The Peterite 2009-2010

Page 17

Sally Gray Sally joined St Peter's from King Edward VI Girls' High School, Birmingham five years ago, moving to York with her husband and young daughter. At once she made her presence felt in her new school and her love of learning was immediately effective in the classroom.



invigorating of mind and



pupils quickly came to enjoy her lessons for the style with which she taught, for the variety



employed and for the enthusiasm


classes and with working in a busy and demanding school and department. It is rather odd to think that Ben was only with us for three years as he had such an impact in the school as a whole. Ben contributed widely to life in the school, be it Duke of Edinburgh, Mountain Biking, Running, Debating, Assistant in School House (and the list goes on.) Personally, I feel he had the biggest impact in the classroom where he taught with great skill, knowledge and enthusiasm. I am sure that all who have been taught by Mr Wall would agree that he was an inspirational, charismatic teacher who always had time for each student and who gave his best in everything he did. Some may go slightly further... In fact, he was certainly a popular member of staff with a number of our female students. It is certainly common knowledge (as she announced it in chapel) that Mr Wall has 'the voice of an angel' and I once had the pleasure of overhearing a group of fifth year girls gushing wistfully 'I wish Mr Wall would read me poetry'! Thus, there is a Mr Wall shaped hole left in the hearts of many!

which she conveyed her subject matter. Of "S.--"-.''' course, the


I feel truly grateful to have worked alongside Ben and to have got to know him over the last few years; he is a super young man

biscuit breaks were warmly welcomed, especially in the dark and

(I must be old if I feel ok calling him a young man!) who has

gloomy months of winter timetable; but it was Sally's passion for

brought a great deal of humour and enthusiasm into the depart-

her subject that drew the pupils to her. They were lucky to be

ment, and has been able to inspire both colleagues and pupils

taught by someone of Sally's calibre, they knew it themselves and

alike. He will certainly be missed. We wish him all the very best in

were grateful for the opportunities she gave them.

his new role and thank him for the past three years.

Within the department Sally's presence brought an air of pos-

E. Mallard

itive energy and generosity of spirit. Among the staff she rapidly established firm friendships and voluntarily undertook the essential task of helping to proof-read the Peterite. For five years Sally has been supportive with her time, advice and resources. She has been a superb friend and colleague, great company on trips and

Claire Fletcher

will be sorely missed. She leaves to teach at the school where her

Claire joined the

daughter, Flora, will be joining as a pupil. We wish Sally all the best

school from Barnard

in her move to Bootham and hope that she will return to see us

Castle in 2005 and


immediately made an impact upon all areas

MJ Adams

of St Peter's life, where she was not only an

Ben Wall




Resident Assistant in

Ben joined the school in September 2007 as a Newly

Dronfield and an expe-

Qualified Teacher and leaves us to take on the role of Second in

rienced and very popu-

Department at his new

lar rowing coach.

school, St Albans. Claire had an immediate impact on the department where her Ben quickly estab-

'no nonsense' approach to students and lessons was always to be

lished himself in the

feared and revered. I am certainly in awe of the way that she could

school and in his role

crush a student with a mere look and I really miss the days of over-

as Teacher of English,

hearing a great Fletch telling off! Yet she also brought endless fun

yet unlike other NQT's

and enthusiasm into her teaching and so was liked and respected

he did so with great

by all who were taught by her. She was also a superb colleague



who was always there to listen to and to assist all members of the

authority. In fact, I

department, and was always the person you approached if you

rarely thought of him

needed innovative teaching ideas or schemes of work (or to bor-

as an inexperienced

row a video from the vast, and rather eclectic, collection in her

teacher as he got to


grips so deftly with the syllabus, teaching all

It is not only those who she taught who will miss Claire, but

The Peterite 2009-2010

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