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Invest in High Quality Furnishings For Long Term Enjoyment
Most high-end modern and contemporary home furnishings are sourced from Europe, and like most industries they experienced a shutdown during the pandemic. Annual shows highlighting new designs were cancelled in Milan, London and New York. This created longer than normal turnaround times, but handcrafted production has resumed and timelines are getting back on track.
These manufacturers limit their retail distribution in the states, and Michael Bush, owner of Home Resource in Sarasota, is an exclusive brand ambassador for many of them on Florida’s West Coast. “Cassina and Poltrona Frau are classic Italian designer brands,” he says. Cassina started as a family owned business known for product design and Poltrona Frau, which has been in business for over 100 years, is renowned for their leather hand craftsmanship.
Quality and timeless design are the core value of the high end brands that Home Resource represents. Visiting the Poltrona Frau factory last year, Bush remembers a plaque in the entry that read Intelligence in Our Hands. “This was a testament to the skill and talent of the people working there and the realization that this furniture is of long-lasting quality,” he remarked.
Whether you love a particular line of home furnishings or a certain look, Bush emphasizes the importance of design services, which they off er. “Our distinction is in space planning,” he said. “It’s our nature. We ask the right questions and work with you to identify furniture that fi ts your lifestyle, your design aesthetics and your budget. There are so many furniture options in the world and people need to work with skilled professionals to successfully navigate this process.”
Bush’s top two pieces of advice for those shopping for new furnishings: “First, do your research. Look at magazines and find what appeals to you. Once you understand your design sense, we can steer. Next on the list: Walk through our showroom and see what is comfortable to you. Sit in it.
“Understanding your comfort requirements can help us lead you in the right direction.”