1 minute read
from Peterite 2019-2020
by StPetersYork

Matt Mikola (2004)
Charlotte Anderson (2009) Careers The Careers and Higher Education Department offers help and guidance to pupils who are considering their next steps after St Peter’s. This might include higher education, employment, apprenticeship schemes or gap years. This year the Careers Department moved to a new location, which has significantly increased the number of pupils visiting and making appointments. We were also delighted to win the Highly Commended Award in the Outstanding Contribution to Apprenticeships category at the Rate My Apprenticeship Awards.
Futures Fair Our 2020 Futures Fair was a huge success, with more than 50 exhibitors from a range of backgrounds and 500 pupils and parents attending from St Peter’s and schools across York. We are so grateful for all the Old Peterites, universities, companies and professionals who join us each year and who make it such a worth-while event for our pupils. As a school, we believe it is important to help pupils make informed choices about the future, and choose the path which is right for them. Starting the process of investigating careers and education pathways early is the key to making choices which set our pupils up for success. Our Futures Fair is part of a wider careers programme which helps all pupils to learn about the world beyond school and make those all-important decisions with confidence. We hope that by the time our pupils reach the end of the Sixth Form, they have not only learnt the necessary skills for the workplace but they have also had many opportunities which al-low for ‘lightbulb moments’ - experiences that open their eyes to a world of possibilities. Our Futures Fair is a brilliant opportunity for this to happen, and always inspires, excites and engages our pupils about their future.