No. l.8.
SCHOOL LETTER. HRISTMAS is now drawing near, and we may look back on a term not altogether unsuccessful from the point of view of football. It is true we have lost our most important matches, the two Durham matches and that with Giggleswick, but we have succeeded in beating Leeds, and were unlucky in losing to Headingley. We gave a strong team of Hull and East Riding a splendid game, though we had several absentees. Our great weakness, however, has consisted in the fact that we have been unable to get all our representatives into the field. Our two heaviest forwards, Sale and Pulleyn, have been absent from nearly every match, while there have been other absentees. We are glad to see several Old Peterites distinguishing themselves in the football world, and we especially congratulate T. J. Black on his Cumberland Cap. Further, we congratulate R. Baldwin on his Hastings exhibition at Queen's College, Oxford. It is noticeable that this is the third year in succession that the school has won this distinction. The new Fives' Court has been completed, and is now in active use. The Musical Society is flourishing, we have had three concerts this term, for assistance at which we owe many thanks to Miss Bigge, Miss Knocker, Rev. R. 0. Hutchinson, and many others. Finally, we would wish our readers all the compliments of the season, and make the prospect of the approaching festivities an excuse for the smallness of this number.
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RESIGNATION OF MR. WHYTEHEAD. After many years of hard work for the school, Mr. T. B. Whytehead has found it necessary in consequence of increasing work at the Chapter, to resign his post as Clerk to the Governors. We venture to tender him the school's thanks for what he has done for it at a crucial time in its history, and to hope that the severance of his official connection will not diminish the keen interest he has always taken in St. Peter's. Alike at prize-givings and at Old Boys' dinners, his figure has been a familiar one, and the latter gatherings have never failed to be enlivened by his fund of cheery anecdotes. It is a source of satisfaction that in a post so important to the welfare of the school, an Old Peterite has been succeeded, in the person of Mr. E. Ralph Dodsworth, by an Old Peterite.
MUSICAL SOCIETY. This Society is now half-way through its third season. The long interval between March and September always brings many changes. We have lost W. H. Crosthwaite and T. C. Newton as regular members, though we still hope to see them (as indeed all musical 0.P.'s) as visitors. We heartily congratulate the latter on taking his place in the Choir of Queen's College, Oxford, no easy achievement ; and hope the experience thus gained will enable him to use to full advantage a naturally fine voice. Our two tenors, Baldwin and Sale, are still with us ; but from the altos are gone Phillips, Schroeder, and Verini, who for two years was the mainstay of the part. Their places have been taken by Windle, Clegg, and Laughton, singers of voice, and what is more important, intelligence. Among the soloists of last year, Greenhow is therefore left alone ; and he will probably have sung his last this term. He has done excellent service. He has been supported by a number of recruits of considerable promise, from whom soloists should shortly emerge. They are much needed, as is also a pianist to undertake
accompaniments. The Violinists, however, headed by M. W. Peters and J. B. Groves, are an increasing body and already form the nucleus of an orchestra. So much for the resources of our Society. Looking now to the past term, we note two novelties ; the assistance of friends outside the school, and the issue of a small card of engagements (Concerts and Lectures,) which has done much to increase the number of the audience. Informal Concerts were held on Saturday, Oct. 1 1 th, Nov. 1st, and Nov. 22nd. At the first of these, Mr. Hutchinson gave two perfectly admirable (and let us add, unhackneyed) readings from Dickens ; at the second, we had the pleasure of hearing Miss C. Bigge ; and at the third, Miss Knocker. We consider ourselves very fortunate to have had with us performers so able and so well-known in York. How much their kindness and their skill was appreciated was shown by the spontaneous heartiness of the demand for encores ; and we must now add a more formal tribute of thanks. Of our own performances this term, little need be said in detail. Peters ii. has sung two songs, in the second of which he was unexpectedly nervous, and did himself scant justice ; for other treble soloists, we are still waiting. Sale has sung once or twice, and sung well ; he has a voice much above the average, both for tone and power, and he has made perceptible progress in two vital points, clearness and dramatic feeling. Baldwin, too, possesses an unusually good voice, but must boldly face the great foe, nervousness, which robs so many, artists and audiences, of their rights. The choir, from whatever cause, has not done quite so well. There is as yet too little independence about it, due doubtless to the lack of leaders. As a result, we have been unable to produce any part songs at the musical evenings, and thus approach the coming concert with so much the less experience. A word is needful on the subject of the downfall of Nov. 22nd. Soloists may be pardoned for losing nerve or pitch, after taking part in such a game as was played that afternoon—the best contested in our experience—but does this excuse avail the rank and file ? It is to
be hoped that the error of sitting dispersedly will not be repeated in the future. We cannot invite friends to listen to anything not done with heart and soul. It is not to be expected, considering the many occupations of school life, that our performances should always show fine finish ; but we ought always to guarantee their vigour. A. short paragraph before closing, on the aim of these informal concerts, which is to educate, in a measure, as well as to entertain. For this purpose, special stress is laid on Ballad music and Folk Songs ; which were made (as the late John Farmer expressed it) not in the study, but in the life of the people. Hence it comes about, that they are often dramatic and poetical to a degree seldom found in songs of a conventional type ; and require for their performance the power to conceive for oneself, and to represent for others ; in short, the dramatic sense. Again, the situation of a soloist, one before many, repeatedly occupied, should lead to freedom from nervousness ; the value of which is a point which need not be laboured. In these two ways, the Musical Society has an Educational work to do.
IN MEMORIAM, J. F. Ah! the stillness, deadly stillness Heavy beats the heart for pain ; Moulder of the manly music, Will lie come to us again ? Will he lead the chanted chorus As he led in days of yore ? Maker of the songs of boyhood, Lying silent evermore. Can it be the Master slumbers ? Ours the dream is, brothers, say ; Morn will bring us back his numbers, Sweeter far than yesterday. Phosphor fadeth 'mid the morning ; Hesper waxeth in the eve ; But, to ancient haunts returning, Still he comes not ; still we grieve.
Come, oh come ! We miss your measures ; Youthful joys are flowing free ; Youth hath half a hundred pleasures Yet unknown to melody. Come again then, mighty Master, Turn the flying hours to song ; Come ! -but ah, he will not answer ; Death and Gloom are wondrous strong. Take a solemn harp and sweep it, Brothers, with his songs again ; Songs of " Songs," and songs of " Heroes," Hark the upward-mounting strain ! Sure his spirit, back returning Leads us as it led of yore ; In the heart of boyhood burning Lives the Master evermore. FOOTBALL. ST. PETER'S
Played on the York ground in stormy weather. York lost the toss, and Yeld kicked off against wind and rain. Dodds muffled the catch and a scrimmage was formed in the Durham half. Their forwards, however, came away with the ball, and were only brought up in the York twenty-five. Here play remained for some little time, all the attention of the York backs being concentrated on stopping the excellent passing of the opposition. The latter eventually triumphed, and Neilson raced over twice in quick succession, neither being converted by Nelson. Play still remained on the York line, and Trevor got over from a scrum, but lost the hall. Directly afterwards he broke away from a line-out, and transferring to Neilson, enabled the latter to score his third try between the posts, which he himself converted. York now began to have more of the play and took the ball well up the field, where Walker was called upon for the first time. Nothing more of interest occurred, and half-time came with play in the York half. Half-time :—Durliam School 11 points (1 goal, 2 tries), St. Peter's nil.
The wind now completely dropped, and Durham invested the York line from the kick-off. The York backs kept them out successfully till Morgan, receiving from Sivewright, ran brilliantly and scored a fine try, the kick at goal failing. Subsequently Jackson sprinted round on the wing and scored in a good position. The York forwards relieved the pressure, but Jackson picking the ball from the ground at top speed, scored a remarkably fine try, repeating the performance a moment later, from an unselfish pass from Richardson. Time found Durham still pressing with the score :—Durham School, 1 goal 6 tries, 23 points, St. Peter's, nil. The York forwards held their own against a much heavier pack, but the backs were completely outclassed by the opposition. The following represented the School :—M. W. Richards ; M. H. T. Roy, L. M. Cadle, G. A. Fisher, S. Crowther ; P. H. Yeld, A. R. St. George ; J. E. Farrar, E. E. Yeld, A. E. Clark, G. Newton, K. Nelson, R. Baldwin, M. Browne, and R. Todd. ST. PETER'S V. RIPON G.S. At Ripon. The School kicked off, and immediately began to press, and to form a scrum on their line, Farrow scored, but E. Yeld just failed to convert. Fisher then made a good run and Cadle followed it up with a dribble, but Ripon rushed the ball back to the home twenty-five. A free-kick to York brought relief, and a long run by Roy enabled Clark to score, E. Yeld again failing at goal. Soon after P. Yeld scored from a scrum on their line, and Cadle missed the shot at goal. After loose play in the visitors' twenty-five, the same player scored again, Richards made a good attempt at goal. Half-time score :—St. Peter's School, 4 tries (12 points), Ripon nil. The School now had the wind, and Cadle taking advantage of it found touch far up in our opponents' territory, P. Yeld scored a minute after, and his brother converted. Then Fisher scored twice in quick succession, and E. Yeld and Cadle kicked goals. Despite good passing by Roy and Crowther, Ripon pressed, but Fisher relieved, and Clark dribbled the ball back to their half. From a loose forward rush Ripon carried the ball to the York line, where they scored after some scrambling play. The place kick was a
failure. Roy then scored for the School after a long run, but Richards failed to convert. Immediately after Browne scored far out, and Roy landed an excellent goal. Newton then almost scored after a good dribble and run, and Richards slipped when well away, Cadle then almost scored after a good run. Roy scored two more tries, one of which E. Yeld converted. E. Yeld then nearly dropped a good goal from a free-kick. Score :—St. Peter's School, 5 goals, 6 tries (43 points), Ripon G.S., 3 points. Team:—M. W. Richards, full back; M. II. T. Roy, T. M. Cadle, G. A. Fisher, and S. Crowther, three-quarter backs ; P. H. Yeld and A. R. St. George, half- backs ; J. E. Farrow, E. E. Yeld, A. E. Clark, G. Newton, K. Nelson, R. Baldwin, M. Browne and R. C. Todd, forwards.
ST. PETER'S 7'. MERCHANT TAYLORS'. In this match at Liverpool, the School, who were without Fisher and Sale, met with a severe defeat. The game was uninteresting, play, especially on the York side, being very scratchy. Indeed, the School team seem to have been far below their ordinary form, Newton was the only exception. Early in the game Bransire scored, and Roberts converted, and not long after Gasteen scored, but Grensted failed to improve. The School managed to prevent any further scoring, and half-time came with the score :—Merchant Taylors', 8 points, St. Peter's, nil. On the resumption, Armstrong scored, and Roberts converted. Soon after Bark scored, but Roberts failed. Pulleyn then had his collar bone injured in effecting a fine tackle, and had to retire. After this, Armstrong, who throughout was conspicuous for the winners, added two more tries, one of which Bark converted, and at the call of time the score read :—Merchant Taylors', 3 goals, 3 tries (24 points), St. Peter's School, nil. The following represented the School :—K. Nelson ; M. H. T. Roy, L. M. Cadle, M. W. Richards, S. Crowther ; P. H. Yeld, A. R. St. George ; J. E. Farrow, E. E. Yeld, A. E. Clark, G. Newton, R. Baldwin, M. Browne, J. Pulleyn and R. Todd.
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Played on the School ground on November 8th. Roy won the toss and Headingley kicked off against the wind. The ball went into touch in our " 25," and after this the School took the play to the centre where a series of scrums took place. From a free kick E. Yeld found touch near the goal line ; the school pressed and Headingley were compelled to touch down. From the drop-out play settled down by the halfway flag, and a strong rush by the opposing forwards was stopped by Mr. Green. Headingley still continued to press and forced the, play to our " 25," but were repelled by the defence of Fisher and Mr. Green. Then the school three-quarters got going, the ball passing along the line to Roy, who, however, was collared before getting dangerous. Headingley by smart passing of their backs gained a lot of ground, but being penalised were driven back. Headingley again pressed strongly but the school backs tackled well. The school forwards now woke up and wheeling the scrum rushed the ball to Headingley " 25." Fisher picked up and found touch near the goal line. The school kept up a repeated attack on their line and Mr. Green and Clark nearly scored. Headingley backs relieved by good kicking and their forwards rushed the ball into our " 25 " Here, after a series of scrums, neat combination by their backs resulted in a try the kick at goal failed. E. Yeld dropped out, and the school went off with a splendid burst, being almost continuously in the Headingley " 25 " till half time. Mr. Green nearly scored, but was pulled down close to the line ; the same fate overtook P. Yeld who had received a pass from Roy. The Headingley defence, however, was impenetrable. Mr. Wilkinson now put in a good dribble, which brought him nearly to the line. Several serums now ensued, and a free kick was given against our opponents for off-side. It was of no avail, however, and Crowther relieved from an ugly Headingley rush by a timely kick into touch. The whistle then blew, and the score at half-time stood : Headingley, 3 points ; St. Peter's School, nil. ;
E. Yeld restarted for the school, who immediately assumed the aggressive, Farrow and Mr. Wilkinson being prominent. We
were fairly holding our own in the scrums but the halves were very slow in getting the ball out, and thus many opportunities were lost. Roy obtained possession of the ball and would have scored, but was recalled by the referee, a forward pass having been given. The play was now rather of a give and take order, Fisher making several good saves and Cadle running well. G. Newton obtained from a line-out, and play was transferred to the Headingley " 25." P. Yeld saved well, as did Fisher, who a little later made a good run. The last ten minutes were occupied mostly in scrums and in rushes on our part. We were still attacking when the whistle blew. Score :—Headingley, 3 points ; St. Peter's School, nil. The result of the match was disappointing as the school had decidedly the best of the game. We were, however, deficient in scoring power. This was partly owing to the halves, who did not feed their three-quarters as they ought to have done. The following represented the School :—K. Nelson ; M. II. T. Roy, L. M. Cadle, G. A. Fisher, S. Crowther ; P. H. Yeld, A. R. St. George ; J. E. Farrow, E. E. Yeld, A. E. Clark, G. Newton, R. Baldwin, M. Browne, E. C. J. Green, Esq., G. J. Wilkinson, Esq. ST. PETER'S V. WAKEFIELD G.S.
At York, November 12th. E. Yeld kicked off for the School, and the game at once settled down in the Wakefield " twenty-five." Good passing by the visitors soon enabled them to press, but Fisher relieved by a punt into touch. The York forwards dribbled back to the visitors' line, where Roy followed up a drop at goal by Richards, scored an easy try, E. Yeld failed to negotiate. St. George was next conspicuous with a good run, but failed to pass, losing a good opening, Clark, however, quickly made amends by dashing over and scoring, no goal. The School continued to press, Wakefield relieving by forward rushes, all of which Richards managed to stop, although Crowther nearly got over, half-time came with St. Peter's leading by six points. In the second half the passing by the York backs, which had previously been very wild and ineffective, improved considerably, Roy made a good run, and shortly after Fisher broke through and scored, E. Yeld again failing to improve. After scrummaging in
the visitors' " twenty-five," Clark increased our lead by an unconverted try. Wakefield then removed play to the centre, but Fisher saved well, and a good dribble by Farrow enabled us to resume the attack and Richards scored, the kick at goal again failing. Shortly after, Cadle scored with a dodgy run, and himself converted. The whistle then went, leaving us victors by 1 goal, 5 tries (20 points) to nil, a much smaller score than should have been the case. For the losers, their captain played an excellent game at half-back. Team : —M. W. Richards, back ; M. H. T. Roy, L. M. Cadle, G. A. Fisher and S. Crowther, three-quarter backs ; P. H. Yeld and A. R. St George, half-backs ; J. E. Farrow, E. E. Yeld, A. E. Clark, G. Newton, R. Baldwin, K. Nelson, M. Browne and R. C. Todd, forwards. ST. PETER'S V. HULL AND EAST RIDING.
We won the toss and Hull kicked off. Play in the York " .25 " ensued and the school were forced to concede a minor. E. Yeld dropped out and the home forwards worked the ball steadily to the half-way where they contrived to keep it for some time, until smart passing by the visitors' backs removed play to our line where P. Yeld saved grandly from a forward rush, preventing a certain score. Hull attacked again but Roy relieved with a kick. Then a Hull half broke through and made an opening for Stevenson who ran over ; the kick failed. Almost immediately after Hull scored again, and a goal was kicked. Stevenson then ran over, but was pushed into touch-in-goal. Then we had more of the play, but despite a good save by P. Yeld, Hull scored a third try before the interval. Half-time :—Hull, 11 points, St. Peter's School, nil. The second half opened well, Crowther made a good tackle and kick, and a splendid dribble by the School forwards enabled the School to press, but no score ensued. A Hull player relieved with a long kick, and soon after we were penalised, Pearce just failing to drop a goal. Cadle then saved well, but B. S. Massey scored from a line-out, and kicked a goal. The School again pressed, but Stevenson, running from his own " 25," scored an unconverted try.
Roy was next conspicuous with a neat save and kick. Fisher then scored for Hull, and a hard game ended with the score :—Hull and East Riding 2 goals, 4 tries (22 points), St Peter's School, nil. The York forwards played a splendid game against opponents who averaged more than two stones heavier. Their play in the loose was excellent, and they frequently got the ball in the scrums. Perhaps the pick were Mr. Wilkinson, Mr. Green, Farrow, Nelson, and Baldwin. At half Yeld was in his element, and played a grand saving game. The three-quarters played well, though weakened by the withdrawal of Cadle from it. Roy and Crowther kicked well, and Fisher tackled very well all through. Cadle, who played back in Richards' place, kicked beautifully, and saved and tackled well. Of the Hull team, who were without W. Cobby, H. Dadson, forward, and Fisher, at three-quarter, were the best. On the whole, the School all round played their best game of the season. Team :—L. M. Cadle, back ; S. Crowther, G. A. Fisher, M. H. T. Roy, and H. R. Verini, three-quarter backs ; P. H. Yeld and A. R. St. George, half-backs; J. E. Farrow, E. E. Yeld, G. S. Clark, G. Newton, R. Nelson, R. Baldwin, E. C. J. Green, Esq., and G. T. Wilkinson, Esq., forwards. ST. PETER'S
Played at Giggleswick. The ground was on the soft side, and this militated against very fast play outside the scrimmage. York kicked off, and the return being mulled at half-way several scrums took place there till the Giggleswick backs,kicking judiciously with the wind, transferred play to the York line. Here several attempts were made by Floyd and Illingworth to open out the game, but the York backs spoilt well. After some pressure the ball went out to Aitken who ran in unmarked ; the kick failed. On the restart the Giggleswick forwards rushed the ball down to the line and eventually one of them scored in some loose play. A good attempt was made to convert. York now began to have rather more of the play but the Giggleswick forwards, combined with the wind, were
too strong to cope with, and Hacking scored after some good passing among the forwards. Crowther, Fisher, and Cadle were here conspicuous for good kicking Play was in the York quarter for the remainder of the first half, but no further score was registered. Half-time : —Giggleswick, 3 tries (9 points) ; St. Peter's School, nil. On the resumption York went down with a bang and confined play to the Giggleswick half. Weight told however and their forwards again came to the rescue, only being brought up on the York line by the smart play of Richards. Their half-backs kept giving the ball to their three-quarters, but the York defence prevailed, being exceptionally good hereabouts. Roy was next to the fore with two fine kicks, and Yeld i. seconding his efforts a moment later. The York efforts were fruitless however, as the ball was passed smartly out to Frank on the wing, and he, running round ; scored in the corner ; the kick again failed. Later Cadle kicked down the field, the full back making a bad return to Farrow, the latter found touch. Clark and Newton were next conspicuous in a good dribble, which the opposing full-back nullified by a good kick. A brilliant bout of passing ensued and Frank scored a fine try which was converted, time coming immediately after the kick. Score :—Giggleswick, 1 goal, 4 tries (17 points); St. Peter's, nil. Full back, M. W. Richards ; three-quarters, M. Roy, L. Cadle, G. A. Fisher, S. Crowther ; halves, P. H. Yeld, A. R. St. George ; forwards, J. Farrow, E. E. Yeld, A Clark, G. Newton, R. Baldwin, M. Browne, K. Nelson, R Todd. The York backs played their best game of the season, and repeatedly checked the efforts or the opposing forwards. The forwards were pitted against a heavier pack, and hardly played up to their usual form. The Giggleswick forwards played a good hard game, and were always on the ball ; Frank, their wing three-quarter, was possessed of exceptional pace.
Baldwin, Sale, Pulleyn and Crowther, were away from the York side. The weather was very wet, and the ball was consequently very difficult to handle. From the kick-off, Durham took up a strong position in the York " 25." Several bouts of passing were tried, and eventually Jackson ran in, Leeson failing at goal. On the resumption, York were penalised for off-side in front of goal ; Richardson failed to score with his drop. After some pressure Morgan scored a clever try between the posts, Neilson converting. A short burst by York relieved their line, till Trevor securing from a scrimmage made a good opening and enabled Sivewright to score close in. Neilson failed with the kick. York now broke away. with some good rushes, which however lacked finish. The Durham forwards however soon took the ball back, and only the good " spotting " of the York three-quarters prevented further scoring. Half-time came with play in the York half. Score : Durham, 11. points (1 goal and 2 tries), St. Peters, nil. The York forwards started the second half in good style, and play remained in the Durham " 26." A brilliant piece of passing by the Durham three-quarters, initiated by Trevor enabled Jackson to score his second try far out. Leeson making a good attempt at goal. York were by no means done with, for they kept rushing the ball down the field only to see it brought back by the smart play of the opposing backs. Cadle however, broke away with an intercepted pass, but was tackled by the full-back. Nelson, a moment later charged down the latter's kick, and the Durham line was in danger for a short time. Towards the end of the game Durham instituted a close attack, which lasted till the whistle blew for time. Sivewright got away and on being tackled threw wide to Richardson, who enabled Jackson to register his third try close in. Neilson however failed to convert. A penalty against Durham relieved the pressure, but time came, with still in the York " 25." Final score : Durham, 17 points (1 goal, 4 tries), St. Peter's, nil. P. H. Yeld's saving at half-back was of great use in stopping their rushes. Fisher was also noticeable in this respect.
The School tackling was weak with the exception of Cadle and Roy. St. George did not mark his man enough, and must learn to save and tackle. Farrow, Clark, Nelson and Browne were the pick of the forwards. Richards at full-back, was distinctly below his usual form and showed a decided disposition to fly-hack. The passing of the Durham backs was brilliant in the extreme, considering the wet state of the ball. Their forwards controlled the ball in the scrums, and played a hard bustling game.
A BALLADE. Dank was the cell wherein lay bound The valorous knight, Sir Ruddigore, And loathly seemed the gloom profound Which King Vervain had bade surround His enemy for evermore. But while depression's carking sore Was festering in his furrowed mind, And surging up unto its core, With wild tumult of metaphor And similes incarnadined. While thus the joyless joyfulness Of oxymoron reigned supreme, There came from Fortune a caress, Like as the wanton water-cress Sheds kisses on the darkling stream. For sudden were the gates back flung, And straight appeared a vision bright, A maid with robes that to her clung, Girdled with snakes of forked tongue, Of wondrous form—Pre-Raphaelite. Compassion in her greeny eyes, Flaming illumed her red-gold hair, Her billowing bosom heaved with sighs, Her mystic, lanken, Burne-Jones guise, Gramercy ! was beyond compare.
Quoth she apace, " My caitiff sire Bath cribbed thee in this donjon grim, Yet I have braved his baleful ire To solace thy discomfort dire," She spake, her orbs with tear drops dim. Then winged her mediaeval flight From that rank region, dark and drab, Now sorrowed not the doleful knight, For—potent charm and eke delight, To one embroiled in parlous plight— There lay, Gadzooks, an Ogden's Tab ! M.E
LIBRARY. The following additions have lately been made to the Library : 303 Double barrelled Detective Story .. Mark Twain G. Wells 304 The Time Machine ..... A. Conan Doyle 305 Rodney Stone 306 Exploits of Brigadier Gerard 307 A Study in Scarlet Rudyard Kipling 308 Just So Stories H. G. Wells 309 Wonderful Visit. Bram Stoker 310 Mystery of the Sea R. L. Stevenson 311 The Ebb-Tide G MI Fenn 312 Running Amok Ian ilfaclaren 313 Young Barbarians F T Jane 314 Violet Flame L Merrick 315 The Worldlings Owen Rhoscomyl 316 The Shrouded Face T H. S. Escott 317 Trip to Paradoxia Rolf Boldrewood 318 Romance of Canvastown R Burton 319 Seafarers Morley Roberts 320 Plunderers Rider Haggard 321 Lysbeth J. S. Fletcher 322 Morrison's Machine 323 Mr. Horrocks, Purser ...... C. J. Cutcliffe llyne Maurice Hewlett 324 New Canterbury Tales Morley _Roberts 325 A Son of Empire 326 Parson Kelly .... A. E. W Mason and A. Lang Lytton 327 Harold 328 Last of the Barons F Stockton 329 Pomona's Travels F An8tey 330 Vice Versa 331 Talking Horse 332 Lyre and Lancet
Would it not be better if Dinner Committees in general, and that of the Old Peterite Club in particular, were, in fixing the dates of these gatherings, to take into consideration the consciences of their weaker brethren, whose knowledge of the early pages of their Prayer Book makes them adverse to the holding of such functions on a Friday. ONE SUCH.
To the Editors of the Peterite.
[The day was first fixed for Thursday, but a combination of circumstances, too long to explain, finally excluded the possibility of any day but Friday this year.] NOTES AND ITEMS.
Mr. E. Ralph Dodsworth (0.P.) has been apointed Clerk to the Governors in succession to Mr. T. B. Whytehead (O.P.), resigned. Col P. Palmes (0 P.) has been made a C.B. Major F. H. Eadon (O.P.) is appointed to be second in command of the 21st Lancers. Lieut.Col. A. J. Montgomery (0.P.) having completed five years of service, is placed on half pay. In the list of distinguished Bacteriologists invited to meet the new Director of the Bacteriological Laboratories of the Gordon Memorial College at Khartoum at dinner on December 8th, we observe the name of Dr. W. Dawson (0.P.) Edwin Gray (0.P.) has been elected Lord Mayor of York for the second time. F. Shaun (O.P.) has been appointed Sheriff of York. R. P. Dale (0.P.) has been appointed Town Clerk of York. C. N. Hatfield has passed the First Theological Examination at Duitham R. Baldwin has been elected to a Hastings Exhibition at Queen's College, Oxford. We sympathise with J. M. Draper (0.P.), who has been prevented by a damaged ankle from playing football, especially as we
hear he had been displaying great form for Queens' College, Cambridge. T. C. Newton (0.P.) stroked the winning four in the Queen's College, Oxford Trials. C. N. Hatfield (0.P.) stroked the winning four in the Durham University Trials. N. L. Hood (O.P.) and E. S. Jones (O.P.) have been playing for Yorkshire at hockey. W. A. Rose played in the Yorkshire Hockey Trials. The following have received their First XV. colours :—after the first Durham match, A. E. Clark and G. Newton after the Hull and East Riding match, L. M. Cadle after the second Durham match, K. Nelson before the Old Boys' match, R. Baldwin, M. Browne, S. Crowther, R. C. Todd and ;
A. R. St. George. Second XV. colours have been given to :—R. H. Verini, B. II. Pickering, E. A. Clarkson, W. Armstrong, R. H. Colley and W. E. Eardley. Three lectures have been given in the School Hall this term. On Saturday, November- 1st, Mr. Platnauer treated us to an interesting lecture on the Evil Eye," which was much appreciated. On Saturday, November 15th, Dr. T.- Anderson (O.P.) was to have lectured on " Mt. Soufriere," but was unfortunately prevented from doing so. In his stead Mr. C. E. Elmhirst lectured on " Migrations of Birds." On Saturday, December 6th, Col. Greene gave us a most interesting lecture on " Egypt," illustrated by several very good lantern slides. We congratulate T. J. Black (0.P.) on his Cumberland Cap. He represented his county at full-back against Cheshire and Lancashire. Also T. E. Pulleyn (O.P.) on playing for Victoria University against Lancashire and Yorkshire. To the names of O.P.'s mentioned in the last number as playing football, we append the following :—C. P. Scott, for King's College, Cambridge ; W. H. Crosthwaite, for Selwyn College,
Cambridge ; R. Teasdale, for Worcester College, Oxford ; E. D. Teasdale, for Queen's College, Oxford ; T. C Newton, for Queen's College, Oxford ; C. S. Smith has played for Durham University ; R. F. Russell, for Richmond F.C. ; and H. R. Tomlinson, for Northampton F.C. E. E. Deane, LL.D., London (0.P.), Official Receiver for the Halifax and Dewsbury District, has been appointed Receiver for the Huddersfield District. The Editors wish to know if any O.P. can send numbers 141 and
152, which are missing from the copies required for the next bound volume of the Peterite.
(Old Peterite), Indian Medical Service, Died November 3rd, 1902, Aged 48 years.
(Old Peterite), Died at Croydon, December 4th,
Aged 46 years. E. Mawdesley was educated at St. Peter's School, and went to Trinity College, Cambridge. He was elected Town Clerk of Dewsbury, and later of Croydon.
CONTEMPORARIES. The Editors beg to acknowledge with thanks the receipt of the Dunelmion, liasonion, Lily, following Contemporaries : Coventry Magazine, Malvernian, Dens/onion, ,S'edberghian, Wycombe Abbey Gazelle, Bromsgrovian, Uppinghamiam, Savilian, Cuthberlian, Pocklinglonian, N.E. C. S. Magazine.