1 minute read
by Dr. Patsy Warmack, President
The mission of the Passport Club is to share travel experiences, plans, and bucket lists for travel domestic or international; by land, sea or air; self-drive or sit back and let others do the work.
March 2nd: Larry and Joy Wissing, Lewis and Clark Trail – Undaunted Courage. Share the 47day tour with the Wissing’s and about twenty other RV’ers along the historic trail. The original Lewis and Clark round trip pushed, pulled and portaged boats and canoes up against and sometimes down the Mighty (muddy) Missouri river. 30 members, embarked on May 14, 1804; the expedition crossed the Continental Divide of the Americas near the Lemhi Pass, eventually coming to the Columbia River, and the Pacific Ocean in 1805. The return voyage began on March 23, 1806 and ended on September 23, 1806. Only one member of the original expedition died of appendicitis early on in the trip; all 29 members returned to their homes after the grueling 2-year trek. How did the Wissing’s do? Attend the March 2nd presentation to find out!
April 6, 2023: Dr. John Lenhart, When Putin was a Friend of St. Petersburg College -- Dr. John Lenhart will share experiences as part of an educational exchange delegation in 2003 commemorating the centennial of St. Petersburg, Florida with St. Petersburg, Russia. The delegation had access to places that tourists do not normally see. Enjoy this fascinating insight into the relationship during Putin’s early years as president of the Russian Federation.
•Meet-ups: 1st Thursday of the month - Downtown Club
•Social time at 5:00 pm; Presentation at 5:30 pm
•Reservations Required: www.spyc.org or (727) 892-6882
$10++/pp - Includes presentation and a plated snack Bar service is available
by Susan Cooper