class of 2012 .............................................................................................10 The Show Must Go On! 80 Years of Drama at St Paul’s ....................................11 Dramatic Society: In Review .........................................................................12 El Salvador: An Education Beyond the Classroom To Listen to – to Learn about – and to Live with – the People of El Salvador ......14
Community & Alumni Message from the Director of Advancement & Alumni Affairs ...........................16 News & Events ............................................................................................17 Men for Others: Q&A with Sean Brennan ........................................................20 In Memoriam...............................................................................................22 Fr Holland’s Corner ......................................................................................24 Mark Your Calendar ......................................................................................25
The Crusader is published biannually by the Advancement Office of St Paul’s High School, 2200 Grant Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3P 0P8. Editor: D’Arcy Drachenberg Communications Officer Contributors: Shawn Alwis ’00 Fr Alan Fogarty SJ Tom Lussier Greg Matthew ’72 Diane Samyn John Yunyk ’03 Staff & Students
Design: Poise Publications Printed in Canada by Premier Printers
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
AmbAssAdor GAry doer ’66
reCeIves 2011
IgnAtIAn ChAllenge AwArd
On Tuesday, 1 nOvember 2011, The sT Paul’s high schOOl cOmmuniTy besTOwed iTs highesT hOnOur, The ignaTian challenge award, On his excellency gary dOer ’66. mr dOer accePTed The award aT The 18Th annual TribuTe dinner in The Presence Of clOse TO 1,100 friends, cOlleagues and fellOw alumni aT The winniPeg cOnvenTiOn cenTre. during his acceptance speech, mr doer credited his alma mater for forming him and other young men into men for Others, teaching them to act with “integrity, honesty, with passion and the belief in community and with love for your fellow human beings.” mr doer spoke highly of his days as a st Paul’s
student, the Jesuit training he received and the lifelong friendships he made – even going so far as to proclaim st Paul’s the “greatest high school in canada.” his lifelong friend and a previous ignatian challenge award recipient, mr James Tennant ’66, introduced mr doer with anecdotes of their time at st Paul’s while mr mark chipman ’78 spoke of mr doer’s accomplishments as Premier and the difference he has made to the Province of manitoba. in his address, fr alan fogarty sJ, President of st Paul’s high school, praised mr doer’s service to the community, which he noted as a central tenet of Jesuit education. “st Paul’s works in a discerning
and focused way to bring god to our students so that they can become people of competence, conscience, compassion and faith,” explained fr fogarty. he also thanked mr doer for his work as Premier of manitoba and in his role as ambassador of canada to the usa, noting that the night was in “honour of his many achievements in the area of service, for and in the care of others, [and] in his personal and community-focused campaign for a better world.”
st PAul’s Is the “greAtest hIgh sChool In CAnAdA.” — His excellency GAry doer ’66
About the IgnAtIAn ChAllenge AwArd The ignatian challenge award is an honour bestowed on those within the st Paul’s community who live with integrity and embody the ignatian values of the mission and vision of the school. The Tribute dinner is the school’s annual fundraising gala supporting st Paul’s high school bursary Program. The fund enables all qualified students, regardless of resources, to attend st Paul’s and receive the benefits of a quality Jesuit education.
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
SPonSorS of the 2011 triBute dinner trIbute dInner sPonsors Platinum ($10,500+)
Gold ($5,500+)
Silver ($3,500+)
broadway florists conviron ernst & young forum construction services great west life James richardson and sons, limited, and affiliated companies mr and mrs Kevin & els Kavanagh meyers norris Penny neptune Properties inc Pizza hotline structural composite Technologies ltd Tower engineering group lP wildwood Transport inc winnipeg free Press
Bronze ($2,500+)
aikins law banville & Jones wine co mr James w burns bockstael construction ltd booth dennehy llP bcv asset management cropo funeral chapel culligan water deloitte his excellency gary doer ’66
trIbute rAffle sPonsors
duboff edwards haight & schachter foodfare - munther Zeid fws group of companies g J vis enterprises gillis Quarries ltd gryphon graphics inc gerry & michelle hagglund dr brian hardy ’76 / dr Peter macdonald ’76 investors group Jesuits of winnipeg dr michael Johnson ’83 KPmg logix manitoba blue cross monarch industries national leasing Parkwest Projects ltd / mr cole castelane Prairie battery royal canadian securities ltd scotiabank st Paul’s high school Parent guild swOb group benefits inc T2K enterprises Terracon development ltd Tribal councils investment group of manitoba ltd united fire fighters of winnipeg winkler meats inc winnipeg convention centre
You Are InvIted to Attend the uPComIng 2012 19th AnnuAl IgnAtIAn ChAllenge AwArd trIbute dInner honourIng mr And mrs PAul And CArol hIll Tuesday 6 November 2012 WINNIPeG CoNveNTIoN CeNTer reCePTIoN 5:30Pm dINNer 7:00Pm
mr gerald diamond '83
For sponsorship opportunities or to purchase tickets, contact the advancement office at (204) 831-2332 or ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
PartnerS in the MiSSion CaMPaign
ensuring Quality & accessiBility
for St Paul’S StudentS now & in the future
Quality facilities for excellent students As the MultiPlex Building rises out of the ground Beside Connolly field, the st PAul’s CoMMunity is Beginning to see the first ConCrete results of the CAMPAign thAt wAs lAunChed in 2009. this stAte-of-the-Art fACility will inClude not only ConvertiBle BAsketBAll And volleyBAll Courts, A fitness Centre And An AthletiC trAining Centre, But it will Also house four Multi-use ClAssrooMs, MusiC ConCert sPACe, AluMni fACilities And More. “the new MultiPlex facility will provide st Paul’s students with access to top-quality facilities, not only for sports events but also a wide variety of curricular and extra-curricular programs,” says Mr tom lussier, Principal of st Paul’s high school. “for example, two new classrooms will reduce congestion in the rest of the school. A new much
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
larger fitness centre will allow students to access strength and aerobic training equipment more easily and regularly, and the improved athletic therapy centre will allow student athletes from all sports to receive better service. these amazing resources, alongside our excellent students and teachers, will ensure st Paul’s continues to be one of the finest private schools in western Canada.”
to date, approximately $9 million of the $11 million construction Budget has Been pledged or received.
Bursaries ensure no child is left Behind
requirements – regardless of the financial situation of their family.”
in addition to supporting the construction of the MultiPlex Building, the campaign also includes provisions for significantly increasing the school’s bursary funds— ensuring that qualified students are never turned away due to financial limitations.
Currently, an additional $2 million is needed to reach the Campaign’s goal of raising $4 million in bursary funds in support of tuition costs for students in need.
“Accessibility is a major hallmark of a Jesuit education,” explains Mr shawn Alwis ’00, director of Advancement & Alumni Affairs. “Bursary funds make sure that a st Paul’s education is available to any student that meets the entrance
For more information about how the Partners in the Mission Campaign will transform St Paul’s, and how you can help, please visit
MakeS a St Paul’S eduCation even Better crusader magazine (cm) thE partnErs in thE mission campaign is thE largEst Fundraising initiativE in st paul’s history. What has bEEn thE rEsponsE oF thE community to thE campaign to datE? fr alan fogarty sJ (ff) the community has really been coming forward with generosity and enthusiasm for st Paul’s. i believe they see the value of what we are doing and what the Jesuit education mission represents. this has been demonstrated by many of our friends and supporters; whether they are alumni or not, they have really stood behind us. Many have made leadership-level pledges to show that they believe in what we are doing and want to ensure we continue to develop in the future.
Q&a With fr fogarty sJ:
Fundraising EFForts ramp up For succEss few would disPute thAt st PAul’s high sChool hAs A strong rePutAtion As one of the toP indePendent sChools in CAnAdA. this rePutAtion hAs Been gArnered As A result of the quAlity of the eduCAtion offered, the ACAdeMiC And AthletiC AChieveMents of students, And the CoMMunity involveMent And ACCoMPlishMents of the sChool’s AluMni over its 86 yeAr history. working behind the scenes to manage this challenging position has been the primary duty and responsibility of fr Alan fogarty sJ over the past six years. since he was assigned the top leadership role at st Paul’s, one project that has been dear to his heart has been the success of the Partners in the Mission Campaign to ensure that st Paul’s lives up to its reputation of offering a top quality and accessible Catholic/Jesuit education. with the recent announcement that the 2012/2013 academic year will be his last at st Paul’s, father took time to talk to The Crusader to share his views on the campaign, its current status and future outlook.
cm as WE all knoW, thE last lap oF a racE is thE hardEst. hoW Will you continuE thE momEntum oF thE campaign and raisE thE rEmaining Funds to closE-out this projEct? ff i think we need to make more people aware of what we are doing here and how st Paul’s makes an important contribution to the community. this will involve strengthening relationships among alumni and building relationships with new friends, to ensure that the community knows who we are, what our mission is and how they can get involved.
cm in addition to straight-ForWard monEtary donations, can thE projEct bEnEFit From giFts-in-kind? hoW is this typE oF contribution managEd to bEnEFit both st paul’s and thE donor? ff now that the building plans have been set and construction has started, it’s a perfect time to receive gifts-in-kind to help offset costs. whether it’s the donation of building materials, windows, furniture or even a boiler, we are open to almost any kind of contribution that fits with the project design. there are many highly skilled professionals and tradespeople within winnipeg; we welcome their involvement in ways that are mutually advantageous. Anyone interested in donating gifts-in-kind can find information on our school website under Current needs or call our Advancement office.
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
cm onE oF thE most obvious FEaturEs oF thE campaign is thE construction oF thE “multiplEx building.” Will thE building EvEntually bE rEnamEd? and iF so, What Will it bE? ff in the next couple of weeks, the lead donor and i will be meeting to discuss that very topic. Both he and a number of us at st Paul’s will propose possibilities and after some dialogue and discernment will eventually settle on the name. there are other facilities in the school that are also available for naming, such as lecture rooms, sports facilities, the drama hall and others. if anyone is interested in knowing more about naming opportunities, i encourage them to contact the Advancement office. it would be wonderful to add another generation of names among those of Murray hall and Connolly field.
as you arE hoping to closE thE campaign by thE End oF junE 2013, hoW can thE st paul’s community—EspEcially alumni—gEt involvEd to EnsurE that it is a succEss? ff the final push of this campaign will definitely require engaging our alumni in a more concrete way. they have the most intimate knowledge of st Paul’s, as they are both beneficiaries of the school and supporters, so they will play a key role in helping us to spread our message. over the coming year, st Paul’s will be reaching out to alumni through our network of class fundraisers as well as through a variety of events and gatherings. i am confident they will come through for their alma mater.
cm oncE thE campaign is complEtEd, What do you think its major impact Will bE? ff the campaign has two features. one is the improvement of the infrastructure, which will definitely ramp up our sports program. we will have excellent facilities to host several sports events as well as band concerts, all-school Masses and other programs to improve the wellness of students and staff. we will also have space to welcome alumni back to campus for a variety of activities – and most importantly, our annual convocation ceremony will return to our campus. the other feature of the campaign is the increase in availability of bursary funds for students. this will greatly expand the accessibility of st Paul’s to students who would otherwise not be able to attend due to financial limitations. the campaign is all about improving quality and accessibility, two key features of the Jesuit educational ideal.
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
to learn more about giving opportunities and the Partners in the Mission Campaign, please visit
FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Alumni and Friends
profound learning opportunity and for many, an unforgettable, “life-changing” experience
The 2011–12 school year was another great
assisting the development of the village of
one to be a Crusader! Inside the classroom
Loma Linda.
students were challenged to grow intellectually, morally and spiritually by the school’s excellent
Two curricular Fine Arts programs at St
teaching staff. The classroom lessons and
Paul’s continue to thrive. The Band Program
the school’s Jesuit-inspired worldview were
received superb results in all categories at the
reinforced through students’ experiences of
Optimist International Band Festival. Several
solidarity, spiritual awakening, friendship,
students also individually earned spots on the
and growth in leadership skills through their
Intermediate and Senior Provincial Honour
participating in various retreats, liturgies,
Band. The Visual Art Program continues to
the Christian Service program, the annual
produce delightful student work, displayed
study trip to Europe or the service trip to El
continuously in the hallways at the school, at
Salvador. Student formation was reinforced by
the Fleet gallery and during the Tribute Dinner
discovering poise, and exercising performance,
and St Paul’s Annual Fashion Show.
public speaking and writing skills through belonging to a Crusader Debating Team,
The St Paul’s Dramatic Society put on two great
to various bands and clubs or through
productions; a wonderful retelling of Dickens’
participating in the St Paul’s Dramatic Society.
A Christmas Carol and a very enjoyable two
Finally, many students’ education was rounded
act dinner theatre production written and
out through learning commitment to others,
directed by Mr David Beeston ’76. The Reach
humility and graciousness in victory or defeat
for the Top team placed well in the Provincial
through being a member or fan of one of the
Championships and the Bing Crosby Speech
many sports teams. In fulfilling our mission of
Contest was staged in front of the staff and
educating Men for Others, I am grateful to all
student body for the first time in over twenty
who helped to make this possible in each of the
five years. Our Debating Teams represented the
areas of our school program.
school at prestigious tournaments in Toronto
Varsity Crusader Basketball; City Finalists in Junior Varsity Crusader Rugby, and excellent finishes in various other competitions. For the first time the Crusader Hockey program ran two teams, one at the first tier and one in the second tier. Once again, thanks to the commitment, hard work and achievement of all of our Crusader teams, coaches and athletes, the best of the Crusader athletic tradition continues! Finally, I look forward to the school year ahead and seeing the new MultiPlex rise out of the ground. Please come and see the progress firsthand. Homecoming 2012 on 22 September is a great opportunity to rekindle acquaintances and display Crusader spirit. So are other school events such as football games, volleyball matches, basketball or hockey games, drama productions, the Tribute Dinner, alumni reunions and more. I hope you will take the time to visit and to reconnect with the St Paul’s community.
and Halifax making a good finish in the team In the area of faith and justice, thanks to the
category at the Canadian Championships.
Campus Ministry Team led by our Chaplain, Fr
There was excellent participation in the chess
Michel Boutilier SJ, we offered the Freshman
club with student Nicholas Aguiar winning the
Retreat, Grade 10 Retreat, the Kairos Retreat,
St Paul’s Chess Championship. The Crusader
Christian Life Community meetings, liturgies,
News published several wonderful, reflective,
morning prayers (including the Ignatian
and enjoyable editions again this year. Finally,
Examen on Thursday mornings), and the
the Choir added to our liturgies, concerts and
Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius. We also
other events throughout the year.
contributed 10,000 hours of service to the Winnipeg community through the Christian
This year Crusader sports teams earned Zone
Service program coordinated by Fr Daryl
or City League Championships in Grade 9
Miranda SJ. In addition, the Maroon and White
Volleyball, Grade 9 Junior Varsity Volleyball, in
Society led Mission Weeks raising awareness
Junior Varsity and Varsity Crusader Volleyball, in
about justice issues and funds for important
Junior Varsity and Varsity Crusader Basketball,
causes. The third service trip to El Salvador
in AAA Crusader Football (which is equivalent to
this summer for which I had the pleasure to
a Provincial Championship), and in the highest
accompany our students along with Mr Dennis
level of Crusader Hockey. Crusader teams won
Kuzenko, Mr Larry Franz (and Principal Mrs
Provincial Championships in Junior Varsity
Connie Yunyk and two other teachers from
Cross-Country, in Hockey and in Varsity Rugby;
SMA), was an ambitious co-sponsored trip
Provincial Finalist placing in Varsity Volleyball,
involving 24 students from St Mary’s Academy
third place in Varsity Cross-Country, Provincial
and 18 students from St Paul’s. It was a
Semi-Finalist placing in both Junior Varsity and
Tom Lussier Principal ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
Crusaders sporTs
rugby Junior Varsity In 2012, 61 St Paul’s students played Junior Varsity rugby on three teams. At the end of the regular season Team Grey finished 2nd, Team White finished 4th, and Team Maroon finished 5th. Team White lost their semi-final despite a valiant comeback attempt. Team Grey beat St John’s Ravenscourt in the semi-final, which advanced them to the finals against Sisler. The Crusaders made a tremendous effort against their undefeated opponent, but late in the game Sisler came from behind to score and advance.
Varsity In Varsity action, the White Team finished 3rd overall in Division 1 while the Maroon Team went undefeated and capped the season with a City Championship win over St John’s Ravenscourt 31-8 and a Provincial title win over Souris 31-5. The Crusaders also fielded a 7’s team that won the City Championship over Kelvin in OT.
Curling The SPHS curling team had another good season this year. They went into the WWAC playoff bonspiel ranked 2nd in the league. After several close, hard-fought games, they were eliminated from the tournament. Team members were: Cam Van Walleghem ’12, Brett Recksiedler 8
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
’12, Kyle Kurz ’13, Dustin Spiring ’13 and Colin Kurz ’15.
Volleyball Grade 9 Team Team White: St Paul’s Gr 9 White team placed second in the league. The team attended two tournaments, the first at AA Leach and the second at HGI. Team Maroon: The Maroon team participated in the WWAC JV league for the first time in SPHS volleyball history. The team took two sets off JV provincial quarterfinalists John Taylor and beat Portage 3-0. The team also took part in three tournaments, taking the 3rd place final at the RB Russell tournament and winning the B side final at the John Pritchard tournament. The team also participated in the MVA Gr 9 Provincial Championship. After going undefeated in the round robin, including a 3-set win against the Steinbach Sabres, the Cru won their quarterfinal game to advance to the semifinal against the eventual champion Sargent Park Flames.
Junior Varsity The Junior Varsity volleyball team had an undefeated league season, routing the John Taylor Pipers in the league final. The Crusaders took home one tournament victory over the MBCI Hawks in the
University of Manitoba Tournament. The Crusaders travelled to Portage for the Provincial Championships with a 2nd place ranking. The Crusaders captured a 3rd place win over the Selkirk Royals. The future of Crusader volleyball is very promising.
Varsity The Varsity Volleyball Team began the year with high expectations. The University of Winnipeg tournament confirmed the strength of the team, who finished in 3rd place. The second tournament was the much anticipated trip to UBC. The tournament ended with a disappointing fifth place finish. In the St Vital tournament the team had 7 matches, and 5 losses. At the Selkirk tournament the Crusaders played the final against the Buckeyes giving them an exciting game but losing in 3 sets. In the final tournament of the year at MBCI, the Crusaders performed well, until reaching the semi-finals. WWAC league play was a different story. The Crusaders cruised through the league, with 10 straight wins. In the final, they lost the first set to John Taylor, before winning the next three. WWAC champions! At the Provincials, the quarter final game was against the CJS Olympiens. Semi-finals were against the MBCI. The Crusaders were 0 and 4 vs. the Hawks for the year. The pressure proved too much for the Hawks. Crusaders 3; Hawks 0.
At the finals, the Crusaders played against undefeated Miles Mac. Crusaders won the first set and tied in the second, however, the Crusaders lost the next three sets in a row, losing to the Buckeyes, and settling for second place.
basketball Junior Varsity After being together for only two weeks the Crusader Junior Varsity Basketball Team had a very good showing in the Wesmen Classic, winning two of three games, losing the middle game to MBCI by only a bucket. The regular season started before Christmas with the team splitting their first two games and then going on a 10-game league tear. They finished the regular season 11-1, winning the WWAC JV League and the Oak Park Tournament, and were Tournament Finalists in St Paul’s own Nick Laping ’61 Memorial Tournament. St Paul’s also won the B-side Championship of the Kelvin High School Tournament. In the Provincial Championships, the Crusaders played well and were ranked fourth overall. It was a very good season finishing with an overall record of 24-5, WWAC Champions!
Varsity The 2011-2012 Varsity Basketball Team was coached by Jeff Laping ’89 and Joe Kwan ’97 and led by team captains Theo Deezar ’12 and Ty Cranston ’12.
The Crusaders travelled to Dallas at the beginning of the season to compete in the Knights of Columbus Tournament hosted by Dallas Jesuit. They also competed in the DMCI Christmas Classic winning the consolation finals, the Piper Classic finishing third, the Winnipeg Invitational Tournament (WIT) and the St. Vital tournament winning the third place game.
preseason against Sturgeon Heights. However, the Crusaders had a slow start to the regular season when they lost their first two games to Kelvin and Oak Park. St Paul’s managed to get back on track and won their next four games. The JV Crusaders finished the regular season with four wins and two losses, placing 5th in the league.
In the playoffs the Crusaders won the conference finals for the second time in three years, with a dominating performance against the John Taylor Pipers, winning 95-72. The Crusaders also made their third consecutive final four appearance in the provincial tournament. However, the Crusaders did not get the results they hoped for in the semi-finals, losing to John Taylor.
aa Football
soCCer The Crusader Soccer team, bouncing back from last year’s early exit, had a strong return season culminating in a St John’s Ravenscourt Tournament 3rd place finish. The team was led by a strong grade 12 team. Scoring almost at will and shutting opposition attack down, the Crusaders fought their way to the semi-finals where they lost to the Sturgeon Heights Huskies 1-0.
The AA Crusader Football team had a roller coaster season. One of the most exciting games of the year was the comeback against Maples proving that good things happen when you never quit. In spite of not making the playoffs the team learned a lot about hard work, dedication, challenge and self-sacrifice for the good of the team. Congratulations to everyone on another successful year.
aaa Football The 80th edition of the St Paul’s Crusader football team had a season to remember. The 41-man roster, consisting of 31 seniors, contributed to a stunningly successful season. The Crusaders’ perfect 10-0 season will be remembered as one of the most successful in WHSFL history, with a final point total of 442 points for and 22 points against. It was truly an amazing year.
Junior Varsity The Junior Varsity Crusaders started the 2011 with a convincing win in the ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
CLASS LIST Oluwadamilola Adegunle Kristopher Aguiar Matthew Alcock Andreas AnadranistakisYoung Nicholas Anandranistakis Daniel Aniceto Mitchell Armstrong Tylor Balcaen Dennis Barczak Zachary Bembridge Calvin Bennett Austin Bernier Shiv Bhanot Liam Bilton Graeme Bligh Hilliard Brydges Parker Buckley John Buksowicz Kevin Burns Ashton Buss Joseph Caligiuri Shane Cameron Gregory Cantafio Randy Cappello Colton Carlow Christopher Carman Byung Heon Cho Kyle Clegg McKenzie Cook
Tyler Cook Braeden Cornick Ty Cranston Myles Dancho Adam DeBrouwere Theodore Deezar Claurence Diaz Kahlil DiazHammond Colin Dignazio Taras Dlugosh Alexander Dobriansky Scott Downs Jordan Dragojevic Andrew Dreger Christopher Driedger Moises Duot William Dusessoy Kevin Falconer Austin Feltham Colby Ferbers Douglas Fergusson Eric Fleming Kyle Fox Soren Frederiksen Michael Garofalo Vilok Guliani Kevin Gutierrez Matthew Hanks Nicholas Hansen Niall Harney McKinley Heisinger
Sean Higgins Michael Honke Jacob Hooker Quinn Horton Gregory Huebner Cody Jackson Robert Jackson Nils Jensen Andrew Johnson Harrison Katz Paul Ketcheson Khushdeep Khullar Graham Kiene Hyung Joo Kim Segi Kim Daniel Kluger Matthew Knoll Matthew Kochan Eddie Kreitz Collin Lamoureux William LaPage Bryce Laufer Justin Lawrie Kyle Leech Connor Lesperance Christopher Lytwyn Lucas Machado Mathew MacLennan Mark Mahon Quinn Malone Daniel Marshall Oliver Marshall
Lubomyr Melnyk Matthew Meyer Martin Michalak Cole Mospanchuk Justin Muir Tirrell Nardella David Nelson Matthew Nguyen Jeremy Nicholson Brendan Noyes Easton OliverHanna Michael Pantermarakis Cyril Parrenas Anthony Pasko Austin Penny Miguel Perez Kevin Pham Dylan Polanski Evan Pollard Christopher Prendergast Brody Price Andrew Proven Nicolas Pura Justin Rabb Kristopher Radke Ryan Ramjiawan Brett Recksiedler Wilson Reid Derek Richardson Alexander Ring Tyler Robinson Paul Rogalsky Jesse Rubel
Joshua Santos Brandon Schriemer Adam Scott George Semchuk Kiefer Sheldon Dongik Shin Kevin Simoens Nicholas Skromeda Paul Slugocki Kaden Stewart Alexis Thibodeau Bret Thompson Jonathan Van Elslander Cameron Van Walleghem Tanishq Verma John Verrelli Mark Anthony Villanueva Yahweh Villanueva William Vis Andrew Weiss Anthony Wightman Matthew Woloschiniwsky Brock Wright Joshua Zaporzan Yousef Zeid Nicholas Zinko
80 thE CrUsADEr
FROM THE ARCHIVES the Show muSt Go on! 80 yearS of Drama at St Paul’S it may surprise some alumni that the first St paul’s Dramatic Society production did not actually take place at St paul’s. according to the school’s 1932 yearbook, “members of the Dramatic Society made their initial bow before the public on the evening of 6 april at St mary’s academy auditorium.” on that evening, they showcased three one-act plays which were reported to have been “well received by the audiences.” in honour of the 80th year of the Dramatic Society and what has become an important yearly tradition, The Crusader takes you back to the first years of the Society with images of their early productions.
This was the first of what we hope will become an annual presentation… —1932 Yearbook entrY
“Maroon and White Review,” 1937 Frank Morrisey ’40, Marcel Beaudoin ’40
“What`s That You Say?” 1937 Robert McGregor ’37, Alfred Jobin ’37, Partick Lonergan ’36, Joseph Green ’37, James Schaeffer ’38, Jack Scott ’37
“Pin a Pin on Me” 1939 Roy Belluz ’42, Paul Thurston ’42, Denis Gallagher ’41, Frank Dann ’42, Allan Oldenberg ’41, Wallace McMullen ’42, Robert Mulvey ’42
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012 11
A ChristmAs CArol:
SCROOgE & MARlEY by Greg Matthew ’72 The DramaTic SocieTy prouDly preSenTeD “a chriSTmaS carol: Scrooge anD marley” by iSrael horoviTz, from 23 To 26 november 2011. mr ray comeaulT, aSSiSTeD by mrS anna mcgill, DirecTeD The claSSic DickenS’ STory. The play waS a reSounDing SucceSS anD waS ToaSTeD wiTh rouSing applauSe afTer each performance. The play opens with ebenezer Scrooge, Drew Jensen ’13, a heartless miser complaining of his clerk, bob cratchit, bill lapage ’12, receiving an undeserved holiday. when asked to give to the poor so they won’t starve to death his response is that they should “die and decrease the surplus population.” The ghost of Scrooge’s dead business partner, Jacob marley, aiden penovault ’14, visits Scrooge late christmas eve to make Scrooge see the error of his ways. Dragging the heavy chain he forged for himself by living like Scrooge, marley warns Scrooge to change his ways or he will end up with an even heavier chain after his death. marley informs Scrooge that three spirits will visit him.
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
The first spirit is The ghost of christmas past, yahweh villanueva ’12. he leads Scrooge through his past. he sees himself as a friendless, lonely little boy, mateusz kowalski ’15, sitting alone in a classroom on christmas eve and then as an even lonelier older boy leaving school, przemek kowalski ’13. Scrooge starts to see the meaning of christmas when the ghost shows him his past as the apprentice of mr fezziwig, lubomyr melnyk ’12. fezziwig and his wife, alexandra malkiewicz (Sma ’14) host a christmas party and Scrooge remembers the joy of that simple gesture. The ghost shows Scrooge how his long lost love, elly macrae (Sma ’14), left him as he developed his passion for money. The second spirit, The ghost of christmas present, moises Duot ’12, takes Scrooge to the home of the cratchit’s. There he learns that bob cratchit still wishes him all the best, despite the protests of his wife, ashlea moss (Sma ’12). he is also moved by the sight of their crippled son Tiny Tim, nicholas anandranistakis ’12. Scrooge’s vision continues at the home of his nephew, fred, Quinn malone ’12, and his wife, helen harvie (Sma ’13) where they toast his good health and wish him a merry christmas.
The final spirit, The ghost of christmas future, alexis Thibodeau ’12, shows Scrooge a terrifying future where no one attends his funeral or visits his grave. he is forgotten. as he wakes christmas morning Scrooge is a reformed man. “he became as good a friend, as good a master, as good a man as the good old city knew.” as the play ends all are called on to celebrate christmas as well as Scrooge and in the words of Tiny Tim, “god bless us, everyone!” mr Joel adair and mr allan carruthers ‘88, along with their crew, designed and built the awesome sets! ms Sandra caron and mrs Jonine bergen clad the cast in incredibly authentic costumes. The makeup crew, under the direction of mrs linda monasterski, transformed modern day high school students into a cast of victorian characters. The music, directed by mr Derek Tuba, added a wonderful atmosphere with several christmas carols. The Dramatic Society has reason to be proud of a magnificent and memorable production.
In REVIEW VIlE VIllAInS & VIRTuOuS VITTlES mrs linda monasterski worked her usual magic with makeup and ms Sandra caron added her flair for costumes.
by Greg Matthew ’72 The ST paul’S DramaTic SocieTy ServeD up “vile villainS anD virTuouS viTTleS” aS The Theme for iTS annual Dinner TheaTre proDucTion on 15 – 18 march 2012. The proDucTion waS SeT in The wilD weST Town of gila gulch.
The Dramatic Society thanks all students, staff and volunteers who contributed in making this year’s dinner theatre a success.
The evening was composed of two plays, “villainy at gila gulch” and “The revenge of mortimer heel”, both written by David beeston ’76. mr beeston and ms claire lussier directed both plays. “villainy at gila gulch” opened with sheep rancher manly butt, bill lapage ’12, proposing to the sweet and innocent constant Trueheart, emily meadows (Sma ’13). little do they realize that constant is actually elly mae Durham, the lost heiress to the el Dorado mine. constant does not know anything about her past because of a stage coach accident and won’t marry manly until she finds out.
The dastardly mortimer heel, Drew Jensen ’13, and his almost equally evil henchmen, Sticky fingers fred, moises Duot ’12, and unlucky luke, Dominik mealy ’13, hatch an evil plan to deprive elly mae of her inheritance. after his attempts to steal the deed and to woo elly mae fail, mortimer relies on the “old fashioned way” and ties them to the railroad tracks. The train is coming
Dramatic Society 2011-2012 awarDS and all seems lost until the man of the hour, ranger Doug, adam Saunders ’13, arrives to save the day! after a wonderful western style dinner coordinated by mrs Jonine bergen and mr Tyler kelsch ’06, “The revenge of mortimer heel” opened with the arrival of miracle butt, ashlea moss (Sma ’12) in gila gulch. both of her parents are dead and her brother, harry butt, has been missing for years. miracle is determined to find him. She mistakes a new arrival in town, rocky bottom, Quinn malone ’12, as her brother. meanwhile, the elderly mortimer has broken out of prison and is on a mission to get the eldorado mine. poor old mortimer is as evil as ever, but not as young as he used to be. mortimer is pleased and proud to introduce his adopted son, mortimer heel Jr, kevin Simoens ’12. after a series of plot complications and mistaken birthmarks miracle and rocky end up in love, but will they live happily ever after? it all depends on when mr beeston gets inspired to write another sequel i suppose. one of the highlights of the evening was the music and the singing under the direction of mrs Jacqueline Jackson.
Most Memorable Minor Role Award lubomyr melnyk ’12 and yahweh villanueva ’12 Most Versatile Actor and Most Memorable Performance by an Actor Award Drew Jensen ’13 Most Memorable Performance by an Actress Award ashlea moss (Sma ’12) The Directors’ Choice Award kevin Simoens ’12 The Kelly Production Award for stage crew work william Dusessoy ’12, vilok guiliani ’12 and Daniel marshall ’12 Fr Murray Award for most promising newcomers to drama robbie law ’15, andrew obirek ’15 and anselm ragetli ’13 Fr Obrigewitsch Award given for a small but important contribution to drama nicholas anandranistakis ’12, moises Duot ’12, patrick Jackson ’12 and alexis Thobodeau ’12 Fr John Pungente Award for Spirit william Dusessoy ’12 and kevin Simoens ’12
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LISTENING TO THEIR STORIES Whether in San Salvador, Loma Linda, La Loma, Lower San Rafael or Cuyanigua, the students were impressed by the people of El Salvador. Their warmth, friendly manner and positive attitudes in the face of adversity surprised and captivated the Winnipeggers wherever they went. Visits to each community afforded the opportunity to hear their stories of difficulties and hardships, but also of joy and faith. “The communities were very appreciative of our visits,” says Mr Dennis Kuzenko. “They had signs greeting both of our schools and we had a meeting with school children and community members in their school. They also had a small group of dancers in traditional dress that entertained us.” “Given how little they have and the injustices they face, you would think they 14
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would be angry and bitter, but the opposite seemed to be true,” added Mr Larry Franz. “We learned much by listening to their concerns and hopes. Students and adults alike were inspired by them.” One student participant remarked in his diary of daily reflections: “The people of Loma Linda need so much and you can just tell how long they have been waiting to just be heard.… I want the people to know that I have come here with an open mind and heart, ready to listen and to be of service in any way that I can.”
LEARNING ABOUT EL SALVADOR At the University of Central America, students visited the site where six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter were killed, a crime that triggered a US congressional investigation. In addition, they visited the tomb of Archbishop Óscar Romero of El Salvador and the church where he was assassinated while offering holy mass. “The boys were overwhelmed by the story of the Jesuits who were killed… so many people have died in this country to gain freedom,” says Mr Franz. “… but the people have a strong faith… So many limitations – such a wonderful people.” The students also had opportunities to meet with local representatives of CRIPDES (La Asociación para El Desarrollo de El Salvador) an NGO active in the region. During this meeting they learned about the education system in the town of Loma Linda and about how money raised by St Paul’s is helping to support 13 students receive an education which would otherwise be out of their reach. “Today I realized how much I really have at home. I am given a ride to school every day and I walk five steps to get inside the school,” remarked one student in his daily reflections. “These children walk up slippery slopes every day for 45 minutes to get to
school. I think the people on this trip – including myself, have had a reality check.” In addition to sessions on historical and social topics, the students also learned about business initiatives like microfinance and the small loans programs that are helping the people of Loma Linda pull themselves out of poverty. “We had a meeting with the Women’s Committee and the Micro-Loan Committee. The women in these groups… are now selling some of what they craft and produce and this is the beginning of an income for them, “ says Mr Kuzenko. “In the evening we auctioned off the bracelets and embroidery that they had made. That auction raised $500 for the women – also the students chipped in to top-up a scholarship fund for local students.”
LIVING WITH THE PEOPLE The students spent a considerable amount of time working on community projects to help the locals build a playground and install a septic tank system for the school. They also worked in agricultural fields, weeding and helping to cultivate crops. “Working in the corn field today was almost a surreal experience for me, I felt I was dreaming. The scenery was…nothing like I expected,” remarked a student in her daily reflections. “What I witnessed today in the field just emphasized to me that there must be a God.… The striking scenery today was God’s message to everyone to share their wealth, be it money, clothing or something as simple yet immeasurable as love.” “The St Paul’s and St Mary’s students won’t soon forget their experiences in El Salvador,” concluded Mr Franz. “By providing opportunities for them to listen to, learn about and live with the people of El Salvador, we pray that the memories and the inner commitments made here will remain.”
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message from the director of advancement & alumni affairs
Dear Alumni & Friends As we begin the 2012–2013 school year, I would like to welcome new and returning students and parents to St Paul’s High School, as well as new and returning faculty and staff. This upcoming year will prove to be an exciting one as we enter the final phase of the Partners in the Mission Campaign, the largest fundraising initiative in the history of the school. With our sincerest appreciation to current donors to the Campaign, the new MultiPlex building is taking shape behind the school, and is set to open for the 2013–2014 academic year. In addition, recent donations to the bursary fund are enabling more and more deserving students to attend St Paul’s, ensuring that accessibility remains a central pillar of our admissions policies. However, we still have some work to do to meet our overall Campaign goal. We are in need of two million dollars to complete construction of the MultiPlex building and two million to add to the bursary
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fund. To date, the majority of the funds raised have come in the form of major gifts from the school’s most dedicated parents – past and present – alumni and friends. Indeed, their eagerness to play a leadership role in the campaign has created an enthusiasm and passion for St Paul’s that is sure to create excitement within the greater alumni community. Over the coming months, class fundraisers will be contacting many of you requesting support for the Campaign. We are confident that you are up to the challenge and that each class will make a strong showing of support for the school.
Finally, if you have been away from the school for a while or would like to keep up-to-date on what is currently happening at St Paul’s, I encourage you to attend Homecoming on 22 September 2012. There will be two Crusader football games, food vendors, children’s activities, a beer garden and more. The celebrations will take place on the St Paul’s High School campus, but don’t worry, construction of the new MultiPlex building won’t stop the fun. Homecoming is a great opportunity to catch up with old classmates, friends and teachers, while cheering, “Go Crusaders!”
When contemplating giving opportunities I encourage each of you to consider participating in our planned giving program – the St Paul’s Legacy Society. Reflecting on how you make your gift adds extra value for both you and St Paul’s. For example, you may find that you are able to make a much larger gift than you thought possible. You can also add personal significance and meaning to your gift by pledging it in honour of a loved one or special friend. You might even save money on income and estate taxes, enabling you to allocate these savings where you choose. Also, you will know that you are giving the most you can at a lower cost, while investing in the future of St Paul’s youth.
As you can see, there are many opportunities to partner with St Paul’s. I encourage each of you to get involved and stay connected. Catholic and Jesuit education, fostering Men for Others, is an increasingly challenging yet necessary task in the world today. Please consider supporting us – for the benefit of our students and our community.
Just recently, the school established the Terance & Gertrude O’Connell Bursary, providing funds for three students each year under our “Adopt-a-Student” program. This fund was made possible by a very generous $500,000 planned gift from Mr Terance O’Connell. His late son, Patrick, was a student at St Paul’s in the Class of ’61. We sincerely thank the O’Connells for leaving this wonderful legacy of love to students within the St Paul’s community.
Warm regards
Shawn Alwis ’00
news & eVents
26th AnnuAl FAshion show inspired by MArdi GrAs The exciTemenT of mardi Gras filled The air aT The 26Th annual sT Paul’s hiGh school fashion show on wednesday, 25 aPril 2012. aTTended by over 400 GuesTs, The eveninG was The laTesT word on sTyle, eleGance and chic. over a dozen st Paul’s class of 2012 students strutted their stuff down the catwalk along with models from Panache management in attire ranging from formal suits to office clothes to beach wear. in addition to the show, guests participated in a variety of silent and live auctions for elegant and luxurious items kindly donated by many generous sponsors.
There was also a raffle for a trip for two to las vegas, including airfare and hotel. “The fashion show is an important yearly event for st Paul’s,” says fr alan forgarty sJ, President of st Paul’s high school. “Two-thirds of the net proceeds go towards the magis fund, and the remainder supports the st Paul’s high school Parent Guild. both of these programs go a long way to ensuring that students and parents can more fully participate in the life of the school.” st Paul’s extends sincere thanks to the fashion show committee and its chair, ms Pam clarke, as well as the many students who volunteered their time and effort to make the evening such a success.
About the MAGis Fund The magis fund provides financial assistance to students enabling them to fully participate in school life at st Paul’s. band instrument rentals, sports equipment, tutors, fieldtrips, school attire and graduation costs are some of the many areas to which the magis fund allocates financial assistance.
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2012 class reunions
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Clockwise from left: (1) Class of ’87, (2) Class of ’82, (3) Class of ’72, (4) Classes of ’97, ’02, ’07, (5) Class of ’62
2012 class reunions
maroon & WhiTe Golf TournamenT 2012
On Friday, 8 June 2012 the Classes OF ’07, ’02, ’97, ’87, ’82, ’72, and ’62 Celebrated their 5, 10, 15, 25, 30, 40 and 50th year reuniOns at the FOrt Garry hOtel in dOwntOwn winnipeG. the eveninG started with an all-Class COCktail GatherinG FOllOwed by individual dinner prOGrams FOr eaCh milestOne GraduatiOn year. the eveninG was Full OF lauGhter, smiles and exCitement as attendees reminisCed abOut their time at st paul’s, the Friendships they have made and the diFFerenCe st paul’s made in their lives.
a sOld-Out CrOwd OF st paul’s alumni teed OFF at the 18th annual marOOn and white alumni GOlF tOurnament at bel aCres GOlF & COuntry Club On thursday, 7 June 2012.
after dinner, all class years joined together to hear remarks from current students mr eddie sherlock ’13, student body president, and mr simon Garfinkel ’13, student body vice president. also providing remarks were Fr alan Forgarty sJ, president of st paul’s and mr Jim Ferguson, the evening’s honourary host.
awards were presented to teams with the lowest scores in two categories, over and under 40 years old. this year, support from event sponsors was directed to the alumni Golf bursary Fund.
this annual event included lunch, green fees, golf cart rentals, dinner and a st paul’s promotional gift for every player. Golfers were also treated to a variety of at-hole perks, including beverage sampling, barbequed skewers, candy and even cool slushies.
For more information on the next annual maroon and white alumni Golf tournament, please contact our manager of events & volunteers, mr randy van de mosselaer ’86 at (204) 831-2332 or
thanks and appreciation is extended to the many volunteers from each class year and to the current and former teachers that attended.
surf & Turf Dinner Becomes an annual TraDiTion the First st paul’s lObster FOr Others, surF & turF Casual Get-tOGether FOr Current and Future parents, students, alumni and Friends tOOk plaCe On the aFternOOn OF saturday, 9 June 2012, at 3pm. thOuGh OriGinally OrGanized as an OutdOOr event, mOther nature had Other plans, mOvinG the Festivities inside murray hall due tO rain.
in addition to enjoying succulent east Coast lobsters and mouth-watering char-grilled steaks, attendees were also entertained by the classic rock stylings of highway 59. with post-event feedback
indicating that 61 percent of participants are very likely to attend again next year, the inaugural lobster for Others, surf & turf was a popular success. proceeds from ticket sales for “lobster for Others” go towards general operating funds at the school, ensuring the continuation of a variety of educational and professional development programs for students and faculty. st paul’s thanks the event sponsors, air Canada, big rock brewery, banville & Jones wine Company and highway 59 for their generous support. st paul’s also recognizes the special contributions of alumni and parents, shawn ’88 and debbie bergen, Craig and darlene braschuk and bruce white, for all their hard work and contributions to ensure the event was such a success.
For more information about lobster for Others, surf & turf in 2013 please contact our manager of events & volunteers, mr randy van de mosselaer ’86 at (204) 831-2332 or ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012 19
SEAN BRENNAN Alumnus Receives Community Service Award for Empowering Winnipeg’s Hungry
FRoM lEFt to Right: sean brennan’89 (Justice) and grant doak (deputy minister for family services and consumer affairs) pHoto by tracey goncalves, mb government
A kEy CHARACtERiStiC of A St PAul’S EduCAtion iS tHE EmPHASiS PlACEd on StudEntS dEvEloPing into mEn foR otHERS. Putting onE’S knoWlEdgE, AbilitiES, SkillS And tAlEntS At tHE SERviCE of otHERS in building uP tHE
How did you first get started volunteering at agape table?
kingdom of god iS kEy to undERStAnding SEAN BRENNAN (SB)
tHE vAluE of A JESuit EduCAtion.
An alumnus that has demonstrated these Jesuit values in action is mr Sean brennan ’89, the 2011 recipient of the Community Service Award, given by the manitoba provincial government to a government employee that makes a meaningful difference in the community. in addition to serving as Senior Crown Attorney at manitoba Justice, mr brennan volunteers as the Chair of Agape table inc, a community nutrition centre servicing Winnipeg’s inner city. Sean was instrumental in transforming Agape table from a soup kitchen that served approximately 300 people daily into a more comprehensive community nutrition centre. The Crusader sat down with mr brennan to learn more about his work at Agape table and how his time at St Paul’s has impacted his community service.
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
i first volunteered at Agape table as part of the Christian Service course when i was a student at St Paul’s. i had volunteered at my parish and local community club, but mr grover challenged me to do something outside of my comfort zone. i accepted his challenge. i remember my time at Agape table as a real eye opener. this was the first time i became aware of hunger in our city.
wHat do you find tHe most meaningful part of volunteering at agape table? SB the most meaningful part of volunteering is working against the overwhelming problem of unjust access to nutrition, and finding meaningful ways to improve the situation of our community members. i enjoy reading the literature in the area, liaising with other not-for-profit organizations, and formulating new programming. being part of the process creating Agape table for kids, subsidized breakfast, low-cost grocery and subsidized bag lunch programs has been very meaningful.
does your spiritual life play a role in your volunteer work? SB Agape table was created in 1980 by a partnership of Christian denominations – those being the Anglican, Catholic, mennonite, lutheran and united churches. While no longer a faith-based organization, many of the original motivations are present. i think meeting the problem of unjust access to nutrition is a challenge motivated by faith, secular humanism and the recognition of the dignity of everyone. my wife and i also believe volunteering is an important way to demonstrate to our children what we believe and what we are willing to sacrifice, in creating a more just society.
during your time at st paul’s you learned about tHe Jesuit ideal of becoming men for otHers. wHat does tHis mean to you now? SB the ideal of becoming “men for others” was a very pervasive attitude within St Paul’s. So much so that living generously was simply a given. Also my parents were very involved in the church and community so understanding it as giving back through volunteering came quite naturally to me.
thE idEAl oF BECoMiNg MEN FoR othERS wAS A vERy pERvASivE AttitudE withiN St pAul’S. So MuCh So thAt liviNg gENERouSly wAS SiMply A givEN.
can you tell us about some of tHe initiatives you worked on at agape table in transforming it from a small soup kitcHen to a community nutrition centre?
SB the expansion and transition of programming is what is behind the shift. As a soup kitchen, Agape table perpetuates the redistribution of surplus food model that is so deeply rooted in our community. Agape table programming has expanded with new programs being built on the pillars of nutrition, dignity, empowerment and community. Community volunteers are active participants in choosing nutritious foods that are bought from the retail system, rather than having food pushed through the redistribution of surplus food system. in addition to nutrition programs, Agape table has created arts, crafts and music programs. We also supply laundered and disinfected clothing, access to voting, tax returns, health and nutritional counselling and seminars on other topics.
agape table Has certainly been developed and transformed under your leadersHip, and st paul’s HigH scHool congratulates you on receiving tHe community service award for tHese acHievements. tHank you for sHaring your tHougHts on wHat being men for otHers means to you.
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C Edward Blackman ’50 Fred Bortoluzzi ’67 Paul Herriot ’49 John Holtmann ’68 James R McPherson ’47 Rev W Allan Peterkin SJ ’41 Wilfred Shannon ’47
motHeR oF
Rod Corbett ’75 & Mark Corbett ’77 (Pauline Corbett) Eric gullichsen ’77 (Donna grescoe) Bob Lewin (Vice Principal – Students) (Christine Lewin) John Shade ’77 & Everett Shade ’80 (Margaret Shade) Tim Turner ’78 & Tom Turner ’78 & Chris Turner ’81 (Mary Isabelle Turner)
FatHeR oF
Brandt Butt ’08 (Tony Butt) gennaro Cianflone ’83 (Antonio Cianflone) Shael glesby ’76 (Bert glesby) Luke gnutel ’07 (Donald gnutel) Matthew Herriot ’76 & Alex Herriot ’83 (Paul Herriot ’49) Andrew Holtmann ’95 (John Holtmann ’68) Thomas Laxdal ’77 (Thomas Laxdal Sr) Michael Talgoy ’71 & Per Talgoy ’78 (Kjell Talgoy)
uNCle oF
Thomas Horby ’76 & Shaun McCaffrey ’78 (gB McCaffrey)
GRaNDmotHeR oF
Tanner Bilan ’15 (Denise Bilan) Al Carruthers ’88 (Mae Carruthers)
Brady Smikles ’03 (Steve Smikles)
... and i will raise him up on the last day." (John 6:54)
WiFe oF
Jack O'Neill ’42 (Patricia O'Neill)
FoRmeR StaFF Mary Kiernan
FR W allaN PeteRKiN SJ ’41 Fr W Allan Peterkin SJ ’41, passed away peacefully on 6 July 2012, at the age of 89 at Rene goupil House (Jesuit residence) in Pickering, Ontario. After graduation, he entered the Jesuit novitiate at guelph in 1945 and from 1950 to 1955 he studied philosophy at l’ImmaculéeConception in Montréal. Afterward, Fr Peterkin studied theology at Regis College in Toronto and was ordained a priest on 21 June 1959.
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
Fr Peterkin’s ministry was primarily as a chaplain and counsellor. He exercised his nearly 50 year apostolate in Saskatchewan and Ontario, in Regina, guelph, Toronto, Manresa, Bath and Dale. To further his pastoral ministry, he took several years of theological studies at Marquette University in Milwaukee and at the Andover Newton Theological School near Boston. Fr Peterkin is fondly remembered by his fellow Jesuits as a paradigm of pastoral zeal and openness.
IN COMMUNION WITH DEPARTED ALUMNI IN THE QUIET OF THE CANADIAN MARTYR’S CHAPEL AT ST PAUL’S HIgH SCHOOL, JUST ACROSS FROM RELICS OF STS PETER AND PAUL THE APOSTLES, ST IgNATIUS LOYOLA AND OTHER JESUIT SAINTS, IS A gLASS DISPLAY CASE HOLDINg A LARgE VELVET AND gOLD BOOK. THIS IS THE SCHOOL’S BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE, WHERE THE NAMES OF DEPARTED ALUMNI AND FRIENDS ARE LOggED AND RECORDED. “The Book of Remembrance was established to record the names of any alumni that have passed away,” says Fr Michael Boutilier SJ, School Chaplain and Head of the Religion Department. “It’s an important symbol that encourages us to remember them in our prayers and especially during the sacrifice of the Mass.” Special liturgical services are held at St Paul’s each November, during the Month of the Holy Souls in Purgatory. During these services, the names of alumni that have passed away in the previous year are mentioned and prayers are offered. These prayers provide spiritual assistance to the departed souls – and also remind us of the importance of continuing our friendships through spiritual works of mercy. Currently names are added to the book individually, with information
being gathered through local obituaries or through word of mouth. “At St Paul’s we talk a lot about community – the Book of Remembrance symbolizes that an alumnus doesn’t stop being part of the St Paul’s family after he has passed on. We continue a relationship with our alumni through our belief in the mystery of the communion of saints.” If you know of a St Paul’s alumnus whose name should be added to the Book of Remembrance please contact Fr Boutiller SJ at
St Paul’S RemembeRS William NoRRie ST PAUL’S HIgH SCHOOL, FACULTY, STAFF AND STUDENTS, ADD THEIR VOICES TO THOSE OF OTHER WINNIPEggERS, IN MOURNINg THE LOSS OF PAST CITY MAYOR DR WILLIAM (BILL) NORRIE, WHO PASSED AWAY ON FRIDAY, 6 JULY 2012. Bill Norrie was a long-time supporter of St Paul’s High School. Both of his sons, Duncan ’76 and Fraser ’79, graduated from the school, including more recently his grandson, Cameron Norrie ’09.
“Through his long career involving leadership, commitment to service and support for education, he exemplified what it means to be a ‘man for others’ – and truly reflected the values inherent in Jesuit education.” In 2003, St Paul’s High School honoured Dr Norrie with the Ignatian Challenge Award in recognition of his past work and accomplishments demonstrating the ideals of St Ignatius Loyola. Also that year, Dr Norrie and his family established the Duncan Norrie Memorial Scholarship at St Paul’s High School. This scholarship is awarded annually to a student that demonstrates good citizenship, is involved in school and community activities, and models exemplary personal growth during his high school years. “Our deepest sympathy and condolences are extended to the Norrie family at this time,” added Fr Fogarty SJ. “He will be very much missed by all of us at St Paul’s.”
“Bill was an active part of the St Paul’s community,” says Fr Alan Fogarty SJ, President of St Paul’s High School. ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012 23
FR HOLLAND’S CORNER 1963: JJ Sean Sweeney was awarded Life Membership by the Institute of Certified Management Consultants of Manitoba at their 25th anniversary celebration in November 2011. 1964: Danial Plamondon retired from the Military after 32 years of service and has moved to the Calgary area to be near family. He is also volunteering as a deacon at two different parish churches in Calgary. 1973: Tim Killeen was recently appointed as judge on Manitoba’s Provincial Court.
the Wharton School’s inaugural Barry and Marie Lipman Family Prize for their innovative, market-based water sanitation and hygiene projects. Mr Jacks also completed an Ironman Triathlon in South Africa on 22 April 2012. Vacationing in the Mountains of California; Chuck Barbee ’76, Steve Pataki ’77 and Tom Kormylo ’71
1977: Chris Pybus received a medal from the Admiral of the Royal Canadian Navy for his service in Haiti in 2004.
1976: Allan Peterkin recently published a picture book for children entitled The Flyaway Blanket. He has authored several books for children and the young-at-heart. His books may be found on the web at 1976: Daniel Woolf, Principal & Vice Chancellor of Queen’s University met with two other St Paul’s alumni at Oxford University in the UK, Michael Urban ’01, and Raed Joundi ’04. Both are studying on a Rhodes Scholarship.
Chris Pybus (center)
1978: Nine “lads” from the Class of ’78 and a coach met in June, 2012 at Falcon Lake for merriment and memories of St Paul’s.
2003: Jeffrey Graham graduated from medical school at the University of Manitoba in May 2012. 2004 – David Koroma and Christian Koroma ’10 assisted in organizing and promoting a NYESS Coalition (Newcomer Youth Educational Support Services) fundraiser in June 2012. 2007: Thomas Hall was selected as an Outstanding Student in the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Manitoba. At the ceremony each top student was able to select two influential teachers, one from university and one from grade or high school. Mr Hall chose Mr Larry Franz, Physics teacher from St Paul’s, as one of his outstanding teachers.
1977: Joe Carey is the Program Manager for Trade, Transportation and Industry at Red River College’s School of Continuing and Distance Education.
Left to right: Jim Ludlow ’78, Kevin Coughlin ’78, Kerry Knudsen ’78, Mark Chipman ’78, Michael Ballingall ’78, Glenn Joyal ’78, Anthony Rowan ’78, Derrick Sigmar ’78, Coach Dennis Meech ’62, Tony Ford ’78)
Sons and their Moms ‘06; Top Row: Marion Gosselin, Mary Carey, Maria Pataki. Front Row: Don Gosselin ’77, Joe Carey ’77, Steve Pataki ’77
1977: Don Gosselin retired from the Winnipeg Police Service last spring after serving more than 30 years on the force. 1977: Tom Kormylo was selected by his peers for inclusion in the Best Lawyers in Canada List for 2012. He was also singled out as one of Winnipeg’s “Lawyers of the Year” for 2012. Tom specializes in securities law.
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012
1989: Ryan Kruger joined Live Nation Entertainment as the Managing Director of Electronic Nation Canada in November, 2011. Live Nation Entertainment is the world’s leading live entertainment and eCommerce company. 2000: Craig White has decided to leave practicing law to pursue a career as an investment advisor at National Bank Financial, Wealth Management. He now works closely with both his brother and father at NBF. 1998: Cordell Jacks, WaSH Program Manager at iDE, Cambodia, received on behalf of iDE,
Thomas Hall (centre) with Larry Franz (second from the right)
Mr Hall thanked Mr Franz for giving him special attention when he first arrived at the school and for making Physics more meaningful. This is the second time Mr Franz has received this distinction. 2007: Adrien Guenette won the John C Kerr Chancellor’s Award for Design upon graduation from Emily Carr University of Art & Design in Vancouver BC. 2012: Quinn Horton helped Team Canada win the gold medal at the International Federation of American Football Under 19 World Championships in Austin, Texas in July 2012.
mARk YOUR cAleNdAR uPcoMING eVeNts SEPTEMBER 21–22 Alumni Basketball Tournament
MARCH 14–17 Dinner Theatre
22 Homecoming 2012
APRIL 25 Parent Guild Fashion Show
OCTOBER 18 Parent Guild Social
MAy 7 Ottawa Regional Chapter Meeting (Tentative)
NOVEMBER 6 19 Annual Ignatian Challenge Award Tribute Dinner Honouring Mr & Mrs Paul & Carol Hill th
DECEMBER 6–8 Drama Production
9 Toronto Regional Chapter Meeting (Tentative) 14 Meet & Greet Parent Evening
11 Advent Concert
15 Spring Band Concert
JANuARy 15 New Student Open House
21 Calgary Regional Chapter Meeting (Tentative)
17 Crusader Raffle Draw
23 Vancouver Regional Chapter Meeting (Tentative)
20 New Student Entrance Exam #1 FEBRuARy 2 New Student Entrance Exam #2
JuNE 6 Maroon and White Alumni Golf Tournament 7 ’63, ’73, ’83, ’88, ’98, ’03, ’08 Alumni Class Reunions
2012 crusaders football schedule AAA date Fri 7 Sept Thur 13 Sept homecoming Sat 22 Sept Fri 28 Sept Fri 5 Oct Fri 12 Oct Fri 19 Oct Q-final 25 or 26 Oct semi-final 1 or 2 Nov aNaVets bowl Fri 9 Nov
location Sisler High School @ 5pm Garden City Collegiate @ 5pm SPHS @ 3:15pm Vincent Massey (Wpg) @ 5pm East Side Eagles Field @ 4:30pm SPHS @ 6:45pm CanadInns Stadium @ 7pm TBA TBA CanadInns Stadium @ 7:30pm
opponent Sisler Spartans Garden City Gophers Dakota Lancers Vincent Massey Trojans Miles Mac Buckeyes Churchill Bulldogs Oak Park Raiders
SPHS @ 5pm Kelvin High School @ 5pm SPHS @ 1pm Portage Collegiate @ 5pm River East Collegiate @ 5pm SPHS @ 4:30pm SPHS @ 4:30pm TBA TBA CanadInns Stadium @ 5pm
Crocus Plains Plainsmen Kelvin Clippers Kildonan East Reivers Portage Trojans River East Kodiaks Grant Park Pirates Maples Marauders
TBA SPHS @ 5:00 p.m. SPHS @ 5:00 p.m. SPHS @ 5:00 p.m. SPHS @ 5:00 p.m. Sisler High School @ 5:00 p.m. SPHS @ 4:30 p.m. SPHS @ 4:30 p.m. TBA TBA CanadInns Stadium @ 5:00 p.m.
TBA Oak Park Raiders Churchill Bulldogs Vincent Massey (Wpg) Kelvin Clippers Sisler Spartans Grant Park Pirates Vincent Massey Trojans
AA Fri 7 Sept Fri 14 Sept homecoming Sat 22 Sept Thur 27 Sept Thur 4 Oct Fri 12 Oct Fri 19 Oct Q-final 25 or 26 Oct semi-final 1 or 2 Nov aNaVets bowl Fri 9 Nov
JUNIOR VARSITY exhibition Thur 30 Aug Wed 5 Sept Wed 12 Sept Tue 18 Sept Wed 26 Sept Wed 3 Oct Wed 10 Oct Wed 17 Oct Q-final Wed 24 Oct semi-final Wed 31 Oct home run sports bowl Thur 8 Nov
ST PAUL’s high school | fall 2012 25
HOMECOMING 2012 SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 22 Food Vendors Entertainment Crusader Football Games
Beer Gardens Children’s Play Area
Admission is free. No registration is required. Everyone is welcome For more information please contact St Paul’s Advancement Office at (204) 831-2332 or
STAY CONNECTED TO ST PAUL’S Follow St Paul’s news and event information via Join your past classmates for conversation, tasty food, cold drinks
and good times on “Alumni Thursdays” at Mona Lisa Ristorante Italiano at 1697 Corydon Avenue on the last Thursday of each
month from 5 - 6pm. This informal gathering of alumni is an excellent opportunity to catch-up with old friends, make new ones and stay connected to St Paul’s.
St Paul’s branded apparel by Under Armour, American Apparel and Russell Athletics Shop online at
Return undeliverable addresses to: St Paul’s High School 2200 Grant Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 0P8
Canadian Publication Agreement #40063737
If you no longer wish to receive this magazine or if you are a parent and your son has a new address, please let us know by contacting Mr. John Yunyk at (204) 831-2327 or email